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产业结构变迁:我国消费结构升级与拉动分析 被引量:15
作者 向晓梅 《广东商学院学报》 2007年第3期13-15,共3页
关键词 消费结构 产业结构 升级
全球价值链视角下的制造业升级 被引量:5
作者 梅丽 张向阳 《商业经济》 2005年第10期17-19,共3页
伴随制造业升级带来产业的空心化以及国际产业转移和锁定,造成制造业发展停滞,对产业升级和结构调整具有极其不利影响,出现了大规模的垂直分离和再构。我国生产力水平具有多层次性和不平衡性,并受制于资本积累能力和技术创新能力限制,... 伴随制造业升级带来产业的空心化以及国际产业转移和锁定,造成制造业发展停滞,对产业升级和结构调整具有极其不利影响,出现了大规模的垂直分离和再构。我国生产力水平具有多层次性和不平衡性,并受制于资本积累能力和技术创新能力限制,处于全球价值链的低端。只有实现国家比较优势的转变,嵌入GVC所带来的机会,创造升级换代的环境,才能保障制造业升级的顺利进行。 展开更多
关键词 全球价值链 制造业 升级
知识视角下的资源型产业链升级研究——以贵州瓮福磷化工产业链为例 被引量:16
作者 张伟 朱启贵 吴文元 《科学学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期889-895,共7页
产业链的升级表现为产业创新、供需链的变化和价值链的增值。从产业链知识的视角研究在新的技术经济条件下,面对竞争环境的根本性变化资源型产业链的升级,以克服资源对资源型产业发展的约束,实现资源型产业发展方式从资源依赖向依靠知... 产业链的升级表现为产业创新、供需链的变化和价值链的增值。从产业链知识的视角研究在新的技术经济条件下,面对竞争环境的根本性变化资源型产业链的升级,以克服资源对资源型产业发展的约束,实现资源型产业发展方式从资源依赖向依靠知识创新和知识共享转变。 展开更多
关键词 知识视角 资源型产业链 升级
基于多米诺效应的化工园区定量风险评估方法研究 被引量:7
作者 马科伟 朱建新 包士毅 《浙江工业大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第1期29-33,共5页
探讨了多米诺效应的定义,特点及其发生机理,对基于多米诺效应的定量风险评估方法进行了研究.针对不同初始事件的物理效应因素给出了目标设备损害几率的计算方法,运用人体损伤模型对事故后果进行定量分析,量化了风险,给出个人风险图和F—... 探讨了多米诺效应的定义,特点及其发生机理,对基于多米诺效应的定量风险评估方法进行了研究.针对不同初始事件的物理效应因素给出了目标设备损害几率的计算方法,运用人体损伤模型对事故后果进行定量分析,量化了风险,给出个人风险图和F—N社会风险曲线.实例计算表明:多米诺效应明显扩大了事故风险.通过多米诺效应分析有利于园区的安全规划和管理. 展开更多
关键词 多米诺效应 化工园区 扩展 定量风险评估
企业经营中的品牌战略 被引量:4
作者 陈茹 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2000年第4期35-37,共3页
:随着市场经济的发展 ,品牌战略在企业经营管理中的地位逐渐凸现出来。品牌战略取得成功的关键 ,在于提高企业的营销水平和产品本身的素质 ,进行科学的品牌定位 。
关键词 品牌 战略 营销水平 产品素质 品牌升级 企业
劳动生产率提升效应与上海经济转型升级——基于制造业劳动生产率的非参数生产前沿动态分析 被引量:7
作者 杭敬 张志远 苑立波 《上海经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第1期89-99,共11页
当前,上海面临着既要保持合理经济增长速度,又要实现经济转型发展的双重艰巨任务,而劳动生产率则是完成这两大任务的关键因素。一方面,经济增长本质上是劳动生产率提升与劳动力增长共同作用的结果,在当前上海人口红利趋于减弱的形势下,... 当前,上海面临着既要保持合理经济增长速度,又要实现经济转型发展的双重艰巨任务,而劳动生产率则是完成这两大任务的关键因素。一方面,经济增长本质上是劳动生产率提升与劳动力增长共同作用的结果,在当前上海人口红利趋于减弱的形势下,继续提升劳动生产率是保持经济合理增长的关键环节;另一方面,经济转型又要求转变经济增长方式,由主要依赖物质消耗转为主要依赖广义的技术进步。而资本深化、技术进步和技术效率提升又是推动劳动生产率持续增长的三个要素。该文利用非参数生产前沿动态分析模型,对"十五"时期以来上海制造业劳动生产率增长要素进行拆解分析。结果显示,近年来虽然上海制造业增加值与劳动生产率呈现同步回落走势,但技术进步与技术效率提升对劳动生产率增长的贡献逐步增强,表明上海经济已初步显现转型升级的特征。由此,在上海经济转型升级的关键时期,更加需要关注技术、管理与制度创新,并且适度兼顾资本深化的作用,力求在推进经济转型升级的同时,保持经济的合理增速。 展开更多
关键词 劳动生产率 资本深化 技术进步 技术效率追赶 转型升级
根治性前列腺切除术后Gleason评分升级的研究进展 被引量:6
作者 卢启基 陈征 +1 位作者 秦晓平 卓育敏 《中华泌尿外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第12期953-956,共4页
Gleason评分对前列腺癌诊断、分级及预后判断有重要价值,但根治性前列腺切除术后30%~40%的患者出现Gleason评分升级。Gleason评分升级严重影响患者术前诊疗方案的选择及预后判断。近年来,研究者发现PSA、PSAD、前列腺体积、穿刺针数及... Gleason评分对前列腺癌诊断、分级及预后判断有重要价值,但根治性前列腺切除术后30%~40%的患者出现Gleason评分升级。Gleason评分升级严重影响患者术前诊疗方案的选择及预后判断。近年来,研究者发现PSA、PSAD、前列腺体积、穿刺针数及技术等与Gleason评分升级相关。本文就前列腺癌Gleason评分升级的研究进展进行综述。 展开更多
关键词 前列腺肿瘤 前列腺癌 GLEASON评分 升级 穿刺活检
犯罪生涯持续中的职业化和犯罪升级问题实证研究 被引量:5
作者 孔一 《中国人民公安大学学报(社会科学版)》 北大核心 2020年第1期1-11,共11页
生涯犯罪人在屡次被抓前的犯罪变化虽不规则,但有一定的趋势性:作案次数增加,再犯间隔缩短,犯罪"专业"程度提高,犯罪严重程度小幅波动,犯罪被逐步合理化,犯罪的生活贡献度日益增强,犯罪应有的认同危机被不断消解。申言之,从... 生涯犯罪人在屡次被抓前的犯罪变化虽不规则,但有一定的趋势性:作案次数增加,再犯间隔缩短,犯罪"专业"程度提高,犯罪严重程度小幅波动,犯罪被逐步合理化,犯罪的生活贡献度日益增强,犯罪应有的认同危机被不断消解。申言之,从犯罪性质看(定质标准),犯罪没有升级;而从犯罪数量看(定量标准),犯罪有升级。同时,作为生活来源和生活方式的犯罪呈现出持续"职业化"的特征。当生涯犯罪人以犯罪为业时,他们有与普通从业者类似的境遇,所不同的是:他们通过外在的不断总结犯罪经验、提高犯罪技巧、控制犯罪后果以逃避打击,通过内在的持续建构犯罪亚文化以抵制主流文化困扰。 展开更多
关键词 生涯犯罪人 犯罪生涯 持续 犯罪升级 职业化
超越不文明:从消极无礼的恶化升级到积极的文明干预 被引量:5
