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燃烧前CO_2捕集技术研究进展 被引量:29
作者 桂霞 王陈魏 +2 位作者 云志 张玲 汤志刚 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期1895-1901,共7页
近年来,全球性气候变暖已经严重威胁到人类社会、生存环境以及经济的发展,CO2减排问题刻不容缓。整体煤气化联合循环技术(IGCC)同燃烧前脱碳技术的联合应用,有望实现CO2的近零排放,成为当前研究热点之一。本文介绍了燃烧前脱碳技术的发... 近年来,全球性气候变暖已经严重威胁到人类社会、生存环境以及经济的发展,CO2减排问题刻不容缓。整体煤气化联合循环技术(IGCC)同燃烧前脱碳技术的联合应用,有望实现CO2的近零排放,成为当前研究热点之一。本文介绍了燃烧前脱碳技术的发展现状,简述了吸收法、吸附法、膜分离法等CO2分离方法的优缺点及其适应性,为回收利用CO2提供了技术依据。根据IGCC排放源特征,文章重点阐述了几种典型物理分离工艺特点及其在燃烧前脱碳技术的应用范围和前景,从新型高效CO2吸收剂的选择与应用、再生工艺的优化与创新以及耦合工艺的开发3个方向对CO2物理吸收法分离成本降低研究进行了论述,并对燃烧前脱碳技术所面临的挑战及其发展动向进行了深入讨论。 展开更多
关键词 整体煤气化联合循环技术 二氧化碳 捕集 燃烧前脱碳技术 溶剂吸收法
煤热解和气化过程中硫分析出规律的研究进展 被引量:19
作者 李斌 曹晏 +1 位作者 张建民 王洋 《煤炭转化》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期6-11,共6页
总结了当前煤中硫分的主要存在形态及其在煤转化(包括热解和气化等)过程中硫分变迁规律的研究进展,并探讨了煤阶和煤中硫的赋存形态,以及操作条件对煤中硫分析出规律的影响,这些形成了煤热解部分气化预脱硫工艺的理论基础,这对于... 总结了当前煤中硫分的主要存在形态及其在煤转化(包括热解和气化等)过程中硫分变迁规律的研究进展,并探讨了煤阶和煤中硫的赋存形态,以及操作条件对煤中硫分析出规律的影响,这些形成了煤热解部分气化预脱硫工艺的理论基础,这对于指导燃前脱硫工艺的研究与开发是非常重要的. 展开更多
关键词 轼转化 热解 脱硫 气化
基于IGCC的燃烧前CO_2捕集技术应用与示范 被引量:22
作者 樊强 许世森 +8 位作者 刘沅 柳康 陈雄 罗丽珍 董少龙 陶继业 陈智 程健 任永强 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期163-167,184,共6页
IGCC和CCS的结合是一种高效性和环保性的先进技术,基于IGCC的燃烧前CO_2捕集技术越来越受到世界各国的广泛关注。介绍了中国首套燃烧前CO_2捕集系统的工艺流程,对其捕集能耗和成本做了分析。结果表明:该系统的捕集能力为9.46万t/年,捕... IGCC和CCS的结合是一种高效性和环保性的先进技术,基于IGCC的燃烧前CO_2捕集技术越来越受到世界各国的广泛关注。介绍了中国首套燃烧前CO_2捕集系统的工艺流程,对其捕集能耗和成本做了分析。结果表明:该系统的捕集能力为9.46万t/年,捕集率大于88%,捕集CO_2能耗为2.34 GJ/t,捕集成本为281.37元/t。同时指出了今后在降低蒸汽消耗方面的优化方向,该技术与常规电厂燃烧后CO_2捕集技术相比,单位能耗与成本大幅度降低,是未来化石燃料实现低成本捕集CO_2的关键技术。 展开更多
关键词 IGCC 燃烧前 燃烧后 二氧化碳捕集 能耗 成本
燃烧前CO_2捕集技术在IGCC发电中的应用 被引量:21
作者 陈新明 史绍平 +3 位作者 闫姝 方芳 许世森 段立强 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第8期3193-3201,共9页
由于整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)发电本身的技术特点,使得其非常适合于进行燃烧前CO2捕集。针对IGCC特点,提出了一种MDEA脱酸气结合湿法氧化法硫回收的燃烧前CO2捕集流程。通过模拟计算,验证了流程的可行性。将其与IGCC发电系统集成,对比... 由于整体煤气化联合循环(IGCC)发电本身的技术特点,使得其非常适合于进行燃烧前CO2捕集。针对IGCC特点,提出了一种MDEA脱酸气结合湿法氧化法硫回收的燃烧前CO2捕集流程。通过模拟计算,验证了流程的可行性。将其与IGCC发电系统集成,对比计算了有无燃烧前CO2捕集的IGCC系统供电效率等相关参数,燃烧前CO2捕集使IGCC供电效率降低约10个百分点。分析指出了导致包含燃烧前CO2捕集的IGCC供电效率降低的3个因素:蒸汽消耗、燃料化学能损失和新增动力设备电耗,并据此确定了今后的优化方向。 展开更多
关键词 IGCC 合成气 燃烧前 二氧化碳捕集 MDEA 湿法氧化硫回收 模拟
CO2水合分离研究进展 被引量:12
作者 李士凤 樊栓狮 +1 位作者 王金渠 郎雪梅 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期741-744,754,共5页
CO2水合分离是一种新型的分离技术。根据CO2排放工艺,CO2水合分离可分为燃后分离和燃前分离。文章论述了CO2水合分离技术的基本原理以及工艺流程与节能降耗等方面的研究进展,指出了CO2水合分离的优缺点,并展望了CO2水合分离技术的研究... CO2水合分离是一种新型的分离技术。根据CO2排放工艺,CO2水合分离可分为燃后分离和燃前分离。文章论述了CO2水合分离技术的基本原理以及工艺流程与节能降耗等方面的研究进展,指出了CO2水合分离的优缺点,并展望了CO2水合分离技术的研究方向。 展开更多
关键词 CO2 水合物 分离 燃后 燃前
高硫煤不同气氛温和热解过程中含硫组分释放规律的实验研究 被引量:11
作者 张成 李婷婷 +1 位作者 夏季 陈刚 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第14期24-31,共8页
温和热解是一种煤燃烧前有效的脱硫方法和提质手段。该文在前期研究的基础上,进一步研究了2种贵州省高硫煤在不同气氛温和热解过程中煤中含硫气体的释放行为及机制。研究表明,根据温和热解过程中的释放温度由低至高可把煤中硫分为3类:... 温和热解是一种煤燃烧前有效的脱硫方法和提质手段。该文在前期研究的基础上,进一步研究了2种贵州省高硫煤在不同气氛温和热解过程中煤中含硫气体的释放行为及机制。研究表明,根据温和热解过程中的释放温度由低至高可把煤中硫分为3类:不稳定有机硫、黄铁矿硫和稳定的有机硫。微氧化性的热解气氛可有效提高温和热解的脱硫效率,特别有利于对黄铁矿硫的脱除。研究还表明,不同的氧化性气氛对于煤中C-S键和C-C键的断裂具有选择性,综合脱硫效率和热值损失分析,发现4%O2-N2的微氧化性气氛下,400℃的热解温度为最佳的燃烧前温和热解脱硫条件。 展开更多
关键词 燃烧前 温和热解 脱硫 微氧化性气氛
碳捕集技术研究进展 被引量:10
作者 陈亮 贺尧祖 +1 位作者 刘勇军 罗德明 《化工技术与开发》 CAS 2016年第4期42-44,共3页
