An obvious trend shift in the annual mean and winter mixed layer depth(MLD)in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC)region was detected during the 1960–2021 period.Shallowing trends stopped in mid-1980s,followed by a...An obvious trend shift in the annual mean and winter mixed layer depth(MLD)in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC)region was detected during the 1960–2021 period.Shallowing trends stopped in mid-1980s,followed by a period of weak trends.The MLD deepening trend difference between the two periods were mainly distributed in the western areas in the Drake Passage,the areas north to Victoria Land and Wilkes Land,and the central parts of the South Indian sector.The newly formed ocean current shear due to the meridional shift of the ACC flow axis between the two periods is the dominant driver for the MLD trends shift distributed in the western areas in the Drake Passage and the central parts of the South Indian sector.The saltier trends in the regions north to Victoria Land and Wilkes Land could be responsible for the strengthening mixing processes in this region.展开更多
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and its associated Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is investigated through a nonlinear inertia theory model, which consists of two layers--an upper Ekman layer driven m...The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and its associated Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is investigated through a nonlinear inertia theory model, which consists of two layers--an upper Ekman layer driven mainly by sea surface wind stress and a lower thermocline controlled by ideal fluid nonlinear equations which can be solved by identifying the form of the arbitrary functions. The results show that the thermocline has a two-equilibrium solution though given the same Ekman layer condition. Compared to the first equilibrium, the second one has a heavier intensity and deeper circulation, which seems more consistent with the existing data.展开更多
提要采用多种资料研究南大洋南极绕极流(Antarctic Circumpolar Current,ACC)区中尺度涡的年际变化规律及机制。通过分析网格化融合卫星海洋资料AVISO(Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic DATA-AVISO...提要采用多种资料研究南大洋南极绕极流(Antarctic Circumpolar Current,ACC)区中尺度涡的年际变化规律及机制。通过分析网格化融合卫星海洋资料AVISO(Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic DATA-AVISO)卫星高度计资料发现,ACC区涡动能(Eddy Kinetic Energy,EKE)的季节变化不明显,但年际变化非常显著。对纬向风应力与年际南半球环状模(Southern Annular Mode,SAM)异常事件的分析表明,纬向风应力极大/极小值超前EKE极大/极小值3年左右出现,EKE对风应力延时响应的时间及强度依赖于风应力异常的强度。此外,还采用海洋环流与气候评估协会(Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean,ECCO)温盐数据,计算了南极绕极流区斜压能量转化率的分布,并基于此来分析年际尺度上风场、背景海洋间的能量传递关系。研究认为:ACC区中尺度涡的年际变化是由于年际南半球环状模相关的风应力变化引起ACC流量变化以及ACC相关洋域的等密面倾斜程度发生改变,导致背景海洋向中尺度涡的斜压能量转换改变,造成中尺度涡的活动产生年际调整。展开更多
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) responds to the surface windstress via two processes, i.e., the instant barotropic process and the delayed baroclinic process. This study focuses on the baroclinic instability m...The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) responds to the surface windstress via two processes, i.e., the instant barotropic process and the delayed baroclinic process. This study focuses on the baroclinic instability mechanism in ACC, which was less reported in the literatures. Results show that the strengthening of surface zonal windstress causes the enhanced tilting of the isopycnal surface, leading to more intense baroclinic instability. Simultaneously, the mesoscale eddies resulting from the baro- clinic instability facilitate the transformation of mean potential energy to eddy energy, which causes the remarkable decrease of the ACC volume transport with the 2-year lag time. This delayed negative cor- relation between the ACC transport and the zonal windstress may account for the steadiness of the ACC transport during last two decades.展开更多
Altimeter and in situ data are used to estimate the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the section along 115°E in the southern Indian Ocean,and the variation of strong currents in relation to the major fro...Altimeter and in situ data are used to estimate the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the section along 115°E in the southern Indian Ocean,and the variation of strong currents in relation to the major fronts is studied.The results show that,in average,the flow in the core of Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) along the section is composed of two parts,one corresponds to the jet of Subantarctic Front(SAF) and the other is the flow in the Polar Front Zone(PFZ),with a westward flow between them.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the SAF is up to 49 cm · s^-1 at 46°S,which is the maximal velocity in the section.The eastward flow in the PFZ has a width of about 4.3 degrees in latitudes.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front(SACCF) is located at 59.7 °S with velocity less than 20 cm · s^-1.The location of zonal geostrophic jet corresponding to the SAF is quite stable during the study period.In contrast,the eastward jets in the PFZ exhibit various patterns,i.e.,the primary Polar Front(PF1) shows its strong meridional shift and the secondary Polar Front(PF2) does not always coincide with jet.The surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to SAF has the significant periods of annual,semi-annual and four-month.The geostrophic current of the PFZ also shows significant periods of semi-annual and four-month,but is out of phase with the periods of the SAF,which results in no notable semi-annual and fourmonth periods in the surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC.In terms of annual cycle,the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC shows its maximal velocity in June.展开更多
