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磁场淬火强韧化原理 被引量:6
作者 孙忠继 《热处理》 CAS 2002年第1期37-40,共4页
高温顺磁性奥氏体在外强磁场的作用下可发生磁化变形 ,使奥氏体形成高密度的位错胞结构 ,并有弥散碳化物析出。这种位错胞结构在淬火后被马氏体继承并限制了马氏体长大 ,细化了组织 。
关键词 磁场淬火 强韧性原理 高温奥氏体 磁化形变 位错胞结构
关于磁场正火细化钢铁材料组织的探讨 被引量:2
作者 孙忠继 《热处理》 CAS 2006年第2期51-53,共3页
关键词 磁场正火 组织转变 珠光体 磁化形变
磁场淬火处理对硬质合金组织和性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 李荐 郭欣 +3 位作者 姚建军 周宏明 杨俊 江彬彬 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期2513-2519,共7页
采用X线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、金相(OM)、横向断裂强度、维氏硬度以及矫顽磁力测试等分析手段,研究YG6(WC-6%Co)及YN6(WC-6%Ni)合金在磁场淬火处理后的性能变化规律。研究的条件为:样品在(1 100±5)℃下保温20~25... 采用X线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、金相(OM)、横向断裂强度、维氏硬度以及矫顽磁力测试等分析手段,研究YG6(WC-6%Co)及YN6(WC-6%Ni)合金在磁场淬火处理后的性能变化规律。研究的条件为:样品在(1 100±5)℃下保温20~25 min,在脉冲磁场强度2 T下淬火15 min后再(500±5)℃回火3 h;此外对YG6合金进行常规淬火比较。研究结果表明:磁场淬火可使YG6合金维氏硬度提高3%、横向断裂强度提高18%、冲击韧性提高24%、矫顽磁力提高25%;而YN6合金横向断裂强度提高5.9%,冲击韧性提高6.9%,维氏硬度和矫顽磁力无明显变化。磁场淬火使钴基硬质合金的黏结相中α-Co含量提高,W和C在黏结相中的固溶度增加,WC晶粒棱角趋于圆滑;同时,磁场引起钴基硬质合金中WC晶粒出现锯齿状形貌并偏转为有序方向排列,是合金性能改善的主要原因。 展开更多
关键词 硬质合金 磁场淬火 回火 磁化形变
磁组构研究现状 被引量:47
作者 潘永信 朱日祥 《地球物理学进展》 CSCD 1998年第1期52-59,共8页
磁组构技术作为一种快速、经济和无损性方法测量岩石组构方法,已被广泛用于地质和古今环境研究.随着测试仪器和磁学理论的不断完善,除磁化率各向异性(AMS)测量外,近几年非磁滞剩磁各向异性(AAR)和等温剩磁的各向异性(A... 磁组构技术作为一种快速、经济和无损性方法测量岩石组构方法,已被广泛用于地质和古今环境研究.随着测试仪器和磁学理论的不断完善,除磁化率各向异性(AMS)测量外,近几年非磁滞剩磁各向异性(AAR)和等温剩磁的各向异性(AIR)的研究较多.同时随着扫描电镜等非磁方法研究和岩石磁性参数测量相结合,人们认识到磁性矿物组成对磁各向异性的重要控制作用.岩石应变磁组构测量在过去几年得到较大发展.岩浆岩的研究主要集中于凝灰岩古代火山口位置推断.沉积岩磁组构研究已显示出其在古今环境研究中的前景.磁组构在石油井下岩芯定向和古水流方向判别等方面的应用亦得到较快发展. 展开更多
关键词 磁组构 岩石应变 岩石磁学 沉积环境 岩芯定向
电磁成形技术的最新进展 被引量:23
作者 江洪伟 李春峰 +2 位作者 赵志衡 李忠 于海平 《材料科学与工艺》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第3期327-331,共5页
电磁成形是目前应用最广泛的高能率成形方法之一.综述了成形磁场力的求解方法及解决电磁成形问题的3个主要方面内容,包括磁场、磁场力及变形,阐述了电磁成形工艺的成形方法及研究现状,列举了大量的国内、外工艺应用及研究成果,介绍了电... 电磁成形是目前应用最广泛的高能率成形方法之一.综述了成形磁场力的求解方法及解决电磁成形问题的3个主要方面内容,包括磁场、磁场力及变形,阐述了电磁成形工艺的成形方法及研究现状,列举了大量的国内、外工艺应用及研究成果,介绍了电磁成形工艺的最新应用———电磁校形、粉末压实,并展望了电磁成形技术的发展前景. 展开更多
关键词 电磁成形 磁场力 变形 有限元 电磁校形 粉末压实
阿尔金断裂带西段磁组构特征及其构造意义 被引量:20
作者 鲁如魁 张国伟 +3 位作者 钟华明 夏军 童劲松 余小俭 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期752-761,共10页
变形岩石的磁组构参数Kmax、Kint、Kmin、P、T、F、L、E等可以用来定量地表征构造变形的形状及期次.本文通过对阿尔金断裂带(郭扎错—空喀山口段)中岩石磁组构特征分析,认为该断裂带具多期活动性,变形性状由早到晚依次表现为韧性、韧-... 变形岩石的磁组构参数Kmax、Kint、Kmin、P、T、F、L、E等可以用来定量地表征构造变形的形状及期次.本文通过对阿尔金断裂带(郭扎错—空喀山口段)中岩石磁组构特征分析,认为该断裂带具多期活动性,变形性状由早到晚依次表现为韧性、韧-脆性及脆性变形,应力机制为剪切以及带有剪切性质的拉伸和压扁,主应力方向为NNE-SSW和近SN向.磁组构特征还表明该断裂带两侧断块相对差异运动在不同地区有所不同,而且它们所经历的构造期次以及各期活动的应力机制、影响程度也有明显区别.此外,磁组构数据显示阿尔金断裂带具有中间变形强、向两侧变形逐渐减弱的准对称特点,其早期变形具有由东往西逐渐减弱的变化规律.由磁组构揭示的应力应变特征与野外露头、显微构造和古应力测量结果一致. 展开更多
关键词 磁组构 应力 应变 变形 阿尔金断裂带
龙门山南段山前天全—乐山剖面磁组构研究及其对新生代构造变形的指示意义 被引量:15
作者 罗良 漆家福 +2 位作者 贾东 王开 曾旭 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期558-566,共9页
四川盆地西南部西侧为龙门山冲断带,南面紧挨川西南褶皱带,其新生代构造变形特征对于认识青藏高原东南缘的变形机制具有一定的指示意义.磁组构是一种灵敏的应变指示计,在变形微弱的沉积岩地区尤为适用.本文在雅安—乐山剖面选取12个采... 四川盆地西南部西侧为龙门山冲断带,南面紧挨川西南褶皱带,其新生代构造变形特征对于认识青藏高原东南缘的变形机制具有一定的指示意义.磁组构是一种灵敏的应变指示计,在变形微弱的沉积岩地区尤为适用.本文在雅安—乐山剖面选取12个采样点进行磁组构分析,结合已有的天全—雅安飞仙关剖面的27个采样点数据,综合讨论川西南地区的构造变形特征.所有采样点的磁组构测试结果显示出3种弱变形的磁组构类型:沉积磁组构、初始变形磁组构和铅笔状磁组构.雅安—乐山剖面采样点的磁线理绝大部分为北东—南西走向,和龙门山南段的整体延伸方向一致,表明四川盆地西南缘新生代构造变形主要受控于龙门山的构造作用.飞仙关剖面的磁组构测试结果显示44%的采样点表现出磁线理和地层走向斜交的特征,由初始变形磁组构演变而来,并且所有异常磁组构仅局限在断层上盘,本文认为这是雅安地区新生代期间局部逆时针旋转引起变形叠加的结果. 展开更多
