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肩关节运动时肌肉力臂改变的实验研究 被引量:21
作者 朱鸣镝 汤锦波 +2 位作者 凌树才 曹毅 王友华 《中国临床医学》 北大核心 2007年第2期221-225,共5页
目的:通过分析肩关节运动时各种肌肉的运动力臂大小及其变化,以揭示该类肌肉对肩关节不同方向运动的影响。方法:选用10侧尸体肩关节标本,分别测量三角肌的三个部分、肩袖诸肌在肩外展、前屈、后伸、内旋及外旋过程中的肌腱位移,并根据... 目的:通过分析肩关节运动时各种肌肉的运动力臂大小及其变化,以揭示该类肌肉对肩关节不同方向运动的影响。方法:选用10侧尸体肩关节标本,分别测量三角肌的三个部分、肩袖诸肌在肩外展、前屈、后伸、内旋及外旋过程中的肌腱位移,并根据位移和关节运动角度计算力臂值。结果:在上臂外展过程中,外展0°~30°时,冈上肌力臂变化最大;外展30°~120°时,力臂变化最大的为中部三角肌。在臂后伸或前屈过程中,力臂变化最大的分别为后部三角肌或前部三角肌。在臂内旋时,肩胛下肌的力臂值最大,而臂外旋时冈下肌/小圆肌的力臂值最大。结论:在上臂外展的起始阶段冈上肌腱功效较大,其次为中部三角肌;前部三角肌和中部三角肌分别在臂的前屈和后伸过程中有较大功效;在臂内外旋过程中,肩胛下肌和冈下肌/小圆肌功效较大。 展开更多
关键词 肩关节 三角肌 肩袖肌 力臂 生物力学
背阔肌Kiss皮瓣修复上臂复合组织缺损及功能重建 被引量:9
作者 刘志远 唐修俊 +4 位作者 王达利 魏在荣 金文虎 邓呈亮 祁建平 《中国修复重建外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期1106-1110,共5页
目的探讨采用背阔肌Kiss皮瓣修复上臂复合组织缺损及功能重建的临床疗效。方法 2010年3月—2016年11月,采用带神经血管束的背阔肌Kiss皮瓣修复12例上臂复合组织缺损。其中男8例,女4例;年龄21~50岁,中位年龄34岁。致伤原因:机械损伤4例,... 目的探讨采用背阔肌Kiss皮瓣修复上臂复合组织缺损及功能重建的临床疗效。方法 2010年3月—2016年11月,采用带神经血管束的背阔肌Kiss皮瓣修复12例上臂复合组织缺损。其中男8例,女4例;年龄21~50岁,中位年龄34岁。致伤原因:机械损伤4例,交通事故伤5例,电击伤2例,上臂软组织恶性肿瘤1例。合并三角肌缺损5例,肱三头肌及肱肌损伤4例,三角肌、肱三头肌及肱肌不同程度损伤3例。创面范围13 cm×7 cm^20 cm×8 cm。合并骨折伴骨外露6例,其中1例合并骨缺损。病程3 h^6个月。皮瓣切取范围为10 cm×6 cm^15 cm×7 cm;供区创面直接缝合。结果 12例皮瓣全部成活,供、受区创面均Ⅰ期愈合。10例患者获随访,随访时间6~26个月,平均14个月。末次随访时,移植皮瓣成活良好、质地柔软,颜色接近周围正常皮肤,供区仅见线性瘢痕;肩关节外展活动度达30~90°,肱三头肌肌力均在4级及以上;浅感觉与触觉部分恢复,S1 2例,S_2 6例,S_3 2例。采用中华医学会手外科学会上肢部分功能评定试用标准评定肩关节功能,获优2例,良4例,可4例。结论背阔肌Kiss皮瓣设计灵活,供区可直接拉拢缝合,带神经支配的背阔肌可重建上肢部分外展功能,修复上臂复合组织缺损可获良好疗效。 展开更多
关键词 背阔肌皮瓣 Kiss皮瓣 三角肌 功能重建 创面修复
经三角肌入路锁定钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折 被引量:8
作者 周植森 周国新 虎群盛 《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》 2014年第9期898-900,共3页
目的探讨经三角肌入路锁定钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折的安全性及疗效。方法自2010-08—2013-01采用经三角肌入路治疗肱骨外科颈骨折32例,术中显露保护腋神经后复位骨折并用锁定钢板固定。观察手术情况、术后骨折复位和肩关节功能恢... 目的探讨经三角肌入路锁定钢板内固定治疗肱骨外科颈骨折的安全性及疗效。方法自2010-08—2013-01采用经三角肌入路治疗肱骨外科颈骨折32例,术中显露保护腋神经后复位骨折并用锁定钢板固定。观察手术情况、术后骨折复位和肩关节功能恢复情况。结果所有患者术后获得至少12个月,平均15个月的随访,所有骨折均获得愈合,未发生腋神经损伤,肩关节功能采用Neer评分系统评估,优良率90.6%。结论肩前外侧入路利用三角肌前中亚部肌间隙,能够显露和保护腋神经,直视下复位骨折钢板内固定,具有固定牢靠、创伤小、安全等特点。 展开更多
关键词 肱骨 外科颈 腋神经 三角肌 骨折
劈三角肌的肩峰下前外侧扩展入路治疗肱骨近端骨折 被引量:7
作者 姚保兵 王文德 +2 位作者 王业本 赵亮 尹成国 《中国临床解剖学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期721-724,共4页
目的:探讨劈三角肌的肩峰下前外侧扩展入路治疗肱骨近端骨折的方法及疗效。方法2010年10月至2014年2月,采用劈三角肌的肩峰下前外侧扩展入路治疗肱骨近端骨折35例,根据Neer分型:2部分骨折12例,3部分骨折21例,4部分骨折2例。术中... 目的:探讨劈三角肌的肩峰下前外侧扩展入路治疗肱骨近端骨折的方法及疗效。方法2010年10月至2014年2月,采用劈三角肌的肩峰下前外侧扩展入路治疗肱骨近端骨折35例,根据Neer分型:2部分骨折12例,3部分骨折21例,4部分骨折2例。术中将三角肌于前、中亚部纵行劈开并显露保护腋神经,骨折复位后锁定钢板固定。结果30例患者获得随访,随访时间8~24个月,骨折均达骨性愈合,未发生腋神经损伤。肩关节功能评价采用Neer评分系统:优16例,良8例,可3例,差3例;优良率80%。结论劈三角肌的肩峰下前外侧扩展入路能够有效地显露和保护腋神经,直视下进行骨折复位及钢板固定,具有创伤小,出血少,操作方便的优点。 展开更多
关键词 三角肌 肱骨 腋神经 骨折
经扩大的三角肌入路手术治疗肱骨近端骨折 被引量:7
作者 姜传强 王丹 +1 位作者 曲文庆 陈文韬 《中国骨与关节损伤杂志》 2012年第9期801-803,共3页
