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上海公立医院实施病种绩效评价的初步探索 被引量:35
作者 郭永瑾 岑珏 +7 位作者 许岩 何萍 厉传琳 陈建平 高解春 孙木 姚华彦 陈文 《中华医院管理杂志》 北大核心 2015年第8期574-578,共5页
总结了上海申康医院发展中心自2013年以来开展三级医院病种绩效评价的经验。以上海38家三级医院为对象,通过建立病例组合(case-mix)模型,开展手术分级管理和筛选代表性病种,开展病种难度分析、手术难度分析和代表性病种的院际绩效... 总结了上海申康医院发展中心自2013年以来开展三级医院病种绩效评价的经验。以上海38家三级医院为对象,通过建立病例组合(case-mix)模型,开展手术分级管理和筛选代表性病种,开展病种难度分析、手术难度分析和代表性病种的院际绩效分析,初步构建了以质量和绩效为核心的病种绩效评价体系,形成了统一的疾病难易度管理评价标准、编码标准和数据规范,引导和推动了三级医院巩固落实在医疗服务体系中承担疑难危急重症诊治的功能定位,为建立分级诊疗、按病种定价、按病种付费、完善医务人员绩效考核等打下了良好基础。 展开更多
关键词 三级医院 病种 绩效评价 医疗质量
全国三甲医院药学门诊开设情况网上调查 被引量:25
作者 张昕怡 万青 +5 位作者 唐宁佳 贾彤 李思聪 王瑞麟 史录文 聂小燕 《中国药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2021年第10期849-853,共5页
目的调查中国三甲医院药学门诊开设情况。方法通过医院线上挂号平台和医院官网获取药学门诊开设情况,包括专业方向、收费情况以及出诊药师资质等。结果1326家三甲医院中开设药学门诊的医院共有172家,占所调查医院总数的12.97%;其中药学... 目的调查中国三甲医院药学门诊开设情况。方法通过医院线上挂号平台和医院官网获取药学门诊开设情况,包括专业方向、收费情况以及出诊药师资质等。结果1326家三甲医院中开设药学门诊的医院共有172家,占所调查医院总数的12.97%;其中药学门诊开设数量排名前5的省份分别为广东、北京、浙江、江苏和上海。药学门诊开设专业主要包括妊娠/哺乳期用药管理、抗凝/抗栓、慢病管理、疼痛管理及儿童用药管理等。结论目前多地医疗机构对开设药学门诊进行了初步探索,但在药学门诊发展过程中仍存在一些问题,需要完善管理规范以保证其健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 药学门诊 三甲医院 药学服务 临床药师 现状调查
三级医院男护士人文关怀能力及影响因素调查 被引量:21
作者 胡芬 李朝阳 +2 位作者 王玲 张儒涵 邹智杰 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第5期63-65,共3页
目的了解三级医院男护士关怀能力现状及其影响因素,为管理者采取针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法选取湖北省4所三级综合医院的251名男护士作为研究对象,采用关怀能力量表进行调查。结果男护士关怀能力总分为(188.47±20.03)分,76.5... 目的了解三级医院男护士关怀能力现状及其影响因素,为管理者采取针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法选取湖北省4所三级综合医院的251名男护士作为研究对象,采用关怀能力量表进行调查。结果男护士关怀能力总分为(188.47±20.03)分,76.5%的男护士关怀能力总分处于较低水平,仅有6.4%的男护士关怀能力总分处于较高水平;多元线性回归分析结果显示影响男护士关怀能力的因素为护士长关心程度(P<0.01)。结论三级医院男护士关怀能力亟待提高,医院护理管理者需关注该群体,以提升男护士关怀能力。 展开更多
关键词 三级医院 男护士 人文关怀 关怀能力
基于"五色管理"的孕期保健信息化平台的构建 被引量:15
作者 张雪葳 赵明利 +3 位作者 张灵芳 韩梦丹 王孟妮 靳沛琳 《中华现代护理杂志》 2019年第10期1212-1216,共5页
目的构建基于"五色管理"的孕期保健信息化平台,提高孕产妇健康水平。方法选取2018年1—2月在河南省3所三级医院产科门诊进行围产期保健的152名孕妇及在产科工作的138名医护人员为研究对象,采用文献回顾、问卷调查及专家小组... 目的构建基于"五色管理"的孕期保健信息化平台,提高孕产妇健康水平。方法选取2018年1—2月在河南省3所三级医院产科门诊进行围产期保健的152名孕妇及在产科工作的138名医护人员为研究对象,采用文献回顾、问卷调查及专家小组会议确定平台内容及功能,问卷调查采用便利抽样方法。分析结果并通过专家小组会议,最终制定孕期保健信息化平台方案。结果孕妇版和医护版的平台内容及功能需求问卷的回收率分别是97.37%、98.57%,根据问卷调查形成方案初稿。经多轮专家小组会议后,平台最终设定为3级管理内容、5种颜色分级、8大功能模块。结论孕期保健信息化平台构建方法严谨,与孕产妇及医护人员需求高度契合,可操作性强,实现了孕产妇的高效化管理,提高了孕产妇的健康水平。 展开更多
关键词 孕妇 三级预防 孕期保健 五色管理 信息技术
脑卒中偏瘫患者康复管理现状 被引量:12
作者 隗麒轩 杨信才 《医学研究与教育》 CAS 2019年第5期24-29,共6页
高致残率是脑卒中的特点之一,有效的康复治疗能明显改善卒中后偏瘫患者的日常生活能力。康复治疗具有专业性强、周期长的特点,有些患者甚至需要终生康复,而脑卒中偏瘫患者对康复治疗缺乏正确的认识,大部分患者回归社区后采取了错误的甚... 高致残率是脑卒中的特点之一,有效的康复治疗能明显改善卒中后偏瘫患者的日常生活能力。康复治疗具有专业性强、周期长的特点,有些患者甚至需要终生康复,而脑卒中偏瘫患者对康复治疗缺乏正确的认识,大部分患者回归社区后采取了错误的甚至是有害的锻炼方式,因此脑卒中偏瘫患者康复的管理至关重要。通过借鉴发达国家的管理经验,结合中国康复患者管理现状,可为中国脑卒中偏瘫患者康复管理提出新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 脑卒中 康复 管理体系 三级医疗 医联体 远程康复
北京市三级综合类医院“互联网+”服务建设现状调查 被引量:11
作者 关泽 申书郝 郑秋莹 《中国医院》 2018年第4期25-28,共4页
