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钨/钼/磷钨/磷钼酸铋盐的催化性能 被引量:1
作者 韩宇哲 王德华 +3 位作者 李达达 王宏祥 蔡铁军 邓谦 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2015年第3期61-67,共7页
利用水热和共沉淀法合成了钨酸铋、钼酸铋、磷钨酸铋和磷钼酸铋4种铋系催化剂,通过红外光谱(IR)、紫外光谱(UV-vis)、荧光光谱(FL)、X-ray粉末衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)等手段对所合成样品的形貌和性质进行表征.从制备条件、焙烧温度、... 利用水热和共沉淀法合成了钨酸铋、钼酸铋、磷钨酸铋和磷钼酸铋4种铋系催化剂,通过红外光谱(IR)、紫外光谱(UV-vis)、荧光光谱(FL)、X-ray粉末衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)等手段对所合成样品的形貌和性质进行表征.从制备条件、焙烧温度、不同降解底物等方面对4种催化剂的催化降解性能进行探究和对比,发现当钨酸铋催化剂中W与Bi物质的量之比为1∶2的未焙烧的催化剂催化降解4mg/L的罗丹明B(RhB)的效果最佳,可达98.1%,并对甲基橙、亚甲基蓝等多种有机污染物有一定的催化降解效果;钨酸铋、钼酸铋催化剂也分别对RhB、甲基橙、亚甲基蓝等有良好的催化效果;而磷钼酸铋对上述污染物催化降解效果较差. 展开更多
关键词 光催化 铋系催化剂 罗丹明B 甲基橙 亚甲基蓝 有机污染物
BiVO_4-MCM-41复合催化剂的制备及其对亚甲基蓝降解的光催化活性 被引量:19
作者 张妍 于建强 +1 位作者 工藤昭彦 赵修松 《催化学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第7期624-628,共5页
将单斜白钨矿结构的BiVO4固载于中孔MCM-41分子筛上,制备了BiVO4-MCM-41复合催化剂,并对催化剂进行了表征,考察了催化剂在光催化亚甲基蓝降解反应中的催化活性.结果表明,BiVO4首先在MCM-41分子筛上形成锆石结构或四面体白钨矿结构的结晶... 将单斜白钨矿结构的BiVO4固载于中孔MCM-41分子筛上,制备了BiVO4-MCM-41复合催化剂,并对催化剂进行了表征,考察了催化剂在光催化亚甲基蓝降解反应中的催化活性.结果表明,BiVO4首先在MCM-41分子筛上形成锆石结构或四面体白钨矿结构的结晶,通过水热处理之后转变为单斜结构的结晶.BiVO4-MCM-41催化剂不仅保持了BiVO4较高的光催化活性,而且提高了对亚甲基蓝的吸附性能,从而提高了对亚甲基蓝降解反应的光催化活性. 展开更多
关键词 钒酸铋 MCM-41分子筛 复合催化剂 光催化 亚甲基蓝 降解
柠檬酸铋的制备、结构表征及其在固体推进剂中的催化作用 被引量:11
作者 宋秀铎 赵凤起 +3 位作者 张蕊娥 高红旭 郝海霞 李上文 《兵工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期643-647,共5页
以柠檬酸、氧化铋为原料,制备了柠檬酸铋(CIT-Bi),收率达到80%,采用FT-IR、元素分析和X荧光衍射法对其结构进行了表征。研究了柠檬酸铋对双基和RDX-CMDB推进剂燃烧的催化作用,结果表明,柠檬酸铋对双基系推进剂燃烧有良好的催化作用,能... 以柠檬酸、氧化铋为原料,制备了柠檬酸铋(CIT-Bi),收率达到80%,采用FT-IR、元素分析和X荧光衍射法对其结构进行了表征。研究了柠檬酸铋对双基和RDX-CMDB推进剂燃烧的催化作用,结果表明,柠檬酸铋对双基系推进剂燃烧有良好的催化作用,能显著提高推进剂的燃速,降低压力指数,特别是与少量炭黑复合后,对推进剂的催化效率更高。用热重-微商热重分析(TG-DTG)、X荧光衍射法和FT-IR研究了柠檬酸铋催化剂的催化作用机理。 展开更多
关键词 物理化学 柠檬酸铋 燃烧催化剂 RDX-CMDB推进剂 双基推进剂 催化作用机理
2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基推进剂燃烧的催化作用 被引量:7
作者 宋秀铎 赵凤起 +2 位作者 徐司雨 高红旭 高茵 《火炸药学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2006年第1期36-39,共4页
为了考察2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基推进剂燃烧的催化效果以及探索其催化作用机理,用螺压工艺制备了含2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋的推进剂样品,研究了2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基推进剂燃烧的催化性能。结果表明,2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基系推进... 为了考察2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基推进剂燃烧的催化效果以及探索其催化作用机理,用螺压工艺制备了含2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋的推进剂样品,研究了2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基推进剂燃烧的催化性能。结果表明,2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋对双基系推进剂的燃烧具有良好的催化作用,能显著提高推进剂的燃速,并大大降低压力指数,与少量碳黑复合后,对提高推进剂的燃速效果更明显,铋盐、铜盐与碳黑三元复合后,催化效果更优。用快速热裂解固相原位池/傅里叶变换红外光谱(RSFT-IR)联用装置研究了2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋的热分解机理,发现2,4-二羟基苯甲酸铋在催化推进剂燃烧过程中的活性组分为B i2O3。 展开更多
关键词 燃烧化学 2 4-二羟基苯甲酸铋 燃烧催化剂 双基推进剂 催化机理
BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)复合光催化材料降解水体中抗生素研究进展 被引量:8
