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50kW_p并网光伏示范电站系统设计及运行数据分析 被引量:30
作者 刘莉敏 曹志峰 许洪华 《太阳能学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期146-151,共6页
介绍了“十五”国家科技攻关项目“50kW_p大型屋顶光伏并网示范电站”的系统构成和工程设计研究,并对其典型的实际运行数据进行了分析讨论。50kW_p并网光伏示范电站充分考虑了光伏技术与建筑物结合的特点,研究开发出兼顾光伏发电和采光... 介绍了“十五”国家科技攻关项目“50kW_p大型屋顶光伏并网示范电站”的系统构成和工程设计研究,并对其典型的实际运行数据进行了分析讨论。50kW_p并网光伏示范电站充分考虑了光伏技术与建筑物结合的特点,研究开发出兼顾光伏发电和采光性能的玻璃幕墙,实现了光伏组件与建筑的一体化;采用了9种不同材质和封装工艺的光伏组件,设计了6种不同的安装角度;采用具有最大功率跟踪控制的多支路式并网逆变器;开发出一套数据采集系统。 展开更多
关键词 并网 光伏 监测系统 BIPV
馈能型电子负载的并网控制 被引量:22
作者 郑连清 王青峰 《电网技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期40-45,共6页
分析了单相馈能型电子负载的原理,主电路采用DC/DC/AC结构,DC/DC变换器采用平均电流模式下的双闭环控制,详细分析了逆变交流侧并网控制方法。基于内模控制原理,逆变器采用零误差电流跟踪并网控制方法,与普通PI控制方法相比,采用该方法后... 分析了单相馈能型电子负载的原理,主电路采用DC/DC/AC结构,DC/DC变换器采用平均电流模式下的双闭环控制,详细分析了逆变交流侧并网控制方法。基于内模控制原理,逆变器采用零误差电流跟踪并网控制方法,与普通PI控制方法相比,采用该方法后,工频条件下输出电流可以零误差地跟踪给定电流,基本不受电网电压的影响。仿真结果表明,该控制方法可以使逆变器输出电流的相位和频率无误差地跟踪电网电压的相位和频率,逆变电流为正弦,功率因数为1,可以连续调节模拟负载,并且有较好的瞬时响应。 展开更多
关键词 电子负载 能量回馈 并网 零误差电流跟踪 电力系统
云广±800kV直流输电线路重启动功能分析 被引量:22
作者 魏星 《高电压技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期3059-3064,共6页
在特高压直流输电中,直流线路发生瞬时故障的概率较高。如果故障清除,则要求直流系统能重新启动并输送功率。为此,详细分析了特高压直流重启动功能,介绍了直流线路故障重启动功能的基本原理,结合实际波形对重启动的整个过程进行了详细... 在特高压直流输电中,直流线路发生瞬时故障的概率较高。如果故障清除,则要求直流系统能重新启动并输送功率。为此,详细分析了特高压直流重启动功能,介绍了直流线路故障重启动功能的基本原理,结合实际波形对重启动的整个过程进行了详细阐述。结合±800kV云广直流工程的实际情况分析了云广直流孤岛运行和联网方式下直流线路故障重启动的设置和动作后果,指出直流线路重启动功能的特点与优越性,并提出了改进建议,对特高压直流工程的运行维护具有一定的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 云广特高压直流输电工程 故障 直流线路重启动 孤岛运行 联网运行 电力系统
±50 Mvar静止补偿器接入系统运行策略仿真研究 被引量:16
作者 朱永强 崔文进 +3 位作者 胡东辰 滕乐天 王伟 俞旭峰 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2004年第21期77-80,共4页
针对上海西郊变电站±50 Mvar静止补偿器(STATCOM)接入系统的运行策略进行了研究和仿真。基于上海提供的电网数据,根据系统的实际情况,分析了上海西郊变电站±50 MvarSTATCOM的主要控制目标为动态电压支撑和日常调压。研究和制... 针对上海西郊变电站±50 Mvar静止补偿器(STATCOM)接入系统的运行策略进行了研究和仿真。基于上海提供的电网数据,根据系统的实际情况,分析了上海西郊变电站±50 MvarSTATCOM的主要控制目标为动态电压支撑和日常调压。研究和制定了STATCOM接入系统的运行策略,对用于日常调压的无功容量进行限制,留有一定的动态无功备用,当出现快速和大幅的电压变化时迅速跳转至额定运行,以最大无功输出能力提供动态电压支撑。对±50 MvarSTATCOM与西郊变原有的两组 30 Mvar投切电容之一相配合的综合运行方案进行了探讨,一般情况下该组 30 Mvar电容一直投入,使 STATCOM运行在感性输出范围内,这样可以增大电压降落时的动态无功备用。文中重点在电力系统分析综合程序(PSASP)中进行了仿真研究,仿真结果验证了运行策略的可行性和正确性。 展开更多
关键词 静止补偿器(STATCOM) 电压稳定 控制 仿真 接入系统
基于绕线式异步发电机的风电场并网暂态稳定机理分析 被引量:21
作者 林俐 杨以涵 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期102-106,共5页
随着许多大容量风电场直接并入输电网,电网受风电的影响程度已不容忽视。针对目前基于绕线式异步发电机(WRIG)的风电场并网的情况,通过详细分析WRIG风电场的暂态特性,将WRIG风电场在暂态过程中的制动作用简化等值到近端同步发电机上,进... 随着许多大容量风电场直接并入输电网,电网受风电的影响程度已不容忽视。针对目前基于绕线式异步发电机(WRIG)的风电场并网的情况,通过详细分析WRIG风电场的暂态特性,将WRIG风电场在暂态过程中的制动作用简化等值到近端同步发电机上,进而提出一种采用经典等面积定则定性分析WRIG风电场近端同步发电机暂态稳定性的方法。最后通过仿真验证了该分析方法的正确性,并比较了WRIG风电场与同步发电机参与系统暂态调节的效果。 展开更多
关键词 风电场 绕线式异步发电机 并网 暂态稳定 机理分析 电力系统
车联网技术体系与产业链分析 被引量:20
作者 武晓钊 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第8期47-52,共6页
车联网即汽车移动物联网,是指利用车载电子传感装置,通过移动通信技术、汽车导航系统、智能终端设备与信息网络平台,使车与路、车与车、车与人、车与城市之间实时联网,实现信息互联互通,从而对车、人、物、路、位置等进行有效的智能监... 车联网即汽车移动物联网,是指利用车载电子传感装置,通过移动通信技术、汽车导航系统、智能终端设备与信息网络平台,使车与路、车与车、车与人、车与城市之间实时联网,实现信息互联互通,从而对车、人、物、路、位置等进行有效的智能监控、调度、管理的网络系统。其技术体系主要包括汽车感知技术、汽车无线通信技术、汽车导航技术、电子地图与定位技术、车载物联网终端技术、智能控制技术、海量数据处理技术、数据整合技术、智能交通技术、视频监控技术、第三代移动通信网络技术等。车联网产业链主要包括最终用户、感知技术提供商、移动通信运营商、导航系统提供商、电子地图提供商、地理信息系统引擎提供商、整车厂商、车载终端提供商、内容提供商、服务提供商、应用平台运营商、固话运营商、卫星运营商、全球卫星定位系统平台运营商等多个环节,其中用户处于最末端,智能终端提供商和导航系统提供商则位于核心位置。 展开更多
