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辐射变色薄膜剂量计的研制 被引量:13
作者 李华芝 肖振红 +3 位作者 林敏 崔莹 陈克胜 叶宏生 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期253-257,共5页
以尼龙为基材、六羟基乙基副品红氰化物(hexahydroxyethyl pararosaniline cyanide,HPR-CN)为染料研制辐射变色薄膜剂量计。文章描述了该剂量计的工作原理、配方、物理性能及其剂量学性能测试结果。实验测试表明,自制的辐射变色薄膜剂... 以尼龙为基材、六羟基乙基副品红氰化物(hexahydroxyethyl pararosaniline cyanide,HPR-CN)为染料研制辐射变色薄膜剂量计。文章描述了该剂量计的工作原理、配方、物理性能及其剂量学性能测试结果。实验测试表明,自制的辐射变色薄膜剂量计具有较好的剂量学性能。文章对自制的辐射变色薄膜剂量计的性能与FWT-60辐射变色薄膜剂量计的性能进行了比较。 展开更多
关键词 辐射变色薄膜 剂量计 剂量学性能 FWT-60
用放射性铬胶片进行调强放疗剂量验证的研究 被引量:12
作者 周颖娟 黄劭敏 邓小武 《中华放射肿瘤学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期307-312,共6页
目的研究新型放射性铬胶片(RCF)的剂量响应特性,探讨其用于个体化调强放疗(IMRT)平面剂量验证的临床应用方法和剂量精度,简化传统胶片剂量测量系统的质控过程,建立更可靠易行的调强放疗剂量分布验证系统。方法采用阶梯式剂量-光密度刻... 目的研究新型放射性铬胶片(RCF)的剂量响应特性,探讨其用于个体化调强放疗(IMRT)平面剂量验证的临床应用方法和剂量精度,简化传统胶片剂量测量系统的质控过程,建立更可靠易行的调强放疗剂量分布验证系统。方法采用阶梯式剂量-光密度刻度方法校正RCF和传统胶片(EDR2),比较两者剂量学特性与测量精度差别及过程的质控要求。采用模体内剂量实测方法,以RCF和EDR2胶片分别测量验证IMRT计划在同一平面的剂量分布,并与治疗计划系统计算的剂量注量分布、离轴剂量分布曲线、等剂量曲线等进行比较,评价RCF用于IMRT剂量分布验证的效果。结果在0~500 cGy外照射剂量范围内,RCF/VXR-16和EDR2/VXR-16胶片剂量系统的测量离散度均不超过0.70%,平均不确定度分别为0.37%和0.68%。IMRT剂量分布验证的RCF测量和严格执行冲片质控的EDR2胶片测量结果十分相近,两者在模体内同一平面与计划计算的最大离轴剂量偏差分别为3.1%和3.6%,相同DTA与△D设定值的γ像素符合率分别为94.28%和92.92%。结论RCF的剂量系统应用于临床个体化IMRT平面剂量验证,有较高可靠性和可信度,且操作和质控过程与传统剂量胶片相比大大简化,可以在临床推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 调强放疗 放射性铬胶片 剂量验证
调强放射治疗靶区和危及器官剂量及二维剂量分布质量核查方法研究 被引量:11
作者 罗素明 吴昊 +2 位作者 何志坚 薛娴 袁继龙 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期122-128,共7页
目的研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)和放射性免冲洗胶片(Film)测量调强放射治疗(IMRT)靶体积(PTV)、危及器官(OAR)剂量和二维剂量分布质量核查方法,为我国IMRT剂量质量应用提供技术指导。方法中国参加国际放射治疗多中心研究。国际原子能机构(... 目的研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)和放射性免冲洗胶片(Film)测量调强放射治疗(IMRT)靶体积(PTV)、危及器官(OAR)剂量和二维剂量分布质量核查方法,为我国IMRT剂量质量应用提供技术指导。方法中国参加国际放射治疗多中心研究。国际原子能机构(IAEA)提供调强放射治疗聚苯乙烯固体模体,经CT扫描,影像传给放射治疗计划系统(TPS)勾画靶体积处方剂量,剂量限制在400 cGy,勾画危及器官剂量,剂量限制在200 cGy,静态机架,能量6 MV X射线,对IMRT固体模体,实施调强放射治疗计划。照射后的TLD和胶片邮寄至IAEA剂量学实验室测量和估算。选择加速器多,物理师水平较高的江苏、湖北、河南和四川参与验证方法研究,治疗计划的创建、勾画、照射TLD和胶片的程序与国际放射治疗多中心相同。照射后TLD和胶片邮寄至外部核查组(EAG)测量和估算。结果按IAEA要求,靶体积和危及器官剂量,TLD测量与TPS计划处方剂量相对偏差为±7.0%。参加国际放射治疗多中心研究结果:靶体积上段和下段,TLD测量与TPS计划处方剂量相对偏差分别为-0.2%和0.8%,符合要求。危及器官上段和下段,TLD测量与TPS计划处方剂量相对偏差分别为-0.6%和-1.0%,符合要求。江苏、湖北、河南和四川参与验证方法研究结果:靶体积上段和下段,危及器官上段和下段,TLD测量与TPS计划处方剂量相对偏差分别在0~10.6%和-0.6%~20.9%范围内。按IAEA要求,二维剂量分布3 mm/3%通过率应≥90%。参加国际放射治疗多中心研究结果为100%,结果优秀。江苏、湖北、河南和四川参加IAEA验证方法研究结果:胶片测量与TPS计划二维剂量分布通过率在45.0%~100.0%范围内。结论TLD用于调强放射治疗靶体积和危及器官剂量质量核查,胶片用于调强放射治疗二维剂量分布通过率质量核查,方法科学适用,可操作性强,便于邮寄,数据准确可靠,适合在我国放射治疗机构大范围� 展开更多
关键词 调强放射治疗 免冲洗胶片 靶体积 危及器官 二维剂量分布
高感度辐射变色薄膜电子剂量计 被引量:6
作者 刘强 蒋波 +4 位作者 何捷 孙鹏 郑丹 万渝平 林理彬 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第12期2078-2082,共5页
以聚乙烯醇缩聚物为基质,以类丁二炔化合物为有机染色材料,研制了一种高灵敏度新型辐射变色膜。采用JJ-2型范格拉夫静电加速器对变色薄膜进行剂量范围为15~90Gy的电子束辐照,结果显示:变色薄膜颜色由粉红渐变为蓝色,并随着辐照剂... 以聚乙烯醇缩聚物为基质,以类丁二炔化合物为有机染色材料,研制了一种高灵敏度新型辐射变色膜。采用JJ-2型范格拉夫静电加速器对变色薄膜进行剂量范围为15~90Gy的电子束辐照,结果显示:变色薄膜颜色由粉红渐变为蓝色,并随着辐照剂量的增加而逐渐加深;分光光度计测试其吸收光谱,发现主吸收峰值出现在675nm附近,且吸收峰处的响应吸光度与电子注量具有较好的线性关系;对变色层厚度为20~80μm的变色膜,吸收峰处的响应吸光度与其变色层厚度也成线性关系;添加不同比例的协同剂,能提高变色薄膜的响应灵敏度;变色膜辐照后续效应微弱,辐照后可以立即测量,且对测量环境变化不敏感。 展开更多