Based on the data and method offered by Liu et al. (2009), the direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) area are reestimated since the ...Based on the data and method offered by Liu et al. (2009), the direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) area are reestimated since the results of the former have been proved to be underestimated. And the result shows that the total rate of energy input into the Ekman-Stokes layer within the ACC area is 852.41 GW, including 649.75 GW of direct wind energy input (76%) and 202.66 GW of Stoke drift-induced energy input (24%). Total increased energy input, due to wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing added to the classical Ekman model, is 52.05 GW, accounting for 6.5% of the wind energy input into the classical Ekman layer. The long-term variability of direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the ACC is also investigated, and the result shows that the Stokes drift hinders the decadal increasing trend of direct wind energy input. Meanwhile, there is a period of 4-5 a in the energy spectrums, as same as the Antarctic circumpolar wave.展开更多
In this paper, the role of westerly winds at southern high latitudes in global climate is investigated in a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model. In the model, the wind stress south of 40°S is...In this paper, the role of westerly winds at southern high latitudes in global climate is investigated in a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model. In the model, the wind stress south of 40°S is turned off with ocean and atmosphere fully coupled both locally and elsewhere. The coupled model explicitly demonstrates that a shutdown of southern high latitude wind stress induces a general cooling over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) region, with surface Ekman flow and vertical mixing playing competitive roles. This cooling leads to an equatorward expansion of sea ice and triggers an equivalent barotropic response in the atmosphere to accelerate westerly anomalies. The shutdown of southern high latitude wind stress also significantly reduces global meridional overturning circulation (MOC). The Antarctic MOC (AnMOC) nearly disappears while the Atlantic MOC (AMOC) is weakened by 50%, suggesting a strong control of the southern high latitude winds over the thermohaline circulation (THC). In spite of a substantial weakening of the AMOC, the interhemispheric SST seesaw appears to be not significant due to an equatorward extension of the southern extratropical cooling through coupled wind-evaporation-SST (WES) feedback. In addition, it is found that the weakening of Atlantic MOC by as much as 50% is capable of cooling the time mean subpolar Atlantic temperature by only about 1°C.展开更多
Fronts, baroclinic transport, and mesoscale variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) along 115°E are examined on the basis of CTD data from two hydrographic cruises occupied in 1995 as a part of t...Fronts, baroclinic transport, and mesoscale variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) along 115°E are examined on the basis of CTD data from two hydrographic cruises occupied in 1995 as a part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE cruise I9S) and in 2004 as a part of CLIVAR/CO2 repeat hydrography program. The integrated baroclinic transport across I9S section is (97.2×106±2.2×106) m3/s relative to the deepest common level (DCL). The net transport at the north end of I9S, determined by the south Australian circulation system, is about 16.5× 106 m3/s westward. Relying on a consistent set of water mass criteria and transport maxima, the ACC baroclinic transport, (117×106±6.7×106) m3/s to the east, is carried along three fronts: the Subantarctic Front (SAF) at a mean latitude of 44°-49°S carries (50.6×106=t=13.4×106) m3/s; the Polar Front (PF), with the northern branch (PF-N) at 50.5°S and the southern branch (PF- S) at 58°S, carries (51.3×106±8.7×106) m3/s; finally, the southern ACC front (SACCF) and the southern boundary of the ACC (SB) consist of three cores between 59°S and 65°S that combined carry (15.2× 106±1.8× 106) m3/s. Mesoscale eddy features are identifiable in the CTD sections and tracked in concurrent maps of altimetric sea level anomalies (SLA) between 44°-48°S and 53°-57°S. Because of the remarkable mesoseale eddy features within the SAF observed in both the tracks of the cruises, the eastward transport of the SAF occurs at two latitude bands separating by 1°. Both the CTD and the altimetric data suggest that the mesoscale variability is concentrated around the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) and causes the ACC fronts to merge, diverge, and to fluctuate in intensity and position along their paths.展开更多
