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基于TRMM卫星雷达降雨的流域陆面水文过程 被引量:58
作者 杨传国 余钟波 +3 位作者 林朝晖 郝振纯 王振龙 李敏 《水科学进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第4期461-466,共6页
利用热带降雨观测计划(TRMM)卫星雷达降雨数据驱动分布式陆面水文模型,研究流域尺度陆面水文过程,评估该数据在水文模拟与预报等研究领域的性能。通过与实测雨量资料比较,验证TRMM卫星雷达降雨数据的质量。分别将TRMM卫星雷达降雨... 利用热带降雨观测计划(TRMM)卫星雷达降雨数据驱动分布式陆面水文模型,研究流域尺度陆面水文过程,评估该数据在水文模拟与预报等研究领域的性能。通过与实测雨量资料比较,验证TRMM卫星雷达降雨数据的质量。分别将TRMM卫星雷达降雨与观测降雨作为耦合模型的气象输人,模拟和研究淮河流域1998~2003年的陆面水文过程时空变化。结果表明,TRMM卫星雷达降雨数据能够很好地描述降雨的时空分布,利用TRMM降雨模拟的结果与利用观测降雨模拟的结果精度相当;模拟流量与实测资料基本吻合。卫星雷达降雨数据在陆面水文过程研究中具有广泛的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 热带降雨观测计划 卫星雷达降雨数据 水文过程 水文模型 时空尺度
TRMM多卫星测雨数据在赣江上游径流模拟中的应用 被引量:17
作者 袁飞 赵晶晶 +3 位作者 任立良 江善虎 周瑜佳 尹智力 《天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第7期611-616,共6页
选取赣江上游峡山站以上集水区域为研究区域,以雨量站观测数据为基准数据,评估热带降雨观测计划TRMM-3B42V6降水数据的精度,并采用上述2种降水数据驱动栅格型新安江模型,模拟赣江峡山站日流量和月流量过程.结果表明,尽管TRMM日降水数据... 选取赣江上游峡山站以上集水区域为研究区域,以雨量站观测数据为基准数据,评估热带降雨观测计划TRMM-3B42V6降水数据的精度,并采用上述2种降水数据驱动栅格型新安江模型,模拟赣江峡山站日流量和月流量过程.结果表明,尽管TRMM日降水数据较雨量站数据存在较大偏差,但采用TRMM降水数据模拟的日流量能基本再现峡山站的日流量过程;TRMM月降水数据精度较高,能够较为精确地模拟峡山站的月流量过程.因此TRMM月降水数据可应用于赣江流域的降雨-径流过程模拟,在无资料地区的水文预报、水资源估算、水资源评价与规划等相关研究领域具有广阔的应用前景. 展开更多
关键词 热带降雨观测计划(trmm) 降水 新安江模型 径流
南海季风爆发期间中尺度对流云带演变特征与持续性加强的机理研究 被引量:10
作者 李香淑 郭学良 +1 位作者 付丹红 杨保 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期259-271,共13页
南海季风爆发与随后爆发的东亚季风,与夏季东亚地区旱涝关系密切,而相伴的南海对流活动与季风爆发的维持和发展存在何种相互关系,是需要探究的。为此,利用热带测雨卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mis-sion,TRMM)的雷达(Precipitation... 南海季风爆发与随后爆发的东亚季风,与夏季东亚地区旱涝关系密切,而相伴的南海对流活动与季风爆发的维持和发展存在何种相互关系,是需要探究的。为此,利用热带测雨卫星(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mis-sion,TRMM)的雷达(Precipitation Radar,PR)、微波成像仪(TRMM Microwave Imager,TMI)、加密探空等综合观测资料,研究了1998年5~6月中国南海季风试验(South China Sea Monsoon Experiment,SCSMEX)期间南海北部(15°N^25°N,108°E^122°E)中尺度对流云带的结构、演变和降水特征,探讨了对流有效位能、风切变及相变潜热在对流云带维持和发展中的作用机理。结果表明,季风爆发前南海北部地区尽管存在较大的对流有效位能(convective available potential energy,CAPE),但垂直风切变很小。季风爆发后,季风环流使对流有效位能和垂直风切变加强和维持,从而导致南海的对流云呈现维持和加强的态势,可发展为深厚中尺度对流云,降水加强。季风爆发期间对流发展产生的水分相变潜热加热率可增加2倍以上,加热、加湿廓线幅度加大、厚度变深,不仅为南海热量、水汽的向上持续性传输提供了有利条件,而且频繁持续的对流活动所提供的热力、动力效应对季风环流的发展和维持的是起正作用的。 展开更多
关键词 中国南海季风试验(SCSMEX) 中尺度对流云 热带测雨卫星(trmm)结构与降水
TRMM卫星和全球降雨观测计划GPM及其应用 被引量:10
作者 袁金国 牛铮 龙丽民 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第9期1754-1757,共4页
全球变暖和气候变化影响全球水循环,从而导致异常天气,如频繁的大雨和干旱。热带降雨观测卫星TRMM和全球降雨观测计划GPM是进行全球尺度的降雨观测的国际卫星观测计划,对全球变化研究具有很大作用。首先介绍了热带降雨观测卫星TRMM的概... 全球变暖和气候变化影响全球水循环,从而导致异常天气,如频繁的大雨和干旱。热带降雨观测卫星TRMM和全球降雨观测计划GPM是进行全球尺度的降雨观测的国际卫星观测计划,对全球变化研究具有很大作用。首先介绍了热带降雨观测卫星TRMM的概况及其5个有效载荷,即降雨雷达、可见/红外扫描仪、微波成像仪、云和地球辐射能量探测器以及闪电成像仪;接着介绍了即将于2007年发射的全球降雨观测计划GPM;最后介绍了TRMM卫星的应用。 展开更多
关键词 热带降雨观测卫星trmm 降雨雷达PR 微波成像TMI 可见/红外扫描仪VIRS 云和地球辐射能量探测器CERES 闪电成像仪LIS 全球降雨观测计划GPM
全球热带海洋地区降水季节变化的TRMM卫星观测 被引量:7
作者 刘欢 郭建平 +1 位作者 陈田萌 翟盘茂 《科学通报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期90-104,共15页
基于2007~2012年TRMM卫星上搭载的降水雷达提供的雷达反射率因子、降水率、降水类型等产品,结合ECMWF提供的再分析数据资料,分析了全球热带海洋地区平均降水率、400 h Pa垂直速度、850 h Pa相对湿度和下对流层稳定度的时空分布特征.根据... 基于2007~2012年TRMM卫星上搭载的降水雷达提供的雷达反射率因子、降水率、降水类型等产品,结合ECMWF提供的再分析数据资料,分析了全球热带海洋地区平均降水率、400 h Pa垂直速度、850 h Pa相对湿度和下对流层稳定度的时空分布特征.根据400 h Pa垂直速度的季节差异确定了4个子研究区及相应对比季节,给出了对比季节内浅对流单体、层云、对流云3种降水系统降水量、降水面积、降水强度以及垂直结构上的差异.结果表明:(1)热带海洋地区平均降水率与400 h Pa上升速度在时空分布上存在一个显著的正相关,即400 h Pa上升速度越强的地区平均降水率越大;(2)4个子研究区内层云降水对区域累积降水面积贡献率最大(年均值均超过50%),对流云降水次之(约30%),而对流云降水对区域累积降水量贡献率最大(约65%),层云降水次之(约25%);(3)400 h Pa上升速度较强时,4个子研究区中3类降水系统的累积降水面积、累积降水量都有所增加,但降水强度以及降水系统垂直结构的变化存在差异,其中对流云降水强度一致增大且其垂直结构上的发展更旺盛;(4)对流云降水系统的雨顶高度、雷达反射率重心以及30 d BZ回波顶高随着400 h Pa上升速度的增强以及850 h Pa相对湿度的增加而迅速抬升,同时随着下对流层稳定度的降低有所抬升,但变化率较小.说明影响对流降水系统垂直结构的主要气象条件是400 h Pa上升速度和850 h Pa相对湿度. 展开更多
