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细纱机高速高效工艺及器材配置的技术探讨 被引量:5
作者 缪定蜀 《纺织器材》 2015年第5期53-57,共5页
为了实现细纱机高速、高效、优质、低耗的纺纱要求,从细纱工艺的功能定位、设定原则、设计要求、客户及消费者最终价值与功能取向要求、前罗拉与胶辊握持应用以及新型创新器材的运用等方面分析了纺织企业工艺技术及管理方面存在的问题... 为了实现细纱机高速、高效、优质、低耗的纺纱要求,从细纱工艺的功能定位、设定原则、设计要求、客户及消费者最终价值与功能取向要求、前罗拉与胶辊握持应用以及新型创新器材的运用等方面分析了纺织企业工艺技术及管理方面存在的问题。指出:实现细纱机高速、高效、优质、低耗纺纱,除采用性能可靠、功能优异的器材并配套现代柔性工艺之外,应纠正企业在生产过程中脱离市场及后道需求,一味依赖器材、过度追求质量指标的做法,做到根据品种、消费者需求,合理、巧妙地运用器材的特长及功能,实现低耗、高性价比目标。 展开更多
关键词 细纱机 高效 低耗 柔性工艺 牵伸 控制 握持 胶辊 胶圈 上销 下销 钢领 钢丝圈
木质林产品碳足迹核算方法研究进展 被引量:1
作者 王志平 赵荣军 +1 位作者 徐金梅 张双保 《世界林业研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期30-36,共7页
木质林产品是以木材为主要原材料加工而成的产品。木质林产品的碳足迹是指产品系统内温室气体排放量之和,开展产品碳足迹核算是实施产品减排和打破碳关税的必然要求。现有的木质林产品碳足迹研究往往聚焦于碳足迹实证数据核算,而对其核... 木质林产品是以木材为主要原材料加工而成的产品。木质林产品的碳足迹是指产品系统内温室气体排放量之和,开展产品碳足迹核算是实施产品减排和打破碳关税的必然要求。现有的木质林产品碳足迹研究往往聚焦于碳足迹实证数据核算,而对其核算方法尚未进行系统梳理。文中在梳理碳足迹核算方法的基础上,着重分析了“摇篮到大门”和“摇篮到坟墓”2个系统边界下木质林产品碳足迹的研究,对未来的木质林产品碳足迹核算提出3点建议:(1)在遵循ISO14067和PAS 2050碳足迹核算标准的基础上,结合木质林产品的碳储特性,将碳储量纳入木质林产品的碳足迹研究中;(2)对原材料和产品生产子系统开展更细致深入的研究,将研究单元细化,尽可能多地获取实景数据,积累并建立符合我国原材料、设备及工艺特点的碳排放数据库;(3)以“摇篮到坟墓”为系统边界开展木质林产品碳足迹研究,综合考虑加工损耗、使用、处置和回收等参数,构建木质林产品全生命周期碳储量计量模型,核算木质林产品的碳储量对其全生命周期碳足迹的贡献。 展开更多
关键词 木质林产品 碳足迹 碳储量 核算方法 从摇篮到大门 从摇篮到坟墓
多维视野下的汉水文化历史地位探寻 被引量:2
作者 潘世东 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2016年第1期15-23,共9页
在中国古代历史上长江、黄河、淮河和汉水共同号称"四渎",是四条著名的文化大河。其中,长江与黄河历来更被视为中华民族的父亲河和母亲河,其地位无比崇高。但近年研究考古却发现,文化历史也有自身的盲区和失误。在中国历史上... 在中国古代历史上长江、黄河、淮河和汉水共同号称"四渎",是四条著名的文化大河。其中,长江与黄河历来更被视为中华民族的父亲河和母亲河,其地位无比崇高。但近年研究考古却发现,文化历史也有自身的盲区和失误。在中国历史上最为古老悠久、最应享有尊崇地位的河流还应该加上汉江。只是汉水固有的历史文化光芒被长久地、偏执地遮蔽起来了而已。无论是从地质地理学视野下古老与优渥的自然禀赋、历史溯源视野下神圣与崇高的文化源流看,还是从文化文明视野下汉江的伟大与辉煌与丰功伟绩,以及哲学思想视野下汉江的深邃与智慧、和平与自由来全面考察,汉江也应该是中华民族的母亲河,汉江流域也应该是是中华民族和中华文明的摇篮。 展开更多
关键词 汉水流域 历史文化 生命发祥地 人类发祥地 民族发祥地 文明发祥地
作者 王进 程贺棚 +4 位作者 李帅 卢贺 崔永志 千翠娥 于贺春 《现代纺织技术》 北大核心 2024年第3期29-37,共9页
纤维输毛管的设计对粘胶纤维或Lyocell短纤维丝束的开松效果至关重要。为了探究纤维丝束在输毛管中的开松机理以及管道内流场状态对纤维运动状态的影响,采用三维建模软件建立输毛管流场模型,在商用软件Cradle CFD中建立纤维丝束模型结... 纤维输毛管的设计对粘胶纤维或Lyocell短纤维丝束的开松效果至关重要。为了探究纤维丝束在输毛管中的开松机理以及管道内流场状态对纤维运动状态的影响,采用三维建模软件建立输毛管流场模型,在商用软件Cradle CFD中建立纤维丝束模型结合流场进行耦合计算,研究分析了2000根长度为38 mm纤维丝束在输毛管中的运动过程。结果表明:在输毛管中纤维丝束受到流场作用的差异形成了纤维丝束运动的速度差,这是纤维丝束开松的主要原因;输毛管的竖直圆形管道处存在较大的压力梯度,使纤维丝束整体受到压力差异,也为纤维开松创造条件;输毛管的锥型管位置处的速度场较复杂,有利于纤维丝束开松;管径的变化导致产生漩涡,阻碍了纤维的输送。研究结果可为化纤与纺织行业输毛管设计提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 输毛管 流场模型 cradle CFD 纤维丝束 开松
挂篮悬臂浇筑施工技术在桥梁施工中的应用 被引量:4
作者 叶盛 《中阿科技论坛(中英阿文)》 2019年第2期64-66,10084-10087,共7页
随着科学技术的发展,桥梁施工技术日渐完善,极大地提高了桥梁施工的质量。挂篮悬臂浇筑施工技术作为桥梁施工中常见的技术之一,具有施工简便、无需大量支架等优势,常被应用于各类大型桥梁工程。本文简单阐述了挂篮悬臂浇筑施工的原理,... 随着科学技术的发展,桥梁施工技术日渐完善,极大地提高了桥梁施工的质量。挂篮悬臂浇筑施工技术作为桥梁施工中常见的技术之一,具有施工简便、无需大量支架等优势,常被应用于各类大型桥梁工程。本文简单阐述了挂篮悬臂浇筑施工的原理,对其在桥梁施工中的具体应用进行深入分析,以期为相关工作者提供参考借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 桥梁施工 挂篮悬臂 浇筑施工
YJ2-142型系列摇架的调整和使用(一) 被引量:3
作者 李学成 《纺织器材》 2007年第5期33-42,共10页
详细介绍了YJ2-142系列摇架的安装、调校、使用和维护保养,详细分析了使用中出现的各种问题及处理方法,指出:国内有20多家企业生产YJ2-142系列摇架,但质量参差不齐,大部分问题是纺织厂安装、调校和使用维修不当而引起的,有的甚至提前报... 详细介绍了YJ2-142系列摇架的安装、调校、使用和维护保养,详细分析了使用中出现的各种问题及处理方法,指出:国内有20多家企业生产YJ2-142系列摇架,但质量参差不齐,大部分问题是纺织厂安装、调校和使用维修不当而引起的,有的甚至提前报废,应引起注意。 展开更多