作者 贺全宝 胡征 葛明 《应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第7期754-766,共13页
抗生素大量使用致使其在水环境中普遍存在,对生态环境和人类健康造成一定威胁。卤氧化铋BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)具有独特二维层状结构、适宜的禁带宽度等优点而被用作光催化剂来降解水中残留的抗生素。但单一BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)存在可见光吸收能... 抗生素大量使用致使其在水环境中普遍存在,对生态环境和人类健康造成一定威胁。卤氧化铋BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)具有独特二维层状结构、适宜的禁带宽度等优点而被用作光催化剂来降解水中残留的抗生素。但单一BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)存在可见光吸收能力偏弱、稳定性不佳等问题,往往需要对其进行复合改性(如金属负载、碳材料修饰及构建异质结)来提升去除水中抗生素的性能。本文主要介绍了用于水体中抗生素类污染物降解的BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)复合光催化材料的设计合成、活性增强机制以及光催化反应机理。相比于金属负载及碳材料修饰,构建半导体异质结是常用且经济有效地增强BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)光催化降解水中抗生素性能的方法。指出该领域以后的研究需要评估BiOX(X=Cl,Br,I)复合光催化材料降解水环境中不同类型抗生素的效果,同时还需揭示自然水体的背景成分(如溶解性有机质、无机离子等)对该类复合光催化剂去除水中抗生素活性和稳定性的影响。最后提出引入过氧化物来提升BiOX复合光催化体系矿化水中抗生素的效果以及构建磁性BiOX光催化材料来解决降解反应后的固-液分离问题。 展开更多
关键词 卤氧化铋 催化剂 抗生素 降解 反应机制
不同铋化合物对双基系推进剂燃烧性能的影响 被引量:7
作者 赵凤起 宋秀铎 +4 位作者 高红旭 郝海霞 姚二岗 徐司雨 仪建华 《推进技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期135-139,共5页
为研究环境友好型非铅类绿色燃烧催化剂的燃烧催化效果,对比5种不同铋化合物对双基系推进剂燃烧性能的影响。结果表明,芳香族的铋化物对双基推进剂有良好的催化作用,S-Gal-Bi对双基推进剂的燃烧催化效率最好,β-Bi可有效降低双基推进剂... 为研究环境友好型非铅类绿色燃烧催化剂的燃烧催化效果,对比5种不同铋化合物对双基系推进剂燃烧性能的影响。结果表明,芳香族的铋化物对双基推进剂有良好的催化作用,S-Gal-Bi对双基推进剂的燃烧催化效率最好,β-Bi可有效降低双基推进剂的压强指数。当含铋化合物双基推进剂中加入少量炭黑(CB)后,各催化剂的燃烧催化效率明显增强。β-Bi和CB复合,既能显著提高低压下的燃烧催化效率,又能降低高压下的压强指数。β-Bi/β-Cu/CB的复合不仅能提高双基推进剂低压下的燃速,而且也能使推进剂在高压区出现平台燃烧效应。S-Gal-Bi/CB的加入大大提高了RDX-CMDB推进剂的燃速,并显著降低了推进剂的压强指数,与少量的铜盐复合后推进剂燃速提高更多。 展开更多
关键词 物理化学 铋化合物 燃烧催化剂 双基系推进剂
Atypical BiOCl/Bi_2S_3 hetero-structures exhibiting remarkable photo-catalyst response 被引量:5
作者 Muhammad Tanveer 吴宇 +1 位作者 Muhammad Abdul Qadeer 曹传宝 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第1期101-111,共11页
We demonstrate the fabrication of BiOCl/Bi_2S_3 which is well defined at a large scale. The BiOCl/Bi_2S_3 heterostructures exhibit an enhanced photo-catalytic degradation of methyl orange(MO) compared to BiOCl and B... We demonstrate the fabrication of BiOCl/Bi_2S_3 which is well defined at a large scale. The BiOCl/Bi_2S_3 heterostructures exhibit an enhanced photo-catalytic degradation of methyl orange(MO) compared to BiOCl and Bi_2S_3, attributed to the interface between Bi_2S_3 and BiOCl, which effectively separate the photo-induced electron-hole pairs and suppress their recombination. 展开更多
关键词 bismuth sulfide hetero-structures photo-catalyst response
作者 李军 李会鹏 +1 位作者 赵华 刘钦龙 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期601-612,共12页