作者 严瑜 李佳丽 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第2期319-330,共12页
工作场所无礼行为不仅会给员工带来一系列消极影响,还会导致员工"以牙还牙,加倍奉还",引起行为的恶化升级,严重污染组织环境。而文明行为则有利于组织中人际关系的和谐发展,带给员工众多积极影响。梳理无礼行为恶化升级的相... 工作场所无礼行为不仅会给员工带来一系列消极影响,还会导致员工"以牙还牙,加倍奉还",引起行为的恶化升级,严重污染组织环境。而文明行为则有利于组织中人际关系的和谐发展,带给员工众多积极影响。梳理无礼行为恶化升级的相关研究,从受害者和旁观者的角度详细分析无礼行为恶化升级的多条途径和原因;并基于情绪的认知评价理论,从评价和情绪入手,对无礼行为恶化升级的详细机制和影响因素进行解析,构建无礼行为的恶化升级模型。与此同时,着眼于促进无礼行为的积极转化,对文明行为的CREW干预(Civility,Respect and Engagement in the Workforce)的研究进行总结,并分析个体水平的文明行为和组织水平的文明气氛的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 无礼行为 恶化升级 文明行为 CREW干预
医院可疑医疗器械不良事件监测与上报管理 被引量:4
作者 陈平华 《中国卫生标准管理》 2023年第18期54-57,共4页
医疗器械是直接或间接作用于人体的仪器、装置、仪表、体外诊断试剂等,对于医疗器械而言,经过长时间的运行和操作,其难免会出现各类问题(故障、功能退化),有些已经或可能出现不良情况,影响医疗结果的准确性,严重则会威胁患者的生命安全... 医疗器械是直接或间接作用于人体的仪器、装置、仪表、体外诊断试剂等,对于医疗器械而言,经过长时间的运行和操作,其难免会出现各类问题(故障、功能退化),有些已经或可能出现不良情况,影响医疗结果的准确性,严重则会威胁患者的生命安全,产生严重的医疗事故。为了确保患者使用医疗器械的安全性,必须通过对疑似医疗器械不良事件进行相应的监测以及上报,以避免不良事件的多次出现,从而降低使用医疗器械而引发不良事件的发生率。所以,在对医院的管理中,针对疑似医疗器械的不良事件进行质控管理工作不可忽视,需引起管理层的重视,提高医院可疑医疗器械的管理力度。 展开更多
关键词 医疗器械 不良事件 质控管理 可疑 监测 上报
紧张战乱又一年——2006年中东地区形势特点与美国中东政策 被引量:3
作者 安惠侯 《阿拉伯世界研究》 2007年第1期3-13,共11页
关键词 中东热点问题 升温 美国中东政策 调整
制造业数字化转型影响劳动收入份额吗? 被引量:3
作者 徐慧枫 温湖炜 《产经评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期120-134,共15页
数字化转型如何影响劳动收入份额是数字经济赋能共同富裕所面临的现实问题。基于2010—2020年中国制造业上市公司面板数据,实证考察数字化转型对制造业企业劳动收入份额的影响。结果表明:制造业数字化转型对劳动收入份额有显著影响,并... 数字化转型如何影响劳动收入份额是数字经济赋能共同富裕所面临的现实问题。基于2010—2020年中国制造业上市公司面板数据,实证考察数字化转型对制造业企业劳动收入份额的影响。结果表明:制造业数字化转型对劳动收入份额有显著影响,并不支持数字化转型抑制劳动要素收入从而恶化要素收入分配的观点;现阶段,数字化转型提升劳动收入份额的作用主要通过工资效应而不是就业效应,即数字化转型促进制造业企业劳动生产率提升,但未促进就业增长;数字化转型与劳动收入份额的关系存在产业结构层次、行业以及企业异质性,对于产业结构水平高地区、非技术密集型行业及资本密集程度低企业,数字化转型对劳动收入份额的提升作用更强;此外,数字化转型对高就业技能结构企业劳动收入份额的正向影响更强,制造业部门数字化转型对技能需求表现出“升级”特征而不是“极化”特征。因此,数智时代收入分配政策的完善与优化应关注劳动力技能与新兴数字技术的动态适配性。 展开更多
关键词 数字化转型 要素收入分配 劳动收入份额 要素禀赋 升级
Intensity modulated radiation therapy with simultaneous integrated boost based dose escalation on neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy for locally advanced distal esophageal adenocarcinoma 被引量:1
作者 Ming Zeng Fernando N Aguila +4 位作者 Taral Patel Mark Knapp XueQiang Zhu XiLin Chen Phillip D Price 《World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology》 SCIE CAS 2016年第5期474-480,共7页
AIM:To evaluate impact of radiation therapy dose escalation through intensity modulated radiation therapy with simultaneous integrated boost(IMRT-SIB).METHODS:We retrospectively reviewed the patients who underwent fou... AIM:To evaluate impact of radiation therapy dose escalation through intensity modulated radiation therapy with simultaneous integrated boost(IMRT-SIB).METHODS:We retrospectively reviewed the patients who underwent four-dimensional-based IMRT-SIBbased neoadjuvant chemoradiation protocol.During the concurrent chemoradiation therapy,radiation therapy was through IMRT-SIB delivered in 28 consecutive daily fractions with total radiation doses of 56 Gy to tumor and 5040 Gy dose-painted to clinical tumor volume,with a regimen at the discretion of the treating medical oncologist.This was followed by surgical tumor resection.We analyzed pathological completion response(p CR) rates its relationship with overall survival and event-freesurvival.RESULTS:Seventeen patients