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营养盐负荷对浮游植物水华影响的模型研究 被引量:17
作者 刘浩 潘伟然 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期345-351,共7页
运用一个耦合的生物物理模型模拟了渤海初级生产力,浮游植物生物量和氮磷含量的季节变化特征,模拟结果与实测值吻合较好。在模型验证的基础上,进一步考察了两种营养盐负荷——河流和沉积物对渤海生态系统动力过程的影响,发现河载营养盐... 运用一个耦合的生物物理模型模拟了渤海初级生产力,浮游植物生物量和氮磷含量的季节变化特征,模拟结果与实测值吻合较好。在模型验证的基础上,进一步考察了两种营养盐负荷——河流和沉积物对渤海生态系统动力过程的影响,发现河载营养盐对渤海生态体系的影响主要集中在河口水域,而限制沉积物中的营养盐进入水体则能显著抑制渤海范围内藻类水华的爆发。 展开更多
关键词 生态模型 浮游植物 营养盐负荷 水华 渤海
北京市农田生态系统氮素养分平衡与负荷研究——以密云县和房山区为例 被引量:15
作者 姜甜甜 高如泰 +4 位作者 夏训峰 刘树庆 许其功 席北斗 张慧 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第11期2428-2435,共8页
为揭示北京市农田生态系统氮素养分平衡与负荷状况,利用物质流分析中"输入=输出+盈余"的物质守恒原理,以氮素养分为介质建立农田生态系统氮素平衡模型。根据北京地区密云、房山2007年统计资料和文献查询获取的参数,估算了密... 为揭示北京市农田生态系统氮素养分平衡与负荷状况,利用物质流分析中"输入=输出+盈余"的物质守恒原理,以氮素养分为介质建立农田生态系统氮素平衡模型。根据北京地区密云、房山2007年统计资料和文献查询获取的参数,估算了密云、房山氮养分输入、输出以及养分盈余,并分析了养分产生的环境效应。结果表明,2007年损失进入大气和水体环境中的养分总量分别为4 255.26 t和7 728.95 t,盈余在农田生态系统土壤中的养分总量分别为7 320.51 t和14 566.64 t,通过损失途径进入环境和盈余在农田生态系统中的单位面积耕地氮养分负荷高风险地区集中在密云、房山的东部地区。通过对比研究,分析氮养分损失态和盈余态负荷基本趋势,找到了污染潜势产生原因,提出了促进农田氮平衡与降低氮养分负荷相应的调控对策和措施。 展开更多
关键词 平衡模型 化肥 养分负荷 污染潜势
应用液体营养负荷试验评估健康人近端胃功能 被引量:13
作者 郑可 柯美云 王智凤 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第3期319-323,共5页
目的评价饮入速度不同的液体营养负荷试验(LNLT)对近端胃功能的影响。方法40名健康受试者在不连续的2 d中,分别以快速(100 mL/min)和慢速(15 mL/min)模式饮入热量密度为1 kcal/mL的液体营养餐。记录阈值饮入量(TVDRI)、最大饮入量(MVDR... 目的评价饮入速度不同的液体营养负荷试验(LNLT)对近端胃功能的影响。方法40名健康受试者在不连续的2 d中,分别以快速(100 mL/min)和慢速(15 mL/min)模式饮入热量密度为1 kcal/mL的液体营养餐。记录阈值饮入量(TVDRI)、最大饮入量(MVDRI),同时B超测定相应的近端胃容积(TVPS和MVPS)。结果①两种模式的饮入量与近端胃容积间均存在正相关性;②慢速模式中的TVDRI及MVPS均小于快速模式、而慢速模式的MVDRI明显大于快速模式;③慢速模式中TVDRI与TVPS较快速模式更加接近,而快速模式中MVDRI与MVPS较慢速模式中更接近。结论两种速度模式的液体营养负荷试验测定的参数可反映近端胃感觉和胃适应性功能;胃感觉和胃适应性具有相关关系。慢速模式的阈值饮入量更敏感地反映近端胃感觉功能,而快速模式的最大饮入量更能反映近端胃适应性调节功能。 展开更多
关键词 近端胃 液体营养餐 负荷试验 适应性调节 感觉功能
基于改进SWAT模型的灌溉—施肥—耕作对乌梁素海流域营养物负荷及作物产量的影响 被引量:10
作者 王维刚 史海滨 +3 位作者 李仙岳 孙亚楠 张文聪 周慧 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1505-1523,共19页
不合理的灌溉、施肥和耕作是导致乌梁素海流域农业面源污染的主要根源,乌梁素海作为我国北方地区重要的生态安全屏障,多年来面临着湖泊水环境污染、水生态退化等问题,科学开展湖泊水环境综合治理首先要解决流域内农业面源污染问题.研究... 不合理的灌溉、施肥和耕作是导致乌梁素海流域农业面源污染的主要根源,乌梁素海作为我国北方地区重要的生态安全屏障,多年来面临着湖泊水环境污染、水生态退化等问题,科学开展湖泊水环境综合治理首先要解决流域内农业面源污染问题.研究通过修改土壤水平衡、溶质平衡、地下水平衡和作物生长等模块对SWAT 2012原始版本进行改进,并采用改进的SWAT模型构建了乌梁素海流域分布式水文模型,利用实测径流、硝态氮与总磷排放量、地下水埋深以及作物产量校正和验证模型.基于现状情景,以玉米、葵花和小麦3种主要作物为研究对象,设置了削减灌水量、施肥量及调整耕作方式3种农田管理情景.基于改进SWAT模型不同情景的模拟结果,计算分析各管理情景下的硝态氮与总磷负荷及对各作物产量的影响.结果表明,改进SWAT模型具有良好的模拟效果.不同作物削减5%夏灌水量增产最多达8.41%~10.32%,削减10%秋浇水量均明显减少硝态氮和总磷负荷.不同作物营养物负荷均随着氮磷施肥削减比例的增大呈现逐渐降低的趋势,但下降曲线逐渐趋于平缓;各作物产量随氮磷施肥削减比例的增加呈先增加后减少的趋势,其中玉米、小麦氮磷施肥削减比例达20%时产量开始下降,葵花氮磷施肥削减比例达25%时产量开始下降.不同作物营养物负荷与小麦产量均随耕作方式混合深度与混合效率参数的增大逐渐减小,而玉米和葵花产量则随耕作参数增大逐渐增加.综合分析,削减5%夏灌水量+削减20%氮磷施肥比例+模板犁耕作组合玉米产量增幅最大达36.5%;削减10%秋浇水量+削减25%氮磷施肥比例+模板犁耕作组合葵花硝态氮负荷降幅最大达42.1%;削减5%夏灌水量+削减20%氮磷施肥比例+免耕组合小麦产量增幅最大达29.1%;而削减5%秋浇水量+削减20%氮磷施肥比例+常规春耕组合小麦硝态氮负荷减少最大� 展开更多
关键词 营养物负荷 作物产量 农业管理措施 改进SWAT模型 乌梁素海流域 河套灌区 面源污染
华西雨屏区5种坡地利用方式产流产沙与养分流失特征 被引量:8