关键词 变色薄膜 电子辐照 吸光度响应 电子剂量计 协同剂
辐射显色胶片剂量仪在放射治疗中的应用进展 被引量:5
作者 张月美 李光俊 +1 位作者 白龙 柏森 《中国医学物理学杂志》 CSCD 2018年第6期638-642,共5页
胶片剂量仪在放射治疗领域是一种重要的剂量工具。辐射显色胶片不仅具有放射线胶片空间分辨率高的特点,还具有剂量响应范围广泛、组织等效性好、对能量依赖性小且不需要进行化学处理的优势。性能的改善以及产品体系的不断完善使其在放... 胶片剂量仪在放射治疗领域是一种重要的剂量工具。辐射显色胶片不仅具有放射线胶片空间分辨率高的特点,还具有剂量响应范围广泛、组织等效性好、对能量依赖性小且不需要进行化学处理的优势。性能的改善以及产品体系的不断完善使其在放射治疗中的应用日益广泛,在常规剂量测量、治疗计划验证及质量保证等方面都具有重要的实用价值。现就辐射显色胶片剂量仪的性质、胶片类型、剂量学流程(胶片辐照、扫描、剂量刻度)以及临床应用做一综述。 展开更多
关键词 辐射显色胶片 放射治疗 剂量学 质量保证
变色薄膜的紫外线辐照响应研究 被引量:5
作者 徐雪春 蒋波 +2 位作者 江少恩 郑志坚 林理彬 《强激光与粒子束》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期472-476,共5页
制备了含多芳氨基甲烷类化合物的高分子变色薄膜,经紫外线辐照后,这种薄膜随吸收剂量的不同由无色透明逐渐变为绿色,在可见光区主要吸收峰位于626 nm附近,光密度响应与辐照时间近似成线性关系.研究表明:该辐射变色薄膜变色响应随紫外... 制备了含多芳氨基甲烷类化合物的高分子变色薄膜,经紫外线辐照后,这种薄膜随吸收剂量的不同由无色透明逐渐变为绿色,在可见光区主要吸收峰位于626 nm附近,光密度响应与辐照时间近似成线性关系.研究表明:该辐射变色薄膜变色响应随紫外线能量密度增加而增加;分次辐照能略微提高光密度响应;辐射变色薄膜响应受温度和湿度影响较大,在20~50 ℃温度范围、40%~60%相对湿度范围,响应基本稳定;卤代物添加剂可以大大提高辐射变色薄膜的响应灵敏度;受后辐照效应影响,辐照结束最初2 h内响应迅速增加,2 h后响应才基本稳定. 展开更多
关键词 辐射变色薄膜 紫外线 多芳氨基甲烷 吸收光谱 响应
Strategies for accurate response assessment of radiochromic film using flatbed scanner for beam quality assurance 被引量:2
作者 Xu-Dong Zhang Yuan-Hao Liu +7 位作者 Xiao-Bin Tang Ming-Chen Hsiao Wei-Lin Chen Chang-Ran Geng Wen-Cheng Shao Chun-Hui Gong Silva Bortolussi Di-Yun Shu 《Nuclear Science and Techniques》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第11期1-9,共9页
Radiochromic film is a useful tool for beam quality assurance, but accurate response assessment of the film is still a problem. In this study, the response uncertainties of HDV2 film were investigated using a flatbed ... Radiochromic film is a useful tool for beam quality assurance, but accurate response assessment of the film is still a problem. In this study, the response uncertainties of HDV2 film were investigated using a flatbed scanner from both the scanning settings and interscan variability. Scanning settings are fixed conditions for scanning, including scanning resolution and focus setting.In this study, multipeak distributions of pixel values were found under some dots-per-inch values, which should be avoided, and the optimal setting of 2000 dpi without this problem was selected. By changing the focus setting, the relative standard deviation of pixel values was reduced by 36–50%. The influence of the interscan variability induced by three factors was investigated, including the outside illumination intensity, film homogeneity, and operating temperature. Scanning the film before and after irradiation at the same position was recommended. Moreover, the suitable operating temperature range for the scanner was found to be 15–24 °C, which results in stable film responses. Regarding the studied factors, correction methods and strategies were proposed, and the accurate response assessment of HDV2 film was realized. Finally, a standard operating procedure for response assessment of films was introduced. It can help other researchers study more scanners, films, and particle types. 展开更多
