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碳交易对试点省市碳效率的影响机制研究 被引量:16
作者 高煜君 田涛 《经济问题探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期106-119,共14页
碳交易所的成立能否改变企业的碳排放行为,进而提高试点省份的碳效率,是当前需要明确的重要问题。早在2011年,碳排放权交易所试点工作已陆续启动,旨在推进我国碳交易市场的发展。本文选取了6个试点省份碳交易数据,利用双重差分(DID,diff... 碳交易所的成立能否改变企业的碳排放行为,进而提高试点省份的碳效率,是当前需要明确的重要问题。早在2011年,碳排放权交易所试点工作已陆续启动,旨在推进我国碳交易市场的发展。本文选取了6个试点省份碳交易数据,利用双重差分(DID,difference-in-difference)模型研究试点省市碳交易所成立及成立后的碳交易是否提升当地碳效率,为我国碳交易所设立的经济效应分析提供实证支撑。本文研究表明:碳交易所正式启动显著削弱当地次年的碳排放,但其影响不久后消失;碳交易所的成立显著提升了省域的碳效率,金融深化、对外开放程度对试点省份碳效率的提高具有积极影响;碳交易量在碳交易所成立后的长时间内对当地碳排放有显著的抑制作用。 展开更多
关键词 碳交易所成立 碳交易量 碳效率
长白山阔叶红松林生态系统光能利用率的动态变化及其主控因子 被引量:12
作者 张雷明 曹沛雨 +5 位作者 朱亚平 李庆康 张军辉 王晓凌 戴冠华 李金功 《植物生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第12期1156-1165,共10页
生态系统光能利用率(LUE)反映了植被通过光合作用利用光能吸收和固定大气中CO2的能力,是表征生态系统生产力的重要指标。选取长白山温带阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林生态系统为研究对象,利用涡度相关通量观测数据,采用直角双曲线方程... 生态系统光能利用率(LUE)反映了植被通过光合作用利用光能吸收和固定大气中CO2的能力,是表征生态系统生产力的重要指标。选取长白山温带阔叶红松(Pinus koraiensis)林生态系统为研究对象,利用涡度相关通量观测数据,采用直角双曲线方程获取了生态系统光合作用的表观量子效率(ε);基于总生态系统初级生产力(GEP)与下垫面入射光合有效辐射(Q)的比值得到生态光能利用率(LUEeco)。研究表明:在季节尺度上,ε与LUEeco均表现出显著的单峰变化特征,并主要受到土壤温度和归一化植被指数(NDVI)的调控,同时,ε和LUEeco都受到GEP的显著影响,而与Q的相关性较弱或无显著相关关系,但散射辐射的增加在一定程度上有助于提高生态系统的LUE。ε与LUEeco存在显著的线性正相关关系,但ε明显高于LUEeco。2003–2005年,ε与LUEeco每年最大值的平均值分别为(0.087±0.003)和(0.040±0.002)μmol CO2·μmol photon–1,年际间变异度分别为4.17%和4.25%,而不同年份之间最大差异均达到8%或8%以上,从而对模型模拟结果产生明显影响。因此,在基于光能利用率模型的模拟研究中,最大LUE的年际变异需要在参数反演和优化中给予重要考虑。 展开更多
关键词 生态系统碳交换 光能利用率 最大光能利用率 年际变异 植被指数
Tree-Ring Carbon Isotopic Constraints on Carbon-Water Exchanges between Atmosphere and Biosphere in Drought Regions in Northwestern China 被引量:1
作者 WANG Shilu WAN Guojiang 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第2期301-305,共5页
The comparison between the carbon isotope and the index of ring width of a pine disc from the Tuomuer Peak region in Xinjiang shows that the effects of climate changes on the tree-ring growth and carbon isotopic fract... The comparison between the carbon isotope and the index of ring width of a pine disc from the Tuomuer Peak region in Xinjiang shows that the effects of climate changes on the tree-ring growth and carbon isotopic fractionation varies with time. The reason is probably relative to the characters of climate changes and adaptability of the tree-ring growth to climate changes. The relationships between the atmospheric CO2 level and the revised δ13Cair by the tree-ring carbon isotope indicate that the carbon cycle is not in a steady state, but under a stage-change condition in this area. It also can be concluded that the ratio of CO2 from the terrestrial eco-system has increased, and the flux of CO2 exchange between the atmosphere and the biosphere was gradually increasing over the past century. In addition, the results also confirm the validity and superiority of the carbon isotope to the research of the water-use efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 tree ring carbon isotope CO_(2) exchange water-use efficiency
作者 魏琦 王樱晓 《经济与管理》 CSSCI 2018年第6期80-86,共7页
以我国碳交易市场数据为基准情形,基于碳排放权跨期存储和违约罚款机制,建立企业最优减排策略模型。通过汉密尔顿函数分析各变量关系,利用遗传算法推导出企业成本最小化条件下的最优减排函数、最优碳排放函数和最优碳交易函数,并计算出... 以我国碳交易市场数据为基准情形,基于碳排放权跨期存储和违约罚款机制,建立企业最优减排策略模型。通过汉密尔顿函数分析各变量关系,利用遗传算法推导出企业成本最小化条件下的最优减排函数、最优碳排放函数和最优碳交易函数,并计算出违约惩罚系数。将最优解与基准情形对比发现,我国碳交易市场存在诸多不足,如:碳排放权初始分配过多,企业参与碳交易积极性较低等。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放权交易 存储机制 违约成本 碳交易效率
作者 郝之勇 张勇 +1 位作者 路华东 李磊 《煤化工》 CAS 2021年第4期79-81,共3页
针对炭黑生产过程中干燥工序产生的废气因温度低而无法直接进行脱硝处理的问题,通过设置升温器,将废气加热到320℃以上,达到最佳脱硝温度,之后设置余热锅炉进行热量回收,将废气温度降到190℃以下,达到最佳脱硫温度的同时生产过热蒸汽。7... 针对炭黑生产过程中干燥工序产生的废气因温度低而无法直接进行脱硝处理的问题,通过设置升温器,将废气加热到320℃以上,达到最佳脱硝温度,之后设置余热锅炉进行热量回收,将废气温度降到190℃以下,达到最佳脱硫温度的同时生产过热蒸汽。72 h的测试运行结果表明,该工艺脱硝效率达到86.50%、脱硫效率达到90.50%,对无尾气发电装置的炭黑生产企业有一定借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 炭黑 干燥工序 废气 脱硫脱硝 热交换 脱硫效率 脱硝效率
Seasonal and inter-annual variations in carbon fluxes and evapotranspiration over cotton field under drip irrigation with plastic mulch in an arid region of Northwest China 被引量:12
作者 Jie BAI Jin WANG +4 位作者 Xi CHEN Ge Ping LUO Hao SHI Long Hui LI Jun Li LI 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第2期272-284,共13页
