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温度梯度场内可吸入颗粒物运动特性及热泳沉积 被引量:16
作者 刘若雷 杨瑞昌 +2 位作者 由长福 赵磊 周涛 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第7期1623-1628,共6页
对温度梯度场内垂直管中可吸入颗粒物在湍流工况下的运动特性和热泳沉积规律进行了实验研究,使用颗粒动态分析仪(PDA)在线测量了颗粒物在管道截面上的速度和浓度分布。重点研究了主流与水冷壁面的温差对粒径范围0~2.5μm颗粒(PM2.5)的... 对温度梯度场内垂直管中可吸入颗粒物在湍流工况下的运动特性和热泳沉积规律进行了实验研究,使用颗粒动态分析仪(PDA)在线测量了颗粒物在管道截面上的速度和浓度分布。重点研究了主流与水冷壁面的温差对粒径范围0~2.5μm颗粒(PM2.5)的运动和沉积的影响,得到其沉积效率。结果表明,湍流扩散作用使颗粒在近壁面富集,而热泳力是PM2.5在冷壁面上发生沉积的最主要因素。得到了PM2.5热泳沉积的半经验公式,计算值与实验结果较为接近。 展开更多
关键词 可吸入颗粒物 热泳力 沉积效率
大气气溶胶干沉降研究进展 被引量:12
作者 林官明 蔡旭晖 +1 位作者 胡敏 李惠君 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第9期3211-3220,共10页
从干沉降速度定义出发,综述了过去几十年来国内外在气溶胶干沉降实验技术和理论方面的主要进展.气溶胶粒子从大气向地表沉降的过程决定于颗粒物的粒径、密度和空气粘性系数,同时受空气动力学阻力、粘滞层阻力和表面收集阻力的影响,这些... 从干沉降速度定义出发,综述了过去几十年来国内外在气溶胶干沉降实验技术和理论方面的主要进展.气溶胶粒子从大气向地表沉降的过程决定于颗粒物的粒径、密度和空气粘性系数,同时受空气动力学阻力、粘滞层阻力和表面收集阻力的影响,这些阻力分别与大气层温度、风速、相对湿度等微气象条件密切相关.获取干沉降速度的方法主要有示踪法、梯度法和涡流相关法等.风速的三维瞬时量、动能、摩擦速度、温度和涡旋扩散系数可由超声风速温度仪测定.由于气溶胶具有很宽的粒径谱分布,通常使用几台仪器(如串联式多级采样器、空气动力学粒径谱分布仪和扫描电迁移率颗粒物粒径谱仪)进行联合测量.干沉降参数化方案中,基于斯托克斯定律的物理模型着重于平衡重力、浮力和阻力的作用,半经验方案则进一步考虑了大气湍流、分子运动以及表面捕获机制包括布朗扩散、碰撞、截留、反弹、热泳和扩散泳.然而,参数化方案预测结果在某些粒径段与外场测量数据仍存在显著差异.结合目前干沉降研究存在的问题,对今后气溶胶干沉降的研究方向和技术方法进行了展望. 展开更多
关键词 气溶胶 干沉降速度 干沉降通量 干沉降模型 热泳
湿法脱硫喷淋除尘过程的数值模拟 被引量:11
作者 李晨朗 冀秉强 +1 位作者 宋蔷 姚强 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2019年第4期1070-1079,共10页
脱硫塔的协同除尘作用可进一步降低燃煤颗粒物的排放。建立了描述塔内气液固三相运动的数学模型与计算方法,对脱硫塔喷淋浆液的协同除尘过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:颗粒的脱除效率随颗粒粒径增加而升高;亚微米级颗粒主要靠热泳捕集,气... 脱硫塔的协同除尘作用可进一步降低燃煤颗粒物的排放。建立了描述塔内气液固三相运动的数学模型与计算方法,对脱硫塔喷淋浆液的协同除尘过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:颗粒的脱除效率随颗粒粒径增加而升高;亚微米级颗粒主要靠热泳捕集,气液温差大的区域是其主要捕集区域;微米级颗粒主要靠惯性捕集,喷淋层附近单液滴捕集效率最高;入口附近液滴浓度高、气液温差大且原烟气的颗粒物浓度高,是各粒径颗粒被捕集的最主要区域。提高气液两相温差、气液相对速度、塔内液气比可优化脱硫塔的协同除尘性能。 展开更多
关键词 湿法脱硫 颗粒物 喷淋 除尘 热泳 惯性捕集
温度场内可吸入颗粒物运动特性的实验研究 被引量:9
作者 杨瑞昌 周涛 +2 位作者 刘若雷 赵磊 刘京宫 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第2期259-261,共3页
对温度场内可吸入颗粒物的运动特性进行了实验研究,使用PDA测量了场内可吸入颗粒物的速度和浓度分布等参数,研究了实验段入口速度和温度等操作参数对温度场内颗粒相运动特性的影响.结果表明,在近冷壁区边界层内,PM_(2.5)的轴向速度和... 对温度场内可吸入颗粒物的运动特性进行了实验研究,使用PDA测量了场内可吸入颗粒物的速度和浓度分布等参数,研究了实验段入口速度和温度等操作参数对温度场内颗粒相运动特性的影响.结果表明,在近冷壁区边界层内,PM_(2.5)的轴向速度和脉动速度变化很大,颗粒因热泳力及扩散作用会向冷壁面运动并产生沉积.在实验研究的基础上,提出了计算温度场内PM_(2.5)沉积效率的经验公式。 展开更多
关键词 可吸入颗粒物 热泳力 沉积 实验研究
矩形管边界层内亚微米颗粒运动热泳规律的实验研究 被引量:8
作者 周涛 杨瑞昌 +3 位作者 张记刚 赵磊 王世超 刘若雷 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期92-97,共6页
建立带有玻璃窗的由"煮黑"工艺完成的矩形通道实验装置,对已有的颗粒动态分析(particle dynamicsanalyzer,PDA)测量技术进行了改进,并以此方法对矩形通道内的不均匀温度场中近壁区的亚微米颗粒的运动情况进行了测量。改进的PD... 建立带有玻璃窗的由"煮黑"工艺完成的矩形通道实验装置,对已有的颗粒动态分析(particle dynamicsanalyzer,PDA)测量技术进行了改进,并以此方法对矩形通道内的不均匀温度场中近壁区的亚微米颗粒的运动情况进行了测量。改进的PDA测量方式可更有效地了解近壁面颗粒运动状况。利用实验数据对在温度场中亚微米颗粒的受力情况和运动情况进行了分析。研究表明:亚微米颗粒在湍流温度场中运动,既有湍流和热泳的沉积效应,也存在较小颗粒的团聚效应。热泳力对较小粒子的作用强于较大粒子,但如果粒径太小,粒子在主流中的跟随性变强。热泳力对亚微米颗粒作用较强,湍流对较大颗粒作用较强。由于亚微米颗粒能够跟随气流运动,对沉积也带来不利的影响。当温度较高时,在边界层内,热泳力超过由于速度梯度造成的横向沙夫曼力,是使细颗粒发生热泳沉积的重要原因。布朗扩散可能对亚微米颗粒运动起到主导作用。 展开更多
关键词 亚微米颗粒 热泳 近壁面 沉积 湍流
横掠液柱流的微粒运动机理及PM_(2.5)捕获(Ⅰ) 附面运动轨迹与分离半径 被引量:10
作者 陈治良 魏文韫 +3 位作者 朱家骅 郭沈 夏素兰 余徽 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期2001-2009,共9页