采用简单的水热法制备了多面体钒酸铋(BVO)材料,又通过化学还原法首次在BVO上原位合成了一种小尺寸的AgNi双金属助催化剂并研究了其光催化性能。采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、紫外可见漫反射光谱(UV-... 采用简单的水热法制备了多面体钒酸铋(BVO)材料,又通过化学还原法首次在BVO上原位合成了一种小尺寸的AgNi双金属助催化剂并研究了其光催化性能。采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、紫外可见漫反射光谱(UV-Vis DRS)、X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、光致发光(PL)光谱、N2吸附-脱附等手段对制备的AgNi/BVO材料的理化性能进行了表征。结果表明,AgNi双金属广泛负载在这种特殊形貌的BVO多面体表面,大大增加了金属的附着位点,同时AgNi负载也提高了BVO的结晶性。银表面等离子体谐振效应与镍的共格界面效应增强了BVO催化剂对可见光的吸收,增强了光生电子的分离,提高了光催化活性。光催化降解MB (亚甲基蓝)实验表明,当Ag、Ni的质量比为3∶1时,AgNi/BVO的催化活性最高,在可见光照射下其反应速率常数是BVO的5.4倍,该光催化剂在4次循环后仍能保持良好的光催化活性。 展开更多
关键词 钒酸铋 双金属 催化剂 光催化
Synergistic effect of electrode defect regulation and Bi catalyst deposition on the performance of iron–chromium redox flow battery 被引量:3
作者 Quan Xu Siyang Wang +6 位作者 Chunming Xu Xinyi Chen Senwei Zeng Chuanyuan Li Yang Zhou Tianhang Zhou Yingchun Niu 《Chinese Chemical Letters》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2023年第10期281-286,共6页
Iron-chromium redox flow batteries (ICRFBs) possess advantages of high safety,long cycle time,and lowcost.Increasing Cr^(3+)/Cr^(2+)reaction activity is suggested as one of the most promising strategies to improve the... Iron-chromium redox flow batteries (ICRFBs) possess advantages of high safety,long cycle time,and lowcost.Increasing Cr^(3+)/Cr^(2+)reaction activity is suggested as one of the most promising strategies to improve the performance and prolong the lifetime of ICRFBs.To improve the slow reaction kinetics of the negative electrode,a type of defected carbon cloth with Bismuth (Bi) catalyst introduction is prepared by defect engineering method and electrochemical deposition,which provided defect sites and active sites to catalyze the redox couple’s reaction of ICRFBs.Furthermore,this modified carbon cloth adsorbs Cr(Ⅲ)hydrate more easily,which has a more stable structure and can significantly improve the performance of ICRFBs.Both experimental analysis and theoretical calculation indicated that the modified electrode has excellent electrocatalytic ability,which can enhance the reaction rate of Cr^(3+)/Cr^(2+),improve capacity retention and stabilize cycling performance.The capacity degradation rate of an ICRFB single cell with the modified electrodes is just 0.23%per cycle at a current density of 140 m A/cm^(2).Additionally,the energy efficiency (EE) remains around 83%,which is 8.45%higher than that of the pristine electrode assembled battery under 60 cycles.This work supplies a simple method to obtain a high-performance electrode material for ICRFBs and makes it a practical solution to promote ICFRBs large-scale commercialization process. 展开更多
关键词 bismuth Iron-chromium redox flow batteries (ICRFBs) Carbon cloth Electrode catalyst Defect engineering
作者 陈全亮 胡幸枝 陈华林 《西南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2024年第4期390-398,共9页