作者 武卫国 胡庭兴 +2 位作者 唐天云 宋学贵 周朝彬 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第4期38-42,共5页
选择5种坡地利用方式,分别是裸地、农耕地(玉米)、荒草地、巨桉林地Ⅰ与巨桉林地Ⅱ,建立人工径流小区,对2006年6~11月各小区产流产沙及养分流失进行对比研究.结果表明:(1)5种坡地利用方式产流产沙差异显著(P<0.05),径流深依次是裸地(2... 选择5种坡地利用方式,分别是裸地、农耕地(玉米)、荒草地、巨桉林地Ⅰ与巨桉林地Ⅱ,建立人工径流小区,对2006年6~11月各小区产流产沙及养分流失进行对比研究.结果表明:(1)5种坡地利用方式产流产沙差异显著(P<0.05),径流深依次是裸地(250.9 mm)>农耕地(232.9 mm)>荒草地(175.4 mm)>巨桉林地Ⅰ(170.5 mm)>巨桉林地Ⅱ(141.3 mm);产沙量大小依次为:农耕地(313.63 t/km2)>裸地(176.80 t/km2)>荒草地(94.45 t/km2)>巨桉林地Ⅰ(90.58 t/km2)>巨桉林地Ⅱ(36.37 t/km2).(2)5种坡地利用方式养分流失差异显著(P<0.05),其流失量大小顺序均为钾素>磷素>氮素.其中,氮素与磷素流失以水溶态为主,平均为96.16%与69.45%;钾素以颗粒态(与泥沙结合态)为主,平均为74.93%.(3)不同坡地产流产沙主要影响因素不同,裸地与农耕地受降雨影响较大,而荒草地与巨桉林地受人为干扰因素较大.(4)调整农事活动、改善经营措施与减少人为干扰对防止坡地产流产沙以及养分流失具有重要作用. 展开更多
关键词 坡地利用 径流泥沙 养分流失 推移质 华西雨屏区
茅尾海营养状况及其来源研究 被引量:9
作者 龙颖贤 檀笑 +2 位作者 韩保新 覃秋荣 江燕云 《生态科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2012年第5期572-576,共5页
根据2008年茅尾海海域水质调查结果,采用营养指数法、营养状态质量指数法、有机污染指数法对海湾营养状况进行了评价,并结合2007年入海污染源调查结果,探讨了茅尾海的营养盐来源。结果表明:茅尾海受无机氮污染较重,海域处于呈富营养状... 根据2008年茅尾海海域水质调查结果,采用营养指数法、营养状态质量指数法、有机污染指数法对海湾营养状况进行了评价,并结合2007年入海污染源调查结果,探讨了茅尾海的营养盐来源。结果表明:茅尾海受无机氮污染较重,海域处于呈富营养状态,有机污染程度属2级,表明开始受到有机污染。营养盐高值区集中在北部海域和东部海域。钦江、茅岭江等入海河流携带入海的营养盐是海域营养的主要来源,占入海污染物总量的79%以上,其次来自钦州湾外海的混合排污口。2001~2007年茅尾海DIN、DIP年均浓度分别与入海河流氮、磷营养盐入海负荷呈显著正相关,两者的相关系数分别为0.873和0.824。 展开更多
关键词 茅尾海 营养盐 富营养化 污染负荷
广东稻田氮素径流流失特征 被引量:7
作者 姚建武 宁建凤 +7 位作者 李盟军 王荣辉 曾招兵 罗英健 艾绍英 李振森 陈位超 欧计寅 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期728-737,共10页
2008—2012年间,对分布于粤中、粤北和粤西的增城、清远和高州三个稻田试验点进行了连续5年的径流养分定点监测试验,研究当地农户常规施肥模式下稻田氮素养分的径流流失特征及其潜在环境风险。径流监测结果表明,三个试验点的稻田径流事... 2008—2012年间,对分布于粤中、粤北和粤西的增城、清远和高州三个稻田试验点进行了连续5年的径流养分定点监测试验,研究当地农户常规施肥模式下稻田氮素养分的径流流失特征及其潜在环境风险。径流监测结果表明,三个试验点的稻田径流事件主要发生在早稻季节。增城、清远和高州试验点施肥处理铵态氮浓度分别为0.05~25.05、0.02~19.83 mg·L-1和0.02~55.4 mg·L-1,总氮浓度分别为0.33~36.51、0.46~21.01 mg·L-1和0.49~61.96 mg·L-1。结果显示,施肥明显增加径流水铵态氮和总氮含量,施氮后10 d内径流水铵态氮和总氮浓度均高于地表水Ⅴ类水标准(2.0 mg·L-1),具有一定的环境污染风险;施氮对径流水硝态氮浓度具有一定影响,三个试验点径流水硝态氮浓度均在10 mg·L-1的地表水标准限值内;稻田氮年流失负荷表现出时空差异性大的特点,增城、清远和高州试验点施肥处理总氮年流失负荷分别为24.31~53.68 kg·hm-2、8.71~23.76 kg·hm-2和13.32~88.16 kg·hm-2,相应氮流失系数为1.4%~3.9%、0.1%~5.5%和0.9%~21.6%。不同稻季总氮流失分析显示,53%~86%的总氮流失负荷发生在早稻季,与本地区降雨时间分布有直接关系。 展开更多
关键词 稻田 养分径流 氮负荷 广东
我国羊养殖量及其粪尿资源化利用潜力分析 被引量:1
作者 邓茹丹 王国英 +2 位作者 李丹阳 李国学 袁京 《农业资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期155-163,共9页
为了解我国各地区羊粪尿产量及其资源化利用潜力,本研究依据统计年鉴数据和粪尿产排污系数,估算了2021年我国各省份羊粪尿产生量、羊粪尿肥料化和能源化利用潜力,进一步测算了羊粪尿养分农田耕地负荷。结果表明,2021年全国羊粪尿总产生... 为了解我国各地区羊粪尿产量及其资源化利用潜力,本研究依据统计年鉴数据和粪尿产排污系数,估算了2021年我国各省份羊粪尿产生量、羊粪尿肥料化和能源化利用潜力,进一步测算了羊粪尿养分农田耕地负荷。结果表明,2021年全国羊粪尿总产生量达2.91亿t,其中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、总钾(TK)含量分别为91.08万、19.28万t和73.89万t,可有效替代氮肥(以尿素计)255.31万t、磷肥(以P_(2)O_(5)计)108.45万t、钾肥(以K_(2)O计)191.82万t,可产沼气165.95亿m^(3),具有较高的肥料化与能源化利用潜力。青海和西藏两省份农田耕地负荷居全国第一和第二,消纳羊粪尿时,应充分考虑耕地、农牧交错带、林地和草地等多种土地类型。 展开更多
关键词 羊粪尿 养分 肥料化 能源化 耕地负荷
Rating Curve Estimation of Surface Water Quality Data Using LOADEST 被引量:5