关键词 热带海洋 降水 垂直结构 标准化频率高度联合分布图(NCFAD) 热带测雨任务卫星(trmm) 欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF) 雷达反射率重心(ZCOG)
一次暴雨过程数值模拟与诊断分析 被引量:7
作者 王文 程攀 《气象与环境学报》 2013年第1期1-11,共11页
利用NCEP/NCAR分辨率为1°×1°再分析资料和气象台实测降水资料及TRMM 3h降水资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式,对2010年7月22日发生在黄河流域中游南部的一次暴雨过程进行数值模拟与诊断分析。结果表明:WRF模式能较为成功地模... 利用NCEP/NCAR分辨率为1°×1°再分析资料和气象台实测降水资料及TRMM 3h降水资料,采用WRF中尺度数值模式,对2010年7月22日发生在黄河流域中游南部的一次暴雨过程进行数值模拟与诊断分析。结果表明:WRF模式能较为成功地模拟出本次暴雨过程。此次暴雨在大尺度环流形势上,是由西太平洋副热带高压与河套低压槽的共同影响产生的;来自印度洋、中国南海的大量水汽输送为暴雨提供了充足的水汽来源。处于200 hPa的高空急流,由于地转调整激发出了中尺度重力波,使用散度场、云水分布,能够确定中尺度重力波的存在和移动方向。在利用模拟资料分析重力波对甘肃省东部地区暴雨产生的原因时得出:高空急流中产生的中尺度重力波与低层大气对中尺度重力波的吸收作用,共同导致了该地暴雨的发生。由高空急流风向和非线性平衡方程的数值分布情况,可以提前判断中尺度重力波发生的区域和移动方向,从而能够提前对暴雨可能发生的区域和时间做出预报。 展开更多
关键词 trmm 暴雨 数值模拟 重力波
Assessing the spatiotemporal distributions of evapotranspiration in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region of China using remote sensing data 被引量:2
作者 MA Ze-zhong RAY Ram L HE Yi-ping 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第12期2676-2692,共17页
Evapotranspiration(ET) is a critical component of the global hydrological cycle, and it has a large impact on water resource management as it affects the availability of freshwater resources. It is important to unders... Evapotranspiration(ET) is a critical component of the global hydrological cycle, and it has a large impact on water resource management as it affects the availability of freshwater resources. It is important to understand the hydrological cycle for the water resources planning and management. This study used Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) satellite derived ET, and potential evapotranspiration(PET) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) satellite derived precipitation datasets to assess the spatial and temporal distributions of ET, PET, and precipitation during the study period at Three Gorges Reservoir(TGR) region. Based on the topographic variations and land-use/land-cover distributions, the study region which includes five counties of Hubei Province and nineteen counties of Chongqing Municipality was divided into four study zones. The ET and precipitation data were evaluated using in situ observations. The ET, PET, and precipitation data were compared to analyze the spatial and long-term(2001-2016) temporal distributions of average annual ET, PET, and precipitation, and to understand the relationships between them in the study region. The results showed that each selected zone had highest ET at the counties with the Yangtze River passing through whereas lowest at the counties which were located away from the river. Results also showed increasing trends in ET and PET from south-west to north-east in the study region. Analysis showed TGR had a significant impact on spatial and temporal distributions of ET and PET in the study region. Therefore, this study helps to understand the impact of TGR on spatial and temporal distributions of ET and PET during and after the construction. 展开更多
