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拟黑多刺蚁的理化分析 被引量:7
作者 王婧 刘通讯 《现代食品科技》 EI CAS 2010年第10期1092-1095,1163,共5页
主要测定了拟黑多刺蚁的理化性质。拟黑多刺蚁蛋白质含量为54.51%,氨基酸总量为43.91%,必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的32.49%,必需氨基酸指数为0.97,故该蚁是一种优质蛋白源;电感耦合等离子体质谱测定结果显示拟黑多刺蚁富含多种微量元素,特... 主要测定了拟黑多刺蚁的理化性质。拟黑多刺蚁蛋白质含量为54.51%,氨基酸总量为43.91%,必需氨基酸占氨基酸总量的32.49%,必需氨基酸指数为0.97,故该蚁是一种优质蛋白源;电感耦合等离子体质谱测定结果显示拟黑多刺蚁富含多种微量元素,特别是K、Fe、Ca、Mg、Na等;采用考马斯亮兰法测定不同pH值下可溶性蛋白质的变化,发现拟黑多刺蚁在偏酸和偏碱的条件下可溶性蛋白质逐步升高,且碱性条件下较酸性条件下高;采用顶空/气相-质谱联用法测定水浸提液的风味成分,共检出12类36种物质,主要成分为C2-C13的小分子的醇类、醛类、胺类。拟黑多刺蚁营养成分丰富,结构合理,综合应用前景十分广阔。 展开更多
关键词 拟黑多刺蚁 理化分析 营养成分
Physico-Chemical Analysis of Soils Used for Pineapple Cultivation in the Sub-Prefectures of Maferinyah and Friguiagbé (Prefectures of Forécariah and Kindia) Republic of Guinea 被引量:1
作者 Sâa Gerard Tolno Saran Camara +2 位作者 Amadou Sylla Adama Moussa Sakho Lounceny Traore 《Journal of Agricultural Chemistry and Environment》 2024年第3期251-262,共12页
Over the years, pineapple production in the Republic of Guinea has become less competitive in the West African sub-region, with a world ranking of 144th. It is therefore only natural to review certain parameters in or... Over the years, pineapple production in the Republic of Guinea has become less competitive in the West African sub-region, with a world ranking of 144th. It is therefore only natural to review certain parameters in order to improve this ranking. To do this, certain physico-chemical parameters of soil samples from Friguiagbé and Maferinyah (in the Kindia and Forécariah prefectures) were taken and analysed using the following techniques: Pipette de Robinson, Anne, Bray II, Kapen HICDVITZ, Mc. Lead (1982). The analytical results show that the soils at Friguiagbé in Kindia and Maferinyah in Forécariah are acidic, with pH values of 4.4 and 4.7 (fields I and II) and 4.8 and 4.7 (fields I and II) respectively. The soils have a silty-sandy texture. This study could therefore serve as a guide for the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Guinea. 展开更多
关键词 Soil Pineapple Crop physico-chemical analysis
润滑油综合监测系统及应用 被引量:2
作者 贺建军 夏晖 易尚德 《石油工业技术监督》 2001年第7期10-11,共2页
润滑油在机器中循环流动时 ,必然携带机器中零部件运行状态的大量信息。设备状态监测油液分析技术作为一种现代化的设备维修思想是积极主动的设备管理观念 ,其特点在于用主动的“失效前行动”代替被动的“失效后行动”。建立油品综合监... 润滑油在机器中循环流动时 ,必然携带机器中零部件运行状态的大量信息。设备状态监测油液分析技术作为一种现代化的设备维修思想是积极主动的设备管理观念 ,其特点在于用主动的“失效前行动”代替被动的“失效后行动”。建立油品综合监测系统是状态监测、故障诊断最有效、最可取的方法。 展开更多
关键词 润滑油 综合监测 理化分析 光谱分析 磨损
东方蜜蜂采集的野坝子蜂蜜分析研究 被引量:4
作者 陈顺安 赵文正 +1 位作者 和绍禹 山口喜久二 《云南农业大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期914-917,共4页
在冬季野坝子花期,研究了云南武定、姚安、大姚、祥云和永胜等5个野坝子主要分布地区15个不同海拔点东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana F.)采集的野坝子蜂蜜,根据国家标准GB18796—2005,对其进行了花粉、感官指标和理化指标、四环素族抗生素残留量... 在冬季野坝子花期,研究了云南武定、姚安、大姚、祥云和永胜等5个野坝子主要分布地区15个不同海拔点东方蜜蜂(Apis cerana F.)采集的野坝子蜂蜜,根据国家标准GB18796—2005,对其进行了花粉、感官指标和理化指标、四环素族抗生素残留量分析。各采样点东方蜜蜂采集的野坝子蜂蜜中均含有野坝子花粉,且数量均大于50%;感官分析表明:各个蜂蜜样品色泽均一相近,气味较浓郁,滋味上没有明显区别。理化分析表明:各个蜂蜜样品的水分、还原糖、蔗糖含量、灰分、羟甲基糠醛、酸度、淀粉酶活性的指标均符合国家标准GB18796—2005;四环素族抗生素残留量分析:结果显示所有被检蜂蜜样品,均未检出四环素族抗生素残留。 展开更多
关键词 东方蜜蜂 野坝子 蜂蜜 理化分析 四环素族抗生素残留量
矿用带式输送机减速机断轴分析 被引量:3
作者 李嘉麒 《山东煤炭科技》 2019年第9期141-142,共2页