关键词 弹簧加压摇架 安装 调压 上销 日常管理 操作
YJ2-142型系列摇架的调整和使用(二) 被引量:3
作者 李学成 《纺织器材》 2007年第6期40-46,共7页
详细介绍了YJ2-142系列摇架的安装、调校、使用和维护保养,详细分析了使用中出现的各种问题及处理方法,指出:国内有20多家企业生产YJ2-142系列摇架,但质量参差不齐,大部分问题是纺织厂安装、调校和使用维修不当而引起的,有的甚至提前报... 详细介绍了YJ2-142系列摇架的安装、调校、使用和维护保养,详细分析了使用中出现的各种问题及处理方法,指出:国内有20多家企业生产YJ2-142系列摇架,但质量参差不齐,大部分问题是纺织厂安装、调校和使用维修不当而引起的,有的甚至提前报废,应引起注意。 展开更多
关键词 弹簧加压摇架 安装 调压 上销 日常管理 操作
饮水沟大桥挂篮施工及线形控制 被引量:1
作者 王韶翔 王军 郝宪武 《交通标准化》 2008年第2期211-214,共4页
关键词 挂篮拼装 三角挂篮 挂篮前移 线形控制 监测
新型后区压力棒装置应用探讨 被引量:3
作者 彭舜 《纺织器材》 2019年第2期42-43,54,共3页
为了解决现有后区压力棒上销在使用中出现成纱质量波动,挡车工操作不便等问题,介绍一种新型后区压力棒装置的结构及应用原理,对比分析该装置与原后区压力棒上销的差异,探讨该装置与细纱机的配套性及其使用中应注意的问题。指出:新型后... 为了解决现有后区压力棒上销在使用中出现成纱质量波动,挡车工操作不便等问题,介绍一种新型后区压力棒装置的结构及应用原理,对比分析该装置与原后区压力棒上销的差异,探讨该装置与细纱机的配套性及其使用中应注意的问题。指出:新型后区压力棒装置克服了压力棒上销钳口振动问题,增强了钳口对纱线的握持能力;压力棒位置精度、平行度及一致性大幅提高,纱线条干得到改善;该装置安装、操作方便,挡车工劳动强度降低。 展开更多
关键词 细纱机 后区压力棒 上销 摇架 平面牵伸 曲面牵伸 平行度 钳口
Discovery of rice phytoliths in the neolithic site at Jiahu of Henan Province and its significance 被引量:2
作者 陈报章 张居中 吕厚远 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1995年第14期1186-1191,共6页
The neolithic ruins of rice cultivation play an important role in the study on origin,evolution and propagation of cultivated rice. There are more than one hundred neolithicsites in China. where the ruins of rice have... The neolithic ruins of rice cultivation play an important role in the study on origin,evolution and propagation of cultivated rice. There are more than one hundred neolithicsites in China. where the ruins of rice have been found. and 80 percent of them and allthe earlier ones (Hemudu and LuoJiajiao. about 7 ka B.P.: Pengtoushan. about 7.5—9 kaB. P.) are distributed over the areas of the Yangtze River. Are there the earlier. cultivatedrice in the areas of the Yellow River and Huaihe River? This problem has received 展开更多
关键词 NEOLITHIC SITE at Jiahu RICE PHYTOLITHS RICE cultivation cradle.
Sustainable Industrial Community
作者 Hala Omar Salah El-Haggar 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2017年第3期301-318,共18页
Nowadays, the style of living that significantly depends on consumption of resources and over consumption patterns, tremendous increase in population, urbanization and industrialization resulted into generation of hug... Nowadays, the style of living that significantly depends on consumption of resources and over consumption patterns, tremendous increase in population, urbanization and industrialization resulted into generation of huge amounts of industrial wastes. Many environmental problems are facing industrial areas, especially in developing countries, due to poor industrial hazardous waste management. In order to reduce the effect of industrial waste on the environment and to reach sustainable development, countries have developed and reinforced several environmental protection laws and regulations. Yet, the