关键词 radiochromic film Response assessment SCANNING SETTING Interscan VARIABILITY Standard operating procedure
辐射变色薄膜剂量计性能测试及加速器应用 被引量:4
作者 陈义珍 李明 +6 位作者 陈克胜 张卫东 叶宏生 林敏 徐利军 夏文 崔莹 《宇航计测技术》 CSCD 2017年第5期10-16,共7页
本课题的目的是建立用于辐射加工高剂量水平吸收剂量测量的辐射变色薄膜剂量计。通过系统研究,批量制备了以尼龙为基材,副品红氰化物为染料的辐射变色薄膜剂量计。为了验证批制辐射变色薄膜剂量测量的可靠性,选择了国际上应用较广的FWT... 本课题的目的是建立用于辐射加工高剂量水平吸收剂量测量的辐射变色薄膜剂量计。通过系统研究,批量制备了以尼龙为基材,副品红氰化物为染料的辐射变色薄膜剂量计。为了验证批制辐射变色薄膜剂量测量的可靠性,选择了国际上应用较广的FWT-60膜及丙氨酸薄膜剂量计与本实验室批制的辐射变色薄膜开展实验室内剂量比对,比对结果均在±4%内符合,归一化偏差En绝对值均小于1。通过在加速器上进一步应用实验表明批制辐射变色薄膜可用于电子束辐照参数测量。 展开更多
关键词 剂量比对 辐射加工 辐射变色薄膜 吸收剂量
河南省8台加速器调强放疗靶体积和危及器官剂量及二维剂量分布验证方法研究 被引量:4
作者 胡传朋 贾陈志 +3 位作者 魏坤杰 薛娴 何志坚 罗素明 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第2期140-144,共5页
目的研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)和免冲洗胶片(film)测量调强放疗(IMRT)计划靶区(PTV)、危及器官(OAR)处方剂量和二维剂量分布验证方法。方法选择河南省的8台不同型号医用直线加速器,国际原子能机构(IAEA)提供聚苯乙烯专用模体,经CT模拟定... 目的研究用热释光剂量计(TLD)和免冲洗胶片(film)测量调强放疗(IMRT)计划靶区(PTV)、危及器官(OAR)处方剂量和二维剂量分布验证方法。方法选择河南省的8台不同型号医用直线加速器,国际原子能机构(IAEA)提供聚苯乙烯专用模体,经CT模拟定位机扫描,影像传输至治疗计划系统(TPS),分别勾画PTV和OAR的处方剂量,能量6 MV X射线。对模体实施IMRT照射,照射后的TLD和胶片邮寄至中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所二级标准剂量学实验室测量和估算。结果按IAEA要求,对PTV和OAR处方剂量,TLD测量剂量与TPS计划处方剂量的相对偏差为±7.0%。对PTV的剂量验证结果表明,8台加速器的相对偏差在-0.3%~6.9%范围内,符合要求。对OAR剂量验证结果表明,6台加速器的相对偏差在-7.0%~0.3%范围内,符合要求,2台加速器的相对偏差在-10.8%^-8.4%范围内,不符合要求。按IAEA要求,二维剂量分布3 mm/3%通过率≥90%。7台加速器通过率在90.2%~99.9%范围内,符合要求,1台加速器通过率为70.0%,不符合要求。结论免冲洗胶片和热释光剂量计验证调强放疗靶体积和危及器官处方剂量及二维剂量分布,方法简单可靠,是开展调强放射治疗质量控制的重要步骤,可为医疗机构或第三方服务机构核查临床处方剂量提供有力支撑。 展开更多
关键词 调强放射治疗 免冲洗胶片 靶体积 危及器官 二维剂量分布
多层放射性铬胶片剂量验证系统的研制 被引量:4
作者 张可 谢玲灵 +1 位作者 张中柱 戴建荣 《中国医学装备》 2014年第2期1-5,共5页
目的:采用放射性铬胶片(RCF)快速准确地验证调强放射治疗(IMRT)形成的复杂剂量分布,研制多层RCF剂量验证系统。方法:以RCF为载体,利用测量模体、RCF、胶片扫描仪及验证软件的剂量验证系统实施测量及分析;模体模拟人体外形,包含多种专用... 目的:采用放射性铬胶片(RCF)快速准确地验证调强放射治疗(IMRT)形成的复杂剂量分布,研制多层RCF剂量验证系统。方法:以RCF为载体,利用测量模体、RCF、胶片扫描仪及验证软件的剂量验证系统实施测量及分析;模体模拟人体外形,包含多种专用模块,软件包含二维、三维无标记点配准及验证分析功能。结果:模体凸凹槽结构结合软件无标记点自动定位功能,可快速完成胶片的固定及其与计划数据的配准以及RCF的免冲洗自动显影,减少了调强放射治疗测量和分析的不确定因素,减少物理师工作量。患者调强验证以剂量偏差3%和3 mm距离偏差为控制标准,6个临床病例的伽马分析通过率均>90%。结论:多层RCF剂量验证系统是调强适形放射治疗剂量验证和常规质量保证的多用途工具,具有方便、准确、真实、海量信息及多用途等特点,可用于对直线加速器、伽玛刀、射波刀、后装机及粒子植入等放射治疗设备质量验证和调强治疗患者剂量的二维、三维验证。 展开更多
关键词 放射性铬胶片 剂量验证系统 调强放射治疗
Principal Component Analysis of EBT2 Radiochromic Film for Multichannel Film Dosimetry
作者 Richard E. Wendt III 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2014年第3期156-166,共11页
Radiochromic film with a dye incorporated into the radiation sensitive layer [Gafchromic EBT2, Ashland, Inc.] may be digitized by a color transparency scanner, digitally processed, and calibrated so that a digital ima... Radiochromic film with a dye incorporated into the radiation sensitive layer [Gafchromic EBT2, Ashland, Inc.] may be digitized by a color transparency scanner, digitally processed, and calibrated so that a digital image in units of radiation absorbed dose is obtained. A transformation from raw scanner values to dose values was developed based upon a principal component analysis of the optical densities of