作者 Bhasker Jha Manoj Kumar Jha 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2013年第8期849-856,共8页
Measurement of the nutrient concentrations in the stream is usually done on weekly, biweekly or monthly basis due to limited resources. There is need to estimate concentration and loads during the period when no data ... Measurement of the nutrient concentrations in the stream is usually done on weekly, biweekly or monthly basis due to limited resources. There is need to estimate concentration and loads during the period when no data is available. The objectives of this study were to test the performance of a suite of regression models in predicting continuous water quality loading data and to determine systematic biases in the prediction. This study used the LOADEST model which includes several predefined regression models that specify the model form and complexity. Water quality data primarily nitrogen and phosphorus from five monitoring stations in the Neuse River Basin in North Carolina, USA were used in the development and analyses of rating curves. We found that LOADEST performed generally well in predicting loads and observation trends with general tendency/bias towards overestimation. Estimated Total Nitrogen (TN) varied from observation (“true” load) by -1% to 9%, but for the Total Phosphorus (TP) it ranged from -2% to 27%. Statistical evaluation using R2, Nash-Sutcliff Efficiency (NSE) and Partial Load Factor (PLF) showed a strong correlation in prediction. 展开更多
关键词 loadEST RATING CURVE nutrient load Water QUALITY
Assessing effects of “source-sink” landscape on non-point source pollution based on cell units of a small agricultural catchment 被引量:4
作者 WANG Jin-liang CHEN Cheng-long +4 位作者 NI Jiu-pai XIE De-ti GUO Xi LUO Zhi-jun ZHAO Yue 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第9期2048-2062,共15页
Ascertaining the relationship between "source-sink" landscape and non-point source(NPS) pollution is crucial for reducing NPS pollution, however, it is not easy to realize this target on cell unit scale. To ... Ascertaining the relationship between "source-sink" landscape and non-point source(NPS) pollution is crucial for reducing NPS pollution, however, it is not easy to realize this target on cell unit scale. To reveal the relationships between "sourcesink" landscape and NPS pollution based on cell units of a small catchment in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region(TGRR), the runoff and nutrient yields were simulated first by rainfall events on a cell unit scale based on the Annualized AGricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Model(AnnAGNPS). Landscape structure and pattern were quantified with "sourcesink" landscape indicators based on cell units including landscape area indices and locationweighted landscape indices. The results showed that:the study case of small Wangjiagou catchment highlighted a good