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1980年以来中国旅游地学研究文献分析 被引量:10
作者 彭永祥 吴成基 张玲 《地理科学进展》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期723-734,共12页
中国的旅游地学是围绕地质地貌旅游资源的合理保护及利用研究而形成的一门交叉性学科。根据对417篇核心期刊文献的研究分析指出:①我国的旅游地学研究明显经历了三个发展阶段,即1988年之前的缓慢起步、个别发展阶段,1988-1998年之间的... 中国的旅游地学是围绕地质地貌旅游资源的合理保护及利用研究而形成的一门交叉性学科。根据对417篇核心期刊文献的研究分析指出:①我国的旅游地学研究明显经历了三个发展阶段,即1988年之前的缓慢起步、个别发展阶段,1988-1998年之间的重点发展、学科奠基阶段,1999年以来的快速增长、全面发展阶段;②在地学与旅游这两翼的交叉中,地学旅游一翼同步于这三个阶段相继经过萌芽、隐伏、实践发展逐步成为学科研究的核心与归宿,它是旅游地学有别于其它地学学科的关键支撑之一;③地学旅游资源一翼则通过成因、分类、类型、美学等研究为旅游提供科学及景观美学支撑,其中脱颖而出的旅游地貌学已部分地向纵深发展;④地质公园则是旅游地学的最佳实践平台,是地学与旅游两翼的对接点,目前研究上尚处于前科学化阶段;⑤旅游地学研究已显现出专门化、交叉性与综合性、人文化、管理化、定量化、生态化等6大趋势。 展开更多
关键词 旅游地学 地学旅游 地学旅游资源 地质公园 进展与趋势 中国
世界地质公园的前世今生 被引量:13
作者 张建平 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第6期1710-1718,共9页
本文从探讨人类对自然资源的认识、利用方式和属地管理的演变出发,叙述地质公园的发展历史,将其过程分成四个阶段:(1)萌芽阶段;(2)国家/欧洲地质公园阶段;(3)世界地质公园阶段和(4)联合国教科文组织世界地质公园阶段。不同阶段各具特征... 本文从探讨人类对自然资源的认识、利用方式和属地管理的演变出发,叙述地质公园的发展历史,将其过程分成四个阶段:(1)萌芽阶段;(2)国家/欧洲地质公园阶段;(3)世界地质公园阶段和(4)联合国教科文组织世界地质公园阶段。不同阶段各具特征,反映了人类在了解、保护和利用自然资源的意识和方法的不断进步,指出现在世界地质公园的理念、地质遗迹资源的保护和利用、发展模式是适合当今社会发展的新思路,展现出美好的前景。对国家/欧洲/世界/联合国教科文组织世界地质公园的历史回顾和管理制度等内容的详细记述,可供地质公园从业者、研究者和管理者参考。 展开更多
关键词 联合国教科文组织世界地质公园 国家/欧洲地质公园 发展阶段 风光旅游 地学旅游
国内外地质旅游研究现状与展望 被引量:10
作者 何小芊 刘宇 熊国保 《热带地理》 2015年第1期130-138,共9页
从地质旅游的概念、主体、客体、媒介等方面,对国内外已有地质旅游研究成果进行分析和总结。在研究内容上,国内外研究都注重应用性问题的研究,侧重研究地质旅游活动的客体——地质旅游资源以及主要空间载体——地质公园,国内对地质旅游... 从地质旅游的概念、主体、客体、媒介等方面,对国内外已有地质旅游研究成果进行分析和总结。在研究内容上,国内外研究都注重应用性问题的研究,侧重研究地质旅游活动的客体——地质旅游资源以及主要空间载体——地质公园,国内对地质旅游基础理论的研究与国外还存在差距;在研究视角上,多运用地学的理论与方法分析问题;在研究方法上,以定性分析为主,定量分析逐渐增多。在此基础上,对国内未来地质旅游研究方向和重点提出见解,认为未来相关研究应加强对地质旅游基础理论的研究,倡导多学科综合交叉研究、重视技术的应用,强化对地质旅游空间实体的研究。 展开更多
关键词 地质旅游 地质遗迹 地质旅游者 地质公园
地质旅游研究进展 被引量:9
作者 龚克 孙克勤 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第S1期243-246,共4页
自20世纪70年代以来,地质旅游受到世界各国的重视,并在国内外相关领域的研究中积累了丰富的经验和文献。本文从地质旅游的含义、地质旅游活动发展历程和国内外理论与实践建设出发对地质旅游进行归纳和总结。综述表明,地质旅游越来越受... 自20世纪70年代以来,地质旅游受到世界各国的重视,并在国内外相关领域的研究中积累了丰富的经验和文献。本文从地质旅游的含义、地质旅游活动发展历程和国内外理论与实践建设出发对地质旅游进行归纳和总结。综述表明,地质旅游越来越受到游客、地方和政府的关注和重视,是一重要的生态和可持续旅游型式。 展开更多
关键词 地质旅游 遗产旅游 进展
Geotourism as a 16-Geosite Empowerment Strategy—For Tourism Sustainability in Toba Caldera Geopark
作者 Said Muzambiq Zaid Perdana Nst +1 位作者 Gustanto   Raja Sabrina 《Journal of Geographic Information System》 2023年第2期294-307,共14页
The study on empowerment strategies for tourism sustainability was carried out in 16 geosites located in seven regencies. These include Karo, Dairi, Simalungun, Samosir, Toba Samosir, North Tapanuli, and Humbang Hasun... The study on empowerment strategies for tourism sustainability was carried out in 16 geosites located in seven regencies. These include Karo, Dairi, Simalungun, Samosir, Toba Samosir, North Tapanuli, and Humbang Hasundutan, in Toba Caldera Region (TCA), North Sumatra Province. The empowerment strategies will enhance local and national tourism development policy directives, boost development geared towards community tourism interests, and achieve GGN directives according to the concepts outlined by UNESCO. This geotourism development has been formulated through a synthesis of various investigations including the analyses of government references, potential tourist attractions, and SWOT. Furthermore, the SWOT analysis showed that a travel plan combining the elements of cultural heritage and geosites is an alternative empowerment for sustainable regional development through geotourism, using Pusuk Bukit as a pilot area. Geosites have been mapped as the basis for Toba Caldera’s development. 展开更多
