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纤维沥青混合料的低温抗裂性能 被引量:50
作者 陈华鑫 张争奇 胡长顺 《华南理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期82-86,共5页
从不同纤维的微观特性和纤维沥青胶浆的沉锤试验出发 ,通过 3种级配的纤维沥青混合料低温弯曲蠕变试验 ,分析了纤维和级配对沥青混合料低温抗裂性能的影响 ,并从复合材料角度对纤维的加强和改善作用机理进行了剖析 .结果表明 ,纤维的加... 从不同纤维的微观特性和纤维沥青胶浆的沉锤试验出发 ,通过 3种级配的纤维沥青混合料低温弯曲蠕变试验 ,分析了纤维和级配对沥青混合料低温抗裂性能的影响 ,并从复合材料角度对纤维的加强和改善作用机理进行了剖析 .结果表明 ,纤维的加入可明显提高沥青混合料的低温抗裂性能 。 展开更多
关键词 纤维沥青混合料 低温抗裂性能 纤维增强机理 沉锤试验 弯曲蠕变试验
黄麻纤维加筋土的强度特性及增强机理研究 被引量:20
作者 钱叶琳 王洁 +3 位作者 吕卫柯 郭盼盼 单生彪 汪亦显 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第2期19-24,共6页
采用黄麻纤维对合肥地铁工程沿线广泛分布地典型弱潜势膨胀土加筋改良处理,通过改变黄麻纤维掺量和长度对包含素膨胀土和纤维加筋土的土样进行了一系列室内直剪试验和无侧限抗压强度试验,探讨了纤维长度和纤维含量对加筋土强度特性的影... 采用黄麻纤维对合肥地铁工程沿线广泛分布地典型弱潜势膨胀土加筋改良处理,通过改变黄麻纤维掺量和长度对包含素膨胀土和纤维加筋土的土样进行了一系列室内直剪试验和无侧限抗压强度试验,探讨了纤维长度和纤维含量对加筋土强度特性的影响,并简要分析了纤维增强机理。研究结果表明:黄麻纤维加筋可显著提高土体抗剪强度和膨胀土的无侧限抗压强度,改善了膨胀土的剪切破坏形式,减小了破坏时裂隙的宽度和长度。 展开更多
关键词 黄麻纤维 纤维加筋土 抗剪强度 增强机理 无侧限抗压强度试验
纤维加筋土界面渐进性破坏模型 被引量:16
作者 张诚成 朱鸿鹄 +1 位作者 唐朝生 施斌 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第10期1952-1959,共8页
为了更深入地揭示解纤维加筋土的破坏机理,研究纤维加筋土中纤维和土体的相互作用机理.提出利用纤维/土体界面切应力-切应变的三参数模型,描述离散纤维在加筋土中的渐进性破坏特性.该模型将单根纤维在加筋土中的拉拔过程分为5个典型阶段... 为了更深入地揭示解纤维加筋土的破坏机理,研究纤维加筋土中纤维和土体的相互作用机理.提出利用纤维/土体界面切应力-切应变的三参数模型,描述离散纤维在加筋土中的渐进性破坏特性.该模型将单根纤维在加筋土中的拉拔过程分为5个典型阶段,给出各个阶段纤维轴力、位移、界面切应力的解析解.通过单根纤维拉拔试验,验证了该模型的有效性.提出用2个拉拔过渡阶段产生的位移占总位移的比值来评价界面的渐进性破坏特征,对相关的影响因素进行一系列的参数分析.结果表明:纤维的长径比越大或纤维弹性模量与纤维/土体界面剪切刚度比越小,则纤维/土体界面渐进性破坏特征越显著.由该模型得到的纤维/土体界面力学指标可以作为纤维加筋土力学模型的输入参数,通过单独评价土体强度与纤维/土体界面强度来反映纤维加筋土的宏观力学特性. 展开更多
关键词 纤维加筋土 相互作用 界面抗剪强度 渐进性破坏 拉拔
含粗骨料超高性能混凝土的单轴受拉力学性能 被引量:6
作者 李力剑 刘素梅 +1 位作者 徐凡丁 徐礼华 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期167-173,共7页
考虑粗骨料掺量、钢纤维掺量及长径比等因素,研究了含粗骨料超高性能混凝土(UHPC-CA)的单轴受拉力学性能,揭示了纤维增强的机理和粗骨料的作用机制.结果表明:随着粗骨料掺量的增加,UHPC-CA的单轴抗拉强度与变形性能均下降;钢纤维掺量增... 考虑粗骨料掺量、钢纤维掺量及长径比等因素,研究了含粗骨料超高性能混凝土(UHPC-CA)的单轴受拉力学性能,揭示了纤维增强的机理和粗骨料的作用机制.结果表明:随着粗骨料掺量的增加,UHPC-CA的单轴抗拉强度与变形性能均下降;钢纤维掺量增加、长径比增大对UHPC-CA的受拉力学性能有较大的提升作用;钢纤维与基体间具有良好的握裹力,在基体内出现裂缝后,主要依靠握裹作用承受拉应力;粗骨料的掺入削弱了钢纤维空间分布的均匀性,同时引入了薄弱的粗骨料-基体界面过渡区,对UHPC-CA的受拉性能产生了不利的影响. 展开更多
关键词 超高性能混凝土 粗骨料 应力-应变关系 纤维增强机理
Fiber-reinforced composites in milling and grinding:machining bottlenecks and advanced strategies 被引量:8
作者 Teng GAO Yanbin ZHANG +9 位作者 Changhe LI Yiqi WANG Yun CHEN Qinglong AN Song ZHANG Hao Nan LI Huajun CAO Hafiz Muhammad ALI Zongming ZHOU Shubham SHARMA 《Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第2期1-35,共35页
Fiber-reinforced composites have become the preferred material in the fields of aviation and aerospace because of their high-strength performance in unit weight.The composite components are manufactured by near netsha... Fiber-reinforced composites have become the preferred material in the fields of aviation and aerospace because of their high-strength performance in unit weight.The composite components are manufactured by near netshape and only require finishing operations to achieve final dimensional and assembly tolerances.Milling and grinding arise as the preferred choices because of their precision processing.Nevertheless,given their laminated,anisotropic,and heterogeneous nature,these materials are considered difficult-to-machine.As undesirable results and challenging breakthroughs,the surface damage and integrity of these materials is a research