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Elastography-based screening for esophageal varices in patients with advanced chronic liver disease 被引量:23
作者 Rafael Paternostro Thomas Reiberger Theresa Bucsics 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2019年第3期308-329,共22页
Elastography-based liver stiffness measurement(LSM) is a non-invasive tool for estimating liver fibrosis but also provides an estimate for the severity of portal hypertension in patients with advanced chronic liver di... Elastography-based liver stiffness measurement(LSM) is a non-invasive tool for estimating liver fibrosis but also provides an estimate for the severity of portal hypertension in patients with advanced chronic liver disease(ACLD). The presence of varices and especially of varices needing treatment(VNT) indicates distinct prognostic stages in patients with compensated ACLD(cACLD). The Baveno VI guidelines suggested a simple algorithm based on LSM < 20 kPa(by transient elastography, TE) and platelet count > 150 G/L for ruling-out VNT in patients with cACLD. These(and other) TE-based LSM cut-offs have been evaluated for VNT screening in different liver disease etiologies. Novel point shear-wave elastography(pSWE) and two-dimensional shear wave elastography(2D-SWE) methodologies for LSM have also been evaluated for their ability to screen for "any" varices and for VNT. Finally, the measurement of spleen stiffness(SSM) by elastography(mainly by pSWE and 2D-SWE) may represent another valuable screening tool for varices. Here, we summarize the current literature on elastography-based prediction of "any" varices and VNT. Finally,we have summarized the published LSM and SSM cut-offs in clinically useful scale cards. 展开更多
关键词 ELASTOGRAPHY LIVER STIFFNESS SPLEEN STIFFNESS shear wave magnetic resonance ELASTOGRAPHY VARICES Portal hypertension Cirrhosis ADVANCED chronic LIVER disease
磁流变弹性体若干物理量的数值分析 被引量:9
作者 朱应顺 龚兴龙 张培强 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期565-570,共6页
应用有限元方法,考虑了颗粒的磁化饱和过程与非线性磁化过程,计算得到了磁流变弹性体中的磁场分布,进而研究了在不同磁场大小、不同颗粒体积比浓度下磁流变弹性体在成链方向的相对磁导率,计算结果和实验结果取得了一致。利用Maxwell应... 应用有限元方法,考虑了颗粒的磁化饱和过程与非线性磁化过程,计算得到了磁流变弹性体中的磁场分布,进而研究了在不同磁场大小、不同颗粒体积比浓度下磁流变弹性体在成链方向的相对磁导率,计算结果和实验结果取得了一致。利用Maxwell应力张量,计算了磁场引起的磁流变弹性体的附加剪切模量。分析了颗粒体积比浓度、外加磁场对磁流变弹性体的磁致剪切模量的影响。研究了颗粒为旋转椭球形状时,颗粒的放置方式与其长短轴之比对磁流变弹性体的磁致剪切模量的影响。计算结果表明,磁流变弹性体的相对磁导率随颗粒体积比浓度的增大而增大,随磁场强度的增大而减小,颗粒的形状和放置方式对磁流变效应有很大的影响。 展开更多
关键词 磁流变弹性体 磁导率 剪切模量 有限元
低温下硅油基纳米磁流体沉降稳定性与黏度特性 被引量:6
作者 朱启晨 吴张永 +2 位作者 王志强 蒋佳骏 李翔 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期5101-5110,共10页
传统纳米磁流体存在低温稳定性差、低温黏度高等问题。硅油具有优良的低温性能和黏温特性,是低温纳米磁流体合适的基载液。以硅烷偶联剂KH-550、月桂酸和油酸为分散剂,利用两步法制备了硅油基Ni_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)Fe_(2)O_(4)纳米磁流体。... 传统纳米磁流体存在低温稳定性差、低温黏度高等问题。硅油具有优良的低温性能和黏温特性,是低温纳米磁流体合适的基载液。以硅烷偶联剂KH-550、月桂酸和油酸为分散剂,利用两步法制备了硅油基Ni_(0.5)Zn_(0.5)Fe_(2)O_(4)纳米磁流体。通过扫描电镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、红外光谱和振动样品磁强计对颗粒形貌、微观结构和磁性能进行了表征,并从多因素对低温下纳米磁流体沉降稳定性与黏度特性进行了研究。结果表明:分散剂形成的空间位阻和载液溶解度共同影响着低温下的稳定包覆,相较于羧酸类分散剂,硅烷偶联剂KH-550表面改性包覆制备的纳米磁流体具有更好的低温沉降稳定性,且凝固后的再分散性最佳;由于偶极间相互作用、范德华力的增强以及流体布朗运动的减弱,磁场会降低纳米磁流体低温沉降稳定性;温度的降低会导致无磁场下纳米磁流体向非牛顿流体类型的转变,并影响磁场下磁场强度、剪切速率与黏度间的平衡关系。制备的硅油基纳米磁流体具有较好的低温性能,可应用于低温工况,有助于今后硅油基纳米磁流体制备技术与性能调控的进一步发展。 展开更多
