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直流电压下多层油纸绝缘介质的界面空间电荷特性 被引量:32
作者 周远翔 黄猛 +3 位作者 陈维江 孙清华 沙彦超 张灵 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第6期1304-1311,共8页
空间电荷对油纸复合绝缘结构电气性能的影响由于测量上的困难而至今尚未明了,多层复合绝缘结构使得空间电荷特性更加复杂。为此,应用电声脉冲(PEA)方法研究了电压极性对纸-纸和纸-油这2种双层绝缘结构中以及界面处空间电荷特性的影响。... 空间电荷对油纸复合绝缘结构电气性能的影响由于测量上的困难而至今尚未明了,多层复合绝缘结构使得空间电荷特性更加复杂。为此,应用电声脉冲(PEA)方法研究了电压极性对纸-纸和纸-油这2种双层绝缘结构中以及界面处空间电荷特性的影响。研究发现在2种结构的界面处积聚的空间电荷极性与施加电压的极性一致。对2种结构中空间电荷特性进行了比较,结果表明纸-油结构中空间电荷的运动速率比纸-纸结构中慢,并且具有更深的陷阱能级。通过分析认为双层介质界面处存在的势垒导致了界面电荷的积聚,其极性由电极的电荷注入、界面的陷阱、电场和介质的电导等因素协同决定;绝缘材料陷阱能级的不同是造成2种绝缘结构空间电荷运动速率不同的因素之一。 展开更多
关键词 油纸绝缘 空间电荷 界面 电声脉冲 PEA 势垒 陷阱能级 电导
脉冲电沉积制备Ni-Mo合金析氢电极 被引量:5
作者 魏海兴 周振芳 +1 位作者 吕东方 马强 《舰船科学技术》 2011年第9期124-127,共4页
分别采用直流电沉积法和脉冲电沉积法制备出了高催化活性的Ni-Mo合金电极。通过阴极极化曲线得到了析氢反应的动力学参数,进而比较了不同电极的析氢性能,并分别采用SEM、EDX及XRD等表征手段分析了不同电极析氢性能优劣的原因。结果表明... 分别采用直流电沉积法和脉冲电沉积法制备出了高催化活性的Ni-Mo合金电极。通过阴极极化曲线得到了析氢反应的动力学参数,进而比较了不同电极的析氢性能,并分别采用SEM、EDX及XRD等表征手段分析了不同电极析氢性能优劣的原因。结果表明,脉冲电沉积可以提高镀层中Mo元素的含量,且其镀层晶粒更加细小,呈现一种纳米晶态,这些都导致脉冲电沉积Ni-Mo合金电极析氢过电位比直流电沉积更低,从而显示了脉冲电沉积制备Ni-Mo合金电极有更好地应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 脉冲电沉积 Ni-Mo合金 析氢反应 过电位
脉诊七步法在中医学生带教中的应用 被引量:2
作者 张炜 张亚 +2 位作者 库来娟 冯晓鹏 黄亚攀 《中国中医药现代远程教育》 2021年第1期9-10,共2页
脉诊是中医四诊之一,独具特色,是中医师最核心的技术。但由于脉诊难于学习和掌握,使中医学生脉诊技能的培养效果不佳。我们在临床实践中总结的脉诊七步法,使学生由浅入深,便于操作。脉诊七步法分别从脉位、脉体、脉势、迟数、滑涩5个方... 脉诊是中医四诊之一,独具特色,是中医师最核心的技术。但由于脉诊难于学习和掌握,使中医学生脉诊技能的培养效果不佳。我们在临床实践中总结的脉诊七步法,使学生由浅入深,便于操作。脉诊七步法分别从脉位、脉体、脉势、迟数、滑涩5个方面,与三部九候进行组合分析,及特殊脉象甄别,使初学者易于掌握,易入门径,中医医学生反映良好。 展开更多
关键词 脉诊 脉位 脉体 脉势 迟数 滑涩 中医诊断学
《平脉法》与《辨脉法》脉势理论探讨 被引量:2
作者 张超 吕翠霞 《山东中医杂志》 2019年第5期414-417,共4页
脉法是张仲景诊断疾病的特色,内容丰富多彩。张仲景诊脉不仅重视对脉形、脉位、脉数等的把握,更重视通过脉势的变化辨别病机的演变。而《平脉法》与《辨脉法》两篇集中体现了张仲景对脉势的理解,据此应用于临床,于辨病辨证多有裨益。通... 脉法是张仲景诊断疾病的特色,内容丰富多彩。张仲景诊脉不仅重视对脉形、脉位、脉数等的把握,更重视通过脉势的变化辨别病机的演变。而《平脉法》与《辨脉法》两篇集中体现了张仲景对脉势的理解,据此应用于临床,于辨病辨证多有裨益。通过从脉动的轴向和径向力度以辨脉势,包括辨脉势上下以明病机、辨脉势来去以明气机浮沉;从脉动的流畅度以辨脉势;从脉动的紧张度以辨脉势。从以上三个方面论证了张仲景脉势理论。 展开更多
关键词 切诊 脉法 平脉法 辨脉法 脉势 脉动 气机升降 气机浮沉 张仲景 理论探讨
脉冲电沉积法应用于铂/垂直取向石墨烯直接甲醇燃料电池催化剂 被引量:3
作者 吴尔卡 薄拯 +5 位作者 胡丹 马伟 王智化 祝伟光 严建华 岑可法 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期200-202,共3页
通过恒电压以及脉冲电压在直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFCs)阳极催化剂载体(垂直取向石墨烯)表面电沉积Pt。对制得的催化剂采用扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、拉曼光谱仪、X射线衍射仪进行了表征,并采用电化学测试研究了其甲醇氧化能力。结... 通过恒电压以及脉冲电压在直接甲醇燃料电池(DMFCs)阳极催化剂载体(垂直取向石墨烯)表面电沉积Pt。对制得的催化剂采用扫描电子显微镜、透射电子显微镜、拉曼光谱仪、X射线衍射仪进行了表征,并采用电化学测试研究了其甲醇氧化能力。结果表明,当采用垂直取向石墨烯-碳纸(VG-CP)作为载体,且使用脉冲电压法可获得粒径更小、分布更均匀的Pt纳米颗粒,具有更优异的催化甲醇氧化性能。 展开更多
关键词 脉冲电压 直接甲醇燃料电池 垂直取向石墨烯 甲醇氧化
躁脉辨析 被引量:1
作者 李岩松 吕翠霞 《北京中医药大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期52-56,共5页
躁脉是古脉法的重要组成,虽不归属于传统二十八脉,但在经典医籍中经常出现,并具有独特的临床价值。自《黄帝内经》以后,医学文献典籍中的脉象描述很少出现躁脉,且其含义不甚明晰。本文通过对历史文献与现代医家的认识进行梳理、归纳演绎... 躁脉是古脉法的重要组成,虽不归属于传统二十八脉,但在经典医籍中经常出现,并具有独特的临床价值。自《黄帝内经》以后,医学文献典籍中的脉象描述很少出现躁脉,且其含义不甚明晰。本文通过对历史文献与现代医家的认识进行梳理、归纳演绎,重新发掘躁脉的内涵、衍义和临床应用意义。从诊断指征、形成机理、临床意义、常见兼脉鉴别等方面对躁脉进行了辨析和讨论,并得出以下结论:躁脉是一种脉势,与脉静相对,表现为脉搏搏动的来去起伏不柔和、不稳定、不从容,是以血液流速增快、脉搏波力度和速度不稳定为主的多种要素结合而成的复合脉象;躁脉常兼见脉率增快——数脉,但躁脉并不一定数、疾,甚至会出现迟躁脉;躁脉主病可分两端,通常浮躁主手经病或热病初起,沉躁主气机郁滞,但虚实应以重按有力无力为准;躁脉的出现代表疾病处于发展变化、正邪交争的重要节点,尤其值得重视。 展开更多
关键词 躁脉 源流 脉势 临床意义
脉冲电沉积PbO_(2)涂层在PEMFC不锈钢双极板上的应用 被引量:1
作者 于海强 郭泉忠 +1 位作者 杜克勤 汪川 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期917-924,共8页