the red, green and blue channels of the color image of a dose of 0.942 Gy delivered by a Sr-90/Y-90 disk-shaped source. In the order of increasing eigenvalue, the three eigenimages of the principal component analysis contained, by visual inspection, 1) mainly noise;2) mainly a pattern of irregular streaks;and 3) most of the expected dose information along with some of the same background streaking that predominated in the second eigenimage. The combination of the second and third eigenimages that minimized the background streaking was converted into a transformation of the red, green and blue channels’ optical densities and applied to films with a range of doses from 0 to 63.7 Gy. The curve of dose vs. processed optical density was fit by a two-phase association curve. This processing was applied to a film exposed from its edge by a different Y-90 source in a configuration that was modeled by Monte Carlo simulation. The depth-dose curves of the measurement and simulation agree closely, suggesting that this approach is a valid method of processing EBT2 radiochromic film into maps of radiation absorbed dose. 展开更多
关键词 Principal COMPONENT ANALYSIS radiochromic film MULTICHANNEL film DOSIMETRY
Energy Dependence of the New Gafchromic EBT3 Film:Dose Response Curves for 50 KV, 6 and 15 MV X-Ray Beams
作者 Guerda Massillon-JL Sou-Tung Chiu-Tsao +1 位作者 Ivan Domingo-Munoz Maria F. Chan 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2012年第2期60-65,共6页
Purpose: To study and compare the dose response curves of the new GafChromic EBT3 film for megavoltage and kilovoltage x-ray beams, with different spatial resolutions. Methods: EBT3 films (lot#A101711-02) were exposed... Purpose: To study and compare the dose response curves of the new GafChromic EBT3 film for megavoltage and kilovoltage x-ray beams, with different spatial resolutions. Methods: EBT3 films (lot#A101711-02) were exposed to each x-ray beam (6 MV, 15 MV, and 50 kV) at 7 dose values (50-3200 cGy). Each film piece was scanned three consecutive times in the center of Epson 10000XL flatbed scanner in 48-bit color at two separate spatial resolutions of 75 and 300 dpi. The data were analyzed using ImageJ and, for each scanned image, a region of interest (ROI) of 2 × 2 cm2 at the field center was selected to obtain the mean pixel value with its standard deviation in the ROI. For each energy, dose value and spatial resolution, the average net optical density (netOD) and its associated uncertainty were determined. The Student’s t-test was performed to evaluate the statistical differences between the net OD/dose values of the three energy modalities, with different color channels and spatial resolutions. Results and Discussion: The dose response curves for the three energy modalities were compared in three color channels. Weak energy dependence was found. For doses above 100 cGy, no statistical differences were observed between 6 and 15 MV beams, regardless of spatial resolution and color channel. However, statistical differences were