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量子密码实验新进展——13km自由空间纠缠光子分发:朝向基于人造卫星的全球化量子通信 被引量:12
作者 张军 彭承志 +2 位作者 包小辉 杨涛 潘建伟 《物理》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第10期701-707,共7页
实验实现了纠缠光子对通过地面大气13km的自由空间分发.实验表明,纠缠光子在通过超过大气层等效厚度的距离之后,纠缠特性依然能够很好保持.文章作者观测了类空间隔Bell-CHSH不等式的破坏,其S值达到2.45±0.09.在这个基础上,我们利... 实验实现了纠缠光子对通过地面大气13km的自由空间分发.实验表明,纠缠光子在通过超过大气层等效厚度的距离之后,纠缠特性依然能够很好保持.文章作者观测了类空间隔Bell-CHSH不等式的破坏,其S值达到2.45±0.09.在这个基础上,我们利用分发的纠缠光子对演示了BB84-Ekert91量子密码协议.这个实验第一次验证了用纠缠光子对进行地面和卫星量子通信的可行性,为未来的基于人造卫星全球化量子通信打下坚实的基础.文章将首先回顾量子密码实验方面的最新进展,然后再详细介绍作者的实验. 展开更多
关键词 纠缠 bell不等式 量子密码 量子密码协议 纠缠光子对 实验实现 量子通信 人造卫星 自由空间 全球化
Bell inequality,separability and entanglement distillation 被引量:16
作者 LIMing FEI ShaoMing LI-JOST XianQing 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第10期945-954,共10页
In this review,we introduce well-known Bell inequalities,the relations between the Bell inequality and quantum separability,and the entanglement distillation of quantum states.It is shown that any pure entangled quant... In this review,we introduce well-known Bell inequalities,the relations between the Bell inequality and quantum separability,and the entanglement distillation of quantum states.It is shown that any pure entangled quantum state violates one of Bell-like inequalities.Moreover,quantum states that violate any one of these Bell-like inequalities are shown to be distillable.New Bell inequalities that detect more entangled mixed states are also introduced. 展开更多
关键词 贝尔不等式 可分性 纠缠 蒸馏 量子态 混合态
用光子纠缠源验证Bell不等式 被引量:6
作者 孙文博 王合英 +1 位作者 陈宜保 何元金 《物理实验》 北大核心 2010年第12期1-4,共4页
关键词 量子力学完备性 bell不等式破缺 CHSH不等式 纠缠源
The Bell Inequalities: Identifying What Is Testable and What Is Not 被引量:4
作者 Louis Sica 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2020年第5期725-740,共16页
The Bell theorem and inequality were derived as consequences of seemingly reasonable physical and statistical hypotheses. Bell’s assumptions were used to deduce cross-correlations of three spin measurements on two en... The Bell theorem and inequality were derived as consequences of seemingly reasonable physical and statistical hypotheses. Bell’s assumptions were used to deduce cross-correlations of three spin measurements on two entangled particles neglecting non-commutation. The assumed correlation functions, later confirmed for certain quantum measurements, violate the Bell inequality. The present paper reviews a more general derivation of the Bell inequality showing that it is identically satisfied by finite data sets whether deterministic or random, after assuming merely that they exist. It is thereafter concerned with the consequences of this result for interpretations of the inequality that result in its violation. A primary finding is that correlation functions have differing forms due to quantum commutation, non-commutation, and conditions of measurement, and result in satisfaction of the Bell inequality used consistently with its derivation. A stochastic process having the same correlation function for all variable pairs is shown to be inconsistent with experimentally reported data. The logic of the three and four variable inequalities is shown to be similar. Finally the inequalities in probabilities are shown to follow from those in correlations with quantum mechanical results satisfying either when properly implemented. 展开更多
