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“描述”次谓语与“结果”次谓语的语义阐释 被引量:4
作者 陈兴 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第1期62-66,共5页
根据不同句法特点,次谓语分为描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语。充当这两种次谓语的词必须是动态的,但是在一定语境中表静态意义的名词也可以充当次谓语。从语义角度看,结果性次谓语只具有界定性,而且一个句子只能界定一次;描述性次谓语既... 根据不同句法特点,次谓语分为描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语。充当这两种次谓语的词必须是动态的,但是在一定语境中表静态意义的名词也可以充当次谓语。从语义角度看,结果性次谓语只具有界定性,而且一个句子只能界定一次;描述性次谓语既具有界定性也具有非界定性,这一特性决定次谓语在句中的共存情况;描述性次谓语具有论旨独立性,可以删除次谓语而不会引起句义合格性的变化,结果性次谓语因为与主谓语联系紧密,所以不具备论旨独立性。这两类次谓语与时间都关系密切,具有时间性。 展开更多
关键词 描述性次谓语 结果性次谓语 界定性与非界定性 论旨独立性 时间性
英汉次谓语的语义对比研究 被引量:2
作者 陈兴 《云梦学刊》 2011年第4期138-140,共3页
次谓语有描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语之分。从语义取向方面来看,英语描述性次谓语可以是主语取向的也可以是宾语取向的,结果性次谓语只能是宾语取向的;汉语中,描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语既可以是宾语取向的也可以是主语取向的。语义选... 次谓语有描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语之分。从语义取向方面来看,英语描述性次谓语可以是主语取向的也可以是宾语取向的,结果性次谓语只能是宾语取向的;汉语中,描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语既可以是宾语取向的也可以是主语取向的。语义选择决定语类选择,充当英汉次谓语的词语虽有特例但一般是动态谓词。多个次谓语在一个句中共存时存在语义限制,那就是一个句子只能被限定一次,但是英汉多个次谓语在句中出现的顺序不一样。英汉次谓语都具有使句子表达生动、简洁、流畅的语义强势。 展开更多
关键词 描述性次谓语 结果性次谓语 语义取向 共存限制 语类选择
英语次谓语的语义认知及其翻译 被引量:2
作者 陈兴 《湖南农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2009年第5期83-86,共4页
英语次谓语分为描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语。从语义取向来看,描述性次谓语有主语取向和宾语取向之分。描述性次谓语被删除后语义不发生变化,而结果性次谓语被删除后部分语义有变化。结果性次谓语属于限制性表达式,在语义上来说,一个句... 英语次谓语分为描述性次谓语和结果性次谓语。从语义取向来看,描述性次谓语有主语取向和宾语取向之分。描述性次谓语被删除后语义不发生变化,而结果性次谓语被删除后部分语义有变化。结果性次谓语属于限制性表达式,在语义上来说,一个句子只能被限定一次,因此,在一个句子中多个结果性次谓语不能共存,而描述性次谓语则可以。英语次谓语可用直接对译法、分句法、转译法和省略法来翻译成汉语。 展开更多
关键词 描述性次谓语 结果性次谓语 语义认知 翻译方法 英语
从韵律结构看形容词 被引量:41
作者 沈家煊 《汉语学习》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期3-10,共8页
从韵律结构来看,形容词在语法结构中表现出跟名词和动词不一样的组合特点,令人费解。以往研究所存在的问题在于过分看重名、动、形之间的区别,预设汉语里名、动、形跟英语等印欧语一样是三个分立的、互斥的类。其实汉语里首先重视的是&q... 从韵律结构来看,形容词在语法结构中表现出跟名词和动词不一样的组合特点,令人费解。以往研究所存在的问题在于过分看重名、动、形之间的区别,预设汉语里名、动、形跟英语等印欧语一样是三个分立的、互斥的类。其实汉语里首先重视的是"大名词"和"摹状词"的区别,"大名词"里包括动词和形容词,"大名词"通过重叠形成"摹状词"。形容词的双音化是一种"准重叠"手段,双音形容词也具有摹状词的性质。按照这个新认识,在划分形容词内部小类的时候应该拿单音双音的区分作为首要的标准。最后说明汉语的形容词在"词类地图"上表现出来的多重性。 展开更多
关键词 韵律结构 形容词 大名词 摹状词 重叠 词类地图
量度范畴与汉语形容词 被引量:23
作者 熊仲儒 《世界汉语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期291-304,共14页
形容词的内部差异跟扩展它们的量度范畴有关。量度范畴扩展状态形容词是强制性的,起核查作用,没有语音实现。所以,状态形容词可以自由地作谓语和关系小句,但不能受"很"修饰,也不能做复合词内部成员。量度范畴扩展性质形容词... 形容词的内部差异跟扩展它们的量度范畴有关。量度范畴扩展状态形容词是强制性的,起核查作用,没有语音实现。所以,状态形容词可以自由地作谓语和关系小句,但不能受"很"修饰,也不能做复合词内部成员。量度范畴扩展性质形容词是可选性的,起指派作用,需要语音实现,除非受到别的功能范畴的允准。所以,性质形容词受"很"修饰,能成为复合词的内部成分,但不能自由地作谓语,也不能自由地作关系小句。 展开更多
关键词 性质形容词 状态形容词 量度范畴 复合词 谓语
作为语体变量的情景现场与现场描述语篇中的视点引导结构 被引量:14
作者 刘大为 《当代修辞学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期1-22,共22页
本文从语体变量的理论设想出发,研究了现场描述语体的两个显著特征:插在描述主线上的视点引导结构和只能依靠指示引入描述对象的机制。认为这两个特征正是作为语体变量的情景现场所要求的言语交互性和当下感知性所造成的。对于前者论文... 本文从语体变量的理论设想出发,研究了现场描述语体的两个显著特征:插在描述主线上的视点引导结构和只能依靠指示引入描述对象的机制。认为这两个特征正是作为语体变量的情景现场所要求的言语交互性和当下感知性所造成的。对于前者论文借鉴了认知语言学的视点概念做了较为详尽的探讨,对于后者则在指示与指称对比的基础上进行了分析。研究发现以上两种特征可以统一在视点引导结构的功能上,并引入了认知科学中的具身概念和耦合概念深化了对它的认识。论文最后提出,对现场描述语体的研究可能导致言语行为理论在奥斯汀的施效和记述二分之外发现新的类型。 展开更多