Based on a linear quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation, we have set up an analytical diagnostic mode for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The results show that the balance among wind stress,ocean horizontal viscous ...Based on a linear quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation, we have set up an analytical diagnostic mode for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The results show that the balance among wind stress,ocean horizontal viscous stress and the β-effect is the basic balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and the center velocity of the jet, coming from the Drake Passage,will decrease due to the ocean dynamic adjustment, and the width in the north-south direction will decreasegradually. The jet coming from the Drake Passage moves about 4°northward because of the inducement of winddrivencurrents. The clockwise vorticity appearing in the south-west corner corresponds to the Weddell Gyre.The characters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current described by the model are congruous with observations basically.展开更多
The World Ocean Database(WOD) is used to evaluate the halocline depth simulated by an ice-ocean coupled model in the Canada Basin during 1990–2008. Statistical results show that the simulated halocline is reliable....The World Ocean Database(WOD) is used to evaluate the halocline depth simulated by an ice-ocean coupled model in the Canada Basin during 1990–2008. Statistical results show that the simulated halocline is reliable.Comparing of the September sea ice extent between simulation and SSM/I dataset, a consistent interannual variability is found between them. Moreover, both the simulated and observed September sea ice extent show staircase declines in 2000–2008 compared to 1990–1999. That supports that the abrupt variations of the ocean surface stress curl anomaly in 2000–2008 are caused by rapid sea ice melting and also in favor of the realistic existence of the simulated variations. Responses to these changes can be found in the upper ocean circulation and the intermediate current variations in these two phases as well. The analysis shows that seasonal variations of the halocline are regulated by the seasonal variations of the Ekman pumping. On interannual time scale, the variations of the halocline have an inverse relationship with the ocean surface stress curl anomaly after 2000,while this relationship no longer applies in the 1990 s. It is pointed out that the regime shift in the Canada Basin can be derived to illustrate this phenomenon. Specifically, the halocline variations are dominated by advection in the 1990 s and Ekman pumping in the 2000 s respectively. Furthermore, the regime shift is caused by changing Transpolar Drift pathway and Ekman pumping area due to spatial deformation of the center Beaufort high(BH)relative to climatology.展开更多
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41605052。
文摘An obvious trend shift in the annual mean and winter mixed layer depth(MLD)in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC)region was detected during the 1960–2021 period.Shallowing trends stopped in mid-1980s,followed by a period of weak trends.The MLD deepening trend difference between the two periods were mainly distributed in the western areas in the Drake Passage,the areas north to Victoria Land and Wilkes Land,and the central parts of the South Indian sector.The newly formed ocean current shear due to the meridional shift of the ACC flow axis between the two periods is the dominant driver for the MLD trends shift distributed in the western areas in the Drake Passage and the central parts of the South Indian sector.The saltier trends in the regions north to Victoria Land and Wilkes Land could be responsible for the strengthening mixing processes in this region.
基金supported by National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2010CB950300)
文摘The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) and its associated Meridional Overturning Circulation (MOC) is investigated through a nonlinear inertia theory model, which consists of two layers--an upper Ekman layer driven mainly by sea surface wind stress and a lower thermocline controlled by ideal fluid nonlinear equations which can be solved by identifying the form of the arbitrary functions. The results show that the thermocline has a two-equilibrium solution though given the same Ekman layer condition. Compared to the first equilibrium, the second one has a heavier intensity and deeper circulation, which seems more consistent with the existing data.