关键词 bell Theorem bell inequality Entanglement LOCALITY Correlations Hidden Variables Non-Commutation COMMUTATION CROSS-CORRELATIONS Non-Stationary
三光子广义GHZ态中三体纠缠和非定域性研究 被引量:6
作者 赵加强 曹连振 +1 位作者 杨阳 逯怀新 《量子电子学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第5期583-588,共6页
一组具有普适性的新型Bell不等式能够清晰地描述三比特广义GHZ态(Generatized GreenbergerHorne-Zeilinger,GGHZ)非定域性和三体纠缠的关系.利用高能量的飞秒激光参量转换制备了三光子GGHZ纠缠态,采用量子态层析方法计算得到态的保真度... 一组具有普适性的新型Bell不等式能够清晰地描述三比特广义GHZ态(Generatized GreenbergerHorne-Zeilinger,GGHZ)非定域性和三体纠缠的关系.利用高能量的飞秒激光参量转换制备了三光子GGHZ纠缠态,采用量子态层析方法计算得到态的保真度为84%.基于制备的高保真度三光子GGHZ态测量了新型Bell算符和Bell不等式,得到了和理论一致的结果,并实验验证了Das提出的理论.实验结果表明新Bell不等式对定域实在论的违背随GGHZ态纠缠度增加而单调增加,GGHZ态的非定域性与三体纠缠程度直接相关. 展开更多
关键词 量子光学 量子纠缠 非定域性 参量下转换 bell不等式
基于参量下转换的量子纠缠光源仿真模型 被引量:5
作者 周政 安雪碧 +1 位作者 钱泳君 陈巍 《无线电通信技术》 2020年第6期652-657,共6页
量子纠缠是量子信息研究的核心资源,是量子密码、量子隐形传态和线性光学量子计算等研究方向的基础。科研级量子纠缠源存在代价昂贵、对环境要求较为苛刻和量子光信号无法可视化等问题,严重限制了其在教学场景下的普及。针对上述问题,... 量子纠缠是量子信息研究的核心资源,是量子密码、量子隐形传态和线性光学量子计算等研究方向的基础。科研级量子纠缠源存在代价昂贵、对环境要求较为苛刻和量子光信号无法可视化等问题,严重限制了其在教学场景下的普及。针对上述问题,选取典型的I型偏硼酸钡(BBO)量子纠缠光源,对其实际器件和纠缠光源进行了建模,并利用量子态演化理论,给出了符合计数与实验系统关键器件之间的函数关系。该模型与实验数据保持了较好的一致性。这一方法和思路可推广到其他量子纠缠光源(如基于II型相位匹配晶体的量子纠缠光源)的仿真,可用于教学和科学实验装置的设计。 展开更多
关键词 量子纠缠 虚拟仿真 量子态演化 bell不等式测试
自由空间量子通讯实验中纠缠源的研制 被引量:6
作者 王少凯 任继刚 +5 位作者 金贤敏 杨彬 杨冬 彭承志 蒋硕 王向斌 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期1356-1359,共4页
设计了适合自由空间量子通讯实验的纠缠源.纠缠光子对的单模光纤搜集率约为每秒20000对,水平竖直方向的纠缠对比度大于95%,正负45°方向的纠缠对比度大于90%.在本地得到了大于100个标准偏差的Bell不等式破缺.满足20km量级的自由空... 设计了适合自由空间量子通讯实验的纠缠源.纠缠光子对的单模光纤搜集率约为每秒20000对,水平竖直方向的纠缠对比度大于95%,正负45°方向的纠缠对比度大于90%.在本地得到了大于100个标准偏差的Bell不等式破缺.满足20km量级的自由空间量子通讯试验要求. 展开更多
关键词 纠缠光子对 位相匹配 收集效率 贝尔不等式 纠缠源 自由空间量子通讯
The Bell Inequality, Inviolable by Data Used Consistently with Its Derivation, Is Satisfied by Quantum Correlations Whose Probabilities Satisfy the Wigner Inequality
作者 Louis Sica 《Journal of Modern Physics》 CAS 2023年第6期802-817,共16页
It is not generally known that the inequality that Bell derived using three random variables must be identically satisfied by any three corresponding data sets of ±1’s that are writable on paper. This surprising... It is not generally known that the inequality that Bell derived using three random variables must be identically satisfied by any three corresponding data sets of ±1’s that are writable on paper. This surprising fact is not immediately obvious from Bell’s inequality derivation based on causal random variables, but follows immediately if the same mathematical operations are applied to finite data sets. For laboratory data, the inequality is identically satisfied as a fact of pure algebra, and its satisfaction is independent of whether the processes generating the data are local, non-local, deterministic, random, or nonsensical. It follows that if predicted correlations violate the inequality, they represent