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语用翻译:语用学理论在翻译中的应用 被引量:461
作者 张新红 何自然 《现代外语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第3期285-293,共9页
本文主要讨论语用学理论对翻译研究的理论输出、启发以及语用翻译的实际应用。文章首先根据认知语用学的关联理论提出翻译的本质是个双重示意-推理的交际过程,该交际过程是原文作者、译者和译文读者等三类交际主体之间的互动,因此翻译... 本文主要讨论语用学理论对翻译研究的理论输出、启发以及语用翻译的实际应用。文章首先根据认知语用学的关联理论提出翻译的本质是个双重示意-推理的交际过程,该交际过程是原文作者、译者和译文读者等三类交际主体之间的互动,因此翻译的语用观实际上是个动态的三元翻译观。本文把翻译活动看作是语用学的研究对象和练兵场。从另外一个角度来看,语用学理论的有效性在翻译领域里也可以得到检验。本文还尝试着把语用学关于规约意义、含意、礼貌、指示语等领域的研究成果应用于解决翻译实践中的文化、语用类问题,在此基础上文章最后提出,翻译的主要目的是追求“信”,而达到译文对原文忠实的手段不必追求千篇一律,决定翻译手段和策略的最主要参照标准应当是译者对译文读者的接受环境和译入语语言文化环境的正确评估和认识,对源语和译入语之间差异的评估。 展开更多
关键词 语用翻译 语用学理论 译入语 译文读者 交际过程 译者 原文 含意 交际主体 认知语用学
东西方文化对比小议 被引量:111
作者 顾江禾 《太原重型机械学院学报》 2001年第4期279-282,共4页
在外语教学中我们时时都会遇到两种语言文化相同、相悖或相近之处。如果在教学过程中不注意研究和分析东西方文化 ,就达不到学习语言的目标和要求 ,以交际为目的外语学习就会误入歧途。本文通过对不同的文化交际方式 ,不同的教育理念和... 在外语教学中我们时时都会遇到两种语言文化相同、相悖或相近之处。如果在教学过程中不注意研究和分析东西方文化 ,就达不到学习语言的目标和要求 ,以交际为目的外语学习就会误入歧途。本文通过对不同的文化交际方式 ,不同的教育理念和不同的审美观这三方面的探讨 ,力图揭示不同文化之间的相同点和相异点 ,通过文化对比 ,发掘文化差异和文化冲突的根源 ,总结出规律性的特点。从而达到排除文化干扰 ,创造跨文化交际的共同基础 ,以实现顺利。 展开更多
关键词 东西方文化 外语教学 文化交际 教育理念 审美观
继电保护状态检修的实用化尝试 被引量:68
作者 韩平 赵勇 +4 位作者 李晓朋 石光 王洪涛 包伟 李健 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第19期92-95,117,共5页
分析了继电保护状态检修及状态监测的现状及技术难点,介绍了在继电保护状态检修实用化方面进行的一些尝试。提出实现继电保护状态检修的三个要素:一是充分获取设备状态信息,特别是采用比对法对交流电压、电流的采集通道以及二次回路实... 分析了继电保护状态检修及状态监测的现状及技术难点,介绍了在继电保护状态检修实用化方面进行的一些尝试。提出实现继电保护状态检修的三个要素:一是充分获取设备状态信息,特别是采用比对法对交流电压、电流的采集通道以及二次回路实现状态监测;二是采用远程传动技术,解决了对继电保护出口部分以及断路器执行部分的状态监测的难题;三是以省级电网为单位广泛收集继电保护装置家族性缺陷信息。由此设计了省级电网实现继电保护状态检修的体系结构,并且分别在一个110kV常规变电站和一个110kV数字化变电站进行了工程应用。 展开更多
关键词 继电保护 状态检修 比对法 状态信息 远程传动 在线监测
英汉语中与“吃”有关的隐喻比较 被引量:52
作者 杨春生 《外语与外语教学》 北大核心 2004年第12期46-48,共3页
本文利用Hutchins的命题结构理论对英汉两种语言中与“吃”有关的隐喻进行对比分析。在英汉两种语言中都有不少与“吃”有关的隐喻,它们既有相同之处,又有很大差别。这不仅反映了“吃”这一人类生存的基本行为与文化的共同关系,同时... 本文利用Hutchins的命题结构理论对英汉两种语言中与“吃”有关的隐喻进行对比分析。在英汉两种语言中都有不少与“吃”有关的隐喻,它们既有相同之处,又有很大差别。这不仅反映了“吃”这一人类生存的基本行为与文化的共同关系,同时也反映了它在不同文化中的不同地位,反映了文化、隐喻及语言之间的密切关系。 展开更多
关键词 “吃” 隐喻 文化差异 对比
中巴地球资源一号卫星多光谱扫描图象质量评价 被引量:49
作者 张霞 张兵 +2 位作者 赵永超 童庆禧 郑兰芬 《中国图象图形学报(A辑)》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期581-586,共6页
基于中国资源卫星应用中心提供的中巴地球资源一号卫星红外多光谱扫描仪 (IRMSS) 4个波段零级图象数据 ,首先综合运用各种有效方法进行了图象预处理 (包括错位纠正、辐射校正、去噪声、清晰化、几何精校正等 ) ,然后在此基础上选择图象... 基于中国资源卫星应用中心提供的中巴地球资源一号卫星红外多光谱扫描仪 (IRMSS) 4个波段零级图象数据 ,首先综合运用各种有效方法进行了图象预处理 (包括错位纠正、辐射校正、去噪声、清晰化、几何精校正等 ) ,然后在此基础上选择图象信噪比、地面分解力、清晰度、辐射精度、反差等 5个指标对图象进行了全面的质量评价 .研究分析表明 ,中巴地球资源一号卫星IRMSS图象某些波段的清晰度和反差稍好于TM ,但在图象信噪比、地面分解力、清晰度等方面与TM相比尚有差距 ;通过图象灰度平衡、清晰化和数据融合等处理 ,中巴地球资源一号卫星IRMSS数据仍有很大的图象改善空间 ,并在国土资源调查、城市规划等诸多领域有着广阔的应用前景 . 展开更多
关键词 多光谱扫描图象 质量评价 中巴地球资源一号卫星 IRMSS 地面分解力 清晰度 信噪比 反差 辐射精度 遥感图像
基于小波变换和直方图均衡的红外图像增强 被引量:54
作者 尹士畅 喻松林 《激光与红外》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期225-228,共4页
基于红外图像低分辨率、低对比度、视觉特性差的特性,以及传统的利用直方图均衡化进行红外图像增强的方法会丢失图像的细节信息、增强红外图像的噪声的特性,将小波变换的多尺度、多分辨率的特点和直方图均衡化的方法相结合,提出一种更... 基于红外图像低分辨率、低对比度、视觉特性差的特性,以及传统的利用直方图均衡化进行红外图像增强的方法会丢失图像的细节信息、增强红外图像的噪声的特性,将小波变换的多尺度、多分辨率的特点和直方图均衡化的方法相结合,提出一种更好的实现红外图像增强的算法。并将该算法在Matlab上进行了仿真验证。 展开更多
关键词 红外 图像增强 小波变换 直方图均衡化 对比度
中亚蛇绿岩带研究进展及区域构造连接 被引量:46
