Work for letters from and calls by the people is the bridge and link for the Party and Government to understand timely people’s ideas,solve sociey contradictory,improve work style,and maintain close links with the ma...Work for letters from and calls by the people is the bridge and link for the Party and Government to understand timely people’s ideas,solve sociey contradictory,improve work style,and maintain close links with the masses.But recently,right for letters from and calls by the people appears the trend of abuse,some people break the regulation and appeal abnormally to the higher autorities for help,which affects seriously the image of our country and nation,interferes normal work order,life order and social order,affects the social harmony and stability.So it is a problem faced by the Party Committee of all levels to prevent and decrease effectively abnormal appealing to the higher authorities for help.展开更多
文摘Work for letters from and calls by the people is the bridge and link for the Party and Government to understand timely people’s ideas,solve sociey contradictory,improve work style,and maintain close links with the masses.But recently,right for letters from and calls by the people appears the trend of abuse,some people break the regulation and appeal abnormally to the higher autorities for help,which affects seriously the image of our country and nation,interferes normal work order,life order and social order,affects the social harmony and stability.So it is a problem faced by the Party Committee of all levels to prevent and decrease effectively abnormal appealing to the higher authorities for help.