关键词 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION Precipitation tropical rainfall measuring mission (trmm) MODERATE Resolution Imaging SPECTRORADIOMETER (MODIS) Three Gorges Reservoir Potential EVAPOTRANSPIRATION
Synoptic Pattern and Severe Weather Associated with the Wide Convection over Southeast China During the Summer Monsoon Period 被引量:1
作者 汪会 罗亚丽 张人禾 《Journal of Meteorological Research》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期41-58,共18页
Based on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) precipitation radar observations, wide convection(WC) is defined as contiguous convective echoes over 40 d BZ, accompanied with a near surface rainfall area e... Based on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) precipitation radar observations, wide convection(WC) is defined as contiguous convective echoes over 40 d BZ, accompanied with a near surface rainfall area exceeding 1000 km^2. In Southeast China, the maximal occurrence frequency of WC takes place over the flat land region in the central plain of East China during the summer monsoon period of 1998–2010. When WC occurs in this region, the 500-h Pa atmospheric fields are categorized into three patterns by using an objective classification method, i.e., the deep-trough-control(DTr) pattern, the subtropical-highmaintenance(STH) pattern, and the typhoon-effect(Typh) pattern, which respectively accounts for 20.8%,52.8%, and 26.4% of the total WC occurrences. The DTr pattern starts to emerge the earliest(16–31 May)and occurs the most often in the second half of June; the STH pattern has a significant occurrence peak in the first half of July; the Typh pattern occurs mostly in July and August.Nearly all WC occurrences in this region are associated with thunderstorms, due to large convective available potential energy and abundant moisture. Among the three synoptic patterns, the DTr pattern features the driest and coldest air in the region, leading to the least occurrences of short-duration heavy rainfall. Strong winds occur the most often under the DTr pattern, probably owing to the largest difference in air humidity between the mid and low troposphere. Hail at the surface is rare for all occurrences of WC,which is probably related to the humid environmental air under all weather patterns and the high(〉 5 km)freezing level under the STH pattern. 展开更多
关键词 tropical rainfall measuring mission trmm wide convection central plain of East China synoptic condition severe weather
多时间尺度下遥感降水产品与再分析降水产品在海河流域适用性对比分析 被引量:2
作者 王宗敏 王治中 +1 位作者 杨瑶 吴一凡 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2021年第6期2186-2193,共8页
为了综合评估热带降雨测量卫星(tropical rainfall measuring mission,TRMM)、全球降水测量计划(global precipitation measurement,GPM)遥感降水产品和MERRA-2再分析降水产品在海河流域的适用性,基于流域内57个气象站点2014年3月—2018... 为了综合评估热带降雨测量卫星(tropical rainfall measuring mission,TRMM)、全球降水测量计划(global precipitation measurement,GPM)遥感降水产品和MERRA-2再分析降水产品在海河流域的适用性,基于流域内57个气象站点2014年3月—2018年2月期间的逐日实测降水数据,选用相关系数、均方根误差、平均绝对误差、相对误差等评价指标,对比分析三者在海河流域年、季、月多时间尺度观测精度。结果表明:在年、季、月时间尺度上,GPM数据与站点实测数据的相关性均为最优,TRMM相关性均最弱。在3种时间尺度下,MERRA-2再分析数据在海河流域的数据精度最高,GPM次之,TRMM数据误差最为明显。TRMM、GPM在年度、季度降水量上均存在一定的高估现象,TRMM表现出对降水的高估现象更加明显,但是夏季GPM相对误差略高于TRMM数据。总体上,3种降水产品在海河流域均具有较好的适用性,但MERRA-2与GPM在海河流域的适用性较好且优于TRMM,GPM在弱降水观测能力方面较TRMM明显增强,但强降水监测能力仍有待提升。 展开更多