带式输送机在煤矿井下工作中因承载力大、任务繁重,导致减速机出现断轴现象。为彻底地掌握皮带机减速轴的断裂原因,采用多种检测技术对王村煤矿皮带减速机的断轴情况进行分析检测。针对断裂原因采取了相应的优化改进措施,有效地降低了... 带式输送机在煤矿井下工作中因承载力大、任务繁重,导致减速机出现断轴现象。为彻底地掌握皮带机减速轴的断裂原因,采用多种检测技术对王村煤矿皮带减速机的断轴情况进行分析检测。针对断裂原因采取了相应的优化改进措施,有效地降低了皮带减速机发生断轴故障的概率,保障了主运煤系统的高效安全运行。 展开更多
关键词 带式输送机 减速轴 断裂 理化分析
Assessment of the Groundwater Quality in Parts of Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria: The Case of Imo Shale and Ameki Formations 被引量:1
作者 Ikechukwu B. Ijeh Ifiok E. Udoinyang 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2013年第7期715-722,共8页
Hydro-geochemical survey is undertaken in parts of Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, particularly in the geologic formations of Imo Shale and Ameki, to assess the quality of groundwater. Eleven samples of groundw... Hydro-geochemical survey is undertaken in parts of Imo River Basin, Southeastern Nigeria, particularly in the geologic formations of Imo Shale and Ameki, to assess the quality of groundwater. Eleven samples of groundwater are obtained from various boreholes in the study area and subjected to physico-chemical analysis using standard laboratory techniques. The study is aimed at the assessment of the groundwater quality indicators namely: pH, electrical conductivity (N), phosphate (PO4), sulphate (SO4), nitrate(NO3-) and total dissolved solids (TDS). The result shows that the water from boreholes in Umuahia has low pH, and is therefore acidic. The pH values range between 4.40 and 5.60, which is below the acceptable range of 6.5-8.5. The acidity probably results from carbonic acid derived from the solution of CO2 from both the atmosphere and the decomposition of plant materials in the soil zone. The acidity of the groundwater gives slight sour taste to drinking water, due to the mobilization of trace metals from the aquifer material into the groundwater system, because of the corrosive effect of acidic water. Since borehole supply is rarely treated, these trace metals end up in domestic supplies resulting in health implications and complaints. Acidic waters are typically low in buffering calcium minerals, but are high in dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which can cause the low pH or acidity. Calcite neutralizer tanks with natural crushed and screened pure calcium carbonate easily neutralize acidic water from 6.0 to 6.9. Below 6.0 a blend of calcite and Corosex is recommended. Common systems used to treat low pH: Calcite Neutralizer, calcite & Corosex Blend Neutralizer, pflow Neutralizer, Soda Ash Feed Pump Injection System. 展开更多
关键词 Hydro-Geochemical IMO River Basin physico-chemical analysis Groundwater Quality ACIDITY
Physico-Chemical and Microbiological Analysis of Potable Water in Jericho and Molete Areas of Ibadan Metropolis 被引量:1
作者 Olusola A. Ladokun Sarah O. Oni 《Advances in Biological Chemistry》 2015年第4期197-202,共6页