prediction capability of runoff and nutrient export by the AnnAGNPS model. Throughout the catchment, the spatial distribution trends of four location-weighted landscape indices were similar to the trends of simulated total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP), which highlighted the importance of spatial arrangement of "source" and "sink" landscape types in a catchment when estimating pollutant loads. Results by Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the location-weighted landscape index provided a more comprehensive account of multiple factors, and can better reflect NPS-related nutrient loss than other landscape indices applied in single-factor analysis. This study provides new findings for applying the "source-sink" landscape indices based on cell units in small catchments to explain the effect of "source-sink" landscape on nutrient export based on cell unit, and helps improve the understanding of the correlation between "source-sink" landscape and NPS pollution. 展开更多
关键词 nutrient load Non-point SOURCE pollution SOURCE SINK LANDSCAPE index SMALL catchment
作者 葛裕豪 刘雪梅 +4 位作者 杨敬爽 陈立文 吴燕锋 章光新 杨旭 《湖泊科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1979-1989,共11页
适宜生态水位作为反应湖泊水文情势的重要指标,是维持湖泊生态系统稳定的关键要素。已有研究大多集中于水文过程对生态系统影响,缺乏耦合考虑湖泊营养负荷的全季节生态水位阈值研究。本研究在刻画恢复天然水位情势的基础上,综合考虑了... 适宜生态水位作为反应湖泊水文情势的重要指标,是维持湖泊生态系统稳定的关键要素。已有研究大多集中于水文过程对生态系统影响,缺乏耦合考虑湖泊营养负荷的全季节生态水位阈值研究。本研究在刻画恢复天然水位情势的基础上,综合考虑了人类活动导致湖泊营养负荷的季节性波动以及冰封期的最小生态水位,构建了适用于季节性冰封湖泊全季节的适宜生态水位阈值获取的综合框架,确定了年内不同时期适宜生态水位阈值。结果表明,查干湖入湖口非冰封期的总氮(TN)浓度与平均水位均呈上升趋势,总磷(TP)浓度呈下降趋势;6月湖内TN和TP滞留量最高,分别达到1044.36和23.61 t;确定了查干湖全季节不同时期的适宜生态水位,冰封期(11月—次年4月)为129m,汛期(6—9月)为130.15~130.86 m,非汛期(5和10月)为130.08~130.57 m。研究结果可为季节性冰封湖泊的适宜生态水位研究提供方法支撑,也可为湖泊的水环境管理提供理论支撑。 展开更多
关键词 查干湖 适宜生态水位 IHA-RVA法 水质-水位响应关系 营养负荷 全季节
规模化畜禽养殖场粪便养分数据空间化表征方法 被引量:3
作者 阎波杰 潘瑜春 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第11期154-158,共5页
针对目前进行规模化养殖场粪便养分分配,主要以行政单元为单位将规模化养殖统计数据总量按农田面积简单分配,认为所有的农用地之间都是均匀的,而忽视了农用地块之间存在差异性的问题,利用GIS空间分析技术,结合农用地地块间的空间差异性... 针对目前进行规模化养殖场粪便养分分配,主要以行政单元为单位将规模化养殖统计数据总量按农田面积简单分配,认为所有的农用地之间都是均匀的,而忽视了农用地块之间存在差异性的问题,利用GIS空间分析技术,结合农用地地块间的空间差异性以及规模养殖畜禽粪便作为肥料施用的特殊性,构建了规模化畜禽养殖统计数据空间化算法,并结合农用地最大养分负荷,实现从规模畜禽养殖统计数据到区域畜禽粪便养分供给的空间化转换,最后以福州市闽侯县上街镇为例进行了算法的实际应用。结果表明研究区农用地氮、磷最大养分负荷分别为169.994 kg/hm2和34.973 kg/hm2。无论是畜禽养殖粪便氮养分还是磷养分,都未超过算法设定的阈值。 展开更多
关键词 规模化养殖场 粪便养分 空间差异性 养分负荷 空间化
An Integrated Quantitative Method to Simultaneously Monitor Soil Erosion and Non-Point Source Pollution in an Intensive Agricultural Area 被引量:3
作者 MA Li BU Zhao-Hong +4 位作者 WU Yong-Hong P.G.KERR S.GARRE XIA Li-Zhong YANG Lin-Zhang 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第5期674-682,共9页