observed between 50 kV and the megavoltage beams. The degree of energy dependence (from MV to 50 kV) was found to be a function of color channel, dose level, and spatial resolution. Conclusions: The dose response curves for GafChromic EBT3 films were found to be weakly dependent on the energy of the photon beams from 6 MV to 15 MV. For very low energy photon (e.g. 50 kV), variation of more than 11% due to the energy-dependence is observed, depending on the absorbed dose, spatial resolution and color channel used. 展开更多
关键词 radiochromic film EBT3 film Dose Response Curve Quality ASSURANCE LOW-ENERGY PHOTONS
百太瓦飞秒激光驱动复合靶产生质子的特性研究 被引量:3
作者 唐翠明 谷渝秋 +2 位作者 周志坚 洪伟 王剑 《原子核物理评论》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第2期135-138,共4页
在SILEX-I激光装置上实验研究了超强超短激光与Au/CH复合靶相互作用中在靶背法线方向发射的质子束的空间分布特征。保持复合靶前表面的Au厚度不变,质子束流随着后表面的C8H8层厚度的增加而减小,同时质子空间分布呈现环状、成丝和圆盘状... 在SILEX-I激光装置上实验研究了超强超短激光与Au/CH复合靶相互作用中在靶背法线方向发射的质子束的空间分布特征。保持复合靶前表面的Au厚度不变,质子束流随着后表面的C8H8层厚度的增加而减小,同时质子空间分布呈现环状、成丝和圆盘状分布。实验没有发现高于2.75MeV的高能质子产生。实验进一步完善了超短超强激光等离子体相互作用的物理模型。 展开更多
关键词 超短超强激光 质子 质子空间分布 质子产额 辐射变色膜片
湖北省7台医用直线加速器调强放射治疗多叶光栅叶片到位精度验证方法研究 被引量:3
作者 周文珊 喻洁 +2 位作者 孙刚涛 叶松 马新兴 《中华放射医学与防护杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期132-136,共5页
目的用放射性免冲洗胶片测量调强放射治疗(IMRT)多叶光栅(MLC)叶片到位精确度验证方法研究,为IMRT质量控制提供参考依据。方法选择湖北省7家三甲医院的7台不同型号医用直线加速器,放射治疗计划系统(TPS)计划5条宽度为0.6cm条状的栅栏,... 目的用放射性免冲洗胶片测量调强放射治疗(IMRT)多叶光栅(MLC)叶片到位精确度验证方法研究,为IMRT质量控制提供参考依据。方法选择湖北省7家三甲医院的7台不同型号医用直线加速器,放射治疗计划系统(TPS)计划5条宽度为0.6cm条状的栅栏,每条状野之间的距离为3.0cm。用EBT2免冲洗胶片测量5条状野位置、多叶光栅叶片位置偏差和实际宽度。结果按国际原子能机构(IAEA)要求,胶片测量与TPS计划每条栅栏野多叶光栅条状位置结果应≤±0.5mm。编号5和编号7的加速器MLC条状野位置偏差分别为0.7和-1.0mm,不符合IAEA要求。按IAEA要求,胶片测量每对与每条所有多叶光栅叶片平均位置偏差应≤±0.5mm。7台加速器MLC每对叶片位置偏差均在±0.5mm内,符合IAEA要求;IAEA要求单对MLC叶片开野宽度与该机器5条条状野平均开野宽度的差值不超过±0.75mm,7台加速器每对MLC开野宽度与平均值的差值范围为-0.6~0.5mm,符合要求。所有叶片开野宽度标准偏差应≤0.3mm,7台加速器标准偏差在0.1~0.2mm范围内,符合要求。结论用EBT2免冲洗胶片验证MLC位置精确度方法操作简单、检测精度高,是质量控制(QA)的重要手段之一,适合大范围核查使用。 展开更多
关键词 调强放射治疗 多叶光栅叶片 放射性免冲洗胶片 到位精确度
Is It Possible to Publish a Calibration Function for Radiochromic Film? 被引量:1
作者 Maria F. Chan David Lewis Xiang Yu 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2014年第1期25-30,共6页
Purpose: To assess the possibility of using a public calibration function for radiochromic film dosimetry in dose QA of highly conformal treatment plans. Methods: EBT3 film calibration strips (3.5 × 20 cm2 from l... Purpose: To assess the possibility of using a public calibration function for radiochromic film dosimetry in dose QA of highly conformal treatment plans. Methods: EBT3 film calibration strips (3.5 × 20 cm2 from lots A101212 and A011713) were exposed on a Varian Trilogy at a facility to a 10 × 10 cm2 open field at doses of 80, 160, 320 cGy using 6MV photons. Together with a strip of unexposed film from the same lot, the exposed films were digitized in a single scan using different Epson 10,000 XL scanners at two different facilities. The dose-response data for each color-channel from each facility were generated using the same calibration function X(D) = a + b/(D - c), where X(D) is