关键词 物联网 车联网 技术体系 产业链 智能物流
变速恒频双馈风力发电机结构分散化并网控制 被引量:17
作者 刘新宇 姚致清 陈铁军 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期97-104,共8页
针对双馈式变速变桨风力发电机并网系统,对其控制技术进行研究,提出了一种基于链系统理论的转子电流控制方法,建立起了变速变桨发电机结构分散化并网控制器模型,它由2个单元模型、2条因果链和2支链间关联的模型构成。在此模型的基础上,... 针对双馈式变速变桨风力发电机并网系统,对其控制技术进行研究,提出了一种基于链系统理论的转子电流控制方法,建立起了变速变桨发电机结构分散化并网控制器模型,它由2个单元模型、2条因果链和2支链间关联的模型构成。在此模型的基础上,根据链系统的预估机制和控制方案,给出了以发电机转子的d轴电流、q轴电流为受控量的关联系统的结构分散化控制算法。仿真结果表明,该新型控制方法与传统的PI控制方法相比,不仅不需要进行常规控制时繁琐的PI参数整定,而且可以使得发电机转子的d轴电流、q轴电流在有限时间内迅速到达参考值,实现快速收敛和较好的跟踪精度。 展开更多
关键词 双馈 并网 链系统 结构分散化模型
面向人因的车路协同系统综合测试及影响评估 被引量:16
作者 赵晓华 陈雨菲 +2 位作者 李海舰 邢冠仰 冯笑凡 《中国公路学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期248-261,共14页
面向冬奥主干通道兴延高速,以驾驶人适应性为导向,构建一种面向人因的车路协同系统硬件在环效能测试平台.针对多种道路条件、交通状态、特殊事件等面向高速公路设计13种交通情境.从主、客观2个维度实现车路协同系统包括主观感受、高效... 面向冬奥主干通道兴延高速,以驾驶人适应性为导向,构建一种面向人因的车路协同系统硬件在环效能测试平台.针对多种道路条件、交通状态、特殊事件等面向高速公路设计13种交通情境.从主、客观2个维度实现车路协同系统包括主观感受、高效性、安全性、生态性、舒适性、有效性6个方面的驾驶人适应性评价,分析车路协同驾驶状态下的综合评估指标及影响机理。主观评估结果显示,车路协同技术对驾驶人有积极作用,52%的被试认为车载预警信息可以使行车过程更安全。客观运行结果表明:由于车路协同状态下驾驶人对于前方道路危险状况的可预知性,导致驾驶人提前降速,运行速度降低.效率有所下降;车路协同条件下的加速度和换道次数明显减小,其安全性显著提升;由于车路协同系统避免了驾驶人对于突发危险状况的紧急制动.因此车辆的油耗、排放均明显降低,其生态性改善效果显著;归因于驾驶人对于车路协同系统熟悉程度不足,导致舒适度各系统存在不一致的结论.也表明驾驶人对于车路协同系统的接受度和信任度均有待进一步提高;驾驶人在车路协同条件下可获取不同路段的限速值和超速提示,其有效性表现出明显的优势,速度跟随比有显著提升。所构建的测试平台和指标体系为进一步深层次挖掘车路协同的作用机理奠定了基础。 展开更多
关键词 交通工程 高速公路 车路协同 预警系统 人因测试 驾驶人适应性 硬件在环
Cloud Control System Architectures,Technologies and Applications on Intelligent and Connected Vehicles:a Review 被引量:12
作者 Wenbo Chu Qiqige Wuniri +3 位作者 Xiaoping Du Qiuchi Xiong Tai Huang Keqiang Li 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期3-25,共23页
The electrification of vehicle helps to improve its operation efficiency and safety.Due to fast development of network,sensors,as well as computing technology,it becomes realizable to have vehicles driving autonomousl... The electrification of vehicle helps to improve its operation efficiency and safety.Due to fast development of network,sensors,as well as computing technology,it becomes realizable to have vehicles driving autonomously.To achieve autonomous driving,several steps,including environment perception,path-planning,and dynamic control,need to be done.However,vehicles equipped with on-board sensors still have limitations in acquiring necessary environmental data for optimal driving decisions.Intelligent and connected vehicles(ICV)cloud control system(CCS)has been introduced as a new concept as it is a potentially synthetic solution for high level automated driving to improve safety and optimize traffic flow in intelligent transportation.This paper systematically investigated the concept of cloud control system from cloud related applications on ICVs,and cloud control system architecture design,as well as its core technologies development.Based on the analysis,the challenges and suggestions on cloud control system development have been addressed. 展开更多
关键词 Intelligent and connected vehicles Cloud control system Cloud control base platform Cloud controlled and automated driving
Impedance Modeling and Stability Analysis of PV Grid-connected Inverter Systems Considering Frequency Coupling 被引量:11
