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作者 Hui Wang Qing-Hua Qin 《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》 SCIE EI 2009年第5期487-498,共12页
A new type of hybrid finite element formulation with fundamental solutions as internal interpolation functions, named as HFS-FEM, is presented in this paper and used for solving two dimensional heat conduction problem... A new type of hybrid finite element formulation with fundamental solutions as internal interpolation functions, named as HFS-FEM, is presented in this paper and used for solving two dimensional heat conduction problems in single and multi-layer materials. In the proposed approach, a new variational functional is firstly constructed for the proposed HFS-FE model and the related existence of extremum is presented. Then, the assumed internal potential field constructed by the linear combination of fundamental solutions at points outside the elemental domain under consideration is used as the internal interpolation function, which analytically satisfies the governing equation within each element. As a result, the domain integrals in the variational functional formulation can be converted into the boundary integrals which can significantly simplify the calculation of the element stiffness matrix. The independent frame field is also introduced to guarantee the inter-element continuity and the stationary condition of the new variational functional is used to obtain the final stiffness equations. The proposed method inherits the advantages of the hybrid Trefftz finite element method (HT-FEM) over the conventional finite element method (FEM) and boundary element method (BEM), and avoids the difficulty in selecting appropriate terms of T-complete functions used in HT-FEM, as the fundamental solutions contain usually one term only, rather than a series containing infinitely many terms. Further, the fundamental solutions of a problem are, in general, easier to derive than the T-complete functions of that problem. Finally, several examples are presented to assess the performance of the proposed method, and the obtained numerical results show good numerical accuracy and remarkable insensitivity to mesh distortion. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid FEM fundamental solution variational functional heat conduction
高山松及其亲本种油松和云南松DHAR基因的功能分化 被引量:7
作者 考洪娜 兰婷 +1 位作者 王晓茹 曾庆银 《植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第1期1-10,共10页
高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P.tabulaeformis)与云南松(P.yunnanensis)自然杂交产生的同倍性杂种,分布于青藏高原东南缘,占据了油松和云南松两个亲本种都不能正常生长的高海拔地带。为了揭示高山松、油松和云南松脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(D... 高山松(Pinus densata)是油松(P.tabulaeformis)与云南松(P.yunnanensis)自然杂交产生的同倍性杂种,分布于青藏高原东南缘,占据了油松和云南松两个亲本种都不能正常生长的高海拔地带。为了揭示高山松、油松和云南松脱氢抗坏血酸还原酶(DHAR)基因的组成和功能分化,分别从高山松、油松和云南松中克隆到2类DHAR基因(DHAR1与DHAR2)。组织表达模式分析表明,这6个基因在根、韧皮部、叶和芽中均有表达;通过系统发育分析发现,高山松在物种形成过程中保留了油松的DHAR1拷贝以及云南松的DHAR2拷贝;酶学性质分析则表明,高山松与油松DHAR1蛋白对底物具有相似的催化活性、催化效率、最适pH和热力学稳定性,但其催化活性比云南松DHAR1蛋白高约300倍。高山松DHAR2蛋白对底物的催化活性和热力学稳定性均高于油松DHAR2蛋白。高山松DHAR基因在生化功能上显示出优于或类似亲本DHAR,这种优势功能的选择与杂种独特的生态适应性可能有重要的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 适应性 DHAR 功能分化 自然杂种 蛋白质功能
A new MaterialGo database and its comparison with other high-throughput electronic structure databases for their predicted energy band gaps 被引量:5