hotspot with important engineering significance.This review summarizes an up-to-date progress of the damage formation mechanisms and suppression strategies in milling and grinding for the fiber-reinforced composites reported in the literature.First,the formation mechanisms of milling damage,including delamination,burr,and tear,are analyzed.Second,the grinding mechanisms,covering material removal mechanism,thermal mechanical behavior,surface integrity,and damage,are discussed.Third,suppression strategies are reviewed systematically from the aspects of advanced cutting tools and technologies,including ultrasonic vibration-assisted machining,cryogenic cooling,minimum quantity lubrication(MQL),and tool optimization design.Ultrasonic vibration shows the greatest advantage of restraining machining force,which can be reduced by approximately 60%compared with conventional machining.Cryogenic cooling is the most effective method to reduce temperature with a maximum reduction of approximately 60%.MQL shows its advantages in terms of reducing friction coefficient,force,temperature,and tool wear.Finally,research gaps and future exploration directions are prospected,giving researchers opportunity to deepen specific aspects and explore new area for achieving high precision surface machining of fiber-reinforced composites. 展开更多
关键词 MILLING GRINDING fiber-reinforced composites damage formation mechanism DELAMINATION material removal mechanism surface integrity minimum quantity lubrication
纤维增强石膏板抗弯性能试验研究 被引量:7
作者 卞晓峰 赵考重 +2 位作者 高瑞 李自然 孙双军 《山东建筑大学学报》 2009年第3期256-260,共5页
通过4块纤维增强石膏板的抗弯性能试验,分析了纤维增强石膏板的抗弯破坏机理,通过分析纤维增强石膏板的荷载—挠度曲线,荷载—拉应变曲线得到了纤维增强石膏板的抗弯刚度、开裂荷载和极限荷载。研究表明:纤维增强石膏板在水平均布荷载... 通过4块纤维增强石膏板的抗弯性能试验,分析了纤维增强石膏板的抗弯破坏机理,通过分析纤维增强石膏板的荷载—挠度曲线,荷载—拉应变曲线得到了纤维增强石膏板的抗弯刚度、开裂荷载和极限荷载。研究表明:纤维增强石膏板在水平均布荷载作用下的破坏机理类似于适筋梁的破坏。 展开更多
关键词 纤维增强石膏板 破坏机理 荷载-挠度曲线 荷载-拉应变曲线 抗弯刚度
棕榈纤维加筋黏土的强度试验与本构模型 被引量:1
作者 胡其志 胡建雯 +1 位作者 马强 陶高梁 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期104-110,共7页
棕榈树在我国南方广泛种植,剥皮所得棕榈纤维具有一定的抗拉强度和较好的耐久性,近年来利用棕榈纤维加筋黏土在岩土工程中逐渐得到应用。为了研究棕榈纤维加筋黏土单轴应力状态下的力学性能、破坏形式及本构关系,选取长度分别为6、12、1... 棕榈树在我国南方广泛种植,剥皮所得棕榈纤维具有一定的抗拉强度和较好的耐久性,近年来利用棕榈纤维加筋黏土在岩土工程中逐渐得到应用。为了研究棕榈纤维加筋黏土单轴应力状态下的力学性能、破坏形式及本构关系,选取长度分别为6、12、18 mm的棕榈纤维,按照纤维含量分别为0.2%、0.4%、0.6%、0.8%掺入黏土中,开展棕榈纤维加筋黏土的无侧限抗压强度试验。结果表明:黏土中掺加棕榈纤维后强度增加明显,在12 mm的筋材长度和0.8%的纤维含量组合下加筋效果最优,与素土相比,加筋后强度提高27%;加筋后的黏土破坏韧性好,残余强度高,并且破坏的过程比较缓慢,其原因为纤维在土体中形成了三维土网结构,限制了土颗粒的滑移,增强土体整体性,从而使得土体具有较好的延性;引入混凝土单轴受压应力-应变模型,分析棕榈纤维加筋黏土的无侧限抗压强度试验,将试验数据与模型曲线进行拟合,发现模型结果与试验结果具有良好的一致性。研究成果对棕榈纤维加筋土在岩土工程中的应用具有重要借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 纤维加筋土 棕榈纤维 无侧限抗压强度 加筋机理 本构模型
Fiber-reinforced Mechanism and Mechanical Performance of Composite Fibers Reinforced Concrete 被引量:4
作者 申俊敏 ZHANG Yancong 《Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science)》 SCIE EI CAS 2020年第1期121-130,共10页
