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ZnO光电导紫外探测器的制备和特性研究 被引量:33
作者 叶志镇 张银珠 +4 位作者 陈汉鸿 何乐年 邹璐 黄靖云 吕建国 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期1605-1607,共3页
以Si(111)衬底 ,用脉冲激光沉积 (PLD)法制得C轴高度择优取向的ZnO薄膜 ,并利用剥离技术制备了ZnO光导型紫外探测器 .Al叉指状电极是由平面磁控溅射技术沉积得到的 .对Al/ZnO/Al的伏安特性和紫外光响应的研究表明 ,金属铝和ZnO能形成很... 以Si(111)衬底 ,用脉冲激光沉积 (PLD)法制得C轴高度择优取向的ZnO薄膜 ,并利用剥离技术制备了ZnO光导型紫外探测器 .Al叉指状电极是由平面磁控溅射技术沉积得到的 .对Al/ZnO/Al的伏安特性和紫外光响应的研究表明 ,金属铝和ZnO能形成很好的欧姆接触 ,紫外探测器的电阻值在 10 0KΩ左右 .在紫外区域 ,其 5V偏压下的光响应度为0 .5A/W . 展开更多
关键词 ZNO薄膜 光电导紫外探测器 欧姆接触 光响应度
通过改变费米能级钉扎效应制备6H-SiC欧姆接触的特性研究 被引量:3
作者 洪根深 廖勇明 +4 位作者 廖伟 丁元力 邬瑞彬 刘洪军 龚敏 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第3期492-494,共3页
作者通过氧化、刻蚀和沸水处理的方法 ,在n型 6H SiC的C面上制备了线性较好的欧姆接触 .作者对C面和Si面的欧姆接触的退火特性进行了比较和研究 ;并对形成欧姆接触的物理机理进行了讨论 ,研究了这种欧姆接触在大密度电流下的特性 .
关键词 6H-SIC 费米能级钉扎 欧姆接触
高Al组分N-Al_xGa_(1-x)N材料的欧姆接触 被引量:4
作者 王玲 许金通 +3 位作者 陈俊 陈杰 张燕 李向阳 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第B09期967-970,共4页
基于各层金属间在快速热退火时容易合金化及Ti,Al易被氧化的特点,在高Al组分N-AlxGa1-xN(x≥0.45)材料上溅射生长多层金属Ti/Al/Ti/Au,并且变化Ti,Al比例以及改变退火温度和时间,得到了金属与高Al组分N-AlxGa1-xN(x≥0.45)材料间的欧姆... 基于各层金属间在快速热退火时容易合金化及Ti,Al易被氧化的特点,在高Al组分N-AlxGa1-xN(x≥0.45)材料上溅射生长多层金属Ti/Al/Ti/Au,并且变化Ti,Al比例以及改变退火温度和时间,得到了金属与高Al组分N-AlxGa1-xN(x≥0.45)材料间的欧姆接触,由传输线模型方法测试得比接触电阻为4.9×10-2Ω.cm2。实验中用到的样品为P(Al0.45Ga0.55N)/i(Al0.45Ga0.55N)/N-Al0.63Ga0.37N多层结构的材料。最后,利用伏安特性和俄歇电子能谱深度分布(AES)研究金属与高Al组分的材料之间形成欧姆接触的原因。 展开更多
关键词 欧姆接触 高Al组分 N—AlxGa1-xN材料
金属/氮化物肖特基势垒和欧姆接触研究进展 被引量:3
作者 薛舫时 《固体电子学研究与进展》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期147-158,共12页
金属 /氮化物肖特基势垒和欧姆接触是蓝紫光光学器件及高温大功率电子器件中的关键工艺。氮化物半导体是一种极性材料 ,表面态密度较低 ,费米能级钉扎效应较弱 ,表面处理能显著影响接触特性。样品表面的沾污和氧化层也会使接触特性显著... 金属 /氮化物肖特基势垒和欧姆接触是蓝紫光光学器件及高温大功率电子器件中的关键工艺。氮化物半导体是一种极性材料 ,表面态密度较低 ,费米能级钉扎效应较弱 ,表面处理能显著影响接触特性。样品表面的沾污和氧化层也会使接触特性显著退化。宽禁带材料的杂质离化能高 ,重掺杂比较困难。深能级陷阱对载流子的俘获效应很强。这些因素都增加了接触的制作难度 ,促使人们寻求新的方案来改进接触特性。文中从金属 /半导体接触的物理模型出发来综述肖特基势垒和欧姆接触的研究进展 ,希望能给器件研究者提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 金属/氮化物接触 势垒高度 欧姆接触
AlGaN/GaN HEMT欧姆接触的研究进展 被引量:4
作者 裴风丽 冯震 陈炳若 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期6-11,共6页
从欧姆接触形成的机理出发,介绍了在AlGaN/GaN HEMT中实现源和漏区欧姆接触的各种方法,如表面处理技术、金属化系统和重掺杂技术等。回顾了近年来这些方法的研究进展。
关键词 欧姆接触 铝镓氮/氮化镓 高电子迁移率晶体管
半导体聚合发光二极管的结特性研究 被引量:4
作者 马於光 唐建国 +3 位作者 刘式墉 刘明大 张瑞峰 沈家骢 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1995年第7期524-527,共4页
关键词 发光二极管 半导体聚合 结特性 聚合
GaInN light-emitting diodes with omni-directional reflector using nanoporous SnO_2 film 被引量:2
作者 沈常宇 冯华君 +1 位作者 徐之海 金尚忠 《Chinese Optics Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2008年第2期152-153,共2页
