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从旱生植物叶结构探讨其生态适应的多样性 被引量:122
作者 王勋陵 马骥 《生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第6期787-792,共6页
以西北地区62种旱生植物的叶器官为研究对象,通过切片显微观察、生物学统计及模糊数学分析,探讨旱生植物生态适应的多样性,获得如下结果:①旱生植物依叶肉组成和细胞排列可划分为正常型、双栅型、环栅型、全栅型、不规则型、折迭... 以西北地区62种旱生植物的叶器官为研究对象,通过切片显微观察、生物学统计及模糊数学分析,探讨旱生植物生态适应的多样性,获得如下结果:①旱生植物依叶肉组成和细胞排列可划分为正常型、双栅型、环栅型、全栅型、不规则型、折迭型和无叶肉型; ②叶肉类型的演化是以正常型 与不规则型两条路线呈树枝状发展。演化较原始的偏向于中生,演化层次较高的更具适应旱生环境的能力;③旱生植物的叶肉类型与生活型具有相关性,与环境具有显著的相关性;④从模糊数学分析所获树状图看,叶性状可作为旱生植物分类的重要依据。将旱生植物的一级分类分为多浆与少浆两类是正确的;⑤旱生植物适应环境有两大趋势,即结构性状的趋同性与趋异性;⑥旱生植物适应环境胁迫有多种对策,常见有保护型、节约型、忍耐型、强壮型、逃避型等。 展开更多
关键词 旱生植物 叶结构 生态适应 多样性
几种旱生植物碳水化合物和蛋白质变化的研究 被引量:55
作者 魏良民 《干旱区研究》 CSCD 北大核心 1991年第4期38-41,共4页
干旱对植物的形态,解剖结构以及物质代谢都有很大影响。在同样的干旱胁迫下,抗旱能力不同的植物的物质代谢受到的影响是不同的。研究干旱对植物物质代谢的影响,对认识植物的抗旱机制,以及比较不同植物抗旱能力的强弱,选育抗旱性强的植... 干旱对植物的形态,解剖结构以及物质代谢都有很大影响。在同样的干旱胁迫下,抗旱能力不同的植物的物质代谢受到的影响是不同的。研究干旱对植物物质代谢的影响,对认识植物的抗旱机制,以及比较不同植物抗旱能力的强弱,选育抗旱性强的植物固沙造林都有意义。植物最基本的有机物质代谢是碳水化合物和蛋白质代谢。本文对几种旱生植物在干旱条件下体内淀粉,可溶性糖和蛋白质的变化进行了测定和研究。 展开更多
关键词 旱生植物 碳水化合物 蛋白
松嫩草地五种耐盐碱植物叶表皮的解剖观察 被引量:21
作者 陆静梅 李建东 《东北师大学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1994年第3期79-82,共4页
对生长在松嫩草地盐碱生境的五种双子叶植物二色补血草(Limoniumbicolor)O.Kuntze、蒙古鹤虱(Lappulaintermedia)(Ledeb.)、碱蒿(Artemisiaanethifolia)W... 对生长在松嫩草地盐碱生境的五种双子叶植物二色补血草(Limoniumbicolor)O.Kuntze、蒙古鹤虱(Lappulaintermedia)(Ledeb.)、碱蒿(Artemisiaanethifolia)Weber、伏萎陵芽(Potentillasupina)L.和鹅绒藤(Cynanchumchinense)R.Br.进行了解剖研究。扫描电子显微镜照片表明,它们都具有明显的抗盐碱和抗干旱的结构特征[8],尤其是它们叶片表面上的附属物,即表皮毛、角质层、蜡质纹饰、表皮毛上的疣状突起和表皮中的花型盐腺等解剖结构,是抗盐碱抗干旱植物的主要特征[9]。 展开更多
关键词 旱生植物 解剖 叶表皮 双子叶植物
贺兰山10种不同植物的旱生结构研究 被引量:19
作者 宋玉霞 于卫平 +1 位作者 王立英 马红爱 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 1997年第5期61-68,共8页
对贺兰山10种不同生活型植物的形态解剖研究表明,长期生长在干旱贫瘠环境中植物,均形成适应生境的一些特殊形态结构.叶器官主要表现在:(1)叶表面积与体积之比缩小,表面覆有厚的角质膜,并被有表皮毛,气孔下陷,具孔下室;(2)... 对贺兰山10种不同生活型植物的形态解剖研究表明,长期生长在干旱贫瘠环境中植物,均形成适应生境的一些特殊形态结构.叶器官主要表现在:(1)叶表面积与体积之比缩小,表面覆有厚的角质膜,并被有表皮毛,气孔下陷,具孔下室;(2)栅栏薄壁组织细胞明显增多,海绵薄壁组织细胞减少.有叶肉不分化叶、等而叶和异而叶3种结构形式;(3)叶内贮水组织和机械组织增强。轴器官主要表现在:(1)根普遍形成周皮,且木栓层细胞层数增多;(2)机械组织非常发达,在周皮、皮层和韧皮部中有许多厚壁细胞分布。维管组织中的木薄壁细胞的细胞壁也明显木质化加厚;(3)有些植物的根具有异常维管组织。另外,这些植物根、茎、叶中均有粘液细胞和含晶细胞分布。这些结构具有重要的适应干旱生境的意义。 展开更多
关键词 贺兰山 旱生植物 解剖结构 生态适应
吉林省西部四种旱生植物茎和叶解剖构造的研究 被引量:21
作者 初敬华 高晨光 朱秋广 《天津师大学报(自然科学版)》 2001年第1期58-60,72,共4页
对分布于吉林省西部干旱草甸上 4种旱生植物茎和叶的解剖学研究发现 ,它们具有适应旱生环境的典型结构特征 :植株矮、叶面积小、表皮细胞厚且有较厚的角质层 .栅栏组织发达并具环栅结构、栅栏细胞内叶绿体发达等 .叶脉外有维管束鞘包围 ... 对分布于吉林省西部干旱草甸上 4种旱生植物茎和叶的解剖学研究发现 ,它们具有适应旱生环境的典型结构特征 :植株矮、叶面积小、表皮细胞厚且有较厚的角质层 .栅栏组织发达并具环栅结构、栅栏细胞内叶绿体发达等 .叶脉外有维管束鞘包围 ,而且叶有大量的表皮毛 . 展开更多
关键词 吉林西部 旱生植物 解剖构造 栅栏组织 导水组织 形态结构
旱生植物苦豆子研究综述 被引量:12
作者 张雨 苏丹丹 +3 位作者 王亚男 郑长远 苏旭 刘玉萍 《中国野生植物资源》 CSCD 2021年第9期55-58,共4页
苦豆子是豆科、槐属的一种多年生旱生草本植物,主要分布于中国内蒙古、河北、山西、河南、陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海、新疆、西藏等地,具有重要的生态价值、药用价值和经济价值。通过查阅文献资料,系统总结药用植物苦豆子的研究现状,并于2... 苦豆子是豆科、槐属的一种多年生旱生草本植物,主要分布于中国内蒙古、河北、山西、河南、陕西、宁夏、甘肃、青海、新疆、西藏等地,具有重要的生态价值、药用价值和经济价值。通过查阅文献资料,系统总结药用植物苦豆子的研究现状,并于2019~2020年调查了苦豆子的野外自然地理分布区,收集了苦豆子群体水平上的标本、DNA材料和成熟种子;最后,阐明苦豆子种质资源收集对将来系统研究与合理开发利用苦豆子的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 旱生植物 苦豆子 研究现状 种质资源
驼绒藜属植物蒸腾作用的某些特征 被引量:4
作者 张力君 王林和 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 2003年第5期129-134,共6页