To understand the enhancing effect and fiber-reinforced mechanism of composite fibers reinforced cement concrete, the influences of composite fibers on micro-cracks and the distribution of composite fibers were evalua... To understand the enhancing effect and fiber-reinforced mechanism of composite fibers reinforced cement concrete, the influences of composite fibers on micro-cracks and the distribution of composite fibers were evaluated by optical electron micrometer(OEM) and scanning electron microscope(SEM). Three kinds of fiber, such as polyacrylonitrile-based carbon fiber, basalt fiber, and glass fiber, were used in the composite fibers reinforced cement concrete. The composite fibers could form a stable structure in concrete after the liquid-phase coupling treatment, gas-liquid double-effect treatment, and inert atmosphere drying. The mechanical properties of composite fibers reinforced concrete(CFRC) were studied by universal test machine(UTM). Moreover, the effect of composite fibers on concrete was analyzed based on the toughness index and residual strength index. The results demonstrated that the composite fibers could improve the mechanical properties of concrete, while the excessive amount of composite fibers had an adverse effect on the mechanical properties of concrete. The composite fibers could significantly improve the toughness index of CFRC, and the increment rate is more than 30%. The composite fibers could form a mesh structure, which could promote the stability of concrete and guarantee the excellent mechanical properties. 展开更多
关键词 CEMENT CONCRETE composite fibers mechanical performance fiber-reinforced mechanism
纤维混凝土增强机理分析 被引量:4
作者 梅国栋 段文付 《江苏建材》 2015年第2期18-20,23,共4页
纤维增强机理,即纤维改善混凝土基体各方面性能的作用机制,是描述和解释纤维对基体性能改良作用的理论基础。现有的纤维增强机理,一般都是在纤维增强均质材料相关理论的基础上演绎而来。混凝土基体的构造比塑料、金属等均质材料要复杂得... 纤维增强机理,即纤维改善混凝土基体各方面性能的作用机制,是描述和解释纤维对基体性能改良作用的理论基础。现有的纤维增强机理,一般都是在纤维增强均质材料相关理论的基础上演绎而来。混凝土基体的构造比塑料、金属等均质材料要复杂得多,因此基于纤维增强均质材料的纤维增强机理,并不能完全适用于纤维混凝土。纤维对混凝土基体的作用主要有阻裂、增强、增韧三种,相比于普通混凝土,纤维混凝土各种综合性能的提高或改善都与这三种作用有关。 展开更多
关键词 纤维增强机理 混杂纤维 受拉破坏机理 混杂效应
Superior Mechanical Behavior and Flame Retardancy FRP via a Distribution Controllable 1D/2D Hybrid Nanoclay Synergistic Toughening Strategy
作者 Zixuan Chen Tianyu Yu +4 位作者 Zetian Yang Zhibiao Wei Yan Li Weidong Yang Tao Yu 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期166-178,共13页
The incorporation of commercial flame retardants into fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP)composites has been proposed as a potential solution to improve the latter’s poor flame resistance.However,this approach often poses ... The incorporation of commercial flame retardants into fiber-reinforced polymer(FRP)composites has been proposed as a potential solution to improve the latter’s poor flame resistance.However,this approach often poses a challenge,as it can adversely affect the mechanical properties of the FRP.Thus,balancing the need for improved flame resistance with the preservation of mechanical integrity remains a complex issue in FRP research.Addressing this critical concern,this study introduces a novel additive system featuring a combination of one-dimensional(1D)hollow tubular structured halloysite nanotubes(HNTs)and two-dimensional(2D)polygonal flake-shaped nano kaolinite(NKN).By employing a 1D/2D hybrid kaolinite nanoclay system,this research aims to simultaneously improve the flame retardancy and mechanical properties.This innovative approach offers several advantages.During combustion and pyrolysis processes,the 1D/2D hybrid kaolinite nanoclay system proves effective in reducing heat release and volatile leaching.Furthermore,the system facilitates the formation of