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散射相位函数的近似计算 被引量:7
作者 杜竹峰 卢益民 +1 位作者 黄铁侠 杨宗凯 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 1998年第5期422-425,共4页
用MonteCarlo方法模拟光在介质中的传输时,常常会面临散射相位函数的选取问题。本文对几种散射相位函数进行了分析和比较。不难发现,Cornette等提出的近似公式是一个较佳的散射相位函数,但由这个公式不能直接得到... 用MonteCarlo方法模拟光在介质中的传输时,常常会面临散射相位函数的选取问题。本文对几种散射相位函数进行了分析和比较。不难发现,Cornette等提出的近似公式是一个较佳的散射相位函数,但由这个公式不能直接得到散射角的表达式。我们在MonteCarlo模拟中,提出了三种散射相位函数的近似方法。尽管三种方法都取得了较好的效果,但比较而言,在保证计算精度和计算效率的条件下,方法三是散射相位函数的一个较佳的近似方法。而方法二只能满足计算精度的要求。 展开更多
关键词 散射相位函数 MC方法 H-G函数 近似计算
地面加热对飞机颠簸影响的动力学初步分析 被引量:8
作者 邹波 《南京气象学院学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期527-531,共5页
用积分变换法求解考虑了地面加热作用的中尺度二维不可压缩流体的Boussinesq方程,得到一组描述地面加热作用激发的垂直风场、水平扰动风场、扰动气温场的解析解,进而用动力学分析的观点定性讨论了飞机颠簸与地面加热场、风场、温度场空... 用积分变换法求解考虑了地面加热作用的中尺度二维不可压缩流体的Boussinesq方程,得到一组描述地面加热作用激发的垂直风场、水平扰动风场、扰动气温场的解析解,进而用动力学分析的观点定性讨论了飞机颠簸与地面加热场、风场、温度场空间分布及时间变化的关系,对动力和热力性气象因子对于飞机颠簸的影响进行了初步分析。 展开更多
关键词 飞机颠簸 地面加热 扰动解 风切变 水平温度梯度
有理曲面的区间Bézier曲面的逼近 被引量:3
作者 孟祥国 王仁宏 《数值计算与计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期247-256,共10页
§1.引言 有理曲线和曲面作为一类重要的逼近函数,在计算机辅助设计与制造中有着广泛的应用.随着NURBS被确定为国际的标准后,更奠定了有理函数在CAD中的主导地位.然而由于计算的复杂性和设计的需要,有时还需要用多项式函数来逼近有... §1.引言 有理曲线和曲面作为一类重要的逼近函数,在计算机辅助设计与制造中有着广泛的应用.随着NURBS被确定为国际的标准后,更奠定了有理函数在CAD中的主导地位.然而由于计算的复杂性和设计的需要,有时还需要用多项式函数来逼近有理曲线和曲面. 展开更多
关键词 有理曲面 BÉZIER曲面 逼近函数 有理曲线
作者 童维超 蒋柏斌 +4 位作者 吴小军 李国 黄燕华 张春雨 马小军 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第2期121-126,共6页
针对尖刀加工的平面调制微结构表面质量差以及尖刀顶部尖角易磨损的现象,本文系统分析了尖刀在加工平面调制结构时轮廓误差的形成机理,发现了尖刀加工调制表面的轮廓误差大且存在难以补偿的特性,调制结构的轮廓误差与刀尖宽度成正比,与... 针对尖刀加工的平面调制微结构表面质量差以及尖刀顶部尖角易磨损的现象,本文系统分析了尖刀在加工平面调制结构时轮廓误差的形成机理,发现了尖刀加工调制表面的轮廓误差大且存在难以补偿的特性,调制结构的轮廓误差与刀尖宽度成正比,与调制的周幅比值(λ/a)成反比.为此,本文提出了采用圆弧刀具结合刀具半径补偿方法以降低平面调制样品轮廓误差的技术方案.实验结果表明,采用圆弧刀结合刀具补偿方法对平面调制结构的轮廓精度提升具有显著作用,相比于尖刀切削,圆弧刀补偿加工的一维调制样品获得了更高的表面质量和轮廓精度.针对幅值a=4μm,周期λ=60μm的平面调制样品,采用圆弧刀补偿加工方案,调制样品的表面粗糙度Ra值由59.66 nm降至21 nm,轮廓误差精度提高了约20%. 展开更多
关键词 平面调制结构 轮廓误差 周幅比值(λ/a) 圆弧刀 半径补偿 表面粗糙度
物体光照模型表面细节的凹凸映射及实现 被引量:2
作者 王志敏 刘建新 《武汉大学学报(工学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第3期103-105,共3页
简要说明计算机图形学光照模型理论 ,讨论由扰动函数作用后物体表面法向量的计算公式和意义 ,介绍对物体表面细节的凹凸真实性处理过程中几个重要参数 .
