This paper proposes a flux mapping method directly using the higher order harmonics (HOH) of the neutronics equation of the nominal core. The bi-orthogonality and completeness of the HOH set are studied. and they are ...This paper proposes a flux mapping method directly using the higher order harmonics (HOH) of the neutronics equation of the nominal core. The bi-orthogonality and completeness of the HOH set are studied. and they are the theoretical basis for the flux mapping method. Using the bi-orthogonality of HOH and the strict formula for eigenvalue estimation. the process and formulas for HOH calculation called as the source iteration method with source correction are derived. The analysis can predict any order of harmonics for 2-or 3-dimensional geometries.Preliminary verification of the capability for flux mapping is also given. and other applications of HOH for reactor operation analysis and failure diagnosis are underway.展开更多
文摘This paper proposes a flux mapping method directly using the higher order harmonics (HOH) of the neutronics equation of the nominal core. The bi-orthogonality and completeness of the HOH set are studied. and they are the theoretical basis for the flux mapping method. Using the bi-orthogonality of HOH and the strict formula for eigenvalue estimation. the process and formulas for HOH calculation called as the source iteration method with source correction are derived. The analysis can predict any order of harmonics for 2-or 3-dimensional geometries.Preliminary verification of the capability for flux mapping is also given. and other applications of HOH for reactor operation analysis and failure diagnosis are underway.
文摘光学检测法在局部放电检测领域具有不可替代的优点,但目前还未应用在实际运行的气体绝缘组合开关(gas insulated switchgear,GIS)设备上。该文首先在TracePro仿真软件中分别搭建T形、L形GIS仿真模型,在其内部设置探测面,获得探测面上的总光通量分布图(total flux map,TFM)和相对辐照度平均值(average value of relative irradiance,AVRI),研究局放源在不同位置、不同角度时探测面上的光强分布特性。仿真结果表明:GIS内部的复杂结构对光信号造成了较大的衰减,尤其是T形GIS垂直部分腔体的转折,光强衰减约77.5%,L形GIS垂直部分腔体内的光强相比T形高50%左右。进一步提出荧光光纤的3种布局方式:在手孔盖板下、直线形紧贴外壳内壁、围绕导杆紧贴外壳内壁。通过仿真对这3种方式进行灵敏度分析,表明结合方式2和3综合布局具有更佳检测的效果。最后应用荧光光纤在GIS内开展测试,测试结果表明传感器布局方式1的2个测试结果与仿真结果平均偏差分别为9.84%和11.46%,方式2、3的平均偏差分别为11.94%、12.11%。研究成果可为GIS内光学检测法提供一定的依据。