作者 何国琦 李茂松 《新疆地质》 CAS CSCD 2000年第3期193-202,共10页
中亚地区分布着数十条不同时代和不同性质的蛇绿岩带,这些形成于早古生代或新元古代的蛇绿岩带由于受后期构造变动的强破坏,只在极少数地点保存良好。尽管出露分散,确定其时代和性质有一定困难,但其仍具极其重要的构造单元划分、对... 中亚地区分布着数十条不同时代和不同性质的蛇绿岩带,这些形成于早古生代或新元古代的蛇绿岩带由于受后期构造变动的强破坏,只在极少数地点保存良好。尽管出露分散,确定其时代和性质有一定困难,但其仍具极其重要的构造单元划分、对比和连接意义。在对比和讨论蛇绿岩带的连接时,应以微体化石给出的信息为主,同时参考蛇绿岩下部组分的同位素年代学数据。讨论了新疆东北部邻区和西部邻区蛇绿岩带的时代和性质,以及这些蛇绿岩带的对比和连接、新疆与境外构造带连接问题。 展开更多
关键词 中亚 蛇绿岩带 构造带 对比 连接
红外成像探测系统作用距离分析方法研究 被引量:38
作者 邢强林 黄惠明 +1 位作者 熊仁生 于涛 《光子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第7期893-896,共4页
根据视频跟踪测量技术工程实践中 ,可靠跟踪测量对目标在探测器靶面上的成像尺寸、照度及对比度的要求 ,综合考虑背景辐射和目标成像弥散的影响 ,对原有红外探测系统作用距离计算公式进行了改进 ,给出了适用于红外焦平面成像探测系统的... 根据视频跟踪测量技术工程实践中 ,可靠跟踪测量对目标在探测器靶面上的成像尺寸、照度及对比度的要求 ,综合考虑背景辐射和目标成像弥散的影响 ,对原有红外探测系统作用距离计算公式进行了改进 ,给出了适用于红外焦平面成像探测系统的新的作用距离分析方法 ,并针对水平观测、非水平穿越大气层观测等应用条件推导了具体的计算公式 文中通过应用示例进行了比较分析 。 展开更多
关键词 红外成像探测 作用距离 成像尺寸 照度 对比度
MR with Gd-EOB-DTPA in assessment of liver nodules in cirrhotic patients 被引量:44
作者 Riccardo Inchingolo Riccardo Faletti +4 位作者 Luigi Grazioli Eleonora Tricarico Marco Gatti Anna Pecorelli Davide Ippolito 《World Journal of Hepatology》 CAS 2018年第7期462-473,共12页
To date the imaging diagnosis of liver lesions is based mainly on the identification of vascular features, which are typical of overt hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), but the hepatocarcinogenesis is a complex and multis... To date the imaging diagnosis of liver lesions is based mainly on the identification of vascular features, which are typical of overt hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC), but the hepatocarcinogenesis is a complex and multistep event during which, a spectrum of nodules develop within the liver parenchyma, including benign small and large regenerative nodule(RN), low-grade dysplastic nodule(LGDN), high-grade dysplastic nodule(HGDN), early HCC, and well differentiated HCC. These nodules may be characterised not only on the basis of their respective different blood supplies, but also on their different hepatocyte function. Recently, in liver imaging the introduction of hepatobiliary magnetic resonance imaging contrast agent offered the clinicians the possibility to obtain, at once, information not only related to the vascular changes of liver nodules but also information on hepatocyte function. For this reasons this new approach becomes the most relevant diagnostic clue for differentiating low-risk nodules(LGDN-RN) from highrisk nodules(HGDN/early HCC or overt HCC) and consequently new diagnostic algorithms for HCC have been proposed. The use of hepatobiliary contrast agents is constantly increasing and gradually changing the standard of diagnosis of HCC. The main purpose of this review is to underline the added value of Gd-EOB-DTPA in early-stage diagnoses of HCC. We also analyse the guidelines for the diagnosis and management of HCC, the key concepts of HCC development, growth and spread and the imaging appearance of precursor nodules that eventually may transform into overt HCC. 展开更多
关键词 HEPATOBILIARY contrast materials CIRRHOSIS Gadoxetic acid Magnetic resonance imaging LIVER