关键词 遥感降水 再分析资料 全球降水测量计划(GPM) 热带降雨测量卫星(trmm) MERRA-2 海河流域
Hydrological assessment of TRMM rainfall data over Yangtze River Basin
作者 Huang-he GU Zhong-bo YU +3 位作者 Chuan-guo YANG Qin JU Bao-hong LU Chuan LIANG 《Water Science and Engineering》 EI CAS 2010年第4期418-430,共13页
High-quality rainfall information is critical for accurate simulation of runoff and water cycle processes on the land surface. In situ monitoring of rainfall has a very limited utility at the regional and global scale... High-quality rainfall information is critical for accurate simulation of runoff and water cycle processes on the land surface. In situ monitoring of rainfall has a very limited utility at the regional and global scale because of the high temporal and spatial variability of rainfall. As a step toward overcoming this problem, microwave remote sensing observations can be used to retrieve the temporal and spatial rainfall coverage because of their global availability and frequency of measurement. This paper addresses the question of whether remote sensing rainfall estimates over a catchment can be used for water balance computations in the distributed hydrological model. The TRMM 3B42V6 rainfall product was introduced into the hydrological cycle simulation of the Yangtze River Basin in South China. A tool was developed to interpolate the rain gauge observations at the same temporal and spatial resolution as the TRMM data and then evaluate the precision of TRMM 3B42V6 data from 1998 to 2006. It shows that the TRMM 3B42V6 rainfall product was reliable and had good precision in application to the Yangtze River Basin. The TRMM 3B42V6 data slightly overestimated rainfall during the wet season and underestimated rainfall during the dry season in the Yangtze River Basin. Results suggest that the TRMM 3B42V6 rainfall product can be used as an alternative data source for large-scale distributed hydrological models. 展开更多
关键词 tropical rainfall measuring mission trmm satellite rainfall product hydrological simulation distributed hydrological model Yangtze River Basin
Variations of Precipitation Structure and Microwave Tbs During the Evolution of a Hailstorm from TRMM Observations
作者 何文英 陈洪滨 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2007年第2期153-167,共15页
In this paper, a hailstorm occurring on 9 May 1999 in Huanghuai region was studied by using the combined data from the precipitation radar (PR), microwave image (TMI), and visible infrared scanner (VIRS) on the ... In this paper, a hailstorm occurring on 9 May 1999 in Huanghuai region was studied by using the combined data from the precipitation radar (PR), microwave image (TMI), and visible infrared scanner (VIRS) on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite. According to the 3-orbit observations of 5- h duration from the TRMM satellite, the variation characteristics of the precipitation structures as well as cloud top temperature and microwave signals of the precipitating cloud were comprehensively analyzed during the evolution of hailstorm. The results show that the precipitation is obviously converted from early hail cloud with strong convection into the later storm cloud with