Xinjiang is the largest semi-arid and arid region in China, and drip irrigation under plastic mulch is widely used in this water-limited area. Quantifying carbon and water fluxes as well as investigating their environ... Xinjiang is the largest semi-arid and arid region in China, and drip irrigation under plastic mulch is widely used in this water-limited area. Quantifying carbon and water fluxes as well as investigating their environ- mental drivers over cotton fields is critical for understanding regional carbon and water budgets in Xinjiang, the largest cotton production basin of China. In this study, an eddy covariance (EC) technique was used to measure the carbon and water fluxes of cotton field under drip irrigation with plastic mulch in the growing seasons of 2009, 2010, 2012 and 2013 at Wulanwusu Agrometeorological Experiment Station, a representative oasis cropland in northern Xinjiang. The diurnal patterns of gross primary production (GPP), net ecosystem exchange (NEE) and evapotran-spiration (ET) showed obviously sinusoidal variations from June to September, while the diurnal ecosystem respiration (Res) was stable between daytime and nighttime. The daytime hourly GPP and ET displayed asymptotic rela-tionships with net solar radiation (Rnet), while showed concave patterns with raising vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and air temperature (Ta). The increases in hourly GPP and ET towards the maximum occurred over half ranges of VPD and Ta. The seasonal variations of GPP, NEE and ET were close to the cotton phenology, which almost reached the peak value in July. The cumulative GPP averaged 816.2±55.0 g C/m^2 in the growing season (from April to October), and more than half of GPP was partitioned into NEE (mean value of -478.6±41.4 g C/m^2). The mean seasonal ET was 501.3±13.9 mm, and the mean water use efficiency (WUE) was 1.0+0.1 (mg C/g H2O)/d. The agro-ecosystem behaved as a carbon sink from squaring to harvest period, while it acted as a carbon source before the squaring time as well as after the harvest time. 展开更多
关键词 cotton eddy covariance net ecosystem exchange (NEE) carbon budget water use efficiency (WUE)
Water-use efficiency in response to simulated increasing precipitation in a temperate desert ecosystem of Xinjiang, China 被引量:6
作者 HUANG Gang LI Yan +2 位作者 MU Xiaohan ZHAO Hongmei CAO Yanfeng 《Journal of Arid Land》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第6期823-836,共14页
Water-use efficiency(WUE) is a key plant functional trait that plays a central role in the global cycles of water and carbon. Although increasing precipitation may cause vegetation changes, few studies have explored... Water-use efficiency(WUE) is a key plant functional trait that plays a central role in the global cycles of water and carbon. Although increasing precipitation may cause vegetation changes, few studies have explored the linkage between alteration in vegetation and WUE. Here, we analyzed the responses of leaf WUE, ecosystem carbon and water exchanges, ecosystem WUE, and plant community composition changes under normal conditions and also under extra 15% or 30% increases in annual precipitation in a temperate desert ecosystem of Xinjiang, China. We found that leaf WUE and ecosystem WUE showed inconsistent responses to increasing precipitation. Leaf WUE consistently decreased as precipitation increased. By contrast, the responses of the ecosystem WUE to increasing precipitation are different in different precipitation regimes: increasing by 33.9% in the wet year(i.e., the normal precipitation years)and decreasing by 4.1% in the dry year when the precipitation was about 30% less than that in the wet year.We systematically assessed the herbaceous community dynamics, community composition, and vegetation coverage to explain the responses of ecosystem WUE, and found that the between-year discrepancy in ecosystem WUE was consistent with the extent to which plant biomass was stimulated by the increase in precipitation. Although there was no change in the relative significance of ephemerals in the plant community, its greater overall plant biomass drove an increased ecosystem WUE under the conditions of increasing precipitation in 2011. However, the slight increase in plant biomass exerted no significant effect on ecosystem WUE in 2012. Our findings suggest that an alteration in the dominant species in this plant community can induce a shift in the carbon-and water-based economics of desert ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 desert ecosystem ecosystem water-use efficiency gross carbon exchange increasing precipitation leaf water-use efficiency net carbon exchange Gurbantunggut Desert
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