Ahuman being whose organs have evolved into USB plugs is experiencing a certain state of existence through camera lens, microphones and speakers. In the future, human organs may be replaced by USB organs and human bei...Ahuman being whose organs have evolved into USB plugs is experiencing a certain state of existence through camera lens, microphones and speakers. In the future, human organs may be replaced by USB organs and human beings tend to receive signals from various electronics. This magic scene is a works of art by Chinese artist Wu Juehui, currently on display展开更多
2011年2月1日,IEC宣布发布全球首个数据业务型手机(dataenabled mobile telephones)的通用充电器标准-IEC62684《数据业务型手机通用外部供电互操作技术规范》,该规范的核心是基于微型USB插头技术规范。USB插头技术规范由USB实施者...2011年2月1日,IEC宣布发布全球首个数据业务型手机(dataenabled mobile telephones)的通用充电器标准-IEC62684《数据业务型手机通用外部供电互操作技术规范》,该规范的核心是基于微型USB插头技术规范。USB插头技术规范由USB实施者论坛(USB Implementers Forum)发布,IEC已与该论坛签署了相关谅解备忘录。展开更多
文摘Ahuman being whose organs have evolved into USB plugs is experiencing a certain state of existence through camera lens, microphones and speakers. In the future, human organs may be replaced by USB organs and human beings tend to receive signals from various electronics. This magic scene is a works of art by Chinese artist Wu Juehui, currently on display
文摘2011年2月1日,IEC宣布发布全球首个数据业务型手机(dataenabled mobile telephones)的通用充电器标准-IEC62684《数据业务型手机通用外部供电互操作技术规范》,该规范的核心是基于微型USB插头技术规范。USB插头技术规范由USB实施者论坛(USB Implementers Forum)发布,IEC已与该论坛签署了相关谅解备忘录。