作者 JIE JianShu WENG MouYi +6 位作者 LI ShunNing CHEN Dong LI ShuCheng XIAO WeiJi ZHENG JiaXin PAN Feng Wang LinWang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期1423-1430,共8页
Recently, many high-throughput calculation materials databases have been constructed and found wide applications. However, a database is only useful if its content is reliable and sufficiently accurate. It is thus of ... Recently, many high-throughput calculation materials databases have been constructed and found wide applications. However, a database is only useful if its content is reliable and sufficiently accurate. It is thus of paramount importance to gauge the reliabilities and accuracies of these databases. Although many properties have been predicted accurately in these databases,electronic band gap is well known to be underestimated by traditional density functional theory(DFT) calculations under local density approximation(LDA), which becomes a challenging problem for materials database building. Here, we introduce MaterialGo(http://www.pkusam.com/data-base.html), a new database calculating the band structures of crystals using both Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof(PBE) exchange-correlation functional and Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof(HSE) hybrid functional.Comparing different PBE databases, it is found that their band gaps are consistent when no U parameter is used for transition metal d-state or heavy element f-state to correct their self-interaction error, but rather different when PBE+U are used, mostly because of the different values of U used in different database. HSE calculations under standard parameters will give larger band gaps that are closer to experiment. Based on the high-throughput HSE calculations over 10000 crystal structures, we might have a better understanding of the relationship between crystal structures and electronic structures, which will help us to further explore material genome science and engineering. 展开更多
关键词 HIGH-THROUGHPUT hybrid functional calculation DATABASE
高等学校法律地位变革的功能导向与风险因应 被引量:6
作者 姚荣 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期46-56,共11页
伴随着高等学校任务体系的持续扩张,高等学校法律地位变革的功能导向不断强化。在大陆法系国家,高等学校通常具有基本权主体、国家机构或公法设施以及民事主体或公法意义上的法人等“多重”且“交叠”的法律地位。在英美法系国家,高等... 伴随着高等学校任务体系的持续扩张,高等学校法律地位变革的功能导向不断强化。在大陆法系国家,高等学校通常具有基本权主体、国家机构或公法设施以及民事主体或公法意义上的法人等“多重”且“交叠”的法律地位。在英美法系国家,高等学校作为“混合型机构”的特征日益凸显。经由普通法与成文法的持续发展,形塑出高等学校作为自治机构、公共当局、非营利性机构以及贸易实体或法人等不同类型且富有“张力”的法律地位。高等学校法律地位变革中功能导向的强化,既为高等教育治理中多元利益的整合提供了可能,也客观上导致高等学校作为学术机构本质的式微,并衍生出自治权限萎缩、利益冲突状况加剧、教师权利危机凸显等诸多风险。在此背景下,如何调整学术子系统与法律系统之间的复杂关系,如何在传统与现代之间保持必要的张力,构成大学法研究的前沿议题。 展开更多
关键词 高等学校法律地位 功能导向 混合型机构 学术自由 大学自治
利用功能性分子标记辅助选育香型杂交水稻不育系 被引量:5
作者 王天生 陈惠清 +3 位作者 谢旺有 陈锦文 谢少和 黄荣裕 《分子植物育种》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第23期7801-7807,共7页
本研究采用KOH浸泡法和咀嚼法分别对11个水稻品种的叶片及稻米进行香味鉴定,结果表明‘宜香1B’等9个品种表现为具有香味,‘祥B’、‘桐B’等两个品种表现为不具有香味。利用已克隆的水稻香味基因Badh2的序列信息,设计基于目的基因的功... 本研究采用KOH浸泡法和咀嚼法分别对11个水稻品种的叶片及稻米进行香味鉴定,结果表明‘宜香1B’等9个品种表现为具有香味,‘祥B’、‘桐B’等两个品种表现为不具有香味。利用已克隆的水稻香味基因Badh2的序列信息,设计基于目的基因的功能性分子标记FGR3,进一步对上述品种的香味基因Badh2进行检测,结果表明,‘宜香1B’等9个表型鉴定为香型的水稻品种与表型鉴定为非香型的品种‘祥B’、‘桐B’在该位点表现出不同的分子标记基因型,表型与基因型鉴定结果相吻合。表明该标记可用于水稻香味的分子标记辅助选择。为选育出具有香味的优良水稻不育系,本研究以携带香味基因的保持系‘宜香1B’为香味基因供体材料,采用本单位育成的具有强配合力的保持系‘祥B’为受体材料,配制杂交组合并进行回交,对后代材料进行分子标记辅助选择,育成香型保持系株系,同时进行不育系转育,育成了优质香型不育系‘泉香1A’,目前正对其进一步进行配组利用研究。 展开更多
关键词 功能性分子标记 辅助选育 香型 杂交水稻 不育系