In China, some areas with intensive agricultural use are facing serious environmental problems caused by non-point source pollution(NPSP) as a consequence of soil erosion(SE). Until now, simultaneous monitoring of NPS... In China, some areas with intensive agricultural use are facing serious environmental problems caused by non-point source pollution(NPSP) as a consequence of soil erosion(SE). Until now, simultaneous monitoring of NPSP and SE is difficult due to the intertwined effects of crop type, topography and management in these areas. In this study, we developed a new integrated method to simultaneously monitor SE and NPSP in an intensive agricultural area(about 6 000 km2) of Nanjing in eastern China, based on meteorological data,a geographic information system database and soil and water samples, and identified the main factors contributing to NPSP and SE by calculating the NPSP and SE loads in different sub-areas. The levels of soil total nitrogen(TN), total phosphorus(TP), available nitrogen(AN) and available phosphorus(AP) could be used to assess and predict the extent of NPSP and SE status in the study area.The most SE and NPSP loads occurred between April to August. The most seriously affected area in terms of SE and NPSP was the Jiangning District, implying that the effective management of SE and NPSP in this area should be considered as a priority. The sub-regions with higher vegetation coverage contributed to less SE and NPSP, confirming the conclusions of previous studies, namely that vegetation is an effective factor controlling SE and NPSP. Our quantitative method has both high precision and reliability for the simultaneous monitoring of SE and NPSP occurring in intensive agricultural areas. 展开更多
关键词 nutrient load soil particles spatial variation vegetation coverage water runoff
Nutrient Input and CO<sub>2</sub>Flux of a Tropical Coastal Fluvial System with High Population Density in the Northeast Region of Brazil 被引量:1
作者 Moacyr Araujo Carlos Noriega +1 位作者 Dóris Veleda Nathalie Lefèvre 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2013年第3期362-375,共14页
The carbon dioxide flux through the air-water interface of coastal freshwater ecosystems must be quantified to understand the regional balances of carbon and its transport through coastal and estuarine regions. The va... The carbon dioxide flux through the air-water interface of coastal freshwater ecosystems must be quantified to understand the regional balances of carbon and its transport through coastal and estuarine regions. The variations in air-sea CO2 fluxes in nearshore ecosystems can be caused by the variable influence of rivers. In the present study, the amount of carbon emitted from a tropical coastal river was estimated using climatological and biogeochemical measurements (2002-2010) obtained from the basin of the Capibaribe River, which is located in the most populous and industrialized area of the northeast region of Brazil. The results showed a mean CO2 flux of +225 mmol·m-2·d-1, mainly from organic material from the untreated domestic and industrial wastewaters that are released into the