weak convection. For hail cloud, there exists some strong convective cells, and the heavy solid precipitation is shown at the middle-top levels so that the contribution of rainfall amount above the freezing-layer to the column precipitation amount is rather larger than that within the melting-layer. However, for storm cloud, the convective cells are surrounded by the large area of stratiform precipitation, and the precipitation thickness gradually decreases, and the rainfall above the freezing-layer obviously reduces and the contribution of rainfall amount within the melting-layer rapidly increases. Therefore, the larger ratio of rainfall amount above the freezing layer to column precipitation amount is, the more convective the cloud is; reversely, the larger proportion of rainfall below the melting layer is, the more stable the stratiform cloud is. The different changing trends of microwave signals at different precipitation stages show that it is better to consider the structures and stages of precipitating cloud to choose the optimal microwave channels to retrieve surface rainfall. 展开更多
关键词 tropical rainfall measuring mission trmm precipitation radar (PR) HAILSTORM precipitation structure microwave brightness temperature
作者 陈洪萍 贾根锁 +2 位作者 冯锦明 董燕生 张安治 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2014年第5期939-949,共11页
在全球气候变暖的背景下,持续的干旱事件将对生态系统和人类社会产生不利影响。尽管存在多源卫星遥感资料及多种干旱指数,然而区域和全球尺度干旱事件的监测仍具有挑战。采用TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)数据量化降水异常... 在全球气候变暖的背景下,持续的干旱事件将对生态系统和人类社会产生不利影响。尽管存在多源卫星遥感资料及多种干旱指数,然而区域和全球尺度干旱事件的监测仍具有挑战。采用TRMM(Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission)数据量化降水异常、MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)归一化植被指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI)和陆表温度(Land Surface Temperature,LST)数据表征植被生长异常,构建了一种兼顾降水异常和植被生长状况异常的多传感器陆表干旱严重程度指数(Multi-sensors Drought Severity Index,MDSI)。结果表明:MDSI能够准确检测准全球范围(50°S~50°N,0°~180°~0°)的气象干旱事件,如亚马逊流域2005和2010年干旱、中国川渝地区2006年干旱、中国云南2010年干旱、非洲东部2011年干旱、2012年美国中部干旱等;MDSI与PDSI(Palmer Drought Severity Index)呈现出大致相同的干湿空间格局,并且MDSI有助于湿润地区干旱程度的检测。 展开更多
关键词 干旱 遥感 trmm多传感陆表 干旱严重指数
Significant impacts of the TRMM satellite orbit boost on climatological records of tropical precipitation
作者 LIU XianTong FU YunFei LIU Qi 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第35期4627-4634,共8页
With the unprecedented spaceborne precipitation radar(PR),the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) satellite has collected high-quality precipitation measurements for over ten years.The TRMM/PR data are nowadays ... With the unprecedented spaceborne precipitation radar(PR),the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) satellite has collected high-quality precipitation measurements for over ten years.The TRMM/PR data are nowadays extensively exploited in numerous meteorological and hydrological fields.Yet an artificial orbit boost of the TRMM satellite in August 2001 modulated the observation parameters,which inevitably affects climatological applications of the PR data and needs to be clarified.This study investigates the orbit boost effects of the TRMM satellite on the PR-derived precipitation characteristics.Both the potential impacts on precipitation frequency(PF) and precipitation intensity(PI) are carefully