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长江悬浮颗粒物中稳定碳、氮同位素的季节分布 被引量:84
作者 吴莹 张经 +2 位作者 张再峰 任景玲 曹建平 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第5期546-552,共7页
在长江南通市区段国控断面 (李港对照断面 )上自 1 996— 1 999年每两个月定期采样 ,测定悬浮颗粒物的碳、氮同位素及其相关参数。研究发现 :稳定碳同位素值分布区域在- 2 3.6‰— - 2 7.1‰之间 ;稳定氮同位素多分布在 1 .4‰— 5 .9... 在长江南通市区段国控断面 (李港对照断面 )上自 1 996— 1 999年每两个月定期采样 ,测定悬浮颗粒物的碳、氮同位素及其相关参数。研究发现 :稳定碳同位素值分布区域在- 2 3.6‰— - 2 7.1‰之间 ;稳定氮同位素多分布在 1 .4‰— 5 .9‰。两者的季节变化趋势与陆源输入和现场浮游植物的组成和生长状况有关。δ1 5N、C/N比值均不能严格体现物源影响 ,受到水体中有机质的转化和微生物活动的影响而被改造。借助简单模式 ,获得估算的陆源贡献随季节变化的规律 ,并证实在 1 998年夏长江南通的陆源输入有明显的增大 ,与 1 展开更多
关键词 季节分布 碳同位素 氮同位素 悬浮颗粒物 长江 有机质 微生物
Spatial and Temporal Variability of N, P and K Balances for Agroecosystems in China 被引量:52
作者 SHENRun-Ping SUNBo ZHAOQi-Guo 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第3期347-355,共9页
Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical data and related parameters, and their spatial and tempora... Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium balances for agroecosystems in China from 1993 to 2001 were calculated at national and provincial levels using statistical data and related parameters, and their spatial and temporal variabilities were analyzed with GIS to estimate the potential impacts of nutrient N, P and K surpluses or deficits to soil, water and air. At the national scale, the N and P balances from 1993 to 2001 showed a surplus, with the nitrogen surplus remaining relatively stable from 1997—2001. Although during this period the P surplus pattern was similar to N, it had smaller values and kept increasing as the use of phosphate fertilizer increased year by year. However, K was deficient from 1993 to 2001 even though from 1999 to 2001 the K deficit decreased. The spatial analysis revealed higher N surpluses in the more developed southeastern provinces and lowest in the western and northern provinces where there was less chemical fertilizer input. The serious K deficit mainly occurred in Shanghai and Beijing municipalities, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Hubei provinces, and Xinjiang autonomous regions. For the years 1992, 1996 and 2001, N surpluses and K deficits had significant positive spatial correlations with per capita gross domestic product (GDP), per capita gross industrial output value, and per capita net income of rural households. This showed that the level of economic development played an important role on nutrient balances in the agroecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 China economic factors NPK balance spatial and temporal variability
Temporal-Spatial Variability of Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in a Rehabilitating Ecosystem 被引量:43
作者 ZHANGShi-Rong SUNBo +2 位作者 ZHAOQi-Guo XIAOPeng-Fei SHUJian-Ying 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期501-508,共8页