同步辐射硬x射线衍射增强成像新进展 被引量:40
作者 黄万霞 袁清习 +3 位作者 田玉莲 朱佩平 姜晓明 王寯越 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期677-681,共5页
对于相位衬度成像的实验方法研究及其在医学、材料等领域的应用研究已成为国际上研究的热点 .衍射增强成像方法 (DEI)作为其中的一种方法通过测量相位衬度的一阶导数而成像 .在北京同步辐射装置 (BSRF) 4W1A束线上 ,对衍射增强成像方法... 对于相位衬度成像的实验方法研究及其在医学、材料等领域的应用研究已成为国际上研究的热点 .衍射增强成像方法 (DEI)作为其中的一种方法通过测量相位衬度的一阶导数而成像 .在北京同步辐射装置 (BSRF) 4W1A束线上 ,对衍射增强成像方法进行了研究 ,并对一系列生物医学样品及材料样品成像 ,得到了非常清晰的相位衬度图像 . 展开更多
关键词 成像方法 生物医学 新进展 一阶导数 BSRF 增强 研究 衍射 北京同步辐射装置 相位
Contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound in discrimination between focal pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer 被引量:43
作者 Michael Hocke Ewald Schulze +2 位作者 Peter Gottschalk Theodor Topalidis Christoph F Dietrich 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期246-250,共5页
AIM: To evaluate the contrast-enhanced endosonography as a method of differentiating inflammation from pancreatic carcinoma based on perfusion characteristics of microvessels. METHODS: In 86 patients with suspected ... AIM: To evaluate the contrast-enhanced endosonography as a method of differentiating inflammation from pancreatic carcinoma based on perfusion characteristics of microvessels. METHODS: In 86 patients with suspected chronic pancreatitis (age: 62± 12 years; sex: f/m 38/48), pancreatic lesions were examined by conventional endo- scopic B-mode, power Doppler ultrasound and contrastenhanced power mode (Hitachi EUB 525, SonoVue, 2.4 mL, Bracco) using the following criteria for malignant lesions: no detectable vascularisation using conventional power Doppler scanning, irregular appearance of arterial vessels over a short distance using SonoVue contrastenhanced technique and no detectable venous vessels inside the lesion. A malignant lesion was assumed if all criteria were detectable [gold standard endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided fine needle aspiration cytology, operation]. The criteria of chronic pancreatitis without neoplasia were defined as no detectable vascularisation before injection of SonoVue, regular appearance of vessels over a distance of at least 20 mm after injection of SonoVue and detection of arterial and venous vessels. RESULTS: The sensitivity and specifidty of conventional EUS were 73.2% and 83.3% respectively for pancreatic cancer. The sensitivity of contrast-enhanced EUS increased to 91.1% in 51 of 56 patients with malignant pancreatic lesion and the specificity increased to 93.3% in 28 of 30 patients with chronic inflammatory pancreatic disease.CONCLUSION: Contrast-enhanced endoscopic ultrasound improves the differentiation between chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic carcinoma. 展开更多
关键词 Endoscopic ultrasound contrast enhancer Chronic pancreatitis Pancreatic cancer
融合同态滤波和小波变换的图像去雾算法研究 被引量:43
作者 董静薇 赵春丽 海博 《哈尔滨理工大学学报》 CAS 北大核心 2019年第1期66-70,共5页
针对雾天时图像退化严重,对比度低的问题,提出了一种改进算法。从时频分析的角度出发,将同态滤波算法中的傅立叶变换用快速小波变换代替,然后在变换域内用改进的滤波器对小波系数进行处理,从而达到增强雾天降质图像的目的。实验结果表明... 针对雾天时图像退化严重,对比度低的问题,提出了一种改进算法。从时频分析的角度出发,将同态滤波算法中的傅立叶变换用快速小波变换代替,然后在变换域内用改进的滤波器对小波系数进行处理,从而达到增强雾天降质图像的目的。实验结果表明,改进算法能够有效校正雾天图像光照,保持图像原有信息不丢失,增强图像的对比度,使处理后的图像更具有可视性。 展开更多