目的探讨经扩大的三角肌入路手术治疗肱骨近端骨折的方法及临床疗效。方法自2008年1月~2010年10月采用经扩大的三角肌入路手术治疗肱骨近端骨折27例,其中22例资料完整。自肩峰向下,于肩关节外侧正中作8~10cm的纵形切口(自肩峰至三... 目的探讨经扩大的三角肌入路手术治疗肱骨近端骨折的方法及临床疗效。方法自2008年1月~2010年10月采用经扩大的三角肌入路手术治疗肱骨近端骨折27例,其中22例资料完整。自肩峰向下,于肩关节外侧正中作8~10cm的纵形切口(自肩峰至三角肌附丽点),钝性劈开三角肌至三角肌肱骨止点,在肩峰下5cm处显露并保护腋神经,显露肱骨近端。骨折复位后采用解剖型接骨板固定。结果本组平均随访18个月(8~34个月),均达到或接近解剖复位,骨折均愈合,平均愈合时间16.1周。疗效评定按Neer评分:优10例,良7例,可3例,差2例,优良率77.27%。无腋神经损伤的患者。结论经三角肌正中纵切口显露肱骨近端,游离并保护腋神经,降低了手术操作难度,术后恢复良好,随访效果满意,是一种可以采用的手术入路。 展开更多
关键词 三角肌 手术入路 腋神经 肱骨近端骨折
作者 杨众剀 《中国社区医师》 2024年第8期16-18,共3页
目的:探讨精神分裂症患者接受棕榈酸帕利哌酮注射液三角肌肌内注射治疗的临床效果。方法:选取2020年3月—2022年1月临沧市精神病专科医院收治的120例精神分裂症患者作为研究对象,以投掷硬币法随机分为参照组与研究组,各60例。参照组给... 目的:探讨精神分裂症患者接受棕榈酸帕利哌酮注射液三角肌肌内注射治疗的临床效果。方法:选取2020年3月—2022年1月临沧市精神病专科医院收治的120例精神分裂症患者作为研究对象,以投掷硬币法随机分为参照组与研究组,各60例。参照组给予利培酮口服治疗,研究组给予棕榈酸帕利哌酮注射液三角肌肌内注射治疗。比较两组临床症状、治疗效果、不良反应发生情况。结果:治疗前,两组临床症状评分比较,差异无统计学意(P>0.05);治疗3、6、12个月后,两组临床症状评分逐渐降低,且研究组低于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。研究组治疗总有效率高于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.004)。研究组不良反应总发生率低于参照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.011)。结论:精神分裂症患者采用棕榈酸帕利哌酮注射液三角肌肌内注射治疗的效果显著,可减少并发症,改善临床症状。 展开更多
关键词 棕榈酸帕利哌酮 三角肌 肌内注射 精神分裂症
成人肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞运动反应终点的研究 被引量:5
作者 陈开文 李建华 张传汉 《临床麻醉学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2008年第12期1031-1033,共3页
目的研究胸大肌、三角肌运动反应作为外周神经刺激器(PNS)定位下成人经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞终点的可行性。方法择期成人上肢手术240例,PNS定位下行经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞,随机均分为四组:胸大肌运动反应终点组(A组)、三角肌运动反应终点... 目的研究胸大肌、三角肌运动反应作为外周神经刺激器(PNS)定位下成人经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞终点的可行性。方法择期成人上肢手术240例,PNS定位下行经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞,随机均分为四组:胸大肌运动反应终点组(A组)、三角肌运动反应终点组(B组)、肱二头肌运动反应终点组(C组)和胸大肌、三角肌或肱二头肌运动反应终点组(D组)。比较组间刺激域电流、获得终点时间、运动阻滞起效时间、各神经分支感觉阻滞起效时间、运动阻滞效果、各神经分支感觉阻滞效果及神经阻滞综合效果。结果D组获得终点时间短于A、B、C组(P<0.05),组间刺激域电流、运动阻滞起效时间、各神经分支感觉阻滞起效时间、运动阻滞效果、各神经分支感觉阻滞效果及神经阻滞综合效果差异无统计学意义。神经阻滞综合优良率90.8%。结论胸大肌、三角肌运动反应终点可作为PNS定位下成人经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞穿刺针正确定位的满意、安全标志。 展开更多
关键词 臂丛神经阻滞 胸大肌 三角肌 运动反应
三角肌挛缩症术后远期疗效分析 被引量:5
作者 彭方敏 邓贞建 《中国矫形外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第21期1636-1638,共3页
目的观察手术治疗三角肌挛缩症的远期疗效,录求最佳治疗时机。方法随访36例49肩术后5年以上患者的畸形矫正,功能恢复情况,并作统计学分析。结果总优良率857%,各年龄组优良率3~7岁为961%,8~12岁为813%,12岁以上为571%,年龄愈大疗效愈... 目的观察手术治疗三角肌挛缩症的远期疗效,录求最佳治疗时机。方法随访36例49肩术后5年以上患者的畸形矫正,功能恢复情况,并作统计学分析。结果总优良率857%,各年龄组优良率3~7岁为961%,8~12岁为813%,12岁以上为571%,年龄愈大疗效愈差。结论早期手术治疗能有效改善症状,阻断病程的进展,提高治疗优良率。 展开更多
关键词 三角肌 挛缩 于术
颈髓损伤患者颈肩部残存肌力与呼吸功能恢复的关系 被引量:5
作者 杨明亮 唐丽 +3 位作者 杨德刚 陈亮 宫慧明 李建军 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期1308-1312,共5页
目的观察颈髓损伤患者颈肩部残存肌力与呼吸功能的相关性。方法 2015年1月至2016年6月,30例创伤性颈髓损伤患者于损伤后5周、24周检查患者胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌、三角肌肌力,进行感觉、运动功能评分,检测肺功能。结果间断脱机患者三角肌... 目的观察颈髓损伤患者颈肩部残存肌力与呼吸功能的相关性。方法 2015年1月至2016年6月,30例创伤性颈髓损伤患者于损伤后5周、24周检查患者胸锁乳突肌、斜方肌、三角肌肌力,进行感觉、运动功能评分,检测肺功能。结果间断脱机患者三角肌肌力与肺活量在伤后5周、24周呈正相关(r>0.806,P<0.05),感觉评分在伤后5周存在相关性(r=0.914,P<0.01),运动评分(r=0.979,P<0.001)、斜方肌肌力(r=0.894,P<0.01)在伤后24周存在相关性。结论颈肩部残存肌力,特别是三角肌肌力对颈髓损伤患者呼吸功能有一定影响。 展开更多
