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耦合动态方程的神经网络模型在水质预测中的应用 被引量:10
作者 周彦辰 胡铁松 +2 位作者 陈进 许继军 周研来 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1-5,共5页
水质变化趋势的有效预测对于水资源综合管理具有重要意义。针对现有数据驱动模型不能有效反映研究对象物理机理的问题,提出了一种耦合动态方程的神经网络模型,并给出了动态方程的耦合方法。分别从数值算例和实际案例2个方面对传统网络... 水质变化趋势的有效预测对于水资源综合管理具有重要意义。针对现有数据驱动模型不能有效反映研究对象物理机理的问题,提出了一种耦合动态方程的神经网络模型,并给出了动态方程的耦合方法。分别从数值算例和实际案例2个方面对传统网络模型和机理先验前馈网络模型进行了对比计算分析,拟合程度指标和计算误差指标都表明机理性先验知识的加入可以提高网络模型的预测精度和非线性拟合能力。同时,该模型在水质预测中具有适用性和合理性。在样本数量一定的情况下,机理性先验知识的耦合是进一步提高网络计算精度的有效途径。 展开更多
关键词 水质预测 神经网络模型 耦合动态方程 机理性先验知识 Mackey-Glass混沌系统
基于自然正交补的冗余驱动并联机构动力学建模 被引量:5
作者 王耀军 张海峰 《机电工程》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第10期1440-1447,共8页
为了解决并联机构引入冗余驱动造成驱动力求解不唯一,可能引起内力对抗的问题,对冗余驱动并联机构的动力学建模和驱动力优化进行了研究。首先,以3RRR冗余驱动并联机构为例,基于闭环矢量法确定了机构的位移、速度关系;然后,为克服牛顿-... 为了解决并联机构引入冗余驱动造成驱动力求解不唯一,可能引起内力对抗的问题,对冗余驱动并联机构的动力学建模和驱动力优化进行了研究。首先,以3RRR冗余驱动并联机构为例,基于闭环矢量法确定了机构的位移、速度关系;然后,为克服牛顿-欧拉法方程多、计算量大,以及欧拉-拉格朗日法计算量大、实时性差的问题,基于螺旋理论,提出了应用自然正交补方法建立机构的动力学模型,推导了机构的逆动力学方程;最后,采用无穷大范数法,以最小化最大驱动力为目标优化驱动力,并通过圆轨迹跟踪对其进行了仿真。研究结果表明:应用自然正交补方法建立冗余驱动并联机构的模型,采用最小化最大驱动力优化,将最大驱动器功率由1.5 Nm降低到1.2 Nm,驱动器功率降低了20%;该方法具有形式简洁、系统高效、中间变量少的优点,对冗余驱动机构的建模和后续控制律开发具有较大的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 机构学理论 机构动力学方程 冗余驱动 自然正交补方法 驱动力优化
作者 刘振洋 王爱文 +2 位作者 张庆伟 孔令海 刘晓林 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第9期2225-2241,共17页
为探究岩石的动力失稳机制,开展强岩爆倾向性岩石的单轴声发射试验,分析其应力-应变、声发射演化及宏细观破坏特征,结果表明岩石的动力失稳是其微结构系统逐渐形成一定几何形状的力学结构,继而力学结构突然崩溃的自组织行为,具有临界性... 为探究岩石的动力失稳机制,开展强岩爆倾向性岩石的单轴声发射试验,分析其应力-应变、声发射演化及宏细观破坏特征,结果表明岩石的动力失稳是其微结构系统逐渐形成一定几何形状的力学结构,继而力学结构突然崩溃的自组织行为,具有临界性、对称性破缺及塑性缺失等性质。将岩石的动力失稳过程划分为能量积蓄和能量爆发2个阶段,依据自组织的自催化-自阻化功能,考虑对称性破缺,分别建立能量积蓄和能量爆发的非线性动力学方程,并推导出相应的耗散能演化方程。引入二元介质理论,将岩石的破损视为弹脆性胶结元向弹塑性摩擦元转化,摩擦元满足莫尔-库仑(M-C)准则,依据能量积蓄过程的耗散能演化方程定义破损规律,建立岩石的二元介质模型,依据能量爆发阶段的耗散能演化方程定义损伤规律,建立岩石的损伤模型,实现所建模型在有限差分软件中的二次开发,并验证了其正确性。基于自组织理论,结合数值模拟,从能量角度和细观层面分析岩石的动力失稳机制,结果表明:理想均质岩石的微结构系统可在势能梯度作用下演化成“沙漏”形的中心对称力学结构,临界态时势能梯度面密集靠近对称中心的岩桥,且能量可在面内高速流动,岩桥极易破断,破断后可打破周边密集的势能梯度面,引发面内能量激烈释放,驱动岩石爆裂;真实岩石失稳过程中会产生对称性破缺的力学结构和破坏形态。研究成果可为岩柱、硐室围岩的岩爆危险性分析提供理论支撑和数值模拟手段。 展开更多
关键词 岩石力学 强岩爆倾向性岩石 自组织理论 对称性破缺 非线性动力学方程 力学模型 动力失稳机制
求解非线性动力学方程的模态叠加多尺度法 被引量:2
作者 李兆军 蔡敢为 杨旭娟 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第8期115-117,共3页
在充分考虑摄动法和数值分析法特点的基础上,提出一种既能对弹性机构非线性动力学方程求得较高精度的解、又能深入研究这类弹性机构动力学特性的新方法——迭代式模态叠加多尺度法:首先利用多尺度法求解系统动力学响应的一次近似解,然... 在充分考虑摄动法和数值分析法特点的基础上,提出一种既能对弹性机构非线性动力学方程求得较高精度的解、又能深入研究这类弹性机构动力学特性的新方法——迭代式模态叠加多尺度法:首先利用多尺度法求解系统动力学响应的一次近似解,然后将该一次近似解作为系统广义坐标初值,利用迭代式模态叠加法求得系统动态响应的精确解,其精确度通过预先设定的一个小的正数来控制.算例分析表明,该方法是可靠、有效的. 展开更多
关键词 非线性动力学方程 数值方法 摄动法 模态叠加多尺度法 弹性机构 动力学特性
IC10合金的动态回复/再结晶本构行为研究 被引量:1
作者 张宏建 温卫东 +1 位作者 崔海涛 肖健峰 《中国机械工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第18期2256-2261,共6页
对IC10合金在1073~1373K范围内、不同应变率下开展了拉伸试验研究,试验结果表明:IC10合金在1073K附近表现出明显的动态回复力学特征,在1173~1373K范围内则表现出明显的动态再结晶特征。通过透射电子显微镜对试验样品进行观察,研究了IC1... 对IC10合金在1073~1373K范围内、不同应变率下开展了拉伸试验研究,试验结果表明:IC10合金在1073K附近表现出明显的动态回复力学特征,在1173~1373K范围内则表现出明显的动态再结晶特征。通过透射电子显微镜对试验样品进行观察,研究了IC10合金变形机理,结果表明,在1073~1373K范围内,IC10合金变形过程中螺位错和刃位错可动性相当,并在γ′相边界逐步形成一些胞状亚晶结构。最后,将工程中应用广泛的Sellars模型应用于描述IC10合金在1073~1373K范围内、不同应变率下的力学行为,预测结果与试验结果的平均相对误差值不超过5%。 展开更多