作者 Shaojian Song Ze Wei +2 位作者 Yuzhang Lin Bin Liu Hui Liu 《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第2期279-290,共12页
Impedance analysis is an effective method to analyze the oscillation issue associated with grid-connected photovoltaic systems.However,the existing impedance modeling of a gridconnected photovoltaic inverter usually o... Impedance analysis is an effective method to analyze the oscillation issue associated with grid-connected photovoltaic systems.However,the existing impedance modeling of a gridconnected photovoltaic inverter usually only considers the effect of a single perturbation frequency,ignoring the coupling frequency response between the internal control loops of a grid-connected inverter,which severely affects the accuracy of the stability analysis.Hence,a method of impedance modeling and stability analysis for grid-connected photovoltaic inverters considering cross-coupling frequency is proposed in this paper.First,the generation mechanism of frequency coupling in gridconnected photovoltaic inverters,and the relationship between the coupling frequency and perturbation frequency are analyzed.Secondly,a sequence impedance model of grid-connected photovoltaic systems considering the coupling frequency is established by using the harmonic linearization method.The impact of DC bus voltage control strategy on frequency coupling characteristics of a grid-connected photovoltaic system is evaluated,and the impact of a coupling frequency term on system stability is quantitatively analyzed.Finally,the advantages of the proposed method are verified by several simulations.The results show that the proposed impedance model can accurately predict the potential resonance points of the system,and the coupling frequency characteristics will become much stronger with smaller DC bus capacitance or larger bandwidth of the DC bus controller. 展开更多
关键词 DC bus voltage control frequency coupling grid-connected photovoltaic inverter system(PVs) harmonic linearization sub-synchronous oscillation
Solar-PV inverter for the overall stability of power systems with intelligent MPPT control of DC-link capacitor voltage 被引量:5
作者 Sheetal Singh Sanju Saini +1 位作者 SKGupta Rajeev Kumar 《Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems》 SCIE EI 2023年第1期245-264,共20页
This paper demonstrates the controlling abilities of a large PV-farm as a Solar-PV inverter for mitigating the chaotic electrical,electromechanical,and torsional oscillations including Subsynchronous resonance in a tu... This paper demonstrates the controlling abilities of a large PV-farm as a Solar-PV inverter for mitigating the chaotic electrical,electromechanical,and torsional oscillations including Subsynchronous resonance in a turbogenerator-based power system.The oscillations include deviations in the machine speed,rotor angle,voltage fluctuations(lead-ing to voltage collapse),and torsional modes.During the night with no solar power generation,the PV-plant switches to PV-STATCOM mode and works as a Solar-PV inverter at its full capacity to attenuate the oscillations.During full sun in the daytime,on any fault detection,the