通过水热法制备了一种新型Bi_(2)S_(3)/NiS复合光催化剂,采用FT-IR、XRD、SEM、固体荧光和固体紫外等光谱对催化剂的组成、结构、形貌和光学性质进行了表征.Bi_(2)S_(3)/NiS复合催化剂在可见光照射下能有效将溶液中的Cr(VI)光催化还原为... 通过水热法制备了一种新型Bi_(2)S_(3)/NiS复合光催化剂,采用FT-IR、XRD、SEM、固体荧光和固体紫外等光谱对催化剂的组成、结构、形貌和光学性质进行了表征.Bi_(2)S_(3)/NiS复合催化剂在可见光照射下能有效将溶液中的Cr(VI)光催化还原为Cr(III).在最优条件下,复合催化剂的反应速率常数约为Bi_(2)S_(3)或NiS的反应速率常数的10倍.复合催化剂光催化还原Cr(VI)效率的提高主要是因为Bi_(2)S_(3)和NiS的复合降低了禁带宽度,扩大了光吸收范围,并且复合后有效降低了光生载流子的复合效率.催化剂循环实验表明Bi_(2)S_(3)/NiS复合催化剂具有良好的光学稳定性.研究结果为光催化处理含Cr(VI)废水的材料合成和设计研究提供了参考. 展开更多
关键词 硫化铋 复合催化剂 光催化还原 铬废水处理 六价铬
Sulfur-deficient Bi_(2)S_(3-x) synergistically coupling Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)-MXene for boosting electrocatalytic N_(2) reduction 被引量:4
作者 Yaojing Luo Peng Shen +2 位作者 Xingchuan Li Yali Guo Ke Chu 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第5期3991-3999,共9页
Electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction(NRR)is an appealing route for the sustainable NH_(3)synthesis,while developing efficientand durable NRR catalysts remains at the heart of achieving high-efficiency N_(2)-to... Electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction reaction(NRR)is an appealing route for the sustainable NH_(3)synthesis,while developing efficientand durable NRR catalysts remains at the heart of achieving high-efficiency N_(2)-to-NH_(3)electrocatalysis.Herein,we rationally combine vacancy and interface engineering to design sulfur-deficient Bi2S3 nanoparticles decorated Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)-MXene as an effective NRR catalyst.The developed Bi2S3 nanoparticles decorated Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)-MXene(Bi2S3-xTi_(3)C_(2)T_(x))naturally contained abundant S-vacancies and exhibited a dramatically boosted NRR activity with an NH_(3)yield of 68.3μg·h^(-1)mg^(-1)(-0.6 V)and a Faradaic efficiency of 22.5%(-0.4 V),far superior to pure Bi_(2)S_(3)and Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)and surpassing almost all ever reported Bi-and MXene-based NRR catalysts.Theoretical investigations unveiled that the exceptional NRR activity of Bi_(2)S_(3-x)/Ti_(3)C_(2)T_(x)stemmed from its dual-active-center system involving both S-vacancies and interfacial-Bi sites,which could synergistically promote N_(2)adsorption and*N_(2)H formation to result in an energetic-favorable NRR process. 展开更多
关键词 electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction bismuth catalyst MXene vacancy engineering interface engineering
Continuous dimethyl carbonate synthesis from CO_(2) and methanol over Bi_(x)Ce_(1-x)O_(δ) monoliths:Effect of bismuth doping on population of oxygen vacancies,activity,and reaction pathway 被引量:4
作者 Yongdong Chen Yue Li +6 位作者 Wei Chen Wen Wu Xu Zhong-kang Han Ammara Waheed Zhongbin Ye Gao Li Alfons Baiker 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第2期1366-1374,共9页