碳捕集技术对于减少大气中的CO_2浓度显得至关重要,尤其是对于排放大量温室气体的火力发电厂和工业源的CO_2捕集。本文主要概述了CO_2的燃烧前捕集、富氧燃烧捕集、燃烧后捕集这3种主要的碳捕集技术的研究现状,并结合当前正在研究的碳... 碳捕集技术对于减少大气中的CO_2浓度显得至关重要,尤其是对于排放大量温室气体的火力发电厂和工业源的CO_2捕集。本文主要概述了CO_2的燃烧前捕集、富氧燃烧捕集、燃烧后捕集这3种主要的碳捕集技术的研究现状,并结合当前正在研究的碳捕集技术,提出了碳捕集技术未来可能的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 二氧化碳 燃烧前捕集技术 富氧燃烧捕集技术 燃烧后捕集技术
基于整体煤气化联合循环的燃烧前CO_2捕集工艺及系统分析 被引量:11
作者 柳康 许世森 +1 位作者 李广宇 任永强 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第12期4897-4907,共11页
CO_2减排作为应对全球变暖的重要手段而逐渐成为国内外研究热点。为研究燃烧前CO_2捕集系统关键技术,以华能(天津)265MW级整体煤气化联合循环发电系统(IGCC)示范电站为依托,从气化装置抽出合成气约10000m3/h(标况下),进行一氧化碳耐硫... CO_2减排作为应对全球变暖的重要手段而逐渐成为国内外研究热点。为研究燃烧前CO_2捕集系统关键技术,以华能(天津)265MW级整体煤气化联合循环发电系统(IGCC)示范电站为依托,从气化装置抽出合成气约10000m3/h(标况下),进行一氧化碳耐硫变换、甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)硫碳共脱、PDS硫回收等技术研究,同时完成我国首套工业规模级燃烧前捕集工艺模拟、系统分析及现场测试。研究结果表明:满负荷运行工况下,每年可捕集CO_2 7.811万吨,系统单位能耗2.35GJ/t(CO_2),CO_2捕集率≥85%;模拟结果与实际运行数据相吻合。其中MDEA工段能耗占捕集能耗的93.3%,热再生部分则占MDEA工段能耗的81.61%;同时分析了捕集系统各工段CO_2损失过程,增加四段变换可使系统能耗基本不变同时捕集率增加至92.29%;考察了CO_2压缩液化工段能耗及成本。本研究结果可为燃烧前CO_2捕集的设计、工业放大及过程优化提供理论支持。 展开更多
关键词 燃烧前 二氧化碳捕集 整体煤气化联合循环发电系统 合成气 模拟
Impact of organic interlayer anions on the CO2 adsorption performance of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides derived mixed oxides 被引量:8
作者 Qingqing Qin Junya Wang +7 位作者 Tuantuan Zhou Qianwen Zheng Liang Huang Yu Zhang Peng Lu Ahmad Umar Benoit Louis Qiang Wang 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期346-353,共8页
Herein we report a systematical investigation on the promoting effect of the carbon chain length of the intercalated carboxylic anions on the COcapture performance of Mg-Al layer double hydroxides(LDHs).A series of ... Herein we report a systematical investigation on the promoting effect of the carbon chain length of the intercalated carboxylic anions on the COcapture performance of Mg-Al layer double hydroxides(LDHs).A series of organo-LDHs were successfully synthesized via co-precipitation and calcination-rehydration methods. All as-prepared samples were characterized by many techniques including XRD, ATR-FTIR, BET,and TGA. The XRD and ATR-FTIR studies indicated that organic anions were successfully intercalated into LDHs. The influence of some important parameters such as calcination temperature, adsorption temperature, and coating with(Li-Na-K)NOmolten salt was investigated. The results exhibited that when the number of carbon is greater than 10, the COcapture capacity steadily increased with the increase in carbon number. After coating with 55 mol%(Li-Na-K)NOmolten salt, the COuptake of LDH-C16 sample with high Mg/Al ratios can be increased up to 3.25 mmol/g. The COadsorption/desorption cycling stability was also studied using temperature swing adsorption, which showed a stable COcapture performance even after 22 cycles. Considering its high COcapture capacity and good cycling stability, this novel COadsorbent is very promising in the sorption-enhanced water gas shift(SEWGS) processes. 展开更多
关键词 pre-combustion CO2 capture capacity Organo-LDHs CARBOXYLATES Cycling stability Molten salts coating
CO_2 absorption with ionic liquids at elevated temperatures 被引量:7
作者 Lu Bai Dawei Shang +3 位作者 Mengdie Li Zhongde Dai Liyuan Deng Xiangping Zhang 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1001-1006,共6页