PV-plant responds instantly and stops generating power to work as a Solar-PV inverter.The PV-farm operates in the same mode until the oscillations are fully alleviated.This paper mani-fests the control of the DC-link capacitor voltage of the Solar-PV inverter with a bacterial foraging optimization-based intelligent maximum power point tracking controller for the optimal control of active and reactive power.Kundur’s multi-machine model aggregated with PV-plant is modeled in the Matlab/Simulink environment to examine the rotor swing deviations with associated shaft segments.The results for different test cases of interest demonstrate the posi-tive outcomes of deploying large PV-farms as a smart PV-STATCOM for controlling power system oscillations. 展开更多
关键词 PV-STATCOM Power oscillations Grid-connected system BFO algorithm Rotor dynamics
A Simulation System and Speed Guidance Algorithms for Intersection Traffic Control Using Connected Vehicle Technology 被引量:7
作者 Shuai Liu Weitong Zhang +3 位作者 Xiaojun Wu Shuo Feng Xin Pei Danya Yao 《Tsinghua Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期160-170,共11页
In the connected vehicle environment, real-time vehicle-state data can be obtained through vehicle-toinfrastructure communication, and the prediction accuracy of urban traffic conditions can significantly increase.Thi... In the connected vehicle environment, real-time vehicle-state data can be obtained through vehicle-toinfrastructure communication, and the prediction accuracy of urban traffic conditions can significantly increase.This study uses the C++/Qt programming language and framework to build a simulation platform. A two-way six-lane intersection is set up on the simulation platform. In addition, two speed guidance algorithms based on optimizing the travel time of a single vehicle or multiple vehicles are proposed. The goal of optimization is to minimize the travel time, with common indicators such as average delay of vehicles, average number of stops, and average stop time chosen as indexes of traffic efficiency. When the traffic flow is not saturated, compared with the case of no speed guidance, single-vehicle speed guidance can improve the traffic efficiency by 20%, whereas multi-vehicle speed guidance can improve the traffic efficiency by 50%. When the traffic flow is saturated, the speed guidance algorithms show outstanding performance. The effect of speed guidance gradually enhances with increasing penetration rate, and the most obvious gains are obtained when the penetration rate increases from 10% to 40%. Thus, this study has shown that speed guidance in the connected vehicle environment can significantly improve the traffic efficiency of intersections, and the multi-vehicle speed guidance strategy is more effective than the single-vehicle speed guidance strategy. 展开更多
关键词 connected VEHICLE INTERSECTION TRAFFIC control simulation system SPEED GUIDANCE
陆相成熟烃源岩区连通砂体对油气运移的控制作用 被引量:8
作者 郭丽丽 张卫海 +2 位作者 吴刚 韩园园 张伟忠 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 2011年第2期159-162,共4页