We evaluated bismuth doped cerium oxide catalysts for the continuous synthesis of dimethyl carbonate(DMC)from methanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of a dehydrating agent.Bi_(x)Ce_(1-x)O_(δ)nanocomposites of var... We evaluated bismuth doped cerium oxide catalysts for the continuous synthesis of dimethyl carbonate(DMC)from methanol and carbon dioxide in the absence of a dehydrating agent.Bi_(x)Ce_(1-x)O_(δ)nanocomposites of various compositions(x=0.06-0.24)were coated on a ceramic honeycomb and their structural and catalytic properties were examined.The incorporation of Bi species into the CeO_(2) lattice facilitated controlling of the surface population of oxygen vacancies,which is shown to play a crucial role in the mechanism of this reaction and is an important parameter for the design of ceria-based catalysts.The DMC production rate of the Bi_(x)Ce_(1-x)O_(δ) catalysts was found to be strongly enhanced with increasing Ov concentration.The concentration of oxygen vacancies exhibited a maximum for Bi_(0.12)Ce_(0.88)O_(δ),which afforded the highest DMC production rate.Long-term tests showed stable activity and selectivity of this catalyst over 45 h on-stream at 140°C and a gas-hourly space velocity of 2,880 mL·g_(cat)^(-1)·h^(-1).In-situ modulation excitation diffuse reflection Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and first-principle calculations indicate that the DMC synthesis occurs through reaction of a bidentate carbonate intermediate with the activated methoxy(-OCH_(3))species.The activation of C0_(2) to form the bidentate carbonate intermediate on the oxygen vacancy sites is identified as highest energy barrier in the reaction pathway and thus is likely the rate-determining step. 展开更多
关键词 dimethyl carbonate synthesis bismuth-cerium oxides monolithic catalyst oxygen vacancies reaction mechanism
BiVO_4催化剂的离子液体辅助水热合成及其可见光催化活性 被引量:3
作者 祝永强 陈芳艳 +1 位作者 陆熠峰 唐玉斌 《环境工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期1875-1880,共6页
采用溴化1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑([Bmim]Br)离子液体辅助水热合成法制备了光催化剂Bi VO4。以高压氙灯作为可见光源,亚甲基蓝为目标污染物,考察反应温度、p H、反应时间和离子用量等制备条件对Bi VO4的可见光催化活性的影响,确定了最佳制备... 采用溴化1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑([Bmim]Br)离子液体辅助水热合成法制备了光催化剂Bi VO4。以高压氙灯作为可见光源,亚甲基蓝为目标污染物,考察反应温度、p H、反应时间和离子用量等制备条件对Bi VO4的可见光催化活性的影响,确定了最佳制备条件。并采用XRD、SEM和UV-Vis漫反射等分析手段对催化剂的晶相、形貌和光学特性进行了表征。结果表明,在离子液体加入量为2 m L、p H=4、反应温度为180℃、反应时间为4 h的条件下,制得的Bi VO4催化剂的可见光光催化活性最高。制得的Bi VO4为单斜相,呈分散的、大小均匀的片状,在200~500 nm范围有一个较宽的强吸收平台,具有良好的可见光催化活性,在可见光照射下对浓度为5 mg/L的亚甲基蓝的光催化脱色率达97%以上。 展开更多
关键词 钒酸铋 催化剂 离子液体 可见光 催化活性
MoVBiTeO/SiO_2对丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应的催化性能 被引量:2
作者 何益明 伊晓东 +2 位作者 黄传敬 翁维正 万惠霖 《催化学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期409-414,共6页
用浸渍法制备了一系列不同Mo/V比的MoVBiTeO/SiO2催化剂,并用X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、X射线光电子能谱、程序升温还原和红外光谱等方法对催化剂的结构、氧化还原性质和酸性进行了表征,考察了催化剂对丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应的催化性能.... 用浸渍法制备了一系列不同Mo/V比的MoVBiTeO/SiO2催化剂,并用X射线衍射、拉曼光谱、X射线光电子能谱、程序升温还原和红外光谱等方法对催化剂的结构、氧化还原性质和酸性进行了表征,考察了催化剂对丙烷选择氧化制丙烯醛反应的催化性能.结果表明,Mo与V组分之间存在较强的相互作用,调变了催化剂的结构,并形成了氧化还原循环(V5++Mo5+V4++Mo6+),促进了催化剂中电子和O物种的传递,使催化剂的低温可还原性增强,催化活性提高.Mo组分有利于形成L酸位,而V组分有利于形成B酸位.这可能是丙烯醛选择性随Mo/V比增大而逐渐提高的原因之一.当Mo/V摩尔比为6时,催化剂具有最高的丙烯醛收率(9.7%). 展开更多
