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“三江”喜马拉雅期沉积岩容矿贱金属矿床基本特征与成因类型 被引量:73
作者 宋玉财 侯增谦 +9 位作者 杨天南 张洪瑞 杨竹森 田世洪 刘英超 王晓虎 刘燕学 薛传东 王光辉 李政 《岩石矿物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第3期355-380,共26页
"三江"的兰坪、昌都、玉树、沱沱河地区发育丰富的沉积岩容矿贱金属矿床,构成一条极具成矿潜力的巨型矿化带。综合分析表明,带内矿床形成于新生代印-亚大陆碰撞环境,发育在大陆碰撞造山带内部的褶皱-逆冲带内,与逆冲和走滑构造控制的... "三江"的兰坪、昌都、玉树、沱沱河地区发育丰富的沉积岩容矿贱金属矿床,构成一条极具成矿潜力的巨型矿化带。综合分析表明,带内矿床形成于新生代印-亚大陆碰撞环境,发育在大陆碰撞造山带内部的褶皱-逆冲带内,与逆冲和走滑构造控制的新生代盆地相伴。不同矿区均发育逆冲断层,矿体主要赋存于逆冲断层上盘的碳酸盐岩或碎屑岩内,受与逆冲相关的盐底辟、逆冲断裂的次级断裂、热液溶洞、白云岩化、灰岩破碎、矿前溶洞垮塌、与褶皱有关的密集劈理或断裂等构造或岩相变化控制。金属呈现Pb-Zn、Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)、Cu-Co、Cu等组合,其中,Pb-Zn矿床主要发育闪锌矿、方铅矿、黄铁矿、±白铁矿、方解石、白云石,一些矿床富硫酸盐矿物和萤石,也常见沥青,矿化以交代和开放空间充填为主;Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床主要发育闪锌矿、细/灰硫砷铅矿、方铅矿、黝铜矿、黄铁矿、方解石、白云石,矿化以脉体或热液溶洞内交代/开放空间充填式出现;Cu矿床由石英-方解石/白云石-Cu硫化物(黄铜矿、黝铜矿、斑铜矿、辉铜矿)脉构成。Pb-Zn和Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床成矿流体以低温(〈210℃)和高盐度主体[w(Na Cl)〉10%]的盆地卤水为主,脉状Cu矿床成矿流体可能来自富CO2、具相对高温(180~230℃)和低盐度[w(NaCl)〈11%]的变质流体。盆地卤水中硫酸盐遭受细菌还原±有机热还原或仅经历有机热还原,为Pb-Zn和Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床提供了还原硫,下伏火山岩和沉积地层中的硫可能是脉状Cu矿床硫的来源,它们的成矿金属物质均来自于上地壳。该带矿床是一套与岩浆活动无关的后生矿床,以世界上已知的矿床类型来划分,金顶、赵发涌、东莫扎抓、莫海拉亨和茶曲帕查矿床等Pb-Zn矿床及白秧坪东矿带的Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床可归为类MVT矿床,白秧坪西矿带脉状Pb-Zn(-Cu-Ag)矿床和脉状C 展开更多
关键词 沉积岩容矿 贱金属 大陆碰撞 特征 类型 “三江”
东天山晚古生代内生金属矿床类型和成矿作用的动力学演化规律 被引量:56
作者 韩春明 毛景文 +2 位作者 杨建民 王志良 崔彬 《地质学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期222-234,共13页
新疆东天山是我国重要的矿产集中区之一,并且具有良好的进一步找矿潜力。本文在对东天山成矿地质背景和古生代大量内生金属矿床系统分析的基础之上,划分出7种内生金属矿床的主要成矿类型,阐明了该区晚古生代地壳经历了拉张、挤压、碰撞... 新疆东天山是我国重要的矿产集中区之一,并且具有良好的进一步找矿潜力。本文在对东天山成矿地质背景和古生代大量内生金属矿床系统分析的基础之上,划分出7种内生金属矿床的主要成矿类型,阐明了该区晚古生代地壳经历了拉张、挤压、碰撞、碰撞后弛张、剪切走滑和局部伸展的发展阶段,金、铜等内生金属矿床属于不同地球动力学背景下的产物。 展开更多
关键词 晚生古生代 内生金属矿床 成矿作用 动力学 成矿类型 地球动力学 东天山 新疆
海藻吸附重金属离子的研究 被引量:28
作者 常秀莲 王文华 冯咏梅 《海洋通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期39-44,共6页
关键词 海藻 重金属离子 机理 模型 操作方式
Catalytic removal of volatile organic compounds using ordered porous transition metal oxide and supported noble metal catalysts 被引量:27
作者 刘雨溪 邓积光 +2 位作者 谢少华 王治伟 戴洪兴 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1193-1205,共13页
Most of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are harmful to the atmosphere and human health. Cata‐lytic combustion is an effective way to eliminate VOCs. The key issue is the availability of high per‐formance catalys... Most of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are harmful to the atmosphere and human health. Cata‐lytic combustion is an effective way to eliminate VOCs. The key issue is the availability of high per‐formance catalysts. Many catalysts including transition metal oxides, mixed metal oxides, and sup‐ported noble metals have been developed. Among these catalysts, the porous ones attract much attention. In this review, we focus on recent advances in the synthesis of ordered mesoporous and macroporous transition metal oxides, perovskites, and