不锈钢表面电沉积PbO_(2)涂层在质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)阴极板上具有应用可行性,但是传统直流工艺制备的PbO_(2)涂层存在致密性不佳、耐腐蚀性差的问题。本文研究了在316不锈钢上电沉积PbO_(2)涂层的脉冲控制工艺,考察了电流密度、... 不锈钢表面电沉积PbO_(2)涂层在质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)阴极板上具有应用可行性,但是传统直流工艺制备的PbO_(2)涂层存在致密性不佳、耐腐蚀性差的问题。本文研究了在316不锈钢上电沉积PbO_(2)涂层的脉冲控制工艺,考察了电流密度、频率和占空比等参数对生长速率和微观形貌的影响,进一步在燃料电池环境下对涂层的性能进行系统地测试,着重探究了PbO_(2)涂层在高电位下的电化学性能。微观形貌和XRD结果表明,脉冲电沉积PbO_(2)涂层比直流工艺的涂层晶粒更细小、组织更致密。动电位极化结果显示,脉冲工艺涂层的自腐蚀电位比直流工艺略有提升,腐蚀电流密度降低了一个数量级;在高电位的极化测试中,相比于直流工艺,脉冲电沉积涂层的电流密度显著减小,镀层的稳定性明显提升,在高电位下的破坏程度较小,能够更好地保护基体。正常工作电位下的极化测试表明,PbO_(2)在阳极环境下还原较严重,但在阴极环境下只有轻微的还原现象发生。总之,相比直流电沉积PbO_(2)涂层,脉冲电沉积涂层的微观组织结构更致密、细腻,耐蚀性能也更佳,尤其是在高电位下具有较好的稳定性能,在PEMFC阴极板上具有更好的适用性。 展开更多
关键词 燃料电池 双极板 脉冲电沉积 高电位
作者 宋晓宾 齐向华 《四川中医》 2014年第2期62-63,共2页
关键词 脉诊 三境界 脉形 形之动 脉势
Electron localization of H_2^+ in a dc electric field
作者 Z M Jia Z N Zeng +1 位作者 W T Tang R X Li 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期170-175,共6页
A dc electric field is utilized to steer the electron motion after the molecular ion H2-+ is excited by an ultrashort ultraviolet laser pulse. The numerical simulation shows that the electron localization distributio... A dc electric field is utilized to steer the electron motion after the molecular ion H2-+ is excited by an ultrashort ultraviolet laser pulse. The numerical simulation shows that the electron localization distribution and the dissociation control ratio are dependent on the polarization direction and amplitude of the dc electric field. Most electrons of the dissociation state move opposite to the dc electric field and stabilize at the dressed-up potential well, for the dressed-down well is occupied by the electrons of the 1 sσg state. 展开更多
关键词 dissociation localization time dependent Schrdinger equation Coulomb potential ultraviolet laser pulse
Analog-to-digital conversion of information in the retina
作者 Andrey N. Volobuev Eugeny. S. Petrov 《Natural Science》 2011年第1期53-56,共4页
We considered the physiological mechanisms of functioning of the retina’s neural network. It is marked that the primary function of a neural network is an analog-to-digital conversion of the receptor potential of pho... We considered the physiological mechanisms of functioning of the retina’s neural network. It is marked that the primary function of a neural network is an analog-to-digital conversion of the receptor potential of photoreceptor into the pulse-to-digital signal to ganglion cells. We showed the role of different types of neurons in the work of analog-to-digital converter. We gave the equivalent circuit of this converter. We researched the mechanism of the numeric coding of the receptor potential of the photoreceptor. 展开更多
关键词 Analog-to-Digital CONVERTER A GANGLION Cell Oscillator of Clock Frequency pulse Intensity Neuron Action potential the RETINA PHOTORECEPTOR Digital-to-Analog CONVERTER
Ellipticity-dependent ionization yield for noble atoms
作者 Hristina Deliba?ic Violeta Petrovi 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期73-78,共6页