关键词 Analysis of Potential Tourist Attractions SWOT Analysis geotourism Policy Studies Caldera Toba
五大连池火山地质旅游资源特色研究 被引量:6
作者 缪瑞彬 肖寅妹 +2 位作者 刘永顺 聂保锋 滕刚 《首都师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2010年第2期47-53,共7页
关键词 五大连池 地质旅游 火山景观
作者 解智涵 刘敏 +1 位作者 闫旭纲 任亚鹏 《中国沙漠》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期128-139,共12页
地质遗迹是黄河流域旅游资源供给体系的重要组成部分。运用平均最近邻、核密度估计和空间自相关等方法探究黄河流域1 481处重要地质遗迹的空间分布格局,建立黄河流域地质旅游开发潜力评价指标体系,借助熵权-TOPSIS模型深入探究黄河流域... 地质遗迹是黄河流域旅游资源供给体系的重要组成部分。运用平均最近邻、核密度估计和空间自相关等方法探究黄河流域1 481处重要地质遗迹的空间分布格局,建立黄河流域地质旅游开发潜力评价指标体系,借助熵权-TOPSIS模型深入探究黄河流域各市州盟的地质旅游开发潜力。结果表明:(1)黄河流域重要地质遗迹为集聚型分布,但不同类型和等级的地质遗迹集聚程度差异显著;(2)黄河流域地质遗迹整体呈中游稠密、上下游稀疏,一主双副、带状延伸的格局,黄河中下游晋豫交界地带是绝对的地质遗迹核心分布区;(3)全局尺度上正相关的集聚分布态势明显,但局部空间上不同类型、等级的地质遗迹空间关联特征差异显著;(4)黄河流域地质旅游开发潜力的空间分异和极化分布趋势明显,潜力高和较高的市州盟数量较少,潜力低和较低的市州盟约占46.09%,空间上呈现由黄河下游向上游梯度递减的格局。 展开更多
关键词 重要地质遗迹 空间格局 地质旅游 潜力评价 黄河流域
中国地质旅游现状与展望 被引量:6
作者 龚克 孙克勤 《国土与自然资源研究》 北大核心 2011年第6期51-53,共3页
自20世纪70年代以来,地质旅游受到世界各国的重视,我国学者也在理论研究与实践领域积累了丰富的经验和文献。本文从地质旅游的含义、活动发展和理论与实践建设出发对中国地质旅游进行归纳和总结。研究表明,地质旅游越来越受到游客、地... 自20世纪70年代以来,地质旅游受到世界各国的重视,我国学者也在理论研究与实践领域积累了丰富的经验和文献。本文从地质旅游的含义、活动发展和理论与实践建设出发对中国地质旅游进行归纳和总结。研究表明,地质旅游越来越受到游客、地方和政府的关注和重视,地质旅游产品不断推出,地质旅游对地方生态环境的维护、促进地方经济和社会的发展起到很重要的影响,是一重要的生态和可持续旅游形式。 展开更多
关键词 地质旅游 遗产旅游 进展
美国科罗拉多大峡谷地质旅游管理特色及对我国的启示 被引量:5
作者 万津津 沙润 刘泽华 《生态经济》 北大核心 2017年第10期159-162,189,共5页
文章在地质旅游的理论背景下,通过对科罗拉多大峡谷开展实地考察的方法,探析了基于可持续旅游的美国科罗拉多大峡谷国家公园地质旅游的结构与管理特色及其成功策略:规划艺术体验旅游产品,开展生动形象的解说与地质科学教育;以游客为中... 文章在地质旅游的理论背景下,通过对科罗拉多大峡谷开展实地考察的方法,探析了基于可持续旅游的美国科罗拉多大峡谷国家公园地质旅游的结构与管理特色及其成功策略:规划艺术体验旅游产品,开展生动形象的解说与地质科学教育;以游客为中心不断完善与优化旅游基础设施;进行社会—生态系统恢复力评价与适应性管理,在资源保护与游客需求间取得可持续平衡;多方筹措与保障地质遗产管理资金,从而促进我国地质旅游可持续发展,取得较好的经济效益、文化效益与生态效益。 展开更多
关键词 地质旅游 可持续旅游 地质科普教育 科罗拉多大峡谷
大理苍山地质公园地质旅游开发的RMP分析 被引量:5
作者 肖迪 《江苏商论》 2014年第10期42-44,48,共4页
关键词 地质旅游 昂普(RMP)理论 大理苍山
Geological and Geotourism Study of Iran Geology Natural Museum, Hormoz Island 被引量:2
作者 Abdollah Yazdi Mohammad Ali Arian Mahmoud M. Rezapour Tabari 《Open Journal of Ecology》 2014年第11期703-714,共12页
Iran is a country that benefits from nice nature, diverse continent, areas full of unique geological phenomena. Thus, it is necessary to study these attractions for better recognition of them. In this regard, Hormoz I... Iran is a country that benefits from nice nature, diverse continent, areas full of unique geological phenomena. Thus, it is necessary to study these attractions for better recognition of them. In this regard, Hormoz Island with valuable geoheritage, biodiversity, cultural, historical and political diversity is very important. The accumulation of these attractions and its being located in Persian Gulf strategic area made it of considerable significance in national and international communities. Hormoz Island is a spherical salt dome which is located in Hormoz strait. This Island is composed of evaporites, igneous rocks and sedimentary rocks, and sediments mainly belong to Mishan and Aghajari