In global change research, changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs intropical and subtropical regions are still unknown. The temporal-spatial variability of SOC stockswas determined in a basin of over 579 km^2... In global change research, changes of soil organic carbon (SOC) reservoirs intropical and subtropical regions are still unknown. The temporal-spatial variability of SOC stockswas determined in a basin of over 579 km^2 in subtropical China from 1981to 2002. ArcGIS8.l softwarewas utilized for spatial analysis of semivariance, ordinary kriging (OK), and probability kriging(PK). Grid and hierarchical approaches were employed for the sampling scenario in 2002 with 106Global Position System (GPS) established spots sampled. Bulk topsoil samples (0—30 cm) werecollected at three random sites on each spot. The SOC content for 1981 came from the SOC map of theSecond National Soil Survey. Geostatistical results of the nugget to sill ratio (0.215-0.640)in therehabilitating ecosystem indicated a moderate spatial dependence for SOC on this large scale. Therange of SOC changed from 2.04 km in 1981 to 7.15 km in 2002. The mean topsoil SOC increased by 4.6%from 10.63 g kg^(-1) (1981) to 11.12 g kg^(-1)(2002). However, during this 21-year period 25.2% ofthe total basin area experienced a decrease in SOC. Also, the probability kriging results showedthat the geometric mean probabilities of SOC <= 6.0 g kg^(-1), <= 11.0 g kg^(-1) and > 15.0 gkg^(-1) were 0.188, 0.534 and 0.378, respectively in 2002, comparing to 0.234, 0.416 and 0.234 inthat order in 1981, respectively. The SOC storage in the topsoil increased by 17.0% during this timewith the main increase occurring in forests and cultivated land,which amounted to 82.5% and 17.0%of the total increase, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 ordinary kriging probability kriging rehabilitating ecosystem soil organiccarbon temporal-spatial variability
浙江省宁波市土壤有机质的时空变异特征 被引量:22
作者 白雪 王文杰 +1 位作者 王维 吴昊 《环境科学研究》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期191-197,共7页
运用地统计学方法分析了2007年浙江省宁波市土壤w(有机质)的空间分布规律,并比较了1987与2007年城区的土壤w(有机质)的时间变化特征.结果表明:壤土、砂土、黏土中的黏土质地w(有机质)最高;针叶林、阔叶林、草甸、灌丛、农作物、竹林植... 运用地统计学方法分析了2007年浙江省宁波市土壤w(有机质)的空间分布规律,并比较了1987与2007年城区的土壤w(有机质)的时间变化特征.结果表明:壤土、砂土、黏土中的黏土质地w(有机质)最高;针叶林、阔叶林、草甸、灌丛、农作物、竹林植被覆盖类型中的针叶林w(有机质)最高;水田、旱田、林地、草场、未利用地土地利用方式中草场的w(有机质)最高;潮土、水稻土、红壤、黄壤、紫色土、滨海盐土、粗骨土土壤类型中的黄壤w(有机质)最高.经西北—东南向的变异函数分析得到研究区土壤w(有机质)空间分布呈现城区高、周围低的规律,空间自相关距离约500 m.1987—2007年,水田采样点的土壤w(有机质)显著减小.配对数据T检验的结果显示,北仑区的土壤w(有机质)显著变化,耕作方式由水田变为旱田是土壤w(有机质)减小的主要原因. 展开更多
关键词 土壤有机质 空间分析 影响因子 时间变化
典型入湖河流水体氮素变化特征及其对降雨的响应:以太湖乌溪港为例 被引量:20
作者 连慧姝 刘宏斌 +6 位作者 李旭东 宋挺 刘申 雷秋良 任天志 武淑霞 李影 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第12期5047-5055,共9页
以2010~2015年太湖主要入湖港口乌溪港的水质监测数据为基础,结合当地降雨资料,分析了乌溪港水体中氮素的时间变化特征及其对降雨的响应.结果表明,乌溪港水体污染情况严峻,总氮年均值在4.41~5.92 mg·L^(-1)之间,远超地表水环境质... 以2010~2015年太湖主要入湖港口乌溪港的水质监测数据为基础,结合当地降雨资料,分析了乌溪港水体中氮素的时间变化特征及其对降雨的响应.结果表明,乌溪港水体污染情况严峻,总氮年均值在4.41~5.92 mg·L^(-1)之间,远超地表水环境质量标准Ⅴ类限值2 mg·L^(-1),氨氮在1.09~1.72 mg·L^(-1)之间.总氮和氨氮浓度呈现明显的季节性变化规律,春冬季节浓度高,夏秋季节浓度较低.2015、2011、2012年总氮浓度均值分别为5.92、5.47、5.82 mg·L^(-1),显著高于2013年4.45mg·L^(-1)和2014年4.41 mg·L^(-1),2011年氨氮浓度均值为1.72 mg·L^(-1),显著高于2013年1.19 mg·L^(-1)和2015年1.09mg·L^(-1).随着降雨强度的增加,总氮浓度呈现先降低后升高最后又降低的趋势,氨氮浓度则先升高后逐渐降低.此外,氮素浓度呈现非汛期高于汛期的特征. 展开更多