The photoionization in the frame of the Ammosov-Delone-Krainov theory has been theoretically examined for noble gases,argon,krypton,and xenon,in an elliptically polarized laser field.We consider the intermediate range... The photoionization in the frame of the Ammosov-Delone-Krainov theory has been theoretically examined for noble gases,argon,krypton,and xenon,in an elliptically polarized laser field.We consider the intermediate range of the Keldysh parameter,γ~1,and analyze the influence of shifted ionization potential and temporal profile to eliminate disagreement between theoretical and experimental findings.By including these effects in the ionization rates,we solve rate equations in order to determine an expression for the ionization yield.The use of modified ionization potential shows that the ionization yields will actually decrease below the values predicted by original(uncorrected)formulas.This paper will discuss the causes of this discrepancy. 展开更多
关键词 ELLIPTICAL polarization ponderomotive potential STARK effect Gaussian laser pulse
Electron localization of linear symmetric molecular ion H3-(2+)
作者 Zheng-Mao Jia Zhi-Nan Zeng Ru-Xin Li 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第1期97-101,共5页
Electron localization in the dissociation of the symmetric linear molecular ion H3-(2+) is investigated. The numerical simulation shows that the electron localization distribution is dependent on the central freque... Electron localization in the dissociation of the symmetric linear molecular ion H3-(2+) is investigated. The numerical simulation shows that the electron localization distribution is dependent on the central frequency and peak electric field amplitude of the external ultrashort ultraviolet laser pulse. When the electrons of the ground state are excited onto the 2pσ-2Σu-+ by a one-photon process, most electrons of the dissociation states are localized at the protons on both sides symmetrically. Almost no electron is stabilized at the middle proton due to the odd symmetry of the wave function. With the increase of the frequency of the external ultraviolet laser pulse, the electron localization ratio of the middle proton increases, for more electrons of the ground state are excited onto the higher 3pσ-2Σu-+ ustate. 50.9% electrons of all the dissociation events can be captured by the middle Coulomb potential well through optimizing the central frequency and peak electric field amplitude of the ultraviolet laser pulse. Besides, a direct current(DC) electric field can be utilized to control the electron motions of the dissociation states after the excitation of an ultraviolet laser pulse, and 68.8% electrons of the dissociation states can be controlled into the middle proton. 展开更多
关键词 dissociation localization time-dependent Schr ¨odinger equation Coulomb potential ultraviolet laser pulse
彩色电视光纤传输系统中的脉冲钳位电路设计 被引量:1
作者 乐中道 《浙江工学院学报》 CAS 1989年第2期12-22,共11页
关键词 电视 光纤传输 脉冲钳位 钳位电路
Temporal Airy–Talbot effect in linear optical potentials 被引量:1
作者 Tianwen Han Hao Chen +2 位作者 Wenwan Li Bing Wang Peixiang Lu 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第8期105-110,共6页
We investigate the Airy–Talbot effect of an Airy pulse train in time-dependent linear potentials.The parabolic trajectory of self-imaging depends on both the dispersion sign and the linear potential gradient.By impos... We investigate the Airy–Talbot effect of an Airy pulse train in time-dependent linear potentials.The parabolic trajectory of self-imaging depends on both the dispersion sign and the linear potential gradient.By imposing linear phase modulations on the pulse train,the Airy–Talbot effects accompanied with positive and negative refractions are realized.For an input composed of stationary Airy pulses,the self-imaging follows straight lines,and the Airy–Talbot distance can be engineered by varying the linear potential gradient.The effect is also achieved in symmetric linear potentials.The study provides opportunities to control the self-imaging of aperiodic optical fields in time dimension. 展开更多