关键词 颈髓损伤 肺功能 肌力 三角肌 斜方肌 胸锁乳突肌
Explanatory Variables as Evidence for Precision in Intramuscular Long-Acting Injections of Patients with Schizophrenia 被引量:2
作者 Shigeaki Masuda Sakiko Sakamaki +5 位作者 Yuko Yasuhara Yueren Zhao Kensaku Takase Yoshihiro Kai Tetsuya Tanioka Rozzano C. Locsin 《Open Journal of Psychiatry》 2016年第1期125-134,共10页
Intramuscular injections can cause damage to arteries, veins and nerves. Achieving maximum effects of medications through precise intramuscular (IM) injections must be assured and with certainty, particularly with lon... Intramuscular injections can cause damage to arteries, veins and nerves. Achieving maximum effects of medications through precise intramuscular (IM) injections must be assured and with certainty, particularly with long-acting injection drugs (LAI). The purpose of this study is to determine precision in IM LAIs of patients with schizophrenia. These evidences estimate “Distance from the Epidermis to the Under-Fascia” (DEUF) and “Distance from Epidermis to the Upper-Arm Bone” (DEB) of the deltoid muscle. Explanatory variables include body height, weight, body-mass index (BMI), deltoid-muscle circumference, fat percentage and muscle mass measured by body composition monitor. Sixty nine subjects are included based on the Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV, 1994), and receive treatments of typical and atypical antipsychotic LAI. There are 46 males and 23 females with average age of 51.41 (Standard Deviation = 13.58) and ranging from 21 to 81 years who are all right-handed. Ultrasonographic data and those from explanatory variables are calculated using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficients. Multiple regression analysis (step-wise method/forced input method) is performed assuming DEUF or DEB as dependent variables. Significant correlations are found with highest adjusted R-square. Paired t-tests show differences in average values of actual ultrasonographic measurements assigned to DEUF or DEB, and the regression equations for accuracy. Ultrasonographic values are assigned multiple-regression equations as true values, and the calculated values are compared with those obtained by regression equations. There are no significant differences observed for either the right or left arm. The multiple regression equations for BMI and fat percentages (upper extremity estimation) of DEUF, and for BMI and injection site circumference of estimated DEB, successfully value the DEUF and DEB. By using these multiple regression equations for IM injection to the deltoid-muscle, DEUF can better ensure accur 展开更多
关键词 Estimating Equation Long Acting Injectable deltoid Muscle SCHIZOPHRENIA
Hail impact responses and residual tensile properties of CFRP T-joints
作者 Jianwu ZHOU Zhibin ZHAO +3 位作者 Yaoyao SHI Xu WANG Xiaopeng CHEN Chenwei SHAN 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第7期430-443,共14页