目的:调研北京市综合类三级医院"互联网+"各平台建设现状,为进一步完善医院"互联网+"平台建设提供思路。方法:以北京市55所综合类三级医院为调查对象,从医院的官网、微信公众号、微博、APP等平台建设现状进行内容... 目的:调研北京市综合类三级医院"互联网+"各平台建设现状,为进一步完善医院"互联网+"平台建设提供思路。方法:以北京市55所综合类三级医院为调查对象,从医院的官网、微信公众号、微博、APP等平台建设现状进行内容分析及描述。结果:55所医院的官网、微信平台及微博建设取得一定成果,APP建设有待于进一步完善。结论:北京市三级综合类医院"互联网+"平台建设需进一步明确各平台不同分工,不断扩展"互联网+医疗"服务的方式和内容,进一步改善患者就医体验、提高全民健康水平。 展开更多
关键词 三级医院 “互联网+”平台 医疗服务 医院新媒体
苏州市三级医院专科护理门诊护士执业现状及多点执业意愿调查 被引量:11
作者 施小青 潘红英 +3 位作者 王海芳 眭文洁 韩燕霞 尹如兰 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第17期47-50,共4页
目的调查三级医院专科护理门诊护士执业现状、多点执业的态度和意愿及对多点执业的建议和看法,为护士开展多点执业提供参考。方法采用自行设计的专科护理门诊护士多点执业态度和意愿问卷对苏州市三级医院168名专科护理门诊护士进行调查... 目的调查三级医院专科护理门诊护士执业现状、多点执业的态度和意愿及对多点执业的建议和看法,为护士开展多点执业提供参考。方法采用自行设计的专科护理门诊护士多点执业态度和意愿问卷对苏州市三级医院168名专科护理门诊护士进行调查。结果45.8%的专科护理门诊护士为市级及以上专科护士,86.3%的护士独立出诊;81.0%的护士对多点执业表示赞成,89.3%的护士表示愿意尝试。在多点执业形式上,60%以上的护士愿意到下级医疗机构或养老机构兼职,每周愿意花4~8h进行多点执业。90%以上的护士认为多点执业的益处是让患者就近享受更好的护理服务,困难是相关法律法规及执业保障机制不健全。结论三级医院专科护理门诊护士临床护理经验丰富,多点执业态度积极、意愿较高,具有多点执业的优势。护士目前主要担心多点执业安全问题,希望政府及卫生健康行政等部门尽快出台相关政策规范,为护士多点执业提供安全保障。 展开更多
关键词 专科护理门诊 专科护士 多点执业 三级医院 居家护理
昆山“8·2”特大爆炸事故紧急救援期三级救治分析 被引量:9
作者 吴福荣 陶秀萍 《中华灾害救援医学》 2014年第8期429-432,共4页
目的探讨特大爆炸事故医学救援中的三级救治。方法以昆山市急救中心在爆炸事故中采取医学救援的院前急救实践为基础,回顾分析医学救援中的三级救治。结果爆炸发生即刻昆山市急救中心迅速开展对现场伤员的院前急救,急救指挥调度中心1 h... 目的探讨特大爆炸事故医学救援中的三级救治。方法以昆山市急救中心在爆炸事故中采取医学救援的院前急救实践为基础,回顾分析医学救援中的三级救治。结果爆炸发生即刻昆山市急救中心迅速开展对现场伤员的院前急救,急救指挥调度中心1 h内调派车次34次,转运伤员分别送至昆山市区医院;二级救治(早期救治):昆山市区医院共接诊伤员194名,1 h内完成气管切开和建立静脉通道124例,保证伤员基础生命体征;三级救治(专科救治):妥善分流危重伤员174名,确保得到烧伤专科救治和集中管理。结论三级救治是昆山特大爆炸事故救治工作的主要模式,其中一、二级救治是关键环节,三级救治依托周边城市急救中心的驰援协助,圆满完成爆炸事故危重伤员分流救治。救援过程指挥得当、反应迅速、配合紧密,彰显政府在突发灾害时刻紧急救援的组织、协调、应急能力和各级医疗急救单位的急救精神。 展开更多
关键词 爆炸事故 医疗救援 应急指挥体系 分级救治
内蒙古三级医院护士延续护理知信行的调查研究 被引量:7
作者 阮宁 李文超 +5 位作者 塔娜 刘文颖 高丹 高丽伟 姚丽娜 张敏 《中国当代医药》 2018年第36期146-149,共4页
目的通过调查内蒙古三所三级医院(内蒙古自治区人民医院,内蒙古医科大学第四附属医院,赤峰学院附属医院)临床护士延续护理知信行的现状,为内蒙古自治区开展延续护理服务的相关培训和质量控制提供理论依据。方法 2018年1~4月,应用《护士... 目的通过调查内蒙古三所三级医院(内蒙古自治区人民医院,内蒙古医科大学第四附属医院,赤峰学院附属医院)临床护士延续护理知信行的现状,为内蒙古自治区开展延续护理服务的相关培训和质量控制提供理论依据。方法 2018年1~4月,应用《护士延续护理知信行调查问卷》,按照科室及护士职称进行分层抽样,调查三所医院450名护士的知信行现状。结果内蒙古三级医院临床护士延续护理知信行总分为(75.00±9.31)分,属中等水平;不同年龄、性别、工龄和职称的护士延续护理在知识、态度和行为得分及总分的比较上,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),本科学历的护士延续护理态度、行为得分及总分均高于大专学历,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论内蒙古三级医院临床护士延续护理知信行的总体水平偏低,有待提升,应建立护士延续护理的资格认证体系,加强护士延续护理的培训。 展开更多
关键词 三级医院 护士 延续护理 知信行
全科医学学科建设与发展的探索与实践 被引量:7
作者 林恺 黄周红 +3 位作者 陈秋弟 陈首培 李一鸣 陈潮文 《中国医学创新》 CAS 2019年第34期169-172,共4页
现阶段,我国的全科医学仍存在很多问题,比如:学科建设与发展滞缓,学科定位不清晰,全科医学培养体系及培养质量与实际需求存在较大差距等。本文针对这些问题,对本院全科医学中心的学科建设、学科定位、学科功能状况等进行系统分析,探索... 现阶段,我国的全科医学仍存在很多问题,比如:学科建设与发展滞缓,学科定位不清晰,全科医学培养体系及培养质量与实际需求存在较大差距等。本文针对这些问题,对本院全科医学中心的学科建设、学科定位、学科功能状况等进行系统分析,探索适合我国国情的全科医学学科建设与发展模式,为切实提高医疗服务的延续性、有效性提供实证依据。 展开更多
关键词 三级综合性医院 全科医学 学科建设 基层医疗服务
Indicators of fatal outcome in severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria:a study in a tertiary-care hospital in Thailand 被引量:4
作者 Noppadon Tangpukdee Khin Myat Wai +5 位作者 Sant Muangnoicharoen Shigeyuki Kano Nanthaporn Phophak Janram Tiemprasert Srivicha Krudsood Polrat Wilairatana 《Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine》 SCIE CAS 2010年第11期855-859,共5页
