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作者 李江海 洛怡 宋珏琛 《地质科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期305-318,共14页
克拉通盆地是所有盆地类型中最稳定、最长寿的盆地,也是地壳和地幔长期垂向变形最重要的地质记录。地史上面积最大的克拉通盆地(超级克拉通盆地)原型面积常超过200×10^4 km^2,对探讨克拉通盆地成因演化具有重要的代表性意义。目前... 克拉通盆地是所有盆地类型中最稳定、最长寿的盆地,也是地壳和地幔长期垂向变形最重要的地质记录。地史上面积最大的克拉通盆地(超级克拉通盆地)原型面积常超过200×10^4 km^2,对探讨克拉通盆地成因演化具有重要的代表性意义。目前世界各地的研究可以识别出10余个不同时期的超级克拉通盆地。本文根据超级克拉通盆地基底性质、盆地发育的超大陆构造演化背景及其构造特征,将超级克拉通盆地划分为A型盆地和B型盆地两种类型,它们分别以西西伯利亚盆地和刚果盆地为代表。A型盆地形成于超大陆裂解之前至初始裂解的背景下,基底为前期造山带,为短波长盆地。盆地形态不规则性强,内部均一性相对较低,克拉通盆地边缘可能渐变为弧后盆地或前陆盆地。B型盆地形成于超大陆裂解末期(即下一个超大陆汇聚之初),基底为古克拉通陆块,为长波长盆地,盆地多呈对称的宽缓碟型。A型盆地处于短期活动的热地幔柱之上,伴随早期裂谷作用及其随后的热衰减成盆;B型盆地常处于热点和地貌高地之间的部位,盆地沉降长期受地幔持续缓慢下沉控制。 展开更多
关键词 超大陆旋回 克拉通盆地 古板块再造 冷点 超级地幔柱
中国东部燕山期大规模岩浆活动与岩石圈减薄:与大火成岩省的关系 被引量:126
作者 张旗 金惟俊 +1 位作者 李承东 王元龙 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第2期21-51,共31页
论述了大规模岩浆活动与岩石圈减薄的关系,指出软流圈地幔与地壳直接接触时,即岩石圈最大减薄时(岩石圈地幔厚度为0),岩石圈厚度等于地壳厚度。中国东部岩石圈最大减薄的时间在燕山期,在这之前和之后,岩石圈是厚的。讨论了中国东部大规... 论述了大规模岩浆活动与岩石圈减薄的关系,指出软流圈地幔与地壳直接接触时,即岩石圈最大减薄时(岩石圈地幔厚度为0),岩石圈厚度等于地壳厚度。中国东部岩石圈最大减薄的时间在燕山期,在这之前和之后,岩石圈是厚的。讨论了中国东部大规模岩浆活动与板块俯冲的关系,认为中国东部燕山期岩浆活动与太平洋板块没有关系:中国东部不属于环太平洋构造带,不是安第斯型活动陆缘,中生代玄武岩不具有岛弧玄武岩的特征,从中酸性岩浆岩得不出岛弧的结论,从三叠纪开始的古太平洋板块扩张方向的演变也不支持板块向西俯冲的认识。认为中国东部燕山期大规模岩浆活动可能与超级地幔柱的活动有关,是一种新的大火成岩省类型。文中将大火成岩省分为两类:一类为B型大火成岩省,部分熔融发生在岩石圈底部,以发育玄武岩为特征;另一类为G型大火成岩省,部分熔融发生在下地壳底部,以发育大规模花岗质岩浆为特征。根据中国东部大规模岩浆活动的时空分布分出5个大火成岩省:鄂霍茨克(大兴安岭北端)、张广才岭—小兴安岭、华北—大兴安岭、华南和东部沿海大火成岩省。认为岩石圈减薄可以产生多种效应,是地壳演化的最重要的动力学因素,但唯独与地壳浅部的伸展事件无关。还评论了流行的岩石圈减薄的见解,认为流行的见解将岩石圈减薄定位在新生代(岩石圈厚80~120km)是似是而非的,不是科学的命题。 展开更多
关键词 岩石圈减薄 大规模岩浆活动 超级地幔柱 大火成岩省 燕山期 中国东部
试论地幔柱构造与川滇西部古特提斯的演化 被引量:25
作者 肖龙 徐义刚 何斌 《地质科技情报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期1-6,共6页