formations and salt, gypsum and, to a lesser extent, limestone evaporites. In sedimentary formations of Hormoz, Aouthigenic minerals such as Pyrite, Dolomite, quartz, Anhydrite, gypsum and halite are frequently seen. Mineralization of volcanic leads to formation of high temperature minerals, such as oligiste, pyroxene, amphibole and low temperature and hydrothermal minerals such as Pyrite, quartz... in the tracks of igneous rocks. This unique geodiversity in rocks and mineral which made various colors in Hormoz Island made it a mineraogical reservoir. Beside considerable mineralogical attractions, there are other potentials like ochre mine, coral reefs, rock seashore, sea caves, salt caves, plant cover and wild life which have added to various tourism capabilities of this Island and made it a unique place in the world. This paper studies Hormoz Island in terms of geological features and geotourism potentials. 展开更多
关键词 Salt DOME GEOLOGY GEODIVERSITY geotourism Hormoz ISLAND Iran
新办地质学(旅游地学)专业大三综合实习的规划——以中国地质大学(北京)为例 被引量:4
作者 张绪教 武法东 +4 位作者 程捷 孙洪艳 王璐琳 昝立宏 田明中 《中国地质教育》 2019年第4期59-62,共4页
地廣学专业的综合实习,是我校2016年新版本科培养方案中首次增加、衔接大二周口店地质教学实习与大三生产实习、以提高学生野外科研工作能力为目的的实习。根据旅游地学专业既涉及地学又涉及人文及管理学科、与地质公园关系密切等特点,... 地廣学专业的综合实习,是我校2016年新版本科培养方案中首次增加、衔接大二周口店地质教学实习与大三生产实习、以提高学生野外科研工作能力为目的的实习。根据旅游地学专业既涉及地学又涉及人文及管理学科、与地质公园关系密切等特点,确定了综合实习的地点、制定了教学大纲、明确了实习的具体内容及要求。选择地质遗迹资源及人文景观资源丰富的河北秦皇岛柳江国家地质公园及北戴河旅游区作为实习地点,在此进行地学旅游资源调查、地质公园解说与导游能力培养的综合实习。旅游地学专业大三综合实习的设计与规划,对办好旅游地学本科专业具有重要的意义,也可以为其他拟办此专业的高校提供一定的借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 旅游地学 地质公园 学科建设 综合实习 秦皇岛
Evaluation of the potential of coastal cliffs as geosites for the promotion of geotourism
作者 Fernando Morante-Carballo María JoséDomínguez-Cuesta +3 位作者 Nataly Paz-Salas Jenifer Malavé-Hernández Jairo Dueñas-Tovar Paúl Carrión-Mero 《Geography and Sustainability》 CSCD 2023年第4期356-371,共16页
Coastal zones, with their significant geodiversity, are vital areas for geotourism. Effective management is crucial to harness the geological interest of these sites as geotourism resources while ensuring their conser... Coastal zones, with their significant geodiversity, are vital areas for geotourism. Effective management is crucial to harness the geological interest of these sites as geotourism resources while ensuring their conservation. ManabíProvince is one of the most representative regions along the Ecuadorian coast due to its beaches and coastal cliffs, offering a wealth of tourist attractions and cultural elements. This study aims to evaluate the geosite potential of six cliffs in ManabíProvince through quantitative and qualitative analyses to propose geotourism promotion strategies. The methodology involves (i) inventory and characterisation of the cliffs, (ii) assessment of the sites by the Spanish Inventory of Places of Geological Interest method (IELIG), and (iii) qualitative evaluation through focus group discussions and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. The results reveal that all six sites boast diverse geological assets, including geomorphological, stratigraphic, sedimentological, and tectonic elements. They are characterised by “high ”scientific, didactic, and tourist interest, while also being sus- ceptible