采用快速称重法测定了驼绒藜属 ( Ceratoides)植物 3个种 5个生态型蒸腾速率和失水率叶片离体 1 2分钟内的连续变化。结果发现 ,分段蒸腾速率 ( STR)和分段失水率 ( SDR)表现为无规则律动模式 ,其变幅和节奏具有不可预知性 ;平均蒸腾速... 采用快速称重法测定了驼绒藜属 ( Ceratoides)植物 3个种 5个生态型蒸腾速率和失水率叶片离体 1 2分钟内的连续变化。结果发现 ,分段蒸腾速率 ( STR)和分段失水率 ( SDR)表现为无规则律动模式 ,其变幅和节奏具有不可预知性 ;平均蒸腾速率 ( ATR)表现为曲率较小的相对平滑的抛物线。ATR的线性分布较好地体现出植物间蒸腾速率调节能力的差异。华北驼绒藜的 2个生态型和驼绒藜宁夏生态型蒸腾作用的调节能力较强 ,而来自新疆的心叶驼绒藜和驼绒藜新疆生态型调节能力则较弱。不同植物 ATR的线性参数对温度、相对湿度和光照强度的敏感性差异很大。 展开更多
关键词 驼绒藜属植物 蒸腾作用 特征 快速称重法 失水率 中国 水分生理特性
强旱生濒危植物霸王的组织培养 被引量:6
作者 王方琳 徐先英 +2 位作者 尉秋实 张莹花 柴成武 《干旱区资源与环境》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2014年第2期114-118,共5页
实验以霸王无菌苗的子叶、下胚轴和茎段为外植体,探讨不同激素组合的培养基对霸王外植体愈伤组织诱导、增殖以及幼苗生根的影响,并找出更为合理的培养基配方。结果表明:最佳愈伤组织诱导的培养基配方为MS+0.1mg/L6-BA+1.0mg/LNAA,最适... 实验以霸王无菌苗的子叶、下胚轴和茎段为外植体,探讨不同激素组合的培养基对霸王外植体愈伤组织诱导、增殖以及幼苗生根的影响,并找出更为合理的培养基配方。结果表明:最佳愈伤组织诱导的培养基配方为MS+0.1mg/L6-BA+1.0mg/LNAA,最适宜愈伤组织诱导的外植体是子叶,诱导率为100%,茎段诱导率为93.3%,下胚轴的诱导率最低;不定芽诱导的最佳培养基配方为MS+1.0mg/L6-BA+0.1mg/L NAA,诱导率高达98.1%,诱导时间为7周;最适宜霸王幼苗生根的培养基为1/2MS+0.5mg/L IBA+1.0mg/L NAA,生根率高达90.4%,比已报道生根率86.7%提高了3.7%,且不定根在第7d开始出现。 展开更多
关键词 组织培养 霸王 濒危植物 旱生 激素
几种旱生植物水分生理特性的比较研究 被引量:4
作者 魏良民 《新疆大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1991年第2期75-79,共5页
本文对梭梭(Halorylon ammodendron)等几种典型荒漠旱生植物在干旱环境下体内含水量、相对合水量、水分饱和亏缺、自由水、束缚水、水势、离体枝叶吸水速率等的变化及其与植物抗旱的关系进行了比较研究。
关键词 植物 水分生理 比较研究 旱生植物
新疆五种旱生植物叶和同化枝解剖构造的初步研究 被引量:5
作者 周翰儒 耿月娥 《安徽大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 1993年第2期66-71,共6页
关键词 同化枝 解剖 旱生植物 新疆
Anatomical adaptations of three species of Chinese xerophytes (Zygophyllaceae) 被引量:4
作者 YANG Shu-min FURUKAWA Ikuo 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第3期247-251,共5页
Secondary xylem characteristics and horizontal variations were described in three xerophytic species, Zygophyllum xanthoxylon, Nitraria tangutorum, Tetraena mongolica of Zygophyllaceae native to western China. All the... Secondary xylem characteristics and horizontal variations were described in three xerophytic species, Zygophyllum xanthoxylon, Nitraria tangutorum, Tetraena mongolica of Zygophyllaceae native to western China. All the species have obvious growth ring boundaries except sometimes discontinuous in T. mongolica and Z xanthoxylum ring to semi-ring-porosity; simple perforation plate; alternate intervessel pitting; non-septate fibres; paratracheal confluent axial parenchyrna; helical thickenings and heterocellular rays. However the vessel arrangement and quantitative features of vessels were different. Vessel elements tend to be shorter and narrower and more frequent in T. mongolica than in other two species that are hardly different could lead to greater conductive safety. The variation of vessel element length and fibre length along radial direction showed irregular tendency. There was significant difference in both fibre length and vessel element length among-tree and within-tree. Furthermore, the relationships between anatomical features and adaptability to desert environments were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 Anatomical adaptations Horizontal variations xerophytes Zygophyllaceae
滨海风沙地木麻黄的特性及根际养分的变化 被引量:3
作者 黄羌维 陈由强 《福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 1990年第1期99-104,共6页