the response at dose D and a, b and c are the coefficients. Different batches of EBT3 film were exposed to a VMAT beam. These films, plus two reference strips exposed to doses of zero and 160 cGy, were digitized on the scanners at the two facilities. Using the multi-channel dosimetry method and One-scan protocol (Med Phys, 39: 6339-6349, 2012) the recorded doses on the VMAT films were calculated and the results were compared with the VMAT plan using a Gamma index of 3%/3 mm. Results: The passing rates obtained for dose maps calculated for all combinations of VMAT images and calibration functions were nearly unchanged, using the One-scan protocol. Also, in all cases a passing rate of >99% was obtained for Gamma index of 3%/3 mm. On the other hand, if the One-scan protocol was not employed, the dose maps for VMAT images and calibration functions from different scanners showed poor correlation with the treatment plan. This is probably due to the scan-to-scan variability. Conclusions: The authors have found that it is feasible to use a public calibration function for a given radiochromic film lot using the same methodology, One-scan protocol, for patient-specific QA. 展开更多
二醋酸纤维素薄膜剂量计的制备和性能研究 被引量:2
作者 冯鑫 陈垦 +2 位作者 彭静 李久强 翟茂林 《同位素》 CAS 2019年第2期69-76,共8页
为了改善醋酸纤维素薄膜剂量计在γ辐射剂量测定中稳定性欠佳的问题,拓展其辐射测量应用范围,采用离子液体均相乙酰化纤维素方法制得的二醋酸纤维素(CDA)粉末为原料,优化CDA薄膜制备工艺,研究其γ辐射变色性能及稳定性,制备适用于γ辐... 为了改善醋酸纤维素薄膜剂量计在γ辐射剂量测定中稳定性欠佳的问题,拓展其辐射测量应用范围,采用离子液体均相乙酰化纤维素方法制得的二醋酸纤维素(CDA)粉末为原料,优化CDA薄膜制备工艺,研究其γ辐射变色性能及稳定性,制备适用于γ辐射剂量测量且性能优良的CDA薄膜剂量计。基于CDA的辐射变色机理,该薄膜剂量计在270 nm的单位厚度吸光度与吸收剂量存在良好的线性关系,剂量率、CDA的取代度和辐照气氛对薄膜的工作曲线影响较小。CDA薄膜剂量计的剂量检测量程为50~400 kGy,扩展不确定度为8.8%(K=2),辐照后24 h内吸光度测试稳定,具有良好的辐照稳定性,基本满足工业上对于辐射剂量计的使用要求,有望应用于γ辐射剂量的测量。 展开更多
关键词 辐射变色薄膜 二醋酸纤维素 薄膜制备 Γ辐射
Periodic Measurements of Passive Proton Beam Width Using Radiochromic Film in Fixed Gantry System
作者 Tomohiro Shimozato Keisuke Yasui +1 位作者 Hireto Kinou Fumiaki Komatsu 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2019年第4期193-203,共11页
Background and Aim: Irradiation methods such as double scattering method and spot scanning method have been used in proton beam treatment devices. In the scattering method, a ridge filter or a range modulation wheel i... Background and Aim: Irradiation methods such as double scattering method and spot scanning method have been used in proton beam treatment devices. In the scattering method, a ridge filter or a range modulation wheel is used to create a spread-out Bragg peak, but the distribution at the patient position may change due to positional deviation of the incident beam. Therefore, assessment of the incident position of the beam is very important even in the scattering method. To investigate the width and distribution of the proton beam before entering the RMW, a radiochromic film was installed at the outlet of the transport pipe and the entrance of the profile-monitoring detector. Methods: In this study, the distributions of the beam at the exit of the transport pipe and the entrance of the monitor detector were measured