提出了横掠液柱流的速度场和温度场推动PM2.5微粒附面运动机理,建立了微粒附面运动微分方程和数值积分反演方法,计算粒子运动轨迹并预测可吸收的微粒运动最大分离半径。定义最大分离半径与液柱表面之间附面层的厚度为分离厚度,以气溶胶... 提出了横掠液柱流的速度场和温度场推动PM2.5微粒附面运动机理,建立了微粒附面运动微分方程和数值积分反演方法,计算粒子运动轨迹并预测可吸收的微粒运动最大分离半径。定义最大分离半径与液柱表面之间附面层的厚度为分离厚度,以气溶胶流体通过该区域的体积流量与横掠单液柱的总体积流量之比代表单液柱吸收效率;热泳推动力是强化吸收效率的主要因素。基于单液柱吸收效率,按串联模型导出规则排列的液柱群整体分离效率计算公式,依据液柱交叉流几何结构、流体流动和气液两相传热传质参数即可确定整体分离效率。对交叉流Reynolds数为170的实例计算显示,直径4mm的单液柱吸收效率为1.18%,由195排液柱群组成的长度为1170mm的分离通道整体分离效率达到90%。 展开更多
关键词 PM2.5吸收 液柱交叉流 热泳 气液界面 附面层
横掠液柱流的微粒运动机理及PM_(2.5)捕获(Ⅱ) 重型柴油机尾气PM_(2.5)捕获效率 被引量:10
作者 陈治良 魏文韫 +3 位作者 朱家骅 夏小全 夏素兰 余徽 《化工学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期2010-2016,共7页
根据(Ⅰ)报提出的液柱交叉流PM2.5颗粒附面运动与吸收机理及模型计算方法,设计了以钻井废水吸收钻井柴油机尾气PM2.5的液柱交叉流吸收现场试验装置。吸收器具有高温绝热蒸发与低温绝热冷凝两个操作空间,柴油机尾气通过绝热蒸发空间降温... 根据(Ⅰ)报提出的液柱交叉流PM2.5颗粒附面运动与吸收机理及模型计算方法,设计了以钻井废水吸收钻井柴油机尾气PM2.5的液柱交叉流吸收现场试验装置。吸收器具有高温绝热蒸发与低温绝热冷凝两个操作空间,柴油机尾气通过绝热蒸发空间降温增湿,携带水蒸气到绝热冷凝空间通过扩散在液柱表面冷凝,形成热泳和扩散双重强化PM2.5吸收分离机制。模型计算显示该机制下0.01~1.0μm范围内颗粒粒径与分离效率关系不显著,设计工况下单液柱分离效率1.17%~1.36%。由200排三角形布置的液柱构成的吸收器总体分离效率90%~93%。该过程可同时蒸发废水461.2kg.h-1。但颗粒分离效率随蒸发负荷及液柱温度的上升而降低,温升10℃、单液柱分离效率降低60%。现场模型试验装置监测数据与本文模型计算总分离效率基本接近。 展开更多
关键词 液柱交叉流 柴油机尾气 PM2.5分离 热泳 传质强化
The expression and binding properties of the rice WRKY68 protein in the Xa21-mediated resistance response to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryzae 被引量:7
作者 YANG Shuo ZHOU Liang +9 位作者 MIAO Liu-yang SHI Jia-nan SUN Cai-qiang FAN Wei LAN Jin-ping CHEN Hao LIU Li-juan DOU Shi-juan LIU Guo-zhen LI Li-yun 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第11期2451-2460,共10页
Plant WRKY transcription factors are involved in various physiological processes, including biotic and abiotic stress responses, as well as developmental processes. In this study, the expression patterns of the WRKY68... Plant WRKY transcription factors are involved in various physiological processes, including biotic and abiotic stress responses, as well as developmental processes. In this study, the expression patterns of the WRKY68 protein during interactions between rice 4021 containing the bacterial blight resistance gene Xa21 and Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae(Xoo) were investigated. A possible modified form of the WRKY68 protein appeared in the Xa21-mediated disease resistance response, and its expression levels were similar in compatible and incompatible responses, but differed significantly from that of the mock control treatment, suggesting that WRKY68 may be involved in the bacterial blight response in rice. To further understand WRKY68's roles in the resistance signaling pathway, WRKY68 recombinant protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and a microscale thermophoresis analysis was performed to investigate the interactions between WRKY68 and cis-elements in crucial pathogenesis-related(PR) genes. The results showed that the WRKY68 protein binds to W-boxes in the PR1 b promoter region, with an apparent dissociation constant of 25 nmol L–1, while the binding between WRKY68 and PR10 a was W-box independent. The results suggested that a possible modified form of the WRKY68 protein was induced during the interaction between rice and Xoo, which then regulated the activity of the downstream PR genes by binding with the W-boxes in the PR1 b gene's promoter region. Moreover, the constitutive transcription of the WRKY68 gene in dozens of rice tissues and the expression of the WRKY68 protein in leaves during all growth stages suggests that WRKY68 plays important roles in rice during normal growth processes. 展开更多