analyzed.The results show that the total PF decreases by 8.3% and PI increases by 4.0% over the tropics after the orbit boost.Such changes significantly exceed the natural variabilities and imply the strong effects of orbit boost on precipitation characteristics.The impacts on stratiform precipitation and convective precipitation are inconsistent,which is attributed to their distinct precipitation features.Further analysis reveal that the increased PI of stratiform precipitation is mainly due to the decreased frequencies of light precipitation,while the semi-constant PI of convective precipitation is caused by the concurrently decreased frequencies of light and heavy precipitation.A modification is applied to the post-boost PR precipitation data to retrieve the actual trends of tropical precipitation characteristics.It is found that the PI of total-precipitation approximately keeps invariable from 1998 to 2005.The total PF has no obvious trend over tropical oceans but decreases considerably over tropical lands. 展开更多
关键词 trmm卫星 卫星轨道 热带降水 气候记录 热带降雨测量卫星 对流性降水 层状云降水 星载测雨雷达
作者 李万彪 童科 +6 位作者 谷松岩 姚展予 刘文明 高慧琳 朱元竞 赵柏林 刘辉志 《北京大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第z1期118-124,共7页
利用先进的热带降雨测量卫星 (TRMM)资料 ,以及 1998年夏季淮河流域能量与水分循环试验中的加密观测资料 ,对淮河流域梅雨锋降水过程中云中液态水、云雨结构、雨区和雨率进行了反演计算 ,同时对淮河流域地表湿度和洪涝等进行了研究。结... 利用先进的热带降雨测量卫星 (TRMM)资料 ,以及 1998年夏季淮河流域能量与水分循环试验中的加密观测资料 ,对淮河流域梅雨锋降水过程中云中液态水、云雨结构、雨区和雨率进行了反演计算 ,同时对淮河流域地表湿度和洪涝等进行了研究。结果对于降水和洪涝的监测和预报 。 展开更多
关键词 卫星遥感 热带降雨测量卫星 降水 洪涝
TRMM-3B43降水产品在新疆地区的适用性研究 被引量:13
作者 卢新玉 魏鸣 +1 位作者 王秀琴 向芬 《国土资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期166-173,共8页
为研究热带降雨测量计划卫星(tropical rainfall measuring mission,TRMM)-3 B43(简称"TRMM")降水产品在新疆地区的适用性,利用1998—2013年TRMM月降水量产品与新疆地区105个国家气象站点的降水观测结果,通过统计分析分别在... 为研究热带降雨测量计划卫星(tropical rainfall measuring mission,TRMM)-3 B43(简称"TRMM")降水产品在新疆地区的适用性,利用1998—2013年TRMM月降水量产品与新疆地区105个国家气象站点的降水观测结果,通过统计分析分别在年、季和月尺度上进行验证。结果表明:TRMM估算的年降水量与新疆地区实测降水具有很高的一致性(平均偏高5.29%);与气象站点实测的季尺度降水数据决策系数较高,相关系数均在0.7以上;与气象站点实测的月降水数据的相关系数为0.75,表明两者之间相关性较显著,数据精度较高。就单个气象站点而言,大部分TRMM降水数据与气象站点实测降水数据相关系数较高,误差在30%以内,整体相关系数达到0.81,说明TRMM降水数据与气象台站点实测降水数据的一致性较好;但TRMM降水产品在时间和空间上具有一定的偏差,使用中需要进一步订正。 展开更多
关键词 热带降雨测量计划卫星(trmm)-3 B43数据 降水 适用性 新疆地区
多源降雨数据在官山河山洪预报中的应用 被引量:7
作者 吴金津 董文逊 +3 位作者 张艳军 谌芸 徐辉 陈秀篁 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第1期72-81,共10页
为提高山区小流域山洪预报精度,以官山河流域为研究对象,探究多源降雨数据在洪水预报中的应用前景。将雷达降雨数据、热带降雨观测计划(tropical rainfall measuring mission,TRMM)卫星降雨数据、地面雨量站数据分别作为TOPMODEL(topogr... 为提高山区小流域山洪预报精度,以官山河流域为研究对象,探究多源降雨数据在洪水预报中的应用前景。将雷达降雨数据、热带降雨观测计划(tropical rainfall measuring mission,TRMM)卫星降雨数据、地面雨量站数据分别作为TOPMODEL(topography-based hydrological model)模型的数据输入进行洪水模拟,对比分析不同来源降雨数据下的模型模拟结果。结果表明:雷达降雨数据作为模型驱动时,洪峰流量误差最小,平均误差仅为5.4%,径流深误差模拟效果也较好,平均误差为10.84%;TRMM卫星降雨数据作为模型驱动时虽然径流深误差较小,平均误差为7.44%,但是洪峰模拟误差较大,平均误差为80.34%;地面雨量站数据作为模型驱动时模拟效果不佳,洪峰误差的平均值为39.71%,径流深误差的平均值为18.58%。综合分析,雷达测雨作为模型驱动时在官山河流域的山洪模拟过程中效果最好,其在山洪预警预报中有很好的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 雷达测雨 trmm卫星 TOPMODEL模型 山洪模拟
Spatial Downscaling of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission Precipitation Using Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging over the Lancang River Basin, China 被引量:6
作者 LI Yungang ZHANG Yueyuan +2 位作者 HE Daming LUO Xian JI Xuan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2019年第3期446-462,共17页
