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一般非线性色散长波方程的精确解 被引量:13
作者 张金良 王跃明 +2 位作者 杨德五 王明亮 秦春基 《洛阳工学院学报》 2002年第2期102-105,共4页
利用齐次平衡原则 ,导出了一般非线性色散长波方程的B¨acklund变换 (BT) ;并借助于求得的BT ,解出了该方程的多孤子解、一般解析解和积分形式解。
关键词 非线性色散长波方程 精确解 齐次平衡 BAECKLUND变换 多孤子解 解析解 积分形式解 指数形式解
变系数Hirota-Satsuma耦合KdV方程的精确解 被引量:3
作者 孙福伟 陈贺灵 《北方工业大学学报》 2008年第3期33-36,43,共5页
关键词 变系数耦合KdV方程 符号计算 TANH函数法 精确解析解
Exact Analytic Solutions for the Caudrey Dodd-Gibbon-Kotera-Sawada Equation 被引量:1
作者 XU Xiao-ge WEI Guang-mei 《The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunications》 EI CSCD 2005年第4期85-87,共3页
The Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon-Kotera Sawada (CDGKS) equation has attracted many physicists and mathematicians. In this paper, based on the idea of variable-coefficient balancing-act method and the computerized .symbolic com... The Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon-Kotera Sawada (CDGKS) equation has attracted many physicists and mathematicians. In this paper, based on the idea of variable-coefficient balancing-act method and the computerized .symbolic compu tation, some exact analytic solutions for the CDGKS equation have been obtained. 展开更多
关键词 balancing-act method computerized symbolic computation CDGKS equation exact analytic solutions
Caudrey-Dodd-Gibbon-Sawada-Kotera方程的一类精确解析解 被引量:1
作者 许晓革 《北京机械工业学院学报》 2005年第2期15-17,共3页
关键词 SAWADA-KOTERA方程 精确解析解 非线性发展方程 计算机符号运算 非线性方程 物理学家 数学家 孤波解 用法 均衡
作者 尚亚东 《广州大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2014年第5期1-5,共5页
关键词 多孔介质方程 分离变量方法 精确解 整体光滑解 爆破解
作者 成泰民 葛崇员 《沈阳化工大学学报》 CAS 2011年第4期376-379,共4页
利用不变本征算符法推导出含时二维双耦合各向异性谐振子系统的简正坐标和对应的共轭动量,并对系统的哈密顿量进行退耦合,得到系统明显的简正频率解析解.在坐标表象中系统的严格波函数的正确性通过特殊情况下此波函数与文献结果的对比... 利用不变本征算符法推导出含时二维双耦合各向异性谐振子系统的简正坐标和对应的共轭动量,并对系统的哈密顿量进行退耦合,得到系统明显的简正频率解析解.在坐标表象中系统的严格波函数的正确性通过特殊情况下此波函数与文献结果的对比讨论中得到了印证. 展开更多
关键词 各向异性谐振子 不变本征算符法 严格波函数 简正频率解析解
四边固支矩形弹性薄板的精确解析解 被引量:14
作者 钟阳 李锐 刘月梅 《力学季刊》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期297-303,共7页
利用辛几何方法本文推导出了四边固支矩形弹性薄板弯曲问题的精确解析解。由于在求解过程中不需要事先人为的选取挠度函数,而是从弹性薄板的基本方程出发,首先将矩形薄板弯曲问题表示成Hamilton正则方程,然后利用分离变量和本征函数展... 利用辛几何方法本文推导出了四边固支矩形弹性薄板弯曲问题的精确解析解。由于在求解过程中不需要事先人为的选取挠度函数,而是从弹性薄板的基本方程出发,首先将矩形薄板弯曲问题表示成Hamilton正则方程,然后利用分离变量和本征函数展开的方法求出可以完全满足四边固支边界条件的精确解析解。本文中所采用的方法突破了传统的半逆法的限制,使得问题的求解更加合理化。文中还给出了计算实例来证明推导结果的正确性。 展开更多
关键词 四边固支弹性薄板 精确解析解 HAMILTON正则方程 辛几何法
定子开槽表贴式永磁电机转子偏心空载气隙磁场全局解析法 被引量:13
作者 李琛 章跃进 +1 位作者 周晓燕 仇志坚 《电机与控制学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期27-35,共9页
针对表贴式永磁电机定子开槽后的转子偏心空载气隙磁场解析问题,结合正则摄动理论建立其全局解析模型。将解析区域划分为永磁体、气隙和槽区域,通过各子区域之间的边界条件,求解拉普拉斯方程或泊松方程。叠加气隙磁密的零阶分量和一阶分... 针对表贴式永磁电机定子开槽后的转子偏心空载气隙磁场解析问题,结合正则摄动理论建立其全局解析模型。将解析区域划分为永磁体、气隙和槽区域,通过各子区域之间的边界条件,求解拉普拉斯方程或泊松方程。叠加气隙磁密的零阶分量和一阶分量,得到偏心气隙磁场分布。解析解与有限元解的比较结果表明,气隙磁密、齿槽转矩和不平衡磁拉力计算准确,验证了解析模型的可靠性。所述解析方法计算快速准确,便于分析表贴式永磁电机转子偏心磁场。 展开更多
关键词 表贴式 定子开槽 转子偏心 空载气隙磁场 全局解析法
任意厚度具有自由边叠层板的精确解析解 被引量:8
作者 王德才 关群 范家让 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期672-686,共15页
自由边问题一直是三维弹性力学中的难题,通常很难满足自由边上一个正应力和两个剪应力都等于0.基于三维弹性力学基本方程和状态空间方法,引入自由边界位移函数并考虑全部弹性常数,建立了正交异性具有自由边单层和叠层板的状态方程.对状... 自由边问题一直是三维弹性力学中的难题,通常很难满足自由边上一个正应力和两个剪应力都等于0.基于三维弹性力学基本方程和状态空间方法,引入自由边界位移函数并考虑全部弹性常数,建立了正交异性具有自由边单层和叠层板的状态方程.对状态方程中的变量以级数形式展开,通过边界条件的满足精确求解任意厚度具有自由边叠层板的位移和应力,此解满足层间应力和位移的连续条件.算例计算表明,采用引入的位移函数形式,简化了计算过程并且采用较少的级数项可以获得收敛解.与有限元方法计算结果进行了对比,可以得到较高精度的数值结果.其解可以作为其它数值方法和半解析方法的参考解. 展开更多