river. This organic material increased the dissolved CO2 concentration in the river waters, leading to a partial pressure of CO2 inthe aquatic environment that reached 31,000 μatm. The months of April, February and December (the dry period) showed the largest monthly means for the variables associated with the carbonate system (, DIC, CO2(aq), CO32-, TA, temperature and pH). This status reflects the state of permanent pollution in the basin of the Capibaribe River, due, in particular, to the discharge of untreated domestic wastewater, which results in the continuous mineralization of organic material. This mineralization significantly increases the dissolved CO2 content in the estuarine and coastal waters, which is later released to the atmosphere. 展开更多
关键词 TROPICAL River nutrient load CO2 FLUX ANTHROPOGENIC Pollution Freshwater Ecosystem Impact
液体负荷试验结合胃内压评价健康人近端胃功能 被引量:1
作者 邓莉 柯美云 +5 位作者 姚树坤 王智凤 陈彦文 孙晓红 方秀才 朱丽明 《基础医学与临床》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第7期886-890,共5页
目的探讨与"金标准"恒压器相比,灌注法液体营养负荷试验(PNLT)结合胃内压(IGP)测定在健康志愿者(HS)近端胃功能中的意义。方法 30例HS在不连续的2 d中,分别行PNLT结合IGP测定和恒压器检查。通过VAS评分,分别记录HS不同饱感即... 目的探讨与"金标准"恒压器相比,灌注法液体营养负荷试验(PNLT)结合胃内压(IGP)测定在健康志愿者(HS)近端胃功能中的意义。方法 30例HS在不连续的2 d中,分别行PNLT结合IGP测定和恒压器检查。通过VAS评分,分别记录HS不同饱感即初始饱感、轻度饱感、中度饱感、明显饱感、最大饱感时的压力和容积。结果不同饱感时的压力和容积在两种方法之间均有一定的相关性;另外PNLT结合IGP最大饱感时胃内压与恒压器试餐后胃容受性、容受性舒张呈一定程度的正相关(P<0.05),最大饱感时灌注量与恒压器试餐后平均胃内容积呈一定程度的正相关(P<0.05)。结论 PNLT结合IGP测定与恒压器具有一定的可比性,具有良好的可行性、安全性和可靠性,可用于评价近端胃功能。 展开更多
关键词 液体营养餐 负荷试验 近端胃
Coupling effects of hydrological characteristics and nutrient load in sediments on the trophic state of reservoirs
作者 Fan Xinyi Yue Yihong +5 位作者 Mei Lin Li Xiaoying Hu Zhehui Luo Jiajie Liu Liu Wang Fushun 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2021年第4期640-649,共10页
Currently,lakes and artificial reservoirs are increasingly threatened by eutrophication,which is the result of the combined action of many natural and anthropogenic factors.In the past,the effect of nutrient load on t... Currently,lakes and artificial reservoirs are increasingly threatened by eutrophication,which is the result of the combined action of many natural and anthropogenic factors.In the past,the effect of nutrient load on the trophic state of water bodies has attracted much attention,while few studies have addressed the effect of hydrological characteristics.Therefore,to reveal the coupling effects of hydrological characteristics and nutrient load in sediments on the trophic state of water bodies,this study collected relevant data from 36 lakes and reservoirs across China.Pearson correlation analysis showed that trophic level index was positively and significantly correlated with nutrient load in sediments and hydraulic retention time,while it was negatively correlated with mean depth and hydraulic load.The principal component analysis showed that the nutrient load was the first major component that