no three cross-correlated data sets that can exist, or can be generated from valid probability models. Reported data that violate the inequality consist of probabilistically independent data-pairs and are thus inconsistent with inequality derivation. In the case of random variables as Bell assumed, the correlations in the inequality may be expressed in terms of the probabilities that give rise to them. A new inequality is then produced: The Wigner inequality, that must be satisfied by quantum mechanical probabilities in the case of Bell experiments. If that were not the case, predicted quantum probabilities and correlations would be inconsistent with basic algebra. 展开更多
关键词 bell inequality bell Theorem Wigner inequality Entanglement LOCALITY REALISM
2022年诺贝尔物理学奖:量子纠缠 被引量:5
作者 王向斌 潘建伟 《中国科学基金》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期928-930,共3页
量子纠缠是今年诺贝尔物理学奖的核心科学内容。量子纠缠不但成功应用于量子力学基础检验,更是量子信息科学的基础资源,而量子信息科学的蓬勃发展又使得量子纠缠的重要性得到学术界的广泛认可。今年的诺贝尔物理学奖适逢其时,将为量子... 量子纠缠是今年诺贝尔物理学奖的核心科学内容。量子纠缠不但成功应用于量子力学基础检验,更是量子信息科学的基础资源,而量子信息科学的蓬勃发展又使得量子纠缠的重要性得到学术界的广泛认可。今年的诺贝尔物理学奖适逢其时,将为量子信息科学进一步深化发展发挥巨大的推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 量子纠缠 贝尔不等式 量子信息
作者 尤世欣 袁晨智 金锐博 《量子光学学报》 北大核心 2024年第2期1-17,共17页
2022年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了A. Aspect、J. Clauser和A. Zeilinger三位科学家,以表彰他们在利用纠缠光子实验验证Bell不等式违背以及开创量子信息科学方面的贡献。本文以EPR佯谬作为起点,概述了其催生Bell不等式的历史进程,进一步着重... 2022年诺贝尔物理学奖授予了A. Aspect、J. Clauser和A. Zeilinger三位科学家,以表彰他们在利用纠缠光子实验验证Bell不等式违背以及开创量子信息科学方面的贡献。本文以EPR佯谬作为起点,概述了其催生Bell不等式的历史进程,进一步着重阐述了Bell不等式及其与实验紧密结合的变种—CHSH不等式的数学形式和物理意义,然后使用文氏图直观地展示了两种Bell不等式的几何化推导过程,最后简要地介绍了Bell不等式的研究进展。本文有望帮助读者对Bell不等式这一重要概念获得直观理解。 展开更多
关键词 bell不等式 局域性 实在性 文氏图 2022年诺贝尔物理学奖
作者 李丹丹 高飞 严欢 《陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期80-88,共9页
对于任一贝尔不等式,漏洞的存在导致不等式的违背并非都是对局域实在的违背,进而威胁到设备无关量子信息处理任务的安全性。时间一致漏洞(coincidence-time loophole)作为主要漏洞之一,已在两方贝尔不等式的研究中被关闭。Svetlichny不... 对于任一贝尔不等式,漏洞的存在导致不等式的违背并非都是对局域实在的违背,进而威胁到设备无关量子信息处理任务的安全性。时间一致漏洞(coincidence-time loophole)作为主要漏洞之一,已在两方贝尔不等式的研究中被关闭。Svetlichny不等式作为表征真正多体关联的多方贝尔不等式的典型代表,仍面临时间一致漏洞的威胁。由此,从三方Svetlichny不等式出发,给出关闭时间一致漏洞的Svetlichny不等式的条件;进一步,讨论更一般情况的结果,给出关闭时间一致漏洞的n(n≥3)方Svetlichny不等式的条件。该关闭时间一致漏洞的Svetlichny不等式为设计设备无关的多体量子信息处理协议提供基础工具。 展开更多
关键词 时间一致漏洞 Svetlichny不等式 时间一致事件 贝尔不等式
Bell不等式的失败根源和对定域性原则的直接检验 被引量:3
作者 耿天明 《北京师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 1991年第3期29-33,共5页
本文考查了各种Bell不等式的理论推导和实验检验方法,分析了不等式失败的原因,指出:双值自旋粒子系、严格的关联条件和定域性原则都是导致Bell型不等式与实验相悖的可能因素。以往的检验实验不足以否定定域性原则。为了单独地直接检验... 本文考查了各种Bell不等式的理论推导和实验检验方法,分析了不等式失败的原因,指出:双值自旋粒子系、严格的关联条件和定域性原则都是导致Bell型不等式与实验相悖的可能因素。以往的检验实验不足以否定定域性原则。为了单独地直接检验定域性原则,文中提出了一个新型不等式。 展开更多
关键词 bell不等式 定域性原则 量子力学
Conditional Independence Leads to Satisfaction of the Bell Inequality without Assuming Non-Locality or Non-Reality
作者 Louis Sica 《Advances in Pure Mathematics》 2022年第5期405-417,共13页