关键词 叠层板 自由边界 状态方程 精确解析解
油藏渗流问题的新模型及其精确解 被引量:6
作者 李笑萍 赵子刚 《应用数学和力学》 CSCD 北大核心 1993年第7期583-592,共10页
关键词 油藏 渗流 精确解 数学模型
Analytical solution of a double moving boundary problem for nonlinear flows in one-dimensional semi-infinite long porous media with low permeability 被引量:5
作者 Wen-Chao Liu Jun Yao Zhang-Xin Chen 《Acta Mechanica Sinica》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期50-58,共9页
Based on Huang's accurate tri-sectional nonlin- ear kinematic equation (1997), a dimensionless simplified mathematical model for nonlinear flow in one-dimensional semi-infinite long porous media with low permeabili... Based on Huang's accurate tri-sectional nonlin- ear kinematic equation (1997), a dimensionless simplified mathematical model for nonlinear flow in one-dimensional semi-infinite long porous media with low permeability is presented for the case of a constant flow rate on the inner boundary. This model contains double moving boundaries, including an internal moving boundary and an external mov- ing boundary, which are different from the classical Stefan problem in heat conduction: The velocity of the external moving boundary is proportional to the second derivative of the unknown pressure function with respect to the distance parameter on this boundary. Through a similarity transfor- mation, the nonlinear partial differential equation (PDE) sys- tem is transformed into a linear PDE system. Then an ana- lytical solution is obtained for the dimensionless simplified mathematical model. This solution can be used for strictly checking the validity of numerical methods in solving such nonlinear mathematical models for flows in low-permeable porous media for petroleum engineering applications. Finally, through plotted comparison curves from the exact an- alytical solution, the sensitive effects of three characteristic parameters are discussed. It is concluded that with a decrease in the dimensionless critical pressure gradient, the sensi- tive effects of the dimensionless variable on the dimension- less pressure distribution and dimensionless pressure gradi- ent distribution become more serious; with an increase in the dimensionless pseudo threshold pressure gradient, the sensi- tive effects of the dimensionless variable become more serious; the dimensionless threshold pressure gradient (TPG) has a great effect on the external moving boundary but has little effect on the internal moving boundary. 展开更多
关键词 Threshold pressure gradient Moving boundary problem Fluid flow in porous media Low permeability Similarity transformation exact analytical solution
强非局域介质中多个空间孤子的相互作用 被引量:4
作者 任标 郭旗 +1 位作者 兰胜 杨湘波 《光学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1668-1674,共7页
研究了在强非局域情况下,非局域非线性介质中多个(大于两个)空间孤子相互作用的特点与规律。以Snyder-Mitchell线性模型为理论基础并利用线性叠加原理来构建解。另外,还采用了将孤子作为粒子处理的方法。主要考虑空间斜对称入射的三、... 研究了在强非局域情况下,非局域非线性介质中多个(大于两个)空间孤子相互作用的特点与规律。以Snyder-Mitchell线性模型为理论基础并利用线性叠加原理来构建解。另外,还采用了将孤子作为粒子处理的方法。主要考虑空间斜对称入射的三、四束光的相互作用,从而得出多个空间孤子相互作用的规律。还得出了(1+2)维多孤子相互作用的精确解析解,并且利用解析解画出了多孤子传输过程中的光强分布图。根据解析解发现,多孤子能形成稳定的束缚态向前传输,缠绕与否与初始入射方向有关;作用过程中并无能量转移,且相互作用与初始相位无关。将孤子作为粒子处理得到的孤子相互作用的规律与解析解得出的规律一致。 展开更多
关键词 非线性光学 多孤子相互作用 精确解析解 强非局域非线性介质 光控光
作者 周叮 《应用数学和力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 1996年第12期1123-1127,共5页
关键词 弹性薄板 弯曲 变形 精确解 薄板