关键词 纳米磁流体 低温 分散剂 沉降稳定性 黏度特性 磁场 剪切致稀
圆筒剪切模型中磁流变液的流变特性研究 被引量:5
作者 季海峰 高春甫 +2 位作者 贺新升 陈卫增 王鸿云 《磁性材料及器件》 CAS 2015年第4期11-15,共5页
为了研究磁流变液在圆筒剪切模型中的流变特性,建立了以圆筒剪切模型为基础的实验装置。首先,通过理论分析得到了磁流变液在圆筒剪切模型中的层间传力模型,切应力和剪切速率测量方法。其次,通过ANSYS对圆筒剪切模型中磁流变液的磁场强... 为了研究磁流变液在圆筒剪切模型中的流变特性,建立了以圆筒剪切模型为基础的实验装置。首先,通过理论分析得到了磁流变液在圆筒剪切模型中的层间传力模型,切应力和剪切速率测量方法。其次,通过ANSYS对圆筒剪切模型中磁流变液的磁场强度进行了仿真模拟,并以实验测量验证,得到了磁场强度分布。最后以理论分析为基础,通过实验测量得到了切应力与剪切速率和磁场强度之间的关系,并得到了拟合公式。实验表明,磁流变液流切应力与磁场强度的比值为0.162k Pa/m T,与剪切度率的比值为0.00026k Pa·s,磁场强度的增强能够较大地提升磁流变液的工作能力。 展开更多
关键词 磁流变液 圆筒剪切模型 流变特性 测量方法 磁场 剪切速率
热磁耦合作用下磁流变脂剪切稳定性及其机理 被引量:5
作者 杨广鑫 潘家保 +2 位作者 周陆俊 高洪 王晓雷 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第8期4428-4437,共10页
磁流变器件内部介质均面临热磁耦合、频繁剪切等复杂工况,剪切稳定性是磁流变介质实现持久服役的重要指标。本文以实验室制备的磁流变脂为研究对象,基于流变学、磁学性能分析结果探究了热磁耦合作用下磁流变脂剪切稳定性变化规律及其机... 磁流变器件内部介质均面临热磁耦合、频繁剪切等复杂工况,剪切稳定性是磁流变介质实现持久服役的重要指标。本文以实验室制备的磁流变脂为研究对象,基于流变学、磁学性能分析结果探究了热磁耦合作用下磁流变脂剪切稳定性变化规律及其机理。研究结果表明,温度和磁场强度发生变化时,磁流变脂流变性能也发生了较为显著的变化。触变性分析与连续剪切结果显示热磁耦合作用下磁流变脂总体保持着较好的剪切稳定性,基载液润滑脂皂纤维结构和磁链的交互作用将会对磁流变脂剪切稳定性产生影响。在较低温度、较弱磁场强度下,皂纤维结构是磁流变脂流变学性能影响的主导因素,剪切稳定性良好;在较高温度、较强磁场强度下,皂纤维缠结程度降低而磁链强度增强,磁链结构在磁流变脂流变学性能影响中占主导因素,剪切稳定性良好;在从皂纤维影响占主导变化为磁链影响占主导过程中,皂纤维剪切破坏时磁性颗粒被释放出来,因磁场的影响,磁性颗粒无法及时分散至皂纤维内部,最终致使磁流变脂剪切稳定性变弱。 展开更多
关键词 磁流变脂 热磁耦合 皂纤维 磁链 剪切稳定性
双撕裂模非线性演化过程中有理面上的剪切流 被引量:5
作者 李新霞 路兴强 龚学余 《计算物理》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期831-834,共4页
在二维平板几何模型下,利用磁流体力学方程组数值模拟托卡马克装置中双撕裂模非线性演化过程中有理面上剪切流的时间和空间分布.结果表明,双撕裂模非线性演化的早期阶段,有理面上没有形成明显的剪切流.剪切流主要存在于快速磁重联阶段,... 在二维平板几何模型下,利用磁流体力学方程组数值模拟托卡马克装置中双撕裂模非线性演化过程中有理面上剪切流的时间和空间分布.结果表明,双撕裂模非线性演化的早期阶段,有理面上没有形成明显的剪切流.剪切流主要存在于快速磁重联阶段,随着磁重联的结束而逐渐消失,剪切流的强度和空间分布随磁岛的演化而改变.另外,较大的等离子体电阻加速磁重联,但是对剪切流的强度和变化趋势没有直接的影响. 展开更多
关键词 双撕裂模 磁重联 剪切流 数值模拟
综合物探在矿山深部资源勘查中的应用 被引量:1
作者 廖圣柱 王子豪 +1 位作者 贾慧涛 万子轩 《工程地球物理学报》 2024年第2期267-278,共12页
矿产资源是社会和经济发展必不可少的物质基础,目前国内多数老矿山面临已探明储量枯竭的严峻形势,现有的勘查知识和技术难以解决矿山找矿勘查所遇到的特殊难题。针对矿山找矿的特殊性,本文结合安徽省霍邱某矿区的地质及物探资料,在采矿... 矿产资源是社会和经济发展必不可少的物质基础,目前国内多数老矿山面临已探明储量枯竭的严峻形势,现有的勘查知识和技术难以解决矿山找矿勘查所遇到的特殊难题。针对矿山找矿的特殊性,本文结合安徽省霍邱某矿区的地质及物探资料,在采矿区选取典型剖面进行重磁、微动及可控源音频大地电磁法(Controllable Source Audio Magnetotelluric Method,CSAMT)。以微动和音频大地电磁数据分析推测浅部矿体采空及塌陷区;在深部将微动勘探与重力数据结合,取长补短,通过剪切模量将微动视横波速度与地下介质密度直接联系起来,经已知矿体位置剪切模量的分布规律并结合重磁反演在300 m以深推测了两条近平行层状分布的矿体,矿体长200~250 m,最厚处约50 m;在标高100~200 m的类似S形褶皱拐点处可能为成矿有利位置;同时推测已知主矿体在底板以深还有延伸。通过本次工作,证实了在当前老矿区内,将新技术微动勘探与传统物探方法相结合,各取其长,能提高矿山深边部及外围隐伏矿床(体)定位预测的有效性,挖掘新的找矿潜力。 展开更多
关键词 老矿山 重力 磁法 CSAMT 微动勘探 剪切模量
磁约束阻尼的减振机理 被引量:4
作者 郑慧明 何锃 李誉 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期71-74,共4页
采用在约束层端部上设置永磁体的新方法可使阻尼层获得比传统约束阻尼处理方法更高的剪应变 ,从而增强粘弹层的阻尼耗能。本文应用Hamilton原理 ,考虑永磁体的影响 ,推导了对称双层夹心悬臂梁的运动方程 ,对模型进行了实验验证 ;分析了... 采用在约束层端部上设置永磁体的新方法可使阻尼层获得比传统约束阻尼处理方法更高的剪应变 ,从而增强粘弹层的阻尼耗能。本文应用Hamilton原理 ,考虑永磁体的影响 ,推导了对称双层夹心悬臂梁的运动方程 ,对模型进行了实验验证 ;分析了一阶共振时 ,永磁体对共振振幅、阻尼层剪应变、约束层作用力的影响 ,阐明了新型的磁机敏约束阻尼方法的减振机理。 展开更多