关键词 同态滤波 小波变换 图像增强 对比度
Possible Impacts of the Arctic Oscillation on the Interdecadal Variation of Summer Monsoon Rainfall in East Asia 被引量:40
作者 琚建华 吕俊梅 +1 位作者 曹杰 任菊章 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第1期39-48,共10页
The influences of the wintertime AO (Arctic Oscillation) on the interdecadal variation of summer monsoon rainfall in East Asia were examined. An interdecadal abrupt change was found by the end of the 1970s in the vari... The influences of the wintertime AO (Arctic Oscillation) on the interdecadal variation of summer monsoon rainfall in East Asia were examined. An interdecadal abrupt change was found by the end of the 1970s in the variation of the AO index and the leading principal component time series of the summer rainfall in East Asia. The rainfall anomaly changed from below normal to above normal in central China, the southern part of northeastern China and the Korean peninsula around 1978. However, the opposite interdecadal variation was found in the rainfall anomaly in North China and South China. The interdecadal variation of summer rainfall is associated with the weakening of the East Asia summer monsoon circulation. It is indicated that the interdecadal variation of the AO exerts an influence on the weakening of the monsoon circulation. The recent trend in the AO toward its high-index polarity during the past two decades plays important roles in the land-sea contrast anomalies and wintertime precipitation anomaly. The mid- and high-latitude regions of the Asian continent are warming, while the low-latitude regions are cooling in winter and spring along with the AO entering its high-index polarity after the late 1970s. In the meantime, the precipitation over the Tibetan Plateau and South China is excessive, implying an increase of soil moisture. The cooling tendency of the land in the southern part of Asia will persist until summer because of the memory of soil moisture. So the warming of the Asian continent is relatively slow in summer. Moreover, the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean, which are located southward and eastward of the Asian land, are warming from winter to summer. This suggests that the contrast between the land and sea is decreased in summer. The interdecadal decrease of the land-sea heat contrast finally leads to the weakening of the East Asia summer monsoon circulation. 展开更多
关键词 the Arctic Oscillation interdecadal variation summer monsoon rainfall land-sea heat contrast
几种低空遥感系统对比分析 被引量:42
作者 竹林村 胡开全 《城市勘测》 2009年第3期65-67,共3页
关键词 低空遥感 分析 比较
影视旅游研究:一个应有的深度学术关照——20年来国内外影视旅游文献综述 被引量:40
作者 郭文 黄震方 王丽 《旅游学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第10期85-94,共10页