关键词 物体光照模型 表面法向量 扰动函数 凹凸映射
波纹壁面降膜过程的一种近似模型 被引量:3
作者 师晋生 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期310-312,共3页
关键词 液膜 波纹表面 流动 传热 摄动
Interval Bézier Surfaces Approximation of Rational Surfaces
作者 黄林 《Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(English Edition)》 2010年第1期91-98,共8页
On the basis of the perturbation, we present an approach to approximating rational surfaces by the interval Btzier surfaces using energy minimization method. The approach makes the perturbation surfaces have more rest... On the basis of the perturbation, we present an approach to approximating rational surfaces by the interval Btzier surfaces using energy minimization method. The approach makes the perturbation surfaces have more restrictions than the original surfaces. It could be combined with subdivision method to obtain a piecewise interval polynomial approximation for a rational surface. The applications of this approach are illustrated too. 展开更多
关键词 Rational surface Interval Bezier surface Polynomial surface APPROXIMATION perturbation
Scattering of Surface Waves by the Edge of a Small Undulation on a Porous Bed in an Ocean with Ice-cover 被引量:3
作者 Smrutiranjan Mohapatra 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第2期167-172,共6页
Scattering of surface waves by the edge of a small undulation on a porous bed in an ocean of finite depth, where the free surface has an ice-cover being modelled as an elastic plate of very small thickness, is investi... Scattering of surface waves by the edge of a small undulation on a porous bed in an ocean of finite depth, where the free surface has an ice-cover being modelled as an elastic plate of very small thickness, is investigated within the framework of linearized water wave theory. The effect of surface tension at the surface below the ice-cover is neglected. There exists only one wave number propagating at just below the ice-cover. A perturbation analysis is employed to solve the boundary value problem governed by Laplace's equation by a method based on Green's integral theorem with the introduction of appropriate Green's function and thereby evaluating the reflection and transmission coefficients approximately up to first order. A patch of sinusoidal ripples is considered as an example and the related coefficients are determined. 展开更多
关键词 porous bed ICE-COVER surface waves bottom undulation Green’s function perturbation technique reflection and transmission coefficients
裂面形貌扰动对晶内微裂纹演变影响的有限元分析 被引量:2
作者 王远鹏 黄佩珍 《中南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期760-764,共5页
根据表面扩散控制下物质迁移规律,建立有限单元法,对裂面形貌扰动下二维微裂纹演变过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:裂尖的几何形状对微裂纹圆柱化时间起决定性作用;在裂面形貌扰动振幅不变的情况下,扰动频率越高,其对裂腔分节临界形态比的... 根据表面扩散控制下物质迁移规律,建立有限单元法,对裂面形貌扰动下二维微裂纹演变过程进行数值模拟。结果表明:裂尖的几何形状对微裂纹圆柱化时间起决定性作用;在裂面形貌扰动振幅不变的情况下,扰动频率越高,其对裂腔分节临界形态比的影响越小,且波数为奇数的微裂纹更容易分节;振幅对裂腔分节起阻碍作用;裂面形貌扰动频率越小,振幅对裂腔分节临界形态比的影响越显著。 展开更多
关键词 晶内微裂纹 表面扩散 有限单元法 裂面形貌扰动 形貌演变
有理曲线和曲面的分片多项式逼近 被引量:1
作者 方燕 《工科数学》 1999年第1期9-16,共8页
本文利用摄动的思想,以摄动有理曲线(曲面)的系数的无穷模作为优化目标,给出了用多项式曲线(曲面)逼近有理曲线(曲面)的一种新方法.同以前的各种方法相比,该方法不仅收敛而且具有更快的收敛速度,并且可以与细分技术相结合,... 本文利用摄动的思想,以摄动有理曲线(曲面)的系数的无穷模作为优化目标,给出了用多项式曲线(曲面)逼近有理曲线(曲面)的一种新方法.同以前的各种方法相比,该方法不仅收敛而且具有更快的收敛速度,并且可以与细分技术相结合,得到有理曲线与曲面的整体光滑、分片多项式的逼近. 展开更多
关键词 有理曲线 多项式逼近 曲面 无穷 摄动 收敛速度 系数 分片 多项式曲线 光滑
The Effects of Land Surface Process Perturbations in a Global Ensemble Forecast System 被引量:1
作者 Guo DENG Yuejian ZHU +3 位作者 Jiandong GONG Dehui CHEN Richard WOBUS Zhe ZHANG 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第10期1199-1208,共10页