to degradation due to natural and anthropic threats. The SWOT analysis demonstrates that the valuable geological and geomorphological heritage of potential geosites provides an opportunity to foster geotourism and boost the province’s economy, incorporating geoconservation and geoeducation strategies. This study proposes a georoute called “Ruta Acantilados del Sol ”, a 245 km journey encompassing all six sites, incorporating diverse tourist and cultural activities. Our research lays the foundation for fostering geotourism along the Manabícoast and strengthening the connection between nature, heritage, and the welfare of residents within a global resilience plan. 展开更多
关键词 Georoute geotourism Touristic cliffCoastal geosites GEOCONSERVATION Geoeducation
Sustainable geotourism using digital technologies along a rural georoute in Monsagro(Salamanca,Spain) 被引量:1
作者 A.M.Martínez-Graña L.Serrano +2 位作者 J.A.González-Delgado C.J.Dabrio P.Legoinha 《International Journal of Digital Earth》 SCIE EI 2017年第2期121-138,共18页
Rural geotourism looks at the natural resources of the territory as a means of promoting a specialized,educational,sustainable tourism.This is an increasingly sought-after activity.This paper presents a rural georoute... Rural geotourism looks at the natural resources of the territory as a means of promoting a specialized,educational,sustainable tourism.This is an increasingly sought-after activity.This paper presents a rural georoute across a high mountain village,highlighting the remarkable value of the geological heritage of biological trace fossils and physical sedimentary structures exposed on street pavements and façades of houses.A series of tourist georesources were created and implemented:educational and interpretive panels,videos,QR codes,geoapps and games,all of which promote and disseminate the exceptional geological content and the history of the earth through the use of new technologies(smartphones,ipod,etc.).All this is intended as a means to make geotourism a natural tourism,favoring experiences,whilst explaining the natural environment and its temporal and spatial dimensions,offering opportunities for socio-economic development and job creation in rural areas with problems of depopulation. 展开更多
关键词 Digital geotourism geological heritage georoute sustentability geotourism tourist georesources
Dasht-e Lut in Iran, the Most Complete Collection of Beautiful Geomorphological Phenomena of Desert 被引量:1
作者 Abdollah Yazdi Mohammad Hashem Emami Seyed Mohsen Shafiee 《Open Journal of Geology》 2014年第6期249-261,共13页
Given special tectonic and climatic conditions, Iran has the most diverse land-forms and beautiful geological phenomena, which could attract many scientific, adventurous tourists and geological researchers. The presen... Given special tectonic and climatic conditions, Iran has the most diverse land-forms and beautiful geological phenomena, which could attract many scientific, adventurous tourists and geological researchers. The present study aims at studying and introducing wonderful geomorphological attractions and numerous geotourism potentials of very hot paradise of the earth, e.g. Dasht-e Lut of Iran, a desert which contains a collection of