本文通过对20年(1989~2008)来国内外影视旅游文献资料的梳理,发现学界对影视旅游的研究主要集中在影视旅游的形成因素、功能、开发模式、营销、存在问题及对策等方面。对影视旅游研究成果基本上处于初级描述状态,大量文献是一般性"... 本文通过对20年(1989~2008)来国内外影视旅游文献资料的梳理,发现学界对影视旅游的研究主要集中在影视旅游的形成因素、功能、开发模式、营销、存在问题及对策等方面。对影视旅游研究成果基本上处于初级描述状态,大量文献是一般性"影响研究",深层次的研究较为薄弱;在方法上,定性研究明显多于定量研究。本文认为,随着影视旅游的发展和人们对旅游需求层次的不断提高,影视旅游发展方式和趋势将呈现多元化特征,内容营造和游客参与将凸显主题性和动态性,影视旅游的功能价值将在实践中不断扩展。我国影视旅游研究应该在学术关照上提升水平,今后更应该注重影视旅游与影视文化产业之间的关联度、影视旅游发展对吸引游客之间关联度及影视旅游的开发模式等方面的研究。本文成果对影视旅游研究脉络的把握和推动影视旅游及其产业的健康发展有一定的启示。 展开更多
关键词 影视旅游 国内外 综述 对比 展望
Plasma-assisted fabrication of monolayer phosphorene and its Raman characterization 被引量:40
作者 Wanglin Lu Haiyan Nan +7 位作者 Jinhua Hong Yuming Chen Chen Zhu Zheng Liang Xiangyang Ma Zhenhua Ni Chuanhong Jin Ze Zhang 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第6期853-859,共7页
There have been continuous efforts to seek novel functional two-dimensional semiconductors with high performance for future applications in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. In this work, we introduce a successful ... There have been continuous efforts to seek novel functional two-dimensional semiconductors with high performance for future applications in nanoelectronics and optoelectronics. In this work, we introduce a successful experimental approach to fabricate monolayer phosphorene by mechanical cleavage and a subsequent Ar* plasma thinning process. The thickness of phosphorene is unambiguously determined by optical contrast spectra combined with atomic force microscopy (AFM). Raman spectroscopy is used to characterize the pristine and plasma-treated samples. The Raman frequency of the A2g mode stiffens, and the intensity ratio of A2g to Alg modes shows a monotonic discrete increase with the decrease of phosphorene thickness down to a monolayer. All those phenomena can be used to identify the thickness of this novel two-dimensional semiconductor. This work on monolayer phosphorene fabrication and thickness determination will facilitate future research on phosphorene. 展开更多
关键词 Mechanical cleavage monolayer phosphorene two-dimensionalsemiconductor plasma thinning optical contrast Raman spectroscopy
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound for detection and diagnosis of renal clear cell carcinoma 被引量:38
作者 DONG Xiao-qiu SHEN Yi +3 位作者 XU Li-wei XU Chun-mei BI Wei WANG Xiao-min 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第10期1179-1183,共5页
Background Renal clear cell carcinoma (RCCC) is the most common malignant renal tumor. It is highly malignant, does not cause clinical symptoms in its early stages, and cannot be diagnosed using conventional ultraso... Background Renal clear cell carcinoma (RCCC) is the most common malignant renal tumor. It is highly malignant, does not cause clinical symptoms in its early stages, and cannot be diagnosed using conventional ultrasound. This study was aimed to investigate the contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) mode and characteristics of the time-intensity curve for RCCC and its pathological basis. Methods Forty-two patients with pathologically diagnosed RCCC underwent CEUS examination before surgery. The patients' kidneys were visualized after injection of contrast agents using the Technos MPX DU8. We analyzed the CEUS mode, time-intensity curve, and