Atmospheric variability is driven not only by internal dynamics, but also by external forcing, such as soil states, SST, snow, sea-ice cover, and so on. To investigate the forecast uncertainties and effects of land su... Atmospheric variability is driven not only by internal dynamics, but also by external forcing, such as soil states, SST, snow, sea-ice cover, and so on. To investigate the forecast uncertainties and effects of land surface processes on numerical weather prediction, we added modules to perturb soil moisture and soil temperature into NCEP's Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), and compared the results of a set of experiments involving different configurations of land surface and atmospheric perturbation. It was found that uncertainties in different soil layers varied due to the multiple timescales of interactions between land surface and atmospheric processes. Perturbations of the soil moisture and soil temperature at the land surface changed sensible and latent heat flux obviously, as compared to the less or indirect land surface perturbation experiment from the day-to-day forecasts. Soil state perturbations led to greater variation in surface heat fluxes that transferred to the upper troposphere, thus reflecting interactions and the response to atmospheric external forcing. Various verification scores were calculated in this study. The results indicated that taking the uncertainties of land surface processes into account in GEFS could contribute a slight improvement in forecast skill in terms of resolution and reliability, a noticeable reduction in forecast error, as well as an increase in ensemble spread in an under-dispersive system. This paper provides a preliminary evaluation of the effects of land surface processes on predictability. Further research using more complex and suitable methods is needed to fully explore our understanding in this area. 展开更多
关键词 perturbation land surface processes GEFS ensemble transform with rescaling
Sea Surface Effects on Sound Scattering in the Persian Gulf Region Based on Empirical Relations 被引量:2
作者 Parviz Ghadimi Alireza Bolghasi Mohammad A. Feizi Chekab 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第2期113-125,共13页
In this paper, sound scattering from the sea surface in the Persian Gulf region is investigated. Chapman-Harris and Ogden-Erskine empirical relations coupled with perturbation theory are implemented. Based on the Ogde... In this paper, sound scattering from the sea surface in the Persian Gulf region is investigated. Chapman-Harris and Ogden-Erskine empirical relations coupled with perturbation theory are implemented. Based on the Ogden and Erskine's experiments, sound scattering from the sea surface has three different regimes in which two mechanisms of surface roughness and subsurface bubble clouds are involved. Ogden-Erskine's scattering relation which consists of perturbation theory and Chapman-Harris's scattering terms are verified by the experimental data of Critical Sea Tests 7. Subsequently, wind speed in the Persian Gulf is provided based on three data bases of Arzanah station, ERA40, and PERGOS. Accordingly, surface scattering strength in the Persian Gulf region is calculated at different grazing angles, frequencies and provided wind speeds. Based on the resulted values of scattering strength, scattered intensity from the sea surface is also studied. These studies indicate that both scattering strength and scattered intensity generally increase as grazing angle, frequency and wind speed increase. 展开更多
关键词 surface scattering strength scattered intensity seasurface effects Persian Gulf sound scattering empirical relation perturbation theory
On the Downshift of Wave Frequency for Bragg Resonance 被引量:2
