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论《潮骚》的美学特征 被引量:3
作者 李雪梅 《山东商业职业技术学院学报》 2013年第4期101-103,115,共4页
《潮骚》是三岛由纪夫作品系列中最具独特风格的小说,作家将希腊艺术美与日本古典艺术美相融合,形成自己独特的美学追求。小说中粗犷美丽的自然景观,淳朴和谐的民风民情,神圣纯洁的爱情,肉体与理性统一的青年男性美,以及富于青春活力的... 《潮骚》是三岛由纪夫作品系列中最具独特风格的小说,作家将希腊艺术美与日本古典艺术美相融合,形成自己独特的美学追求。小说中粗犷美丽的自然景观,淳朴和谐的民风民情,神圣纯洁的爱情,肉体与理性统一的青年男性美,以及富于青春活力的老年形象,均表现出小说独特的美学特征,同时也形成了这部小说轻松明朗的艺术格调,从而实现了三岛所追求的艺术美学理想。 展开更多
关键词 《潮骚》 自然景观 牧歌情调 均衡 消解
作者 赵超敏 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2015年第2期50-52,共3页
《潮骚》是三岛由纪夫描写唯美爱情故事的代表作。通过从叙事学角度对作品空间构造的分析可以看到,神社、灯塔分别以新治和初江为表象,具有对内与外的象征意义,同时体现出歌岛这个封闭空间的相对性。立体空间结构及若干对立关系的塑造... 《潮骚》是三岛由纪夫描写唯美爱情故事的代表作。通过从叙事学角度对作品空间构造的分析可以看到,神社、灯塔分别以新治和初江为表象,具有对内与外的象征意义,同时体现出歌岛这个封闭空间的相对性。立体空间结构及若干对立关系的塑造和叙事视角的多角度转换使故事情节生动充实,既体现了作者对甜蜜爱情的赞美,也展示了故事深层所蕴含的主人公自我意识的觉醒,表现了三岛对理想之乡的向往和对现实的无奈。 展开更多
关键词 《潮骚》 三岛由纪夫 空间结构 对立关系 自我意识
作者 王忆莎 曾利君 《榆林学院学报》 2021年第3期85-89,共5页
《边城》与《潮骚》分别是沈从文与三岛由纪夫的代表作,两个作品具有极高的相似性。它们篇幅相近,成书时间相差不远,又有着类似的故事结构,都用优美的牧歌笔调描绘了属于各自的桃源恋歌。但它们却类而不同,爱情故事走向了截然相反的结... 《边城》与《潮骚》分别是沈从文与三岛由纪夫的代表作,两个作品具有极高的相似性。它们篇幅相近,成书时间相差不远,又有着类似的故事结构,都用优美的牧歌笔调描绘了属于各自的桃源恋歌。但它们却类而不同,爱情故事走向了截然相反的结局。这缘于作者文化背景、文学趣味的不同,使得两个故事中性格各异的人物形象将故事引向了不同的发展道路。通过比较两个作品中人物群像以及主人公形象的异同,可以探寻出二者爱情书写相异的必然性。 展开更多
关键词 《边城》 《潮骚》 人物形象 爱情书写 比较
声波穿透及钻孔录像在混凝土裂缝检测及灌浆质量评价中的应用 被引量:8
作者 杨正刚 杜兴忠 江晓涛 《工程地球物理学报》 2015年第1期101-105,共5页
大体积混凝土在施工过程中受到温度或外来强震的影响均可能产生裂缝[1],混凝土裂缝的处理方案设计是否合理有赖于对混凝土裂缝的深度、宽度及其变化趋势的准确测定。本文结合四川某水库大坝混凝土裂缝检测及灌后质量评价,探讨声波穿透... 大体积混凝土在施工过程中受到温度或外来强震的影响均可能产生裂缝[1],混凝土裂缝的处理方案设计是否合理有赖于对混凝土裂缝的深度、宽度及其变化趋势的准确测定。本文结合四川某水库大坝混凝土裂缝检测及灌后质量评价,探讨声波穿透及钻孔录像在混凝土裂缝检测及灌浆质量评价中的应用。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土裂缝 灌浆质量 声波穿透 钻孔录像
Some Aspects of Ray Representation Running Sound Waves in Liquid Spaces 被引量:2
作者 V. P. Ivanov G. K. Ivanova 《Open Journal of Acoustics》 2013年第1期7-13,共7页
Work is devoted to the analysis of errors meeting in literature in treatment of a spatial part of a phase of running sound waves. In some cases, it is not taken into consideration that this part of a phase is formed b... Work is devoted to the analysis of errors meeting in literature in treatment of a spatial part of a phase of running sound waves. In some cases, it is not taken into consideration that this part of a phase is formed by scalar product of vectors which does not depend on a choice of system of co-ordinates. Taking into account the necessary corrections in record of a phase of plane waves, it is shown that the decision of the homogeneous wave equation in the form of “belated” potentials is simultaneously and the decision of the equations of movement of a liquid, and “outstripped” potentials does not satisfy them. The analysis of coefficients of reflection and passage of running waves in non-uniform space is carried out. It is shown that on boundary of spaces with different sound speeds, a turning point of a sound wave is the point of full internal reflection. The way of calculation of coefficients of reflection and passage is offered by consideration of all three waves on boundary of spaces as vectors with the set directions and amplitude of a falling wave. Calculation of coefficients of reflection and passage of a sound wave in a wave-guide of canonical type along the chosen trajectory by two methods—under traditional formulas and a vector method is carried out. Results of calculation practically coincide. 展开更多
