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师生对话的特点及意义 被引量:29
作者 李森 吉标 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第3期88-91,共4页
师生对话是教学过程中师生双方在互相尊重、互相信任、平等互利的基础上,通过语言而进行的双向交流和沟通活动。它具有相依性、民主性、语言性、开放性和创生性等特点。师生对话对教师专业化水平的提高以及学生的学习与发展具有重要的... 师生对话是教学过程中师生双方在互相尊重、互相信任、平等互利的基础上,通过语言而进行的双向交流和沟通活动。它具有相依性、民主性、语言性、开放性和创生性等特点。师生对话对教师专业化水平的提高以及学生的学习与发展具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 师生对话 相依性 民主性 语言性 开放性 创生性
论我国行政决策民主化和科学化的制度建设 被引量:18
作者 荣仕星 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期5-13,共9页
在我国要实现行政决策的民主化与科学化,就必须在行政决策过程中建立起一套科学合理、行之有效的制度保障机制。一是建立行政决策的民主参与机制,营造良好的决策环境;二是建立科学决策的保障制度,推进行政决策的科学化;三是建立健全我... 在我国要实现行政决策的民主化与科学化,就必须在行政决策过程中建立起一套科学合理、行之有效的制度保障机制。一是建立行政决策的民主参与机制,营造良好的决策环境;二是建立科学决策的保障制度,推进行政决策的科学化;三是建立健全我国行政决策民主化与科学化的法治保障机制。 展开更多
关键词 行政决策 民主化 科学化 制度建设
课堂教学环境的创建与优化 被引量:14
作者 谢利民 《集美大学学报(教育科学版)》 2001年第3期15-19,共5页
从现代社会发展的背景出发 ,论述了素质教育背景下的学科课堂教学中的“共同参与 ,互相合作”的师生关系及其基本含义 ,论述了学科课堂教学的主要环境因素 ;并从班级心理环境、课堂教学实施的角度 ,围绕课堂教学目标、即时教学情境、情... 从现代社会发展的背景出发 ,论述了素质教育背景下的学科课堂教学中的“共同参与 ,互相合作”的师生关系及其基本含义 ,论述了学科课堂教学的主要环境因素 ;并从班级心理环境、课堂教学实施的角度 ,围绕课堂教学目标、即时教学情境、情感交流。 展开更多
关键词 课堂教学 教学环境 过程调控 素质教育 师生关系 情感交流 班集体
科学化·民主化·道义化--论农村学校布局调整决策模型的三重向度 被引量:19
作者 刘善槐 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第9期91-98,共8页
农村学校布局调整是一项重要的公共决策,应该有科学化、民主化和道义化的三重价值观照。科学化以理性形式解决"效用最优"的问题,民主化以"满意度最大"的方式解决"谁的效用"的问题,道义化以"底线公平... 农村学校布局调整是一项重要的公共决策,应该有科学化、民主化和道义化的三重价值观照。科学化以理性形式解决"效用最优"的问题,民主化以"满意度最大"的方式解决"谁的效用"的问题,道义化以"底线公平"的方式弥补民主化的不足,保护弱势群体的根本利益。科学化、民主化和道义化三重价值观照互相协调与融合,以构建完备的农村学校布局调整的决策模型。 展开更多
关键词 农村教育 学校布局调整 科学化 民主化 道义化
松辽流域初始水权分配协商机制研究 被引量:15
作者 贺骥 刘毅 +1 位作者 张旺 张延坤 《中国水利》 2005年第9期16-18,共3页
民主协商在流域初始水权分配中具有不可取代的程序价值和实质价值,是建立流域“良治”框架的重要内容。在分析国外水资源分配管理中协商机制的组织框架和运作形式基础上,结合我国流域管理实际,提出应确立以联席会议为协商形式的两级协... 民主协商在流域初始水权分配中具有不可取代的程序价值和实质价值,是建立流域“良治”框架的重要内容。在分析国外水资源分配管理中协商机制的组织框架和运作形式基础上,结合我国流域管理实际,提出应确立以联席会议为协商形式的两级协商体制,并就构建松辽流域初始水权分配协商机制的总体思路、原则、组织机构、内容、形式、程序、争议解决等关键性问题进行了深入研究,为构建流域民主协商提供了必要的制度框架。 展开更多
关键词 水权分配 松辽流域 机制研究 协商机制 水资源分配 组织框架 流域管理 总体思路 组织机构 关键性 价值 程序 构建
合议制度基本功能评析 被引量:15
作者 汤火箭 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期126-128,共3页
合议制度在实现诉讼民主化、抑制司法专横、防止司法腐败、促进司法判决的公正合理和公民才智的发展方面发挥着积极作用。与独任制相比,合议制耗费的诉讼资源较多,司法效率较低;合议庭成员的个人责任感容易降低,冒险倾向增强,可能影响... 合议制度在实现诉讼民主化、抑制司法专横、防止司法腐败、促进司法判决的公正合理和公民才智的发展方面发挥着积极作用。与独任制相比,合议制耗费的诉讼资源较多,司法效率较低;合议庭成员的个人责任感容易降低,冒险倾向增强,可能影响审判质量。为克服合议制的负向功能,应逐步降低合议制度的运用范围,并注意挑选高素质、有责任感的合议成员,更重要的是完善相关机制,对不负责任者加以约束。 展开更多
关键词 合议制度 诉讼民主化 独任制 司法效率 审判质量 司法审判
基于民主视角的家校合作审视 被引量:14
作者 朱丽 《基础教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2018年第4期87-92,112,共7页
家校合作对于孩子的成长具有重要的价值。在实践中,存在着游离状态的家校关系、以学校为中心的家校关系、相互制衡的家校关系和伙伴式的家校合作关系四种家校关系。在不同的家校关系中,权力的主导者不同。从民主的视角来看,伙伴式的家... 家校合作对于孩子的成长具有重要的价值。在实践中,存在着游离状态的家校关系、以学校为中心的家校关系、相互制衡的家校关系和伙伴式的家校合作关系四种家校关系。在不同的家校关系中,权力的主导者不同。从民主的视角来看,伙伴式的家校关系是值得欲求的。民主的家校合作具有平等、互信和协商三个关键特征。要实现民主的家校合作,还需给家校双方赋权增能,以实现共享、共赢的家校合作。 展开更多
关键词 民主 家校合作 家庭教育 学校教育
试论我国的民主监督制度 被引量:5
作者 李仁质 《中央社会主义学院学报》 2004年第5期59-64,共6页
监督是一种普遍的权力现象,一切权力都需要监督,不受监督的权力必然会导致腐败。民主监督制度是我国民主政治制度的重要组成部分,没有监督,就不存在真正意义上的民主。监督制度是现代民主政治的重要支柱。中国共产党和政府历来十分重视... 监督是一种普遍的权力现象,一切权力都需要监督,不受监督的权力必然会导致腐败。民主监督制度是我国民主政治制度的重要组成部分,没有监督,就不存在真正意义上的民主。监督制度是现代民主政治的重要支柱。中国共产党和政府历来十分重视民主监督的制度建设,目前已经建立了符合中国国情的监督体系。民主监督制度在预防、惩治职务犯罪方面发挥了重大作用。但监督效果不尽如人意,新世纪亟须完善我国的权力监督制约机制。 展开更多
