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不同循环次数下RC桥墩抗震性能试验研究 被引量:11
作者 朱绩超 贡金鑫 +2 位作者 熊亮军 仇建磊 李鑫 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期652-663,共12页
通过轴压比为0.05和0.15的8个钢筋混凝土(RC)桥墩拟静力试验,研究不同荷载循环次数(同一位移幅值下分别循环3,10,20次)对RC桥墩的抗震性能影响.结果表明:循环往复荷载作用下试件破坏形态为弯剪破坏,主要破坏特征为混凝土斜向明显开裂、... 通过轴压比为0.05和0.15的8个钢筋混凝土(RC)桥墩拟静力试验,研究不同荷载循环次数(同一位移幅值下分别循环3,10,20次)对RC桥墩的抗震性能影响.结果表明:循环往复荷载作用下试件破坏形态为弯剪破坏,主要破坏特征为混凝土斜向明显开裂、纵筋屈曲及箍筋断裂,滞回曲线有明显捏缩;随轴压比从0.05增大到0.15,RC桥墩的屈服荷载和极限荷载增大约50%,而极限位移明显减小,位移延性系数减小约30%;不同轴压比条件下,循环加载次数对试件抗震性能均有影响,在试件达到峰值荷载之前,循环加载次数对其承载能力和变形性能影响较小,而峰值荷载之后影响较大,变形能力明显降低,循环次数的增加会加重试件的累积损伤程度,进而削弱其抗震性能,尤其会在较大程度上降低其延性性能和耗能能力. 展开更多
关键词 抗震性能 荷载循环次数 拟静力试验 钢筋混凝土桥墩 轴压比
加载周期对沥青路面动态响应的影响 被引量:7
作者 陈团结 钱振东 黄卫 《交通运输工程与信息学报》 2005年第4期38-44,共7页
不考虑行车动荷载对路面影响的传统路面设计方法存在诸多弊端,本文首先利用有限元方法对不同加载周期的行车动荷载作用下路表面弯沉的变化趋势进行了计算和分析,其次对不同加载周期时的寿命比进行了比较。分析结果表明当加载周期在0.05s... 不考虑行车动荷载对路面影响的传统路面设计方法存在诸多弊端,本文首先利用有限元方法对不同加载周期的行车动荷载作用下路表面弯沉的变化趋势进行了计算和分析,其次对不同加载周期时的寿命比进行了比较。分析结果表明当加载周期在0.05s~0.4s之间时路面动弯沉值显著大于静弯沉值,其中,当加载周期为0.09s时,动弯沉值比静弯沉值大21%,此时,路面的实际使用寿命只有静力条件下计算寿命的41%。江阴大桥交通量调查结果表明大多数满载重车在高速公路上的行驶速度都满足不利加载周期条件,对路面实际使用寿命的影响非常显著。因此,在路面设计中应该对载重汽车的行驶速度以及由此引起的动态效应进行着重分析和考虑。 展开更多
关键词 沥青路面 加载周期 弯沉值 寿命比 不利加载周期
作者 甘进 赵凯 +1 位作者 唐卫国 吴卫国 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2020年第2期244-249,共6页
为研究非特定航线下江海直达船节点疲劳问题,简化设计了双边对称L型切口试件并开展了一系列恒幅和变历程比小-大两级交变载荷疲劳试验,基于不同的累积损伤计算方法研究了低于疲劳极限以下小载荷的影响.结果表明:经典Miner准则和S-N曲线... 为研究非特定航线下江海直达船节点疲劳问题,简化设计了双边对称L型切口试件并开展了一系列恒幅和变历程比小-大两级交变载荷疲劳试验,基于不同的累积损伤计算方法研究了低于疲劳极限以下小载荷的影响.结果表明:经典Miner准则和S-N曲线修正法均不能有效评估两级交变载荷下切口件疲劳性能,采用拟合小载荷恒幅寿命方法预测疲劳寿命更为准确.变历程比工况时小载荷循环对节点疲劳寿命的影响表现为不同的损伤或强化效应.采用引入历程比系数和修改临界累积损伤度的方法对不同航线下江海直达船典型节点的疲劳强度评估具有较好的适用性. 展开更多
关键词 江海直达船 载荷历程比 Miner准则 S-N曲线修正 损伤或强化效应 疲劳评估
Analysis of Waste-Rock Transportation Process Performance in an Open-Pit Mine Based on Statistical Analysis of Cycle Times Data 被引量:1
作者 Samwel Victor Manyele 《Engineering(科研)》 2017年第7期649-679,共31页
In this paper, the performance of a waste rock transportation process in an open pit mine was assessed by using cycle time data. A computerized truck-excavator dispatch system was used to record the cycle times. The p... In this paper, the performance of a waste rock transportation process in an open pit mine was assessed by using cycle time data. A computerized truck-excavator dispatch system was used to record the cycle times. The process was broken into seven steps (or components of the total cycle), durations of which were recorded for a period of 1 month, leading to N = 60,690 data points or dispatches. The open pit mine studied consisted of 12 waste types loaded by 14 excavators and hauled by 49 trucks (at a trucks-to-excavator ratio of 3.5:1) in 75 changing locations. The string-type data was coded using integers to allow a FORTRAN code to extract process performance parameters using statistical analysis. The study established a wide range of parameters including: the waste material generation rate (about 1.73 million t/month, 81% comprising waste rock), truck fill factor, f, total cycle time (Tct), production capacity, theoretical cycle time, non-productive cycle time Tnp, and cycle time performance ratio (CTPR), denoted as Tpr. The factors affecting the process performance include: truck model, excavator model, location (haul distance and road conditions) and material