关键词 Airy pulse Talbot and self-imaging effect DISPERSION linear potential
雷电电磁脉冲的防护 被引量:1
作者 何春江 张云 郑科平 《内蒙古气象》 2011年第6期75-77,共3页
关键词 电磁脉冲 电磁屏蔽 等电位
作者 卢德海 陈敏 《山西建筑》 2010年第2期199-200,共2页
关键词 浪涌保护器 电磁脉冲 等电位
Study on Water-Soluble Organic Reducing Substances. I. Determination of Organic Reducing Substances by Differential Pulse Voltammetry
作者 WUYOU-XIAN DINGCHANG-PU 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1991年第2期157-167,共11页
A new method was proposed for study of organic reducing substances in soils. According to the theoretical relationship between the voltammetric behaviors and reduction-oxidation reaction of reducing substances, the wo... A new method was proposed for study of organic reducing substances in soils. According to the theoretical relationship between the voltammetric behaviors and reduction-oxidation reaction of reducing substances, the working conditions of differential pulse voltammetry (d.p. v.) for determining the organic reducing substances produced during the processes of the anaerobic decomposition of plant materials were established with a glass carbon electrode as working electrode, 1 M Ag-AgCl electrode with large area as reference electrode, 0.2 M NH4AC as supporting electrolyte and pH buffer solution, pulse amplitude (AE) of 25 mV, scan rate at 2 mV·S-1and scan potential ranging from -0.5 to +1.2 voltage(vs. M Ag-AgCl). The peak current proportional to the concentration of reducing substances, and the characteristic peak potential of each organic reducing substance were regarded as the quantitative and qualitative base, respectively. These results obtained under the conditions mentioned above directly reflect both the reducing intensity and capacity of the organic reducing system in soils. 展开更多
关键词 differential pulse voltammetry organic reducing substances peak current peak potential
A neutral-point potential balance control strategy for three-level inverter based on VSVPWM
作者 CHENG Dong-liang WANG Xiao-peng +1 位作者 ZHU Tian-liang MA Wen-gang 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2018年第4期397-404,共8页
The topology of diode neutral-point-clamped(NPC)three-level inverter is prone to neutral-point potential offset.When the sum of three-phase current is zero,the virtual space vector pulse width modulation(VSVPWM)scheme... The topology of diode neutral-point-clamped(NPC)three-level inverter is prone to neutral-point potential offset.When the sum of three-phase current is zero,the virtual space vector pulse width modulation(VSVPWM)scheme does not cause the neutral-point voltage offset,but it lacks the ability to balance the deviation.For this reason,a neutral-point potential control strategy combining virtual space vector modulation and loop width control is proposed.The neutral-point potential is balanced by introducing the distribution factor for the regions with redundant vectors.For other regions,the potential is controlled by selecting a suitable switching sequence.Meanwhile,the effect on the virtual vector modulation is reduced within the loop width by setting an appropriate loop width,thereby improving the balance effect.The simulation results show that the proposed method has a strong ability to control the offset and has excellent potential balance performance under the conditions of balanced load,unbalanced load and asymmetric capacitance parameters. 展开更多