This study was carried out to determine the quality of some water supplies in Jericho and Molete areas in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 6 water samples (Jericho and Molete) from well, borehole and public tap ... This study was carried out to determine the quality of some water supplies in Jericho and Molete areas in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. A total of 6 water samples (Jericho and Molete) from well, borehole and public tap were randomly selected and analyzed in triplicate for some physico-chemical and microbial parameters. The pH ranged from 5.88 ± 0.01 to 6.88 ± 0.06 while total hardness ranged from 2.60 ± 0.04 ppm to 44.00 ± 1.20 ppm. The temperature ranged from 15.00℃ ± 0.07℃ to 18.00℃ ± 0.21℃ while conductivity ranged from 230 ± 1.15 to 460 ± 1.26 mho/cm. Alkalinity, Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) ranged from 4.03 ± 0.02 mg/l to 14.88 ± 0.15 mg/l, 0.4 ± 0.02 mg/l to 4.6 ± 0.02 mg/l and 12.80 ± 0.22 mg/l to 26.40 ± 0.72 mg/l respectively. Microbial analysis revealed that all of these water samples were not free from pathogens and thereby not suitable for drinking. 展开更多
关键词 WATER ALKALINITY BOD physico-chemical analysis
超声辅助提取蝙蝠蛾拟青霉菌丝体多糖工艺优化及其理化性质 被引量:2
作者 武忠伟 张朝辉 +5 位作者 冷豆豆 张广 宋琳琳 王斌 孟丽 邱立友 《食品工业科技》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第10期175-182,共8页
以蝙蝠蛾拟青霉发酵菌丝体干粉为原料,采用超声辅助提取法对其菌丝体多糖(PHMPs)得率进行了优化,通过苯酚-硫酸法、考马斯亮蓝法、间羟联苯法、钼酸铵-分光光度法、傅里叶红外变换光谱(FT-IR)、高效凝胶色谱法(HPGPC)、1-苯基-3-甲基-5... 以蝙蝠蛾拟青霉发酵菌丝体干粉为原料,采用超声辅助提取法对其菌丝体多糖(PHMPs)得率进行了优化,通过苯酚-硫酸法、考马斯亮蓝法、间羟联苯法、钼酸铵-分光光度法、傅里叶红外变换光谱(FT-IR)、高效凝胶色谱法(HPGPC)、1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡唑啉酮(PMP)柱前衍生化法对PHMPs中的理化组成、分子量分布和单糖组成进行了分析。结果表明,在最优的提取条件下即提取温度81℃,提取时间36 min,超声功率为297 W,水料比为44 mL/g,PHMPs得率为13.10%±0.22%。理化分析表明PHMPs中性糖、蛋白质、糖醛酸和磷酸基的含量分别为78.48%±2.08%、9.82%±0.09%、3.76%±0.11%、2.23%±0.09%;红外分析表明PHMPs具有多个糖类官能团的特征吸收峰;HPGPC法测得PHMPs主要由分子量为638、575 kDa的两个主峰和分子量分布在5.6~285 kDa范围的多糖组成;单糖组成测试表明PHMPs主要由甘露糖:葡萄糖:半乳糖以摩尔比42.32:27.58:21.14组成,另外还含有分子摩尔比为0.42:2.89:2.25:1.16:2.24的核糖、鼠李糖、葡萄糖醛酸、半乳糖醛酸和阿拉伯糖。 展开更多
关键词 蝙蝠蛾拟青霉 超声辅助提取 菌丝体多糖 理化性质分析
The Contribution of the GIS and the Principal Component Analysis in the Study of the Cement’s Dusts Impact on the Top Soils in the Central Part of the Oujda-Taourirt Corridor (Eastern Morocco)
作者 Mohamed El Kharmouz Mohamed Sbaa Sanae Saadi 《Open Journal of Air Pollution》 2013年第4期100-106,共7页
Cement dust pollution is one of the sources of atmospheric pollution. The main impacts of the cement activity to the environment are the broadcasts of dusts and gases. The objective of this study is to determine the e... Cement dust pollution is one of the sources of atmospheric pollution. The main impacts of the cement activity to the environment are the broadcasts of dusts and gases. The objective of this study is to determine the effects of cement dust pollution on physico-chemical characteristics of the soil at the vicinity of the cement factory in Oujda-Taourirt corridor (Eastern Morocco) using Principal component analysis (PCA) and geographical information system (GIS). Forty one (41) surface soils (0 - 3 cm) were collected from the six rural townships surrounding the cement factory. The collected soil samples were analyzed for their chemical properties (CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3, K2O, MgO, SO3 and SiO2) as well as their pH and Electric Conductivity. The results of the analysis showed that the dusts emitted by the cement plant are especially basic and contain a high free lime (43.03% CaO). The principal component analysis applied on the 41 superficial soil samples, allows deducting that the free lime and the sulfur oxide are the tracer elements of this form of pollution. Furthermore, the spatial projection of the factor scores of the principal component analysis using the geographical information system permits us to determine the spatial distribution of more polluted areas of soils as well as to estimate their impact at a zone of 2.5 km of beam around the factory. 展开更多