Enhancement of light extraction in a GaInN light-emitting diode (LED) employing an omni-directional reflector (ODR) consisting of GaN, SnO2 nanorod and an Ag layer was presented. The ODR comprises a transparent, q... Enhancement of light extraction in a GaInN light-emitting diode (LED) employing an omni-directional reflector (ODR) consisting of GaN, SnO2 nanorod and an Ag layer was presented. The ODR comprises a transparent, quarterwave layer of SnO2 nanorod claded by silver and serves as an ohmic contact to p-type GaN. Transparent SnO2 sols were obtained by sol-gel method from SnCl2·2H2O, and SnO2 thin films were prepared by dip-coating technique. The average size of the spherical SnO2 particles obtained is 200 nm. The refractive index of the nanorod SnO2 film layer is 2.01. The GaInN LEDs with GaN/SnO2/Ag ODR show a lower forward voltage. This was attributed to the enhanced reflectivity of the ODR that employs the nanorod SnO2 film layer. Experimental results show that ODR-LEDs have lower optical losses and higher extraction efficiency as compared to conventional LEDs with Ni/Au contacts and conventional LEDs employing a distributed Bragg reflector (DBR). 展开更多
关键词 Coating techniques Distributed Bragg reflectors Light reflection NANORODS ohmic contacts Optical losses Porous materials Refractive index Semiconducting gallium compounds Sol gel process Thin films Tin oxides
基于Ni/Ag/Pt的P型GaN欧姆接触 被引量:3
作者 马洪霞 韩彦军 +3 位作者 申屠伟进 张贤鹏 罗毅 钱可元 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期650-653,共4页
提出了新型的Ni/Ag/Pt结构作为具有高光学反射率、低比接触电阻率(SCR)的p-GaN欧姆接触电极。在Ni/Ag/Pt厚度分别为3 nm/120 nm/2 nm的条件下,在500℃、O2气氛中退火3 min,获得了80%的光学反射率(460 nm处)和4.43×10-4Ω.cm2的SCR... 提出了新型的Ni/Ag/Pt结构作为具有高光学反射率、低比接触电阻率(SCR)的p-GaN欧姆接触电极。在Ni/Ag/Pt厚度分别为3 nm/120 nm/2 nm的条件下,在500℃、O2气氛中退火3 min,获得了80%的光学反射率(460 nm处)和4.43×10-4Ω.cm2的SCR,样品的表面均方根(RMS)粗糙度约为8nm。俄歇电子能谱(AES)分析表明,Pt很好地改善了Ag基电极退火后的表面形貌,Ni、Ag对形成良好的欧姆接触起了重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 GAN 欧姆接触 Ni/Ag/Pt 俄歇电子能谱(AES)
体晶ZnO光导探测器制备与测试 被引量:3
作者 赵鹏 周旭昌 +2 位作者 洪雁 唐利斌 彭曼泽 《红外技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第10期567-569,共3页
在体单晶ZnO的Zn面和O面通过直流溅射金属薄膜,并采用剥离电极成型方法制备梳妆电极,从而制备出体晶ZnO紫外光导探测器。对Pt/ZnO/Pt的伏安特性测试研究表明,金属Pt和ZnO形成很好的欧姆接触,而Zn面的器件电阻明显低于O面的器件电阻。对... 在体单晶ZnO的Zn面和O面通过直流溅射金属薄膜,并采用剥离电极成型方法制备梳妆电极,从而制备出体晶ZnO紫外光导探测器。对Pt/ZnO/Pt的伏安特性测试研究表明,金属Pt和ZnO形成很好的欧姆接触,而Zn面的器件电阻明显低于O面的器件电阻。对制成的紫外探测器的光电性能测试表明,器件制备极性面的选择,测试的调制频率、偏置电压对器件的性能有较大影响,最终器件的电流响应率达到14.6A/W。 展开更多
关键词 ZnO体晶 光电导紫外探测器 欧姆接触 响应率
SiC欧姆接触特性 被引量:3
作者 王平 杨银堂 +2 位作者 郭立新 尚韬 刘增基 《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期38-41,共4页
通过离子注入外延层实现高浓度掺杂和直接采用高掺杂外延层两种方法分别制备了4H-SiC欧姆接触,对应退火条件分别为(950℃,Ar,30 min)和(1000℃,N2,2 min).采用传输线法测试得到的比接触电阻分别为1.359×10-5Ω.cm2和3.44×10-6... 通过离子注入外延层实现高浓度掺杂和直接采用高掺杂外延层两种方法分别制备了4H-SiC欧姆接触,对应退火条件分别为(950℃,Ar,30 min)和(1000℃,N2,2 min).采用传输线法测试得到的比接触电阻分别为1.359×10-5Ω.cm2和3.44×10-6Ω.cm2.二次离子质谱分析表明,高温退火过程中镍硅化合物和TiC的形成有利于欧姆接触特性. 展开更多
关键词 4H-SIC 欧姆接触 二次离子质谱
退火参数对p-Si与Ti/Pt/Au欧姆接触的影响 被引量:3
作者 林立娜 梁庭 +3 位作者 赵丹 杨娇燕 李奇思 雷程 《传感技术学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第10期1499-1504,共6页