关键词 three-level inverter virtual space vector pulse width modulation(VSVPWM) neutral-point potential balance switching sequence
作者 朱晓瑾 王辉 +4 位作者 张旭 任朝晖 刘庆凯 李春婵 阎立丽 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS CSCD 2013年第33期5936-5941,共6页
背景:研究证明利用电刺激外周神经纤维可恢复一些因失去中枢神经控制的肌肉的功能。目的:验证双电极 1 mm 较近距离下双向方波脉冲实现神经选择性兴奋的正确性,并基于此实现神经的选择性兴奋。方法:成年 Wistar 大鼠 8 只,麻醉后暴露大... 背景:研究证明利用电刺激外周神经纤维可恢复一些因失去中枢神经控制的肌肉的功能。目的:验证双电极 1 mm 较近距离下双向方波脉冲实现神经选择性兴奋的正确性,并基于此实现神经的选择性兴奋。方法:成年 Wistar 大鼠 8 只,麻醉后暴露大鼠坐骨神经,将电极小心放于坐骨神经干,建立神经选择性刺激模型。实验用电极为自制 Cuff 双极性电极,刺激器采用的是 Grass S88 刺激器和 AWG2005 任意波形信号发生器。采取双电极双向刺激方式,两个电极之间距离为 1 mm,刺激波形选用脉宽为 0.2 ms 的对称双向脉冲,其输出脉冲的幅度、脉宽和延时均可调。调节刺激强度,研究双电极双向刺激下神经兴奋性的规律,以此实现神经的选择性兴奋,并利用"碰撞法"原理验证利用双电极双向刺激方法实现神经选择性兴奋的可行性。结果与结论:实验过程中神经动作电位的变化将经 P511 放大器放大后接入示波器显示,双电极刺激波形为脉宽为 0.2 ms 的对称双向脉冲。随着刺激幅度的增大,实现神经的选择性兴奋。说明用距离很近(1 mm)的双电极双向对称脉冲的方法实现了神经的选择性兴奋,并利用"碰撞法"原理证实了此种方法的有效性和可行性。 展开更多
关键词 组织构建 神经组织构建 选择性兴奋 神经 双向脉冲 双电极刺激 动作电位 动物实验 国家自然科学基金
Spray drift characteristics of pulse-width modulation sprays in wind tunnel
作者 Longlong Li Liping Chen +4 位作者 Ruirui Zhang Qing Tang Tongchuan Yi Boqin Liu Wei Deng 《International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering》 SCIE CAS 2022年第4期7-15,共9页
Pulse-width modulation(PWM)sprays can improve flow accuracy by adjusting duty cycle and frequency signal which accurately controls the relative proportion of opening time of solenoid valve.The objective of this resear... Pulse-width modulation(PWM)sprays can improve flow accuracy by adjusting duty cycle and frequency signal which accurately controls the relative proportion of opening time of solenoid valve.The objective of this research was to determine the impacts of PWM duty cycle and frequency on spray drift characteristic.Spray tests were conducted in a wind tunnel with a PWM variable-rate spraying system.The airborne drift and sediment drift were determined with tracer method,and the drift potential reduction(DPR)compared with reference condition of 100%duty cycle at vertical profile and horizontal planes were calculated,respectively.The results show that,at a given frequency,droplet size decreases with the increase of duty cycle,the main reason is that the liquid does not reach full pattern development at lower duty cycle.Duty cycle has a greater impact than the frequency on spray drift,the influence weights of duty cycle on airborne drift and sediment drift were 88.32%and 77.89%,respectively.At a lower PWM frequency,in addition to the droplet size,the spray drift may be affected by the pulsed spray pattern.From the perspective of reducing spray drift,it is recommended that the PWM duty cycle should be set in the range of 20%-70%to reduce the potential drift in PWM sprays.This research provides a pesticide drift reduction scheme for variable spraying technology,which can serve as a theoretical basis for PWM parameter selection. 展开更多
关键词 NOZZLE spray drift pulse-width modulation drift potential reduction droplets spectral
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