基于成熟烃源岩稳态连续排烃机制,分析陆相成熟烃源岩区内连通砂体对油气运移的控制作用,并深入探讨烃源岩内砂体与烃源岩的接触面积、砂泥互层烃源岩层系中砂岩含量、砂体物性、砂体分布及其连续性对排烃效率的影响。结果表明:将连通... 基于成熟烃源岩稳态连续排烃机制,分析陆相成熟烃源岩区内连通砂体对油气运移的控制作用,并深入探讨烃源岩内砂体与烃源岩的接触面积、砂泥互层烃源岩层系中砂岩含量、砂体物性、砂体分布及其连续性对排烃效率的影响。结果表明:将连通砂体与烃源岩的接触类型分为垂向沉积相变接触型、侧向沉积相变接触型及交错复合接触型,其中前两者是烃源岩-连通砂体的主要接触类型;烃源岩-连通砂体配置组合以在异常压力驱动下的稳态连续排烃为主;烃源岩内砂体与烃源岩的接触面积越大、砂岩含量越大、砂岩物性越好、砂体分布稳定及连续性好有利于成熟烃源岩排烃,则排烃效率越大,进而控制主要排烃方向和资源量。烃源岩内连通砂体对油气二次运移的作用主要取决于其与烃源岩外连通砂体的分布连续性与物性连通性。如果烃源岩内砂体是孤立的,油气无法运移出烃源岩区,则形成烃源岩内油气藏;如果烃源岩内砂体与烃源岩外砂体分布连续且物性连通,则油气运移距离大,可在更为有利的圈闭分布区成藏。 展开更多
关键词 连通砂体 烃源岩 排烃效率 资源量评价 油气运移 输导体系
发展分布式光伏发电面临的问题 被引量:7
作者 郑丽平 匡洪海 +1 位作者 丁晓薇 汪宝 《新型工业化》 2016年第9期18-22,共5页
在煤炭资源紧缺的时代,开发和利用环保、可再生资源是未来社会持续发展的基本要求。分布式光伏发电作为一种新型的能源,在未来它的发展前景光明。本文简要概述了我国分布式光伏发电的发展现状,总结了分布式光伏发电系统存在的问题,重点... 在煤炭资源紧缺的时代,开发和利用环保、可再生资源是未来社会持续发展的基本要求。分布式光伏发电作为一种新型的能源,在未来它的发展前景光明。本文简要概述了我国分布式光伏发电的发展现状,总结了分布式光伏发电系统存在的问题,重点介绍了分布式光伏发电并网对电力系统电压稳定性影响的研究现状。最后阐述了分布式光伏发电的应用前景,为分布式光伏电源并网提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 分布式光伏发电系统 并网 电力系统
大型核电站接入系统运行方案研究 被引量:7
作者 熊莉 刘涤尘 +3 位作者 赵洁 杜治 雷庆生 吴萍 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第6期50-54,60,共6页
针对大畈核电接入湖北电网的输电方案进行了研究和分析,根据2015年湖北电网的实际情况,提出了四种接入方案。在电力系统分析综合程序(PSASP)中,针对两种可行的方案,将大畈核电站接入电网后的短路电流,潮流,网损,静态安全和暂态稳定性以... 针对大畈核电接入湖北电网的输电方案进行了研究和分析,根据2015年湖北电网的实际情况,提出了四种接入方案。在电力系统分析综合程序(PSASP)中,针对两种可行的方案,将大畈核电站接入电网后的短路电流,潮流,网损,静态安全和暂态稳定性以及接入系统方案的经济性,进行了计算和仿真。得到的结果验证了两种接入方案的可行性和正确性,得出了方案2(即分别以两回500kV线路接入凤凰山变电站和梁公铺变电站)为最经济可行的大型核电站接入系统的方案。 展开更多
关键词 核电厂 接入系统 电网 仿真
Performance Assessment of a Real PV System Connected to a Low-Voltage Grid
作者 Gaber Magdy Mostafa Metwally +1 位作者 Adel A.Elbaset Esam Zaki 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2024年第1期13-26,共14页
The generation of photovoltaic(PV)solar energy is increasing continuously because it is renewable,unlimited,and clean energy.In the past,generation systems depended on non-renewable sources such as oil,coal,and gas.Th... The generation of photovoltaic(PV)solar energy is increasing continuously because it is renewable,unlimited,and clean energy.In the past,generation systems depended on non-renewable sources such as oil,coal,and gas.Therefore,this paper assesses the performance of a 51 kW PV solar power plant connected to a low-voltage grid to feed an administrative building in the 6th of October City,Egypt.The performance analysis of the considered grid-connected PV system is carried out using power system simulator for Engineering(PSS/E)software.Where the PSS/E program,monitors and uses the power analyzer that displays the parameters and measures some parameters such as current,voltage,total power,power factor,frequency,and current and voltage harmonics,the used inverter from the type of grid inverter for the considered system.The results conclude that when the maximum solar radiation is reached,the maximum current can be obtained from the solar panels,thus obtaining the maximum power and power factor.Decreasing total voltage harmonic distortion,a current harmonic distortion within permissible limits using active harmonic distortion because this type is fast in processing up to 300 microseconds.The connection between solar stations and the national grid makes the system more efficient. 展开更多
关键词 Low-voltage grid photovoltaic(PV)system total harmonic distortion grid-connected PV system