关键词 Cement DUST Soil Spatial Distribution physico-chemical analysis PCA
Physicochemical and elemental studies of Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb. for standardization as herbal drug
作者 Manab Mandal Debabrata Misra +1 位作者 Narendra Nath Ghosh Vivekananda Mandal 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine》 SCIE CAS 2017年第11期979-986,共8页
Objective: To explore the leaves of Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb. as a source of safe and effective antibacterial herbal medicine.Methods: The standardization was validated by stepwise physicochemical studies,element an... Objective: To explore the leaves of Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb. as a source of safe and effective antibacterial herbal medicine.Methods: The standardization was validated by stepwise physicochemical studies,element analysis, determination of ash values, fluorescence analysis, assessment of moisture content, extractive values in different solvent systems and extraction methods.Heavy metal contents, mineral and element contents were analysed by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer and CHNS/O analyser, respectively.Results: The methanol extract of the folklore medicinal plant having antibacterial efficacy contained flavonoids and phenolic OH groups. The ICP multi standard indicated the presence of three major compounds with molecular mass of 161 190 and 221 Da. Heavy metals viz. lead, mercury and copper content were 4.38 ppm, < 0.05 ppm and 24.70 ppm,respectively. Minerals content of calcium, phosphorus, potassium and iron were 1 190.94 mg/100 g, 375.57 mg/100 g, 2 820 mg/100 g and 340.20 mg/100 g of plant sample, respectively. Elements like carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur contents were38.18%, 5.67%, 2.23% and 0.51%, respectively. Heavy metal profile of the tested plant was within the permissible limits of the regulatory authorities.Conclusions: Hence the present physicochemical and elements studies reveals that the plant Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb. could be a potent source of herbal preparation as well as a safe and novel synthetic antibacterial drug. 展开更多
关键词 Hydrocotyle javanica Thunb Herbal drug physico-chemical analysis Mineral and elemental COMPOSITIONS Heavy metals contents Biomedical significance
Evaluation of the Physical and Chemical Fertility of Soils in the Sylvopastoral Zone: Case of the Pilot Site of the National Institute of Pedology in the Commune of Kelle Gueye (Louga/Senegal)
作者 Niang Aliou Ndao Mohamed Lamine 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2022年第5期503-515,共13页