The original Bell inequality was obtained in a statistical derivation assuming three mutually cross-correlated random variables (four in the later version). Given that observations destroy the particles, the physical ... The original Bell inequality was obtained in a statistical derivation assuming three mutually cross-correlated random variables (four in the later version). Given that observations destroy the particles, the physical realization of three variables from an experiment producing two particles per trial requires two separate trial runs. One assumed variable value (for particle 1) occurs at a fixed instrument setting in both trial runs while a second variable (for particle 2) occurs at alternative instrument settings in the two trial runs. Given that measurements on the two particles occurring in each trial are themselves correlated, measurements from independent realizations at mutually exclusive settings on particle 2 are conditionally independent, i.e., conditionally dependent on particle 1, through probability. This situation is realized from variables defined by Bell using entangled particle pairs. Two correlations have the form that Bell computed from entanglement, but a third correlation from conditionally independent measurements has a different form. When the correlations are computed using quantum probabilities, the Bell inequality is satisfied without recourse to assumptions of non-locality, or non-reality. 展开更多
关键词 bell Theorem bell inequality Entanglement CROSS-CORRELATIONS Conditional Independence
The Bell Inequality Is Satisfied by Quantum Correlations Computed Consistently with Quantum Non-Commutation
作者 Louis Sica 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第4期404-412,共9页
In constructing his theorem, Bell assumed that correlation functions among non-commuting variables are the same as those among commuting variables. However, in quantum mechanics, multiple data values exist simultaneou... In constructing his theorem, Bell assumed that correlation functions among non-commuting variables are the same as those among commuting variables. However, in quantum mechanics, multiple data values exist simultaneously for commuting operations while for non-commuting operations data are conditional on prior outcomes, or may be predicted as alternative outcomes of the non-commuting operations. Given these qualitative differences, there is no reason why correlation functions among non-commuting variables should be the same as those among commuting variables, as assumed by Bell. When data for commuting and noncommuting operations are predicted from quantum mechanics, their correlations are different, and they now satisfy the Bell inequality. 展开更多
关键词 bell’s Theorem bell inequality Hidden Variables CORRELATIONS COMMUTATION Noncommutation
广义Bell不等式 被引量:2
作者 高英杰 耿天明 《北京师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 1990年第1期18-24,共7页
关键词 量子力学 DPR悖论 bell不等式 广义
两类可观测量的Bell不等式 被引量:2
作者 杨莹 曹怀信 李静 《数学学报(中文版)》 SCIE CSCD 北大核心 2014年第3期473-484,共12页
关键词 bell不等式 平均值 可因子化 可分性 纠缠性
Quantum Correlations: Entropy, Wave/Corpuscle Dualism, Bell Inequality 被引量:1
作者 Sebastiano Tosto 《Open Journal of Physical Chemistry》 2019年第2期60-87,共28页
The paper shows that the second law of thermodynamics and Pauli principle are implications of the Bell inequality.