underwent dose escalation with the IMRT-SIB protocol between 2007 and 2014 and their records were available for analysis.Among the IMRT-SIB-treated patients,the toxicity appeared mild,the most common side effects were grade 1-3 esophagitis(46%) and pneumonitis(11.7%).There were no cardiac events.The Ro resection rate was 94%(n = 16),the p CR rate was 47%(n = 8),and the postoperative morbidity was zero.There was one mediastinal failure found,one patient had local failure at the anastomosis site,and the majority of failures were distant in the lung or bone.The 3-year diseasefree survival and overall survival rates were 41%(n = 7) and 53%(n = 9),respectively.CONCLUSION:The dose escalation through IMRT-SIB in the chemoradiation regimen seems responsible for down-staging the distal esophageal with well-tolerated complications. 展开更多
关键词 Intensity modulated radiation therapy ESOPHAGEAL ADENOCARCINOMA Simultaneous integrated boost NEOADJUVANT CHEMORADIATION Dose escalation Resection rate
The fossil record of durophagous predation in the James Ross Basin over the last 125 million years 被引量:1
作者 Elizabeth MHARPER JAlistair CRAME Alice M PULLEN 《Advances in Polar Science》 CSCD 2019年第3期199-209,共11页
We review the evidence for predation of shelly benthic prey over 125 million years of earth history in the James Ross Basin,Antarctica(~65°S).Although poor in the Early Cretaceous lower parts of the sequence,whic... We review the evidence for predation of shelly benthic prey over 125 million years of earth history in the James Ross Basin,Antarctica(~65°S).Although poor in the Early Cretaceous lower parts of the sequence,which represent essentially deeper water facies,evidence for both potential crushers and drillers becomes more apparent in the Santonian–Campanian Santa Marta Formation,and by the Maastrichtian López de Bertodano Formation there is an extensive fossil record of drill holes attributable to naticid gastropods,and some evidence of crushing by decapods crustaceans and possibly other taxa too.This continues at a similar level of intensity across the K/Pg boundary into the Danian Sobral Formation,but is less well constrained in the latest Paleocene–Early Eocene.The most extensive record of predation occurs in the Middle Eocene section of the La Meseta Formation on Seymour Island which also records the highest levels of benthic diversity within the entire basin.This key section is providing some important new evidence to suggest that the rate of acceleration of benthic predation intensity through the Late Mesozoic–Early Cenozoic in the polar regions may be similar to that seen in lower latitude regions.Predator–prey interaction was a key factor in the evolution of polar marine faunas too. 展开更多
关键词 drilling CRUSHING molluscs escalation Seymour Island
论陈云经济学理论的核心民生问题 被引量:1
作者 相云霞 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第2期47-52,共6页
今年的"两会"将民生问题列为中心议题,体现了"以人为本"的思想。民生一向在中国受到广泛关注,也是中国共产党为之奋斗解决的主要问题。陈云是中国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人。民以食为天是陈云经济学思想的... 今年的"两会"将民生问题列为中心议题,体现了"以人为本"的思想。民生一向在中国受到广泛关注,也是中国共产党为之奋斗解决的主要问题。陈云是中国社会主义经济建设的开创者和奠基人。民以食为天是陈云经济学思想的出发点和落脚点。从而形成了独具中国特色的以民生为核心的陈云经济学理论。文章详尽地分析了陈云无论在民主革命时期,还是社会主义建设时期都把改善民生、关注民生始终作为我们党夺取政权巩固政权的重要前提和根本保证。重温陈云关心民生问题的精神,贯彻落实两会精神,民生问题得到妥善解决,民心才安,民心安,社会才能稳定,国家的经济建设、文化建设、政治建设、国防建设才能顺利进行,也才能谈得上建设和谐社会。 展开更多