supported noble metal catalysts and their catalytic oxidation of VOCs. The porous catalysts outperformed their bulk counterparts. This excel‐lent catalytic performance was due to their high surface areas, high concentration of adsorbed oxy‐gen species, low temperature reducibility, strong interaction between noble metal and support and highly dispersed noble metal nanoparticles and unique porous structures. Catalytic oxidation of carbon monoxide over typical catalysts was also discussed. We made conclusive remarks and pro‐posed future work for the removal of VOCs. 展开更多
关键词 Volatile organic compound Catalytic combustion Porous transition metal oxide Perovskite-type oxide Supported noble metal catalyst
硫化物吸附金属离子的实验研究──Ⅰ类型 被引量:16
作者 吴大清 彭金莲 陈国玺 《地球化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1996年第2期181-189,共9页
合成PbS、ZnS对金属离子Ag+、Cu(2+)、Cd(2+)、Zn(2+)、Fe(2+)、Mn(2+)、Mg(2+)、Sb(3+)和Bi(3+)的吸附等温线(50℃)研究表明,其可分为A、B、C三类:A类,线性型,... 合成PbS、ZnS对金属离子Ag+、Cu(2+)、Cd(2+)、Zn(2+)、Fe(2+)、Mn(2+)、Mg(2+)、Sb(3+)和Bi(3+)的吸附等温线(50℃)研究表明,其可分为A、B、C三类:A类,线性型,即吸附量随吸附离子浓度增加而呈线性上升,并表现出百分之百吸附,属于此类的吸附有PbS对Ag+、Cu(2+)离子吸附和ZnS对Ag+、Cu(2+)、Cd(2+)离子的吸附;B类,朗谬尔型,即随吸附离子的浓度增加,吸附量逐趋向一饱和值,属于此类的有PbS对Fe(2+)、Sb(3+)、Bi(3+)等离子及ZnS对Fe(2+)、Mn(2+)、Mg(2+)等离子的吸附;C类,反朗谬尔型,即吸附量随吸附离子浓度增加而呈非线性增加。属此类吸附的有PbS对Zn(2+)、Cd(2+)等离子的吸附。合成PbS、ZnS对金属离子的吸附量与天然方铅矿和闪锌矿中微量元素含量可类比,这意味着吸附作用可能在硫化物矿物微量元素形成过程中起着重要的作用。 展开更多
关键词 硫化物 金属离子 吸附类型 实验研究 矿物分析
不同钝化剂对酸性土壤中重金属的钝化修复研究进展 被引量:21
作者 周春海 张振强 +4 位作者 黄志红 肖选虎 杨雍康 祖艳群 李元 《中国农学通报》 2020年第33期71-79,共9页
化学钝化修复技术是土壤重金属污染修复的重要方法之一,其钝化成本低、效率高、种类丰富,具有良好的前景。随着目前环境因素复杂化,土壤酸化日益严重,酸性土壤中重金属也变得多种多样,钝化修复能够较好的响应土壤环境变化,对酸性土壤中... 化学钝化修复技术是土壤重金属污染修复的重要方法之一,其钝化成本低、效率高、种类丰富,具有良好的前景。随着目前环境因素复杂化,土壤酸化日益严重,酸性土壤中重金属也变得多种多样,钝化修复能够较好的响应土壤环境变化,对酸性土壤中重金属污染的土壤修复前景较好。本文对单一型及复合型钝化剂的种类、作用原理、存在的问题进行了总结归纳,并分别对其各类型钝化剂研究进展及现状进行综述。单一类钝化剂主要分无机类和有机类钝化剂,其中无机类钝化剂种类较多,应用较广,主要通过吸附、络合、共沉淀等方式钝化土壤中重金属;复合型钝化剂主要有无机—无机、无机—有机、有机—有机型,其作用原理与单一型钝化剂相似,与复合型钝化剂相比单一型钝化剂对多重金属污染土壤的修复效果不明显。与此同时针对目前酸性土壤中镉、铅、砷的钝化修复研究进展进行综述,酸性土壤主要通过调节土壤pH来对其修复,基于此总结归纳了酸性土中3种重金属的最适钝化剂种类及其作用机理,针对当前重金属污染土壤修复存在的问题进行了展望,以期对钝化剂修复重金属污染的土壤提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 土壤 重金属 酸性 钝化剂 单一型 复合型
东秦岭稀有金属矿床成矿与分布特征——以河南省卢氏、南召两地区几个矿床为例 被引量:16
作者 王令全 郭锐 +2 位作者 王军强 付阳 付治国 《中国钼业》 2011年第4期18-21,共4页
东秦岭稀有金属矿床成矿及分布以河南省卢氏、南召两地区几个典型矿床最具代表性,归纳其总体特征为:1)矿床的形成与地壳早期板块俯冲作用有密切关联,矿床均产于俯冲带中部;2)深大断裂与区域大断裂交汇部位是稀有金属矿赋存的最佳场所;3... 东秦岭稀有金属矿床成矿及分布以河南省卢氏、南召两地区几个典型矿床最具代表性,归纳其总体特征为:1)矿床的形成与地壳早期板块俯冲作用有密切关联,矿床均产于俯冲带中部;2)深大断裂与区域大断裂交汇部位是稀有金属矿赋存的最佳场所;3)原生矿全部产于元古界变质岩之中;4)成矿母岩为碱性花岗岩,成岩成矿时代以加里东早期为主,华力西期次之;5)赋矿脉岩为伟晶岩脉,常形成脉岩群;6)矿床成因类型为花岗伟晶岩浆分异交代型铌钽矿床。 展开更多
关键词 稀有金属矿 成矿母岩 成矿时代 伟晶岩型 矿石矿物
机械行业金属零部件加工的化学清洗 被引量:14
作者 方华 朱再旭 《清洗世界》 CAS 2014年第12期34-38,共5页
关键词 金属清洗 水基清洗剂 溶剂型
我国金属屋面工程发展现状 被引量:13
作者 蔡昭昀 《中国建筑防水》 2010年第3期19-22,30,共5页
关键词 金属屋面 发展历程 板型 构造 系统
植物修复土壤重金属污染机制与应用研究 被引量:12
作者 丁自立 李书谦 +1 位作者 周旭 曹凑贵 《湖北农业科学》 北大核心 2014年第23期5617-5623,共7页
关键词 植物修复 重金属 土壤 机制 类型
Advances in Porous Perovskites:Synthesis and Electrocatalytic Performance in Fuel Cells and Metal-Air Batteries 被引量:8