木麻黄是热带旱生类型植物,但能适应轻盐渍土。土壤含盐量增加时,木麻黄的外部形态略有变化,体内薄壁组织,尤其是髓部增加最明显;渗透势有显著降低,含水量和含灰量有一定程度增加。在海岸沙质地上栽培的木麻黄,以坚木麻黄生长最快,抗风... 木麻黄是热带旱生类型植物,但能适应轻盐渍土。土壤含盐量增加时,木麻黄的外部形态略有变化,体内薄壁组织,尤其是髓部增加最明显;渗透势有显著降低,含水量和含灰量有一定程度增加。在海岸沙质地上栽培的木麻黄,以坚木麻黄生长最快,抗风力最强。木麻黄迹地养分全面下降是二茬木麻黄退化的重要原因之一,导因是群众不断取出木麻黄凋落物。采用施肥补给等各种措施,在实践中已收到效果。 展开更多
关键词 木麻黄 含水量 营养元素 渗透势
High Vegetation of Lake Ayakagitma in Bukhara Region and Their Distribution
作者 Shamsiyev Naim Amonovich Qobilov Aziz Muxtorovich 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 CAS 2022年第11期1373-1380,共8页
More than 500 lakes are found in Uzbekistan. Ayakagitma Lake is located on the border of the Northern Gijduvon and Shafirkon districts of Bukhara region. This lake was formed in 1985-1986 at the expense of the waters ... More than 500 lakes are found in Uzbekistan. Ayakagitma Lake is located on the border of the Northern Gijduvon and Shafirkon districts of Bukhara region. This lake was formed in 1985-1986 at the expense of the waters of the sewage dump collector. The area of the lake is 8200 hectares, the maximum depth is 35 m, on average 10 - 15 m, the minimum is 3 - 5 meters. The chemical composition of lake water is chloride-sulfate and has a calcareous character. 67 species of high plants belonging to 22 families were found in this area. 17 of these species are found in the water of the lake and 50 species are found around it. Of the most common species, Phragmites communis reach a height of 4.5 - 5.5 meters. Phragmites communis make up the total area of the lake 8 - 10 hectares. 展开更多
关键词 Mesotrophic ZOOPLANKTON Zoobentos Nectobentos Bentos DETRITUS Mesophytes xerophytes Hygrophytes BIOMASS
8种木本旱生植物的木质部解剖学特性研究(英文) 被引量:3
作者 杨淑敏 江泽慧 任海青 《西北植物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1507-1516,共10页
从生态学角度对8种旱生植物木材的次生木质部结构进行了对比研究.结果表明,8树种次生木质部结构的共同特点为:生长轮分界明显(霸王和四合木的年轮有时不连续),半环孔材,单穿孔,导管壁间纹孔互列,木纤维无横隔膜,联合傍管轴向薄壁组... 从生态学角度对8种旱生植物木材的次生木质部结构进行了对比研究.结果表明,8树种次生木质部结构的共同特点为:生长轮分界明显(霸王和四合木的年轮有时不连续),半环孔材,单穿孔,导管壁间纹孔互列,木纤维无横隔膜,联合傍管轴向薄壁组织丰富,导管壁上呈现螺纹加厚,都具有异型射线;它们主要差异在于射线和导管的数量化指标:四合木异型射线1-2列,霸王、白刺、沙冬青和胡枝子射线2-5列,柽柳、柠条和花棒大型射线4-10列;导管分子长度和纤维长度在树种间和同一树种个体间差异较明显.四合木和沙冬青导管频率较大,导管管孔较小,因此Vulnerability和Mesomorphy值也较小,更能适应干旱环境. 展开更多
关键词 旱地 旱生植物 木材生态解剖学 适应性
Scientific analysis of indigenous techniques for guggal(Commiphora wightii) tapping in India
作者 Jatindra Nath Samanta Kunal Mandla 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第3期695-700,共6页
Guggal, a threatened species that is endemic to western India, is tapped to extract medicinally important oleo-gum-resin (guggul). However, the plant dies after gum exudation. The indigenous tapping techniques used ... Guggal, a threatened species that is endemic to western India, is tapped to extract medicinally important oleo-gum-resin (guggul). However, the plant dies after gum exudation. The indigenous tapping techniques used by local people were examined in Gujarat, India to dis-cover the scientific basis behind these techniques: selection of gum in-ducer, season of tapping, and plant parts to be tapped. First, the presence of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. commiphorae (Xac) in the gum suspen-sion used for tapping was established. This bacterium induces gum ooz-ing from the tapped