COcapture with ionic liquids(ILs) has attracted many attentions, and most works focused on absorption ability at ambient temperatures, while seldom research was concerned at elevated temperatures.This not only limit... COcapture with ionic liquids(ILs) has attracted many attentions, and most works focused on absorption ability at ambient temperatures, while seldom research was concerned at elevated temperatures.This not only limits the COabsorption application at elevated temperature, but also the determination of the operation condition of the COdesorption generally occurring at higher temperature. This work mainly reported COsolubilities in ILs at elevated temperatures and related properties were also provided. 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide([CnMIm][TfN]) ILs were selected as physical absorbents for COcapture in this work due to their relative higher COabsorption capacities and good thermal stabilities. The long-term stability tests showed that [CnMIm][TfN] is thermally stable at 393.15 K for long time. COsolubilities in [CnMIm][TfN] were systematically determined at temperatures from 353.15 K to 393.15 K. It demonstrated that COsolubility obviously increases with the increase of pressure while slightly decreases with increase of temperature. As the length of alkyl chain on the cation increases, COsolubility in ILs increases. Additionally, the thermodynamic properties including the Gibbs free energy, enthalpy, and entropy of COwere also calculated. 展开更多
关键词 Ionic liquids CO2 capture Elevated temperature pre-combustion
Pre-combustion mercury removal with co-production of hydrogen via coal electrolysis
作者 Xiang Lyu Runming Tao Tianyu Zhang 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期382-389,共8页
Pre-combustion mercury removal via coal electrolysis was performed and investigated on a bench-scale coal electrolytic cell(CEC)systemically,and factorial design was used to determine the effect of different operating... Pre-combustion mercury removal via coal electrolysis was performed and investigated on a bench-scale coal electrolytic cell(CEC)systemically,and factorial design was used to determine the effect of different operating conditions(coal particle size,operating temperature,operating cell voltage,and flow rate of slurry)on the percentage of mercury removal,percentage of ash removal,and dry heating value change.The results showed that the operating cell voltage,as well as the interaction between operating cell voltage and coal particle size,are significant factors in the percentage of mercury removal.There is no significant factor in the percentage of ash removal and the dry heating value change,but the coal could be purified while keeping the dry heating value almost constant after electrolysis.A co-product of hydrogen could be produced during coal electrolysis with 50%lower energy consumption compared with water electrolysis.Meanwhile,a mechanism for mercury removal in coal was proposed.The facts indicate that coal electrolysis is a promising method for precombustion mercury removal. 展开更多
关键词 pre-combustion mercury removal Coal electrolysis Ash removal Dry heating value Hydrogen production
Characteristics of a pre-combustion plasma jet igniter
作者 Jinlu YU Baowen ZHANG +2 位作者 Yang YU Bingbing ZHAO Lei ZHANG 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期178-189,共12页