关键词 RICE bacterial blight WRKY transcription factor W-box Western blot microscale thermophoresis
Biomathematical study of time-dependent flow of a Carreau nanofluid through inclined catheterized arteries with overlapping stenosis 被引量:6
作者 Ashfaq Ahmed Sohail Nadeem 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期2725-2744,共20页
This work is concerned with the analysis of blood flow through inclined catheterized arteries having a balloon(angioplasty) with time-variant overlapping stenosis. The nature of blood in small arteries is analyzed mat... This work is concerned with the analysis of blood flow through inclined catheterized arteries having a balloon(angioplasty) with time-variant overlapping stenosis. The nature of blood in small arteries is analyzed mathematically by considering it as a Carreau nanofluid. The highly nonlinear momentum equations of nanofluid model are simplified by considering the mild stenosis case. The formulated problem is solved by a homotopy perturbation expansion in terms of a variant of the Weissenberg number to obtain explicit forms for the axial velocity, the stream function, the pressure gradient, the resistance impedance and the wall shear stress distribution. These solutions depend on the Brownian motion number, thermophoresis number, local temperature Grashof number G_r and local nanoparticle Grash of number B_r. The results were also studied for various values of the physical parameters, such as the Weissenberg number W_i, the power law index n, the taper angle φ, the maximum height of stenosis δ~*, the angle of inclination α, the maximum height of balloon σ~*, the axial displacement of the balloon z_d~*,the flow rate F and the Froud number Fr. The obtained results show that the transmission of axial velocity curves through a Newtonian fluid(Wi=0, n=1, Gr=0, Br=0, Nt=0, Nb≠0) is substantially lower than that through a Carreau nanofluid near the wall of balloon while the inverse occurs in the region between the balloon and stenosis. The streamlines have a clearly distinguished shifting toward the stenotic region and this shifting appears near the wall of the balloon, while it has almost disappeared near the stenotic wall and the trapping bolus in the case of horizontal arteries and Newtonian fluid(Wi=0, n=1, Gr=0, Br=0, Nt=0, Nb≠0) does not appear but for the case of Carreau nanofluid bolus appears. 展开更多
关键词 OVERLAPPING stenosed artery NANOFLUID Grashof number BROWNIAN motion thermophoresis pharmacology
Thermophoresis and Brownian motion effects on boundary layer flow of nanofluid in presence of thermal stratification due to solar energy 被引量:5