关键词 磁组构 龙门山 新生代 叠加变形 旋转
应用磁组构方法研究构造变形与成矿作用的时序关系 被引量:9
作者 陈柏林 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 1999年第3期269-274,共6页
根据磁组构要素受热动力学影响特点,首次运用岩石磁组构结合变形分析确定岩石变形与成矿作用的时序关系。通过含矿与不含矿构造岩的磁组构特征的对比表明,北京崎峰茶蚀变糜棱岩型金矿,其糜棱岩的构造变形相对较早,矿化蚀变较晚。研... 根据磁组构要素受热动力学影响特点,首次运用岩石磁组构结合变形分析确定岩石变形与成矿作用的时序关系。通过含矿与不含矿构造岩的磁组构特征的对比表明,北京崎峰茶蚀变糜棱岩型金矿,其糜棱岩的构造变形相对较早,矿化蚀变较晚。研究认为,湖南枞树板大型脉状铅锌矿的成矿作用是热液蚀变的结果,成矿后构造变形很弱,其铅锌蚀变矿化作用要早于花岗斑岩的侵位,这一结论与由地质、地球化学及同位素年代学资料分析结果相吻合。 展开更多
关键词 磁组构 时序关系 构造变形 成矿作用
甘肃临夏盆地8~6MaBP的构造变化 被引量:11
作者 徐先海 方小敏 付开道 《兰州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期1-5,共5页
甘肃临夏盆地毛沟剖面上半部高精密度古地磁测年结果表明该剖面磁极性年龄为4.34-13.07 MaBP,其中东乡组、柳树组与何王家组的年龄分别为13.07-7.8 Ma,7.8-6.4 Ma和6.40-4.34 MaBP.该测年结果与文献[1]测得的结果基本一致.临... 甘肃临夏盆地毛沟剖面上半部高精密度古地磁测年结果表明该剖面磁极性年龄为4.34-13.07 MaBP,其中东乡组、柳树组与何王家组的年龄分别为13.07-7.8 Ma,7.8-6.4 Ma和6.40-4.34 MaBP.该测年结果与文献[1]测得的结果基本一致.临夏盆地6.40-6.16 MaBP湖泊沉积环境突变,8 MaBP左右毛沟剖面地层磁偏角发生明显偏转,盆地中王家山剖面银川沟背斜大约在6 MaBP左右发生倾斜与变形,这表明临夏盆地8-6 MaBP经历了一次强烈的构造运动. 展开更多
关键词 临夏盆地毛沟剖面 磁性地层 极性年龄 构造变形
Enhanced magnetic properties in Nd-Fe-B magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering via die-upsetting process 被引量:8
作者 胡志华 储林华 +1 位作者 李军 刘颖 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期660-663,共4页
The magnetic properties and microstructure of Nd-Fe-B magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering with different die-upsetting processes were investigated. The results showed that the optimum magnetic properties of die... The magnetic properties and microstructure of Nd-Fe-B magnets prepared by spark plasma sintering with different die-upsetting processes were investigated. The results showed that the optimum magnetic properties of die-upset Nd-Fe-B magnets were obtained at 680 ℃ when the die-upset level was 60%, and the degree of magnetic alignment was 0.84. The microstructures showed that the coarse grains oc-curred predominantly within certain areas, and abnormal grain growth was not observed within the major areas of well-aligned grains. There existed many small spherical grains, which stacked together and were not aligned during die upsetting when the deformation temperature was 650 ℃. These small spherical grains grew up, and were aligned when the deformation temperature increased from 650 to 680 ℃, which could improve the crystallographic alignment of die-upset Nd-Fe-B magnets. 展开更多
关键词 Nd-Fe-B magnets magnetic properties the die-upset level deformation temperature spark plasma sintering rare earths
龙门山飞仙关断层传播褶皱磁组构特征及构造意义 被引量:7
作者 胡潜伟 贾东 +2 位作者 陈竹新 罗良 贾秋鹏 《高校地质学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期649-655,共7页
沿龙门山南段冲断前锋带飞仙关断层传播褶皱剖面钻取了270个磁组构定向岩芯样品,对其进行了磁性矿物与磁组构分析。通过等温剩磁和三轴热退磁实验确定了样品中的主要载磁矿物为赤铁矿。磁组构测试结果显示27个采样点的磁组构为中间组构... 沿龙门山南段冲断前锋带飞仙关断层传播褶皱剖面钻取了270个磁组构定向岩芯样品,对其进行了磁性矿物与磁组构分析。通过等温剩磁和三轴热退磁实验确定了样品中的主要载磁矿物为赤铁矿。磁组构测试结果显示27个采样点的磁组构为中间组构与构造组构两种类型。通过对各点磁组构特征及各项磁组构参数进行详细分析,再结合断层传播褶皱运动学模型,得出断层传播褶皱形成过程中岩石应变及磁组构演化:断层扩展前的平行层缩短作用把原始的沉积组构改造成为中间组构;在断层扩展过程中,两翼地层的旋转抬升产生的简单剪切作用对地层磁化率各向异性产生影响,使得校正的磁化率各向异性度Pj值局部升高,以及在剪切变形强烈的区域形成构造磁组构。 展开更多