关键词 复合氧化物 氧化硅 负载型催化剂 丙烷 选择氧化 丙烯醛
Transparent Co_(3)FeO_(x) Film Passivated BiVO_(4) Photoanode for Efficient Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting 被引量:3
作者 FANG Ming QIN Qi +1 位作者 CAI Qian LIU Wei 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2021年第11期1505-1512,1409,共9页
Photoelectrochemistry that use semiconductors to absorb sunlight for water splitting provides an effective method for the development of renewable hydrogen energy in the future.In this paper,a transparent and highly-e... Photoelectrochemistry that use semiconductors to absorb sunlight for water splitting provides an effective method for the development of renewable hydrogen energy in the future.In this paper,a transparent and highly-efficient cobalt-iron oxide(Co_(3)FeO_(x))nano-film was fabricated through hydrothermal method by directional adjustment of atomic ratio to promote the kinetics of BiVO_(4)(BVO)photoanode water oxidation.As a result,the Co_(3)FeO_(x)-modified BVO photoanode(Co_(3)FeO_(x)/BVO)exhibits an impressive photocurrent density of 4.0 mA·cm^(2) at 1.23 V versus reversible hydrogen electrode(RHE),approximately 2.17-fold higher than that of bare BVO,as well as a cathodically shifted onset potential of 320 mV.Transparent catalyst nanolayer structure is clarified by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy.In addition,the Co_(3)FeO_(x)/BVO photoanode has better stability,and there is no obvious activity degradation after 10 hours of reaction.This strategy provides a broad prospect for the use of water oxidation co-catalyst to achieve effective water splitting. 展开更多
关键词 photoelectrochemical water splitting bismuth vanadate CO-catalyst cobalt-iron oxide
Activation of commercial Pt/C catalyst toward glucose electro-oxidation by irreversible Bi adsorption 被引量:1
作者 Petri Kanninen Tanja Kallio 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1446-1452,共7页
The effect of irreversibly adsorbed Bi on commercial Pt/C catalyst toward glucose electro-oxidation re- action (GOR) in different electrolytes (acidic, neutral, alkaline) is studied. Bi is successfully deposited o... The effect of irreversibly adsorbed Bi on commercial Pt/C catalyst toward glucose electro-oxidation re- action (GOR) in different electrolytes (acidic, neutral, alkaline) is studied. Bi is successfully deposited on Pt/C from Bi3+ containing acidic solution from 0 to 90% coverage degree. The stability of the Bi layer in acid and alkaline corresponded to previous studies and started to dissolve at 0.7 V and 0.8 V versus re- versible hydrogen electrode (RIIE), respectively. However, in neutral phosphate buffer the layer