exclusive desert relieves and geological and geomorphological records of the world. Such unique perspectives as the biggest Nebkhas of the world, the largest Yardangs or Kaluts of the world, the hottest point of the earth, as well as rare species of desert structures such as salt marshes and salt polygons, Gandom Beryan Hill, massive sand dunes, Barchans, clay zones in pretty shapes, saline river , etc., present a vast and diverse extension of geographical beauties and phenomena of the desert. Using library studies, interpretation of satellite images and field studies, this study has been conducted. The results of the studies show that Lut Desert has considerable capability for carrying out complementary studies as well as effect on economic development process in national and international levels. In addition, geotourism development obstacles in Lut Desert are identified, and such solutions as development of ways for access to attractions, erection of geotourism development centers, advertisement and introduction of the desert's attractions, dispatch of guides with tourists, promotion of the region security, extension of accommodations and… for better use of the potentials of the desert, are provided. Furthermore, towards developing the region geotourism, some other fun and exciting activities such as sand skiing, racings and desert rallies, endurance cycling, sun bath, star observation, camel riding and so on, are suggested. Obviously, having various desert attractions and multiple geotourism potentials, Dasht-e Lut has the capability of being considered among global geoparks of UNESC 展开更多
关键词 GEOMORPHOLOGY geotourism Dasht-e LUT Deserts Kalut Iran
作者 校韩立 凌明明 《绿色科技》 2023年第18期215-219,263,共6页
地学旅游对于区域的经济发展有着重要的作用,为了加深对国内地学旅游现状的了解,以中国知网核心期刊库所中收录的107篇以“地学旅游”为主题的论文为研究对象,采用文献计量以及知识图谱的方法,分析了我国地学旅游研究的现状、研究机构... 地学旅游对于区域的经济发展有着重要的作用,为了加深对国内地学旅游现状的了解,以中国知网核心期刊库所中收录的107篇以“地学旅游”为主题的论文为研究对象,采用文献计量以及知识图谱的方法,分析了我国地学旅游研究的现状、研究机构、关键词词频及研究热点等。结果表明:(1)我国地学旅游研究可以分为起始阶段(1993~2005年)、稳步增长(2006~2011年)、平稳发展(2012年及之后),现处于平稳发展阶段;(2)中国地质大学、中国地质科学院、昆明理工大学在我国地学旅游领域中发挥了重要的作用;(3)地学旅游的旅游资源调查、地质旅游资源、地质旅游、地质遗迹是我国地学旅游领域的研究热点。 展开更多
关键词 地学旅游 VOSviewer 文献计量学
旅游地学研究内核及其学科体系框架 被引量:4
作者 许涛 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期182-188,共7页
旅游地学是中国地理、地质等学者在1985年提出的一个新学科概念。随着旅游地学研究的不断深入,其独立研究对象究竟是什么?研究内容有哪些,它们之间是什么逻辑关系?学科体系是什么等根本性问题,不断困扰着旅游地学的教育工作者和研究者... 旅游地学是中国地理、地质等学者在1985年提出的一个新学科概念。随着旅游地学研究的不断深入,其独立研究对象究竟是什么?研究内容有哪些,它们之间是什么逻辑关系?学科体系是什么等根本性问题,不断困扰着旅游地学的教育工作者和研究者。文中重新审视了旅游地学过去35年研究内容与学科特征,结论认为:1)旅游地学还没有形成一个成熟、逻辑严密的学科体系,表现为研究对象泛化、研究内容碎片化、知识缺乏概念化等问题;2)造成这些问题的根本原因是缺乏一个被地质、地理、旅游等不同背景研究者共同认可、交叉研究的内核。通过理性分析和比较分析,指出旅游地学研究内核是地学旅游资源的精神愉悦体验,并据此提出了旅游地学"一心两翼"三个方面的研究内容;3)基于研究内核,构建了旅游地学学科体系框架,分别是母学科模块、交叉学科模块、自足性分支学科模块、应用实践学科模块。4)提出促进旅游地学学科可持续发展建议,包括搭建旅游地学学科融合平台、构建老中青合理的学术研究梯队、建立旅游地学研究基金、加强与地学旅游产业界联系。 展开更多
关键词 旅游地学 研究内核 学科框架 地质景观 地理景观 地学旅游 中国
Geology of Hin Chang Si Sandstone Geoheritage in Khon Kaen Province for Geotourism Planning of Northeastern Thailand
作者 Vimoltip Singtuen Natcharee Vivitkul Witsaroot Pringproh 《Open Journal of Geology》 CAS 2022年第9期641-647,共7页