Objective:To illustrate the clinical features and investigate the indicators associated with a fatal outcome in adult patients with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria admitted to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases,B... Objective:To illustrate the clinical features and investigate the indicators associated with a fatal outcome in adult patients with severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria admitted to the Hospital for Tropical Diseases,Bangkok,Thailand.Methods:We studied 202 adult malaria patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.A total of 43 clinical variables were identified by univariate and logistic regression analyses,to eliminate confounding factors.Results:Regarding the statistical methods,only 6 variables-jaundice,cerebral malaria,metabolic acidosis,body mass index,initial respiratory rate,and white blood cell count-were significant indicators of death, with adjusted odds ratios(95%CI) of 15.2(2.1-32.3).4.3(2.3-12.6),3.3(2.3-5.7),2.4(1.9-3.5),2.2 (1.5-2.6),and 1.7(1.2-3.1),respectively.Conclusions:Our study found that jaundice,cerebral malaria,metabolic acidosis,body mass index,initial respiratory rate and white blood cell count were indicators of fatal outcome in severe Plasmodium falciparum malaria.Further studies on the fatal indicators in severe malaria need to be compared with data from different geographical areas,to construct practical measures to address potentially fatal indicators in different settings. 展开更多
关键词 PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM SEVERE malaria FATAL indicator tertiary care Thailand
作者 王琳 黄瑞英 +2 位作者 牛亚荣 刘敏 林海华 《护理学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第15期108-111,共4页
目的设计三级医院老年患者出院延续护理转介单,评价其应用效果。方法参考文献资料,采用焦点小组讨论法,设计老年患者出院延续护理转介单,嵌入医院电子病历信息系统,病区护士使用转介单对有延续护理需求的患者进行转介,延续护理服务部专... 目的设计三级医院老年患者出院延续护理转介单,评价其应用效果。方法参考文献资料,采用焦点小组讨论法,设计老年患者出院延续护理转介单,嵌入医院电子病历信息系统,病区护士使用转介单对有延续护理需求的患者进行转介,延续护理服务部专职护士接收转介,到病区为患者提供出院计划服务及出院后上门护理。结果2021-2022年全院21个老年患者所在科室均应用老年患者出院延续护理转介单实施转介,转介患者386例,其中80岁及以上老年患者219例(56.7%),内科系统9个科室共转介患者267例(69.2%)。为386例患者出院后1个月内提供上门护理服务597例次,患者出院30 d内非计划性再入院率为5.2%。结论设计及应用老年患者出院延续护理转介单,有利于促进转介及提高不同部门工作人员之间合作协调性,从而满足出院老年患者延续护理服务需求及降低出院后非计划性再入院率。 展开更多
关键词 三级医院 老年患者 出院护理 延续护理 转介单 上门护理服务 非计划性再入院
河北省三级医院ICU质量现状分析 被引量:4
作者 霍焱 张琪 胡振杰 《中华医院管理杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第11期834-836,共3页
目的了解河北省三级医院重症医学专业医疗质量现状。方法对在河北省重症医学质量管理与控制网站注册的48家三级医院2016年1月1日-6月30日上报的质量指标数据进行统计分析,计数资料以频数表示。结果河北省48家三级医院重症医学科(ICU... 目的了解河北省三级医院重症医学专业医疗质量现状。方法对在河北省重症医学质量管理与控制网站注册的48家三级医院2016年1月1日-6月30日上报的质量指标数据进行统计分析,计数资料以频数表示。结果河北省48家三级医院重症医学科(ICU)医师床位比为(0.699±0.231):1,床位数占医院总床位数的(1.5±0.5)%;护士床位比为(1.956±0.544):1,入ICU24h内急性生理和慢性健康状况评分≥15分患者占总收治患者的(57.6±23.2)%。在感染性休克患者治疗过程中,3h、6h集束化治疗完成率分别为(57.0±39.1)%和(57.0±37.8)%。ICU实际病死率为(21.2±16.5)%,非计划气管插管拔管率为(7.9±7.7)%。结论河北省ICU已初具规模,但仍存在床位紧张、人员配比欠合理情况。需重视重症医学教育,加大投入,引进更多ICU专业医护人员,促进重症医学发展。 展开更多
关键词 河北省 三级医院 重症医学 质量控制 数据分析
新农合总额预付后某三级医院住院医疗服务变化及其问题分析 被引量:2
作者 王俊寰 陶红兵 程兆辉 《中国医疗管理科学》 2015年第5期5-8,共4页