关键词 民生问题 兼顾、平衡 粮食生产 逐步提高
Optimal use of fielder XT guidewire enhances the success rate of chronic total occlusion percutaneous coronary intervention
作者 Qian-Cheng Wang Hai-Ruo Lin +8 位作者 Yuan Han Hai Dong Kai Xu Shao-Yi Guan Zhen-Huan Chen Hui-Xin Hao Jian-Ping Bin Yu-Lin Liao Quan-Min Jing 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2019年第8期928-939,共12页
BACKGROUND Chronic total occlusion(CTO) is found in 18-31% of patients who undergo coronary angiography. Successful recanalization of CTOs is associated with reduced recurrent angina pectoris rates and increased long-... BACKGROUND Chronic total occlusion(CTO) is found in 18-31% of patients who undergo coronary angiography. Successful recanalization of CTOs is associated with reduced recurrent angina pectoris rates and increased long-term survival.Although the success rate of CTO percutaneous coronary intervention(CTO-PCI)has improved, CTO-PCI remains technically challenging. The Fielder XT guidewire was designed for CTO lesions. To validate whether the use of the guidewire increases the success rate, we compared the results of CTO-PCI with or without the guidewire. We hypothesized that the use of Fielder XT guidewire can increase the success rate of CTO-PCI.AIM To investigate whether the use of Fielder XT guidewire increases the final procedural success of CTO-PCI via the anterograde approach.METHODS Between January 2013 and December 2015, a retrospective study was conducted on 1230 consecutive patients with CTO who received PCI via the anterograde approach at the General Hospital of Northern Theater Command. The patients were divided into an XT Group(n = 686) and a no-XT Group(n = 544) depending on whether Fielder XT guidewire was used. Both groups were compared for clinical parameters, lesion-related characteristics, procedural outcomes and inhospital complications. The data were statistically analyzed using Pearson's χ~2 test for categorical variables, and Students' t test was used to compare the quantitative data. Significant independent factors and a risk ratio with 95%confidence interval(CI) were assessed by multivariate logistic regression analysis.RESULTS In total, 1230 patients were recruited; 75.4% of the patients were male, and 55.8%of the patients were in the XT group. The overall success rate was 83.9%, with87.8% in the XT group. Based on multivariate logistic regression analysis, factors positively associated with procedural success were the use of Fielder XT guidewire(P = 0.005, 95%CI: 1.172-2.380) and systolic blood pressure(P = 0.011,95%CI: 1.003-1.022), while factors negatively associated with procedural succe 展开更多
关键词 Chronic total occlusion Percutaneous coronary intervention ANTEROGRADE WIRE escalation Parallel WIRE technique Fielder XT GUIDEWIRE Success rate
Image-Guided Radiotherapy Dose Escalation in Intermediate and High Risk Cancer Prostate Patients and Its Effect on Treatment Toxicity
作者 Mohsen S. Barsoum Azza Mohamed Nasr +4 位作者 Ikram Hamed Mahmoud Salem E. Salem Rasha A. Elawady Shaimaa Abdelallem Ahmed Awad 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2017年第6期591-602,共12页