showed remarkable stability to at least 1.2V versus RHE. Bi modification at low (20%) and high (80%) coverage showed the highest increase in the activity of Pt/C toward GOR by a factor up to 7 due to the increased poisoning resistance of the modified catalyst. The effect of poisoning was especially reduced at high Bi coverage (80%), which shows that adsorbate blocked by Bi through the third-body effect is effective. Finally, with or without Bi modification GOR on PtIC was most active in alkaline conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Glucose electro-oxidation PLATINUM bismuth catalyst poisoning Renewable resources
基于Bi^(3+)过膜缓释策略的在线铋沉积对铁铬液流电池性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 杨基鹏 叶强 《储能科学与技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期1075-1082,共8页
大规模、低成本长时电能储存的迫切需求再次激发了人们研究和开发铁铬液流电池的兴趣。降低析氢副反应速率并提高负极电化学反应活性是提高铁铬液流电池系统效率、降低运行成本的关键。负极铋催化剂的在线沉积已被证明是提高负极性能的... 大规模、低成本长时电能储存的迫切需求再次激发了人们研究和开发铁铬液流电池的兴趣。降低析氢副反应速率并提高负极电化学反应活性是提高铁铬液流电池系统效率、降低运行成本的关键。负极铋催化剂的在线沉积已被证明是提高负极性能的有效方法,但关于铋载量对电池性能的影响、以及高效均匀的铋沉积策略目前还缺乏系统的认识和深入的研究。本文针对提升催化剂沉积均匀性的难题,首次提出了基于铋离子由正极电解液承载过膜穿透至负极的缓释沉积策略。通过在正极电解液添加不同浓度的BiCl_(3),研究沉积速率和铋载量对铁铬液流电池性能的影响。研究发现,随着负极铋载量的持续增加,铁铬液流电池的库仑效率也有显著且持续的提高,这归因于电池负极的析氢量有所减少。此外,铋在负极的原位沉积也有助于提高铁铬液流电池的电压效率,表明Cr^(2+)/Cr^(3+)的反应活性增强。在正极电解液内初始铋离子浓度为10 mmol/L的条件下,电池的库仑效率最高提升到97%,电压效率可达90%,相应的循环能量效率达到87%。 展开更多
关键词 铁铬液流电池 铋催化剂 电化学沉积 缓释沉积
铋/炭纳米粒子的合成及其催化还原对硝基苯酚 被引量:2
作者 陈瑞芬 刘丽君 《武汉纺织大学学报》 2016年第3期64-67,共4页
以纳米炭球为载体,采用一步液相还原法合成Bi/C纳米催化材料,并利用XRD、EDX、XPS、SEM和TEM对产物的物相、组成、形貌和元素化学态进行详细表征。结果表明:通过该方法成功合成粒径为3-5 nm的金属Bi纳米粒子,该纳米粒子均匀地负载在纳... 以纳米炭球为载体,采用一步液相还原法合成Bi/C纳米催化材料,并利用XRD、EDX、XPS、SEM和TEM对产物的物相、组成、形貌和元素化学态进行详细表征。结果表明:通过该方法成功合成粒径为3-5 nm的金属Bi纳米粒子,该纳米粒子均匀地负载在纳米炭球表面上,无明显团聚现象。所得到的Bi/C纳米复合粒子对硼氢化钠还原对硝基苯酚(4-NP)具有明显的催化活性;当Bi负载量为26.5 wt.%时,该反应在室温下的反应速率常数可达到0.204min-1;通过阿仑尼乌斯方程得到的表观活化能为39 k J·mol-1。与常见的贵金属催化剂相比,该Bi/C纳米复合粒子具有价格低廉、合成简单以及活性较高的优点。 展开更多
关键词 纳米催化剂 对硝基苯酚 催化还原
Boosting CO_(2) electroreduction to formate via bismuth oxide clusters 被引量:1
作者 Xiaole Jiang Le Lin +4 位作者 Youwen Rong Rongtan Li Qike Jiang Yaoyue Yang Dunfeng Gao 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第10期12050-12057,共8页
Supported metal(oxide)clusters,with both rich surface sites and high atom utilization efficiency,have shown improved activity and selectivity for many catalytic reactions over nanoparticle and single atom catalysts.Ye... Supported metal(oxide)clusters,with both rich surface sites and high atom utilization efficiency,have shown improved activity and selectivity for many catalytic reactions over nanoparticle and single atom catalysts.Yet,the role of cluster catalysts has been rarely reported in CO_(2)electroreduction reaction(CO_(2)RR),which is a promising route for converting CO_(2)to liquid fuels like formic acid with renewable electricity.Here we develop a bismuth oxide(BiOn)cluster catalyst