关键词 语体变量 情景现场 描述 视点 指示 具身性 耦合
Y-STR DNA数据库建设及应用 被引量:11
作者 杨玉章 《河南警察学院学报》 2013年第5期47-53,共7页
基于Y染色体遗传规律和"三定侦查法"中"定范围"理论为基础构建的Y-STR DNA家系排查分析系统,是以居民姓氏家系为基本结构,以个体Y-STR生物数据为基石,包含部分家系成员的Y-STR数据、家系图谱及其户籍资料等相关信息的采集、录入、... 基于Y染色体遗传规律和"三定侦查法"中"定范围"理论为基础构建的Y-STR DNA家系排查分析系统,是以居民姓氏家系为基本结构,以个体Y-STR生物数据为基石,包含部分家系成员的Y-STR数据、家系图谱及其户籍资料等相关信息的采集、录入、查询等功能为一体的智能数据系统,是刑事侦查的又一"利器"。案件范围的准确划定是运用Y-STR DNA家系排查的首要前提,"定范围"的相关理论为划定案件范围提供了保障。在划定的范围内,交叉、碰撞各类信息,运用Y-STR数据库寻找可疑人群,进而利用常染色体DNA找人是运用这一战法的核心思想。 展开更多
关键词 Y-STR DNA数据库 范围 刻画 加密采集 加基因座检测
MRI of gastric carcinoma:Results of T and N-staging in an in vitro study 被引量:9
作者 Il Young Kim Sang Won Kim +4 位作者 Hyeong Cheol Shin Moon Soo Lee Dong Jun Jeong Chang Jin Kim Young Tong Kim 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第32期3992-3998,共7页
AIM: To determine the accuracy of 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of gastric wall invasion and perigastric lymph node metastasis in gastric adenocarcinoma.METHODS: Twenty resected gastric ... AIM: To determine the accuracy of 1.5-T magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in the evaluation of gastric wall invasion and perigastric lymph node metastasis in gastric adenocarcinoma.METHODS: Twenty resected gastric specimens containing 20 tumors were studied with a 1.5-T MR system using a commercial head surface coil. MR scanning was performed with a T1 weighted image (TR/TE = 500/20), and a T2 weighted image (TR/TE = 2500/90). MR findings were compared with pathologic findings.RESULTS: A T1-weighted image demonstrated three layers in the normal gastric wall. All of the gastric tumors were well demonstrated by lesions and location. In a MRI findings of gastric wall invasion, there was 1 case of T1, 7 of T2, 11 of T3. Pathologic results of resected specimens included 3 cases of pT1, 4 of pT2, and 12 of pT3. The accuracy of T staging with MRI was 74% (14 of 19). MRI findings of lymph node metastasis included 6 cases of NO, 13 cases of N1. The accuracy of the N staging with MRI was 47% (9 of 19).CONCLUSION: MRI has a high diagnostic accuracy in the evaluation of the T staging of gastric cancerin vitro and thus potentially enables preoperative histopathologic staging. 展开更多
关键词 Gastric cancer Magnetic resonance imaging NEOPLASM STAGING STOMACH depiction of walllayer
远程教学课程团队成长特征刻画及效益分析——以“人体生理学”课程团队为例 被引量:6
作者 赵婷婷 尹志英 《开放教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期85-92,共8页
本研究从远程教学课程团队的内涵出发,以《人体生理学》课程教学团队为例,定量刻画团队现状特征及成长轨迹,并基于课程受益率、实考率、及格率等指标分析团队运行对教师成长及教学质量的影响,剖析远程教学课程团队建设发展的问题及提出... 本研究从远程教学课程团队的内涵出发,以《人体生理学》课程教学团队为例,定量刻画团队现状特征及成长轨迹,并基于课程受益率、实考率、及格率等指标分析团队运行对教师成长及教学质量的影响,剖析远程教学课程团队建设发展的问题及提出建议。研究结果表明:1)团队成员集中于30-49岁的教师群体;硕士及以上学历者占40.74%;副教授及以上职称者比例超过半数;团队成员平均负责5门课;校外聘请的兼职教师以高水平的专家学者为主;团队成员能够辐射到的教师群体总数达81人;2)2009-2010年和2010-2011年两个时段内的省(市)成员规模变化强度均为正值,说明团队在两个时段内省(市)成员数量均为增长态势;3)团队成员的平均课程受益率为0.61,产生外溢效益波及到58门次其它课程;3年间参与团队活动的省(市)实考率上升显著,而非团队省(市)下降明显;学生考试及格率稳中有升,达到80%以上,高于非团队省(市)的78.36%。 展开更多