关键词 入湖河流 总氮 氨氮 时间变化特征 降雨
湖水氢氧同位素组分的时间变化特征及影响因子分析 被引量:19
作者 徐敬争 肖薇 +6 位作者 肖启涛 王伟 温学发 胡诚 刘诚 刘寿东 李旭辉 《环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第7期2470-2477,共8页
湖水氢氧稳定同位素组分对于水文学、气象学和古气候学研究都有重要的意义.本研究在太湖对湖水HDO和H_2^(18)O组分(δDL和δ^(18)OL)开展了长期连续地观测,计算了过量氘(dL),分析了它们的时间变化规律,并研究其主要控制因素.结果表明:1... 湖水氢氧稳定同位素组分对于水文学、气象学和古气候学研究都有重要的意义.本研究在太湖对湖水HDO和H_2^(18)O组分(δDL和δ^(18)OL)开展了长期连续地观测,计算了过量氘(dL),分析了它们的时间变化规律,并研究其主要控制因素.结果表明:1湖水氢氧同位素组分存在明显的时间变化,δDL的变化范围-59.8‰^-24.2‰,δ^(18)OL的变化范围-8.6‰^-2.6‰,dL的变化范围为-7.9‰~12.9‰;暖季δDL和δ^(18)OL较高,dL较低;冷季反之.2在月尺度上,湖水蒸发量及其占湖泊入水量的比重是湖水氢氧稳定同位素富集的主要控制因素,湖水蒸发量或者蒸发量占湖泊入湖水量比重增加,δDL和δ^(18)OL升高,dL降低.3对于太湖而言,降水氢氧稳定同位素组分和水温并非湖水稳定同位素变化的控制因素.本文的研究结果可以为稳定同位素水文学研究以及与湖水稳定同位素富集相关的气象学和古气候学研究提供科学参考. 展开更多
关键词 湖泊 HDO H182O 时间变化特征 控制因子
基于GIS的土壤盐分时空变异及分区管理研究——以浙江省上虞市海涂围垦区为例 被引量:15
作者 李艳 史舟 王人潮 《水土保持学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2005年第3期121-124,129,共5页
采用传统统计学和地统计相结合的方法,在GIS支持下研究了浙江省上虞市海涂围垦区一块面积为10 5hm2的棉田在3个不同耕作时期上盐分的时空变异性,在此基础上进行了该棉田的精确分区管理研究。结果表明,海涂围垦区盐碱地土壤表层盐分具有... 采用传统统计学和地统计相结合的方法,在GIS支持下研究了浙江省上虞市海涂围垦区一块面积为10 5hm2的棉田在3个不同耕作时期上盐分的时空变异性,在此基础上进行了该棉田的精确分区管理研究。结果表明,海涂围垦区盐碱地土壤表层盐分具有较高的变异性,盐分变异的空间结构在时间上保持了相对稳定。盐分分布的空间趋势图显示该棉田东部地区的盐分含量较高,而北部和西部地区盐分含量相对较低。时间稳定性图显示了盐分在时间上的稳定和不稳定区域。将空间趋势图和时间稳定性图叠加所产生的管理分区图,显示了4个潜在的管理子区。最后棉花产量数据被用来验证所划分的管理子区的适用性。研究表明,根据划分的管理分区,可以对海涂围垦区土壤盐分进行精确的田间管理。 展开更多
关键词 空间变异性 时间变异性 管理分区 土壤盐分 克立格法 GIS
褐土区乡镇级农田土壤养分时空变异研究 被引量:15
作者 于婧文 周怀平 +2 位作者 张建杰 解文艳 关春林 《山西农业科学》 2010年第2期34-39,共6页
充分了解土壤养分的时空变异特性,结合施肥现状针对性地调节养分供应、合理施肥是提高养分资源利用效率的途径之一,也是促进精准农业快速发展的重要基础。利用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,对寿阳县宗艾镇的土壤养分进行了跨度10... 充分了解土壤养分的时空变异特性,结合施肥现状针对性地调节养分供应、合理施肥是提高养分资源利用效率的途径之一,也是促进精准农业快速发展的重要基础。利用经典统计学与地统计学相结合的方法,对寿阳县宗艾镇的土壤养分进行了跨度10年的时空变异分析,结果表明,从空间变异方面来说,速效钾2008年、有效磷2008年、有机质1998年都有强烈的空间变异,有机质2008年、全氮2008年、全氮1998年、速效钾1998年为中等空间变异,有效磷1998年具有弱的空间自相关性。从时间变异方面来说,1998—2008年之间,土壤有机质的平均含量下降了2.06g/kg,而土壤全氮的平均含量则增加了0.07g/kg。土壤有机质含量为20.1~30.0g/kg的面积减少了10.45%;土壤全氮含量为0.76~1.00g/kg的面积增加了11.9%;土壤速效钾含量为100~150mg/kg的面积增加了15.6%;土壤有效磷含量为5.1~10.0mg/kg的面积增加了23%。有机质、全氮、速效钾在时间上表现为中等稳定性,有效磷在时间上表现为不稳定性。 展开更多
关键词 褐土 土壤养分 空间变异 时间变异
我国典型农田长期施肥小麦氮肥回收率的变化特征 被引量:15
作者 李虹儒 许景钢 +3 位作者 徐明岗 李淑芹 张文菊 高静 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期336-343,共8页
为阐明长期不同施肥下小麦氮肥回收率的时间演变特征及空间差异,为农田氮肥合理施用及提高氮肥回收率提供科学依据,对我国典型农田土壤—(土娄)土、潮土、褐土、灰漠土、黄棕壤、黑土、中性紫色土、石灰性紫色土和红壤上设置的15~24年... 为阐明长期不同施肥下小麦氮肥回收率的时间演变特征及空间差异,为农田氮肥合理施用及提高氮肥回收率提供科学依据,对我国典型农田土壤—(土娄)土、潮土、褐土、灰漠土、黄棕壤、黑土、中性紫色土、石灰性紫色土和红壤上设置的15~24年的长期试验的氮肥回收率及相关数据进行统计分析。结果表明,长期单施氮肥(N)、氮钾配施(NK)下,小麦氮肥回收率随时间延长而显著降低,降低速率为红壤(7.24)>黄棕壤(4.16)>(土娄)土(1.48)、中性紫色土(1.44)、潮土(1.06)>石灰性紫色土(0.60);化肥配合及与有机肥配施(NP、NPK、NPKM)的氮肥回收率在潮土、灰漠土、黄棕壤、黑土、中性紫色土上随时间变化不大。化肥配合施用(NPK)下,(土娄)土、潮土、褐土、灰漠土、黄棕壤、黑土、中性紫色土、红壤和石灰性紫色土上的小麦氮肥回收率平均值分别为76.8%、73.4%、56.4%、44.9%、44.4%、33.8%、41.7%、33.6%、26.2%。小麦氮肥回收率以北方暖温带的(土娄)土、潮土、褐土大于南方中亚热带紫色土和北方中温带的黑土。 展开更多
关键词 长期施肥 小麦 氮肥回收率 时间演变 空间差异
50年来中国臭氧总量时空变化特征 被引量:13
作者 谢静晗 李飒 肖钟湧 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期2977-2987,共11页