针对SOI(Silicon on Insulator,绝缘体上的硅)高温压力传感器,在真空环境下使用退火的热处理方法,减小了p-Si与Ti/Pt/Au的接触电阻,得到了合适的电阻值和小的比接触电阻率。通过单一因素控制法研究了退火时间和退火温度两个关键因素对... 针对SOI(Silicon on Insulator,绝缘体上的硅)高温压力传感器,在真空环境下使用退火的热处理方法,减小了p-Si与Ti/Pt/Au的接触电阻,得到了合适的电阻值和小的比接触电阻率。通过单一因素控制法研究了退火时间和退火温度两个关键因素对样品电阻值和接触表面形貌的影响。采用半导体分析仪、扫描电镜(SEM)和高低温探针台等测试设备以及传输线模型测试方法对样品的欧姆接触性能进行分析,得出了不同温度和时间与欧姆接触的关系。实验结果表明:样品在退火条件为570℃,80 min时电阻的I-V(伏安特性)曲线呈线性,阻值符合设计值,比接触电阻率小,在0~400℃测试环境下电阻值比较稳定。 展开更多
关键词 退火 欧姆接触 伏安特性曲线 表面形貌 电极 比接触电阻率
长波长VCSEL结构中的欧姆接触工艺 被引量:2
作者 刘成 曹春芳 +2 位作者 劳燕锋 曹萌 吴惠桢 《半导体光电》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期667-670,675,共5页
简要叙述了欧姆接触工艺在长波长垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)制作中的重要作用。采用圆环传输线方法(CTLM)研究了应用于长波长VCSEL结构的p型InGaAsP和InP材料与Ti-Au的接触特性,发现p-InGaAsP与Ti-Au经高温退火后能获得欧姆接触,其最低... 简要叙述了欧姆接触工艺在长波长垂直腔面发射激光器(VCSEL)制作中的重要作用。采用圆环传输线方法(CTLM)研究了应用于长波长VCSEL结构的p型InGaAsP和InP材料与Ti-Au的接触特性,发现p-InGaAsP与Ti-Au经高温退火后能获得欧姆接触,其最低比接触电阻值可达6.49×10-5Ω.cm2。将此工艺结果应用于1.3μm VCSEL结构中,发现其开启电压和串联电阻显著减小。 展开更多
关键词 垂直腔面发射激光器 欧姆接触 比接触电阻 快速退火
Ohmic contact properties of p-type surface conductive layer on H-terminated diamond films prepared by DC arc jet CVD 被引量:1
作者 Jin-long Liu Cheng-ming Li +3 位作者 Rui-hua Zhu Liang-xian Chen Jing-jing Wang Zhi-hong Feng 《International Journal of Minerals,Metallurgy and Materials》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第8期802-807,共6页
With the advantages of high deposition rate and large deposition area, polycrystalline diamond films prepared by direct current (DC) arc jet chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are considered to be one of the most pro... With the advantages of high deposition rate and large deposition area, polycrystalline diamond films prepared by direct current (DC) arc jet chemical vapor deposition (CVD) are considered to be one of the most promising materials for high-frequency and high-power electronic devices. In this paper, high-quality self-standing polycrystalline diamond films with the diameter of 100 mm were prepared by DC arc jet CVD, and then, the p-type surface conductive layer with the sheet carrier density of 10^11-10^13 cm-2 on the H-terminated diamond film was obtained by micro-wave hydrogen plasma treatment for 40 min. Ti/Au and Au films were deposited on the H-terminated diamond surface as the ohmic contact electrode, respectively, afterwards, they were treated by rapid vacuum annealing at different temperatures. The properties of these two types of ohmic contacts were investigated by measuring the specific contact resistance using the transmission line method (TLM). Due to the formation of Ti-related carbide at high temperature, the specific contact resistance of Ti/Au contact gradually decreases to 9.95 × 10^-5 Ω-cm2 as the temperature increases to 820℃. However, when the annealing temperature reaches 850℃, the ohmic contact for Ti/Au is degraded significantly due to the strong diffusion and reaction between Ti and Au. As for the as-deposited Au contact, it shows an ohmic contact. After annealing treatment at 550℃, low specific contact resistance was detected for Au contact, which is derived from the enhancement of interdiffusion between Au and diamond films. 展开更多