关键词 sound Running waves wave Equation Reflection PASSAGE LIQUID Space wave-GUIDE RAYS
“听到光”实验 被引量:2
作者 路峻岭 秦联华 +2 位作者 任乃敬 柴雨稷 韦祎 《大学物理》 北大核心 2014年第10期24-25,共2页
关键词 声驻波 共振模式 富氏级数
To the Question of Sound Waves Propagation in Liquid
作者 V. P. Ivanov G. K. Ivanova 《Open Journal of Acoustics》 2015年第3期112-121,共10页
This paper is proposed to consider the propagation of sound waves in the liquid as a result of special deformation of the medium. Mechanical vibrations of the membrane, (diaphragm) creating a sound wave, transfer from... This paper is proposed to consider the propagation of sound waves in the liquid as a result of special deformation of the medium. Mechanical vibrations of the membrane, (diaphragm) creating a sound wave, transfer from layer to layer in medium without causing synchronous oscillations of the fluid particles. It can be assumed that the deformation of the liquid is similar to the driving force (pressure) in the direction perpendicular to the plane of the vibrating membrane. Usually, the running wave functions are used to describe the sound waves, but they do not contain the direction of propagation. It is proposed to consider that the amplitude of the wave is a vector coinciding with the vector tangent to the path of the wave. This would allow for a change of direction of propagation without changing its phase, in which the direction of wave is not present. It proposed a method of calculating a vector of amplitudes of the reflected and transmitted sound waves based on the laws of conservation of impulse and energy of the waves and the boundary conditions defined by Snell’s law. It is shown that one of the two solutions of the wave equation does not apply to real physical process of sound wave’s propagation in the liquid. 展开更多
关键词 sound Running waves wave Equation REFLECTION PASSAGE LIQUID Space
A New Concept of Calculation Coefficietns of Reflection and Passage Sound Waves on the Boundary of Liquid Spaces
作者 V. P. Ivanov G. K. Ivanova 《Open Journal of Acoustics》 2013年第3期72-79,共8页
It is consider that, from the standpoint of the law of conservation of energy, the process of converting sound wave falls on the boundary between two spaces in two, leaving the boundary, reflected and passage. It is a... It is consider that, from the standpoint of the law of conservation of energy, the process of converting sound wave falls on the boundary between two spaces in two, leaving the boundary, reflected and passage. It is assumed that the simultaneous presence of three waves is impossible, and that the process of converting one wave in two waves occurs instantaneously. Based on this concept, enter the following boundary conditions for the calculation of amplitudes (coefficients) of the reflected and passage waves. The initial phases of the reflected and passage waves coincide with the phase of the falling wave. The energy of the falling wave is equal to the sum of the energies of the reflected and passage waves. The normal component velocity amplitude of the particle of the liquid under the influence of the falling wave is equal to the sum of the normal component of particle velocity amplitudes