关键词 IC10合金 动态回复 动态再结晶 本构模型 细观机理
Oxidation Kinetics of Aluminum Powders in a Gas Fluidized Bed Reactor in the Potential Application of Surge Arresting Materials
作者 Hong Shih 《Materials Sciences and Applications》 2019年第3期253-292,共40页
In this technical paper, the oxidation mechanism and kinetics of aluminum powders are discussed in great details. The potential applications of spherical aluminum powders after oxidation to be part of the surging arre... In this technical paper, the oxidation mechanism and kinetics of aluminum powders are discussed in great details. The potential applications of spherical aluminum powders after oxidation to be part of the surging arresting materials are discussed. Theoretical calculations of oxidation of spherical aluminum powders in a typical gas fluidization bed are demonstrated. Computer software written by the author is used to carry out the basic calculations of important parameters of a gas fluidization bed at different temperatures. A mathematical model of the dynamic system in a gas fluidization bed is developed and the analytical solution is obtained. The mathematical model can be used to estimate aluminum oxide thickness at a defined temperature. The mathematical model created in this study is evaluated and confirmed consistently with the experimental results on a gas fluidization bed. Detail technical discussion of the oxidation mechanism of aluminum is carried out. The mathematical deviations of the mathematical modeling have demonstrated in great details. This mathematical model developed in this study and validated with experimental results can bring a great value for the quantitative analysis of a gas fluidization bed in general from a theoretical point of view. It can be applied for the oxidation not only for aluminum spherical powders, but also for other spherical metal powders. The mathematical model developed can further enhance the applications of gas fluidization technology. In addition to the development of mathematical modeling of a gas fluidization bed reactor, the formation of oxide film through diffusion on both planar and spherical aluminum surfaces is analyzed through a thorough mathematical deviation using diffusion theory and Laplace transformation. The dominant defects and their impact to oxidation of aluminum are also discussed in detail. The well-controlled oxidation film on spherical metal powders such as aluminum and other metal spherical powders can potentially become an important part of switc 展开更多
关键词 Aluminum Spherical Power GAS FLUIDIZATION Bed Oxidation mechanism Oxide Growth Rate Gibbs Free Energy Ellingham Diagram Mathematical Modeling dynamic System Plasma DIFFUSION DIFFUSION Coefficient Crystallographic Defect Vacancy Pressure Temperature Flow Laplace Transform equation Boundary Condition Fick’s Second Law Software Experimental Theoretical SURGE ARRESTING MATERIALS Analytical Solution
演化博弈视角下大学生助学贷款诚信模型研究 被引量:1