waste disposals via incineration and/or landfilling according to cradle-to-grave concept require high capital, high running costs and are seen by industries as a barrier for further industrial development. Most importantly, disposals of waste deplete natural resources causing them to be unsustainable. Hence, various concepts and strategies have been suggested to promote industrial sustainability. The aim of this paper is to present different concepts and practices including Cradle-to-Cradle approach, Cleaner Production, Industrial Ecology, Eco-Industrial Park and Environmentally Balanced Industrial Complex described in literature that help develop a successful sustainable industrial community and reach zero pollution. These concepts are illustrated via case studies. Moreover, this paper tackles the challenges facing industrial areas in Egypt and emphasis on the imperative need for considering sustainable industrial community. 展开更多
关键词 INDUSTRIAL Waste SUSTAINABLE INDUSTRIAL COMMUNITY cradle-to-cradle CLEANER Production Eco-Industrial PARK Environmentally Balanced INDUSTRIAL Complex Zero Pollution
Developing Sustainability Rating System for Healthcare Facilities: Focus on Egypt
作者 Esraa ElMitainy Salah M. El-Haggar 《Journal of Environmental Protection》 2019年第7期958-971,共14页
Healthcare is one of the core operating sectors all over the world with a designated Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being of the international Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), while three other goals addressed the er... Healthcare is one of the core operating sectors all over the world with a designated Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being of the international Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), while three other goals addressed the eradication of causes of healthcare problems. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimated the increase of healthcare expenditure to be $2 - $4 Billion USD by the year 2030 as a result of Climate change. As a developing country, Egypt has a fast-growing healthcare sector, which is a good opportunity to direct the sector towards a more sustainable development scheme to reduce the cost of the service, while maintaining a high service level for the patience and reducing the environmental impacts of operation, which are the pillars of sustainable development. The aim of the work presented is to develop sustainability rating system for new and existing healthcare facilities suitable to the Egyptian context that encourages the facilities to operate more sustainably using the concept of cradle-to-cradle resources management. The rating system developed is based on a points system with the awardable levels of achievement: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. The points divided among three main categories: Energy, Water and Habitat, and additionally, two general prerequisites are added for the top management commitment towards sustainability and developing an environmental management plan. The system divides the facilities into new and existing, with each type having different awardable points that take into consideration the differences in applicability between the two types of facilities. 展开更多