关键词 民主 监督 权力 制度
公众参与的宪法基础 被引量:12
作者 谢立斌 《法学论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期100-106,共7页
学界和实务界往往从提高行政决策的民主性、科学性的角度来看待公众参与制度。然而,在我国的宪法架构下,行政机关已经从人民代表大会获得了民主合法性,无需再诉诸公众参与制度来获得或提高其决策的民主性;行政机关固然应当追求决策的科... 学界和实务界往往从提高行政决策的民主性、科学性的角度来看待公众参与制度。然而,在我国的宪法架构下,行政机关已经从人民代表大会获得了民主合法性,无需再诉诸公众参与制度来获得或提高其决策的民主性;行政机关固然应当追求决策的科学性,以确保其行为具有宪法意义上的适当性,但是,公众参与并不必然提高行政决策的科学性。因此,与民主性、科学性有关的宪法条款并不构成公众参与制度的依据。产生于夜警国家时代的自由权是公民防御国家传统侵害的利器;在福利国家时代,为了有效对抗行政决策对公民权利的侵犯,公民可以依据自由权参与行政决策程序。在这种意义上,自由权构成了公众参与制度的宪法基础。 展开更多
关键词 公众参与 民主性 科学性 自由权 夜警国家 福利国家
20世纪发达国家教育行政管理体制改革的特点论析 被引量:4
作者 李帅军 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2003年第2期135-138,共4页
在20世纪特别是第二次世界大战以来,针对不同类型教育行政管理体制的弊端,世界各国都进行了积极的改革和探索,呈现出民主化、科学化、均权化、专业化的特点。这些改革和探索取得了积极的成效,推动了教育事业的改革和发展,并将在21世纪... 在20世纪特别是第二次世界大战以来,针对不同类型教育行政管理体制的弊端,世界各国都进行了积极的改革和探索,呈现出民主化、科学化、均权化、专业化的特点。这些改革和探索取得了积极的成效,推动了教育事业的改革和发展,并将在21世纪取得新的进展和突破。 展开更多
关键词 教育行政管理体制 民主化 科学化 均权化 专业化
社会主义核心价值观内涵 被引量:10
作者 王伟 《科教导刊》 2011年第8期141-142,共2页
社会主义核心价值观作为社会主义核心价值体系和社会主义意识形态的核心内容,决定着社会主义核心价值体系和社会主义意识形态的基本特征和基本方向。根据我国现阶段的社会转型期的特点和构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,我们可以把社会主义... 社会主义核心价值观作为社会主义核心价值体系和社会主义意识形态的核心内容,决定着社会主义核心价值体系和社会主义意识形态的基本特征和基本方向。根据我国现阶段的社会转型期的特点和构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,我们可以把社会主义核心价值观的内涵确定为富强、民主和公平正义。 展开更多
关键词 富强 民主 公平正义
孟子“民贵君轻”说的非民主性 被引量:8
作者 柯卫 马作武 《山东大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第6期88-92,共5页
至今仍有许多人认为孟子的"民贵君轻"说属于民主思想,这种观点的错误在于混淆了民本与民主的本质,割裂了孟子思想的整体性。其实,孟子之说并没有跳出君主政治前提下有关君民关系的理论范畴,与以人民主权为核心内涵的民主思想... 至今仍有许多人认为孟子的"民贵君轻"说属于民主思想,这种观点的错误在于混淆了民本与民主的本质,割裂了孟子思想的整体性。其实,孟子之说并没有跳出君主政治前提下有关君民关系的理论范畴,与以人民主权为核心内涵的民主思想不可同日而语。"民贵君轻"是中国传统文化语境下民本主义的经典表达,将之误读为民主思想,只会导致我们在现代民主政治的追求中迷失方向。 展开更多
关键词 孟子 民贵君轻 民本 民主
中国的垂直民主尚贤制及其启示 被引量:7
作者 贝淡宁 由迪 《探索与争鸣》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期51-56,157,158,共8页
中国近四十年的崛起与其独特的政治模式密不可分。该模式具有鲜明的尚贤特色,并融合了民主与试验的要素,可被概括为一种基层民主—中间试验—上层尚贤的垂直民主尚贤制。该模式也是一种能够激励现实的理想,即便它在理想与现实之间仍有... 中国近四十年的崛起与其独特的政治模式密不可分。该模式具有鲜明的尚贤特色,并融合了民主与试验的要素,可被概括为一种基层民主—中间试验—上层尚贤的垂直民主尚贤制。该模式也是一种能够激励现实的理想,即便它在理想与现实之间仍有较大差距。该模式虽然难以被不具备与中国的历史经验相似的国家模仿,但其中的某些要素仍可以被其他国家有选择性地学习和借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 贤能政治 试验 民主 垂直民主尚贤制
Research on the Role of Democratic Parties in Colleges and Universities in Building Morality and Cultivating People: Taking the General Branch of the Democratic League of Huizhou College as an Example
作者 Chaohui Lin 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2023年第9期1556-1564,共9页
This article takes the general branch of the Huizhou College of the Democratic League of Huizhou College in recent years as an example. Through literature review, field research, case analysis, and other research meth... This article takes the general branch of the Huizhou College of the Democratic League of Huizhou College in recent years as an example. Through literature review, field research, case analysis, and other research methods, it summarized how the Democratic League of Huizhou College made good use of various activity carriers in ideological and political