目的分析某三级医院新农合总额预付前后医疗服务的变化。方法收集某三级医院2011年和2013年医院运营数据及病历首页数据,分析新农合总额预付前后医院住院人数、住院费用、病种结构等方面的变化。结果新农合总额预付降低了医院住院病人... 目的分析某三级医院新农合总额预付前后医疗服务的变化。方法收集某三级医院2011年和2013年医院运营数据及病历首页数据,分析新农合总额预付前后医院住院人数、住院费用、病种结构等方面的变化。结果新农合总额预付降低了医院住院病人和医疗费用的增长幅度,在一定程度上提高了三级医院住院病人结构的疑难复杂程度,但基金分摊方式的不完善使医院需要垫付大笔资金,使医院面临经济风险。结论新农合总额预付能在一定程度上控制医疗支出,提高医院管理水平,但该制度和其他配套措施还需进一步完善。 展开更多
关键词 新农合 总额预付 三级医院 医疗服务 对策
Reduced Risk of Cancer in Patients with Bipolar Affective Disorder
作者 Eyal Rosenshfir Pnina Shemesh +1 位作者 Dov Aizenberg Yoram Barak 《Neuroscience & Medicine》 2011年第1期57-60,共4页
Background: research focusing on incidence of cancer amongst bipolar affective disorder (BAD) is sparse. Aim: to ex-amine the incidence of cancer in a cohort of BAD inpatients. Methods: the study sample was comprised ... Background: research focusing on incidence of cancer amongst bipolar affective disorder (BAD) is sparse. Aim: to ex-amine the incidence of cancer in a cohort of BAD inpatients. Methods: the study sample was comprised of BAD patients who had been admitted to a tertiary care mental health center during the period: 1990 to 2006. The data for the sample was cross-referenced with the National Cancer Registry. Analyses of Standardized Incidence Rates (SIR) for all organ systems malignancies were performed. Results: of 1,638 BAD patients included in the present study, 72 (0.04%) were diagnosed as suffering from co-morbid malignancy. This reflects a significantly reduced risk;SIR of 0.27 (95% CI 0.21-0.34). Reduced risk of cancer held true for both males and females (0.20 and 0.34, respectively). Nineteen women developed breast cancer;SIR = 0.42 (95% CI 0.25-0.66). Conclusions: the present study demonstrates reduced rates of cancer amongst patients suffering from BAD - with special reduction in breast cancer. 展开更多
关键词 BIPOLAR AFFECTIVE DISORDER Cancer tertiary care
医防融合背景下基层全科医师提升四级预防能力的探讨 被引量:1
作者 李帅 殷培 任菁菁 《中华临床医师杂志(电子版)》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第12期1162-1165,共4页
党的十八大以来,卫生健康工作方针仍坚持预防为主,强调防治结合、医防融合,继续深入推进基层医防融合。本文在传统的“三级预防”基础上增加了中国香港家庭医学学院预防医学提及的“第四级预防”,分别对应基层全科医师日常工作中涉及的... 党的十八大以来,卫生健康工作方针仍坚持预防为主,强调防治结合、医防融合,继续深入推进基层医防融合。本文在传统的“三级预防”基础上增加了中国香港家庭医学学院预防医学提及的“第四级预防”,分别对应基层全科医师日常工作中涉及的科普能力、未分化疾病临床思维与决策能力、亚专长发展慢性病管理能力及避免过度诊疗能力四个方面,对其提升疾病的四级预防综合能力进行探讨。 展开更多
关键词 全科医师 医防融合 三级预防 第四级预防 过度诊疗
Second-order problem solving:Nurses'perspectives on learning from.near misses 被引量:1
作者 Yi Yang Huaping Liu Gwen D.Sherwood 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期444-452,I0006,共10页
Objectives:Near misses happen more frequently than actual errors,and highlight system vulnerabilities without causing any harm,thus provide a safe space for organizational learning.Second-order problem solving behavio... Objectives:Near misses happen more frequently than actual errors,and highlight system vulnerabilities without causing any harm,thus provide a safe space for organizational learning.Second-order problem solving behavior offers a new perspective