关键词 polycrystalline materials diamond films chemical vapor deposition ohmic contacts contact resistance
Study on the failure temperature of Ti/Pt/Au and Pt_5Si_2–Ti/Pt/Au metallization systems 被引量:1
作者 Jie Zhang Jianqiang Han +2 位作者 Yijun Yin Lizhen Dong Wenju Niu 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期99-102,共4页
The Ti/Pt/Au metallization system has an advantage of resisting KOH or TMAH solution etching. To form a good ohmic contact, the Ti/Pt/Au metallization system must be alloyed at 400℃. However, the process temperatures... The Ti/Pt/Au metallization system has an advantage of resisting KOH or TMAH solution etching. To form a good ohmic contact, the Ti/Pt/Au metallization system must be alloyed at 400℃. However, the process temperatures of typical MEMS packaging technologies, such as anodic bonding, glass solder bonding and eutectic bonding, generally exceed 400℃. It is puzzling if the Ti/Pt/Au system is destroyed during the subsequent packaging process. In the present work, the resistance of doped polysilicon resistors contacted by the Ti/Pt/Au metallization system that have undergone different temperatures and time are measured. The experimental results show that the ohmic contacts will be destroyed if heated to 500℃. But if a 20 nm Pt film is sputtered on heavily doped polysilicon and alloyed at 700℃ before sputtering Ti/Pt/Au films, the Pt5 Si2-Ti/Pt/Au metallization system has a higher service temperature of 500℃, which exceeds process temperatures of most typical MEMS packaging technologies. 展开更多
关键词 Ti/Pt/Au metallization system PACKAGING ohmic contacts MEMS
GaN紫外探测器的Ti/Al接触的电学特性 被引量:2
作者 李雪 亢勇 +4 位作者 陈江峰 靳秀芳 李向阳 龚海梅 方家熊 《红外与激光工程》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期662-665,共4页
在非故意掺杂的和掺Si的GaN薄膜上蒸镀Ti(24nm)/Al(nm)薄膜,氮气环境下400~800℃范围内进行退火。实验结果表明,在非故意掺杂的样品上,随退火温度的升高,肖特基势垒高度下降,理想因子升高,表面状况逐渐变差,600℃退火形成较低接触电阻... 在非故意掺杂的和掺Si的GaN薄膜上蒸镀Ti(24nm)/Al(nm)薄膜,氮气环境下400~800℃范围内进行退火。实验结果表明,在非故意掺杂的样品上,随退火温度的升高,肖特基势垒高度下降,理想因子升高,表面状况逐渐变差,600℃退火形成较低接触电阻的欧姆接触,比接触电阻率为3.03×10-4Ωcm2,而载流子浓度为5.88×1018cm-3的掺Si的样品未退火就形成欧姆接触,比接触电阻可达到4.03×10-4Ωcm2。 展开更多
关键词 传输线模型 肖特基势垒高度 比接触电阻 隧穿电流
限流BaTiO_3陶瓷PTCR元件化学沉积欧姆电极的研究 被引量:2
作者 周东祥 张道礼 +1 位作者 龚树萍 黎步银 《功能材料》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期298-298,301,共2页
关键词 PTCR 陶瓷 欧姆接触 化学沉积电极 程控交换机
Using I-V characteristics to investigate selected contacts for SnO_2:F thin films
作者 Shadia.J.Ikhmayies Riyad N Ahmad-Bitar 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2012年第8期22-27,共6页