education. It combined discipline construction, scientific research platforms, school-government-enterprise, and other cooperation platforms. From educational methods to subject transformation and integration, and from daily teaching to social practice, it promoted the role of college teachers in the alliance to play the role of cultivating people in the era of college education reform. The aim was to put forward that in educating others, they should first educate themselves, teachers had two-way morality in terms of teacher ethics and professionalism, effectively integrated ideological and political courses into professional teaching and practice, and realized waiting for flowers to bloom in the “context”<sup>1</sup> teaching environment like the cultivation effect of salt in water. 展开更多
关键词 democratic Parties in Universities Moral Values Establishment and People Cultivation General Branch of Huizhou University of the democratic League
Epidemiological and Histopathological Profile of Prostate Cancer: A Retrospective Study in the Pathology Department of the University Clinics of Kinshasa
作者 Rive Lukuaku Buanza Jérémie Okumadi Lukuke +5 位作者 Fabrice Bokambandja Lolangwa Andy Mbangama Muela Matthieu Loposo Nkumu François Beya Kabongo Renault Kambere Sitamuina Jean-Marie Mpolesha Kabongo 《Journal of Cancer Therapy》 2024年第6期239-249,共11页
Background: Prostate cancer, the most common male cancer, represents a real public health problem in terms of its frequency and severity in different countries around the world. It disproportionately affects people of... Background: Prostate cancer, the most common male cancer, represents a real public health problem in terms of its frequency and severity in different countries around the world. It disproportionately affects people of African descent wherever they live in the world [1]. To the best of our knowledge, its extent and particularities in the African environment are not well known. Objective: To determine the epidemiological and histopathological profile of prostate cancer in the CUK anatomopathology department. Methodology: This is a retrospective study conducted at the University Clinics of Kinshasa Anapathology Department from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2022, a period of 8 years. Word processing and tables were entered using the Hp brand computer, with Microsoft Office WORD 2016 software. Data analysis was performed with SPSS version 22.0 software. Results were presented in tables and figures. Results: Prostate was diagnosed in 132 cases, i.e. 1.58% of all CUK laboratory analyses and 8% of cancers diagnosed. The age group most affected was 66-75 years, i.e. 59% of all subjects. Adenocarcinoma was the most frequent histological type, and biopsy dominated in 111 cases (84.1%). Conclusion: Prostate cancer is a real public health problem. Worldwide, and in the Democratic Republic of Congo, it is the most frequently diagnosed cancer in men, and the leading cause of cancer-related death in men. In the DRC, because of the delay in consulting our patients and the weakness of systematic screening, patients are seen at an advanced stage of the disease. Treatment is multidisciplinary, involving surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy (including targeted therapies). Patient awareness and screening campaigns will help to considerably reduce the delay in diagnosis and the morbidity and mortality associated with prostate cancer. 展开更多