作者 Jie Yu Ran Ran +3 位作者 Yijun Zhong Wei Zhou Meng Ni Zongping Shao 《Energy & Environmental Materials》 2020年第2期121-145,共25页
With a rising energy demand and anabatic environmental crisis arising from the fast growth in human population and society economics,numerous efforts have been devoted to explore and design plentiful multifunctional m... With a rising energy demand and anabatic environmental crisis arising from the fast growth in human population and society economics,numerous efforts have been devoted to explore and design plentiful multifunctional materials for meeting highefficiency energy transfer processes,which happen in various developed energy conversion and storage systems.As a special kind of multi-metal oxides,perovskite with attractive physical and chemical properties,is becoming a rapidly rising star on the horizon of high-performance catalytic materials with substantial research behaviors worldwide.The porous nanostructure in targeted catalysts is favorable to the catalytic activity and thus improves the overall efficiency of these energy-related installations.In this review paper,recent advances made in the porous perovskite nanostructures for catalyzing several anodic or cathodic reactions in fuel cells and metal-air batteries are comprehensively summarized.Plenty of general preparation methods employed to attain porous perovskite-type oxides are provided,followed by a further discussion about the influence of various strategies on structures and catalytic properties of the porous perovskites.Furthermore,deep insights gathered in the future development of porous perovskite-based materials for energy conversion and storage technologies are also provided. 展开更多
关键词 fuel cells metal-air batteries oxygen evolution reaction oxygen reduction reaction porous perovskite-type oxides
金属矿山主要地质灾害类型分析与防治对策研究 被引量:8
作者 张建国 姜瑞辰 《中国矿山工程》 2020年第6期18-21,共4页
关键词 金属矿山 地质灾害 类型 防治 对策
Electrically conductive nanowires controlled one pivotal route in energy harvest and microbial corrosion via direct metal-microbe electron transfer 被引量:2
作者 Yuting Jin Jiaqi Li +8 位作者 Toshiyuki Ueki Borui Zheng Yongqiang Fan Chuntian Yang Zhong Li Di Wang Dake Xu Tingyue Gu Fuhui Wang 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期226-233,共8页
Extracellular electron transfer(EET)plays a critical role in bioelectrochemical processes,allowing cou-pling between microorganisms and extracellular solid-state electrodes,metals,or other cells in energy metabolism.P... Extracellular electron transfer(EET)plays a critical role in bioelectrochemical processes,allowing cou-pling between microorganisms and extracellular solid-state electrodes,metals,or other cells in energy metabolism.Previous studies have suggested a role for outer-surface c-type cytochromes in direct metal-to-microbe electron transfer by Geobacter sulfurreducens,a model electroactive bacterium.Here,we ex-amined the possibility of other microbially produced electrical