作者 金雪 《伊犁师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2019年第3期17-20,共4页
关键词 帕累托最优 复制动态方程 助学贷款 诚信机制
如何调控经济金融化?——基于中国经济的三方演化博弈视角 被引量:1
作者 董雨 程鑫 《运筹与管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期82-89,共8页
十九大以来,中国的改革开放进程不断加快,在金融领域体制改革也是不断深化,开放程度不断提高,期间实体经济金融化的问题在我国日益凸显,经济“脱实向虚”的现象愈发严重,而实体经济能否健康发展将决定一个国家综合国力的强弱。因此,通... 十九大以来,中国的改革开放进程不断加快,在金融领域体制改革也是不断深化,开放程度不断提高,期间实体经济金融化的问题在我国日益凸显,经济“脱实向虚”的现象愈发严重,而实体经济能否健康发展将决定一个国家综合国力的强弱。因此,通过研究实体企业金融化问题来探讨中国防范产业“空心化”的策略非常必要。运用演化博弈和模拟仿真的方法,构建基于政府监管部门、实体企业和金融企业金融化的三方演化博弈分析框架,重点分析政府监管对企业策略选择的影响,并对演化均衡过程进行模拟仿真。研究表明,政府对企业所采取措施譬如加大处罚、提高减税幅度或补贴等对促进实体企业和金融企业达成合作关系有积极作用,实体企业和金融企业对分利技术水平和社会禀赋倍增率的变化敏感。 展开更多
关键词 演化博弈 复制动态方程 金融化机制 演化稳定策略
作者 李伟 于辉 +3 位作者 刘利刚 苑旭冲 董洪旺 吴海兵 《工程力学》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第11期241-247,256,共8页
为了研究氟金云母微晶玻璃陶瓷的动态力学性能及断裂机理,利用高速液压伺服材料试验机进行了动态压缩实验,得到试样中等应变速率下的动态力学参数,结果表明该陶瓷材料具有明显的应变率效应,并基于损伤力学理论,得到了该材料的弹脆性动... 为了研究氟金云母微晶玻璃陶瓷的动态力学性能及断裂机理,利用高速液压伺服材料试验机进行了动态压缩实验,得到试样中等应变速率下的动态力学参数,结果表明该陶瓷材料具有明显的应变率效应,并基于损伤力学理论,得到了该材料的弹脆性动态损伤本构方程。通过对试样断口微观形貌的SEM观测,并结合纳米压痕实验,分析了材料的断裂机理。从试样断口的宏观和微观形貌可得:材料断裂方式为脆性解理断裂,云母相与玻璃相交界面存在大量沿晶微裂纹;由纳米压痕实验验证了两相之间弱界面的存在,微裂纹最早成核于两相交界处,并沿弱界面扩展,成核载荷为20 mN。 展开更多
关键词 氟金云母微晶玻璃陶瓷 动态压缩 本构方程 纳米压痕 断裂机理
Dynamic Analysis of Propulsion Mechanism Directly Driven by Wave Energy for Marine Mobile Buoy 被引量:8
作者 YU Zhenjiang ZHENG Zhongqiang +1 位作者 YANG Xiaoguang CHANG Zongyu 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第4期710-715,共6页
Marine mobile buoy(MMB) have many potential applications in the maritime industry and ocean science.Great progress has been made,however the technology in this area is far from maturity in theory and faced with many... Marine mobile buoy(MMB) have many potential applications in the maritime industry and ocean science.Great progress has been made,however the technology in this area is far from maturity in theory and faced with many difficulties in application.A dynamic model of the propulsion mechanism is very necessary for optimizing the parameters of the MMB,especially with consideration of hydrodynamic force.The principle of wave-driven propulsion mechanism is briefly introduced.To set a theory foundation for study on the MMB,a dynamic model of the propulsion mechanism of the MMB is obtained.The responses of the motion of the platform and the hydrofoil are obtained by using a numerical integration method to solve the ordinary differential equations.A simplified form of the motion equations is reached by omitting terms with high order small values.The relationship among the heave motion of the buoy,stiffness of the elastic components,and the forward speed can be obtained by using these simplified equations.The dynamic analysis show the following:The angle of displacement of foil is fairly small with the biggest value around 0.3 rad;The speed of mobile buoy and the angle of hydrofoil increased gradually with the increase of heave motion of buoy;The relationship among heaven motion,stiffness and attack angle is that heave motion leads to the angle change of foil whereas the item of speed or push function is determined by vertical velocity and angle,therefore,the heave motion and stiffness can affect the motion of buoy significantly if the size of hydrofoil is kept constant.The proposed model is provided to optimize the parameters of the MMB and a foundation is laid for improving the performance of the MMB. 展开更多