The study of the reference state of the physico-chemical fertility of the soils of the pilot site of the National Institute of Pedology in the commune of Kelle Gueye to test the effect of phosphocomposte on cowpea and... The study of the reference state of the physico-chemical fertility of the soils of the pilot site of the National Institute of Pedology in the commune of Kelle Gueye to test the effect of phosphocomposte on cowpea and groundnut, allowed us to better understand the aptitudes of the above-mentioned crops. The methodology used consisted of taking soil samples on a regular 25 m grid, carrying out complete physico-chemical analyses at the INP laboratory and an analysis of climatic parameters. The results obtained were used to produce thematic maps to better interpret the various parameters. The physico-chemical analyses at the 0 - 20 cm horizon show a pH (6.1 - 7.9) close to neutral and a non-saline soil (EC < 250 μS/cm). The site is poor in organic matter;it is of the order of 0.1 ≤ MO ≤ 0.9. The granulometric results determined from a laser granulometry which gives more precision, show that the soils have a texture dominated by fine sands with more than 50% in the site. This study reveals that the site is suitable for groundnut and cowpea cultivation. However, some chemical parameters need to be improved to make the soil more fertile. 展开更多
关键词 Thematic Maps physico-chemical analysis Phosphocomposting
A New Way to Improve Thermal Capacities of Lubricants for the Manufacture of Flint Glass Perfume Bottles: Part A—How to Combine Thermal Analysis and Physico-Chemical Observations at the Glass/Punch Interface
作者 Philippe Moreau Dominique Lochegnies +2 位作者 Christine Kermel Jean-Marc Carpentier Hugues Vivier 《New Journal of Glass and Ceramics》 2011年第3期79-91,共13页
In the hollow glass industry, the success of the forming process depends on controlling the thermal exchange at the glass/mold interface to prevent defects on the glass surface. In the manufacturing process for luxury... In the hollow glass industry, the success of the forming process depends on controlling the thermal exchange at the glass/mold interface to prevent defects on the glass surface. In the manufacturing process for luxury perfume bottles, the current practice is to deposit a resin film on the inner faces of the mold at the beginning of the production process and regularly swab the mold with a lubricating paste. This study presents a new way to analyze the impact of lubrica- tion on glass/tool thermal exchanges. The TEMPO Laboratory (Valenciennes, France) has an experimental Glass/Tool Interaction (GTI) platform, which is a reduced-scale production unit that allows researchers to reproduce the pressing cycle conditions encountered in the glass industry. To complete the analysis of the thermal exchange at the glass/tool interface, the BCR Center (Mons, Belgium) took physico-chemical measurements on the produced glass samples after the trials on the GTI platform. Part A presents the experimental conditions on the GTI platform and the thermal analy- sis with this platform for the first case of flint glass pressing cycles with a punch swabbed with a lubricating paste de- veloped by our partner, SOGELUB? Special Lubricants Company (Marquain, Belgium). The analysis of the phys- ico-chemical changes on the pressed glass samples produced with the swabbed punch were completed with our obser- vations using a Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS). 展开更多
