To learn more about the unusually heavy rainfall in central China, this research uses the monthly climatic data, weather map information and US NCEP re-analysis data to analyze the atmospheric circulation, precipitati...To learn more about the unusually heavy rainfall in central China, this research uses the monthly climatic data, weather map information and US NCEP re-analysis data to analyze the atmospheric circulation, precipitation and weather situation of this extreme precipitation weather process in Henan during July 17-22, 2021. The results show that the precipitation process is affected by the joint action of the subtropical high, the continental high, the low vortex, the low-level jet, the typhoon “In-fa” and other multi-scale systems in the middle and low latitudes. This precipitation process was also affected by the topographic uplift and blocking of Taihang Mountain and Funiu Mountain.展开更多
2021年夏季我国天气气候异常特征突出,极端天气气候事件多,东部主要多雨区在我国北方,降水的季节内变化显著,华南前汛期开始偏晚、江淮流域梅雨和华北雨季开始偏早。东亚大气环流季节内变化对降水异常的空间分布影响较大。6月,东北冷涡...2021年夏季我国天气气候异常特征突出,极端天气气候事件多,东部主要多雨区在我国北方,降水的季节内变化显著,华南前汛期开始偏晚、江淮流域梅雨和华北雨季开始偏早。东亚大气环流季节内变化对降水异常的空间分布影响较大。6月,东北冷涡活动频繁,导致东北及邻近区域降水异常偏多,黑龙江、嫩江流域发生严重汛情;东北冷涡的异常活跃可能受到前期北大西洋三极子海温持续正位相的影响。7月,长江下游至内蒙古东部的经向型多雨带及河南特大暴雨,主要受到台风烟花长时间维持和北上、偏强的大陆高压和偏东偏北的西太平洋副热带高压的综合影响;副热带大气环流表现出对前期La Ni a事件衰减的滞后响应可能是重要原因。8月,副热带高压异常偏强、偏南,水汽输送异常辐合区位于我国长江流域,导致持续时间长的“倒黄梅”天气;8月热带大气低频振荡处于印度洋达22 d,平均强度偏强,可能是导致副热带大气环流季节内转折的重要原因。展开更多
文摘To learn more about the unusually heavy rainfall in central China, this research uses the monthly climatic data, weather map information and US NCEP re-analysis data to analyze the atmospheric circulation, precipitation and weather situation of this extreme precipitation weather process in Henan during July 17-22, 2021. The results show that the precipitation process is affected by the joint action of the subtropical high, the continental high, the low vortex, the low-level jet, the typhoon “In-fa” and other multi-scale systems in the middle and low latitudes. This precipitation process was also affected by the topographic uplift and blocking of Taihang Mountain and Funiu Mountain.
文摘2021年夏季我国天气气候异常特征突出,极端天气气候事件多,东部主要多雨区在我国北方,降水的季节内变化显著,华南前汛期开始偏晚、江淮流域梅雨和华北雨季开始偏早。东亚大气环流季节内变化对降水异常的空间分布影响较大。6月,东北冷涡活动频繁,导致东北及邻近区域降水异常偏多,黑龙江、嫩江流域发生严重汛情;东北冷涡的异常活跃可能受到前期北大西洋三极子海温持续正位相的影响。7月,长江下游至内蒙古东部的经向型多雨带及河南特大暴雨,主要受到台风烟花长时间维持和北上、偏强的大陆高压和偏东偏北的西太平洋副热带高压的综合影响;副热带大气环流表现出对前期La Ni a事件衰减的滞后响应可能是重要原因。8月,副热带高压异常偏强、偏南,水汽输送异常辐合区位于我国长江流域,导致持续时间长的“倒黄梅”天气;8月热带大气低频振荡处于印度洋达22 d,平均强度偏强,可能是导致副热带大气环流季节内转折的重要原因。