作者 N.ANBUCHEZHIAN K.SRINIVASAN +1 位作者 K.CHANDRASEKARAN R.KANDASAMY 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 2012年第6期765-780,共16页
The problem of laminar fluid flow, which results from the stretching of a vertical surface with variable stream conditions in a nanofluid due to solar energy, is in- vestigated numerically. The model used for the nano... The problem of laminar fluid flow, which results from the stretching of a vertical surface with variable stream conditions in a nanofluid due to solar energy, is in- vestigated numerically. The model used for the nanofluid incorporates the effects of the Brownian motion and thermophoresis in the presence of thermal stratification. The sym- metry groups admitted by the corresponding boundary value problem are obtained by using a special form of Lie group transformations, namely, the scaling group of transfor- mations. An exact solution is obtained for the translation symmetrys, and the numerical solutions are obtained for the scaling symmetry. This solution depends on the Lewis number, the Brownian motion parameter, the thermal stratification parameter, and the thermophoretic parameter. The conclusion is drawn that the flow field, the temperature, and the nanoparticle volume fraction profiles are significantly influenced by these param- eters. Nanofluids have been shown to increase the thermal conductivity and convective heat transfer performance of base liquids. Nanoparticles in the base fluids also offer the potential in improving the radiative properties of the liquids, leading to an increase in the efficiency of direct absorption solar collectors. 展开更多
关键词 solar radiation Brownian motion NANOFLUID thermophoresis thermalstratification
A simple fluorescence anisotropy assay for detection of bisphenol A using fluorescently labeled aptamer 被引量:7
作者 Liying Liu Qiang Zhao 《Journal of Environmental Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期19-24,共6页
Bisphenol A(BPA)is one of the environmental endocrine disruptors(EDCs),and BPA contamination in environment can cause high risks to human health.Rapid determination of BPA on sites is in high demand in environmental a... Bisphenol A(BPA)is one of the environmental endocrine disruptors(EDCs),and BPA contamination in environment can cause high risks to human health.Rapid determination of BPA on sites is in high demand in environmental analysis.Taking advantage of aptamers as affinity ligands and fluorescence anisotropy(FA)analysis,we developed a simple and rapid FA assay for BPA by employing a single tetramethylrhodamine(TMR)labeled short 35-mer DNA aptamer against BPA.The assay is based on the BPA-binding induced conformation change of TMR-labeled aptamer and alteration of interaction between TMR and guanine bases,resulting in change of FA signals.We screened the FA change of aptamer probes having TMR label on a specific site of the aptamer upon BPA addition.The aptamer with a TMR label on the 22nd T base showed large FA-decreasing response to BPA and maintained good binding affinity to BPA.By using this TMR-labeled aptamer,we achieved FA detection of BPA with a detection limit of 0.5μmol/L under the optimized conditions.This assay was selective towards BPA and enabled the detection of BPA spiked in tap water sample,showing the potential applications on water samples. 展开更多