关键词 SUSTAINABILITY Healthcare RATING System cradle-to-cradle
Gordon Life Science Institute and Its Impacts on Computational Biology and Drug Development 被引量:2
作者 Kuo-Chen Chou 《Natural Science》 2020年第3期125-161,共37页
Gordon Life Science Institute is the first Internet Research Institute ever established in the world. It is a non-profit institute. Those scientists who really dedicate themselves to science and loving science more th... Gordon Life Science Institute is the first Internet Research Institute ever established in the world. It is a non-profit institute. Those scientists who really dedicate themselves to science and loving science more than anything else can become its member. In the friendly door-opened Institute, they can maximize their time and energy to engage in their scientific creativity. They have also believed that science would be more truthful and wonderful if scientists do not have to spend a lot of time on funding application, and that great scientific findings and creations in history were often made by those who were least supported or funded but driven by interesting imagination and curiosity. Recollected in this review article is its establishing and developing processes, as well as its philosophy and accomplishments. Particularly, its productive and by-productive outcomes have covered the following five very hot topics in bioinformatics and drug development: 1) PseAAC and PseKNC;2) Disported key theory;3) Wenxiang diagram;4) Multi-label system prediction;5) 5-steps rule. Their impacts on the proteomics and genomics as well as drug development are substantially and awesome. 展开更多
关键词 BIOINFORMATICS Drug Development Reform And OPENING Free Communication Sweden cradle San Diego BOSTON Door-Opening Productive and Bi-Productive Outcomes
气加压摇架的调节和管理 被引量:2
作者 陈洪奎 《纺织器材》 2015年第6期41-43,63,共4页
为了正确调节和使用气加压摇架,从介绍气加压摇架的特点入手,详细分析气加压摇架的安装调节方法、调节标准、日常保全、运转管理及其使用的注意事项。指出:气动加压稳定、调整方便;做好调压准备工作,规范静态调压和动态调压两步法操作,... 为了正确调节和使用气加压摇架,从介绍气加压摇架的特点入手,详细分析气加压摇架的安装调节方法、调节标准、日常保全、运转管理及其使用的注意事项。指出:气动加压稳定、调整方便;做好调压准备工作,规范静态调压和动态调压两步法操作,充分利用摇架加压测力仪,注意动态胶辊压力和静态表压力的区别,保证摇架工艺上车准确稳定;工艺、保全、胶辊工段合理配合,做好摇架运转、管理;整机摇架压力调节准确统一,经常检查气路系统有无泄漏现象,并定期清洁摇架,严防摇架压力波动引起纺纱质量波动。 展开更多
关键词 气加压摇架 弹簧摇架 调压 静态表压力 动态胶辊压力 压力测力仪
Design,construction,and thermal performamce evaluation of an innovative bio-based ventilated facade 被引量:1
作者 Ester Pujadas-Gispert Mohammed Alsailani +4 位作者 K.C.A.van Dijk(Koen) A.D.K.Rozema(Annine) J.P.ten Hoope(Puck) C.C.Korevaar(Carmen) S.P.G.Moonen(Faas) 《Frontiers of Architectural Research》 CSCD 2020年第3期681-696,共16页