关键词 磁约束阻尼 减振机理 永磁体 粘弹层 对称双层夹心悬臂梁 一阶共振 振幅 剪应变
The Essence and Origin of the Magnetic Constant 被引量:2
作者 Nader Butto 《Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology》 2020年第4期663-670,共8页
In this study, the essence and origin of the magnetic constant are discussed and a mechanism that allows real estimations of the magnetic constant based upon the vacuum density description is proposed. By considering ... In this study, the essence and origin of the magnetic constant are discussed and a mechanism that allows real estimations of the magnetic constant based upon the vacuum density description is proposed. By considering the vacuum as a liquid with a measurable density and the electron as a vortex, hydrodynamic laws are applied to measure the diminished momentum of a rotating electron in a vacuum, thus obtaining a value similar to the experimentally derived value of the magnetic constant. A consequence of this description is that the magnetic constant can be expressed as the shear stress per unit time of the vacuum;this means that it is an observable vacuum parameter and not a fundamental constant. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic Constant magnetic Permeability shear Stress Vacuum Density Vacuum Viscosity
作者 李泽坤 夏清豪 査学军 《上海工程技术大学学报》 CAS 2024年第1期90-95,100,共7页
通过数值求解托卡马克等离子体能量输运方程,研究了磁剪切参数对磁岛内电子温度分布和热输运的影响。结果表明,对于不同的安全因子的径向分布,磁剪切参数会影响有效径向热输运系数,剪切程度越高,有效径向热输运系数χ_(r)越大;当磁场扰... 通过数值求解托卡马克等离子体能量输运方程,研究了磁剪切参数对磁岛内电子温度分布和热输运的影响。结果表明,对于不同的安全因子的径向分布,磁剪切参数会影响有效径向热输运系数,剪切程度越高,有效径向热输运系数χ_(r)越大;当磁场扰动程度足够高时,高剪切对有效径向热输运系数χ_(r)影响会降低。 展开更多
关键词 磁岛 有效径向热输运 磁剪切
Mineral Chemistry of Two-Mica Granite Rare Metals: Impact of Geophysics on the Distribution of Uranium Mineralization at El Sela Shear Zone, Egypt 被引量:3
作者 Ibrahim Gaafar Michel Cuney Ahmed Abdel Gawad 《Open Journal of Geology》 2014年第4期137-160,共24页
The present work aims at identifying Nb-Ta-, Zr-Hf-, REE-, Th-U-bearing two-mica granite from geological, geophysical cross-sections and mineral chemistry studies from three boreholes at G. El Sela shear zone. Microsc... The present work aims at identifying Nb-Ta-, Zr-Hf-, REE-, Th-U-bearing two-mica granite from geological, geophysical cross-sections and mineral chemistry studies from three boreholes at G. El Sela shear zone. Microscopically, the three boreholes are composed mainly of two-mica granite. They are composed of K-feldspar, plagioclase, quartz, biotite and muscovite. Accessories are pyrite, zircon, fluorite, rutile, monazite with Th-U-mineralization identified by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and electron probe-microanalyses (EPMA). Chlorite, muscovite, sericite, kaolinite are secondary minerals. Geochemically, two-mica granite boreholes are A-type granites and peraluminous characteristics. They are enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILE;Ba, Rb and Sr), high field strength elements (Y, Zr and Nb), and LREE but depleted in HREE with negative Eu anomaly. U-enrichment associated with chloritization, muscovitization, albitization, sericitization, kaolinization