关键词 PROSTATE Gleason Score democratic Republic of Congo
Investigating Non-Compliance with COVID-19 Vaccination through Hesitancy, Refusal, and Access Limitation: A Community-Based Survey from the Democratic Republic of the Congo
作者 Nestor Kalala-Tshituka Alain Cimuanga-Mukanya +5 位作者 Alain Yamba Mukendi Faustin Ndjibu Mpoji Ghislain Disashi-Tumba Joris Losimba Likwela Nadine Kayiba Kalenda Evariste Tshibangu-Kabamba 《Journal of Biosciences and Medicines》 2024年第9期280-306,共27页
Introduction: Vaccination plays a pivotal role in mitigating the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, vaccination campaigns encounter obstacles, especially in developing countries like the Democratic Repub... Introduction: Vaccination plays a pivotal role in mitigating the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, vaccination campaigns encounter obstacles, especially in developing countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This study aimed at investigating the roles of vaccine hesitancy, refusal, and access barriers, while identifying individual-level factors associated with non-vaccination in Mbujimayi, DRC. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional survey was conducted in three health districts and included 1496 residents. Attitudes and behaviors related to seeking COVID-19 vaccination were assessed using a standardized questionnaire. Hierarchical logistic regression modeling was used to assess factors potentially affecting non-compliance with vaccination. Results: Among participants (median age = 33, IQR = 23.3, M/F sex ratio = 0.7), 60% displayed misconceptions about COVID-19 or its vaccine, while only 35.2% perceived COVID-19 as a significant health threat. Vaccination coverage was estimated at 49.1% (95% CI: 47.5;52.6), with 71.8% of vaccinated individuals having received one dose. Among the unvaccinated individuals, 50.9% expressed no intention to be vaccinated in the future, citing hesitation (30.4%) or refusal (39.6%) mainly due to side effects or distrust of vaccines. Conversely, 32.7% of the unvaccinated persons expressed access barriers despite willingness to be vaccinated. Misconceptions about COVID-19 and its vaccines were the main drivers of vaccination non-compliance. Conclusion: These findings demonstrate significant vaccine non-compliance driven by hesitancy, refusal, and access barriers. Strategies to enhance vaccination coverage and pandemic preparedness should address misconceptions, sociodemographic barriers, and geographic disparities. 展开更多
关键词 COVID-19 VACCINATION Non-Observance Community democratic Republic of the Congo
Abdominoplasty, Liposuction and Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) in Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo. My Experience in This Aesthetic Plastic Surgery with Black African Women in a Low-Income Country