Plasma ignition technology has delivered good performance in the aerospace industry. In this study, a pre-combustion plasma jet igniter was designed, and its characteristics were examined from three aspects: the morph... Plasma ignition technology has delivered good performance in the aerospace industry. In this study, a pre-combustion plasma jet igniter was designed, and its characteristics were examined from three aspects: the morphology, temperature, and discharge characteristics and process of ignition. Images of the OH distribution were obtained by using an OH Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence(OH-PLIF) experimental system. Results have shown that the proposed plasma jet had a higher OH concentration, longer length, and larger area than those of a traditional igniter. The stability of discharge of the igniter was improved as the equivalence ratio φ was increased, and reducing gas flow reduced the pulsation of the plasma jet. When the input current was increased from 15A to 35 A, the highest average temperature increased from 5127 K to 7987 K. An increase in the equivalence ratio reduced the region of arc ionization, but expanded the regions of the core combustion reaction and the outer flame. Herein, this study has obtained a deep understanding of the jet and ignition law and developed a new idea for the application of plasma in the ignition field.A pre-combustion plasma jet igniter can significantly improve the efficiency of ignition and shorten the ignition process compared with a traditional igniter. 展开更多
关键词 pre-combustion plasma igniter PLASMA Jet temperature field Ignition process ARC FLAME
预燃式等离子体射流点火器特性实验研究 被引量:6
作者 黄丹青 于锦禄 +2 位作者 王思博 李沁远 何立明 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期3068-3075,共8页
常用的电火花点火器对飞机空中点火包线的扩展能力有限,等离子体射流点火器能量大,能显著扩大发动机点火边界,但耗电功率大,射流刚度不足。为提高点火器点火能量,降低所需驱动功率,本文使用甲烷/空气混合气作为放电介质,设计了预燃式等... 常用的电火花点火器对飞机空中点火包线的扩展能力有限,等离子体射流点火器能量大,能显著扩大发动机点火边界,但耗电功率大,射流刚度不足。为提高点火器点火能量,降低所需驱动功率,本文使用甲烷/空气混合气作为放电介质,设计了预燃式等离子体射流点火器,通过实验研究了预燃式等离子体射流点火器的射流特性、放电特性及光谱特性,发现增加甲烷/空气质量流量比R能显著增加射流长度,最大增幅超过160%,增加驱动电流不能有效增加射流长度,但能够产生大量CH、CN等活性粒子,利于加快反应速率,有助于点火。 展开更多
关键词 等离子体 预燃 点火 射流 甲烷
Advancement and new perspectives of using formulated reactive amine blends for post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO_(2)) capture technologies 被引量:4
作者 Chikezie Nwaoha Teeradet Supap +4 位作者 Raphael Idem Chintana Saiwan Paitoon Tontiwachwuthikul Mohammed JAL-Marri Abdelbaki Benamor 《Petroleum》 2017年第1期10-36,共27页
Chemical absorption using amine-based solvents have proven to be the most studied,as well as the most reliable and efficient technology for capturing carbon dioxide(CO_(2))from exhaust gas streams and synthesis gas in... Chemical absorption using amine-based solvents have proven to be the most studied,as well as the most reliable and efficient technology for capturing carbon dioxide(CO_(2))from exhaust gas streams and synthesis gas in all combustion and industrial processes.The application of single amine-based solvents especially the very reactive monoethanolamine(MEA)is associated with a parasitic energy demand for solvent regeneration.Since regeneration energy accounts for up to threeequarters of the plant operating cost,efforts in its reduction have prompted the idea of using blended amine solvents.This review paper highlights the success achieved in blending amine solvents and the recent and future technologies aimed at increasing the