作者 赵园生 韩高峰 +1 位作者 徐建勤 肖涌锋 《建筑技艺(中英文)》 2024年第7期116-119,共4页
随着我国城市化进程加速,功能单一型社区开始难以满足需要,有着更强包容性的功能混合型街区应运而生。雄安容东金湖未来城五标段设计从功能混合型社区的概念及特点入手,通过功能组织、空间布局、贴线率控制等手段,塑造城市形态及交通组... 随着我国城市化进程加速,功能单一型社区开始难以满足需要,有着更强包容性的功能混合型街区应运而生。雄安容东金湖未来城五标段设计从功能混合型社区的概念及特点入手,通过功能组织、空间布局、贴线率控制等手段,塑造城市形态及交通组织,为混合型街区设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 雄安 容东片区 功能混合 街区
作者 杨亮 王亚军 +3 位作者 张竣昊 李佩峰 张帅帅 韩赛飞 《电子与封装》 2024年第8期58-68,共11页
随着处理器的微结构和拓扑结构越来越复杂,结构设计空间呈几何倍数增加,导致处理器性能评估难度加大,处理器体系结构模拟器对评估处理器性能、分析性能瓶颈以及进一步的性能优化具有重要意义。针对处理器体系结构以及功能/性能评估的精... 随着处理器的微结构和拓扑结构越来越复杂,结构设计空间呈几何倍数增加,导致处理器性能评估难度加大,处理器体系结构模拟器对评估处理器性能、分析性能瓶颈以及进一步的性能优化具有重要意义。针对处理器体系结构以及功能/性能评估的精度、复杂度与准确度的不同需求,分别研究功能模拟器、性能模拟器以及混合模拟器的模型结构以及模拟行为的构建方法。进一步阐述了国内外处理器厂商推出的体系结构模拟器在不同设计阶段的各类应用,结合实际应用对处理器体系结构模拟器的特征进行总结,并介绍了新型应用背景、新型处理器体系结构下体系结构模拟器的发展趋势。 展开更多
关键词 处理器体系结构 体系结构模拟器 功能模拟器 性能模拟器 混合模拟器
Assessment of Contemporary Theoretical Methods for Bond Dissociation Enthalpies 被引量:3
作者 李璐 樊红军 胡浩权 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期453-461,I0001,I0002,共11页
The density functional theory (DFT) is the most popular method for evaluating bond dis- sociation enthalpies (BDEs) of most molecules. Thus, we are committed to looking for alternative methods that can balance the... The density functional theory (DFT) is the most popular method for evaluating bond dis- sociation enthalpies (BDEs) of most molecules. Thus, we are committed to looking for alternative methods that can balance the computational cost and higher precision to the best for large systems. The performance of DFT, double-hybrid DFT, and high-level com- posite methods are examined. The tested sets contain monocyclic and polycyclic aromatic molecules, branched hydrocarbons, small inorganic molecules, etc. The results show that the mPW2PLYP and G4MP2 methods achieve reasonable agreement with the benchmark val- ues for most tested molecules, and the mean absolute deviations are 2.43 and 1.96 kcal/mol after excluding the BDEs of branched hydrocarbons. We recommend the G4MP2 is the most appropriate method for small systems (atoms number≤20); the double-hybrid DFT methods are advised for large aromatic molecules in medium size (20≤atoms number≤50), and the double-hybrid DFT methods with empirical dispersion correction are recommended for long-chain and branched hydrocarbons in the same size scope; the DFT methods are ad- vised to apply for large systems (atoms number〉50), and the M06-2X and B3P86 methods are also favorable. Moreover, the differences of optimized geometry of different methods are discussed and the effects of basis sets for various methods are investigated. 展开更多
关键词 Bond dissociation enthalpies Density functional theory Double-hybrid density functional theory High-level composite methods
Eu-PMMA-SA光功能杂化材料的制备与表征 被引量:3
作者 王利平 王刚 《高分子材料科学与工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期135-137,共3页
利用甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)、水杨酸(SA)与硝酸铕(Eu(NO3)3)反应,合成了Eu-MMA-SA三元稀土配合物,然后以此铕配合物为单体,以偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂,在一定条件下进行聚合反应,制备铕-聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯-水杨酸(Eu-PMMA-SA)无机-高分... 利用甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)、水杨酸(SA)与硝酸铕(Eu(NO3)3)反应,合成了Eu-MMA-SA三元稀土配合物,然后以此铕配合物为单体,以偶氮二异丁腈(AIBN)为引发剂,在一定条件下进行聚合反应,制备铕-聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯-水杨酸(Eu-PMMA-SA)无机-高分子多元光功能杂化材料,红外光谱(FT-IR)分析结果表明,Eu3+离子与水杨酸和甲基丙烯酸甲酯中的羧酸根配位;凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)结果分析说明,聚合物的数均分子量(-Mn),重均分子量(-Mw)和多分散系数(PDI)值分别为12000,19000和1.58;荧光光谱分析结果证明此杂化材料具有很强的铕离子特征荧光。 展开更多