作者 Anatole Kibadi-Kapay 《Modern Plastic Surgery》 2024年第3期36-50,共15页
Background: In low-income African countries, the demand and use of plastic surgery operations including abdominoplasty, liposuction and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) are increasing. The goal of this work is to present my ... Background: In low-income African countries, the demand and use of plastic surgery operations including abdominoplasty, liposuction and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) are increasing. The goal of this work is to present my experience and the challenges of this aesthetic plastic surgery among black African women. Material and Methods: A retrospective study was conducted about the abdominoplasties, liposuctions and Brazilian butt lift (BBL) which I operated in public and private hospitals at Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo) in black African women. It covers a period of 13 years, going from December 1, 2010 to December 1, 2023. For this study, I had at least 6 months period (to Juin 1, 2024) to assess the occurrence of early and late postoperative complications. Results: I performed 84 abdominoplasties, 144 liposuctions and 23 Brazilian butt lifts (BBL). The average age at the time of abdominoplasty was 44 years with extremes ranging from 26 to 55 years and a concentration of cases (60.7%) in the age group of 40 to 49 years. The age group of 20 to 29 years old represented the lowest rate of requests for abdominoplasty (4.7%). Patients with a BMI of 30 to 2 were the majority (61.9%), followed by those between 25 to 2 (29.7%). 67.8% of patients were obese (BMI ≥ 30 kg/m2). The average age at the time of liposuction was 41 years with extremes ranging from 21 years to 69 years;and more than half of cases (68%) in the age group between 30 and 49 years. As for Brazilian butt lift (BBL), the average age was 33 years with extremes ranging from 24 to 42 years and a concentration of patients (91.3%) between 20 and 39 years. The immediate postoperative complications of abdominoplasties observed were: seroma in 7% of cases, hematoma and partial infection of the surgical site in 5% of cases. Pathological scars (hypertrophic, keloid) after abdominoplasties were observed in 9% of cases. The most common complication of liposuction was contour deformity. I observed 16 patients (11.1%) with soft-tissue depressions or elevations, s 展开更多
关键词 ABDOMINOPLASTY LIPOSUCTION Brazilian butt lift (BBL) Black African Women KINSHASA democratic Republic of Congo
关于民主集中制的哲学思考 被引量:5
作者 王新喜 《湖北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2004年第1期6-13,共8页
列宁于1905年创立的民主集中制,旨在克服社会民主工党内存在的无政府主义和极端民主化思潮的影响,以凝聚全党的意志,推翻沙皇专制统治。俄国共产党夺取全国政权并成为唯一的执政党后,列宁为避免党的民主集中制偏离民主的轨道而演变成官... 列宁于1905年创立的民主集中制,旨在克服社会民主工党内存在的无政府主义和极端民主化思潮的影响,以凝聚全党的意志,推翻沙皇专制统治。俄国共产党夺取全国政权并成为唯一的执政党后,列宁为避免党的民主集中制偏离民主的轨道而演变成官僚机构,对党的领导体制进行了一系列重大改革。列宁逝世之后,由于种种原因,民主集中制逐渐异化为权力集中制和个人专制,使社会主义事业在世界范围内严重受挫。认真反思民主集中制近百年的历史,探寻其规律,对中国共产党党内民主建设、中国特色社会主义民主政治建设和中国长治久安,具有重大的理论意义和实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 民主集中制 民主政治 哲学思考
Challenges of Vietnamese Agricultural Cooperatives in the 21st Century:The Link Between Efficiency and Legality