利用来自世界臭氧与紫外辐射数据中心的中国区域6个地基观测站点数据,对多传感器再分析遥感数据进行验证,并基于验证后的遥感数据分析了1971~2020年中国区域臭氧总量不同尺度的时空变化特征.结果表明,50a来中国区域臭氧总量呈现轻微的... 利用来自世界臭氧与紫外辐射数据中心的中国区域6个地基观测站点数据,对多传感器再分析遥感数据进行验证,并基于验证后的遥感数据分析了1971~2020年中国区域臭氧总量不同尺度的时空变化特征.结果表明,50a来中国区域臭氧总量呈现轻微的下降趋势.年平均臭氧总量在1978年和1993年分别出现最大值(347.5±53.8)DU和最小值(291.9±29.5)DU,在1971~1978年、1978~1993年、1993~2020年,这3个时段年平均臭氧总量在整个中国区域分别是增长、减少、增长.月平均臭氧总量随季节变化呈现出正弦曲线形态,在3月和10月分别出现峰值(约338DU)和谷值(约285DU).中国区域臭氧总量在空间上呈现由东北向西南递减的纬向条带状分布.在40°N以北的东北部地区,该值可达360DU以上.中国区域50a月平均臭氧总量同样呈现纬向条带状分布.此外,时间变异系数和空间变异系数随季节的变化规律相似,夏季最小,接着依次是秋季和春季,冬季最大.即臭氧总量的变化和空间差异在夏季都最小.50a期间,不同时段、不同区域臭氧总量的变化趋势各不相同.在1971~1978年,臭氧总量的增长量和增长率都呈现由北向南递减的纬向条带状分布.在40°N以北的相对高值地区最大增加了56DU,约为16%;而在30°N以南的相对低值地区,最小增加了12DU,约为5%.在1978~1993年,减少量和减少率也呈现由北向南递减的纬度地带性.在40°N以北的相对高值地区最大减少了93DU,约为22%;而在30°N以南的相对低值地区,最小减少了11DU,约为4%.在1993~2020年,西北地区出现最大增长,增长量为18DU,约为6%;东南地区出现最小增长,增长量为4DU,约为1%. 展开更多
关键词 臭氧总量 时序变化 季节变化 空间特征 中国区域
洪水特征的时间变异性识别 被引量:12
作者 陈晓宏 陈泽宏 《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2000年第1期96-100,共5页
针对近年来洪水特征的稳定而异常的变化,给出了洪水特征时间变异性的定义,提出了洪水时间变异性的标度及其识别方法.利用珠江三角洲容奇站30多年来实测月平均水位资料,验证了这种识别方法的有效性.该方法计算简单、稳定性好,并能识别水... 针对近年来洪水特征的稳定而异常的变化,给出了洪水特征时间变异性的定义,提出了洪水时间变异性的标度及其识别方法.利用珠江三角洲容奇站30多年来实测月平均水位资料,验证了这种识别方法的有效性.该方法计算简单、稳定性好,并能识别水文时间序列两端的变异特征. 展开更多
关键词 时间变异性 标度 识别 洪水特征
红壤区土壤有机碳时间变异及合理采样点数量研究 被引量:13
作者 张忠启 于法展 +1 位作者 于东升 胡丹 《土壤学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期891-900,共10页
相对于土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)空间变异性及合理采样点数量的研究,其时间变异性及揭示特定时段SOC变化所需采样点数量的研究较少。选择红壤丘陵区的江西省余江县为研究区,分析了1982—2007年SOC含量的时间变异特征,并估算... 相对于土壤有机碳(soil organic carbon,SOC)空间变异性及合理采样点数量的研究,其时间变异性及揭示特定时段SOC变化所需采样点数量的研究较少。选择红壤丘陵区的江西省余江县为研究区,分析了1982—2007年SOC含量的时间变异特征,并估算了揭示该时段SOC变化所需土壤采样点数量。结果表明,1982—2007年SOC含量均值由14.18增至16.27 g kg-1,增幅为14.74%,其变异系数则由0.22上升为0.44。各土地利用方式中,水田和林地SOC含量分别增加了2.93和3.12g kg-1,而旱地则降低了2.55 g kg-1;同时各利用方式的SOC含量变异系数均出现较大幅度的提高。基于两时段的全部样点,在95%和90%置信区间上,计算得到揭示该时段全县SOC时间变异所需的采样点数量分别为186和147。基于各土地利用方式的SOC变化,计算得到水田、旱地和林地所需采样点数量分别为68、44和144(95%置信区间)及54、34和112(90%置信区间);揭示旱地SOC变化所需采样点数量应为水田的60%以上,而林地所需样点则为水田的2倍以上。该研究结果可为红壤区SOC时间变异性及其调查采样提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 土壤有机碳 时间变异 采样点数量 红壤丘陵区
Long Term Effects of Farming System on Soil Water Content and Dry Soil Layer in Deep Loess Profile of Loess Tableland in China 被引量:11
作者 CHENG Li-ping LIU Wen-zhao 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1382-1392,共11页
Soil water is strongly affected by land use/cover in the Loess Plateau in China. Water stored in thick loessal soils is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth. However, soil water in the deep... Soil water is strongly affected by land use/cover in the Loess Plateau in China. Water stored in thick loessal soils is one of the most important resources regulating vegetation growth. However, soil water in the deep loess proifle, which is critical for maintaining the function of the“soil water pool”is rarely studied because deep proifle soil samples are dififcult to collect. In this