关键词 远程教学课程团队 成长特征 效益
郑樵《尔雅注》初探 被引量:2
作者 周文 《咸宁学院学报》 2004年第1期109-113,共5页
郑樵是宋代著名的学问家,他的《尔雅注》是南宋雅学研究的重要成果。本文从语义的训释、文本的校勘和字音的标注等三个方面对《尔雅注》的内容进行了静态的描述,客观、全面地反映了郑樵对《尔雅注》所作的注释工作。我们认为:郑樵的《... 郑樵是宋代著名的学问家,他的《尔雅注》是南宋雅学研究的重要成果。本文从语义的训释、文本的校勘和字音的标注等三个方面对《尔雅注》的内容进行了静态的描述,客观、全面地反映了郑樵对《尔雅注》所作的注释工作。我们认为:郑樵的《尔雅注》有着自己的特点和内容,值得我们借鉴和研究。 展开更多
关键词 郑樵 《尔雅注》 描述 注释
“非遗”后艺术民族志书写及其社会想象 被引量:5
作者 周园 杨秋月 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第1期37-41,共5页
作为兼具文化与艺术双重属性的非物质文化遗产,在经过"非遗"产生、申报、保护、发展等阶段后已然成为"他者""自我""社会"关系网中的资本,并以其独特的价值呈现在特定的社会空间中成为社会想象... 作为兼具文化与艺术双重属性的非物质文化遗产,在经过"非遗"产生、申报、保护、发展等阶段后已然成为"他者""自我""社会"关系网中的资本,并以其独特的价值呈现在特定的社会空间中成为社会想象对象。"非遗"的艺术人类学研究主要是从历史溯源、社会评价、建构再造、共同体形成等维度进行把握和阐释,多维视角中对"非遗"的社会阐释与社会构想成为"非遗"民族志书写的社会集体视角即社会想象,这种多维度的社会思考与把握也是解决我国"非遗"保护问题的文化视角和学术参考,其民族志的书写社会多角度的想象与阐释通过文本化策略得以实现。 展开更多
关键词 非遗化 非遗之后 艺术民族志 书写 社会想象
Geologic-seismic models,prediction of shallow-water lacustrine delta sandbody and hydrocarbon potential in the Late Miocene,Huanghekou Sag,Bohai Bay Basin,northern China 被引量:3
作者 Hao Liu Qing-Long Xia Xin-Huai Zhou 《Journal of Palaeogeography》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期66-87,共22页
The Huanghekou Sag is located at the southeast part of the Bohai Bay Basin, northern China. Large-scale shallow lake delta developed in the Neogene provided suitable geological conditions for the formation of a subtle... The Huanghekou Sag is located at the southeast part of the Bohai Bay Basin, northern China. Large-scale shallow lake delta developed in the Neogene provided suitable geological conditions for the formation of a subtle oil-gas reservoir in this area. The key for analyzing sandstone reservoir and sedimentary facies is by using seismic attributes(amplitude) to establish the relationship between lithology combination and seismic attributes. The lower unit of Late Miocene Minghuazhen Formation at the BZ34 block in the Huanghekou Sag was subdivided into 10 parasequence sets(PSS). Thicker sandstones mainly occurred in PSS1 and PSS10, whereas thin sandstones are mostly observed within other parasequence sets. This study presents statistics and analyses of lithology, i.e., statistics of root-meansquare(RMS) amplitude and lithology of well locations in different parasequence sets of the study area,as well as 1-D forward seismic models of 7 types of lithology combinations, the establishment of a spatial distribution of 2-D sandbody, forward seismic models etc. Our study indicates that high amplitude peaks correspond to thicker sandbodies, while low amplitude indicates non-development of sandbodies(generally less than 2 m), and medium amplitude agrees well with large sets of mudstones interbedded with medium and thinner sandstones. Different sand-mudstone combinations genetically reflect a combination of multiple micro-facies, therefore, amplitude features can predict sandbodies as well as facies characteristics. 展开更多
关键词 Shallow-water lacustrine delta High-frequency sequence Root-mean-square(RMS)amplitude Geological-geophysical model Sandstone depiction Huanghekou Sag Late Miocene