plants and later, causes them to die off. The popula-tion of Xac in gum was found to decrease with the age of the gum. With that, fresh gum increased the tapping success. Second, local people pre-ferred tapping during the warm season, which we validated by determin-ing that Xac growth was best at 30 &#176;C. Tapping during September (mean temperature 25.7-30.0 &#176;C) clearly favoured growth of the pathogen and yielded maximum guggul. Multiple tapping on a mature tree ensured maximum gum extraction before its death. Finally, application of in-digenous technology under natural plant stands by the local people en-sured availability of this important raw drug for consumption. Our study established that the age-old traditional methods have a strong scientific basis. However, it is imperative to formulate strategies based on con-temporary scientific understanding to protect this natural resource before it becomes extinct. 展开更多
关键词 BURSERACEAE GUMMOSIS medicinal plant participatory forest management xerophytes
Soil Characteristics Influence the Selection of Dominant Plant Genotypes Inhabiting Wadi Sudr, Egypt
作者 Esraa Attia El Sherbeny Amal Ahmed Morsy Mahmoud Magdy 《American Journal of Plant Sciences》 2016年第8期1304-1315,共12页
Rangeland plant community and species composition are known to be related to specific soil properties. The current study investigated the ecological influence (soil characteristics) on the selection and distribution o... Rangeland plant community and species composition are known to be related to specific soil properties. The current study investigated the ecological influence (soil characteristics) on the selection and distribution of ecological-related genotypes of dominant xerophyte species in WadiSudr of Egypt. AFLP analysis reflected the genetic profile of the samples species from two altitudinal ranges (up and midstream) and was compared statistically with the differences of their inhabiting soil characteristics on two depth levels (20 and 40 cm) using Mantel test. Correlation values (r) ranged from 0.585 - 0.778 when treating the physical and chemical properties of soil samples regardless its altitudinal area. The correlation confirms that the soil chemical and physical properties influence the selection of a certain genotypes of the dominant xerophytes plants collected from Wadi Sudr of Egypt to certain altitude, while depths at 20 and 40 cm play a key role in the early growth and then the colonization of the selected genotypes, respectively. More studies are needed to exactly test the role and the importance of each of the correlated property to the plant growth and colonization. 展开更多
关键词 xerophytes Wadi Sudr-Egypt Soil Characteristics F-AFLP Mantel Test
白榆幼苗水分生理特征的研究 被引量:1
作者 王熠青 魏先君 +1 位作者 闫红霞 贺喜格图 《内蒙古林业科技》 2009年第4期12-15,共4页
对乌兰察布市察右后旗当郎忽洞苏木人工造林地土壤含水量及白榆幼苗水分生理特征进行研究,结果表明:由于长期干旱,样地土壤含水量降到7.24%以下,白榆自然含水量为64.13%,束缚水与自由水比值为1.33,其自然饱和亏缺为10.06%。持水力测定表... 对乌兰察布市察右后旗当郎忽洞苏木人工造林地土壤含水量及白榆幼苗水分生理特征进行研究,结果表明:由于长期干旱,样地土壤含水量降到7.24%以下,白榆自然含水量为64.13%,束缚水与自由水比值为1.33,其自然饱和亏缺为10.06%。持水力测定表明:白榆的持水力曲线斜率相对小。PV曲线分析表明,白榆的Ψπ100和Ψπ0值为7.97 MPa。蒸腾速率日进程变化分析表明:白榆的"午休"现象明显。 展开更多
关键词 白榆 旱生植物 水分生理特征