关键词 GLASS Forming Lubrication Pressing Heat Transfer Glass/Tool Contact physico-chemical analysis
A New Way to Improve Thermal Capacities of Lubricants for the Manufacture of Flint Glass Perfume Bottles: Part B—Thermal Analysis and Physico-Chemical Observations for the Different Lubrications at the Glass/Punch Interface
作者 Dominique Lochegnies Philippe Moreau +2 位作者 Jean-Marc Carpentier Christine Kermel Hugues Vivier 《New Journal of Glass and Ceramics》 2011年第3期92-104,共13页
In the hollow glass industry, more specifically in the luxury perfume glass bottle industry, the success of the forming process depends on controlling the thermal exchange at the glass/mold interface to prevent defect... In the hollow glass industry, more specifically in the luxury perfume glass bottle industry, the success of the forming process depends on controlling the thermal exchange at the glass/mold interface to prevent defects on the glass surface. This study concerns a new way to analyze the impact of lubrication on the glass/tool thermal exchanges. It combines the thermal analysis on the experimental Glass/Tool Interaction (GTI) platform in the TEMPO Laboratory (Valenciennes, France) and the Physico-Chemical measurements on the glass samples by the BCR Center (Mons, Belgium). Part B presents the analysis of the flint glass pressing cycles using different punch lubrication conditions (i.e., bare punch, swabbed punch, coated punch, and coated/swabbed punch). The thermal analysis permits us to rank the lubrication conditions in terms of their capacity to limit the thermal exchange at the punch/glass interface. We defined a new lu- bricating paste composition based on the Physico-Chemical observations of the lubrication transfer on the pressed glass. The GTI platform results proves that the new composition does not affect the insulating power of the lubricating paste and permits us to eliminate defects on the glass samples that are not accepted in industrial situations. 展开更多
关键词 GLASS Forming Lubrication Pressing Heat Transfer Glass/Tool Contact physico-chemical analysis
尼日利亚传统植鞣革的理化分析(英文) 被引量:1
作者 穆斯塔法 《皮革科学与工程》 CAS 2001年第4期13-21,共9页
本文对尼日利亚几个地区的传统植鞣革样进行了分析 ,以评价其物化性能并与国际认可的标准进行了比较。结果表明某些品种的革质量可以达到国际认可标准。本文还对在生产过程中如何提高皮革质量提出了改进意见。
关键词 理化分析 皮革 常规鞣法 植鞣 尼日利亚
SCC-1型高效复合黏结剂在型焦生产中的应用 被引量:1
作者 付东升 郑化安 +2 位作者 杨阳 张云 王文靖 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2013年第6期52-54,共3页
为了解决焦粉的再利用问题,提高能源利用效率,缓解焦粉露天堆放造成的粉尘污染,采用无机矿物质和有机高分子化合物复配制得SCC-1型复合黏结剂用于焦粉成型生产型焦。研究了焦粉的成型工艺,对工艺路线和工艺参数进行了选择和优化。用SEM... 为了解决焦粉的再利用问题,提高能源利用效率,缓解焦粉露天堆放造成的粉尘污染,采用无机矿物质和有机高分子化合物复配制得SCC-1型复合黏结剂用于焦粉成型生产型焦。研究了焦粉的成型工艺,对工艺路线和工艺参数进行了选择和优化。用SEM分析了型焦的成型机理,并对型焦的性能进行研究。结果表明:采用SCC-1型复合黏结剂制备型焦,具有成型工艺简单,黏结剂用量少,不需要烘干工序,设备投资少,生产成本低等优点,大部分焦粉颗粒被SCC-1型复合黏结剂润湿后通过"黏结剂固体桥"连接而成型,制得型焦的冷压强度、落下强度、耐水性、热稳定性、反应活性等性能指标均满足工业生产工艺要求,具有很高的推广应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 焦粉 黏结剂 型焦 生产工艺 物化分析
220 kV电缆绝缘状态检测分析
作者 郭金明 覃秀君 +1 位作者 田树军 李婧 《江苏科技信息》 2018年第1期42-45,共4页
文章对电缆的绝缘老化进行实验,实验中选取了一段220 kV在运电缆,为考察其绝缘状态同时判断其剩余寿命,分别对电缆交联聚乙烯绝缘外中内三区域进行了红外光谱分析以及差式扫描量热分析。同时,实验辅以直流电导率检测,综合判断电缆绝缘... 文章对电缆的绝缘老化进行实验,实验中选取了一段220 kV在运电缆,为考察其绝缘状态同时判断其剩余寿命,分别对电缆交联聚乙烯绝缘外中内三区域进行了红外光谱分析以及差式扫描量热分析。同时,实验辅以直流电导率检测,综合判断电缆绝缘状态。研究表明:此段电缆存在一定的绝缘老化。出于热老化因素的影响,绝缘内层往往热老化相对严重,而绝缘外层,因长期受到外界环境的影响,使得绝缘材料微观结构上出现一定的断裂。 展开更多