Hail impact is a major challenge encountered by aircraft in flight,and thus is a key concern in the design of damage-tolerant composite T-joints in aviation.The study uses the Z-pinning technique(the pre-hole insertio... Hail impact is a major challenge encountered by aircraft in flight,and thus is a key concern in the design of damage-tolerant composite T-joints in aviation.The study uses the Z-pinning technique(the pre-hole insertion technology)in combination with fillets of two radiuses to manufacture four types of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers(CFRP)T-joints.The T-joints are then subjected to hail impact tests at two energy levels,as well as post-impact quasi-static tensile tests.The results show that increasing the size of the deltoid and Z-pin-induced reinforcement has a limited influence on the responses of the T-joints to hail impact,but a significant influence on their residual tensile strength after impact.These influences are not only dependent on the structural characteristics of the T-joints,but are also closely related to the degree of discrete damage within the T-joints caused by hail impact.Acoustic Emission(AE)technology is used to monitor the quantitative evolution of damage to the T-joints in a timely manner during the loading process,and helps characterize the characteristics of evolution of various types of damage over different periods.The research here can help design lightweight and damage-tolerant T-joints. 展开更多
关键词 Acoustic emission CFRP T-joint deltoid Hail impact Z-PIN
Arthroscopic release of the deltoid contracture 被引量:1
作者 WANG Hai-jun YAN Hui CUI Guo-qing AO Ying-fang 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第22期3243-3246,共4页
Background The deltoid contracture is an uncommon disorder. Long-standing contracture produces winged scapula, abduction and extension contracture of the shoulder. Surgical release has been considered the treatment of... Background The deltoid contracture is an uncommon disorder. Long-standing contracture produces winged scapula, abduction and extension contracture of the shoulder. Surgical release has been considered the treatment of choice. However, the method of approach has not been well defined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the results of arthroscopic release of the deltoid contracture. Methods A retrospective study was undertaken to evaluate the results of arthroscopic release in six patients (seven shoulders) who had a contracture of the deltoid muscle. All patients had arthroscopJc release. The abduction-contracture and horizontal-adduction angle was measured after operation. The average duration of follow-up was 16 months (range, from 4 to 41 months). Results The preoperative abduction contracture resolved completely in three shoulders. Two had a residual abduction contracture of 5° to 7° and two had a poor result with 15° abduction-contracture angle. The average