论柳永词“俗”的表现 被引量:4
作者 李岸 《白城师范学院学报》 2017年第5期51-54,共4页
柳永是开一代词风的宋词名家,柳词更以别开生面的方式向世人呈现了一个异彩纷呈的世界。柳词流俗,俗为何意?通俗、浅俗、世俗、靡俗……柳词的俗应从其市民风貌的题材、直陈其事的叙述和通俗易懂的语言等方面品味,走进柳词的俗才能真正... 柳永是开一代词风的宋词名家,柳词更以别开生面的方式向世人呈现了一个异彩纷呈的世界。柳词流俗,俗为何意?通俗、浅俗、世俗、靡俗……柳词的俗应从其市民风貌的题材、直陈其事的叙述和通俗易懂的语言等方面品味,走进柳词的俗才能真正地读懂柳永的俗和美。 展开更多
关键词 柳永词 “俗”的表现 题材 叙述 语言
大赋的式微与小赋的崛起 被引量:2
作者 王焕然 《河北学刊》 2002年第5期108-110,共3页
关键词 大赋 小赋 描写 抒情性 东汉
From The Serenity Dwelling Collection to The Tea Smoke Pavilion Collection:ANew Discussion on the Guiding Principle behind Zhu Yizun's Object-Depicting Lyrics
作者 MIN Feng 《Frontiers of Literary Studies in China-Selected Publications from Chinese Universities》 2024年第2期182-211,共30页
The Lyric Collection on Objects of the Tea Smoke Pavilion is an anthology that Zhu Yizun compiled in his later years by carefully selecting object-depicting lyrics he composed throughout his life.Approximately 70 perc... The Lyric Collection on Objects of the Tea Smoke Pavilion is an anthology that Zhu Yizun compiled in his later years by carefully selecting object-depicting lyrics he composed throughout his life.Approximately 70 percent of the works were created before he participated in the imperial examination in 1679.This indicates that this anthology does not fully reflect the characteristics of the lyrics he penned in his later years.The collection title"Tea Smoke Pavilion,"as revealed in The Lyric Collection of the Serenity Dwelling,reflects the poet's distinctive approach to expressing emotions through depicting objects.A detailed examination of Zhu's works from the perspectives of textual structure,language,tone pattern and rhyming demonstrates that Zhu has consistently adhered to the same guiding principle when composing object-depicting lyrics.He has elevated the technique of“objectification,”pioneered by the poets of the Southern Song Dynasty to a new realm,crafting a unique beauty in object-depicting lyrics,which is different from the beauty of Song lyrics.His success is rooted in his emotional experiences depicted in The Serenity Dwelling Collection.His relentless exploration in artistic forms has provided a source of inspiration for scholars of later generations to explore how to convey personal sentiments.It also offers an opportunity to reflect on the merits and demerits regarding the development of object-depicting lyrics during the Qing Dynasty. 展开更多
关键词 The Lyric Collection on Objects of the Tea Smoke Pavilion Serenity Dwelling expressing emotions through depicting objects objectification conveying personal sentiments
《大明宫词》剧本的叙事学分析 被引量:1
作者 高晓芳 《安徽职业技术学院学报》 2006年第1期41-44,共4页
关键词 聚焦 叙事 女性
Langston Hughes' Art of Writing as Reflected in his Short Story Early Autumn 被引量:2
作者 王艳 《海外英语》 2010年第11X期19-20,共2页