and argillization results from convective hydrothermal circulation of fluids through brittle structures along the ENE-WSW main shear zone. The ratios Nb/Ta (7.7 - 17.7) and Zr/Hf (16.9 - 26.4) are relatively enriched in the lighter isovalents Ta and Hf. The accessory minerals observed in the two-mica granites are represented by metallic sulfides (pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite, galena and sphalerite), Nb-rutile, Hf-zircon, fluorite, monazite, columbite, betafite, thorite, phosphothorite, uranothorite, brannerite, uraninite, coffinite and pitchblende at G. El Sela shear zone. Uraninite with a low Th content indicates a hydrothermal origin of U-mineralization, Thorite, uranothorite, monazite and zircon is the main uranium bearing minerals of magmatic origin within the enclosing granite. The primary U-mineralization has been observed in two boreholes. In order to illustrate the geophysical signature of El Sela U-mineralization, the radiometric, magnetic, and VLF-EM data as well as radon concentration are included. The magnetic, electrical conductivity 展开更多
关键词 BOREHOLES shear Zone RADON Spectrometric magnetic CONDUCTIVITY
作者 谢作鹏 黄尚宇 芮正雷 《塑性工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期281-293,共13页
针对磁脉冲辅助半固态钎焊工艺中使用等内径集磁器连接铜、铝管件时存在的界面氧化膜去除效果不均、扩散层深度差异较大等问题,通过数值模拟方法分析了集磁器内壁轮廓形状及其结构参数对界面冲击应力及钎料剪切流变速率的影响。为实现... 针对磁脉冲辅助半固态钎焊工艺中使用等内径集磁器连接铜、铝管件时存在的界面氧化膜去除效果不均、扩散层深度差异较大等问题,通过数值模拟方法分析了集磁器内壁轮廓形状及其结构参数对界面冲击应力及钎料剪切流变速率的影响。为实现连接区域内界面冲击及轴向剪切流变沿轴向分布的均匀性,对集磁器形状结构参数进行了优化,并针对性地制造了相应的集磁器,在特定的工艺参数下进行了系列钎焊实验。结果表明,相较于常规等内径集磁器,优化后的集磁器能够更好地去除母材表面氧化膜,促进界面扩散反应并减少连接缺陷,扩散层厚度增加且分布更为均匀,接头性能得到有效提升。 展开更多
关键词 磁脉冲 半固态钎焊 集磁器 界面缺陷 剪切流变 扩散层 氧化膜
Numerical Simulation of Tripolar Vortex in Dusty Plasma with Sheared Flow and Sheared Magnetic Field
作者 王舸 陈银华 谭立伟 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第4期2936-2938,共3页
This article presents a study we have made of one class of coherent structures of the tripolar vortex. Considering the sheared flow and sheared magnetic field which are common in the thermonuclear plasma and space pla... This article presents a study we have made of one class of coherent structures of the tripolar vortex. Considering the sheared flow and sheared magnetic field which are common in the thermonuclear plasma and space plasma, we have simulated the dynamics of the tripolar vortex. The results show that the tripolar vortex is largely stable in most cases, but a strongly sheared magnetic field will make the structure less stable, and lead it to decays into single vortices with the large space scale. These results are consistent with findings from former research about the dipolar vortex. 展开更多
关键词 dusty plasmas tripolar vortices numerical simulation shear flow shear magnetic field
Magnetic-island-induced ion temperature gradient mode: Landau damping, equilibrium magnetic shear and pressure flattening effects
作者 Wei WANG Zhengxiong WANG +3 位作者 Jiquan LI Yasuaki KISHIMOTO Jiaqi DONG Shu ZHENG 《Plasma Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期77-85,共9页