using films. The beam width was measured from the full width at half maximum of the profile obtained from the distribution. Measurements were conducted every month for 10 months. Results: Beams of widths ranging from 1.82 to 2.30 mm in the horizontal direction and 4.25 to 5.33 mm in the vertical direction were outputted from the exit of the transport pipe. Beams of widths ranging from 2.16 to 2.67 mm in the horizontal direction and 4.06 to 5.31 mm in the vertical direction were outputted from the entrance of the monitor detector. The maximum width fluctuation for 10 months was 0.55 mm in the horizontal direction and 1.26 mm in the vertical direction at the entrance of the monitor detector. Conclusions: The distribution was obtained before the proton beam was scattered by the scatterer, and then we propose a method to periodically measure and monitor the changes in the beam distributions every month. 展开更多
关键词 PROTON BEAM BEAM WIDTH radiochromic film PERIODIC Measurement
The Verification of iPlan Commissioning by Radiochromic EBT2 Films
作者 Maria F. Chan Qinghui Zhang +3 位作者 Jingdong Li Preeti Parhar Karen Schupak Chandra Burman 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2012年第1期1-7,共7页
Purpose: To evaluate the measured dose distributions using radiochromic EBT2 films for small fields in iPlan (BrainLab) commissioning. Methods: Radiochromic EBT2 films were irradiated with 6 MV photons on a Varian Tri... Purpose: To evaluate the measured dose distributions using radiochromic EBT2 films for small fields in iPlan (BrainLab) commissioning. Methods: Radiochromic EBT2 films were irradiated with 6 MV photons on a Varian Trilogy linac using polystyrene phantoms. The measurements included dose profiles and depth doses for field sizes of 1 × 1, 2 × 2, 3 × 3, 4 × 4, and 10 × 10 cm2 etc. The dose profile measurements were taken at the depth of 5 cm. The calibration films were irradiated at dmax(1.4 cm) for doses up to 6 Gy. Films were scanned using an Epson 10,000 XL flatbed scanner with 72 dpi resolution. Pixel values were converted to doses using the established calibration-curve. The 2D dose distributions were generated from the film data analysis. In-house software was utilized to compare the measured doses from films with the treatment planning data. In addition, selected patients’ SRS fields were also measured with the EBT2 films for comparison with iPlan. An EDGETM detector was also used to check the centralaxis doses for the SRS patients’ measurements. Results and Discussion: The measured planar dose distributions achieved more than 98% and 95% passing rates with a set of 2%/2 mm dose and DTA criteria for all square fields and all patient treatment fields (2), respectively. Agreement with measurement data with the EDGETM detector at the central axis (±1%) was found with the plan data. This is the first report for SRS small photon-field measurement using the latest radiochromic film, EBT2. The results shown in this work indicate that the use of EBT2 film provides accurate dosimetry measure-ments for small photon beams. The measurements show excellent agreement with the iPlan TP commissioning data. Conclusions: The patient-specific EBT2 film QA for iPlan SRS patients showed good results. The EBT2 films could potentially be a useful dosimeter in verification of commissioning as well as patient-specific QA for SRS cases. 展开更多