关键词 铕配合物 光功能 荧光 杂化材料
Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics in Flag Leaves of the C Liangyou Series of Hybrid Rice Combinations at Late Growth Stages 被引量:1
作者 TANG Wen-bang ZHANG Gui-lian XIAO Ying-hui DENG Hua-bing FAN Ke LIU Guo-hua CHEN Li-yun 《Rice science》 SCIE 2010年第4期319-325,共7页
The contents of chlorophyll, soluble sugars, soluble proteins and thiobarbitudc acid reaction substance (TBARS), chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, net photosynthetic rate as well as the activities of superoxide d... The contents of chlorophyll, soluble sugars, soluble proteins and thiobarbitudc acid reaction substance (TBARS), chlorophyll fluorescence parameters, net photosynthetic rate as well as the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) of flag leaves at the late growth stages were studied by using C Liangyou series of hybrid rice combinitions as material and Shanyou 63 as control. The C Liangyou series of hybrid rice combinations used in the experiment included C Liangyou 396, C Liangyou 87, C Liangyou 755 and C Liangyou 34, which all used C815S as male sterile line. The contents of chlorophyll, soluble sugars and soluble proteins in flag leaves of the C Liangyou series combinations at the late growth stages were higher than those of the control, whereas the TBARS content was lower than that of the control. The activities of SOD and POD were significantly higher than those of the control on the 7th day after heading, and then decreased slowly. ~bps, value and qp value of flag leaves decreased at the late growth stages, and these two parameters in flag leaves of the C Liangyou series combinations were higher than those of the control, while the qN value increased at the late growth stages and was lower than that of the control. The net photosynthetic rate of flag leaves at the late growth stage was higher compared with the control. These results suggest that slow senescence and strong photosynthetic capability in flag leaves at the late growth stages are the physiological basis of the C Liangyou series combinations. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid rice physiological characteristics biochemical characteristics functional leaf
Highly sensitive hybrid nanofiber-based room-temperature CO sensors: Experiments and density functional theory simulations 被引量:1
作者 Lili Wang Ruiqing Chai +1 位作者 Zheng Lou Guozhen Shen 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第2期1029-1037,共9页
Chemical sensors (CSs) are an emerging area in nanoscience research, which focuses on the highly sensitive detection of toxic and hazardous gases and disease- related volatile organics. While the field has advanced ... Chemical sensors (CSs) are an emerging area in nanoscience research, which focuses on the highly sensitive detection of toxic and hazardous gases and disease- related volatile organics. While the field has advanced rapidly in recent years, it lacks the theoretical support required for the rational design of innovative materials with tunable measurement responses. Herein, we present a one-dimensional (1D) hybrid nanofiber decorated with ultrafine NiO nanoparticles (NiO NPs) as an efficient active component for CSs. Highly dispersed (110)-facet NiO NPs with a high percentage of Ni2~ active sites with unsaturated coordination were confined in a TiO2 nanofiber (TiO2 NF) matrix that is favorable for surface catalytic reactions. The CSs constructed using the 1D heterostructure NiO/TiO2 nanofibers (NiOdrio2 HNFs) exhibited a highly selective response to trace CO gas molecules (1 ppm) with high sensitivity (AR/Ro = 1.02), ultrafast response/ recovery time (T 〈 20 s), and remarkable reproducibility at room tem- perature. The density functional theory (DFT) simulations and experimental results confirmed that the selective response could be attributed to the high molecular adsorption energy of the NiO nanoparticles with (110) facets and abundant interfaces, which act synergistically to promote CO adsorption and facilitate charge transfer. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid nanofiber high active facet gas sensor SELECTIVITY highly sensitive density functional theory
旧改类未来社区运营思考 被引量:2
作者 杨沛然 沈洁 +3 位作者 陈舒婷 许雷 夏洁仪 龙禹璇 《建设科技》 2022年第13期24-28,共5页
老旧小区是城市的重要存量资源,但因周期性的成片改造需要巨量资金投入,其改造成本和运营平衡一直以来都是城市有机更新的疑难问题。未来社区作为浙江省城市有机更新的重要举措,自2018年至今已申报5批试点,主要分为新建类、旧改类两大... 老旧小区是城市的重要存量资源,但因周期性的成片改造需要巨量资金投入,其改造成本和运营平衡一直以来都是城市有机更新的疑难问题。未来社区作为浙江省城市有机更新的重要举措,自2018年至今已申报5批试点,主要分为新建类、旧改类两大类。本文以旧改类未来社区为对象,浅析其创建思路和可持续运营机制。 展开更多
关键词 城市有机更新 社区运营 需求分析 功能重塑 文化融合 数字赋能
国外MCM及其主要制造技术的发展现状 被引量:2
作者 毅力 《微电子学》 CAS CSCD 1993年第5期1-10,共10页
关键词 多芯片组件 功能模块 微型组件
基于混合聚类分析的区域短期用电量预测方法研究 被引量:2
作者 宋倩芸 《微型电脑应用》 2020年第9期104-108,共5页
提出了一种基于功能聚类、极限学习机和混合模型的区域短期用电量预测方法。该方法使用功能聚类算法对用电量曲线进行分组,随后针对聚类分组使用极限学习机模型进行用电量预测,最后使用线性回归方法对独立的分组模型极限进行混合实现对... 提出了一种基于功能聚类、极限学习机和混合模型的区域短期用电量预测方法。该方法使用功能聚类算法对用电量曲线进行分组,随后针对聚类分组使用极限学习机模型进行用电量预测,最后使用线性回归方法对独立的分组模型极限进行混合实现对区域客户的短期整体用电量预测。此外该方法还使用温度分区策略提高聚类分组的合理性。实验表明该方法能够提高最终用电量预测的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 用电量预测 功能聚类 极限学习机 混合模型
A density-functional-theory-based and machine-learning-accelerated hybrid method for intricate system catalysis 被引量:2
作者 Xuhao Wan Zhaofu Zhang +1 位作者 Wei Yu Yuzheng Guo 《Materials Reports(Energy)》 2021年第3期81-90,共10页
Being progressively applied in the design of highly active catalysts for energy devices,machine learning(ML)technology has shown attractive ability of dramatically reducing the computational cost of the traditional de... Being progressively applied in the design of highly active catalysts for energy devices,machine learning(ML)technology has shown attractive ability of dramatically reducing the computational cost of the traditional density functional theory(DFT)method,showing a particular advantage for the simulation of intricate system catalysis.Starting with a basic description of the whole workflow of the novel DFT-based and ML-accelerated(DFT-ML)scheme,and the common algorithms useable for machine learning,we presented in this paper our work on the development and performance test of a DFT-based ML method for catalysis program(DMCP)to implement the DFT-ML scheme.DMCP is an efficient and user-friendly program with the flexibility to accommodate the needs of performing ML calculations based on the data generated by DFT calculations or from materials database.We also employed an example of transition metal phthalocyanine double-atom catalysts as electrocatalysts for carbon reduction reaction to exhibit the general workflow of the DFT-ML hybrid scheme and our DMCP program. 展开更多