to better understand how nurses promote learning from near misses to improve organizational outcomes.This study aimed to explore frontline nurses’perspectives on using second-order problem solving behavior in learning from near misses to improve patient safety.Methods:A qualitative exploratory study design was employed.This study was conducted in three tertiary hospitals in east China from June to November 2015.Purposive sampling was used to recruit 19 frontline nurses.Semi-structured interviews and a qualitative directed content analysis was undertaken using Crossan’s 4I Framework of Organizational Learning as a coding framework.Results:Second-order problem solving behavior,based on the 4I Framework of Organizational Learning,was referred to as being a leader in exposing near misses,pushing forward the cause analysis within limited capacity,balancing the active and passive role during improvement project,and promoting the continuous improvement with passion while feeling low-powered.Conclusions:4I Framework of Organizational Learning can be an underlying guide to enrich frontline nurses’role in promoting organizations to learn from near misses.In this study,nurses displayed their pivotal role in organizational learning from near misses by using second-order problem solving.However,additional knowledge,skills,and support are needed to maximize the application of second-order problem solving behavior when near misses are recognized. 展开更多
关键词 Near misses Nurses Nurse’s role Patient safety Problem solving tertiary care centers 4I framework of organizational learning
Medication adherence and quality of life among type-2 diabetes mellitus patients in India 被引量:1
作者 Rakhi Mishra Suresh K Sharma +9 位作者 Rajni Verma Priyanka Kangra Preeti Dahiya Preeti Kumari Priya Sahu Priyanka Bhakar Reena Kumawat Ravinder Kaur Ravinder Kaur Ravi Kant 《World Journal of Diabetes》 SCIE 2021年第10期1740-1749,共10页
BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus(DM)is a progressively increasing metabolic disorder and a significant public health burden that demands immediate global attention.However,there is a paucity of data about adherence to ant... BACKGROUND Diabetes mellitus(DM)is a progressively increasing metabolic disorder and a significant public health burden that demands immediate global attention.However,there is a paucity of data about adherence to antidiabetic drugs among patients with type-2(T2)DM in Uttarakhand,India.Outpatient research reported that more than 50%of patients do not adhere to the correct administration and appropriate medicine dosage.It has been reported that patients with chronic diseases who adhere to treatment may experience improvement in quality of life(QoL)and vice versa.AIM To assess the adherence to antidiabetic medication and QoL among patients with T2DM.METHODS This cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at a tertiary care hospital in Uttarakhand,India.The Medication Adherence Rating Scale and