关键词 龙门山 褶皱冲断带 断层传播褶皱 磁组构 构造变形
Structure and magnetic properties of bulk nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets prepared by hot pressing and hot deformation 被引量:6
作者 宋杰 岳明 +6 位作者 左建华 张子瑞 刘卫强 张东涛 张久兴 郭朝晖 李卫 《Journal of Rare Earths》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第7期674-678,共5页
Structure and magnetic properties were studied for bulk nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets that were prepared at 650 ℃ for 3 min under 300 MPa using the SPS-3.20-MK-V sintering machine and the hot pressed magn... Structure and magnetic properties were studied for bulk nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B permanent magnets that were prepared at 650 ℃ for 3 min under 300 MPa using the SPS-3.20-MK-V sintering machine and the hot pressed magnets were then submitted to hot deformation with height reduction of 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and 85%. Effects of height reduction (HR) and deformation temperature on the structure and magnetic properties of the magnets were investigated. The crystal structure was evaluated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the microstructure was observed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The magnetic properties of the magnets were investigated by vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). As the height reduction increased, the remanence (Br) of the magnets increased first, peaks at 1.3 T with HR=60%, then decreased again, and the coercivity (Hci) of the magnets decreased monotonically. On the other hand, as the deformation temperature increased, the Br of the magnets increased first, peaks at 1.36 T with HR=60%, then decreased again, and the H^i of the magnets decreased monotonically. Under optimal conditions, the hot deformed magnet possessed excellent magnetic properties as Brl.36 T, Hci=1143 kA/m, and (BH)max=370 kJ/m3, suggesting the good potential of the magnets in practical applications. 展开更多
关键词 nanocrystalline Nd-Fe-B magnets hot pressing hot deformation microstructure magnetic properties rare earths
The Ductile Deformation Characteristics of Caledonian Intracontinental Orogeny in the Northeastern Jiangshan-Shaoxing Tectonic Zone:Insights from Magnetic Fabric Study and Its Geodynamic Implication 被引量:3
作者 GONG Genhui CHEN Hanlin +2 位作者 WANG Fang LIN Xiubin MENG Lifeng 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期75-87,共13页
The Jiangshan-Shaoxing tectonic zone was the northeastern boundary between the Yangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block during the Neoproterozoic and was an intracontinental orogenic belt during late of the early Paleozo... The Jiangshan-Shaoxing tectonic zone was the northeastern boundary between the Yangtze Block and the Cathaysia Block during the Neoproterozoic and was an intracontinental orogenic belt during late of the early Paleozoic. In this tectonic zone, there develops a lot of mylonite underwent strong ductile deformation and