influenced the trophic state of water bodies,followed by the mean depth and hydraulic retention time.Eutrophication was prone to occur in water bodies with mean depth less than 7 m and hydraulic retention time greater than 14 d,and the trophic level index regression equation with hydrological characteristics and nutrient load in sediments was derived by multiple regression analysis.This study revealed that the trophic state of water bodies influenced by both nutrient load and hydrological characteristics.It provides a new idea to reduce the occurrence of eutrophication in reservoirs by using the artificial hydrological regulation capacity of reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial reservoirs Hydrological characteristics nutrient load Trophic state of water bodies
作者 王学明 周立彪 《中国水利》 2014年第21期44-46,共3页
宁夏艾依河是一条主要利用农田排水构成的河湖景观水系。通过大量的水质、水量监测数据,分析了农田排水水源结构、河道营养负荷及种类,利用相关性分析方法,探明了艾依河及农田排水营养负荷内在运行规律及其成因,为艾依河在有效利用农田... 宁夏艾依河是一条主要利用农田排水构成的河湖景观水系。通过大量的水质、水量监测数据,分析了农田排水水源结构、河道营养负荷及种类,利用相关性分析方法,探明了艾依河及农田排水营养负荷内在运行规律及其成因,为艾依河在有效利用农田排水、合理管理河湖生态水系、维持水资源使用功能等方面提供了科技支撑。 展开更多
关键词 艾依河 营养负荷 内在运行规律 相关性分析
Impact Assessment of Land-Use Changes on Nutrient Load in Song Cau Watershed Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model
作者 D. B. Phan C.C. Wtu S. C. Hsieh 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第2期223-231,共9页
The objective of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the possible impact of land-use changes on nutrient yields from Song Cau watershed located in Northern Viet Nam. ... The objective of this paper is to implement "Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT)" model to assess the possible impact of land-use changes on nutrient yields from Song Cau watershed located in Northern Viet Nam. Organic nitrogen (N) as well as phosphorus (P) output due to nonpoint source erosion was estimated through SWAT. Parameters governing the mechanics of streamflow discharge, sediment yield, nitrogen, and phosphorus output in SWAT were calibrated in a distributed fashion. A five-year period of record for nutrient was used for model calibration, while a four-year period was used for model validation. Comparing measured versus simulated average monthly total N, and P loads for the calibration and validation periods; respectively, we found that SWAT model performed reasonably well for Song Cau watershed. Simulation results showed that monthly Nash-Sutcliffe coefficient of Efficiency (NSE) ranged from 0.65 to 0.83, observation's standard deviation ratio (RSR) and percent bias (PBIAS) ranged from 0.41 to 0.58 and -36.12 to 2.78, respectively. Additionally, SWAT simulation results also showed that land-use changes caused significant percentage of changes in sediment yield, total N, and P loads within Song Cau watershed. 展开更多
关键词 Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) land-use changes nutrient load.