World Health Organization QoL-BREF scale were used to assess medication adherence and QoL.RESULTS Two hundred seventy-seven patients suffering from T2DM participated in the study.Their mean age was 50.80(±10.6)years,155(56%)had a poor adherence level and 122(44%)had a good adherence level to antidiabetic medications.After adjusting for sociodemographic factors,multiple linear regression analysis found patients who were adherent to antidiabetic medications had significantly higher mean overall perception of QoL and overall perception of health,with beta scores of 0.36 and 0.34,respectively(both P=0.000)points compared with nonadherent patients.CONCLUSION There was an association between medication adherence and QoL in patients with T2DM.Hence,there is a need to plan awareness and counseling programs followed by regular follow-up to motivate patient adherence to recommended treatment and lifestyle regimens. 展开更多
关键词 Medication adherence Quality of life Diabetes mellitus tertiary care hospital INDIA
Tropical cyclone Fani-perspective from the trauma and emergency department of an affected tertiary hospital 被引量:1
作者 Chitta Ranjan Mohanty Mantu Jain +2 位作者 Rakesh Vadakkethil Radhakrishnan Prabeer Chandra Mohanty Ritesh panda 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2020年第4期243-248,共6页
Purpose:To explore the epidemiological and clinical profile of patients admitted to the trauma and emergency department(TED)of a tertiary care hospital due to tropical cyclone Fani and highlight the challenges faced b... Purpose:To explore the epidemiological and clinical profile of patients admitted to the trauma and emergency department(TED)of a tertiary care hospital due to tropical cyclone Fani and highlight the challenges faced by the hospital in this natural disaster.Methods:A retrospective study was conducted in the TED in the affected zone.Data of all victims affected by the cyclone Fani on May 3,2019 were obtained from disaster records and medical case sheets.All patients except death on admission were included.Clinical variables included anatomical sites and severity of injuries which was assessed by revised trauma score(RTS)and injury severity score(ISS).Trauma injury severity score(TRISS)was also calculated.Results:Of 75 patients,74 were included and the other one was brought dead and thus excluded.The age,median±interquartile range(IQ),was 41.0(27.7-53.0)years.The male to female ratio was 2:1.Most of the wounded were transported by the police control room vans on day 1:first 10 h,50.0%;10-24 h,20.3%.The median±IQ range of RTS,ISS and TRISS were 20(14-28),7.84(7.841-7.841),and 97.4(91.6-98.9),respectively.Simple external injury was the dominant injury type.Polytrauma(ISS>15)was seen in 67%cases and spine injury in 14%cases(7%cervical and 7%thoracolumbar).Injury causes included sharp flying objects(broken pieces of glasses and asbestos)in 31%cases,followed by fall of trees in 20.3%.Twenty-four patients were discharged after primary