overall volumetric mass transfer coefficient,absorption rate,cyclic capacity and greatly minimizing both degradation and the energy for solvent regeneration.The importance of amine biodegradability(BOD)and low ecotoxicity as well as low amine volatility is also highlighted.Costs and energy penalty indices that influences the capital and operating costs of CO_(2) capture process was also highlighted.A new experimental method for simultaneously estimating amine cost,degradation rate,regeneration energy and reclaiming energy is also proposed in this review paper. 展开更多
关键词 Post-combustion pre-combustion Oxy-fuel combustion CO_(2)capture Blended amines Regeneration energy Degradation Amine volatility Biodegradability Ecotoxicity Amine cost Reclaiming energy
Best mix of primary energy resources by renewable energy and fossil fuel with CCS in view of security,stability and sustainability——A vision on hydrogen supply chain by organic chemical hydride method 被引量:4
作者 Junichi SAKAGUCHI 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2010年第1期62-68,共7页
The best mix scenario by renewable energy and fossil fuel with or without CCS(Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage) would be a solution to compromise Greenhouse Gases emission issue caused by carbon dioxide(CO2),and dep... The best mix scenario by renewable energy and fossil fuel with or without CCS(Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage) would be a solution to compromise Greenhouse Gases emission issue caused by carbon dioxide(CO2),and depletion of crude oil and natural gas reserves.As fossil fuel with pre-combustion CCS means hydrogen manufacturing and also hydrogen can be produced via electrolysis with renewable energy,it is desirable to establish transportation and storage systems of hydrogen as a clean energy.In this paper a vision on Hydrogen Supply Chain by Organic Chemical Hydride(OCH) Method as well as comparison of CCS configuration are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 pre-combustion CCS compressors and PUMPS for CCS Hydrogen Supply Chain ORGANIC Chemical HYDRIDE METHOD
CO_(2) capture RD&D proceedings in China Huaneng Group 被引量:4
作者 Jinyi Wang Shisen Xu 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI CAS 2014年第1期129-134,共6页
CO_(2) capture is an important carbon management route to mitigate the greenhouse gas emission in power sector.In recent years,China Huaneng Group(CHNG)has paid more attention on CO_(2)capture technology development a... CO_(2) capture is an important carbon management route to mitigate the greenhouse gas emission in power sector.In recent years,China Huaneng Group(CHNG)has paid more attention on CO_(2)capture technology development and launched a series of R&D and demonstration projects.In the area of pre-combustion CO_(2) capture technology,GreenGen project initiated by CHNG is the first integrated gasification combined cycle(IGCC)power plant in China.Located in Tianjin,GreenGen aims at the development,demonstration and promotion of a near-zero emissions power plant.An IGCC plant of 250 MW has successfully passed full-scale trial operation.In the next phase,a pre-combustion CO_(2) capture unit will be integrated into the system.Pre-combustion process based on coal chemical process has been developed with lower costs