关键词 Bisphenol A APTAMER Fluorescence anisotropy Fluorescence polarization Microscale thermophoresis Binding affinity
Low-temperature optothermal nanotweezers 被引量:2
作者 Jianxing Zhou Xiaoqi Dai +6 位作者 Yuhang Peng Yili Zhong Ho-Pui Ho Yonghong Shao Bruce Zhi Gao Junle Qu Jiajie Chen 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第5期7710-7715,共6页
Optical tweezers that rely on laser irradiation to capture and manipulate nanoparticles have provided powerful tools for biological and biochemistry studies.However,the existence of optical diffraction-limit and the t... Optical tweezers that rely on laser irradiation to capture and manipulate nanoparticles have provided powerful tools for biological and biochemistry studies.However,the existence of optical diffraction-limit and the thermal damage caused by high laser power hinder the wider application of optical tweezers in the biological field.For the past decade,the emergence of optothermal tweezers has solved the above problems to a certain extent,while the auxiliary agents used in optothermal tweezers still limit their biocompatibility.Here,we report a kind of nanotweezers based on the sign transformation of the thermophoresis coefficient of colloidal particles in low-temperature environment.Using a self-made microfluidic refrigerator to reduce the ambient temperature to around 0℃in the microfluidic cell,we can control a single nanoparticle at lower laser power without adding additional agent solute in the solution.This novel optical tweezering scheme has provided a new path for the manipulation of inorganic nanoparticles as well as biological particles. 展开更多
关键词 optothermal tweezers optical manipulation microfluidic device thermophoresis thermo-osmotic flow
Numerical Investigation on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Microencapsulated Phase Change Material Slurry in a Rectangular Minichannel
作者 WANG Zhibin LI Zilong +2 位作者 JIA Lisi DING Bin CHEN Ying 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期564-577,共14页
Microencapsulation phase change material slurry(MEPCMS) becomes a potential working fluid for cooling high energy density miniaturized components,thanks to the latent heat absorption of particles in the heat transfer ... Microencapsulation phase change material slurry(MEPCMS) becomes a potential working fluid for cooling high energy density miniaturized components,thanks to the latent heat absorption of particles in the heat transfer process.In this work,the Discrete Phase Model(DPM) based on the Euler-Lagrangian method is used to numerically investigate the convective heat transfer characteristics of MEPCMS flowing through a rectangular minichannel with constant heat flux.The results show that particles of MEPCMS are mainly subjected to drag force during the flow.Even so,they can migrate from the high-temperature region to the low-temperature region driven by the thermophoretic force,affecting the particle