schist, gneiss, and amphibolite with medium and high grade metamorphism which was formed during the late of early Paleozoic. The research of geometry and kinematic of ductile deformation in Jiangshan-Shaoxing tectonic zone is very important to reveal the tectonic process of intracontinental orogeny. This paper uses the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) to determine the ductile deformation geometry and kinematic of Jiangshan-Shaoxing tectonic zone combing with the field survey. In this study, 190 specimens of 19 locations and 221 specimens of 23 locations from Wangjiazhai section and Lipu-Sizhai section were analyzed. The magnetic foliation over magnetic lineation in both Wangjiazhai and Lipu-Sizhai sections together with the field observations indicated a compressional deformation pattern. 3 and 4 strong ductile deformation zones can be established in the Wangjiazhai section and the Lipu-Sizhai section, respectively. According to the magnetic fabric and petro-fabric studies, the Northeastern Jiangshan-Shaoxing tectonic zone suffered two kinds of deformation patterns during the late early Paleozoic, i.e., the thrusting deformation followed by sinistral shear deformation. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic fabric ductile deformation deformation intensity deformation pattern Jiangshan-Shaoxing tectonic zone
最佳磁场淬火工艺的探讨 被引量:5
作者 孙忠继 《热处理》 CAS 2002年第2期28-33,共6页
试验证明 ,在磁场淬火工艺中 ,采用交流磁场效果较好 ,而且随磁场强度的增大 ,效果愈好。在碳素钢中 ,含碳量小于 0 .2 %者不宜采用磁场淬火工艺 ,含碳量在 0 .4 %以上者效果最佳 ;对于合金钢 ,凡是含有能使Fe-C状态图共析点左移的合金... 试验证明 ,在磁场淬火工艺中 ,采用交流磁场效果较好 ,而且随磁场强度的增大 ,效果愈好。在碳素钢中 ,含碳量小于 0 .2 %者不宜采用磁场淬火工艺 ,含碳量在 0 .4 %以上者效果最佳 ;对于合金钢 ,凡是含有能使Fe-C状态图共析点左移的合金元素的钢均适用磁场淬火工艺。 展开更多
关键词 磁化变形 位错结构 弥散碳化物 碳场淬火
电力变压器磁致伸缩效应引发的振动噪声分析 被引量:7
作者 周彬 《变压器》 北大核心 2013年第12期39-43,共5页
关键词 电力变压器 磁致伸缩 振动 噪声
Deformation and Locomotion of Untethered Small-Scale Magnetic Soft Robotic Turtle with Programmable Magnetization
作者 Lin Xu Liu Yang +2 位作者 Tao Li Xingbang Zhang Jianning Ding 《Journal of Bionic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期754-763,共10页
Inspired by the way sea turtles rely on the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation and locomotion,a novel magnetic soft robotic turtle with programmable magnetization has been developed and investigated to achieve bio... Inspired by the way sea turtles rely on the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation and locomotion,a novel magnetic soft robotic turtle with programmable magnetization has been developed and investigated to achieve biomimetic locomotion patterns such as straight-line swimming and turning swimming.The soft robotic turtle(12.50 mm in length and 0.24 g in weight)is integrated with an Ecoflex-based torso and four magnetically programmed acrylic elastomer VHB-based limbs containing samarium-iron–nitrogen particles,and was able to carry a load more than twice its own weight.Similar to the limb locomotion characteristics of sea turtles,the magnetic torque causes the four limbs to mimic sinusoidal bending deformation under the influence of an external magnetic field,so