contacts by deleting the gene for PilA,the protein monomer that G.sulfurreducens assembles into electrically conductive protein nanowires(e-pili).Deleting pilA gene inhibited electron extraction from pure iron and 316L stainless steel up to 31%and 81%,respectively more than deleting the gene for the outer-surface cytochrome OmcS.This PilA-deficient phenotype,and the observation that relatively thick biofilms(21.7μm)grew on the metal surfaces at multi-cell distances from the metal surfaces suggest that e-pili contributed significantly to microbial cor-rosion via direct metal-to-microbe electron transfer.These results have implications for the fundamental understanding of electron harvest via e-pili by electroactive microbes,their uses in bioenergy production,as well as in monitoring and mitigation of metal biocorrosion. 展开更多
关键词 Electrically conductive protein nanowires Direct metal-to-microbe electron transfer Geobacter sulfurreducens Outer-surface c-type cytochromes Biofilm
阿尔金北缘瓦石峡南部稀有金属、稀土矿点的发现及意义 被引量:6
作者 张焕 何鹏 +2 位作者 芦西战 贺晓天 刘晓 《现代矿业》 CAS 2022年第1期34-36,87,共4页
阿尔金造山带是我国重要的金属成矿带,但目前对整个阿尔金造山带稀有金属、稀土找矿勘查研究程度有限。为此,在综合分析稀有金属、稀土成矿背景的基础上优选找矿靶区,通过遥感解译、地质填图、槽探验证等综合方法,在阿尔金造山带西段实... 阿尔金造山带是我国重要的金属成矿带,但目前对整个阿尔金造山带稀有金属、稀土找矿勘查研究程度有限。为此,在综合分析稀有金属、稀土成矿背景的基础上优选找矿靶区,通过遥感解译、地质填图、槽探验证等综合方法,在阿尔金造山带西段实现了新的找矿突破。锂和稀土矿点的发现丰富了阿尔金(陆缘地块)成矿亚带西部新的矿床类型,拓展了新的找矿领域和找矿空间,对阿尔金造山带区域找矿具有重要的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 稀土 稀有金属 矿床类型 造山带
A high-performance lithium anode based on N-doped composite graphene
作者 Can Jiao Hao-Bo Sun +4 位作者 Li Zhang Shang-Qian Zhao Guo-Yao Pang Chun-Rong Zhao Shi-Gang Lu 《Rare Metals》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第3期1030-1036,共7页
Lithium(Li)metal is the most promising electrode for next-gene ration rechargeable batteries.In order to push the commercialization of the lithium metal batteries,a kind of nitrogen(N)-doped composite graphene(NCG)ado... Lithium(Li)metal is the most promising electrode for next-gene ration rechargeable batteries.In order to push the commercialization of the lithium metal batteries,a kind of nitrogen(N)-doped composite graphene(NCG)adopted as the Li plating host was prepared to regulate Li metal nucleation and suppress dendrite growth.Furthermore,a new kind of sandwich-type composite lithium metal(STCL)electrode was developed to improve its application.The STCL electrode can be used as convenient as a piece of Li foil but no dendrite growth.In a symmetric battery,the STCL electrode cycled for more than 4500 h with the overpotential of less than 40 mV.And due to the creative design,the STCL promises the Li-S battery with a prolonged cycling lifespan. 展开更多
关键词 Lithium metal anode Lithiophilic N-doped composite graphene Sandwich-type composite lithium metal electrode
Petrogenesis and Mineralization of Two-Stage A-Type Granites in Jiuyishan,South China:Constraints from Whole-rock Geochemistry, Mineral Composition and Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotopes 被引量:3