distribution and phase change process.Moreover,the Nux of the MEPCMS fluctuates due to particle phase change with varying specific heat capacities.Specifically,the value increases first,then decreases,and eventually increases again until it approaches the fully developed value of the pure base fluid as the particles gradually melt.Furthermore,the heat transfer performance of the MEPCMS is influenced by the combination of fluid inlet temperature fluid inlet velocity(v),and mass concentration(c_(m)) of MEPCM particles.The result shows that the maximum reduction of the maximum bottom wall temperature difference(ΔT_(w)) is 23.98% at T_(in)=293.15 K,v=0.15 m·s^(-1),c_(m)=10%. 展开更多
关键词 Microencapsulated Phase Change Material Slurry(MPCMS) Discrete Phase Model(DPM) particle-fluid interaction force minichannel heat sink thermophoresis
A Review of Termo- and Diffusio-Phoresis in the Atmospheric Aerosol Scavenging Process. Part 1: Drop Scavenging 被引量:3
作者 Gianni Santachiara Franco Prodi Franco Belosi 《Atmospheric and Climate Sciences》 2012年第2期148-158,共11页
The role of phoretic forces in providing in-cloud and below-cloud scavenging due to falling drop is reviewed by considering published papers dealing with theoretical models, laboratory and field measurements. Theoreti... The role of phoretic forces in providing in-cloud and below-cloud scavenging due to falling drop is reviewed by considering published papers dealing with theoretical models, laboratory and field measurements. Theoretical analyses agree that Brownian diffusion appears to dominate drop scavenging of aerosol with radius less than 0.1 μm, and inertial impaction dominates scavenging of aerosol with radius higher than 1 μm. Thus, there is a minimum collection efficiency for particles in the approximate range 0.1 μm - 1 μm, where phoretic forces are felt. Generally speaking, published papers report not uniform evaluations of the contribution of thermo- and diffusiophoretic forces. This disagreement is partially due to the different laboratory and field conditions, and different theoretical approaches. 展开更多
Thermophoresis effects on gas-particle phases flow behaviors in entrained flow coal gasifier using Eulerian model 被引量:3
作者 Chao Dai Fan Gu 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第6期712-721,共10页
A numerical model based on the Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid approach is used to simulate the gasification of coal char inside an entrained flow gasifier. In this model, effects of thermophoresis of coal char particles... A numerical model based on the Eulerian–Eulerian two-fluid approach is used to simulate the gasification of coal char inside an entrained flow gasifier. In this model, effects of thermophoresis of coal char particles are thoroughly investigated. The thermophoresis is due to the gas temperature gradient caused by absorpted heat of coal char gasification. This work, firstly, calculates the gas temperature gradient and thermophoretic force at1100 °C,1200 °C,1300 °C and 1400 °C wall temperatures. Then, the changes of particle volume fraction and velocity in the