of the reflected and passage waves. It was found that the character of dependence of the reflection coefficient on the angle of departure of the initial wave is the same as in the traditional formulas, but the coefficient of passage does not exceed unity. Calculations of reflection and passage coefficients for different values of the refractive coefficient at the boundary between two homogeneous spaces as well as the canonical form of the waveguide, wherein the speed of sound which is minimum at predetermined depth is carried out. 展开更多
关键词 sound Running waves TRAJECTORY Phase REFLECTION PASSAGE LIQUID Space wave-GUIDE
作者 路峻岭 王长江 秦联华 《物理实验》 2012年第2期30-31,38,共3页
关键词 振动模式 弯曲振动 声驻波振动
认识超声波 被引量:3
作者 肖红 《六盘水师范高等专科学校学报》 2004年第3期27-29,共3页
关键词 声波 超声波 声纳原理 空化效应 自由基
Sound waves in fluidized bed using CFD-DEM simulations 被引量:4
作者 Hassan Abbas Khawaja 《Particuology》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第3期126-133,共8页
The speed of sound waves in a fluidized bed is investigated using CFD-DEM numerical simulations, Appro- priate initial and boundary conditions are applied to reproduce bed phenomena. The effect of varying the height o... The speed of sound waves in a fluidized bed is investigated using CFD-DEM numerical simulations, Appro- priate initial and boundary conditions are applied to reproduce bed phenomena. The effect of varying the height of the bed is also studied. The results of the simulations matched those from the literature. The pressure and particle velocity profiles obtained feature oscillatory behavior to which functions (based on a damped standing wave) were fitted, enabling an explicit dependence on time and space variables to be established. These fitted functions were substituted into the linearized governing equations for the two-phase flow. These solutions enabled a new relationship to be derived for the speed of sound and damping in the system. The conclusion drawn is tbat the damping in the system is governed by the effective bulk viscosity of the solid phase, which arises from the particle viscosity. 展开更多
关键词 Fluidized bed sound waves Speed of sound Damping time CFD-DEM simulations
火炮对悬吊靶射击的脱靶向量测试系统 被引量:5
作者 张飞猛 《测试技术学报》 1999年第1期28-31,共4页
关键词 冲击测量 弹丸 火炮 脱靶向量测试
声速测量原理中的两个问题 被引量:5
作者 刘香茹 曹万民 巩晓阳 《洛阳工学院学报》 2001年第3期86-88,94,共4页
指出声速测量原理中存在两个令人困扰的问题 :用共振干涉法进行测量时 ,两换能器表面处空气质元皆为驻波的波节 ,系统的震动如何被激发 ;目前是大学物理实验教材中关于声速测量的共振干涉法和相位比较法实验原理存在内在的矛盾。通过对... 指出声速测量原理中存在两个令人困扰的问题 :用共振干涉法进行测量时 ,两换能器表面处空气质元皆为驻波的波节 ,系统的震动如何被激发 ;目前是大学物理实验教材中关于声速测量的共振干涉法和相位比较法实验原理存在内在的矛盾。通过对实际情况作适当近似 (忽略媒质对声波的吸收 ,且反射皆为全反射 ) ,求解波动方程 ,给出了两种方法所测电压信号的具体形式 ,由此指明两种实验方法各自的实验依据 。 展开更多
关键词 声速测量 共振干涉法 相位比较法 声波 测量原理 波动方程
海洋通导一体化系统的发展与趋势 被引量:4
作者 陈冠旭 刘经南 +2 位作者 刘焱雄 刘杨 李梦昊 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第11期1869-1882,共14页
随着万物互联智能时代的到来,需对通信与导航进行相互赋能,构建通导一体化的泛在网。面对水下通导技术分离发展的情况,本文梳理了水下通信和导航的发展脉络,发现:水声通信是水下远程通信的主要方式,但其效果远弱于陆基无线电通信,水下... 随着万物互联智能时代的到来,需对通信与导航进行相互赋能,构建通导一体化的泛在网。面对水下通导技术分离发展的情况,本文梳理了水下通信和导航的发展脉络,发现:水声通信是水下远程通信的主要方式,但其效果远弱于陆基无线电通信,水下光学和电磁波通信能提供稳定的近程通信服务;水声导航技术是应用最广的水下导航技术,国外商业公司形成了系列化的产品,国内相关单位在关键技术指标上也实现了“并跑”。目前,中美日等国家/地区均在加速研究海洋通导一体化系统,取得了浅海试验组网成果、厘米级精度的大地测量成果、局部海域米级精度的导航成果以及中尺度海域千米级精度的定位成果,但尚未形成通导一体化的成熟体系。 展开更多
关键词 水下通信 水下导航 北斗系统 水声学 通导一体 电磁波 声波 海洋泛在网
浮针治疗颈肩综合征与脉象相关性研究 被引量:5