The art of writing reflected in the short story Early Autumn by Langston Hughes is discussed from three perspectives:the careful choice of the title "Early Autumn"; the unique psychological depiction of char... The art of writing reflected in the short story Early Autumn by Langston Hughes is discussed from three perspectives:the careful choice of the title "Early Autumn"; the unique psychological depiction of characters; and the special purpose for the description of settings and scenes in this story. 展开更多
An overview of the latest developments in facial imaging 被引量:3
作者 Carl N.Stephan Jodi M.Caple +1 位作者 Pierre Guyomarc'h Peter Claes 《Forensic Sciences Research》 CSCD 2019年第1期10-28,共19页
Facial imaging is a term used to describe methods that use facial images to assist or facili-tate human identification. This pertains to two craniofacial identification procedures that use skulls and faces—facial app... Facial imaging is a term used to describe methods that use facial images to assist or facili-tate human identification. This pertains to two craniofacial identification procedures that use skulls and faces—facial approximation and photographic superimposition—as well as face-only methods for age progression/regression, the construction of facial graphics from eye-witness memory (including composites and artistic sketches), facial depiction, face mapping and newly emerging methods of molecular photofitting. Given the breadth of these facial imaging techniques, it is not surprising that a broad array of subject-matter experts partici-pate in and/or contribute to the formulation and implementation of these methods (includ-ing forensic odontologists, forensic artists, police officers, electrical engineers, anatomists, geneticists, medical image specialists, psychologists, computer graphic programmers and software developers). As they are concerned with the physical characteristics of humans, each of these facial imaging areas also falls in the domain of physical anthropology, although not all of them have been traditionally regarded as such. This too offers useful opportunities to adapt established methods in one domain to others more traditionally held to be disciplines within physical anthropology (e.g. facial approximation, craniofacial super-imposition and face photo-comparison). It is important to note that most facial imaging methods are not currently used for identification but serve to assist authorities in narrowing or directing investigations such that other, more potent, methods of identification can be used (e.g. DNA). Few, if any, facial imaging approaches can be considered honed end-stage scientific methods, with major opportunities for physical anthropologists to make meaningful contributions. Some facial imaging methods have considerably stronger scientific underpin-nings than others (e.g. facial approximation versus face mapping), some currently lie entirely within the artistic sphere (facial dep 展开更多
关键词 Forensic anthropology craniofacial identification facial approximation photographic superimpos-ition facial depiction age progression facial composites molecular photofitting
A Multi-Channel Salience Based Detail Exaggeration Technique for 3D Relief Surfaces 被引量:1
