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作者 魏建丽 陈利双 廖燕红 《中国社区医师》 2024年第33期74-76,共3页
网状假性玻璃膜疣(RPD)是一种常见的眼底病变,与年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)密切相关,并可能导致AMD进展为晚期病变。该文报告1例RPD经微脉冲激光(SML)治疗后疣体消退的病例,说明SML可能是一种治疗RPD的有效方法,有望在防止AMD晚期病变方... 网状假性玻璃膜疣(RPD)是一种常见的眼底病变,与年龄相关性黄斑变性(AMD)密切相关,并可能导致AMD进展为晚期病变。该文报告1例RPD经微脉冲激光(SML)治疗后疣体消退的病例,说明SML可能是一种治疗RPD的有效方法,有望在防止AMD晚期病变方面发挥作用,这一发现可能为RPD的治疗提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 网状假性玻璃膜疣 微脉冲激光 年龄相关性黄斑变性 欧堡超广角眼底照相 自发荧光
作者 张辰茜 张枝桥 +4 位作者 徐凯峰 龙琴 张潇 杨治坤 戴荣平 《协和医学杂志》 CSCD 2023年第2期328-333,共6页
目的比较超广角扫描激光检眼镜(ultra-wide-field scanning laser ophthalmoscopy,UWF-SLO)与传统彩色眼底照相(color fundus photography,CFP)对结节性硬化症(tuberous sclerosis complex,TSC)相关视网膜星形细胞错构瘤(retinal astroc... 目的比较超广角扫描激光检眼镜(ultra-wide-field scanning laser ophthalmoscopy,UWF-SLO)与传统彩色眼底照相(color fundus photography,CFP)对结节性硬化症(tuberous sclerosis complex,TSC)相关视网膜星形细胞错构瘤(retinal astrocytic hamartomas,RAH)的检出情况,评估UWF-SLO在TSC相关RAH识别及随访中的应用价值。方法回顾性分析2018年10月至2021年3月就诊于北京协和医院内科和眼科且明确诊断为TSC合并RAH患者的临床资料。以散瞳前置镜检查结果为参照标准,比较两种眼底成像技术的TSC相关RAH检出率,分析可能影响病灶检出的相关因素。结果共24例TSC合并RAH患者参与本研究。在TSC相关RAH病灶检出方面,UWF-SLO(合成“伪彩”双激光通道成像)检出率显著高于9点固视CFP[98.6%(138/140)比65.7%(92/140),P<0.001],检出差异主要在于对中周部和远周部RAH的检出(P<0.001)。在UWF-SLO病灶检出方面,单红激光(633 nm)通道成像检出率显著低于单绿激光(532 nm)[52.1%(73/140)比98.6%(138/140),P<0.001]和合成双激光通道成像[52.1%(73/140)比98.6%(138/140),P<0.001]。单红激光通道成像中未检出的病灶均为1型RAH,且病灶检出组光学相干断层扫描中RAH病灶最大厚度显著高于未检出组[(527.3±134.7)μm比(389.7±76.6)μm,P<0.001],但两组病灶分布及病灶累及深度无显著统计学差异(P=0.812,P=1.000)。结论相较于传统CFP,UWF-SLO可能具有更高的TSC相关RAH检出率,可考虑将其应用于TSC相关RAH的临床评估。 展开更多
关键词 超广角扫描激光检眼镜 结节性硬化症 视网膜星形细胞错构瘤 彩色眼底照相
Evaluation of traumatic retinopathy with ultra-wide field imaging under corneal scar or fixed small pupil
作者 Min Tang Yan-Nian Hui +4 位作者 You-Yi Li Yue He Yang Cao Xiao-Hong Xiang Hong-Bin Lyu 《International Journal of Ophthalmology(English edition)》 SCIE CAS 2018年第8期1371-1376,共6页
AIM: To evaluate the value of ultra-wide field(UWF) imaging in the management of traumatic retinopathy under the condition of corneal scar or fixed small pupil after complicated ocular trauma. METHODS: Twenty-eigh... AIM: To evaluate the value of ultra-wide field(UWF) imaging in the management of traumatic retinopathy under the condition of corneal scar or fixed small pupil after complicated ocular trauma. METHODS: Twenty-eight patients(28 eyes) with complicated ocular trauma were enrolled in the study from June 2016 to May 2017, including 19 males and 9 females with age ranged from 11 to 64(43.42±12.62)y. All patients were treated with secondary vitrectomy after emergency operation for wound repair of open ocular trauma. Direct ophthalmoscopy and 45-degree fundus photography were taken at each time point of follow up for comparison of findings with UWF images. Routine eye examination including visual acuity, intraocular pressure, slit lamp examination were performed and analyzed as well.RESULTS: Among the 28 traumatized eyes, the positive rate for identification of traumatic retinopathed was 32.1%(9 cases), 14.9%(5 cases), and 85.7%(24 cases) with direct ophthalmoscopy, 45-degree fundus photography, and UWF imaging, respectively. The detective rate of UWF imaging under the condition of corneal scar or fixed small pupil was statistically greater than that of 45-degree fundus photography and direct ophthalmoscopy(Bonferroni correction, P〈0.001). UWF image was obtained in 19 eyes with opaque corneal scar, otherwise their fundus could not be seen by conventional methods. The additional findings of traumatic retinopathies by UWF imaging included periretinal membranes or pre-retinal proliferating strip, retinal holes, hemorrhage in the vitreous or sub-retinal space.CONCLUSION: UWF imaging is superior to traditional fundus photography in the evaluation of traumatic retinopathies under the condition of corneal scar or fixed small pupil after complicated ocular trauma. 展开更多
关键词 ultra-wide field imaging complicated oculartrauma corneal scar fixed small pupil fundus photography traumatic retinopathy
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