关键词 THERMODYNAMICS Quantum Theory RELATIVITY bell inequality
Counterfactual Definiteness and Bell’s Inequality 被引量:1
作者 Karl Hess Hans De Raedt Kristel Michielsen 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2016年第13期1651-1660,共10页
Counterfactual definiteness must be used as at least one of the postulates or axioms that are necessary to derive Bell-type inequalities. It is considered by many to be a postulate that not only is commensurate with c... Counterfactual definiteness must be used as at least one of the postulates or axioms that are necessary to derive Bell-type inequalities. It is considered by many to be a postulate that not only is commensurate with classical physics (as for example Einstein’s special relativity), but also separates and distinguishes classical physics from quantum mechanics. It is the purpose of this paper to show that Bell’s choice of mathematical functions and independent variables implicitly includes counterfactual definiteness. However, his particular choice of variables reduces the generality of his theory, as well as the physics of all Bell-type theories, so significantly that no meaningful comparison of these theories with actual Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen experiments can be made. 展开更多
关键词 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Foundations of Probability bell inequality
Quantum entanglement and quantum nonlocality for N-photon entangled states 被引量:1
作者 孙艳华 匡乐满 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2006年第4期681-686,共6页
Quantum entanglement and quantum nonlocality of N-photon entangled states |ψNm) m Cm [cos γ|N - m) 1 |m)2 + e^iθm sinγ|m)1|N- m)2] and their superpositions are studied. We point out that the relative ph... Quantum entanglement and quantum nonlocality of N-photon entangled states |ψNm) m Cm [cos γ|N - m) 1 |m)2 + e^iθm sinγ|m)1|N- m)2] and their superpositions are studied. We point out that the relative phase θm affects the quantum nonlocality but not the quantum entanglement for the state |ψNm). We show that quantum nonlocality can be controlled and manipulated by adjusting the state parameters of |ψNm), superposition coefficients, and the azimuthal angles of the Bell operator. We also show that the violation of the Bell inequality can reach its maximal value under certain conditions. It is found that quantum superpositions based on |ψNm) can increase the amount of entanglement, and give more ways to reach the maximal violation of the Bell inequality. 展开更多
关键词 quantum entanglement quantum nonlocality bell inequality
Analysis of Wigner’s Set Theoretical Proof for Bell-Type Inequalities 被引量:1
作者 Karl Hess Hans De Raedt Kristel Michielsen 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2017年第1期57-67,共11页
We present a detailed analysis of the set theoretical proof of Wigner for Bell type inequalities with the following result. Wigner introduced a crucial assumption that is not related to Einstein’s local realism, but ... We present a detailed analysis of the set theoretical proof of Wigner for Bell type inequalities with the following result. Wigner introduced a crucial assumption that is not related to Einstein’s local realism, but instead, without justification, to the existence of certain joint probability measures for possible and actual measurement outcomes of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) experiments. His conclusions about Einstein’s local realism are, therefore, not applicable to EPR experiments and the contradiction of the experimental outcomes to Wigner’s results has no bearing on the validity of Einstein’s local realism. 展开更多
关键词 bell inequality Local REALISM NONLOCALITY
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