作者 缪永伟 冯结青 +1 位作者 王金荣 Renato Pajarola 《Journal of Computer Science & Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第6期1100-1109,共10页
Visual saliency can always persuade the viewer's visual attention to fine-scale mesostructure of 3D complex shapes. Owing to the multi-channel salience measure and salience-domain shape modeling technique, a novel vi... Visual saliency can always persuade the viewer's visual attention to fine-scale mesostructure of 3D complex shapes. Owing to the multi-channel salience measure and salience-domain shape modeling technique, a novel visual saliency based shape depiction scheme is presented to exaggerate salient geometric details of the underlying relief surface. Our multi-channel salience measure is calculated by combining three feature maps, i.e., the 0-order feature map of local height distribution, the l-order feature map of normal difference, and the 2-order feature map of mean curvature variation. The original relief surface is firstly manipulated by a salience-domain enhancement function, and the detail exaggeration surface can then be obtained by adjusting the surface normals of the original surface as the corresponding final normals of the manipulated surface. The advantage of our detail exaggeration technique is that it can adaptively alter the shading of the original shape to reveal visually salient features whilst keeping the desired appearance unimpaired. The experimental results demonstrate that our non-photorealistic shading scheme can enhance the surface mesostructure effectively and thus improving the shape depiction of the relief surfaces. 展开更多
关键词 nmlti-channel salience salience-domain shape modeling detail exaggeration shape depiction relief surface
Otherness, Intercorporeity and Dialogism in Bakhtin's Vision of the Text 被引量:1
作者 Augusto Ponzio 《Language and Semiotic Studies》 2016年第3期1-17,共17页
In Bakhtin, dialogism and intercorporeity are closely interconnected by a relation of reciprocal implication: there cannot be dialogue among disembodied minds, nor can dialogism be understood separately from a biosemi... In Bakhtin, dialogism and intercorporeity are closely interconnected by a relation of reciprocal implication: there cannot be dialogue among disembodied minds, nor can dialogism be understood separately from a biosemiotic conception of the sign. Bakhtin's monograph on Rabelais forms an organic part of his writings, including those produced by his collaborators and friends Voloshinov and Medvedev. According to Bakhtin, dialogue concerns literature and life. He evidences the ideological character of the contemporary conception of the individual body described as separate from other bodies and self-sufficient. And, in fact, through his readings of Rabelais' s works he evidences the validity of the carnival vision of the grotesque body. 展开更多
关键词 architectonics CARNIVAL depiction DIALOGUE intercorporeity LITERATURE novel otherness representation VOICE
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