Characteristics of the magnetic-island-induced ion temperature gradient (MITG) mode are studied through gyrofluid simulations in the slab geometry, focusing on the effects of Landau damping, equilibrium magnetic she... Characteristics of the magnetic-island-induced ion temperature gradient (MITG) mode are studied through gyrofluid simulations in the slab geometry, focusing on the effects of Landau damping, equilibrium magnetic shear (EMS), and pressure flattening. It is shown that the magnetic island may enhance the Landau damping of the system by inducing the radial magnetic field. Moreover, the radial eigenmode numbers of most MITG poloidal harmonics are increased by the magnetic island so that the MITG mode is destabilized in the low EMS regime. In addition, the pressure profile flattening effect inside a magnetic island hardly affects the growth of the whole MITG mode, while it has different local effects near the O-point and the X-point regions. In comparison with the non-zero-order perturbations, only the quasi-linear flattening effect due to the zonal pressure is the effective component to impact the growth rate of the mode. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic island magnetic shear Landau damping MITG
Simulation studies of high-latitude magnetospheric boundary dynamics 被引量:1
作者 PU Zuyin1, SHI Quanqi1,3, XIAO Chijie1, FU Suiyan1, ZHANG Hui1,2, ZONG Qiugang2 & LIU Zhenxing3 1. School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China 2. Center for Space Physics, Boston University, 725 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA 02215, USA 3. Center for Space Science and Application Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS 2004年第4期421-435,共15页
Magnetic reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause is studied using 2.5-dimensional Hall-MHD simulation. Concentric flow vortices and magnetic islands appear when both Hall effect and sheared flow are considered.... Magnetic reconnection at the high-latitude magnetopause is studied using 2.5-dimensional Hall-MHD simulation. Concentric flow vortices and magnetic islands appear when both Hall effect and sheared flow are considered. Plasma mixing across the magnetopause occurs in the presence of the flow vortices. Reconnected structure generated in the vicinity of the subsolar point changes its geometry with increasing flow shear while moving to high latitudes. In the presence of flow shear, with the Hall-MHD reconnection a higher reconnection rate than with the traditional MHD is obtained. The out-of-plane components of flow and magnetic field produced by the Hall current are redistributed under the action of the flow shear, which makes the plasma transport across the boundaries more complicated. The simulation results provide some help in understanding the dynamic processes at the high latitude magnetopause. 展开更多
关键词 magnetopause ENTRY layer magnetic reconnection VORTEX reconnection HALL effect flow shear.