Carbon dioxide fluxes of tundra vegetation communities on an esker top in the low-Arctic
作者 Peter M.LAFLEUR A.Brett CAMPEAU Sohee KANG 《Advances in Polar Science》 CSCD 2020年第3期167-177,共11页
Previous studies have shown that carbon dioxide fluxes vary considerably among Arctic environments and it is important to assess these differences in order to develop our understanding of the role of Arctic tundra in ... Previous studies have shown that carbon dioxide fluxes vary considerably among Arctic environments and it is important to assess these differences in order to develop our understanding of the role of Arctic tundra in the global carbon cycle. Although many previous studies have examined tundra carbon dioxide fluxes, few have concentrated on elevated terrain(hills and ridge tops) that is exposed to harsh environmental conditions resulting in sparse vegetation cover and seemingly low productivity. In this study we measured carbon dioxide(CO2) exchange of four common tundra communities on the crest of an esker located in the central Canadian low-Arctic. The objectives were to quantify and compare CO2 fluxes from these communities, investigate responses to environmental variables and qualitatively compare fluxes with those from similar communities growing in less harsh lowland tundra environments. Measurements made during July and August 2010 show there was little difference in net ecosystem exchange(NEE) and gross ecosystem production(GEP) among the three deciduous shrub communities, Arctous alpina, Betula glandulosa and Vaccinium uliginosum, with means ranging from -4.09 to -6.57 μmol·m^-2·s^-1 and -7.92 to -9.24 μmol·m^-2·s^-1, respectively. Empetrum nigrum communities had significantly smaller mean NEE and GEP(-1.74 and -4.08 μmol·m^-2·s^-1, respectively). Ecosystem respiration(ER) was similar for all communities(2.56 to 3.03 μmol·m^-2·s^-1), except the B. glandulosa community which had a larger mean flux(4.66 μmol·m^-2·s^-1). Overall, fluxes for these esker-top communities were near the upper range of fluxes reported for other tundra communities. ER was related to soil temperature in all of the communities. Only B. glandulosa GEP and ER showed sensitivity to a persistent decline in soil moisture throughout the study. These findings may have important implications for how esker tops would be treated in construction of regional carbon budgets and for predicting the impacts of climate change on Arctic 展开更多
关键词 tundra carbon exchange net ecosystem exchange gross ecosystem productivity ecosystem respiration low-Arctic esker top xerophytes
Adaptive responses to drought of two Retama raetam subspecies from Tunisia
作者 Ricardo Gil Dhikra Zayoud +3 位作者 Zeineb Ouerghi Monica Boscaiu Oscar Vicente Mohamed Neffati 《Journal of Plant Ecology》 SCIE CSCD 2021年第3期527-540,共14页