for highly efficient CO_(2)RR to formate.The BiOn cluster catalyst exhibits excellent activity,selectivity,and stability towards formate production,with a formate Faradaic efficiency of over 90%at a current density up to 500 mA·cm^(−2)in an alkaline membrane electrode assembly electrolyzer,corresponding to a mass activity as high as 3,750 A·gBi−1.The electrolyzer with the BiOn cluster catalyst delivers a remarkable formate production rate of 0.56 mmol·min−1 at a high single-pass CO_(2)conversion of 44%.Density functional theory calculations indicate that Bi4O_(3)cluster is more favorable for stabilizing the HCOO^(*)intermediate than Bi(001)surface and single site BiC_(4)motif,rationalizing the improved formate production over the BiOn cluster catalyst.This work highlights the great importance of cluster catalysts in activity and selectivity control in electrocatalytic CO_(2)conversion. 展开更多
关键词 CO_(2)electroreduction reaction FORMATE bismuth oxide cluster catalyst membrane electrode assembly
Regulating the Electronic Structure of Fe^(3+)‑Doped BiOCl_(x)I_(1-x)Solid Solution by an Amidoxime‑Functionalized Fibrous Support for Efficient Photocatalysis 被引量:1
作者 Zhenbang Han Mingze Lv +3 位作者 Xianbing Shi Guobin Li Jin Zhao Xiaoming Zhao 《Advanced Fiber Materials》 SCIE EI 2023年第1期266-281,共16页
BiOX(X=Cl,I,Br)has attracted intensive interest as a photocatalyst for environmental remediation,but its limited pho-tocatalytic activity versus visible light irradiation restricts its practical application.Herein,a F... BiOX(X=Cl,I,Br)has attracted intensive interest as a photocatalyst for environmental remediation,but its limited pho-tocatalytic activity versus visible light irradiation restricts its practical application.Herein,a Fe^(3+)-doped BiOCl_(x)I_(1-x)solid solution(Fe-BiOCl_(x)I_(1-x))was synthesized in situ on an amidoxime-functionalized fibrous support via a one-pot solvothermal approach.Comprehensive characterization and DFT calculations indicate that the robust chelated interaction between ami-doxime groups and Fe^(3+)greatly boosts the crystal growth of nanosized Fe-BiOCl_(x)I_(1–x)on the fibrous surface,simultaneously tunes its electronic structure for improved light harvesting and oxygen vacancy creation,and enables the fibrous support to act as an electron sink for efficient charge separation.These synergistic qualities result in high photocatalytic activity for the degradation of organic contaminants,which outperforms that obtained for unsupported Fe-BiOCl_(x)I_(1-x)and other fibrous samples by several times.Our findings highlight the importance of functionalized support design for the development of efficient BiOX photocatalysts under visible light irradiation. 展开更多
关键词 bismuth oxyhalides Fe doping Fiber-based catalyst Photocatalytic degradation
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