pathological findings. Results The detection rate of RCCC with conventional ultrasound was about 71%, while the rate using CEUS was 100%. Larger tumors (33 cases) showed non-uniform enhancement with defective filling. CEUS modes were divided into 4 types: type Ⅰ, "quick in and out" (26.19%, 11/42); type Ⅱ, "quick in and slow out" (40.48%, 17/42); type Ⅲ, "Simultaneous in and out" (16.67%, 7/42); and type Ⅳ "slow in and out" (16.67%, 7/42). All types had a close correlation to the pathological basis. Time-intensity curve of CEUS consisted of 3 phases, the perfusion phase, regression phase, and lag phase. Cases of types Ⅰ and Ⅲ only had a perfusion and regression phase, those of type Ⅱ and Ⅳ had a perfusion phase, regression phase, and lag phase. Quantitative analysis of the time-intensity curve showed that the time-to-peak (FTP) of the lesions was shorter than that of normal renal parenchyma (P 〈0.0001), the mean value of the up slope rate of the absolute value of lesions was higher than that of the ipsilateral normal renal parenchyma (P 〈0.0001), and that the mean value of descent slope rate of the absolute value of lesions was lower than that of the ipsilateral normal renal parenchyma (P 〈0.0001). Conclusions CEUS is useful in detecting small vessels in tumors. Although there are several differen 展开更多
关键词 ULTRASOUND contrast carcinoma renal cell PATHOLOGY
Role of transvaginal contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the early diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma 被引量:37
作者 Liu Ying Tian Jia-wei +1 位作者 Xu Yi Cheng Wen 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第3期416-421,共6页
Background Endometrial carcinoma is one of the most common gynecological malignancies among women.Early diagnosis and correct preoperative evaluation of myometrial invasion are necessary to improve the prognosis.This ... Background Endometrial carcinoma is one of the most common gynecological malignancies among women.Early diagnosis and correct preoperative evaluation of myometrial invasion are necessary to improve the prognosis.This study aimed to determine whether features and time-intensity curves (TIC) of transvaginal contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) differ from those of conventional ultrasound for endometrial carcinoma,and to further explore the clinical role of transvaginal CEUS in the early diagnosis of endometrial carcinoma.Methods Forty women with a normal uterus and seventy-nine patients with endometrial carcinoma were examinedby the transvaginal CEUS with SonoVue (Bracco,Imaging B.V,Switzerland).The enhancement patterns and TIC of lesions were analyzed.The results of CEUS were compared with those of conventional ultrasound and pathology.Results In the early and late enhanced stages,the intensity of enhancement of the normal endometrium was always lower than that in the myometrium,and the boundary between normal endometrium and myometrium was clear.A total of 65.8% (52/79) of lesions presented with inhomogeneous enhancement,34.2% (27/79) presented