关键词 propulsion mechanism marine mobile buoy dynamic model hydrodynamics Morision's equation
基于PIC-MCC法的真空灭弧室电弧放电机理(英文) 被引量:6
作者 曹云东 李静 +2 位作者 刘晓明 侯春光 王尔智 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2752-2757,共6页
With the raise of voltage level in electric power grid,the phenomena of high voltage gas insulation has received extensive attention from all over the world.The research on the breakdown mechanism of vacuum which is t... With the raise of voltage level in electric power grid,the phenomena of high voltage gas insulation has received extensive attention from all over the world.The research on the breakdown mechanism of vacuum which is the main insulation gas in high voltage level is one of the most important issues.It is also important to the study of vacuum arc in vacuum switch.But for the limitations of available method used in analyzing the breakdown mechanism of vacuum,the main research on vacuum breakdown is macroscopic experiment.The experiments are greatly influenced by environmental factors and high vacuum degree is difficult to be ensured.So the data from the experiments are dispersive and the complex physical change in vacuum breakdown can not be revealed.The purpose of this work is to analyze the mechanism of vacuum breakdown quantitatively by microscopic numerical simulation.The particle in cell and Monte Carlo methods are used here to solve microscopic dynamic equation of gas.Based on the field emission theory in vacuum,electrons produced by the cathode and ions produced by the collision between electron and metal vapor molecule are the objects of this study.The motions of microscopic particles which are at the functions of the applied and self-consistent electric filed are traced in time and two space dimensions.Mont Carlo method is used here to cope with the collisions between electrons and metal vapor molecules.The cross sections of the collision which is related with the energy are all from the experiments.The secondary electron emission,exciting,elastic and ionizing collisions between electrons and metal vapor molecules have been considered in this paper.By the simulation,the number densities of electron and ion are acquired and the microscopic dynamic electric field produced by space charge is also calculated. The effect of vacuum degree on discharge voltage is also discussed here.According to the simulation data,we draw the conclusion that the main reason for vacuum arc formation is metal vapor ionization and la 展开更多
关键词 PIC-MCC vacuum breakdown mechanism two dimension space charge dynamic electric field Boltzmann equation