关键词 DMCP program Machine learning Density functional theory DFT-ML hybrid Scheme CATALYSIS Double-atom catalysts
Hybrid density functional study on lattice vibration,thermodynamic properties,and chemical bonding of plutonium monocarbide
作者 杨荣 唐斌 +1 位作者 高涛 敖冰云 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期416-425,共10页
Hybrid density functional theory is employed to systematically investigate the structural,magnetic,vibrational,thermodynamic properties of plutonium monocarbide(Pu C and Pu C0.75).For comparison,the results obtained... Hybrid density functional theory is employed to systematically investigate the structural,magnetic,vibrational,thermodynamic properties of plutonium monocarbide(Pu C and Pu C0.75).For comparison,the results obtained by DFT,DFT + U are also given.For Pu C and Pu C0.75,Fock-0.25 hybrid functional gives the best lattice constants and predicts the correct ground states of antiferromagnetic(AFM) structure.The calculated phonon spectra suggest that Pu C and Pu C0.75 are dynamically stable.Values of the Helmholtz free energy ?F,internal energy ?E,entropy S,and constant-volume specific heat Cv of Pu C and Pu C0.75 are given.The results are in good agreement with available experimental or theoretical data.As for the chemical bonding nature,the difference charge densities,the partial densities of states and the Bader charge analysis suggest that the Pu–C bonds of Pu C and Pu C0.75 have a mixture of covalent character and ionic character.The effect of carbon vacancy on the chemical bonding is also discussed in detail.We expect that our study can provide some useful reference for further experimental research on the phonon density of states,thermodynamic properties of the plutonium monocarbide. 展开更多
关键词 hybrid functional DFT+U plutonium monocarbide
海藻酸盐纤维敷料及其纤维制备技术 被引量:1
作者 杨璧玲 《产业用纺织品》 2022年第4期1-6,共6页
介绍源于海藻酸盐离子交换特性的海藻酸盐纤维敷料的性能及其临床应用,重点介绍目前国产及进口海藻酸盐纤维敷料产品的情况,并从常规海藻酸盐纤维、海藻酸盐共混纤维、海藻酸盐纳米纤维和改性海藻酸盐纳米纤维等角度阐述海藻酸盐纤维的... 介绍源于海藻酸盐离子交换特性的海藻酸盐纤维敷料的性能及其临床应用,重点介绍目前国产及进口海藻酸盐纤维敷料产品的情况,并从常规海藻酸盐纤维、海藻酸盐共混纤维、海藻酸盐纳米纤维和改性海藻酸盐纳米纤维等角度阐述海藻酸盐纤维的制备技术及发展状况,指出海藻酸盐纤维功能杂化、纳米纤维化的发展方向。 展开更多
关键词 海藻酸盐纤维 敷料 制备 功能杂化 纳米纤维化 离子交换特性 湿性愈合
Visualization of Two-dimensional Single Chains of Hybrid Polyelectrolytes on Solid Surface 被引量:1
作者 Lan-Lan Zhang Wen-Ke Miao +2 位作者 Li-Jun Ren Yu-Kun Yan Wei Wang 《Chinese Journal of Polymer Science》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第6期716-724,I0006,共10页
The polyacidic character of polyoxometalate(POM)clusters endows high ionic conductivity,making these clusters good candidates for solar and fuel cells.Covalent bonding of clusters to polymer chains creates poly(POM)s ... The polyacidic character of polyoxometalate(POM)clusters endows high ionic conductivity,making these clusters good candidates for solar and fuel cells.Covalent bonding of clusters to polymer chains creates poly(POM)s that are polyelectrolytes with both cluster functions and polymer performance.Thus,solution-processable poly(POM)s are expected to be used as key materials in advanced devices.Further understanding of poly(POM)s will optimize the preparation process and improve device performance.Herein,we report a study of the first linear poly(POM)s by directly visualizing the chains using scanning transmission electron