study, four experimental plots were established in 2005 to represent different farming systems on the Changwu Tableland:fallow land, fertilized cropland, unfertilized cropland, and continuous alfalfa. The soil water content in the 15-m-deep loess proifles was monitored continuously from 2007 to 2012 with the neutron probe technique. The results showed that temporal variations in soil water proifles differed among the four farming systems. Under fallow land, the soil water content increased gradually over time, ifrst in the surface layers and later in the deep soil layers. In contrast, the soil water content decreased gradually under continuous alfalfa. The distributions of soil water in deep soil layers under both fertilized and unfertilized cropland were relatively stable over time. Thus farming system signiifcantly affected soil water content. Seven years after the start of the experiment, the soil water contents in the 15-m-deep proifles averaged 23.4%under fallow land, 20.3%under fertilized cropland, 21.6%under unfertilized cropland, and 16.0%under continuous alfalfa. Compared to measurements at the start of the experiment, both fallow land and unfertilized cropland increased soil water storage in the 15-m loess proifles. In contrast, continuous alfalfa reduced soil water storage. Fertilized cropland has no signiifcant effect on soil water storage. These results suggest that deep soil water can be replenished under the fallow and unfertilized farming systems. Dry soil layers (i.e., those which have soil water content less than the stable ifeld water capacity) in the subsoil of the Changwu Tableland region can be class 展开更多
关键词 farming system temporal variability soil water dried soil layer Loess Plateau
一种计算多属性生态流量的改进FDC法 被引量:12
作者 李昌文 康玲 +1 位作者 张松 周丽伟 《长江科学院院报》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期1-6,13,共7页
为解决生态流量标准的空间移植性、逐月和年际变异性和分级性4个属性问题,提出了一种基于FDC的改进方法。该方法基于月均流量系列的特定保证率将所有年份逐月进行丰、平、枯水年分组,基于总历时法和逐年组、逐月份的日均流量系列构建FDC... 为解决生态流量标准的空间移植性、逐月和年际变异性和分级性4个属性问题,提出了一种基于FDC的改进方法。该方法基于月均流量系列的特定保证率将所有年份逐月进行丰、平、枯水年分组,基于总历时法和逐年组、逐月份的日均流量系列构建FDC,取50%,90%历时点流量作为生态流量的最优上限值和最小值,最小到最优上限之间的各级生态流量根据改进的Tennant等差数量分级思想确定。以汉江为例,将计算结果与Tennant法、改进Tennant法、7Q10法、90%保证率最枯月流量法、近10 a最枯月平均流量法、逐月最小生态径流法、最小月平均法、Q_(90)法、改进Q_(90)法、Q_(97,10)法和生态监测成果进行了对比分析。结果表明,改进FDC法的生态流量标准优于传统水文学法且十分合理,其空间移植性、时间变异性和栖息地条件的分级性都得到了充分体现,同时也避免了极端流量事件和年内分配不均的影响。 展开更多
关键词 生态流量 流量历时曲线 空间移植性 时间变异性 分级性 极端事件
Preliminary Studies on Summer Precipitation Patterns in China 被引量:10
作者 李鸾 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第1期150-156,共7页
[Objective] Study on the spatial distribution of summer precipitation patterns and interannual and interdecadal variability. [Method] The summer precipitation patterns were obtained from standard field of summer preci... [Objective] Study on the spatial distribution of summer precipitation patterns and interannual and interdecadal variability. [Method] The summer precipitation patterns were obtained from standard field of summer precipitation data for 160 