作者 LIU Ye LAI Jianqing +6 位作者 XIAO Wenzhou Dick JEFFREY DU Rijun LI Shuanglian LIU Chaoyun WEN Chunhua YU Xiaohang 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2019年第4期874-900,共27页
The Jiuyishan complex massif,located in the northern section of the Nanling region,is a combination of five plutons,namely,the Xuehuading,Jinjiling,Pangxiemu,Shaziling and Xishan plutons.Whole-rock geochemistry,Iminer... The Jiuyishan complex massif,located in the northern section of the Nanling region,is a combination of five plutons,namely,the Xuehuading,Jinjiling,Pangxiemu,Shaziling and Xishan plutons.Whole-rock geochemistry,Imineral electron microprobe analysis,zircon U-Pb dating and Hf isotope analysis were carried out for the Jinjiling and Pangxiemu plutons.The zircon U-Pb dating yields weighted mean ages of 152.9±0.9 Ma for the Jinjiling pluton and 151.7±1.5 Ma for the Pangxiemu pluton,with a narrow gap between them.The Jinjiling and Pangxiemu plutons both have geochemical characteristics of high SiO2,Al2 O3,Na2 O,K2 O and low TiO2,MgO,CaO,P2 O5 contents,with intense depletions in Sr,Ba,Ti,Eu and enrichments in Ga,FeoOT and HFSE,and these characteristics reflect an A-type affinity.From the Jinjiling to the Pangxiemu plutons,the mineral composition of mica changes from lepidomelane to zinnwaldite,with increases in F,Li2 O and Rb2 O contents.The mineral composition of zircon changes from low Zr/Hf to high Zr/Hf,with increasing HfO2,P2 O5 and UO2+ThO2+Y2 O3 contents.The mineral compositions of feldspar indicate that the Pangxiemu pluton contains more alkali feldspar than the Jinjiling pluton.The whole-rock geochemistry and mineral compositions reveal a higher degree of differentiation for the Pangxiemu pluton.The nearly uniformεHf(t)indicates the same source region for the two plutons:both were derived from partial melting of the lower crust,with small contributions of mantle materials.In addition,higher F,lower Nb/Ta and Zr/Hf ratios in the Pangxiemu Pluton suggest a closer relationship with the rare metal mineralization than for the Jinjiling pluton. 展开更多
关键词 zircon U-Pb dating mineral composition A-type granite rare metal mineralization Jinjiling pluton Pangxiemu pluton
Evolution of Pore Size Distribution and Mean Pore Size in Lotus-type Porous Magnesium Fabricated with Gasar Process 被引量:3
作者 Yuan LIU Yanxiang LI Huawei ZHANG Jiang WAN 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第3期306-310,共5页
The effect of gas pressures on the mean pore size, the porosity and the pore size distribution of lotus-type porous magnesium fabricated with Gasar process were investigated. The theoretical analysis and the experimen... The effect of gas pressures on the mean pore size, the porosity and the pore size distribution of lotus-type porous magnesium fabricated with Gasar process were investigated. The theoretical analysis and the experimental results all indicate that there exists an optimal ratio of the partial pressures of hydrogen PH2 to argon PAr for producing lotus-type structures with narrower pore size distribution and smaller pore size. The effect of solidification mode on the pore size distribution and pore size was also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Porous metal Lotus-type structure Gasar process