作者 PENG Ji TAO Ai-feng +2 位作者 FAN Jun ZHENG Jin-hai LIU Yu-ming 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第1期76-85,共10页
For surface gravity waves propagating over a horizontal bottom that consists of a patch of sinusoidal ripples,strong wave reflection occurs under the Bragg resonance condition.The critical wave frequency,at which the ... For surface gravity waves propagating over a horizontal bottom that consists of a patch of sinusoidal ripples,strong wave reflection occurs under the Bragg resonance condition.The critical wave frequency,at which the peak reflection coefficient is obtained,has been observed in both physical experiments and direct numerical simulations to be downshifted from the well-known theoretical prediction.It has long been speculated that the downshift may be attributed to higher-order rippled bottom and free-surface boundary effects,but the intrinsic mechanism remains unclear.By a regular perturbation analysis,we derive the theoretical solution of frequency downshift due to third-order nonlinear effects of both bottom and free-surface boundaries.It is found that the bottom nonlinearity plays the dominant role in frequency downshift while the free-surface nonlinearity actually causes frequency upshift.The frequency downshift/upshift has a quadratic dependence in the bottom/free-surface steepness.Polychromatic bottom leads to a larger frequency downshift relative to the monochromatic bottom.In addition,direct numerical simulations based on the high-order spectral method are conducted to validate the present theory.The theoretical solution of frequency downshift compares well with the numerical simulations and available experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 gravity surface wave Bragg resonance frequency downshift regular perturbation analysis
高粘度流体在波纹板通道内的流动模型 被引量:2
作者 师晋生 《过程工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第6期884-888,共5页
对高粘度流体在波纹板通道内的流动进行了分析,对控制微分方程及边界条件作无量纲处理,引入流函数,采用摄动展开建立了近似分析模型,得到了流函数、速度及压力沿轴向变化的解析表达式,讨论了壁面波纹的波幅及波长对流动的影响,并根据比... 对高粘度流体在波纹板通道内的流动进行了分析,对控制微分方程及边界条件作无量纲处理,引入流函数,采用摄动展开建立了近似分析模型,得到了流函数、速度及压力沿轴向变化的解析表达式,讨论了壁面波纹的波幅及波长对流动的影响,并根据比拟理论分析了波纹通道对传热的影响. 展开更多
关键词 高粘度 波纹壁面 流动 摄动展开 模拟
作者 王大鸿 《山东海洋学院学报》 1987年第2期20-26,共7页
关键词 不可压缩流体 惯性重力波 频率方程 微扰动方法 海洋科学
A Significant Look at the Effects of Persian Gulf Environmental Conditions on Sound Scattering Based on Small Perturbation Method
作者 Parviz Ghadimi Alireza Bolghasi +1 位作者 Mohammad A. Feizi Chekab Rahim Zamanian 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 CSCD 2015年第4期413-424,共12页
The main goal of this paper is to investigate sound scattering from the sea surface, by Kuo's small perturbation method (SPM), in the Persian Gulf's environmental conditions. Accordingly the SPM method is reviewed... The main goal of this paper is to investigate sound scattering from the sea surface, by Kuo's small perturbation method (SPM), in the Persian Gulf's environmental conditions. Accordingly the SPM method is reviewed, then it is demonstrated how it can accurately model sound scattering from the sea surface. Since in Kuo's approach, the effects of surface roughness and sub-surface bubble plumes on incident sounds can be studied separately, it is possible to investigate the importance of each mechanism in various scattering regimes. To conduct this study, wind and wave information reported by Arzanah station as well as some numerical atmospheric models for the Persian Gulf are presented and applied to examine sound scattering from the sea surface in the Persian Gulf region. Plots of scattering strength by Kuo's SPM method versus grazing angle for various frequencies, wave heights, and wind speeds are presented. The calculated scattering strength by the SPM method for various frequencies and wind speeds are compared against the results of critical sea tests 7 (CST-7). The favorable agreement achieved for sound scattering in the Persian Gulf region is indicative of the fact that the SPM method can quite accurately model and predict sound scattering from the sea surface. 展开更多
