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青岛外海夏季水母路径溯源研究 被引量:11
作者 张海彦 赵亮 魏皓 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第3期662-668,共7页
2011年夏季,青岛外海发现大量大型水母,如沙海蜇、海月水母和白色霞水母等,而在冬、春季未在当地海区发现其幼体。本文采用拉格朗日方法,以粒子代表水母,不考虑水母自身运动,进行反向追踪,追溯其运动路径及可能源地。不同追踪实验结果显... 2011年夏季,青岛外海发现大量大型水母,如沙海蜇、海月水母和白色霞水母等,而在冬、春季未在当地海区发现其幼体。本文采用拉格朗日方法,以粒子代表水母,不考虑水母自身运动,进行反向追踪,追溯其运动路径及可能源地。不同追踪实验结果显示,在不同时间不同深度处释放的粒子路径不同。在海面处释放的粒子分别可以追溯到海州湾、江苏沿岸及长江口附近的海域,其中8月1日和8月15日在海面释放的粒子最远可以追溯至长江口外海域;2m层上释放的粒子最远也可到达长江口附近,而10m层以深释放的粒子基本分布在35°N以北。由于反向追踪只考虑海流的影响,追踪过程可逆,因此,从运动路径来看,青岛外海的部分水母可能来源于海州湾、江苏沿岸及长江口附近海域。从水母种类分布特征来看,海州湾、江苏沿岸及长江口附近海域在有粒子分布时期的水母种类与7、8月份青岛外海部分水母种类一致,为寻找青岛外海夏季水母的潜在的来源地提供了依据。 展开更多
关键词 水母 溯源追踪 夏季 青岛外海
近岸海域大型水母来源与迁移路径分析——以红沿河电厂海域为例 被引量:3
作者 孙雪 魏皓 +3 位作者 张海彦 王彦涛 张广跃 刘汉霖 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期1281-1291,共11页
近岸海域水母暴发可导致滨海火/核电厂取水口堵塞,对电厂安全运行造成潜在威胁。寻找水母源地及其迁移路径是水母治理的基础。本文基于拉格朗日质点追踪方法(LTRANS)建立反向追踪模型,并结合水母生态学特性对2015年6-9月聚集在红沿河电... 近岸海域水母暴发可导致滨海火/核电厂取水口堵塞,对电厂安全运行造成潜在威胁。寻找水母源地及其迁移路径是水母治理的基础。本文基于拉格朗日质点追踪方法(LTRANS)建立反向追踪模型,并结合水母生态学特性对2015年6-9月聚集在红沿河电厂海域的大型水母进行溯源,获得水母源地及迁移路径,可以为螅状体栖息地寻找和水母拦截打捞提供依据,对近岸海域水母灾害防治具有重要指导意义。溯源结果表明:(1)红沿河电厂及其邻近海域的水母可能来自多个不同源区,辽东湾西部、北部及电厂南北两侧等海域的水母均有可能迁移至电厂附近;(2)受水温和环流影响,6-9月期间到达电厂附近的水母主要源区及迁移路径不同,早期出现在电厂海域的水母很可能是局地产生的,而7-9月持续的高风险水母灾害则主要取决于渤海不同源区水母的物理聚集;(3)根据水母的主要迁移路径,建议在电厂取水口约15km的海域设置一条封闭监测断面,对水母进行实时监测;在距离取水口约30km的外侧海域设置一条调查断面,于7月初至8月中旬,每5天进行一次定点拖网调查。此外,在距离电厂取水口15-20km的西南方向上,对水母进行拦截打捞可大大降低水母入侵风险。 展开更多
关键词 大型水母 溯源 迁移路径 红沿河电厂海域
Comprehensive analysis of the origin of giant jellyfish near Qinhuangdao in summer
作者 吴玲娟 吴晓芬 白涛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1061-1069,共9页
A massive bloom of the giant jellyfi sh Nemopilema nomurai occurred in waters off Qinhuangdao,a port city in Hebei Province,in July 2013.However,jellyfi sh larvae were not found in this location during the previous wi... A massive bloom of the giant jellyfi sh Nemopilema nomurai occurred in waters off Qinhuangdao,a port city in Hebei Province,in July 2013.However,jellyfi sh larvae were not found in this location during the previous winter and spring.To determine the possible origin of the giant jellyfi sh medusa in the Bohai Sea,we developed a backward particle-tracking model and a series of numerical simulations were conducted by using the hydrodynamic,three-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System(ROMS)results.The simulated results showed that passive particles,representing jellyfi sh medusae,released in surface waters at diff erent dates during the summer had consistent trajectories.Particles released at the sea surface on August1 and 15 could be traced back to the center of the Bohai Sea and to waters between Feiyan Shoal and the new Huanghe(Yellow)River estuary.Particles released on July 1 and 15 could also be traced back to the center of the Bohai Sea and to waters between Feiyan Shoal and only to Zhuangxi tide station.However,none of the particles released in the middle and bottom water layers could be traced back to those areas.Based on the results of the numerical simulations,the distribution characteristics of seafl oor sediments,and observational data for giant jellyfi sh in the region,we suggest that waters between Feiyan Shoal and the new Huanghe River estuary are the likely origin of giant jellyfi sh observed near Qinhuangdao in summer. 展开更多
关键词 backward particle-tracking Bohai Sea Lagrangian method giant jellyfish numerical simulation
作者 LIU Chun-rong Huhe Aode TAO Long-bin 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2007年第2期173-179,共7页
Flow over a backward-facing step was studied to investigate the effect of large-scale vortex structures on sediment incipience. The transient flow velocity field at the downstream of the backward-facing step was obtai... Flow over a backward-facing step was studied to investigate the effect of large-scale vortex structures on sediment incipience. The transient flow velocity field at the downstream of the backward-facing step was obtained using the technique of Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). The optical amplification technique was employed to measure the instantaneous flow velocities near the bed and the instantaneous bed shear stress was given. The experimental observations revealed a new insight into the oscillation of the large-scale structure and the three-dimensional characteristics of the flow. In particular, very high turbulence intensity, instantaneous horizontal velocity near the bed and the bed shear stress near the reattachment point were observed. The sediment incipient probability obtained from the sequent images of sediment particles near the bed indicates that the critical instantaneous shear stress of the sediment incipience is independent of flow conditions. 展开更多
关键词 backward-facing step flow coherent structure sediment incipience particle tracking Velocimetry (PTV)
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