successfully.Regarding to post-combustion CO_(2) capture(PCC),in 2008,CHNG built a 3,000 tpa CO_(2) capture plant,which was the first CO_(2) capture demonstration plant in China.In 2009,CHNG launched a PCC project in Shanghai with a capture capacity of 120,000 tpa CO_(2).Recently,Huaneng Clean Energy Research Institute(CERI)and Powerspan formed a joint venture,Huaneng-CERI-Powerspan(HCP).HCP has completed the technology qualification program to supply carbon capture technology for the CO_(2)capture Mongstad project.Besides these activities mentioned above,feasibility studies and system design for large scale PCC system,have been undertaken by CERI and its partners from Australia,US and Europe. 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2)capture Post-combustion pre-combustion IGCC GreenGen
英国发展CCS战略及加强与中国合作的原因简析 被引量:3
作者 王仲成 宋波 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期953-959,共7页
详细介绍了英国CCS发展战略和具体实施举措,并从多个角度分析和探讨英国发展CCS及其积极推进与中国合作的原因。自20世纪90年代初以来,英国一直在积极推进CCS的发展,特别是随着《能源白皮书》、《能源法》等战略性文件的颁布,进一步奠... 详细介绍了英国CCS发展战略和具体实施举措,并从多个角度分析和探讨英国发展CCS及其积极推进与中国合作的原因。自20世纪90年代初以来,英国一直在积极推进CCS的发展,特别是随着《能源白皮书》、《能源法》等战略性文件的颁布,进一步奠定了发展CCS的政策基础,相继实施了竞标计划、示范项目等一系列措施。在实施过程中,除考虑自身能源结构和能源安全外,英国更多把发展CCS瞄准于未来全球煤电市场以及气候外交的战略上,中国元素成为其关注的重要因素之一。中国巨大的煤电市场以及在气候变化政治格局中的地位,成为英国促进与中国合作的重要原因。 展开更多
关键词 碳捕捉与存储 政策措施 燃烧前技术 燃烧后技术 富氧燃烧
Modelling of a tubular membrane contactor for pre-combustion CO_2 capture using ionic liquids:Influence of the membrane configuration, absorbent properties and operation parameters 被引量:3
作者 Zhongde Dai Muhammad Usman +1 位作者 Magne Hillestad Liyuan Deng 《Green Energy & Environment》 SCIE 2016年第3期266-275,共10页
A membrane contactor using ionic liquids(ILs) as solvent for pre-combustion capture CO_2 at elevated temperature(303-393 K) and pressure(20 bar) has been studied using mathematic model in the present work. A comprehen... A membrane contactor using ionic liquids(ILs) as solvent for pre-combustion capture CO_2 at elevated temperature(303-393 K) and pressure(20 bar) has been studied using mathematic model in the present work. A comprehensive two-dimensional(2 D) mass-transfer model was developed based on finite element method. The effects of liquid properties, membrane configurations, as well as operation parameters on the CO_2 removal efficiency were systematically studied. The simulation results show that CO_2 can be effectively removed in this process. In addition, it is found that the liquid phase mass transfer dominated the overall mass transfer. Membranes with high porosity and small thickness could apparently reduce the membrane resistance and thus increase the separation efficiency. On the other hand, the membrane diameter and membrane length have a relatively small influence on separation performance within the operation range. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 capture pre-combustion Membrane contactor Ionic liquids MODELLING
Techno-economic comparison of three technologies for precombustion CO2 capture from a lignite-fired IGCC 被引量:4
作者 Simon Roussanaly Monika Vitvarova +5 位作者 Rahul Anantharaman David Berstad Brede Hagen Jana Jakobsen Vaclav Novotny Geir Skaugen 《Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第3期436-452,共17页