reinforcing skeletons through a crosslinking mechanism during pyrolysis,resulting in the development of a compact char layer.This char layer acts as a protective barrier,enhancing the material’s resistance to heat and flames.In terms of mechanical properties,the multilayered polygonal flake-shaped 2D NKN plays a crucial role by impeding the formation of cracks that typically arise from vulnerable areas,such as adhesive phase particles.Simultaneously,the 1D HNT bridges these cracks within the matrix,ensuring the structural integrity of the composite material.In an optimal scenario,the homogeneously distributed 1D/2D hybrid kaolinite nanoclays exhibit remarkable results,with a 51.0%improvement in mode II fracture toughness(GIIC),indicating increased resistance to crack propagation.In addition,there is a 34.5%reduction in total heat release,signifying improved flame retardancy.This study represents a significant step forward in the field of composite materials 展开更多
关键词 1D/2D nanoclays Hierarchical distribution Flame retardancy fiber-reinforced polymer Damage mechanism
Novel C_(sf)/SiBCN composites prepared by densifying C_(sf)/MA-SiBCN with the PIP process:Oxidation behavior and damage mechanism
作者 Wenhao Dou Daxin Li +5 位作者 Bingzhu Wang Zhihua Yang Jun Chen Dechang Jia Ralf Riedel Yu Zhou 《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第5期666-678,共13页
To improve the oxidation resistance of short carbon fiber(C_(sf))-reinforced mechanically alloyed SiBCN(MA-SiBCN)(C_(sf)/MA-SiBCN)composites,dense amorphous C_(sf)/SiBCN composites containing both MA-SiBCN and polymer... To improve the oxidation resistance of short carbon fiber(C_(sf))-reinforced mechanically alloyed SiBCN(MA-SiBCN)(C_(sf)/MA-SiBCN)composites,dense amorphous C_(sf)/SiBCN composites containing both MA-SiBCN and polymer-derived ceramics SiBCN(PDCs-SiBCN)were prepared by repeated polymer infiltration and pyrolysis(PIP)of layered C_(sf)/MA-SiBCN composites at 1100℃,and the oxidation behavior and damage mechanism of the as-prepared C_(sf)/SiBCN at 1300–1600℃ were compared and discussed with those of C_(sf)/MA-SiBCN.The C_(sf)/MA-SiBCN composites resist oxidation attack up to 1400℃ but fail at 1500℃ due to the collapse of the porous framework,while the PIP-densified C_(sf)/SiBCN composites are resistant to static air up to 1600℃.During oxidation,oxygen diffuses through preexisting pores and the pores left by oxidation of carbon fibers and pyrolytic carbon(PyC)to the interior of the matrix.Owing to the oxidative coupling effect of the MA-SiBCN and PDCs-SiBCN matrices,a relatively continuous and dense oxide layer is formed on the sample surface,and the interfacial region between the oxide layer and the matrix of the as-prepared composite contains an amorphous glassy structure mainly consisting of Si and O and an incompletely oxidized but partially crystallized matrix,which is primarily responsible for improving the oxidation resistance. 展开更多
关键词 mechanically alloyed SiBCN(MA-SiBCN) polymer-derived ceramics SiBCN(PDCs-SiBCN) short carbon fiber-reinforced SiBCN(C_(sf)/SiBCN)composites polymer infiltration and pyrolysis(PIP) oxidation damage mechanism
长短纤维沥青砼力学性能试验对比研究 被引量:3
作者 仲玉侠 余芳 《重庆交通学院学报》 2006年第4期65-69,共5页
关键词 纤维 沥青混合料 马歇尔试验 路用性能 作用机理