observation stations in China during 1951 -2000 by the utilization of empirical orthogonal function (EOF), and characteristics of interannual and interdecadal variability were analyzed. [Result] The summer precipitation mainly distributes in eastern part of China; The 1 st, 2nd and 3rd EOF modes of spatial distribution are especially remarkable as well consistent with the results of previous reports about three rainfall patterns from analysis on the percentages of precipitation anomaly of summer. [Conclusion] There exists interannual and interdecadal variability for summer precipitation in China. 展开更多
关键词 EOF method Summer precipitation patterns Spatial distribution temporal distribution Interannual variability Interdecadal variability
吉林省水稻生产水足迹时空分异研究 被引量:11
作者 李红颖 秦丽杰 杨婷 《华北水利水电大学学报(自然科学版)》 2018年第2期32-39,共8页
水稻是吉林省的主要粮食作物,分析和探讨水稻生产水足迹的时空变化可为吉林省水资源的合理配置提供依据。在核算2000—2013年吉林省水稻生产的绿水足迹、蓝水足迹、灰水足迹和总水足迹的基础上,分析了吉林省水稻生长过程中水足迹及耗水... 水稻是吉林省的主要粮食作物,分析和探讨水稻生产水足迹的时空变化可为吉林省水资源的合理配置提供依据。在核算2000—2013年吉林省水稻生产的绿水足迹、蓝水足迹、灰水足迹和总水足迹的基础上,分析了吉林省水稻生长过程中水足迹及耗水结构随时间的变化规律;以2013年为例,从县域尺度上探讨了水稻生产水足迹的空间分布特征,并进行热点分析。结果表明:(1)水稻生产绿水足迹呈波动式上升趋势,蓝水足迹、灰水足迹和总水足迹则呈波动式下降趋势;(2)水稻生产水足迹多年平均值为1 175.8 m^3/t,其中绿水足迹占37.33%,蓝水足迹占37.37%,灰水足迹占25.30%;(3)2013年吉林省水稻生产水足迹空间分布差异明显,水足迹的高值区主要分布在东部和西部地区,低值区则分布在东中部和中部地区;(4)水稻生产绿水足迹和蓝水足迹热点、冷点区的分布较为集中,而灰水足迹和总水足迹热点、冷点区的分布较为分散。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 水足迹(时间变化 空间分异 热点分析 吉林省
Responses of CH_4 Emissions to Nitrogen Addition and Spartina alterniflora Invasion in Minjiang River Estuary, Southeast of China 被引量:10
作者 MOU Xiaojie LIU Xingtu +1 位作者 TONG Chuan SUN Zhigao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第5期562-574,共13页
The nitrogen (N) input and Spartina alterniflora invasion in the tidal marsh of the southeast of China are increasingly serious. To evaluate CH4 emissions in the tidal marsh as affected by the N inputs and S. altern... The nitrogen (N) input and Spartina alterniflora invasion in the tidal marsh of the southeast of China are increasingly serious. To evaluate CH4 emissions in the tidal marsh as affected by the N inputs and S. alterniflora invasion, we measured CH4 emissions from plots with vegetated S. alterniflora and native Cyperus malaccensis, and fertilized with exogenous N at the rate of 0 (NO), 21 (N1) and 42 (N2) g N/(m2.yr), respectively, in the Shanyutan marsh in the Minjiang River estuary, the southeast of China. The average CH4 fluxes during the experiment in the C. malaccensis and S. alterniflora plots without N addition were 3.67 mg CHa/(m2.h) and 7.79 mg CH4/(m2-h), respectively, suggesting that the invasion of S. alterniflora into the Minjiang River estuary stimulated CH4 emission. Exogenous N had positive effects on CH4 fluxes both in native and in invaded tidal marsh. The mean CH4 fluxes of NI and N2 treat- ments increased by 31.05% and 123.50% in the C. malaccensis marsh, and 63.88% and 7.55% in the S. alterniflora marsh, respectively, compared to that of NO treatment. The CH4 fluxes in the two marshes were