Comprehensive Evaluation of Distributed PV Grid-Connected Based on Combined Weighting Weights and TOPSIS-RSR Method
作者 Yue Yang Jiarui Zheng +2 位作者 Long Cheng Yongnan Zhu Hao Wu 《Energy Engineering》 EI 2024年第3期703-728,共26页
To effectively quantify the impact of distributed photovoltaic(PV)access on the distribution network,this paper proposes a comprehensive evaluation method of distributed PV grid connection combining subjective and obj... To effectively quantify the impact of distributed photovoltaic(PV)access on the distribution network,this paper proposes a comprehensive evaluation method of distributed PV grid connection combining subjective and objective combination of assignment and technique for order preference by similarity to an ideal solution(TOPSIS)—rank sum ratio(RSR)(TOPSIS-RSR)method.Based on the traditional distribution network evaluation system,a comprehensive evaluation system has been constructed.It fully considers the new development requirements of distributed PV access on the environmental friendliness and absorptive capacity of the distribution grid and comprehensively reflects the impact of distributed PV grid connection.The analytic hierarchy process(AHP)was used to determine the subjective weights of the primary indicators,and the Spearman consistency test was combined to determine the weights of the secondary indicators based on three objective assignment methods.The subjective and objective combination weights of each assessment indicator were calculated through the principle of minimum entropy.Calculate the distance between the indicators to be evaluated and the positive and negative ideal solutions,the relative closeness ranking,and qualitative binning by TOPSIS-RSR method to obtain the comprehensive evaluation results of different scenarios.By setting up different PV grid-connected scenarios and utilizing the IEEE33 node simulation algorithm,the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed subject-object combination assignment and integrated assessment method are verified. 展开更多
关键词 Distributed PV grid-connected comprehensive evaluation evaluation indicator system combined subjective and objective empowerment TOPSIS-RSR method
Tube Model Predictive Control Based Cyber-attack-resilient Optimal Voltage Control Strategy in Wind Farms
作者 Zhenming Li Minghao Wang +4 位作者 Yunfeng Yan Donglian Qi Zhao Xu Jianliang Zhang Zezhou Wang 《CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第2期530-538,共9页
Optimal voltage controls have been widely applied in wind farms to maintain voltage stability of power grids.In order to achieve optimal voltage operation,authentic grid information is widely needed in the sensing and... Optimal voltage controls have been widely applied in wind farms to maintain voltage stability of power grids.In order to achieve optimal voltage operation,authentic grid information is widely needed in the sensing and actuating processes.However,this may induce system vulnerable to malicious cyber-attacks.To this end,a tube model predictive control-based cyber-attack-resilient optimal voltage control method is proposed to achieve voltage stability against malicious cyber-attacks.The proposed method consists of two cascaded model predictive controllers(MPC),which outperform other peer control methods in effective alleviation of adverse effects from cyber-attacks on actuators and sensors of the system.Finally,efficiency of the proposed method is evaluated in sensor and actuator cyber-attack cases based on a modified IEEE 14 buses system and IEEE 118 buses system.Index Terms-Attack-resilient control,optimal voltage control,tube-based model predictive control,wind farm-connected power system. 展开更多