microscopy.Compared with traditional polymers,individual clusters of poly(POM)s can be directly visualized because of the resistance to electron-beam damage and the high contrast of the tungsten POM pendants.Thus,cluster aggregates with diverse shapes were observed.Counting the number of clusters in the aggregates allowed the degree of polymerization and molecular weight distribution to be determined,and studying the aggregate shapes revealed the presence of a curved semirigid chain in solution.Further study of shape diversity revealed that strong interactions between clusters determine the diverse chain shapes formed during solution processing.Fundamental insight is critical to understanding the formation of poly(POM)films from solutions as key functional materials,especially for fuel and solar cells. 展开更多
关键词 POLYELECTROLYTE Polyacidic cluster functional hybrid CHAIN Scanning transmission electron microscopy
Regulating adsorption ability toward polysulfides in a porous carbon/Cu_(3)P hybrid for an ultrastable high-temperature lithium-sulfur battery 被引量:1
作者 Yichuan Guo Rabia Khatoon +8 位作者 Jianguo Lu Qinggang He Xiang Gao Xiaopeng Yang Xun Hu Yang Wu Jiale Lian Zhoupeng Li Zhizhen Ye 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE CAS 2021年第6期841-855,共15页
Lithium-sulfur batteries(LSBs)can work at high temperatures,but they suffer from poor cycle life stability due to the“shuttle effect”of polysulfides.In this study,pollen-derived porous carbon/cuprous phosphide(PC/Cu... Lithium-sulfur batteries(LSBs)can work at high temperatures,but they suffer from poor cycle life stability due to the“shuttle effect”of polysulfides.In this study,pollen-derived porous carbon/cuprous phosphide(PC/Cu_(3)P)hybrids were rationally synthesized using a one-step carbonization method using pollen as the source material,acting as the sulfur host for LSBs.In the hybrid,polar Cu_(3)P can markedly inhibit the“shuttle effect”by regulating the adsorption ability toward polysulfides,as confirmed by theoretical calculations and experimental tests.As an example,the camellia pollen porous carbon(CPC)/Cu_(3)P/S electrode shows a high capacity of 1205.6 mAh g^(−1) at 0.1 C,an ultralow capacity decay rate of 0.038%per cycle after 1000 cycles at 1 C,and a rather high initial Coulombic efficiency of 98.5%.The CPC/Cu_(3)P LSBs can work well at high temperatures,having a high capacity of 545.9 mAh g^(−1) at 1 C even at 150℃.The strategy of the PC/Cu_(3)P hybrid proposed in this study is expected to be an ideal cathode for ultrastable high-temperature LSBs.We believe that this strategy is universal and worthy of in-depth development for the next generation energy storage devices. 展开更多
关键词 density functional theory calculation high operating temperature lithium-sulfur battery polysulfide adsorption porous carbon/Cu_(3)P hybrid ultrastability
原型语义的模因理据——兼谈颜色词的功能语义 被引量:1
作者 张云 《外国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期67-70,共4页
颜色词的语义一直是语言学家的研究对象。原型理论将颜色词的语义范畴化,基本划分出原型语义和功能语义,但"家族相似性"的特点只是笼统地概括了颜色词原型语义和功能语义的关系。模因论却能够从历史发展的角度把原型语义和不... 颜色词的语义一直是语言学家的研究对象。原型理论将颜色词的语义范畴化,基本划分出原型语义和功能语义,但"家族相似性"的特点只是笼统地概括了颜色词原型语义和功能语义的关系。模因论却能够从历史发展的角度把原型语义和不同的功能语义联系起来,大量的例证说明这一发展过程表现在三种复制和传播方式上:以复制信息内容为主的基因型、形式相同但信息内容发生变化的表现型和结合了两种方式的复合型。模因论对更好地认知原型语义提供了有效理据。 展开更多
关键词 原型理论 原型语义 功能语义 模因论 基因型 表现型 复合型
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