The energy consumption of the construction sector and its overall environmental impact has greater potential for improvement than those of many other sectors.Most energy consumed throughout the lifecycle of a building... The energy consumption of the construction sector and its overall environmental impact has greater potential for improvement than those of many other sectors.Most energy consumed throughout the lifecycle of a building is expended during its operation and maintenance,for which the building envelope plays an important role.This study reports on the design,construction,and thermal performance evaluation of a ventilated facade.The facade should be quickly assembled,disassembled,and stored in containers for easy onward transport.Such features comply with the Rules and Buildins Code of the Solar Decathlon Middle East 2018 and the relevant Eurocodes.The facade is constructed using bio-based materials in keeping with the principles of a circular economy.The exterior cladding consists of sanitary paper,grass,reeds,recycled textiles,drinking water treatment waste,bio-based polyester resin,and other materials.Temperature and the air velocity measurements recorded on the facade in Dubai showed that the facade had contributed to cool temperatures within the apartment,particularly during the hottest hours of the day.The facade is a promising option for climates with hot summers and mild winters as it contributes to reducing energy consumption and the environmental impact of building materials. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable ENERGY-EFFICIENT Circular economy Bio-materials Green cradle-to-cradle material
作者 缪定蜀 《纺织器材》 2023年第3期60-66,共7页
为了提升纺织器材专件制造水平和应用效果,通过回顾国产纺织器材专件的发展变化,分析其使用中存在产品市场定位不高、与工艺匹配不良、不按规定更换、盲目使用高效工艺、将性价比误等于“比价廉”、高端器材专件发展受限制以及管理滞后... 为了提升纺织器材专件制造水平和应用效果,通过回顾国产纺织器材专件的发展变化,分析其使用中存在产品市场定位不高、与工艺匹配不良、不按规定更换、盲目使用高效工艺、将性价比误等于“比价廉”、高端器材专件发展受限制以及管理滞后等问题存在的原因;详述国产纺织器材专件在组合技术创新运用、“三柔”工艺创新,以及上销、压力棒、集棉器、胶辊胶圈、摇架等器材专件在适纺多种纤维方面的创新。指出:国产纺织器材专件基础薄弱,某些性能相比国外先进水平仍有提升空间,其创新制造及应用,可有效提升纱线的档次和适应品种多样化的需求;纺织企业要重视技术改造,更要重视纺织器材专件的维修保养;纺织器材专件制造企业应创新研发高端产品、做好销售全过程服务,纺织企业要运用优化组合、工艺优配、技术创新等方法,充分发挥纺织器材专件功效,着力解决纺纱难题、提升纺纱质量。 展开更多
关键词 器材专件 定量 “三柔”工艺 锭子 开清 梳理 针布 牵伸 上销 摇架
Best Practices in Construction 4.0-Catalysts of Digital Innovations(Part II)
作者 Bianca Weber-Lewerenz Marzia Traverso 《Journal of Architectural Environment & Structural Engineering Research》 2023年第2期1-21,共21页
Part II on Best Practices in Construction 4.0 follows up on the previously published study Part I.This study examines corporate strategies from different angles,defines potential fields of application and works out ex... Part II on Best Practices in Construction 4.0 follows up on the previously published study Part I.This study examines corporate strategies from different angles,defines potential fields of application and works out existing empirical values and trends in the digitization process of the building sector.It highlights the unintended consequences of technological development and offers concrete practical approaches for responsible use.Using