关键词 Attack-resilient control optimal voltage control tube-based model predictive control wind farm-connected power system
船舶并网光伏电力系统稳定性 被引量:5
作者 李清 孙玉伟 +3 位作者 吴健 袁成清 汤旭晶 严新平 《交通运输工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期177-188,共12页
为分析高渗透率光伏并网导致船舶电力系统等效转动惯量降低,静态和暂态稳定性恶化的问题,以中国首艘集成并网光伏电力系统的"中远腾飞"轮汽车滚装运输船为研究对象,根据船舶电力负荷计算书和电气系统图建立了船舶并网光伏电... 为分析高渗透率光伏并网导致船舶电力系统等效转动惯量降低,静态和暂态稳定性恶化的问题,以中国首艘集成并网光伏电力系统的"中远腾飞"轮汽车滚装运输船为研究对象,根据船舶电力负荷计算书和电气系统图建立了船舶并网光伏电力系统仿真模型;光伏并网逆变器采用恒功率控制策略,对比了牛顿-拉夫逊、XB快速解耦、BX快速解耦、龙格-库塔、Iwanoto和简单鲁棒算法在系统潮流分析中的效果差异;对比了8组仿真算例,研究了不同光伏渗透率下系统的静态稳定性,分析了光伏并网运行中连续负载和艏侧推器顺次启动过程对系统暂态稳定性的影响。分析结果表明:牛顿-拉夫逊法的迭代次数仅为4次,动态仿真时长仅为Iwanoto算法的10.4%,其他6项评估参数与多种算法结果均值一致,在6种方法中最适于计算强耦合刚性电力系统潮流;随着光伏渗透率的提升,其系统的总有功和无功功率损失呈增长趋势,尤其当渗透率超过33.36%时,无功功率损失是有功功率损失的10倍;21.32%渗透率下,与同步发电机组相同功率等级的动力负载启动将导致船舶电力系统同时出现暂态功角和电压失稳;并网型光伏系统能够快速补偿船舶电力系统的低频振荡,但不能在维持或恢复船舶电力系统暂态稳定过程中起到有效作用。 展开更多
关键词 船舶工程 船舶电力系统 光伏系统 并网 系统仿真 静态稳定性 暂态稳定性
Fuel efficient model predictive control strategies for a group of connected vehicles incorporating vertical vibration 被引量:5
作者 QIAN LiJun QIU LiHong +2 位作者 CHEN Peng ABDOLLAHI Zoleikha PISU Pierluigi 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1732-1746,共15页
This paper presents a decentralized fuel efficient model predictive control(MPC) strategy for a group of connected vehicles incorporating vertical vibration. To capture the vehicle vibration dynamics, the dynamics of ... This paper presents a decentralized fuel efficient model predictive control(MPC) strategy for a group of connected vehicles incorporating vertical vibration. To capture the vehicle vibration dynamics, the dynamics of the suspension system is integrated with the longitudinal dynamics of the vehicle. Furthermore, a MPC framework with finite time horizon is formulated to calculate the optimal velocity profile that compromises fuel economy, mobility and ride comfort for every individual vehicle with the safety and physical constraints considered. In the MPC framework, the target velocity is calculated using signal phase and timing(SPAT)information to reduce the number of stoppage at red lights, and the vertical acceleration is calculated parallel to the calculation of the fuel consumption. The MPC optimal problem is solved with fast-MPC approach which enhances the computational efficiency via exploiting the structure of the control system and approximate methods. Simulation studies are conducted over different SPATs and connectivity penetration rates and the results validate the advantages of the proposed control architecture. 展开更多
关键词 model predictive control connected vehicles fuel economy vertical vibration intelligent transportation system
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