文摘提要采用多种资料研究南大洋南极绕极流(Antarctic Circumpolar Current,ACC)区中尺度涡的年际变化规律及机制。通过分析网格化融合卫星海洋资料AVISO(Archiving,Validation and Interpretation of Satellites Oceanographic DATA-AVISO)卫星高度计资料发现,ACC区涡动能(Eddy Kinetic Energy,EKE)的季节变化不明显,但年际变化非常显著。对纬向风应力与年际南半球环状模(Southern Annular Mode,SAM)异常事件的分析表明,纬向风应力极大/极小值超前EKE极大/极小值3年左右出现,EKE对风应力延时响应的时间及强度依赖于风应力异常的强度。此外,还采用海洋环流与气候评估协会(Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean,ECCO)温盐数据,计算了南极绕极流区斜压能量转化率的分布,并基于此来分析年际尺度上风场、背景海洋间的能量传递关系。研究认为:ACC区中尺度涡的年际变化是由于年际南半球环状模相关的风应力变化引起ACC流量变化以及ACC相关洋域的等密面倾斜程度发生改变,导致背景海洋向中尺度涡的斜压能量转换改变,造成中尺度涡的活动产生年际调整。
基金National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (Grant No. 40625017)the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2006CB403604)
文摘The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) responds to the surface windstress via two processes, i.e., the instant barotropic process and the delayed baroclinic process. This study focuses on the baroclinic instability mechanism in ACC, which was less reported in the literatures. Results show that the strengthening of surface zonal windstress causes the enhanced tilting of the isopycnal surface, leading to more intense baroclinic instability. Simultaneously, the mesoscale eddies resulting from the baro- clinic instability facilitate the transformation of mean potential energy to eddy energy, which causes the remarkable decrease of the ACC volume transport with the 2-year lag time. This delayed negative cor- relation between the ACC transport and the zonal windstress may account for the steadiness of the ACC transport during last two decades.
基金The Ministry of Science and Technology,China grant Nos. 2006BAB18B02 and 2008DFA20420the National Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 40376009
文摘Altimeter and in situ data are used to estimate the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the section along 115°E in the southern Indian Ocean,and the variation of strong currents in relation to the major fronts is studied.The results show that,in average,the flow in the core of Antarctic Circumpolar Current(ACC) along the section is composed of two parts,one corresponds to the jet of Subantarctic Front(SAF) and the other is the flow in the Polar Front Zone(PFZ),with a westward flow between them.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the SAF is up to 49 cm · s^-1 at 46°S,which is the maximal velocity in the section.The eastward flow in the PFZ has a width of about 4.3 degrees in latitudes.The mean surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to the Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front(SACCF) is located at 59.7 °S with velocity less than 20 cm · s^-1.The location of zonal geostrophic jet corresponding to the SAF is quite stable during the study period.In contrast,the eastward jets in the PFZ exhibit various patterns,i.e.,the primary Polar Front(PF1) shows its strong meridional shift and the secondary Polar Front(PF2) does not always coincide with jet.The surface zonal geostrophic current corresponding to SAF has the significant periods of annual,semi-annual and four-month.The geostrophic current of the PFZ also shows significant periods of semi-annual and four-month,but is out of phase with the periods of the SAF,which results in no notable semi-annual and fourmonth periods in the surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC.In terms of annual cycle,the mean surface zonal geostrophic current in the core of the ACC shows its maximal velocity in June.
基金The National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract Nos 40930844 and 40976005
文摘Based on the data and method offered by Liu et al. (2009), the direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) area are reestimated since the results of the former have been proved to be underestimated. And the result shows that the total rate of energy input into the Ekman-Stokes layer within the ACC area is 852.41 GW, including 649.75 GW of direct wind energy input (76%) and 202.66 GW of Stoke drift-induced energy input (24%). Total increased energy input, due to wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing added to the classical Ekman model, is 52.05 GW, accounting for 6.5% of the wind energy input into the classical Ekman layer. The long-term variability of direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the ACC is also investigated, and the result shows that the Stokes drift hinders the decadal increasing trend of direct wind energy input. Meanwhile, there is a period of 4-5 a in the energy spectrums, as same as the Antarctic circumpolar wave.
基金supported by the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars(NSFC 40788002)the National Key Basic ResearchProgram (2007CB411800)
文摘In this paper, the role of westerly winds at southern high latitudes in global climate is investigated in a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation model. In the model, the wind stress south of 40°S is turned off with ocean and atmosphere fully coupled both locally and elsewhere. The coupled model explicitly demonstrates that a shutdown of southern high latitude wind stress induces a general cooling over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) region, with surface Ekman flow and vertical mixing playing competitive roles. This cooling leads to an equatorward expansion of sea ice and triggers an equivalent barotropic response in the atmosphere to accelerate westerly anomalies. The shutdown of southern high latitude wind stress also significantly reduces global meridional overturning circulation (MOC). The Antarctic MOC (AnMOC) nearly disappears while the Atlantic MOC (AMOC) is weakened by 50%, suggesting a strong control of the southern high latitude winds over the thermohaline circulation (THC). In spite of a substantial weakening of the AMOC, the interhemispheric SST seesaw appears to be not significant due to an equatorward extension of the southern extratropical cooling through coupled wind-evaporation-SST (WES) feedback. In addition, it is found that the weakening of Atlantic MOC by as much as 50% is capable of cooling the time mean subpolar Atlantic temperature by only about 1°C.
