Occult HBV infection is defined as the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in blood or liver tissues in patients negative for Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg). Those patients may or may not be positive for HBV ...Occult HBV infection is defined as the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in blood or liver tissues in patients negative for Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg). Those patients may or may not be positive for HBV antibodies. The objective of this study is to determine the presence or absence of HBV DNA in the serum samples from HBsAg negative blood donors. In addition we aimed to assess the magnitude of occult HBV infection and to reduce the risk of HBV infection. Over a period of one year a total of 7340 blood units were collected at blood transfusion center in our locality for the prevalence of HBV infection and 180 HBsAg negative blood specimens were randomly selected for anti-HBcIgM, anti-HBs antibody and HBV DNA. Ninety seven out of 7340 collected blood units were positive for HbsAg (1.3%).The randomly selected 180 tested donors revealed 7 (3.8%) positive for antiHBc IgM and 34 (18.8%) were positive for anti-HBs antibodies. Four out of 7 positive for anti-HBc IgM were also positive for anti-HBs and 2/180 (1.1%) specimens were positive for HBV DNA by PCR. Anti-HBc antibody should be tested routinely at any blood transfusion center and if they were positive regardless of anti-HBs titer, the blood should be discarded. Also HBV DNA is preferable to be performed to all blood donors to present completely safe blood transfusion.展开更多
目的探讨在人免疫缺陷病毒-1(human immunodeficiency virus-1,HIV-1)感染者中丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)感染对于隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染的影响。方法研究对象为河南某艾滋病治疗示范区中178例乙型...目的探讨在人免疫缺陷病毒-1(human immunodeficiency virus-1,HIV-1)感染者中丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)感染对于隐匿性乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染的影响。方法研究对象为河南某艾滋病治疗示范区中178例乙型肝炎表面抗原(hepatitis B surface antigen,HBsAg)阴性的经有偿献血感染HIV-1未经抗病毒治疗的患者,检测项目包括肝功能,HBV及HCV血清标志物,HBV DNA和HCV RNA。分析HIV-1阳性,抗HCV阳性、抗HCV阴性组及HIV-1/HCV感染组中不同HCV RNA载量组HBV病原学检测结果方面的差异。结果 178例HBsAg阴性的HIV-1感染者中,HBV-M全阴性35例;单独抗HBs阳性25例;单独抗HBc阳性51例;HBsAb及HBcAb均阳性34例。抗HCV阳性HIV-1感染者与抗HCV阴性HIV-1感染者的年龄、性别比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);丙氨酸转移酶(alanine transaminase,ALT)、天冬氨酸氨基转移酶(aspartate aminotransferase,AST)浓度比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);总胆红素(total bilirubin,TBIL)浓度比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);乙肝标志物(HBV marker,HBV-M)阴性、单独乙肝表面抗体(hepatitis B surface antibody,HBsAb)阳性、单独乙肝核心抗体(hepatitis B core antibody,HBcAb)阳性、HBsAb及HBcAb均阳性及HBV DNA阳性例数比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。不同HCV RNA载量患者HBV DNA检测结果比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论经有偿献血感染HIV-1人群中,HCV感染及HCV RNA载量高低与隐匿性HBV感染的发生无关;但合并HCV感染可加重HIV-1感染者的肝功能损害。展开更多
文摘Occult HBV infection is defined as the presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA in blood or liver tissues in patients negative for Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg). Those patients may or may not be positive for HBV antibodies. The objective of this study is to determine the presence or absence of HBV DNA in the serum samples from HBsAg negative blood donors. In addition we aimed to assess the magnitude of occult HBV infection and to reduce the risk of HBV infection. Over a period of one year a total of 7340 blood units were collected at blood transfusion center in our locality for the prevalence of HBV infection and 180 HBsAg negative blood specimens were randomly selected for anti-HBcIgM, anti-HBs antibody and HBV DNA. Ninety seven out of 7340 collected blood units were positive for HbsAg (1.3%).The randomly selected 180 tested donors revealed 7 (3.8%) positive for antiHBc IgM and 34 (18.8%) were positive for anti-HBs antibodies. Four out of 7 positive for anti-HBc IgM were also positive for anti-HBs and 2/180 (1.1%) specimens were positive for HBV DNA by PCR. Anti-HBc antibody should be tested routinely at any blood transfusion center and if they were positive regardless of anti-HBs titer, the blood should be discarded. Also HBV DNA is preferable to be performed to all blood donors to present completely safe blood transfusion.