postoperative abduction-contracture angle was 6° (range, 0° to 15°). The preoperative horizontal-adduction contracture was corrected, permitting at least 130° of adduction, in five shoulders. The remaining two shoulders had a postoperative horizontal-adduction angle of 120° and 110°. Overall, the average postoperative horizontal-adduction angle was 130° (range, 110° to 140°). Conclusion Arthroscopic release is an effective surgical technique to treat the deltoid contracture. 展开更多
关键词 deltoid contracture ARTHROSCOPY surgical release
三角肌运动反应用于小儿经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞的临床观察 被引量:2
作者 陈开文 张传汉 +1 位作者 罗敏 李建华 《临床外科杂志》 2006年第5期309-311,共3页
目的为三角肌运动反应作为在外周神经刺激器定位下小儿经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞终点的临床应用提供参考。方法60例拟行上肢手术患儿,在外周神经刺激器定位下行经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞,随机分为3组:A组(20例),三角肌运动反应终点组;B组(20例)... 目的为三角肌运动反应作为在外周神经刺激器定位下小儿经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞终点的临床应用提供参考。方法60例拟行上肢手术患儿,在外周神经刺激器定位下行经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞,随机分为3组:A组(20例),三角肌运动反应终点组;B组(20例),肱二头肌运动反应终点组;C组(20例),三角肌和肱二头肌运动反应终点组。比较各组在刺激域电流、获得终点时间、合作患儿运动阻滞起效时间及神经阻滞效果的差异。结果组间刺激域电流、运动阻滞起效时间、神经阻滞效果差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);A、B组获得终点时间大于C组(P<0.05)。结论三角肌运动反应终点可以作为小儿经肌间沟臂丛神经阻滞穿刺针正确定位的标志。 展开更多
关键词 三角肌 小儿 臂丛 神经阻滞
儿童三角肌挛缩症:3.0 T高场强MRI特征分析 被引量:1
作者 刘佳妮 李琦 +3 位作者 潘诗农 李森 于韬 罗娅红 《磁共振成像》 CAS CSCD 2015年第6期437-440,共4页
目的探讨儿童三角肌挛缩症3.0 T MRI影像表现。材料与方法搜索经手术病理证实的三角肌挛缩症患儿18例,术前均行X线及3.0 T MRI检查(MR T1WI、T2WI,抑脂T2WI、轴位快速梯度回波(GRE)T2WI序列),其中9例同时行CT检查。结果 T1WI及T2WI显示1... 目的探讨儿童三角肌挛缩症3.0 T MRI影像表现。材料与方法搜索经手术病理证实的三角肌挛缩症患儿18例,术前均行X线及3.0 T MRI检查(MR T1WI、T2WI,抑脂T2WI、轴位快速梯度回波(GRE)T2WI序列),其中9例同时行CT检查。结果 T1WI及T2WI显示18例受累三角肌不同程度变薄、萎缩,内侧肌间隙增宽。GRE-T2WI显示16例患侧从肱骨头外上方沿三角肌走行至外下的挛缩纤维索条影,呈条带状低信号,邻近皮下脂肪局灶性增厚、向内填充。病理结果显示GRE-T2WI中挛缩纤维索条影为致密纤维结缔组织,透明变性,横纹肌萎缩或消失,肌组织间由脂肪组织填充,所见与病理结果符合率为88.9%。结论3.0 T MRI尤其GRE-T2WI序列能够直接准确显示挛缩三角肌及增生的纤维索条结构,有利于确定诊断。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 三角肌 肌挛缩 磁共振成像
《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 1992年第1期46-61,共16页
The writing style for the nomenclature ofthe points in this national standard consultedA Standard International Acupuncture Nomen-clature approved by the WHO Scientific Groupto Adopt a Standard International Acupuncur... The writing style for the nomenclature ofthe points in this national standard consultedA Standard International Acupuncture Nomen-clature approved by the WHO Scientific Groupto Adopt a Standard International AcupuncureNomenclature. The Main Contents and the Range of Use This national standard specifies the me-thods for location of points and the standardlocation of 361 regular points and 48 展开更多
关键词 MEDIAL Acupuncture INFERIOR LUMBAR finger BORDER AXILLARY shoulder deltoid approved
Ankle injuries in athletes:A review of the literature
作者 Jenita Jona James Oday Al-Dadah 《World Journal of Meta-Analysis》 2021年第2期128-138,共11页