Effects of Magnetic Shear on the Resistive Wall Mode Instability in a Cylindrical Model 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Longxi WANG Jinfang +1 位作者 WANG Lifeng YANG Zhiran 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2019年第6期533-538,共6页
The linear evolution of a resistive wall mode(RWM)with magnetic shears was analytically studied in a cylindrical geometry.The incompressible magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)equations were solved by the Fourier analysis method... The linear evolution of a resistive wall mode(RWM)with magnetic shears was analytically studied in a cylindrical geometry.The incompressible magnetohydrodynamic(MHD)equations were solved by the Fourier analysis method,and various equilibrium magnetic fields were considered.The shear in the magnetic field had an unstable effect on the linear evolution of the RWM.The linear growth rate increased obviously with increase of the magnetic shear rate for higher magnetic shears.Slow plasma rotation could stabilize the RWM with low magnetic shears,but the plasma rotation could not stabilize the RWM with high magnetic shears.The stabilizing effects of the wall conductivity on the RWM are more efficient for lager magnetic shear. 展开更多
关键词 resistive WALL mode(RWM) CYLINDRICAL MODEL magnetic shear
Large magnetic moment at sheared ends of single-walled carbon nanotubes 被引量:1
作者 Jian Zhang Ya Deng +12 位作者 Ting-Ting Hao Xiao Hu Ya-Yun Liu Zhi-Sheng Peng Xian-Nian Chi Pei Wu Si-Yu Liu Zhong Zhang Jun-Jie Li Gong-Tang Wang Wei-Guo Chu Chang-Zhi Gu Lian-Feng Sun 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第12期510-516,共7页
In this work we report that after single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs) are sheared with a pair of titanium scissors,the magnetization becomes larger than that of the corresponding pristine ones. The magnetization inc... In this work we report that after single-walled carbon nanotubes(SWNTs) are sheared with a pair of titanium scissors,the magnetization becomes larger than that of the corresponding pristine ones. The magnetization increases proportionally with the number of SWNTs with sheared ends, suggesting that there exist magnetic moments at the sheared ends of SWNTs.By using the coefficient of this linear relation, the average magnetic moment is estimated to be 41.5 ± 9.8 μB(Bohr magneton) per carbon atom in the edge state at temperature of 300.0 K, suggesting that ultrahigh magnetic fields can be produced. The dangling sigma and pi bonds of the carbon atoms at sheared ends play important roles in determining the unexpectedly high magnetic moments, which may have great potential applications. 展开更多
关键词 carbon nanotubes shear open ends magnetic moments
Lift Enhancement and Oscillatory Suppression of Vortex-induced Vibration in Shear Flow by Loentz Force 被引量:1
作者 张辉 范宝春 李鸿志 《Defence Technology(防务技术)》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第3期139-145,共7页
The flow of the weak electrolyte solution can be controlled by Lorentz force achieved with the suitable magnetic and electric fields, and it has the advantages of vortex street suppression, drag reduction, lift enhanc... The flow of the weak electrolyte solution can be controlled by Lorentz force achieved with the suitable magnetic and electric fields, and it has the advantages of vortex street suppression, drag reduction, lift enhancement and oscillatory suppression for the flow over a bluff body. The electro-magnetic control