作者 Trịnh Minh Trạch 《Economics World》 2024年第1期42-53,共12页
The article shows that the situation of agricultural cooperatives in the world in general and agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam in particular are facing certain challenges in the context of globalization in the 21s... The article shows that the situation of agricultural cooperatives in the world in general and agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam in particular are facing certain challenges in the context of globalization in the 21st century.The article points out limitations on:the nature,principles of democratic member control and principles of surplus distribution of the International Cooperative Alliance,as well as Vietnamese law in cooperative management. 展开更多
关键词 agricultural cooperative democratic principles principles of surplus distribution cooperative law
作者 张文宗 常方煜 《Contemporary International Relations》 2024年第3期30-51,共22页
In the context of the whole-of-government strategic approach the United States(US)currently applies toward China,the Democratic and Republican parties have reached a consensus on“using Taiwan to contain China,”compr... In the context of the whole-of-government strategic approach the United States(US)currently applies toward China,the Democratic and Republican parties have reached a consensus on“using Taiwan to contain China,”compromising the integrity of the one-China policy and seriously eroding the political foundations of China–US relations.However,considerable differences persist between the two parties regarding Taiwan policy.The Republicans,as represented by Donald Trump,have appeared more radical and more straightforward,whereas the incumbent Biden administration of the Democratic Party has shown significant duplicity.Democrats in the US Congress have introduced relatively fewer Taiwan-related bills than their Republican counterparts;by comparison,some Republican lawmakers have even introduced resolutions calling for resuming“diplomatic ties”with Taiwan.The Taiwan policy gap between the Democratic and Republican parties mirrors their differences on China policy:liberal think tanks advocate for“strategic ambiguity”on Taiwan,but conservatives back“strategic clarity.”And the gap also ref lects the shifting lobbying priorities of Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party.Looking ahead to the upcoming decade,the Democratic and Republican par ties will continue to compete to“support Taiwan,”thus rendering the Taiwan question even more dangerous.After 2024,if Democrats remain in power,they may hasten the“internationalization”of the Taiwan question;otherwise,if Republicans return to the White House and both chambers of Congress,China and the US may find their relationship even more confrontational.Although the political situation in Taiwan will very unlikely have any fundamental impact on the Taiwan Strait,it will,to a certain extent,influence the intensity of China–US rivalry. 展开更多
关键词 democratic Party Republican Party Taiwan question United States
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