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作者 荆琳琳 《西部学刊》 2024年第21期65-68,共4页
明朝末期,在多重因素的影响下,佛教除净土宗与禅宗外其他宗派每况愈下,诸宗派为求复兴,以融会净土宗与禅宗修行的方式,弥补世俗化的缺陷。作为僧人的袾宏深受儒家思想的影响,《往生集》从男女尊卑、有限与终极两个方面体现出他的男女尊... 明朝末期,在多重因素的影响下,佛教除净土宗与禅宗外其他宗派每况愈下,诸宗派为求复兴,以融会净土宗与禅宗修行的方式,弥补世俗化的缺陷。作为僧人的袾宏深受儒家思想的影响,《往生集》从男女尊卑、有限与终极两个方面体现出他的男女尊卑观;从师道尊严、始于事亲两个方面体现出他的忠孝观;从佛性论与性善论、“信愿行”与“知行合一”两个方面体现出他的佛儒思想融合。袾宏在书中展现出的融合思想,皆是在为佛教于汉地的传播提供合理性上的护卫。他认为无论是在儒家或佛教的观念中,众生无论男女贵贱在解脱权利上皆为平等,只是智慧程度不同,并且人人都需要教育。 展开更多
关键词 佛教 云栖袾宏 《往生集》 儒家思想 文化融合
"Who Is Reciting the Name of the Buddha?" as Gongan in Chinese Chan Buddhism
作者 Morten Schlutter 《Frontiers of History in China》 2013年第3期366-388,共23页
Chart Buddhism's ambivalent relationship with language and literature is perhaps most starkly seen in its practice of gongan meditation. This practice was first instituted by the famous Linji master Dahui and involve... Chart Buddhism's ambivalent relationship with language and literature is perhaps most starkly seen in its practice of gongan meditation. This practice was first instituted by the famous Linji master Dahui and involves an intense meditational focus on the "punch line" (huatou) of what is typically a story about an ancient Chan master or an enigmatic question like "why did [the legendary founder of Chan] Bodhidharrna come from the West?" In the Ming dynasty, a new gongan became widely used in Chart meditation: the phrase "who is reciting the name of the Buddha?" This was a reference to the widespread practice of chanting homage to the Buddha Amitgbha in hope of getting reborn into his paradise. In using this new gongan, Chan seemingly embraced oral practice in an unprecedented move and appeared to combine the other-power of Amitgbha worship with the self-power of Chan meditation. Scholars have struggled to understand this development, and several have dismissed it as an example of the degeneration of Chan and its later pandering to lay people. I argue that the development of this gongan can best be seen as an attempt to reframe the practice of Buddha-recitation in a Chan meditative framework; and further explore the rationale for the practice as given by the influential Buddhist thinker Yunqi Zhuhong, who was a staunch advocate of Buddha-recitation. 展开更多
关键词 Dahui Zonggao SONG huatou nianfo yunqi zhuhong
Do Not Say That You Have Forgotten King and Father: Yunqi Zhuhong's Chan Realism
作者 Matthew Wilhite 《Frontiers of History in China》 2013年第3期389-405,共17页
This essay examines the late Ming-dynasty Chan master Yunqi Zhuhong's commentary on the Brahma Net Sutra (Fanwangjing), which it takes up in order to explore his discourse concerning both Chan realism and his ensui... This essay examines the late Ming-dynasty Chan master Yunqi Zhuhong's commentary on the Brahma Net Sutra (Fanwangjing), which it takes up in order to explore his discourse concerning both Chan realism and his ensuing rejection of mainstream Chan gongan rhetoric. The Brahma Net Sutra contains a list of major and minor precepts governing proper morality for monastic and lay Buddhists. Zhuhong's interpretation of the Twenty-First Minor Precept, which prohibits revenge, offers insight into his sense of political realism regarding the relationship between gradual teachings, provisional truths, and ultimate truth. His interpretation of the Tenth Minor Precept, which prohibits storing weapons, demonstrates his moral realism in contrast to Chan's traditional use of pedagogical violence. Zhuhong's realist discourse, influenced by the teachings of the Buddhist Vinaya as well as by engagement with Confucian ethics, presents an overlooked counter-narrative shift that contrasts with the emphasis on sudden enlightenment and antinomianism in Chan gongan discourse typical of the Tang and Song dynasties. 展开更多
关键词 yunqi zhuhong Ming Brahma Net Sutra Chan realism gongan
从扞格到融通:《坛经》禅净关系再探析 --以云栖祩宏的辩讹为中心
作者 黄越泓 《阴山学刊》 2020年第6期48-53,共6页
《坛经》中记载惠能对于净土的说法并非错讹,而是延续了早期禅宗祖师对“西方净土”的看法。明代高僧云栖蘟宏关于《坛经》中“西方净土”的记载为讹误的观点,乃是站在禅净合流立场下进行的回溯,目的在于扫除早期禅宗经典对于净土信仰... 《坛经》中记载惠能对于净土的说法并非错讹,而是延续了早期禅宗祖师对“西方净土”的看法。明代高僧云栖蘟宏关于《坛经》中“西方净土”的记载为讹误的观点,乃是站在禅净合流立场下进行的回溯,目的在于扫除早期禅宗经典对于净土信仰所造成的负面影响。通过对不同版本《坛经》的比较分析,以及北宗禅经典、唯识宗经典的义理分析,也证实了一直以来存在着对“西方净土”的多种理解方式,故而不能认为不符合禅净合流思想的记载就是讹误。 展开更多
关键词 《坛经》 禅宗 西方净土 云栖祩宏
作者 王镱苏 《绍兴文理学院学报》 2022年第9期52-58,共7页
具有明确宗旨和特定仪轨的佛教放生法会起始于隋朝。隋唐两宋时期,由天台宗僧人开创并完善的放生法会以授三归戒、称宝胜如来十号、宣讲十二因缘法为核心仪节;由帝王名臣主导的放生法会以宣读放生疏文、朝拜恭祝皇帝圣寿为核心仪节。到... 具有明确宗旨和特定仪轨的佛教放生法会起始于隋朝。隋唐两宋时期,由天台宗僧人开创并完善的放生法会以授三归戒、称宝胜如来十号、宣讲十二因缘法为核心仪节;由帝王名臣主导的放生法会以宣读放生疏文、朝拜恭祝皇帝圣寿为核心仪节。到晚明时,放生法会的精神领袖已由帝王名臣转移到净土宗师云栖祩宏身上,并由屠隆、虞淳熙、董其昌、陶望龄、陶奭龄等吴越士人以整合儒释道耶四教思资、融合日常修行与特殊仪轨,借审丑诗风宣扬善恶观念等行为共同促成吴越地区佛教放生文化之新变。 展开更多
关键词 晚明 吴越地区佛教 放生 云栖祩宏
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