that the turtle swims continuously forward.Significantly,when the bending deformation magnitudes of its left and right limbs differ,the soft robotic turtle switches from straight-line to turning swimming at 6.334 rad/s.Furthermore,the tracking swimming activities of the soft robotic turtle along specific planned paths,such as square-shaped,S-shaped,and double U-shaped maze,is anticipated to be utilized for special detection and targeted drug delivery,among other applications owing to its superior remote directional control ability. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic soft robotic turtle Programmable magnetization Untethered soft robotics Bending deformation
Late Mesozoic Tectonic Evolution of Southwestern Fujian Province,South China:Constraints from Magnetic Fabric,Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Structural Deformation 被引量:5
作者 Sen Wang Da Zhang +7 位作者 Ganguo Wu Xingjian Li Xiaoqiao Gao Absai Vatuva Yuan Yuan Tengda Yu Yu Bai Ye Fang 《Journal of Earth Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期391-407,共17页
A combined study of magnetic fabrics, zircon U-Pb geochronology and structural deformation was carried out for Late Paleozoic sedimentary and Mesozoic magmatic rocks in the southwestern Fujian rift basin, South China,... A combined study of magnetic fabrics, zircon U-Pb geochronology and structural deformation was carried out for Late Paleozoic sedimentary and Mesozoic magmatic rocks in the southwestern Fujian rift basin, South China, aiming at deciphering the tectonic evolution during Late Mesozoic. Field observations showed that the Late Mesozoic structure deformations in southwestern Fujian were categorized into four phases: NW-SE compression, ENE-WSW extension, NNE-SSW compression and NNW-SSE extension, se- quentially. Zircons picked out from Juzhou granite and WNW-trending diabase dykes showed complete crys- tal shapes and clear oscillatory zonings on their edges, and the U-Pb dating yielded ages of 132 and 141 Ma, respectively. The susceptibility ellipsoid magnitude parameters of the Juzhou granite are characterized by flaser type strain ellipsoid, with pole density center of K3 falling into the first and the third quadrants, these fea- tures revealed that the Juzhou granite formed in ENE-WSW compressional stress field, indicating the early stage of Early Cretaceous extrusion in southwestern Fujian. The late stage of Early Cretaceous NNE-SSW ex- tension was limited by the widespread WNW-trending diabase dykes, which were usually regarded as impor- tant indications for a regional extensional setting. On the basic of the previous researches, structural deforma- tion studies, and the deductions above, it can be concluded that southwestern Fujian experienced five main tectonic stages during Late Mesozoic: Early Jurassic extension, Middie-Late Jurassic thrusting, early stage of Early Cretaceous extension, late stage of Early Cretaceous compression and Late Cretaceous extension. 展开更多
关键词 tectonic evolution magnetic fabric U-Pb dating structural deformation southwestern Fujian.