Purpose: To study the effect of escalating radiation dose;in intermediate and high risk prostate cancer patients;via online image-guidance on acute toxicities. Patients and Methods: thirty-eight prostate cancer patien... Purpose: To study the effect of escalating radiation dose;in intermediate and high risk prostate cancer patients;via online image-guidance on acute toxicities. Patients and Methods: thirty-eight prostate cancer patients were treated by using simultaneous integrated boost-intensity modulated radiation therapy (SIB-IMRT) with online image guided correction via kilo voltage cone beam computed tomography (KV-CBCT)/electronic portal imaging device (EPID) of trans-rectal ultrasound (TRUS)-inserted intraprostatic gold fiduciary markers. High-risk patients received a median dose of 80.5 Gy to prostate and 56 Gy to pelvic nodes in 35 fractions over 7 weeks. Intermediate-risk patients received a similar prostate dose over the same overall treatment time. Acute toxicity (bladder, rectal and bowel symptoms) was reported once weekly during the radiation course and up to 3 months from the end of the radiation course. Results: The image guided (IG)-IMRT allows escalating the radiation dose delivered to the prostate through minimizing the margin of setup error to less than 0.5 cm with subsequent sparing of nearby organs at risk. Out of thirty-eight patients, no patient developed >grade 1 acute rectal toxicity, 7.9% of patients experienced grade 3 urinary toxicity and there was no reported small intestinal toxicity. Conclusion: Escalating the radiation dose more than 80 Gy in intermediate and high risk prostate cancer patients was safe and not associated with grade 3 - 4 RTOG toxicity when guided by online verification of intra-prostatic fiducial markers. 展开更多
关键词 PROSTATE CANCER HIGH-RISK Intermediate-Risk Fiducial Markers Image Guided Radiotherapy Dose escalation Acute Toxicity SIB-IMRT
A New SDH-Based ATM Network Survivability Escalation Mechanism
作者 隆克平 金跃辉 程时端 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2000年第1期29-34,共6页
This paper investigates survivability escalation strategies in multi layers transport networks such as ATM/SDH/WDM networks, and presents oriented failures and oriented traffic escalation mechanisms. Furthermore, W... This paper investigates survivability escalation strategies in multi layers transport networks such as ATM/SDH/WDM networks, and presents oriented failures and oriented traffic escalation mechanisms. Furthermore, We present a new survivability Escalation strategy for SDH Based ATM transport networks, which addresses difficult problem for resources sharing pool(RSP) among different layers restoration mechanisms. In this paper, we also present integer programming (IP) model for the resources sharing pool (RSP) design problem and the node simulation model for escalation Node. The simulation results show that the proposed ESP is very efficient. The proposed model can be easily extended for other types of multi layer networks, such as WDM based ATM networks or WDM based SDH networks. 展开更多
关键词 SURVIVABILITY SDH based ATM networks escalation strategies Resources SHARING pool(RSP) INTEGER Programming.