the qualitative research method,the study concludes that digital methods,such as Building Information Modelling(BIM)and Digital Twins,and Artificial Intelligence(AI)can add value,significantly reduce resources and increase sustainability.The study is part of a larger primary research on Corporate Digital Responsibility(CDR)in Construction 4.0;it identifies,analyzes and systematically evaluates the pillars of a sustainable digital transformation,especially in the Construction Industry.The holistic,interdisciplinary view of this study aims to provide orientation for small to medium-sized companies(SMEs)developing their individual digital strategy.An outline of the necessary prerequisites but also design options,as they result from the evaluation of expert interviews and literature research,supports companies in the design of Construction 4.0 that is in line with the needs of people,society and the environment and shaping more economically efficient building life cycles.It highlights that digital transformation has also reached the traditionally small-scale AEC industry(small-scale architecture,engineering and construction industry)and catalyzes the variety of innovations. 展开更多
关键词 DIGITIZATION AI Digital transformation Best practices Smart cities Circular economy cradle-to-cradle Construction 4.0
作者 唐修东 华茂东 《纺织器材》 2023年第1期41-44,共4页
为了提高细纱成纱质量,分别介绍新型上销、新型下销、压力棒、胶辊、胶圈、钢领、钢丝圈等细纱器材的作用机理、优势和不足,分析其对成纱质量的影响和应用特点及注意事项。指出:新型纺纱器材专件对细纱工序成纱质量有重要影响,正确使用... 为了提高细纱成纱质量,分别介绍新型上销、新型下销、压力棒、胶辊、胶圈、钢领、钢丝圈等细纱器材的作用机理、优势和不足,分析其对成纱质量的影响和应用特点及注意事项。指出:新型纺纱器材专件对细纱工序成纱质量有重要影响,正确使用并发挥其优良性能,能提高纱线条干均匀度,减少毛羽和断头;纺织企业应根据纺纱原料性能优选纺纱工艺、合理配置纺纱器材。 展开更多
关键词 细纱 上销 下销 压力棒 胶辊 胶圈 钢领 钢丝圈
Proposing 5-Steps Rule Is a Notable Milestone for Studying Molecular Biology 被引量:1
作者 Kuo-Chen Chou 《Natural Science》 2020年第3期74-79,共6页
In this current minireview, the cradle of the “5-steps rule” or “5-step rules”, along with its essence and advances, has been recalled. Born in 2011, its impacts on molecular biology are both substantial and rapid... In this current minireview, the cradle of the “5-steps rule” or “5-step rules”, along with its essence and advances, has been recalled. Born in 2011, its impacts on molecular biology are both substantial and rapid, fully indicating the “5-steps rule” is no double a remarkable and profound milestone in molecular biology. 展开更多
关键词 5-Steps RULE cradle Global and Local Metrics MULTI-LABEL System Web-Server
YJ40A-223A型弹簧加压摇架替代PK5000型气动加压摇架的生产实践 被引量:1
作者 彭舜 《纺织器材》 2021年第6期12-14,18,共4页
为了解决PK5000型气动加压摇架气密件老化漏气、零配件采购困难且价格高等问题,分析其使用现状,探讨不改变粗纱机支杆轴固定滑座到前下罗拉距离,且不更换或改动清洁器前提下,以YJ40A-223A系列弹簧加压摇架中对应型号替代PK5000型摇架的... 为了解决PK5000型气动加压摇架气密件老化漏气、零配件采购困难且价格高等问题,分析其使用现状,探讨不改变粗纱机支杆轴固定滑座到前下罗拉距离,且不更换或改动清洁器前提下,以YJ40A-223A系列弹簧加压摇架中对应型号替代PK5000型摇架的改造方案。纺纱指标对比结果表明:更换原有摇架支杆轴和上销后,用YJ40A-223A系列弹簧加压摇架替代PK5000型气动加压摇架,投资小、成效大、简单易行,成纱条干和锭差改善明显;加快国产纺织器材专件改造和研发力度,将助力我国纺织业高质量发展。 展开更多
关键词 摇架 气动 弹簧 气密件 压力 锭差 支杆轴 上销
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