positively correlated with temperature and pH, and nega- tively correlated with electrical conductivity and redox potential (Eh) at different N addition treatments. While the relationships between CH4 fluxes and environmental variables (especially soil temperature, pH and Eh at different depths) tended to decrease with N additions. Significant temporal variability in CH4 fluxes were observed as the N was gradually added to the native and invaded marshes. In order to better assess the global climatic role of tidal marshes as affected by N addition, much more attention should be paid to the short-term temporal variability in CH4 emission. 展开更多
关键词 nitrogen addition CH4 emission tidal marsh Spartina alterniflora invasion temporal variability
县域耕地土壤养分的时空变化及区域施肥研究——以肥东县为例 被引量:9
作者 李小刚 马友华 +1 位作者 王强 郭粹锦 《土壤》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第6期976-983,共8页
为提高粮食产量实现农业的可持续发展,本研究主要利用Arc GIS9.3对肥东县的土壤养分和p H作空间变异分析。通过分析可知在研究区域内除p H呈弱变异性外,其他养分都是中等变异,全氮、有效磷和速效钾为弱相关性,其他为中等相关性,并对数... 为提高粮食产量实现农业的可持续发展,本研究主要利用Arc GIS9.3对肥东县的土壤养分和p H作空间变异分析。通过分析可知在研究区域内除p H呈弱变异性外,其他养分都是中等变异,全氮、有效磷和速效钾为弱相关性,其他为中等相关性,并对数据进行插值分析绘制养分分布图;将2012年土壤养分数据与1982年第二次土壤调查数据相比较,从时间上分析其变异性,在时间对比分析可知土壤中主要养分速效钾变化不大,有效磷和有机质都明显增加。最后利用"3414"试验参数并结合当地耕作经验值,算出施肥配方,并绘制不同配方分区图。 展开更多
关键词 土壤养分 空间变异 时间变异 地统计学 区域施肥
Study on the Relationship among Forest Fire,Temperature and Precipitation and Its Spatial-temporal Variability in China 被引量:9
作者 吕爱锋 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第9期1396-1400,共5页
[Objective] The aim was to discuss the relationship between forest fire and meterological elements (precipitation and temprature) in each region of China.[Method] Firstly,the average precipitation and temperature in... [Objective] The aim was to discuss the relationship between forest fire and meterological elements (precipitation and temprature) in each region of China.[Method] Firstly,the average precipitation and temperature in forest area of each province in fire season were obtained based on meterological data,forest distribution data,seasonal and monthly data of forest fire in China.Secondly,the relationship among forest fire area,precipitation and temperature was discussed through temporal and correlation analysis.[Result] The changes of precipitation and temperature with time could reflect the annual variation of fire area well.Forest fire area went up with the decrease of precipitation and increase of temprature,and visa versa.Meanwhile,there existed diffirences in the relationship in various regions over time.Correlation analyses revealed that there was positive correlation between forest fire area and temperature,especailly Northwest China (R=0.367,P〈0.01),Southwest China (R=0.327,P〈0.05),South China (R=0.33,P〈0.05),East China (R=0.516,P〈0.01) and Xinjiang (R=0.447,P〈0.05) with obviously positive correlation.At the same time,the correlation between forest fire area and precipitation was significantly positive in Northwest China (R=0.482,P〈0.01),while it was significantly negaive in South China (R=-0.323,P=0.03),but there was no significant correlation in other regions.[Conclusion] Relationships between forest fire and meteorological elements (precipitation and temprature) revealed in the study would be useful for fire provention and early warning in China. 展开更多
