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山西晋中焦化基地多环芳烃排放对周边大田卷心菜的影响 被引量:5
作者 熊冠男 张云惠 +5 位作者 段永红 蔡传洋 王歆 李静雅 陶澍 刘文新 《生态毒理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期473-483,共11页
饮食摄入是多环芳烃(PAHs)人体暴露的主要途径之一,探究PAHs污染对农产品安全和人体健康的影响具有重要意义。山西晋中拥有大型焦化企业,也是北方重要的大田蔬菜种植基地,当地PAHs污染的特征和影响具有相当的典型性。研究选取修文工... 饮食摄入是多环芳烃(PAHs)人体暴露的主要途径之一,探究PAHs污染对农产品安全和人体健康的影响具有重要意义。山西晋中拥有大型焦化企业,也是北方重要的大田蔬菜种植基地,当地PAHs污染的特征和影响具有相当的典型性。研究选取修文工业基地周边的大田蔬菜基地作为研究区域,分别采集大气(含气相和颗粒相)、菜地表土和卷心菜菜心样品,确定各类样品中母体PAHs的浓度水平、组成比例和分布特征。结果表明,蔬菜基地周边大气中母体PAHs的平均浓度为301 ng·m-3。大气母体PAHs主要存在于气相,低环(2~3环)组分占据优势。利用同分异构体特征比值和主成分分析对大气PAHs进行初步源解析,炼焦、燃煤和生物质燃烧、以及交通尾气排放是当地PAHs的主要排放源。菜地表土母体PAHs的中位数浓度为236ng·g-1,范围为130~703 ng·g-1,以中、高环(4~6环)组分为主,菜地表土母体PAHs浓度与土壤总有机碳(TOC)分数呈现显著正相关关系。当地大田种植卷心菜菜心的PAHs中位数浓度为12.9 ng·g-1,范围为0.9~47.6 ng·g-1,低环组分所占比例最大,其组分谱分布与大气相似。偏相关分析显示周边大气PAHs对卷心菜菜心PAHs的传输贡献要大于表土PAHs。 展开更多
关键词 多环芳烃 卷心菜菜心 焦化基地 大气 表土 传输
作者 钟建伟 黄战卫 +5 位作者 刘环宇 岳渊洲 陈康林 高佳睿 付宇鑫 孙晟 《石油钻采工艺》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期258-266,共9页
长庆油田庆城页岩油单井产能高,原油平均气油比大,常规油气分输工艺难以适应地面集输需求,需要探索经济、节能的油气混输新工艺。同步回转混输装置是一种全新的动力增压设备,具有压缩机和输油泵的双重特性,但存在处理能力低、故障频发... 长庆油田庆城页岩油单井产能高,原油平均气油比大,常规油气分输工艺难以适应地面集输需求,需要探索经济、节能的油气混输新工艺。同步回转混输装置是一种全新的动力增压设备,具有压缩机和输油泵的双重特性,但存在处理能力低、故障频发的问题。对同步回转混输装置进行了技术改造:将装置减速机动力输出轴更改为双侧动力输出,主机布局调整为平面式组合结构,进出油管道安装增强纤维丝柔性软管;同时,对工艺配管进行了管径升级、均衡进液改造和连接方式优化,并配套了数据自动采集系统。在HH21等3座平台开展了现场试验,油井回压均控制在了1.0 MPa以内,回压最大降幅达到70%,常温集输半径延长了51%,伴生气回收率提高了73%,实现了对装置的远程操作和智能监控。改进后的同步回转混输装置适用于页岩油高气油比的油气混输,能够有效降低油井回压,缩短集输半径,提高伴生气回收率,该装置在页岩油高效开发过程中推广应用潜力巨大。 展开更多
关键词 页岩油 高气油比 油气混输 同步回转 伴生气 降回压 常温输送 集输半径
Effect of hole-transporting materials on the photovoltaic performance and stability of all-ambient-processed perovskite solar cells 被引量:1
作者 Nanaji Islavath S Saroja +4 位作者 K Srinivas Reddy P C Harikesh G Veerappan Shrikant V Joshi Easwaramoorthi Ramasamy 《Journal of Energy Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期584-591,共8页
High-efficiency perovskite solar cells(PSCs) reported hitherto have been mostly prepared in a moisture and oxygen-free glove-box atmosphere, which hampers upscaling and real-time performance assessment of this excit... High-efficiency perovskite solar cells(PSCs) reported hitherto have been mostly prepared in a moisture and oxygen-free glove-box atmosphere, which hampers upscaling and real-time performance assessment of this exciting photovoltaic technology. In this work, we have systematically studied the feasibility of allambient-processing of PSCs and evaluated their photovoltaic performance. It has been shown that phasepure crystalline tetragonal MAPbI;perovskite films are instantly formed in ambient air at room temperature by a two-step spin coating process, undermining the need for dry atmosphere and post-annealing.All-ambient-processed PSCs with a configuration of FTO/TiO;/MAPbI;/Spiro-OMeTAD/Au achieve opencircuit voltage(990 mV) and short-circuit current density(20.31 mA/cm;) comparable to those of best reported glove-box processed devices. Nevertheless, device power conversion efficiency is still constrained at 5% by the unusually low fill-factor of 0.25. Dark current–voltage characteristics reveal poor conductivity of hole-transporting layer caused by lack of oxidized spiro-OMe TAD species, resulting in high seriesresistance and decreased fill-factor. The study also establishes that the above limitations can be readily overcome by employing an inorganic p-type semiconductor, copper thiocyanate, as ambient-processable hole-transporting layer to yield a fill-factor of 0.54 and a power conversion efficiency of 7.19%. The present findings can have important implications in industrially viable fabrication of large-area PSCs. 展开更多