Effects of sediment dredging on water quality and zooplankton community structure in a shallow of eutrophic lake 被引量:42
作者 Shiyang Zhang Qiaohong Zhou +3 位作者 Dong Xu Jidong Lin Shuiping Cheng Zhenbin Wu 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第2期218-224,共7页
Effects of suction dredging on water quality and zooplankton community structure in a shallow of eutrophic lake, were evaluated. The results showed that a decreasing trend for levels of phosphorus, organic matter, tot... Effects of suction dredging on water quality and zooplankton community structure in a shallow of eutrophic lake, were evaluated. The results showed that a decreasing trend for levels of phosphorus, organic matter, total suspended solids, Chlorophyll a and Secchi transparency in the water column was found, while levels of water depth, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids and NO3^--N concentration increased markedly post-dredging. The effects of dredging on dissolved oxygen, pH value and temperature were almost negligible. The zooplankton community structure responded rapidly to the environmental changes caused mainly by dredging. As a result, the abundance of rotifers decreased, while the density of zooplanktonic crustaceans increased markedly. The representative taxa were Brachionus angularis, B. budapestinensis, B. diversicornis, Synchaeta spp. and Neodiaptomus schmackeri. A distinct relationship between zooplankton taxa composition and their environment, unraveled by a redundancy analysis, indicating that the measured environment contributed to the variations in the zooplankton community structure to some extent. The first four synthetic environmental variables explained 51.7% of the taxonomic structure. Therefore, with the reduction of internal nutrient load and a shift in dominance by less eutrophic species, it inferred that dredging might be one of effective measures for environmental improvements of such lakes. 展开更多
关键词 zooplankton community structure redundancy analysis internal nutrient load
金盆水库汛期高浊水径流的潜入及热分层水体水质响应 被引量:19
作者 曾康 黄廷林 +2 位作者 马卫星 周子振 李扬 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第9期2778-2786,共9页
以西安金盆水库为研究对象,在汛期通过对河流区至库区的水温、浊度、DO和营养盐等水质指标进行连续监测,探究降雨径流的潜入规律及热分层水体水质动态响应特性.结果表明:在外界气温变化条件下,水库出现季节性热分层现象.汛期径流的汇入... 以西安金盆水库为研究对象,在汛期通过对河流区至库区的水温、浊度、DO和营养盐等水质指标进行连续监测,探究降雨径流的潜入规律及热分层水体水质动态响应特性.结果表明:在外界气温变化条件下,水库出现季节性热分层现象.汛期径流的汇入导致下温跃层消亡,热分层稳定性减弱;汛期径流水体携带大量颗粒态营养盐物质和泥沙以异重流形式潜入,其流态从过渡区的底层潜流向主库区间层流转变,潜入初期间层流厚度达20m.降雨早期异重流的潜入导致中下层水体的TN、TP、TOC显著增加,水体平均TN、TP、TOC、浊度最高分别超出平时0.2,2,0.6,16倍,水质呈现短时高污染负荷.底层潜流水体水温较高,大量沉降于沉积物中的颗粒态污染物分解速率加快,內源污染负荷进一步提高,底层水体中TN、TP、TOC浓度高达1.88,0.05,4.6mg/L;汛期可通过分层取水方案和排放高浊水来保障供水安全. 展开更多
关键词 营养盐 浊度 异重流 热分层 内源污染
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