This paper compares the techno-economic performances of three technologies for CO2 capture from a lignite-based IGCC power plant located in the Czech Republic:(1)Physical absorption with a Rectisol-based process;(2)Po... This paper compares the techno-economic performances of three technologies for CO2 capture from a lignite-based IGCC power plant located in the Czech Republic:(1)Physical absorption with a Rectisol-based process;(2)Polymeric CO2-selective membrane-based capture;(3)Low-temperature capture.The evaluations show that the IGCC plant with CO2 capture leads to costs of electricity between 91 and 120€·MWh−1,depending on the capture technology employed,compared to 65€·MWh−1 for the power plant without capture.This results in CO2 avoidance costs ranging from 42 to 84€·tCO2,avoided−1,mainly linked to the losses in net power output.From both energy and cost points of view,the low-temperature and Rectisol based CO2 capture processes are the most efficient capture technologies.Furthermore,partial CO2 capture appears as a good mean to ensure early implementation due to the limited increase in CO2 avoidance cost when considering partial capture.To go beyond the two specific CO2-selective membranes considered,a cost/membrane property map for CO2-selective membranes was developed.This map emphasise the need to develop high performance membrane to compete with solvent technology.Finally,the cost of the whole CCS chain was estimated at 54€·tCO2,avoided−1 once pipeline transport and storage are taken into consideration. 展开更多
关键词 carbon capture and storage(CCS) techno-economic comparison pre-combustion capture physical solvent low-temperature capture
Ignition characteristics of pre-combustion plasma jet igniter 被引量:2
作者 Si-Bo Wang Jin-Lu Yu +4 位作者 Jing-Feng Y Guo-Hua Li Zhao Chen Lu-Yun Jiang Chen-Li Gu 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期227-237,共11页
At present, aero-engines face a major need to widen the ignition envelope. In order to provide a technical support to expand the high altitude ignition envelope of aero-engines, in this article we propose a novel igni... At present, aero-engines face a major need to widen the ignition envelope. In order to provide a technical support to expand the high altitude ignition envelope of aero-engines, in this article we propose a novel ignition technology, i.e., "precombustion plasma jet ignition technology". In this paper, we also design a pre-combustion plasma jet igniter. Its discharge characteristics, jet characteristics, and ignition effects are studied. The results show that increasing the equivalent ratio of jet gas can enhance the discharge stability and increase the duty cycle. At the same time, it can reduce working power and energy consumption. The increase of equivalent ratio in jet gas can enhance the length and ignition area of plasma jet.In the process of ignition, the pre-combustion plasma jet igniter has obvious advantages, suchn as shortening the ignition delay time and enlarging the ignition boundary. When the airflow velocity is 39.11 m/s and the inlet air temperature is80℃, compared with the spark igniter and the air plasma jet igniter, the pre-combustion plasma jet igniter has an ignition boundary that is expanded by 319.8% and 55.7% respectively. 展开更多
关键词 pre-combustion DISCHARGE stability IGNITION DELAY time IGNITION BOUNDARY
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