Deformation constrained relativistic mean-field approach with fixed configuration and time-odd component 被引量:5
作者 李剑 尧江明 孟杰 《Chinese Physics C》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第S1期98-100,共3页
Deformation constrained relativistic mean-field (RMF) approach with fixed configuration and timeodd component has been developed and applied to investigate magnetic moments of light nuclei near doublyclosed shells. Ta... Deformation constrained relativistic mean-field (RMF) approach with fixed configuration and timeodd component has been developed and applied to investigate magnetic moments of light nuclei near doublyclosed shells. Taking 17O as an example, the results and discussion are given in detail. 展开更多
关键词 relativistic mean field theory deformation constrained configuration-fixed time-odd potential magnetic moment
Analysis of rotor eddy current loss and thermal deformation of magnetic liquid double suspension bearing
作者 LIU Hongmei YANG Guang +3 位作者 SUN Yanan SUN Jian WANG Zhe ZHAO Jianhua 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2024年第3期322-332,共11页
Magnetic-liquid double suspension bearing(MLDSB)is a new type of suspension bearing based on electromagnetic suspension and supplemented by hydrostatic supporting.Without affecting the electromagnetic suspension force... Magnetic-liquid double suspension bearing(MLDSB)is a new type of suspension bearing based on electromagnetic suspension and supplemented by hydrostatic supporting.Without affecting the electromagnetic suspension force,the hydrostatic supporting effect is increased,and the real-time coupling of magnetic and liquid supporting can be realized.However,due to the high rotation speed,the rotor part produces eddy current loss,resulting in a large temperature rise and large ther-mal deformation,which makes the oil film thickness deviate from the initial design.The support and bearing characteristics are seriously affected.Therefore,this paper intends to explore the internal effects of eddy current loss of the rotor on the temperature rise and thermal deformation of MLDSB.Firstly,the 2D magnetic flow coupling mathematical model of MLDSB is established,and the eddy current loss distribution characteristics of the rotor are numerically simulated by Maxwell software.Secondly,the internal influence of mapping relationship of structural operating parameters such as input current,coil turns and rotor speed on rotor eddy current loss is revealed,and the changing trend of rotor eddy current loss under different design parameters is explored.Thirdly,the eddy cur-rent loss is loaded into the heat transfer finite element calculation model as a heat source,and the temperature rise of the rotor and its thermal deformation are simulated and analyzed,and the influ-ence of eddy current loss on rotor temperature rise and thermal deformation is revealed.Finally,the pressure-flow curve and the distribution law of the internal flow field are tested by the particle image velocimetry(PIV)system.The results show that eddy current loss increases linearly with the in-crease of coil current,coil turns and rotor speed.The effect of rotational speed on eddy current loss is much higher than that of coil current and coil turns.The maximum temperature rise,minimum temperature rise and maximum thermal deformation of the rotor increase with the increase 展开更多
关键词 magnetic-liquid double suspension bearing(MLDSB) oil film thickness cur-rent loss thermal deformation particle image velocimetry(PIV)test
作者 李晋 莫仲伟 +1 位作者 黄春 章争荣 《材料研究与应用》 CAS 2024年第2期335-343,共9页
电磁成形具有高速成形和提高材料塑性成形性能的特点,非常适用于准静态下难加工轻质铝合金材料的成形。在电磁系统中加入集磁器可以实现对工件的局部加工,但当电磁集中在小区域内多次成形时,由于两个成形点的距离较小,存在局部变形相互... 电磁成形具有高速成形和提高材料塑性成形性能的特点,非常适用于准静态下难加工轻质铝合金材料的成形。在电磁系统中加入集磁器可以实现对工件的局部加工,但当电磁集中在小区域内多次成形时,由于两个成形点的距离较小,存在局部变形相互影响的区域,从而影响板料成形的均匀性。为研究逐点连续电磁成形过程中局部变形之间的相互作用机理,采用数值模拟结合实验验证的方法,探究了金属板料小区域逐点连续电磁成形过程中的变形行为,揭示了成形间距对板料成形涉及的电磁力、应变和最终成形效果的影响规律。研究结果表明,在单次电磁成形时,板料受到的电磁力呈环状分布,成形点中心受到径向与切向压应变和轴向拉应变,成形点四周受到径向拉应变和轴向与切向的压应变。在多次成形时,随着两成形点间距减小,板料在第二次成形时受到变形区的影响,影响间距为14 mm,板料中心所受的径向压应变和轴向拉应变增大,板料电磁力逐渐增大。第二成形点中心的成形高度随着两成形点间距的增加逐渐增加,两个成形点衔接处的凹槽深度也越深,而两个成形点衔接处的径向拉应变随着成形间距的增加表现为先增大后减小的趋势。本研究为在铝合金板料多点电磁成形过程中两点变形间距对电磁力和成形效果的影响提供了理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 电磁成形 集磁器 铝合金板料 数值模拟 成形间距 逐点连续电磁 作用机理 局部变形
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