作者 周叮 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 1996年第12期1189-1192,共4页
This paper presents a new method exactly to solve the bending of elastic thinplates with arbitrary shape. First the analytic solution of differential equation ofelastic thin plate is derived in polar coordinate, then ... This paper presents a new method exactly to solve the bending of elastic thinplates with arbitrary shape. First the analytic solution of differential equation ofelastic thin plate is derived in polar coordinate, then the analytic solution is substituted into the boundary conditions of elastic thin plate with arbitrary shape. The boundaryequations are expanded along the boundary by the use of Fourier series, all unknown coefficients can be decided. The results are exact. 展开更多
关键词 elastic thin plate flexible bending exact analytic solution
Generation of Exactly Solvable Potentials of Position-Dependent Mass Schrödinger Equation from Hulthen Potential 被引量:1
作者 Hangshadhar Rajbongshi Ngangkham Nimai Singh 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2013年第11期1540-1545,共6页
Exactly Solvable Potentials (ESPs) of Position-Dependent Mass (PDM) Schrodinger equation are generated from Hulthen Potential (parent system) by using Extended Transformation (ET) method. The method includes a Co-ordi... Exactly Solvable Potentials (ESPs) of Position-Dependent Mass (PDM) Schrodinger equation are generated from Hulthen Potential (parent system) by using Extended Transformation (ET) method. The method includes a Co-ordinate Transformation (CT) followed by Functional Transformation (FT) of wave function. Mass function of parent system gets transformed to that of generated system. Two new ESPs are generated. The explicit expressions of mass functions, energy eigenvalues and corresponding wave functions for newly generated potentials (systems) are derived. System specific regrouping method is also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Position-Dependent Mass Hulthen POTENTIAL Co-Ordinate TRANSFORMATION Extended TRANSFORMATION exact analytic solution
作者 李笑萍 赵子刚 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 1993年第7期615-626,共12页
The present study has obtained the new model of the reservoir filtration problem by taking into account the effect of wellbore storage and skin and by making use of the coupled equations of doubled porous media filtra... The present study has obtained the new model of the reservoir filtration problem by taking into account the effect of wellbore storage and skin and by making use of the coupled equations of doubled porous media filtration and consequently has got, through various forms of limits, the exact analytical solutions of the three common reservoirs (fissure, homogeneous and the two-layered) pressure distribution under the conditions of three boundaries, i.e., infinite boundary, sealed finite boundary and the finite boundary at constant pressures. 展开更多
关键词 reservoir filtration new model exact analytical solutions
An exact analytical solution for convective heat transfer in rectangular ducts 被引量:1
作者 Mohammad Mohsen SHAHMARDAN Mahmood NOROUZI +1 位作者 Mohammad Hassan KAYHANI Amin AMIRI DELOUEI 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science A(Applied Physics & Engineering)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第10期768-781,共14页