Multiscale Failure Mechanism Analysis of SiC Fiber‑Reinforced TC17 Composite Subjected to Transverse Tensile Loading at Elevated Temperature 被引量:2
作者 Qiu‑Yue Jia Yu‑Min Wang +6 位作者 Xu Zhang Guo‑Xing Zhang Qing Yang Li‑Na Yang Xu Kong Xiao‑Fang Li Rui Yang 《Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第6期1007-1022,共16页
This study presents a multiscale method to evaluate the transverse tensile strength and failure mechanism of SiC_(f)/TC17 cruciform specimen machined from a large-size ring.The mechanical properties and failure of the... This study presents a multiscale method to evaluate the transverse tensile strength and failure mechanism of SiC_(f)/TC17 cruciform specimen machined from a large-size ring.The mechanical properties and failure of the specimen were evaluated through a macroscale model under transverse tensile loading at 200°C.A mesoscale model was developed to analyze the transverse tensile behavior and failure of the composite specimen.Interfacial debonding,plastic deformation of matrix and cladding,and damage to the composite core were incorporated into the mesoscopic and macroscopic models.The stress–strain curves and fracture modes obtained from the numerical simulation showed good agreement with the experimental curves,acoustic emission test results,and fracture morphology.The simulation results suggested that the damage to the central region interface and the plastic deformation of the matrix initiated first and propagated outwards.Subsequently,the interfacial failure,matrix failure,and formation of macro-crack developed,which led to the crack of the titanium matrix composite core.Finally,cladding was plastically deformed and crack developed,which led to the severe failure of the cruciform specimen. 展开更多
关键词 Continuous fiber-reinforced titanium matrix composite Transverse tensile behavior Multiscale analysis Failure mechanism
Additively manufactured fiber-reinforced composites:A review of mechanical behavior and opportunities 被引量:2
作者 Jiahui Li Yvonne Durandet +2 位作者 Xiaodong Huang Guangyong Sun Dong Ruan 《Journal of Materials Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第24期219-244,共26页
Recent developments in additive manufacturing techniques have facilitated the fabrication of fiberreinforced composite materials.In this paper,the mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of discontinuous and ... Recent developments in additive manufacturing techniques have facilitated the fabrication of fiberreinforced composite materials.In this paper,the mechanical properties and deformation mechanisms of discontinuous and continuous fiber-reinforced composites fabricated by various additive manufacturing techniques are comprehensively reviewed.The effects of fiber type,orientation and weight/volume fraction,printing path,and stacking sequence on the mechanical properties of additively manufactured composites are discussed.In addition,the applications of additively manufactured composites,the main challenges of the current additive manufacturing techniques,and recommendations for future work are also presented. 展开更多
关键词 Additive manufacturing Discontinuous and continuous fiber-reinforced composites Mechanical properties Deformation mechanism APPLICATIONS
纤维增强沥青混凝土性能的试验比较 被引量:1