Fluorine doped tin oxide (SnO2:F) thin films were prepared on glass substrates by the spray pyrolysis (SP) technique at different substrate temperatures between 380480 ℃. The microstructure of the films was expl... Fluorine doped tin oxide (SnO2:F) thin films were prepared on glass substrates by the spray pyrolysis (SP) technique at different substrate temperatures between 380480 ℃. The microstructure of the films was explored using scanning electron microscope observations. An investigation of selected contacts for the films was performed through the analysis of the I-V measurements which were taken in the dark at room temperature. Indium, aluminum and silver were selected as contacts where two strips of each metal were vacuum-evaporated on the surface of the film. The resistivity of the films was estimated from the linear I-V plots. It was found that the smallest resistivity was obtained using silver contacts, while the largest resistivity was obtained by using indium contacts. This is because silver diffuses in the film and participates in doping, while aluminum and indium cause compensation effects when they diffuse in the film. The best linear fit parameters are those of films with aluminum contacts, and the worst ones are those of films with indium contacts. Annealing was found to improve the electrical properties of the films, especially those deposited at a low substrate temperature. This is because it is expected to encourage crystal growth and to reduce the contact potential which leads to the formation of an alloy. Annealed films are more stable than un-annealed ones. 展开更多
关键词 ohmic contacts I-V characteristics ANNEALING tin oxide
Improved Surface Characteristics and Contact Performance of Epitaxial p-AlGaN by a Chemical Treatment Process
作者 邵嘉平 韩彦军 +5 位作者 汪莱 江洋 席光义 李洪涛 赵维 罗毅 《Chinese Physics Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期432-435,共4页
The comparative study of epitaxial 380-run-thick p-Al0.091 Ga0.909 N materials without and with special surface chemical treatment is systematically carried out. After the treatment process, the deep level luminous pe... The comparative study of epitaxial 380-run-thick p-Al0.091 Ga0.909 N materials without and with special surface chemical treatment is systematically carried out. After the treatment process, the deep level luminous peak in the 10 K photoluminescence spectrum is eliminated due to the decrease of surface nitrogen vacancy VN related defective sites, while the surface root-mean-square roughness in atomic force microscopy measurement is decreased from 0.395nm to 0.229nm by such a surface preparation method. Furthermore, the performance of surface contact with Ni/Au bilayer metal fihns is obviously improved with the reduction of the Schottky barrier height of 55meV. The x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) results show a notable surface element content change after the treatment which is considered to be the cause of the above-mentioned surface characteristics improvement. 展开更多