基金The National High Technology Research and Development Program ("863" Program) of China under contract Nos 2008AA121701 and 2007AA092201the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41006013
文摘Fronts, baroclinic transport, and mesoscale variability of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) along 115°E are examined on the basis of CTD data from two hydrographic cruises occupied in 1995 as a part of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE cruise I9S) and in 2004 as a part of CLIVAR/CO2 repeat hydrography program. The integrated baroclinic transport across I9S section is (97.2×106±2.2×106) m3/s relative to the deepest common level (DCL). The net transport at the north end of I9S, determined by the south Australian circulation system, is about 16.5× 106 m3/s westward. Relying on a consistent set of water mass criteria and transport maxima, the ACC baroclinic transport, (117×106±6.7×106) m3/s to the east, is carried along three fronts: the Subantarctic Front (SAF) at a mean latitude of 44°-49°S carries (50.6×106=t=13.4×106) m3/s; the Polar Front (PF), with the northern branch (PF-N) at 50.5°S and the southern branch (PF- S) at 58°S, carries (51.3×106±8.7×106) m3/s; finally, the southern ACC front (SACCF) and the southern boundary of the ACC (SB) consist of three cores between 59°S and 65°S that combined carry (15.2× 106±1.8× 106) m3/s. Mesoscale eddy features are identifiable in the CTD sections and tracked in concurrent maps of altimetric sea level anomalies (SLA) between 44°-48°S and 53°-57°S. Because of the remarkable mesoseale eddy features within the SAF observed in both the tracks of the cruises, the eastward transport of the SAF occurs at two latitude bands separating by 1°. Both the CTD and the altimetric data suggest that the mesoscale variability is concentrated around the Antarctic Polar Frontal Zone (APFZ) and causes the ACC fronts to merge, diverge, and to fluctuate in intensity and position along their paths.
文摘Based on a linear quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation, we have set up an analytical diagnostic mode for the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. The results show that the balance among wind stress,ocean horizontal viscous stress and the β-effect is the basic balance of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, and the center velocity of the jet, coming from the Drake Passage,will decrease due to the ocean dynamic adjustment, and the width in the north-south direction will decreasegradually. The jet coming from the Drake Passage moves about 4°northward because of the inducement of winddrivencurrents. The clockwise vorticity appearing in the south-west corner corresponds to the Weddell Gyre.The characters of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current described by the model are congruous with observations basically.
基金The National Basic Research Program(973 Program)of China under contract No.2015CB953900the National Natural Science Foundation of China under contract No.41330960
文摘The World Ocean Database(WOD) is used to evaluate the halocline depth simulated by an ice-ocean coupled model in the Canada Basin during 1990–2008. Statistical results show that the simulated halocline is reliable.Comparing of the September sea ice extent between simulation and SSM/I dataset, a consistent interannual variability is found between them. Moreover, both the simulated and observed September sea ice extent show staircase declines in 2000–2008 compared to 1990–1999. That supports that the abrupt variations of the ocean surface stress curl anomaly in 2000–2008 are caused by rapid sea ice melting and also in favor of the realistic existence of the simulated variations. Responses to these changes can be found in the upper ocean circulation and the intermediate current variations in these two phases as well. The analysis shows that seasonal variations of the halocline are regulated by the seasonal variations of the Ekman pumping. On interannual time scale, the variations of the halocline have an inverse relationship with the ocean surface stress curl anomaly after 2000,while this relationship no longer applies in the 1990 s. It is pointed out that the regime shift in the Canada Basin can be derived to illustrate this phenomenon. Specifically, the halocline variations are dominated by advection in the 1990 s and Ekman pumping in the 2000 s respectively. Furthermore, the regime shift is caused by changing Transpolar Drift pathway and Ekman pumping area due to spatial deformation of the center Beaufort high(BH)relative to climatology.