Satellite-based precipitation products have been widely used to estimate precipitation, especially over regions with sparse rain gauge networks. However, the low spatial resolution of these products has limited their ... Satellite-based precipitation products have been widely used to estimate precipitation, especially over regions with sparse rain gauge networks. However, the low spatial resolution of these products has limited their application in localized regions and watersheds.This study investigated a spatial downscaling approach, Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging(GWRK), to downscale the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission(TRMM) 3 B43 Version 7 over the Lancang River Basin(LRB) for 2001–2015. Downscaling was performed based on the relationships between the TRMM precipitation and the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI), the Land Surface Temperature(LST), and the Digital Elevation Model(DEM). Geographical ratio analysis(GRA) was used to calibrate the annual downscaled precipitation data, and the monthly fractions derived from the original TRMM data were used to disaggregate annual downscaled and calibrated precipitation to monthly precipitation at 1 km resolution. The final downscaled precipitation datasets were validated against station-based observed precipitation in 2001–2015. Results showed that: 1) The TRMM 3 B43 precipitation was highly accurate with slight overestimation at the basin scale(i.e., CC(correlation coefficient) = 0.91, Bias = 13.3%). Spatially, the accuracies of the upstream and downstream regions were higher than that of the midstream region. 2) The annual downscaled TRMM precipitation data at 1 km spatial resolution obtained by GWRK effectively captured the high spatial variability of precipitation over the LRB. 3) The annual downscaled TRMM precipitation with GRA calibration gave better accuracy compared with the original TRMM dataset. 4) The final downscaled and calibrated precipitation had significantly improved spatial resolution, and agreed well with data from the validated rain gauge stations, i.e., CC = 0.75, RMSE(root mean square error) = 182 mm, MAE(mean absolute error) = 142 mm, and Bias = 0.78%for annual precipitation and CC = 0.95, RMSE = 25 mm, MAE = 16 mm, and Bias = 0.6 展开更多
关键词 PRECIPITATION tropical rainfall measuring mission(trmm) 3B43 Geographically Weighted Regression Kriging(GWRK) SPATIAL DOWNSCALING the Lancang River Basin China
北京7·21暴雨时空分布特征及热岛-雨岛响应关系 被引量:6
作者 孟丹 宫辉力 +1 位作者 李小娟 杨思遥 《国土资源遥感》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第1期178-185,共8页
以新中国成立以来北京地区发生单日最大降雨的2012年"北京7·21暴雨事件"作为研究对象,采用热带降雨观测计划(tropical rainfall measuring missio,TRMM)降雨数据、气象观测降雨数据和中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的地表温... 以新中国成立以来北京地区发生单日最大降雨的2012年"北京7·21暴雨事件"作为研究对象,采用热带降雨观测计划(tropical rainfall measuring missio,TRMM)降雨数据、气象观测降雨数据和中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)的地表温度(land surface temperature,LST)产品,利用空间插值、空间降尺度、精度评价及相关分析等方法分析北京7月21日暴雨的时空分布特点,定量研究城市"热岛-雨岛"时空响应关系。结果表明:从空间分布来看,强降雨发生北京南部;从TRMM的3 h降雨数据来看,随着时间推移最强雨带自西向东推进;经气象数据验证,降尺度的TRMM 3B42数据精度有所提高;LST对暴雨的影响表明热岛与雨岛在空间分布上存在一致性,且在雨强最大时段两者相关性最好。 展开更多
关键词 城市热岛 城市雨岛 热带降雨观测计划(trmm) 中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS) 地表温度(LST)