One of the most distinguished sandstone geoheritage resources in the Khorat Plateau is Hin Chang Si located in the Nam Phong National Park, Khon Kaen Province. The clastic sedimentary rocks of the Phra Wihan Formation... One of the most distinguished sandstone geoheritage resources in the Khorat Plateau is Hin Chang Si located in the Nam Phong National Park, Khon Kaen Province. The clastic sedimentary rocks of the Phra Wihan Formation of the Khorat Group covered this area. As a result of the lithologic study, the Hin Chang Si consists of pebbly sandstone, moderately sorted medium- to coarse-grained sandstone, and a small amount of siltstone interbedded with laminated shale. The characteristics (colors, cementation, and degrees of weathering) divided sandstones into two groups, including white grain-supported sandstone with silica cement and matrix-supported sandstone with Fe-rich cement. In addition, these sandstones present primary sedimentary structures, which comprise tabular cross-bedding and normal grading as well as bioturbation. Hin Chang Si demonstrates many geomorphological features, including cliffs, potholes, rock pillars, polygonal cracks, caves, tafoni, runnels, and natural arches according to inventory. The weathering and degradation processes in humid tropical conditions are the main processes that caused these geomorphological features. Whereas many primary factors affected various types of morphology that are composed of joints, folds, and faults. The national park provides the natural trail map, tourism information, and biodiversity data to visitors;however, geological information about sandstone landforms should be actualized for geotourism development. 展开更多
关键词 LANDFORM GEOMORPHOLOGY GEOHERITAGE geotourism Weathering Khorat Group
浙江长兴“金钉子”露天废弃矿山的成功转型 被引量:3
作者 潘莹露 于炳松 +1 位作者 赵冰仪 刘瑞萍 《国土资源科技管理》 2010年第2期77-81,共5页
随着中国矿业产业的发展,诞生了越来越多的废弃矿山,如何合理治理废弃矿山,转"消耗"为"产出",实现具有可持续发展的战略转型是我国矿业地区面临的重大问题。浙江长兴"金钉子"国家地质遗迹保护区正是在一... 随着中国矿业产业的发展,诞生了越来越多的废弃矿山,如何合理治理废弃矿山,转"消耗"为"产出",实现具有可持续发展的战略转型是我国矿业地区面临的重大问题。浙江长兴"金钉子"国家地质遗迹保护区正是在一个露天废弃矿山的基础上,结合其特有的地质遗迹,转型成功的一个典范。以长兴"金钉子"国家地质遗迹保护区为例,介绍了在废弃矿山治理过程中,综合考虑自然地理、人文地理、经济环境等因素,实现变"废"为"宝"的有效途径,总结了该区废弃矿山治理的思路和策略,以期为同类型废弃矿山的治理提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 露天废弃矿山 地质遗迹保护区 地质旅游 浙江长兴“金钉子”
Development of Geotourism in Kutch Region, Gujarat, India: An Innovative Approach
作者 K. Swarna S. K. Biswas T. Harinarayana 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2013年第12期1360-1372,共13页
Geotourism in Kutch has an exemplary potential of being designated as a site for perfect establishment of a National Geopark. The paper is aimed to describe the geological significance of the sites with basic concept ... Geotourism in Kutch has an exemplary potential of being designated as a site for perfect establishment of a National Geopark. The paper is aimed to describe the geological significance of the sites with basic concept of creation of geoparks and promote geotourism. The financial, infrastructural aspects, deliverables to the society are presented primarily focusing on the local economic and sustainable development of Kutch. The need for development of infrastructure for geotourism is urgently required as the rare geological heritage of Kutch region is eroding and being destroyed due to manmade activities. 展开更多
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