Aims The survival and ecological distribution of plants in arid habitats are mainly conditioned by water availability and physiological adaptations to withstand drought.In the present study,we have compared the physio... Aims The survival and ecological distribution of plants in arid habitats are mainly conditioned by water availability and physiological adaptations to withstand drought.In the present study,we have compared the physiological responses to drought of two Retama raetam(retama)subspecies from Tunisia,one of them living under the desert climate(subsp.raetam)and the other one growing on the coast(subsp.bovei).Methods To physiologically characterize the two R.raetam subspecies,and to elucidate their main mechanisms underlying their tolerance to drought stress,parameters related to seed germination,growth,photosynthesis(net photosynthetic rate,intracellular CO_(2) concentration,transpiration rate,stomatal conductance and water-use efficiency)and accumulation of osmolytes(proline,glycine betaine[GB]and soluble sugars)were determined in 4-month-old plants subjected to stress for up to 1 month.Important Findings Drought significantly inhibited germination,growth and all the evaluated photosynthetic parameters.Plants of R.raetam subsp.bovei were severely affected by drought after 3 weeks of treatment when photosynthesis rates were up to 7-fold lower than in the controls.At the same time,proline and GB significantly accumulated compared with the irrigated controls,but much less than in R.raetam subsp.raetam;in the latter subspecies,proline and GB increased to levels 24-and 6-fold higher,respectively,than in the corresponding controls.In summary,the population living in the desert region exhibited stronger tolerance to drought stress than that adapted to the semiarid littoral climate,suggesting that tolerance in R.raetam is dependent on accumulation of osmolytes. 展开更多
关键词 GERMINATION leaf gas exchange OSMOLYTES Retama raetam water stress xerophytes
Degradation of the Vegetation Cover in Central Mongolia: A Case Study
作者 Bair Z. TSYDYPOV Endon Zh. GARMAEV +4 位作者 Arnold K. TULOKHONOV Eduard A. BATOTSYRENOV Alexander A. AYURZHANAEV Zhargalma B. ALYMBAEVA Ts. CHIMEDDORJ 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第2期73-78,共6页
Two model polygons in the Central Mongolia are considered for investigation of vegetation dynamics. They are located in rainless climatic zones -- arid and semiarid. For the emphasized polygons plots of the NDVI tempo... Two model polygons in the Central Mongolia are considered for investigation of vegetation dynamics. They are located in rainless climatic zones -- arid and semiarid. For the emphasized polygons plots of the NDVI temporal variation and NDVI maps of its multi-temporal values on the base of Landsat TM imagery are constructed. The full-scale landscape indication of the selected NDVI areas with different values with the step through 0.1 is conducted. This indication is supported by the analysis of vegetation to environmental groups for drought resistance. Almost the entire territory of the emphasized polygons vegetation digression during this period was traced. The analysis of the time variation of NDVI shows a decrease of its values. This indicates a trend xerophytization already sparse vegetation of Gobi. In the semiarid climatic zone a digression vegetation trend is directly related to heavy load on the pastures. 展开更多
关键词 DESERTIFICATION vegetation degradation ARID SEMIARID LANDSAT NDVI landscape indication xerophytes
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