Ankle injuries are commonplace in the athletic population, with lateral ligamentsprains accounting for the majority of them. The medial ligament complex, thedistal tibiofibular syndesmosis as well as any of the bones ... Ankle injuries are commonplace in the athletic population, with lateral ligamentsprains accounting for the majority of them. The medial ligament complex, thedistal tibiofibular syndesmosis as well as any of the bones that constitute the anklejoint can also be injured. Typical mechanisms of injury include inversion-plantarflexionand external rotation on a supinated, dorsiflexed or pronated foot. Lesionsof the ankle present with similar symptoms of pain, swelling and tenderness.Therefore, a thorough history and physical examination must be obtained to makethe correct diagnosis. This is especially critical for athletes as certain injuries canlead to termination of their career if not treated accurately on time. Imaging maybe useful in some cases to confirm or rule out differential diagnoses. Most injuriescan be managed conservatively using the Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression andElevation protocol followed by a comprehensive rehabilitation programme.Surgery is reserved for grade III ligament tears that are refractory to initial nonoperativetreatment and displaced fractures that are unlikely to unite withoutsurgical intervention. The objective of this review is to discuss the common ankleinjuries encountered in the athletic population and the approaches to theirdiagnosis and management. 展开更多
关键词 Ankle sprain ATHLETE deltoid ligament Lateral ligament SYNDESMOSIS FRACTURE
《外科研究与新技术》 1997年第4期219-230,共12页
作者 周立群 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期132-134,共3页
This paper is intended to supplement accurate descriptions concerning auricular point loca-tion and provide studies in establishing basic landmarks of the auricle. This paper mainly discusses the medial border of heli... This paper is intended to supplement accurate descriptions concerning auricular point loca-tion and provide studies in establishing basic landmarks of the auricle. This paper mainly discusses the medial border of helix, antihelix peak, scapha groove, antihelix scapha border, cymba concha border of the antihelix, deltoid fossa border of the antihelix, cymba concha folding line, cymba concha border of the antitragus, upper line of ear lobe, and the anterior border of tragus. 展开更多
关键词 BORDER deltoid MEDIAL establishing intended concerning supplement FOLDING GROOVE HELIX
Early and mid-term results of transarticular external fixation in the treatment of supination-external rotation type IV equivalent ankle fractures
作者 Bo-Hua Li Shan-Xi Wang +7 位作者 Jun Li Fu-Guo Huang Zhou Xiang Yue Fang Gang Zhong Min Yi Xiao-Dan Zhao Lei Liu 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2018年第4期193-196,共4页
