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中外期刊实证类论文英文摘要语阶推销功能导向研究 被引量:12
作者 赵永青 徐建伟 +1 位作者 邓耀臣 薛舒云 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第2期45-53,共9页
现有对学术论文摘要体裁结构的研究往往着眼于语步,很少考察语阶的功能和体裁特征。本研究结合体裁分析和语料库方法,对比中外期刊实证类论文英文摘要1251篇,观察摘要"研究背景"和"结果讨论"语步上语阶的信息推销... 现有对学术论文摘要体裁结构的研究往往着眼于语步,很少考察语阶的功能和体裁特征。本研究结合体裁分析和语料库方法,对比中外期刊实证类论文英文摘要1251篇,观察摘要"研究背景"和"结果讨论"语步上语阶的信息推销功能导向。研究发现:在"研究背景"语步上,国际期刊作者善于使用双功能导向语阶来凸显选题的创新性,而中国期刊作者普遍使用"创建中心议题"这一单功能导向;在"结果讨论"语步上,与中国期刊作者不同的是,国际期刊作者更偏好使用"对话"性功能导向。这些差异一定程度上反映了中外期刊作者学术成果推销意图的不同。这一发现希望能引起中国学者对学术成果国际传播惯例的重视。 展开更多
关键词 推销功能导向语阶 语步 语料库 英文摘要 实证类论文
Appraisal of the Production-Oriented Approach: An Introduction 被引量:4
作者 濮实 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 SCIE 2017年第4期452-453,共2页
The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the ... The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen, 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team, to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen, 2016, 2015; Yang, 2015; Zhang, 2015). At the moment, the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community, a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15, 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum, leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium, listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application, its use for teacher training, and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies, University of Toronto, Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University, Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy, teacher training and research, with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei M 展开更多
关键词 The production-oriented approach (POA) has been developed over a decade. It is driven by the need to improve English classroom instruction for university students in China (Wen 2016). It is also motivated by the aspiration to enhance the quality of foreign language education in other similar pedagogical contexts outside China. A volume of research has been done by Wen Qiufang and her research team to formulate the theory of POA and to test its effectiveness in classroom pedagogy (e.g. Wen 2016 2015 Yang 2015 Zhang 2015). At the moment the POA is still at an early stage of theory building and almost all empirical research is done in the Chinese context. In order to improve the quality of this theory and to make it intelligible to the international academic community a one-day symposium was held in Beijing Foreign Studies University on May 15 2017. The symposium was entitled 'The first international forum on innovative foreign language education in China: Appraisal of the POA'. In the forum leading experts in applied linguistics were invited to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the POA and the directions for its future development. The symposium was the first attempt for the POA research team to discuss its latest work with international scholars. This Viewpoint section collects the responses of four experts who participated in the symposium listed in alphabetical order. The collection of articles covers three topics related to the POA: its pedagogical application its use for teacher training and its research. Alister Cumming is Professor Emeritus and the former Head of the Centre for Educational Research on Languages and Literacies University of Toronto Canada. His article focuses primarily on POA research as an exemplary case of design-based research. Rod Ellis is Research Professor in the School of Education at Curtin University Australia. He discusses POA in terms of pedagogy teacher training and research with both critiques and constructive suggestions. Paul Kei Mat
学术论文中文献综述的写作 被引量:1
作者 雷黎 徐筠 《安徽工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第5期150-151,共2页
关键词 文献综述 引言 应用语言学 实证性论文
Benford法则:中国宏观经济统计数据质量评价的一种新范式 被引量:7
作者 米子川 杨小庆 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第24期10-18,共9页
中国宏观经济统计数据的真实性和数据质量一直以来饱受质疑,特别是2008年美国金融危机以来,更受到世界各国和许多国内研究者的批评.引进、鉴证并扩展了Benford法则的分布拟合和宏观统计数据的数据随机性质量评价能力,对我国统计系统公... 中国宏观经济统计数据的真实性和数据质量一直以来饱受质疑,特别是2008年美国金融危机以来,更受到世界各国和许多国内研究者的批评.引进、鉴证并扩展了Benford法则的分布拟合和宏观统计数据的数据随机性质量评价能力,对我国统计系统公布的宏观统计数据进行了客观、真实和有效的评价.研究表明,在0.05的置信水平下,我国的国民经济核算、政府财政统计、金融业、国际收支平衡这四个宏观经济部门的主要经济指标不存在人为操纵和修正,统计数据质量有了显著提升. 展开更多
关键词 统计数据 BENFORD法则 质量评价
反垄断罚款裁量权控制 被引量:7
作者 潘宁 《财经法学》 CSSCI 2021年第3期111-126,共16页
研究反垄断量罚问题具有重要的现实和理论意义,因此有必要系统审视反垄断量罚问题并思考如何通过完善相关规范控制罚款裁量权。分析177份处罚决定书数据发现,反垄断罚款裁量权行使未能很好践行《反垄断法》第49条的要求,而且经梳理中国... 研究反垄断量罚问题具有重要的现实和理论意义,因此有必要系统审视反垄断量罚问题并思考如何通过完善相关规范控制罚款裁量权。分析177份处罚决定书数据发现,反垄断罚款裁量权行使未能很好践行《反垄断法》第49条的要求,而且经梳理中国裁判文书网上69份包含被处罚人诉请法院审查量罚内容的文书后发现,这些不当不公裁量罚款的现象未能被司法有效控制。进一步从立法的维度来看,反垄断量罚规范也存在表述模糊、体系欠协调和裁量要素体系不健全三方面问题。这些问题概括来说即为反垄断罚款裁量权失控问题。对此,应遵循以原则控制和程序控制模式为核心的整体思路,将《反垄断法》第49条裁量因素列举部分表述改为“应当考虑违法行为的性质、程度、持续时间、违法者的悔过情况、消除违法行为后果的情况以及经济社会背景下的经营者状况”,同时增加“反垄断机构应当在处罚决定书中载明所有被纳入考量的因素,并逐一基于相关事实作出定性结论”为第2款。 展开更多
关键词 反垄断 罚款裁量 实证分析 《反垄断法》第49条
金融学实证论文摘要的体裁分析 被引量:4
作者 何宇茵 曹慧娟 《外语教育》 2009年第1期91-96,共6页
体裁分析是语言学中的新兴交叉学科,并成为研究论文摘要的重要手段。本论文运用体裁分析的方法,对中英金融学实证论文摘要各50篇进行对比研究,并同时挖掘英语语言使用特点。结果表明摘要大多遵循了IMRD(引言、方法、结果、讨论)四语步结... 体裁分析是语言学中的新兴交叉学科,并成为研究论文摘要的重要手段。本论文运用体裁分析的方法,对中英金融学实证论文摘要各50篇进行对比研究,并同时挖掘英语语言使用特点。结果表明摘要大多遵循了IMRD(引言、方法、结果、讨论)四语步结构,但语步在中英文摘要中的使用存在差异;而且英语语言的使用特点也有所不同。分析结果将有助于我国金融学论文撰写者更好地理解英文金融学论文摘要的写作特点。 展开更多
关键词 金融学实证论文摘要 体裁分析 语步 对比研究
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