关键词 Forest fire PRECIPITATION TEMPERATURE Spatial-temporal variability
Interannual variability in soil respiration from terrestrial ecosystems in China and its response to climate change 被引量:9
作者 CHEN ShuTao HUANG Yao +4 位作者 ZOU JianWen SHI YanShu LU YanYu ZHANG Wen HU ZhengHua 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第12期2091-2098,共8页
Soil respiration is an important process in terrestrial carbon cycle.Concerning terrestrial ecosystems in China, quantifying the spatiotemporal pattern of soil respiration at the regional scale is critical in providin... Soil respiration is an important process in terrestrial carbon cycle.Concerning terrestrial ecosystems in China, quantifying the spatiotemporal pattern of soil respiration at the regional scale is critical in providing a theoretical basis for evaluating carbon budget.In this study, we used an empirically based, semi-mechanistic model including climate and soil properties to estimate annual soil respiration from terrestrial ecosystems in China from 1970 to 2009.We further analyzed the relationship between interannual variability in soil respiration and climatic factors (air temperature and precipitation).Results indicated that the distribution of annual soil respiration showed clear spatial patterns.The highest and lowest annual soil respiration rates appeared in southeastern China and northwestern China, respectively, which was in accordance with the spatial patterns of mean annual air temperature and annual precipitation.Although the mean annual air temperature in northwestern China was higher than that in some regions of northeastern china, a greater topsoil organic carbon storage in northeastern China might result in the higher annual soil respiration in this region.By contrast, lower temperature, less precipitation and smaller topsoil organic carbon pool incurred the lowest annual soil respiration in northwestern China.Annual soil respiration from terrestrial ecosystems in China varied from 4.58 to 5.19 PgCa-1 between 1970 and 2009.During this time period, on average, annual soil respiration was estimated to be 4.83 PgCa-1 .Annual soil respiration in China accounted for 4.93%-6.01% of the global annual soil CO2 emission.The interannual variability in soil respiration depended on the interannual variability in precipitation and mean air temperature.In order to reduce the uncertainty in estimating annual soil respiration at regional scale, more in situ measurements of soil respiration and relevant factors (e.g.climate, soil and vegetation) should be made simultaneously and historical soil property data sets sho 展开更多
关键词 China soil respiration temporal variability CLIMATE
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