作者 彭蜀涛 曾晓建 +1 位作者 潘世语 饶小鹏 《四川有色金属》 2024年第4期29-33,51,共6页
宜春钽铌矿床位于钦杭成矿带东段,为一花岗岩型稀有金属矿床,矿区内发育Ta、Nb、Li、Rb、Cs、W、Sn等多种稀有金属矿化,并在岩浆作用的物理化学演化过程中形成垂向分带。本文通过对矿床特征、矿石特征等方面进行综合研究,并对稀有金属... 宜春钽铌矿床位于钦杭成矿带东段,为一花岗岩型稀有金属矿床,矿区内发育Ta、Nb、Li、Rb、Cs、W、Sn等多种稀有金属矿化,并在岩浆作用的物理化学演化过程中形成垂向分带。本文通过对矿床特征、矿石特征等方面进行综合研究,并对稀有金属成矿条件进行分析探讨,指出矿床的形成与岩浆岩性质和岩浆演化密切相关,矿区正常花岗岩的高含量稀有元素、岩体顶部覆盖层的封闭作用等因素是形成矿床的关键。 展开更多
关键词 找矿标志 成矿条件 稀有金属 花岗岩型 宜春钽铌矿
Manipulating guest-responsive spin transition to achieve switchable fluorescence in a Hofmann-type framework
作者 Xue-Ru Wu Shu-Qi Wu +4 位作者 Zhi-Kun Liu Ming-Xing Chen Jun Tao Osamu Sato Hui-Zhong Kou 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3339-3346,共8页
The change of fluorescence emission manipulated by spin state transition attracts considerable attention owing to its potential applications in magneto-optical switching devices.Herein,we report two two-dimensional(2D... The change of fluorescence emission manipulated by spin state transition attracts considerable attention owing to its potential applications in magneto-optical switching devices.Herein,we report two two-dimensional(2D)Hofmann-type spin crossover(SCO)metal-organic frameworks(MOFs)[Fe^(Ⅱ)(PNI)_(2){Ag^(Ⅰ)(CN)_(2)}_(2)]·CHCl_(3)(3Ag·CHCl_(3))and[FeⅡ(PNI)_(2){AuⅠ(CN)_(2)}_(2)]·CHCl_(3)(3Au·CHCl_(3))based on the fluorescent ligand N-(4-pyridylmethyl)-1,8-naphthalimide(PNI).Both complexes exhibit interesting SCO behaviors switched by guest solvent molecules,namely three-step transitions for the solvated complexes and complete onestep hysteretic SCO for the desolvated ones,verified by temperature-dependent magnetic susceptibility measurements,Mossbauer spectra,structural analyses,and differential scanning calorimetry measurements.Correspondingly,temperature-dependent fluorescence spectra exhibit double peaks(monomer and excimer emission)with both emission peaks change consistent with the change in SCO properties during the solvent molecule removal.In this study,we integrated guest-responsive SCO behavior into MOFs to manipulate the multistability of spin state and fluorescence switching,providing a rational strategy for the development of stimuli-responsive multifunctional materials. 展开更多
关键词 spin crossover FLUORESCENCE multifunctional materials metal-organic frameworks Hofmann-type
作者 卢宝胜 姜维 +1 位作者 张琦 陈伟 《铸造工程》 2024年第S01期7-11,共5页
从气缸体产品的结构特点和性能要求出发,决定采用低压金属型铸造工艺生产。通过模拟分析及对关键工艺参数的验证和优化,确定了铸造工艺方案。铸件尺寸、材料性能、内部缺陷等各项指标经检测均符合产品要求。气缸体铸件通过加工和装机验... 从气缸体产品的结构特点和性能要求出发,决定采用低压金属型铸造工艺生产。通过模拟分析及对关键工艺参数的验证和优化,确定了铸造工艺方案。铸件尺寸、材料性能、内部缺陷等各项指标经检测均符合产品要求。气缸体铸件通过加工和装机验证,证明低压金属型铸造方案可行。 展开更多
关键词 气缸体 低压 金属型 浇注系统
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