关键词 PEROVSKITE ambient processing Solar cell Hole transport Series resistance
Selective Laser Melting under Variable Ambient Pressure: A Mesoscopic Model and Transport Phenomena
作者 Renzhi Hu Manlelan Luo +10 位作者 Anguo Huang Jiamin Wu Qingsong Wei Shifeng Wen Lichao Zhang Yusheng Shi Dmitry Trushnikov V.Ya.Belenkiy I.Yu.Letyagin K.P.Karunakaran Shengyong Pang 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2021年第8期1157-1164,共8页
Recent reports on the selective laser melting(SLM)process under a vacuum or low ambient pressure have shown fewer defects and better surface quality of the as-printed products.Although the physical process of SLM in a... Recent reports on the selective laser melting(SLM)process under a vacuum or low ambient pressure have shown fewer defects and better surface quality of the as-printed products.Although the physical process of SLM in a vacuum has been investigated by high-speed imaging,the underlying mechanisms governing the heat transfer and molten flow are still not well understood.Herein,we first developed a mesoscopic model of SLM under variable ambient pressure based on our recent laser-welding studies.We simulated the transport phenomena of SLM 316L stainless steel powders under atmospheric and 100 Pa ambient pressure.For typical process parameters(laser power:200W;scanning speed:2m∙s^(-1);powder diameter:27 lm),the average surface temperature of the cavity approached 2800 K under atmospheric pressure,while it came close to 2300 K under 100 Pa pressure.More vigorous fluid flow(average speed:4m∙s^(-1))was observed under 100 Pa ambient pressure,because the pressure difference between the evaporation-induced surface pressure and the ambient pressure was relatively larger and drives the flow under lower pressure.It was also shown that there are periodical ripple flows(period:14ls)affecting the surface roughness of the as-printed track.Moreover,the molten flow was shown to be laminar because the Reynolds number is less than 400 and is far below the critical value of turbulence;thus,the viscous dissipation is significant.It was demonstrated that under a vacuum or lower ambient pressure,the ripple flow can be dissipated more easily by the viscous effect because the trajectory length of the ripple is longer;thus,the surface quality of the tracks is improved.To summarize,our model elucidates the physical mechanisms of the interesting transport phenomena that have been observed in independent experimental studies of the SLM process under variable ambient pressure,which could be a powerful tool for optimizing the SLM process in the future. 展开更多
关键词 Selective laser melting Mesoscopic model ambient pressure transport phenomena
作者 李岩 曹晴晴 周毅 《南京理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期824-835,共12页
为揭示双射流与环境流之间流动-化学反应耦合过程的标量输运机理,采用大涡模拟方法对具有二级非平衡基元反应(A+B→R)的双射流与环境流反应工况进行了研究,达姆科勒数Da为1且雷诺数为2000。首先通过对反应性单射流进行数值模拟,将平均... 为揭示双射流与环境流之间流动-化学反应耦合过程的标量输运机理,采用大涡模拟方法对具有二级非平衡基元反应(A+B→R)的双射流与环境流反应工况进行了研究,达姆科勒数Da为1且雷诺数为2000。首先通过对反应性单射流进行数值模拟,将平均流向速度和平均混合浓度分数等统计量与现有方法结果进行对比,验证了数值方法的准确性;其次,基于化学反应标量输运方程研究了反应性双射流流动-化学反应耦合过程中的标量输运和化学反应特性。结果表明:流场上游湍流/非湍流界面(T/NTI)附近存在1个急剧消耗环境流中反应物B的区域,T/NTI的卷吸过程深刻影响着化学反应;化学反应主要发生在流场上游,T/NTI附近某一时刻产物R的非稳态变化几乎由化学反应产生和对流输运过程决定,而流场下游湍流区域某一时刻产物R的非稳态变化主要取决于对流作用;统计平均下,在6<x/d<20范围内,流场流向对流作用和法向对流作用对产物R的输运收支平衡。 展开更多
关键词 双平行平面射流 环境流 基元反应 大涡模拟方法 标量输运方程 湍流 计算流体力学 对流输运过程
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