作者 吴涛 《工程建设与设计》 2010年第6期117-121,共5页
关键词 纤维沥青混凝土 路面 纤维增强机理
纤维加强沥青混凝土桥面铺装工程实例 被引量:1
作者 吴涛 《工程建设与设计》 2009年第12期102-105,共4页
依托江苏省南通市通富北路桥梁桥面铺装工程,通过沥青混合料室内试验研究,对纤维沥青混合料设计指标的控制和配合比设计方法进行了探讨。实验分析表明,纤维可显著改善沥青桥面铺装性能,综合考虑经济和技术特性,纤维沥青混合料具有一定... 依托江苏省南通市通富北路桥梁桥面铺装工程,通过沥青混合料室内试验研究,对纤维沥青混合料设计指标的控制和配合比设计方法进行了探讨。实验分析表明,纤维可显著改善沥青桥面铺装性能,综合考虑经济和技术特性,纤维沥青混合料具有一定的优势,可以大范围的推广使用。 展开更多
关键词 纤维沥青混凝土 桥面铺装 纤维增强机理
Shear strength model of the reinforced concrete beams with embedded through-section strengthening bars 被引量:1
作者 Linh Van Hong BUI Phuoc Trong NGUYEN 《Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第7期843-857,共15页
In this study,finite element(FE)analysis is utilized to investigate the shear capacity of reinforced concrete(RC)beams strengthened with embedded through-section(ETS)bars.Effects of critical variables on the beam shea... In this study,finite element(FE)analysis is utilized to investigate the shear capacity of reinforced concrete(RC)beams strengthened with embedded through-section(ETS)bars.Effects of critical variables on the beam shear strength,including the compressive strength of concrete,stiffness ratio between ETS bars and steel stirrups,and use of ETS strengthening system alone,are parametrically investigated.A promising method based on the bond mechanism between ETS strengthening and concrete is then proposed for predicting the shear resistance forces of the strengthened beams.An expression for the maximum bond stress of the ETS bars to concrete is developed.This new expression eliminates the difficulty in the search and selection of appropriate bond parameters from adhesion tests.The results obtained from the FE models and analytical models are validated by comparison with those measured from the experiments.Consequently,the model proposed in this study demonstrates better performance and more accuracy for prediction of the beam shear-carrying capacity than those of existing models.The results obtained from this study can also serve researchers and engineers in selection of the proper shear strength models for design of ETS-strengthened RC beams. 展开更多
关键词 embedded through-section strengthening fiber-reinforced polymer finite element shear strength model bond mechanism
作者 孙晔 郑志 +1 位作者 苏春阳 潘晓兰 《防灾减灾工程学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第3期502-507,558,共7页
核电厂安全壳作为防止核放射性物质泄漏的最后一道屏障,提升安全壳的承载力尤为重要。大量研究显示纤维混凝土在力学性能、耐久性等方面具有显著优势,为了探究纤维混凝土在安全壳结构上的适用性并准确描述内压作用下纤维混凝土预应力安... 核电厂安全壳作为防止核放射性物质泄漏的最后一道屏障,提升安全壳的承载力尤为重要。大量研究显示纤维混凝土在力学性能、耐久性等方面具有显著优势,为了探究纤维混凝土在安全壳结构上的适用性并准确描述内压作用下纤维混凝土预应力安全壳的破坏机理,利用ABAQUS有限元软件,建立钢纤维、钢聚丙烯纤维、钢聚乙烯醇纤维增强安全壳精细化模型,施加内压荷载进行有限元分析。结果表明:(1)纤维混凝土安全壳破坏机理及变形规律与普通混凝土安全壳类似,混凝土中不同纤维的掺入均能有效延缓混凝土裂缝出现的时间,抑制裂缝开展的速度,减少钢衬里塑性损伤,大幅提升安全壳的极限内压。(2)钢纤维具有最佳的增强效果,但恶劣的服役环境下混杂纤维值得优先考虑。(3)局部替换纤维混凝土尤其是洞口区域附近,更有利于保持安全壳结构经济性与安全性的平衡。 展开更多
关键词 纤维混凝土 预应力混凝土安全壳 数值模拟 内压作用 加固区域 破坏机理
作者 邓宗才 邓洪亮 +1 位作者 唐劼 李建辉 《南水北调与水利科技》 CAS CSCD 2005年第6期51-55,共5页
合成纤维混凝土已在水利工程中得到了广泛的应用,它已成为水利工程水泥基复合材料的未来发展方向。在 试验研究的基础上,着重介绍了合成纤维的主要品种、性能、混杂纤维混凝土及纤维增强机理,并讨论了合成纤维混凝 土设计和配置中关键... 合成纤维混凝土已在水利工程中得到了广泛的应用,它已成为水利工程水泥基复合材料的未来发展方向。在 试验研究的基础上,着重介绍了合成纤维的主要品种、性能、混杂纤维混凝土及纤维增强机理,并讨论了合成纤维混凝 土设计和配置中关键性技术问题。 展开更多
关键词 合成纤维 混凝土 混杂纤维 增强机理
作者 蒋燕 《城市道桥与防洪》 2005年第2期123-124,共2页
关键词 纤维混凝土 工作机理 工程应用
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