Nickel ohmic contacts of high-concentration P-implanted 4H-SiC
作者 刘春娟 刘肃 +1 位作者 冯晶晶 吴蓉 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2012年第3期118-121,共4页
Different-dose phosphorus ion implantation into 4H-SiC followed by high-temperature annealing was investigated.AlN/BN and graphite post-implantation annealing for ion-implanted SiC at 1650℃for 30 min was conducted to... Different-dose phosphorus ion implantation into 4H-SiC followed by high-temperature annealing was investigated.AlN/BN and graphite post-implantation annealing for ion-implanted SiC at 1650℃for 30 min was conducted to electrically activate the implanted P~+ ions.Ni contacts to the P~+-implanted 4H-SiC layers were examined by transmission line model and Hall measurements fabricated on P-implanted(0001).The results indicated that a high-quality ohmic contact and specific contact resistivity of 1.30×10^(-6)Ω·cm^2 was obtained for the P~+-implanted 4H-SiC layers.TheρC values of the Ni-based implanted layers decreased with increasing P doping concentrations,and a weaker temperature dependence was observed for different samples in the 200-500K temperature range. 展开更多
关键词 ohmic contacts phosphorus ion implantation contact resistance Hall concentration silicon carbide
A comparison between different ohmic contacts for ZnO thin films
作者 Shadia J.Ikhmayies Naseem M.Abu El-Haija Riyad N.Ahmad-Bitar 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 2015年第3期41-45,共5页
There are several metals that form ohmic contacts for ZnO thin films, such as copper, aluminum and silver. The aim of this work is to make a comparison between these ohmic contacts. To achieve this purpose, polycrysta... There are several metals that form ohmic contacts for ZnO thin films, such as copper, aluminum and silver. The aim of this work is to make a comparison between these ohmic contacts. To achieve this purpose, polycrystalline ZnO thin films were prepared by the spray pyrolysis technique, and characterized by the I-V measurements at room temperature. Two strips of each metal were thermally evaporated on the surface of the film and measurements were first recorded in the dark and room light, then in the dark before and after annealing for A1, which was found to be the best in the set. Films with aluminum contacts gave the smallest resistivity, best ohmicity and they are slightly affected by light as required. On the other hand, copper was found to be the worst, and films with copper contacts gave the largest resistivity, worst ohmicity and they are the most affected by light. Annealing improved the aluminum contacts due to alloying and doping. 展开更多
关键词 transparent conducting oxide ohmic contacts ANNEALING solar cells
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