treatment,30 admitted to the indoor-trauma ward or intensive care unit and 20 deferred or transferred to another center.There was no in-house mortality.Challenges were related to electricity failure,mobile network breakdown,infrastructure collapse,and delay in expertise repair from outside due to airport/railway closure.Conclusion:In cyclonic storm like Fani,sharp flying objects,fall of trees/poles and collapsing walls constitute the common mode of injuries causing harm to more than one body regions.Polytrauma was seen in the majority of patients though external injury was the commonest.Th 展开更多
关键词 Natural disasters Tropical cyclone Multiple trauma tertiary care
Analysis of risk factors contributing to road traffic accidents in a tertiary care hospital. A hospital based cross-sectional study
作者 Sandip Kumar Mahima +3 位作者 Dhiraj Kumar Srivastava Pradip Kharya Neha Sachan K.Kiran 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS CSCD 2020年第3期159-162,共4页
Purpose: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a public health issue and cost a lot to individuals, families, communities and nations. Trauma care systems in India are at a nascent stage of development. There is gross dis... Purpose: Road traffic accidents (RTAs) are a public health issue and cost a lot to individuals, families, communities and nations. Trauma care systems in India are at a nascent stage of development. There is gross disparity between trauma services available in various parts of the country. Rural area in India has inefficient services for trauma care, due to the varied topography, financial constraints, and lack of appropriate health infrastructure. The present study is to study the trends of occurrence of RTA cases by month, week and time of accident occurrence as well as to research the types of vehicle involved in accidents and other various risk factors related to them.Methods: During 1st January 2017 to 31st December 2017, a hospital-based and cross-sectional study of RTA victims was conducted. The patients were admitted in emergency department of Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences, Saifai, Etawah, when stabilized, they were shifted to the orthopaedics and surgery ward.Results: In the study, 654 road accident victims were included, of which the majority were males (77.5%) and the most of them belonged to rural (67%). RTA victims according to the month of occurrence majority were found in January (12.5%) and evening was time of a day with maximum accidents (32.1%). Mortality cases of RTA victims based on type of road user and it shows decreasing trend of mortality of motor-cyclists (54.2%) followed by pedestrian (25.1%).Conclusion: There should be control over people driving vehicles under the influence of alcohol and drivers over-speeding and rash driving on urban roads as well as rural village roads. 展开更多
关键词 Road traffic accidents Risk factors tertiary care hospital
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