关键词 220kV交联聚乙烯电缆 老化 理化分析 红外光谱 差式扫描量热
作者 倪玲 关巍岱 +2 位作者 俞文英 魏颖慧 李范珠 《中成药》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第10期1535-1539,共5页
目的:制定生血微丸胶囊(绿矾、肉桂、海螵蛸、阿胶、紫河车)的质量标准。方法:用理化方法对生血微丸胶囊中绿矾、海螵蛸进行鉴别,用薄层色谱法对生血微丸胶囊中肉桂进行鉴别,用紫外分光光度法对生血微丸胶囊中绿矾的Fe-SO4进行含量... 目的:制定生血微丸胶囊(绿矾、肉桂、海螵蛸、阿胶、紫河车)的质量标准。方法:用理化方法对生血微丸胶囊中绿矾、海螵蛸进行鉴别,用薄层色谱法对生血微丸胶囊中肉桂进行鉴别,用紫外分光光度法对生血微丸胶囊中绿矾的Fe-SO4进行含量测定,用气相色谱法对生血微丸胶囊中桂皮醛进行含量测定。结果:理化方法能检出绿矾、海螵蛸;在薄层色谱中能检出肉桂;紫外分光光度法测得FeSO4在0~20 mg/L范围内具有良好的线性关系(r=0.999 8),平均回收率为96.7%(n=5);气相色谱法测得桂皮醛其峰面积与进样量在0.157 5~0.551 4μg范围内呈良好线性关系(r=0.999 8),平均回收率为101.52%。结论:该方法准确、灵敏,重复性好,能有效地控制生血微丸胶囊的质量。 展开更多
关键词 生血微丸胶囊 质量标准 理化鉴别 紫外分光光度法 气相色谱法
Physico-Chemical Analysis and Polarization Value Estimation of Raw Sugar from Refining Point of View
作者 Zia-ud -Din Ghulam Rasool 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2015年第1期1-5,共5页
This study was particularly designed to evaluate the physico-chemical parameters and polarization value of raw sugar which ultimately affect the filterability of raw sugar. Six different raw sugar samples were collect... This study was particularly designed to evaluate the physico-chemical parameters and polarization value of raw sugar which ultimately affect the filterability of raw sugar. Six different raw sugar samples were collected from the local industries and were evaluated for the physico-chemical and polarization value. The physico-chemical characteristics of sugar including moisture, reducing sugar, ash contents, size of crystals and color constituents were assessed. The results obtained from physico-chemical analysis showed that these parameters were affected significantly among the samples of raw sugar. The ash contents were found to be decreasing for the samples in the order of T6 > T1T2T5 > T3T4. The values for the polarization were significantly the highest in sample T5, T2 and T1 followed by sample T4 and T6 while the lowest values were recorded for sample T3. It can be concluded from the results that sample T4 was observed to have a good quality while sample T6 had the opposite result to that of sample T4 and was considered to have a very low quality. 展开更多
关键词 Raw Sugar FILTERABILITY physico-chemical analysis and POLARIZATION VALUE
泌尿系结石成分分析的临床应用进展 被引量:7
作者 叶冬晖 李虹 王坤杰 《现代医药卫生》 2018年第5期657-660,共4页
时至今日,尿石症仍是现代社会最常见的疾病之一,在全球的发病率估计在5%~10%[1]。20世纪后期虽在结石的外科治疗上有了突破性的进展,但结石的发病率和复发率却仍居高不下,10年复发率高达50%[2],这说明结石的预防工作仍有许多待研究改进... 时至今日,尿石症仍是现代社会最常见的疾病之一,在全球的发病率估计在5%~10%[1]。20世纪后期虽在结石的外科治疗上有了突破性的进展,但结石的发病率和复发率却仍居高不下,10年复发率高达50%[2],这说明结石的预防工作仍有许多待研究改进之处。结石成分分析与预防结石复发密切相关,分析结果为探究结石成因提供线索,也为指导患者的饮食和药物管理、制订合理的预防措施提供重要证据,可显著降低泌尿结石的复发率。 展开更多
关键词 尿路结石 成分分析 化学分析法 物理分析法
钛含量对10Ti钢力学性能影响机制的研究 被引量:3
作者 陈红桔 王祖滨 刘仁才 《钢铁研究学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1992年第4期49-56,共8页
为了节约钢中钛含量,稳定力学性能,本文采用力学性能;相分析;扫描电镜、透射电镜等试验,研究了成分、轧制工艺对10Ti钢力学性能的影响机制。结果表明、钢中钛含量在0.09~0.13%范围内,可获得最佳强韧性配合;在轧制和轧后冷却过程中,由... 为了节约钢中钛含量,稳定力学性能,本文采用力学性能;相分析;扫描电镜、透射电镜等试验,研究了成分、轧制工艺对10Ti钢力学性能的影响机制。结果表明、钢中钛含量在0.09~0.13%范围内,可获得最佳强韧性配合;在轧制和轧后冷却过程中,由于细颗粒TiC的析出和铁素体晶粒的细化提高了钢的强度性能;钢中加入适量的钛,形成粒状的Ti_2CS夹杂物取代了长条状MnS夹杂物,提高了钢的等向性能。 展开更多
关键词 钛钢 力学性质 相分析 钛含量
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