Purpose: To investigate the early and mid-term results of open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with transarticular external fixation (TEF) but no deltoid ligament repair (DLR) in the treatment of supinat... Purpose: To investigate the early and mid-term results of open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) with transarticular external fixation (TEF) but no deltoid ligament repair (DLR) in the treatment of supination-external rotation type Ⅳ equivalent (SER Ⅳ E) ankle fractures (AO/OTA classification 44-B 3.1 ) and provide evidence for clinical practice. Methods: This study cohort consisted of 22 patients with SER IV E ankle fractures that underwent ORIF with TEF but no DLR between December 2011 and December 2014, There were 13 males and 9 females, mean age 38.9 years (range, 17-73 years). Eight cases involved the left side and 14 the right side. The causes of fractures included road traffic accidents (11 cases), falling from height (6 cases) and sports injuries (5 cases). The mean period of hospitalization was 9.8 days (range, 6 14 days). For all the patients, MRI and three-dimensional CT were done before surgery and X-rays done preoperatively and during follow-ups. The external frame was kept for 8-10 weeks. The preoperative American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) ankle-hindfoot score was 56.86 m 4.400, the Medical Outcomes Short Form 36-item (SF-36) questionnaire score was 57.41 ± 4.102 and the visual analog score (VAS) was 5.50 m 1.058. Patients' main complaints about inconvenience of daily life were also recorded. Results: All the 22 patients were followed up for 24 63 months (mean, 33.6 months). None of them developed nonunion during the follow-up; pin site infection was observed in one patient and posttraumatic osteoarthritis in another. At the final follow-up, the average AOFAS score, SF-36 score and VAS score were respectively 90.59 e 5.096, 79.59± 5.394 and 1.82 ± 1.181, which were significantly improved compared with the preoperative data (t - 26.221, p 〈 0.001; t - 11.910, p 〈 0.001; t - 11.571, p 〈 0.001). The therapeutic effect was excellent in 13 cases, good in 7 cases and fair in 2 cases, with a good-excellent 展开更多
关键词 jAnkle fractures Supination-external rotation deltoid ligament Fracture fixation EXTERNAL
《China Medical Abstracts(Internal Medicine)》 2010年第2期68-71,共4页
2010143 Comprehensive therapeutic protocol of electroacupuncture combined with Chinese herbs and rehabilitation training for treatment of cerebral infarction:a multi-center randomized controlled trial.FU Wenbin(符文彬... 2010143 Comprehensive therapeutic protocol of electroacupuncture combined with Chinese herbs and rehabilitation training for treatment of cerebral infarction:a multi-center randomized controlled trial.FU Wenbin(符文彬),et al. Acupunct Dept,Guangdong Prov TCM Hosp,Guangzhou 510120.Chin Acupunct & Moxibust 2010;30(1):6-9. 展开更多
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