type. For a fixed material type and tonnage, the PDFs of the cycle time components were logarithmic in nature, capable of differentiating performance variations under different factors. It was concluded that the performance of the waste material transportation system in this mine was determined to be acceptable due to mean value of Tpr = 2.432 being closer to unity. Reduction measures were suggested to minimize the cycle time for the process bottlenecks determined from Pareto analysis (that is, full haul, empty haul and loading processes). 展开更多
关键词 Potentially Acid-Forming (PAF) ROCK Non-Acid FORMING (NAF) ROCK TRUCK Utilization TRUCK Fill-Factor QUEUING TIME loading cycle TIME Full and Empty Haul Total cycle TIME Theoretical cycle TIME Non-Productive cycle TIME cycle TIME Performance ratio
Investigation of Excavator Performance Factors in an Open-Pit Mine Using Loading Cycle Time
作者 Samwel Victor Manyele 《Engineering(科研)》 2017年第7期599-624,共26页
This study presents the effect of excavator model, loading operation location, shift availability and truck-shovel combination on loading cycle time and productivity of an open-pit mine. The loading cycle time was use... This study presents the effect of excavator model, loading operation location, shift availability and truck-shovel combination on loading cycle time and productivity of an open-pit mine. The loading cycle time was used to assess the material loading system performance which is one of the key components of the total cycle time for material transportation in an open-pit mine. Loading is among the components of cycle time during which material is being handled. The data analyzed?was?collected from a computerized dispatch system at GGM from which 62,000 loading dispatches per month involving several shifts, 14 excavators and 49 trucks were loaded. About 4465 dispatches per excavator and 1276 dispatches per truck were assessed using loading cycle time data for each dispatch for a period of four months (between August and December). Under fixed tonnage loaded and waste type (33 t of non-acid forming waste rock),?it was observed that loading cycle time depends on excavator model, location and truck being loaded. Average cycle times, PDFS?and CDFS of loading cycle time series were used to identify differences in performance under different situations. It was concluded that shift availability for excavators, loading location, excavator model and truck-shovel combinations strongly affect the productivity during loading process in an open-pit mine. 展开更多
关键词 Potentially Acid-Forming (PAF) ROCK Non-Acid FORMING (NAF) ROCK TRUCK Utilization TRUCK Fill-Factor Queuing TIME loading cycle TIME Full and Empty Haul Total cycle TIME Theoretical cycle TIME Non-Productive cycle TIME cycle TIME Performance ratio
不同加载角度与轴压比下RC短柱抗震性能试验研究 被引量:2
作者 宋坤 李振宝 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第1期69-75,共7页
进行了加载角度为0°、22.5°及45°的钢筋混凝土方形短柱试件在轴压比分别为0.2及0.6下的低周往复加载试验,从破坏形态、承载力、延性及耗能能力等方面对钢筋混凝土方形短柱的抗震性能进行了研究。结果表明:增大轴压比能... 进行了加载角度为0°、22.5°及45°的钢筋混凝土方形短柱试件在轴压比分别为0.2及0.6下的低周往复加载试验,从破坏形态、承载力、延性及耗能能力等方面对钢筋混凝土方形短柱的抗震性能进行了研究。结果表明:增大轴压比能有效提高RC方形短柱的承载能力、耗能能力和减缓试件的后期强度退化,但同时会加速其刚度退化;加载角度对试件的承载力及刚度退化基本上没有影响,但延性、耗能能力及强度退化率会随加载角度的增加而增大。 展开更多
关键词 加载角度 钢筋混凝土方形短柱 低周往复加载试验 轴压比 抗震性能
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