gasifier are studied in the simulation with thermophoresis or not. The results indicate that considering the particle thermophoresis has some effects on the calculation of particle volume fraction in the gasifier, especially at wall temperature of 1400 °C, and the maximum particle volume fraction variance ratio reaches up to 1.38% on wall surface of the gasifier. These effects are mainly caused by large gas temperature gradient along the radial direction of the gasifier. For the particle velocity, the changes are small but can be observable along radial direction of the gasifier, which has good agreement with the distributions of radial gas temperature gradient and thermophoretic force. These changes above may have certain effects on gasification reaction rates in this Eulerian model. So the change of gasification reaction rates in the simulation with thermophoresis or not is studied finally. 展开更多
Numerical solutions to heat transfer of nanofluid flow over stretching sheet subjected to variations of nanoparticle volume fraction and wall temperature 被引量:2
作者 M.SALARI M.MOHAMMADTABAR A.MOHAMMADTABAR 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI 2014年第1期63-72,共10页
The numerical analysis of heat transfer of laminar nanofluid flow over a fiat stretching sheet is presented. Two sets of boundary conditions (BCs) axe analyzed, i.e., a constant (Case 1) and a linear streamwise va... The numerical analysis of heat transfer of laminar nanofluid flow over a fiat stretching sheet is presented. Two sets of boundary conditions (BCs) axe analyzed, i.e., a constant (Case 1) and a linear streamwise variation of nanopaxticle volume fraction and wall temperature (Case 2). The governing equations and BCs axe reduced to a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and the corresponding BCs, respectively. The dependencies of solutions on Prandtl number Pr, Lewis number Le, Brownian motion number Nb, and thermophoresis number Nt are studied in detail. The results show that the reduced Nusselt number and the reduced Sherwood number increase for the BCs of Case 2 compared with Case 1. The increases of Nb, Nt, and Le numbers cause a decrease of the reduced Nusselt number, while the reduced Sherwood number increases with the increase of Nb and Le numbers. For low Prandtl numbers, an increase of Nt number can cause to decrease in the reduced Sherwood number, while it increases for high Prandtl numbers. 展开更多
关键词 stretching sheet NANOFLUID laminar boundary layer Brownian motion thermophoresis partial differential equation numerical solution
Entropy generation analysis of natural convective radiative second grade nanofluid flow between parallel plates in a porous medium 被引量:2
作者 K.RAMESH O.OJJELA 《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(English Edition)》 SCIE EI CSCD 2019年第4期481-498,共18页