关键词 radiochromic film DOSIMETRY RADIOSURGERY Commissioning RADIOTHERAPY
Direct Measurement of Medical Linear Accelerator Electron Beam Width at Scattering Foil Position
作者 Tomohiro Shimozato Yuichi Aoyama 《International Journal of Medical Physics, Clinical Engineering and Radiation Oncology》 2017年第1期1-7,共7页
Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a method for the direct measurement of electron beam width and distribution at the scattering foil on the carrousel in a medical linear accelerator gantry head, which diff... Purpose: The aim of this study was to develop a method for the direct measurement of electron beam width and distribution at the scattering foil on the carrousel in a medical linear accelerator gantry head, which differs from an existing indirect method for measuring the focal spot size using a camera or metallic slit located outside the gantry head. Methods: The electron beam emitted by the linear accelerator was used to irradiate radiochromic film mounted on the scattering foil on the carrousel, which was not used for clinical treatment. The electron beam width at the scattering foil position was then evaluated using the full width at half maximum of the Gaussian distribution approximated from each one dimensional distribution of the irradiated radiochromic film. Results: The electron beam width at the scattering foil position was found to be 3.1 to 6.4 mm in the crossline direction and 2.8 to 5.5 mm in the inline direction with electron energy of 4 to 16 MeV. The two-dimensional distribution of the electron beam was therefore elliptical or distorted in shape, not circular. Conclusions: Direct measurement of the electron beam width at the scattering foil in the carrousel of a medical linear accelerator is possible, though the use of lower sensitivity film in addition to indirect methods is expected to bring about better results. However, as this method does not allow for direct measurement of the incident angle of the accelerated electron beam, further improvements and refinements are still needed. 展开更多
关键词 MEDICAL Linear ACCELERATOR ELECTRON Beam Distribution radiochromic film SCATTERING FOIL
作者 郑丹 蒋波 +4 位作者 伍登学 刘强 孙鹏 何捷 万喻平 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期356-360,共5页
一种以聚乙烯醇缩聚物为基质,以多芳氨基甲烷类化合物(隐色孔雀绿)为染色物质和卤代物为协同剂制成的辐射变色膜.经电子辐照后其颜色由无色透明变为绿色.辐照后吸收光谱显示其最强吸收峰出现在629 nm附近.研究表明:吸光度响应与电子注... 一种以聚乙烯醇缩聚物为基质,以多芳氨基甲烷类化合物(隐色孔雀绿)为染色物质和卤代物为协同剂制成的辐射变色膜.经电子辐照后其颜色由无色透明变为绿色.辐照后吸收光谱显示其最强吸收峰出现在629 nm附近.研究表明:吸光度响应与电子注量成线性关系,电子能量和分次辐照对其有明显影响,在某注量率范围内吸光度存在辐照后效应,24 h后趋于稳定,且膜厚与响应成正相关性.该体系辐射变色膜可作为电子束的辐照变色薄膜剂量计. 展开更多
关键词 孔雀绿 电子辐射 吸收光谱 变色薄膜 辐照变色薄膜剂量计
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