of vortex-induced vibration (VIV) of a circular cylinder in the shear flow was investigated numerically in the exponential-polar coordinates attached on the moving cylinder for Re=150. With the effect of background vorticity, the vortex street of VIV cylinder was composed of two parallel rows with an opposite sign of the vortices which inclines toward the lower side and the strength of upper vortex is larger than that of lower vortex. The lift force vibrated periodically with the effect of vortex shedding and the mean value was negative due to the background vorticity. The Lorentz force for controlling the VIV cylinder was classified into the field Lorentz force and the wall Lorentz force. The field Lorentz force suppresses the lift oscillation, and in turn, suppresses the VIV, whereas the wall Lorentz force increases the lift. 展开更多
关键词 hydromechanics vortex-induced vibration shear flow flow control electro-magnetic control
Heat transfer intensification in hydromagnetic and radiative 3D unsteady flow regimes: A comparative theoretical investigation for aluminum and γ-aluminum oxides nanoparticles 被引量:2
作者 Naveed AHMED ADNAN +3 位作者 Umar KHAN Syed Zulfiqar Ali ZAIDI Imran FAISAL Syed Tauseef MOHYUD-DIN 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第5期1233-1249,共17页
This article investigates the colloidal study for water and ethylene glycol based nanofluids.The effects of Lorentz forces and thermal radiation are considered.The process of non-dimensionalities of governing equation... This article investigates the colloidal study for water and ethylene glycol based nanofluids.The effects of Lorentz forces and thermal radiation are considered.The process of non-dimensionalities of governing equations is carried out successfully by means of similarity variables.Then,the resultant nonlinear nature of flow model is treated numerically via Runge-Kutta scheme.The characteristics of various pertinent flow parameters on the velocity,temperature,streamlines and isotherms are discussed graphically.It is inspected that the Lorentz forces favors the rotational velocity and rotational parameter opposes it.Intensification in the nanofluids temperature is observed for volumetric fraction and thermal radiation parameter and dominating trend is noted for γ-aluminum nanofluid.Furthermore,for higher rotational parameter,reverse flow is investigated.To provoke the validity of the present work,comparison between current and literature results is presented which shows an excellent agreement.It is examined that rotation favors the velocity of the fluid and more radiative fluid enhances the fluid temperature.Moreover,it is inspected that upturns in volumetric fraction improves the thermal and electrical conductivities. 展开更多
关键词 conventional fluids aluminum and γ-aluminum oxides magnetic field thermal radiation Runge-Kutta scheme shear stress local rate of heat transfer
磁流变抛光液的研制、表征及使用 被引量:2
作者 戴斌 姜平 +2 位作者 周根荣 喻志刚 高海洋 《粉末冶金技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期355-358,362,共5页
针对现有抛光技术的不足,研究将磨料颗粒包覆在铁磁性颗粒表面,制备出磨料颗粒与铁磁性颗粒的复合粒子,并由此制备磁流变抛光液。通过扫描电镜观察,表明磨料较为均匀地包覆于铁磁性颗粒表面;利用流变仪测试磁流变抛光液的流变性,当磁场... 针对现有抛光技术的不足,研究将磨料颗粒包覆在铁磁性颗粒表面,制备出磨料颗粒与铁磁性颗粒的复合粒子,并由此制备磁流变抛光液。通过扫描电镜观察,表明磨料较为均匀地包覆于铁磁性颗粒表面;利用流变仪测试磁流变抛光液的流变性,当磁场为0.8 T、剪切速率为100 s-1时,剪切应力达到45 kPa。通过智能磁流变抛光机对两款316L材质的金属粉末注射成形冷饮机配件进行抛光实验,验证磁流变抛光液的抛光效果,结果表明,抛光后粉末注射成形配件的表面粗糙度明显下降,说明所研制的磁流变抛光液对于粉末冶金制品表面粗糙度具有较高的去除率。 展开更多
关键词 磁性粒子 磁流变抛光液 包覆 剪切应力 表面粗糙度
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