作者 李宏林 张亚萌 宋鲁成 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期2759-2763,共5页
目的:观察颈肩综合征患者经浮针治疗前后寸脉压力波和声波的变化,并探究疼痛症状和脉搏波的相关性。方法:共纳入2019年11月—2021年1月右侧颈肩不适的颈肩综合症患者50例,进行1次浮针治疗,使用道生压力波脉诊仪和声波脉诊探测系统采集... 目的:观察颈肩综合征患者经浮针治疗前后寸脉压力波和声波的变化,并探究疼痛症状和脉搏波的相关性。方法:共纳入2019年11月—2021年1月右侧颈肩不适的颈肩综合症患者50例,进行1次浮针治疗,使用道生压力波脉诊仪和声波脉诊探测系统采集治疗前后双侧寸脉的压力波和声波。比较治疗前后压力波参数、声波时频域特征的差异,并分析与疼痛症状的相关性。结果:治疗前PRI感觉项评分与右寸h5正相关(P<0.05);PRI情感项评分与右寸t1、右寸第2层声波阳性波数、左寸h5正相关(P<0.05),与右寸h3、h4、As及左寸t4负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01);VAS评分与右寸h1、h2、h3、h4、As、Ad、A负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01),与右寸第1、2层声波阳性波数正相关(P<0.05,P<0.01);PPI评分与右寸第1、2、5层声波阳性波数正相关(P<0.05,P<0.01),与右寸h3、h4及左寸h1、h2负相关(P<0.05,P<0.01)。治疗后患者VAS、PPI、PRI评分均降低(P<0.01),右寸t5、t及左寸h1、h3、h4、t5增高(P<0.05,P<0.01),右寸h5、脉数、第1-5层声波多尺度熵(MSE)值减小(P<0.01),左寸h2,第3、4、5层声波MSE值减小(P<0.01)。结论:浮针治疗颈肩综合症可以影响寸脉脉搏波,寸脉可以反映颈肩综合症疼痛程度。 展开更多
关键词 浮针 颈肩综合征 脉学 压力波 声波 脉症相关 涩脉 时频特征
多孔材料中声波的传播与演化 被引量:1
作者 刘占芳 严波 《应用力学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第1期39-46,共8页
采用两相多孔介质的拉格朗日模型来描述一种理想流体充填的多孔弹性固体材料,其中孔隙度的变化满足一个附加的平衡方程。利用该模型得到的控制场方程,研究了多孔材料中声波的传播类型,传播条件,结果表明存在两种纵波(双波结构)和... 采用两相多孔介质的拉格朗日模型来描述一种理想流体充填的多孔弹性固体材料,其中孔隙度的变化满足一个附加的平衡方程。利用该模型得到的控制场方程,研究了多孔材料中声波的传播类型,传播条件,结果表明存在两种纵波(双波结构)和一种横波。对均匀弱间断的情况,探讨了声波波幅的演化规律,研究表明声波的波幅在有限的传播时间内既可衰减为零,也可增长直至出现奇异,这取决于波前初始形状的几何特性以及两相间的扩散效应。 展开更多
关键词 多孔介质模型 声波 传播 演化
Advances in Effects of Sound Waves on Plants 被引量:3
作者 Reda H E Hassanien HOU Tian-zhen +1 位作者 LI Yu-feng LI Bao-ming 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第2期335-348,共14页
Sound waves technology has been applied to different plants. It has been found that sound waves were at different frequencies, sound pressure levels (SPLs), exposure periods, and distances from the source of sound i... Sound waves technology has been applied to different plants. It has been found that sound waves were at different frequencies, sound pressure levels (SPLs), exposure periods, and distances from the source of sound influence plant growth. Experiments have been conducted in the open field and under greenhouse growing conditions with different levels of audible sound frequencies and sound pressure levels. Sound waves at 1 kHz and 100 dB for 1 h within a distance of 0.20 m could significantly promote the division and cell wall fluidity of callus cells and also significantly enhance the activity of protective enzymes and endogenous hormones. Sound waves stimulation could increase the plant plasma-membrane IT-ATPase activity, the contents of soluble sugar, soluble protein, and amylase activity of callus. Moreover, sound waves could increase the content of RNA and the level of transcription. Stress-induced genes could switch on under sound stimulation. Sound waves at 0.1-1 kHz and SPL of (70+5) dB for 3 h from plant acoustic frequency technology (PAFT) generator within a distance ranged from 30 to 60 m every other day significantly increased the yield of sweet pepper, cucumber and tomato by 30.05, 37.1 and 13.2%, respectively. Furthermore, the yield of lettuce, spinach, cotton, rice, and wheat were increased by 19.6, 22.7, 11.4, 5.7, and 17.0%, respectively. Sound waves may also strengthen plant immune systems. It has been proved that spider mite, aphids, gray mold, late blight and virus disease of tomatoes in the greenhouses decreased by 6.0, 8.0, 9.0, 11.0, and 8.0%, respectively, and the sheath blight office was reduced by 50%. This paper provides an overview of literature for the effects of sound waves on various growth parameters of plant at different growth stages. 展开更多