Evaluation of Acute Toxicity and Dosimetric Parameters in High Risk Prostate Cancer Patients Treated by High Radiation Doses
作者 Mohamed A. Daoud Yasser M. Saleh +1 位作者 Mohamed Elsherbini Mostafa Al Etreby 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2019年第8期654-670,共17页
For high risk prostate cancer, the treatment volumes and even dose levels are still a controversial issue. The aim of this study is to evaluate the dosemetric parameters and acute toxicity of dose-escalated whole pelv... For high risk prostate cancer, the treatment volumes and even dose levels are still a controversial issue. The aim of this study is to evaluate the dosemetric parameters and acute toxicity of dose-escalated whole pelvis (WP) Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) and volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) prostate boost following neoadjuvant and concomitant with androgen deprivation therapy in high-risk prostate cancer patients. This analysis included 73 high-risk prostate cancer patients treated with WP-IMRT followed by boost to the prostate by VMAT to total dose of 80 Gy;between January 2014 and October 2016. Androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) was given for all patients before and during radiation therapy. Drawing the dose volume histograms (DVHs) was done for planning target volumes (PTVs), including Prostate PTV & nodal PTV, and organs at risk including rectum, bladder, femoral heads, and bowel bag for the plans. Acute radiation toxicities were reported during the radiation course and the following 3 months. The DVH analysis showed good coverage of PTVs and organs at risk doses were acceptable. No recorded acute Grade ≥ 3 toxicity. Acute grade 1 toxicity for Gastrointestinal (GI) and Genitourinary (GU) were 65% and 35% respectively, while Grade 2 toxicity was 30% for both. The Proctitis and frequency were the commonest acute toxicity and were maximal during the 5th week of radiation therapy. Dose escalation in two phases utilizing Simultaneous integrated boost (SIB) combined with ADT in high risk prostate cancer patient is feasible and associated with acceptable acute GI and GU toxicity. 展开更多
A phase I radiation dose escalation of stereotactic body radiotherapy for malignant lung tumors
作者 Randi J. Cohen Navesh K. Sharma +9 位作者 Jian Q. (Michael) Yu Lu Wang Mark K. Buyyounouski Michael Unger Hossein Borghaei Earl King Walter Scott Elaine Callahan Benjamin J. Movsas Steven J. Feigenberg 《Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering》 2010年第4期351-358,共8页
Objectives: This Phase I study determines the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for lung tumors. Methods: Eli- gible patients had biopsy proven cancer with a maxi- mum tumor size ≤... Objectives: This Phase I study determines the maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for lung tumors. Methods: Eli- gible patients had biopsy proven cancer with a maxi- mum tumor size ≤ 5 cm. Total doses were escalated from 40 to 48, then to 56 Gy, delivered in 4 equal fractions administered 2 to 3 times per week on an IRB approved protocol. SBRT was administered us- ing 5 to 9 fixed beam arrangements with CT loca- lization. Internal target volumes (ITV) were based on breath hold scans or 4D CT simulation. The planning target volume (PTV) was defined as the ITV with a uniform 5 mm expansion. Dose limiting toxicity (DLT) was defined as any grade 3 or higher toxicity using the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) common toxicity criteria (CTC). Results: Between April 2004 and February 2008, 18 patients received the prescribed treatment (40 Gy n = 6, 48 Gy n = 7, 56 Gy n = 5). Seventeen of 18 patients had non-small cell lung cancer (1 with rectal cancer), four of whom were treated for an oligometastasis. The median age of the patients was 68, while the median Karnofsky performance status was 90. The mean tumor size was 2.6 cm (range 0.9 to 4.5 cm). One grade 3 pulmonary event occurred (at 48 Gy dose level) immediately following treatment with the onset of fever and shortness of breath that responded to antibiotics. No other DLTs occurred. Conclusions: SBRT utilizing patient specific target volumes without gating appears safe. The maximum tolerated dose was not reached. 展开更多
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