The present article explores the entropy generation of radiating viscoelastic second grade nanofluid in a porous channel confined between two parallel plates. The boundaries of the plates are maintained at distinct te... The present article explores the entropy generation of radiating viscoelastic second grade nanofluid in a porous channel confined between two parallel plates. The boundaries of the plates are maintained at distinct temperatures and concentrations while the fluid is being sucked and injected periodically through upper and lower plates. The buoyancy forces, thermophoresis and Brownian motion are also considered due to the temperature and concentration differences across the channel. The system of governing partial differential equations has been transferred into a system of ordinary differential equations(ODEs) by appropriate similarity relations, and a shooting method with the fourth-order Runge-Kutta scheme is used for the solutions. The results are analyzed in detail for dimensionless velocity components. The temperature, concentration distributions, the entropy generation number, and the Bejan number corresponding to various fluid and geometric parameters are shown graphically. The skin friction, heat and mass transfer rates are presented in the form of tables. It is noticed that the temperature profile of the fluid is enhanced with the Brownian motion, whereas the concentration profile of the fluid is decreased with the thermophoresis parameter, and the entropy and Bejan numbers exhibit the opposite trend for the suction and injection ratio. 展开更多
关键词 NANOFLUID thermophoresis BROWNIAN motion SHOOTING method thermal radiation
作者 Amirali SHATERI Mojgan Mansouri MOGHADDAM +3 位作者 Bahram JALILI Yasir KHAN Payam JALILI Davood Domiri GANJI 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第7期2313-2323,共11页
本研究采用微分变换法和Akbari-Ganji法,研究了施加均匀磁场对纳米流体在两个无限平行板间流动的自然对流传热的影响。在得到控制方程并在特定边界条件下求解问题后,研究了Prandtl数、挤压次数、Schmidt数、Hartmann数、Eckert数、布朗... 本研究采用微分变换法和Akbari-Ganji法,研究了施加均匀磁场对纳米流体在两个无限平行板间流动的自然对流传热的影响。在得到控制方程并在特定边界条件下求解问题后,研究了Prandtl数、挤压次数、Schmidt数、Hartmann数、Eckert数、布朗运动参数和热电泳参数等主要参数的影响。将相似变换用于求解常微分方程组,并与Rung-Kutta四阶数值法进行对比。研究结果表明,增加挤压次数会导致速度减慢,增加Hartman数也有类似的影响。此外,温度随着Hartman数、Eckert数和热电泳参数的增大而升高,且与Prandtl数成正比。我们对比研究了Akbari-Ganji法和微分变换法求解非线性微分方程,结果表明,前者需要的计算步骤更少和计算时间更短,是一种更有效的方法。使用建议的方法获得的解与文献中的解一致。这些结果有助于研究人员更快、更容易地进行分析,并为纳米流体在电磁场存在下流动的复杂行为提供重要见解。 展开更多
关键词 Akbari-Ganji法 微分变换法 传热输 热电泳
作者 周懿 尹世杰 +1 位作者 杨洋 郭盼盼 《武汉理工大学学报(交通科学与工程版)》 2023年第3期454-459,共6页
文中以高温高压条件下带电胶体颗粒在水溶液中的热泳为研究对象,基于能量守恒方程、泊松方程、能斯特-普朗克方程、连续性方程和斯托克斯方程建立仿真模型.结果表明:高温高压条件加速颗粒在水溶液中的热泳.当双电层相对于颗粒半径较厚时... 文中以高温高压条件下带电胶体颗粒在水溶液中的热泳为研究对象,基于能量守恒方程、泊松方程、能斯特-普朗克方程、连续性方程和斯托克斯方程建立仿真模型.结果表明:高温高压条件加速颗粒在水溶液中的热泳.当双电层相对于颗粒半径较厚时,双电层形变为主要因素,较高温度可增大热泳系数;当双电层较薄时,热电效应为主要因素,温度的上升反而减小热泳系数.若颗粒热导率远高于水溶液热导率,由此形成的非线性温度场会严重削弱双电层较薄时的颗粒热泳. 展开更多
关键词 纳米流体 高温高压条件 双电层 热泳 热泳系数
管道中亚微米颗粒热泳脱除技术的研究 被引量:4
作者 周涛 杨瑞昌 +4 位作者 胡雨 赵磊 王世超 刘若雷 傅涛 《动力工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期576-579,584,共5页
通过对设计的实验系统进行测量,得到了亚微米颗粒热泳沉积效率的计算公式.由实验验证:相对于长管,短管可充分利用速度温度正在发展流,从而获得更高的热泳沉积效率.利用逐步递进原则,设计了1种将短管作为热泳除尘段,并和过渡段交替连接... 通过对设计的实验系统进行测量,得到了亚微米颗粒热泳沉积效率的计算公式.由实验验证:相对于长管,短管可充分利用速度温度正在发展流,从而获得更高的热泳沉积效率.利用逐步递进原则,设计了1种将短管作为热泳除尘段,并和过渡段交替连接的除尘装置.结果表明:在采用8段热泳段的情况下,总除尘率可达到约83.24%.说明利用该原则能设计出可行的脱除亚微米颗粒的除尘设备. 展开更多
关键词 除尘设备 热泳 沉积效率 短管 亚微米颗粒
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