with homogeneous enhancement; 60.8% (48/79) presented with hyperechoic enhancement,27.8% (22/79) presented with isoechoic enhancement,and 11.4% (9/79) presented with hypoechoic enhancement.The average arrival time,time to peak,rise time,half-wash out time of lesions were shorter than of normal endometrium (P 〈0.05).The average peak intensity,relative rise in intensity,half-wash out intensity of lesions were higher than of normal endometrium (P〈0.05).There were 49 (must be and may be present) cases of endometrial carcinoma by ultrasound (US); 24 cases were consistent with pathology results,16 cases were underestimated and 9 cases were overestimated.There were 72 (must be and may be present) cases of endometrial carcinoma by CEUS; 53 cases were consistent with pathology results,12 cases were underestimated and 7 cases we 展开更多
关键词 endometrial carcinoma TRANSVAGINAL contrast ULTRASOUND DIAGNOSIS
中美临床护理工作比较 被引量:36
作者 王社芬 《实用护理杂志》 北大核心 2002年第4期75-76,共2页
关键词 中美 临床护理 比较
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound in the diagnosis of nodules in liver cirrhosis 被引量:36
作者 Tae Kyoung Kim Hyun-Jung 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2014年第13期3590-3596,共7页
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS)using microbubble contrast agents are useful for the diagnosis of the nodules in liver cirrhosis.CEUS can be used as a problem-solving method for indeterminate nodules on computed tom... Contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS)using microbubble contrast agents are useful for the diagnosis of the nodules in liver cirrhosis.CEUS can be used as a problem-solving method for indeterminate nodules on computed tomography(CT)or magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)or as an initial diagnostic test for small newly detected liver nodules.CEUS has unique advantages over CT and MRI including no renal excretion of contrast,real-time imaging capability,and purely intravascular contrast.Hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC)is characterized by arterial-phase hypervascularity and later washout(negative enhancement).Benign nodules such as regenerative nodules or dysplastic nodules are usually isoechoic or slightly hypoechoic in the arterial phase and isoechoic in the late phase.However,there are occasional HCC lesions with atypical enhancement including hypovascular HCC and hypervascular HCC without washout.Cholangiocarcinomas are infrequently detected during HCC surveillance and mostly show rimlike or diffuse hypervascularity followed by rapid washout.Hemangiomas are often found at HCC surveillance and are easily diagnosed by CEUS.CEUS can be effectively used in the diagnostic work-up of small nodules detected at HCC surveillance.CEUS is also useful to differentiate malignant and benign venous thrombosis and to guide and monitor the local ablation therapy for HCC. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Liver cirrhosis Dysplastic nodule contrast ultrasound IMAGING
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