关键词 acoustic technology sound waves plants growth
基于LabVIEW的供热管道泄漏监测定位系统 被引量:3
作者 李勇 刘圣 +2 位作者 孙少杰 乔磊 王阳 《工业控制计算机》 2023年第4期1-3,共3页
为提高对管道泄漏的报警准确率与定位精度,设计了一种基于LabVIEW的管道泄漏实时监测与定位系统。该系统通过水听器配合RTU实现对管道声信号的高频采集,同时利用ADAM-4520模块采集管道温度、压力数据;基于LabVIEW软件完成协议解析、波... 为提高对管道泄漏的报警准确率与定位精度,设计了一种基于LabVIEW的管道泄漏实时监测与定位系统。该系统通过水听器配合RTU实现对管道声信号的高频采集,同时利用ADAM-4520模块采集管道温度、压力数据;基于LabVIEW软件完成协议解析、波形显示、数据管理,并通过调用MATLAB Script对信号进行CEEMDAN分解与重构,然后提取特征,利用PNN神经网络进行故障或干扰类别分类;将重构后的声信号进行互相关计算,实现泄漏点定位。最后,通过管道泄漏监测实验对系统进行综合验证。实验表明:所设计的系统能够准确识别管道运行工况,有效提高了系统的泄漏点定位精度,同时具有良好的交互性和较高的工程应用价值。 展开更多
作者 赵文嘉 姜根山 +1 位作者 刘月超 姜羽 《声学技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期613-620,共8页
声波激励在火力发电厂等的工程应用中有良好的前景,可以有效提高煤粉燃烧效率。文章采用声波激励强化煤粉燃烧模型,并通过建立二维煤粉燃烧数值计算模型,在该模型下求解Arrhenius动力反应速率,反应模型采用有限速率/涡耗散模型,分析燃... 声波激励在火力发电厂等的工程应用中有良好的前景,可以有效提高煤粉燃烧效率。文章采用声波激励强化煤粉燃烧模型,并通过建立二维煤粉燃烧数值计算模型,在该模型下求解Arrhenius动力反应速率,反应模型采用有限速率/涡耗散模型,分析燃烧区域温度场在不同进风速度与进煤速度配比(U_(0)/U_(1))、不同声压级(135~165 dB)和不同声波频率(50~5000 Hz)下的燃烧区域温度场的变化规律。结果表明:该方法可以有效地表征声波对燃烧的强化作用,当进风速度与进煤速度之比U_(0)/U_(1)为1.39,煤粉受到声压级为165 dB、声波频率为50 Hz的低频高强声作用时,声波对流场的扰动效果最好,燃烧区域的温度最高,强化燃烧效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 声波 煤粉 燃烧 温度
Ultrasensitive strain gauge with tunable temperature coefficient of resistivity 被引量:1
作者 Lizhi Yi Weihong Jiao +6 位作者 Changming Zhu Ke Wu Chao Zhang Lihua Qian Shuai Wang Yingtao Jiang Songliu Yuan 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第5期1346-1357,共12页
We demonstrate an ultrasensitive strain gauge based on a discontinuous metal film with a record detection limit as low as 8.3 × 10^-6. Constructed by well-tunable crevices on the nanometer scale within the film, ... We demonstrate an ultrasensitive strain gauge based on a discontinuous metal film with a record detection limit as low as 8.3 × 10^-6. Constructed by well-tunable crevices on the nanometer scale within the film, this gauge exhibits an ultrafast dynamic response to vibrations with a frequency range of 1 Hz to 10 kHz. More importantly, the temperature coefficient of resistivity (TCR) of the metal film is tunable owing to the cancellation effect caused by the possibility of tunneling across the nanoscale crevices (showing a negative temperature dependence) and the electron conduction within the metal islands (showing a positive temperature dependence). Consequently, a nullified TCR is achievable when the crevice size can be precisely controlled. Thus, a fabrication strategy to precisely control the nanoscale crevices was developed in this study through the real-time tracking of the electrical conductivity during thermal evaporation. The ultrasensitive strain gauge with a tunable thermal drift introduces numerous opportunities for precision devices and wearable electronics with superior reliability. 展开更多
关键词 strain gauge flexible gauge Au nanoparticle sound-wave detection radial-artery detection electron tunneling
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