作者 姚展予 李万彪 +3 位作者 高慧琳 朱元竞 赵柏林 张强 《Acta meteorologica Sinica》 SCIE 2004年第1期95-104,共10页
The ability of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) for flooding and soil wetness detection has been demonstrated in this study.On the basis of TMI measurements,four methods,the classi... The ability of the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Microwave Imager (TMI) for flooding and soil wetness detection has been demonstrated in this study.On the basis of TMI measurements,four methods,the classification method,the soil wetness index (SWI) method. the polarization difference index (PDI) method,and the polarization ratio index (PRI) method, were brought out to monitor flooding and study soil wetness in the Changjiang and Huaihe River Basins during the summer 1998.Compared with the images provided by L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (L-SAR) and Radar Satellite (Radarsat) and the figures derived from daily rainfall data based on the Z-index method,the detection of flooding and soil wetness by TMI was proved to be feasible. 展开更多
关键词 trmm/TMI (tropical rainfall measuring mission/trmm Microwave Imager) remote sensing FLOODING
Comparison of TMI and AMSR-E sea surface temperatures with Argo near-surface temperatures over the global oceans 被引量:1
作者 CHEN Xingrong LIU Zenghong +1 位作者 SUN Chaohui WANG Haiyan 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期52-59,共8页
Satellite-derived sea surface temperatures(SSTs) from the tropical rainfall measuring mission(TRMM)microwave imager(TMI) and the advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth observing system(AMSR-E) we... Satellite-derived sea surface temperatures(SSTs) from the tropical rainfall measuring mission(TRMM)microwave imager(TMI) and the advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth observing system(AMSR-E) were compared with non-pumped near-surface temperatures(NSTs) obtained from Argo profiling floats over the global oceans. Factors that might cause temperature differences were examined, including wind speed, columnar water vapor, liquid cloud water, and geographic location. The results show that both TMI and AMSR-E SSTs are highly correlated with the Argo NSTs; however, at low wind speeds, they are on average warmer than the Argo NSTs. The TMI performs slightly better than the AMSR-E at low wind speeds, whereas the TMI SST retrievals might be poorly calibrated at high wind speeds. The temperature differences indicate a warm bias of the TMI/AMSR-E when columnar water vapor is low, which can indicate that neither TMI nor AMSR-E SSTs are well calibrated at high latitudes. The SST in the Kuroshio Extension region has higher variability than in the Kuroshio region. The variability of the temperature difference between the satellite-retrieved SSTs and the Argo NSTs is lower in the Kuroshio Extension during spring. At low wind speeds, neither TMI nor AMSR-E SSTs are well calibrated, although the TMI performs better than the AMSR-E. 展开更多
关键词 Argo near-surface temperature tropical rainfall measuring missiontrmm microwave imager advanced microwave scanning radiometer for the earth observing system sea surface temperature
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