关键词 sea surface Persian Gulf small perturbation method (SPM) wind rose plots wave rose plots sound scattering surface roughness sub-surface bubble plumes
声学形变势表面极化子的性质研究进展 被引量:1
作者 肖景林 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2003年第3期193-200,共8页
综述了近年来对声学形变势表面极化子的性质方面的部分工作 .在第一节中从表面电子—表面光学(SO)声子和电子—表面声学 (SA)声子系的哈密顿量出发 ,用线性组合算符和么正变换法研究与SO和SA声子弱耦合的声学形变势表面极化子的有效哈... 综述了近年来对声学形变势表面极化子的性质方面的部分工作 .在第一节中从表面电子—表面光学(SO)声子和电子—表面声学 (SA)声子系的哈密顿量出发 ,用线性组合算符和么正变换法研究与SO和SA声子弱耦合的声学形变势表面极化子的有效哈密顿量、有效相互作用势和有效质量的性质 .在第二节中研究了与SO声子耦合强与SA声子耦合弱的声学形变势表面极化子的振动频率 ,诱生势和有效质量的性质 .在第三节中研究了与SO声子强耦合与SA声子弱耦合的声学形变势表面极化子的有效哈密顿量、振动频率和有效质量的温度效应 .在第四节中计算了与SO声子耦合强与SA声子耦合弱的声学形变势表面极化子的声子平均数随坐标Z、振动频率λ和 η的变化规律 .在第五节中采用微扰法研究了声子之间相互作用对与SO声子强耦合与SA声子弱耦合的声学形变势表面极化子的有效哈密顿量。 展开更多
关键词 声学形变势 表面极化子 线性组合算符 微扰法
作者 刘淑芳 官伯然 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第2期244-248,共5页
传输线模型是分析微带天线的一种最简单的方法,但其未将导体的特性参数考虑到天线的分析中去,针对这一缺点,为研究超导体的表面阻抗对高温超导微带天线输入阻抗和谐振频率的影响,把导体特性对天线的影响看作一种微扰来处理,对传统的传... 传输线模型是分析微带天线的一种最简单的方法,但其未将导体的特性参数考虑到天线的分析中去,针对这一缺点,为研究超导体的表面阻抗对高温超导微带天线输入阻抗和谐振频率的影响,把导体特性对天线的影响看作一种微扰来处理,对传统的传输线模型进行了修正,并通过与谱域矩量法相比较,验证了修正后方法的有效性。进而利用修正后的方法计算分析了高温超导矩形微带贴片天线的输入阻抗和谐振频率,给出了关于高温超导微带天线输入阻抗和谐振频率的若干结论。 展开更多
关键词 高温超导体 表面阻抗 输入阻抗 谐振频率 传输线模型 微扰
极性晶体中表面磁极化子研究进展(Ⅰ) 被引量:1
作者 肖景林 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 1997年第1期1-7,共7页
本文综述了我们近年来在极性晶体表面磁极化子性质方面的部分工作。第二节中从磁场中表面极化子一声子系的哈密顿出发,用线性组合算符方法研究强耦合表面磁极化子的振动频率,基态能量和有效质量与磁场的关系。第三节中用线性组合算符... 本文综述了我们近年来在极性晶体表面磁极化子性质方面的部分工作。第二节中从磁场中表面极化子一声子系的哈密顿出发,用线性组合算符方法研究强耦合表面磁极化子的振动频率,基态能量和有效质量与磁场的关系。第三节中用线性组合算符法讨论了与表面光学声子耦合强,与体纵光学声子耦合弱的表面磁极化子的有效哈密顿量、振动频率和有效相互作用势的磁场依赖性。第四节中用线性组合算符和微扰法研究电子在反冲效应中发射和吸收不同波矢的声子之间相互作用对表面磁极化子性质的影响。 展开更多
关键词 表面磁极化子 线性组合算符 微扰法 强耦合 有效哈密顿量
Unsteady Flow and Heat Transfer of a Casson Micropolar Nanofluid over a Curved Stretching/Shrinking Surface
作者 Muhammad A.Sadiq Nadeem Abbas +1 位作者 Haitham M.S.Bahaidarah Mohammad Amjad 《Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing》 EI 2023年第2期471-486,共16页
We present the results of an investigation into the behavior of the unsteady flow of a Casson Micropolar nanofluid over a shrinking/stretching curved surface,together with a heat transfer analysis of the same problem.... We present the results of an investigation into the behavior of the unsteady flow of a Casson Micropolar nanofluid over a shrinking/stretching curved surface,together with a heat transfer analysis of the same problem.The body force acting perpendicular to the surface wall is in charge of regulating the fluid flow rate.Curvilinear coordinates are used to account for the considered curved geometry and a set of balance equations for mass,momentum,energy and concentration is obtained accordingly.These are turned into ordinary differential equations using a similarity transformation.We show that these equations have dual solutions for a number of different combinations of various parameters.The stability of such solutions is investigated by applying perturbations on the steady states.It is found that high values of the Micropolar and Casson parameters cause the flow to move more slowly.However,when compared to a shrunken surface,a stretched surface produces a greater Micro-rotation flux. 展开更多
关键词 Dual solutions Micropolar Casson fluid curved surface perturbation eigen values
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