An exact analytical solution is obtained for convective heat transfer in straight ducts with rectangular cross-sections for the first time.This solution is valid for both H1 and H2 boundary conditions,which are relate... An exact analytical solution is obtained for convective heat transfer in straight ducts with rectangular cross-sections for the first time.This solution is valid for both H1 and H2 boundary conditions,which are related to fully developed convective heat transfer under constant heat flux at the duct walls.The separation of variables method and various other mathematical techniques are used to find the closed form of the temperature distribution.The local and mean Nusselt numbers are also obtained as functions of the aspect ratio.A new physical constraint is presented to solve the Neumann problem in non-dimensional analysis for the H2 boundary conditions.This is one of the major innovations of the current study.The analytical results indicate a singularity occurs at a critical aspect ratio of 2.4912 when calculating the local and mean Nusselt numbers. 展开更多
关键词 exact analytical solution Convective heat transfer Straight duct Rectangular cross-section Constant heat flux
Exact analytical solutions to the mean-field model depicting microcavity containing semiconductor quantum wells
作者 宋佩君 吕新友 +1 位作者 刘继兵 郝向英 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第5期85-91,共7页
By using a two-mode mean-field approximation, we study the dynamics of the microcavities containing semiconductor quantum wells. The exact analytical solutions are obtained in this study. Based on these solutions, we ... By using a two-mode mean-field approximation, we study the dynamics of the microcavities containing semiconductor quantum wells. The exact analytical solutions are obtained in this study. Based on these solutions, we show that the emission from the microcavity manifests periodic oscillation behaviour and the oscillation can be suppressed under a certain condition. 展开更多
关键词 mean-field model MICROCAVITY exact analytical solutions
作者 彭晓林 《北方工业大学学报》 1987年第2期33-38,共6页
关键词 轴对称 扁球壳 精确解
An Analysis of Modified Emden-Type Equation &#7821;+ αx&#7819;+ βx<sup>3</sup>= 0: Exact Explicit Analytical Solution, Lagrangian, Hamiltonian for Arbitrary Values of α and β
作者 D. Biswas 《Natural Science》 2019年第1期8-16,共9页
The modified Emden-type is being investigated by mathematicians as well as physicists for about a century. However, there exist no exact explicit solution of this equation, &#7821;+ αx&#7819;+ βx3 = 0 for ar... The modified Emden-type is being investigated by mathematicians as well as physicists for about a century. However, there exist no exact explicit solution of this equation, &#7821;+ αx&#7819;+ βx3 = 0 for arbitrary values of α and β. In this work, the exact analytical explicit solution of modified Emden-type (MEE) equation is derived for arbitrary values of α and β. The Lagrangian and Hamiltonian of MEE are also worked out. The solution is also utilized to find exact explicit analytical solution of Force-free Duffing oscillator-type equation. And exact explicit analytical solution of two-dimensional Lotka-Volterra System is also worked out. 展开更多
关键词 exact analytical solution LAGRANGIAN HAMILTONIAN
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