Research on the Structural Rigidity Characteristics of a Reconfigurable TBM Thrust Mechanism 被引量:3
作者 Younan Xu Xinjun Liu Jiyu Xu 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第6期35-47,共13页
To improve the adaptability of TBMs in diverse geological environments,this paper proposes a reconfigurable Type-V thrust mechanism(V-TM)with rearrangeable working states,in which structural stiffness can be automatic... To improve the adaptability of TBMs in diverse geological environments,this paper proposes a reconfigurable Type-V thrust mechanism(V-TM)with rearrangeable working states,in which structural stiffness can be automatically altered during operation.Therefore,millions of configurations can be obtained,and thousands of instances of working status per configuration can be set respectively.Nonetheless,the complexity of configurations and diversity of working states contributes to further complications for the structural stiffness algorithm.This results in challenges such as difficulty calculating the payload compliance index and the environment adaptability index.To solve this problem,we use the configuration matrix to describe the relationship between propelling jacks under reconfiguration and adopt pattern vectors to describe the working state of each hydraulic cylinder.Then,both the dynamic compatible equation between propeller forces of the hydraulic cylinders and driving forces,and the kinematic harmonizing equation between the hydraulic cylinder displacements and their deformations are established.Next,we derive the stiffness analytical equation using Hooke’s law and the Jacobian Matrix.The proposed approach provides an effective algorithm to support structural rigidity analysis,and lays a solid theoretical foundation for calculating the performance indexes of the V-TM.We then analyze the rigidity characteristics of typical configurations under different working states,and obtain the main factors affecting structural stiffness of the V-TM.The results show the deviation degree of structural parameters in hydraulic cylinders within the same group,and the working status of propelling jacks.Finally,our constructive conclusions contribute valuable information for matching and optimization by drawing on the factors that affect the structural rigidity of the V-TM. 展开更多
关键词 Reconfigurable TBM thrust mechanism Structural rigidity characteristics Configuration matrix Patternvector Kinematic harmonizing equation dynamic compatible equation Structural stiffness equations
作者 刘飞飞 郭波超 +1 位作者 任舒琪 朱杨林 《电源学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期173-181,共9页
为研究不同拾取端对动态无线电能传输系统的影响,首先使用诺以曼公式对互感进行数值分析,以探究耦合机构互感的变化对系统的传输效率和拾取端电压影响;再通过等效电路模型与基尔霍夫方程式,建立动态无线电能传输系统的数学模型,提取出... 为研究不同拾取端对动态无线电能传输系统的影响,首先使用诺以曼公式对互感进行数值分析,以探究耦合机构互感的变化对系统的传输效率和拾取端电压影响;再通过等效电路模型与基尔霍夫方程式,建立动态无线电能传输系统的数学模型,提取出系统传输效率与品质因数、耦合系数、负载和邻近线圈电阻值的关系式;最后通过制作不同拾取端的耦合机构,包括单线圈、串联式和并联式,在动态中对系统传输影响的分析。分析与实验结果相符,证明本文结论的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 动态无线电能传输 诺以曼公式 基尔霍夫方程式 系统传输效率 耦合机构
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