基于全地幔对流(MOMO模式)提出的地幔柱构造理论将人们对地球深部的认识延伸到核幔边界。它和主要揭示地球表层构造的板块构造理论一起,为认识地球深部过程和大陆裂解等提供了新思路。在早古生代时期川滇西部古特提斯域几个大陆地块从... 基于全地幔对流(MOMO模式)提出的地幔柱构造理论将人们对地球深部的认识延伸到核幔边界。它和主要揭示地球表层构造的板块构造理论一起,为认识地球深部过程和大陆裂解等提供了新思路。在早古生代时期川滇西部古特提斯域几个大陆地块从位于赤道附近的冈瓦纳联合古大陆上裂解后又拼合到一起。该地区广泛分布的地幔柱活动产物和引起的浅表地质响应与特提斯的演化有很好的时空耦合关系,证明其间可能存在一个特提斯超级地幔柱,它可能是导致特提斯演化的原动力。根据古地磁资料和地幔柱活动的火成岩记录,认为特提斯超级地幔柱开始活动于晚志留世,结束于晚二叠世,历时约170 Ma。其幕式活动造成了3个陆块先后裂解脱离扬子地块,形成3个特提斯大洋和峨眉山大火成岩省。 展开更多
关键词 地幔柱 特提斯超级地幔柱 大陆裂解 特提斯演化
中、新生代全球尺度地质过程及其对自然环境的影响 被引量:4
作者 杜品仁 马宗晋 高祥林 《地学前缘》 EI CAS CSCD 2003年第U08期38-44,共7页
中、新生代是地球岩石圈经历重大构造演化 ,最终形成现今地球面貌的时代。研究对中、新生代全球级环境变化有重大影响的地质作用过程 ,对从整体上把握和理解环境演变的规律和原因 ,最终实现对环境变化的预测有重要意义。中生代开始不久 ... 中、新生代是地球岩石圈经历重大构造演化 ,最终形成现今地球面貌的时代。研究对中、新生代全球级环境变化有重大影响的地质作用过程 ,对从整体上把握和理解环境演变的规律和原因 ,最终实现对环境变化的预测有重要意义。中生代开始不久 ,位于赤道附近的联合古陆便解体分裂 ,全球大陆和大洋逐渐演变成现今的分布格局。与此相伴 ,地球的地形、地貌也发生了重大变化。中生代造山运动造就的山脉和其后由构造隆升形成的高原 ,也是影响全球气候的主要因素之一。中、新生代的多次大规模火山活动 ,造成气候、环境的快速变化 ,甚至导致大规模生物灭绝。在中白垩世期间 ,发生了一系列全球规模的构造运动现象 ,它们与地球深部的超地幔柱有关。文中也通过天体撞击作用探讨了地外因素对地球环境和生命演化的影响。 展开更多
关键词 中、新生代 环境 联合古陆 造山作用 火山活动 超地幔柱 撞击坑
地幔内板片俯冲运动模式及其大地构造意义——俯冲的屏障与穿越机制 被引量:4
作者 李江海 刘仲兰 《地质论评》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期453-463,共11页
地震层析成像揭示了地幔内存在俯冲板片的重要证据,它们涉及多种几何形态和运动方式,地幔过渡带为其下沉的重要屏障,俯冲板片在这里发生停滞、变形和岩石圈物质积累。板片在个别地区可以俯冲到地核—地幔边界,堆积形成板块墓地,造成D″... 地震层析成像揭示了地幔内存在俯冲板片的重要证据,它们涉及多种几何形态和运动方式,地幔过渡带为其下沉的重要屏障,俯冲板片在这里发生停滞、变形和岩石圈物质积累。板片在个别地区可以俯冲到地核—地幔边界,堆积形成板块墓地,造成D″层物质组成和热学的不均一性。高温高压实验以及流变学计算模拟,对地幔组成及其物性提供了新的制约,板片俯冲地幔过程中,涉及矿物相变、黏度、密度、力学强度等因素的制约,地幔过渡带为俯冲重要屏障和相变界面。围绕板片俯冲的研究,提出地幔整体对流的新模式,板块墓地与超级地幔柱具有成因联系,成为全球地幔对流的重要环节,有待深入研究。板片俯冲是浅表板块构造与深部超级地幔柱的联系纽带和重要驱动力。 展开更多
关键词 板片俯冲 地幔过渡带 板块墓地 下地幔 超级地幔柱 地幔对流
环太平洋极性超级地幔柱及其成矿响应 被引量:2
作者 童航寿 田建吉 《铀矿地质》 CAS CSCD 2017年第1期1-8,共8页
地幔柱及其成矿系统研究是当前地学领域的热点之一,在我国已取得了较大进展,发表了大量论著。但对环太平洋极性超级地幔柱成矿系统的研究,目前还处于起步阶段。文章在前人研究成果的基础上,从以下几方面作了简要论述:1)地幔柱研究历史... 地幔柱及其成矿系统研究是当前地学领域的热点之一,在我国已取得了较大进展,发表了大量论著。但对环太平洋极性超级地幔柱成矿系统的研究,目前还处于起步阶段。文章在前人研究成果的基础上,从以下几方面作了简要论述:1)地幔柱研究历史的回顾;2)地幔柱类型划分与成矿场;3)常规地幔柱判别标志;4)环太平洋极性超级地幔柱的厘定;5)环太平洋极性超级地幔柱成矿效应;6)华南亚地幔柱与成矿;7)环太平洋极性超级地幔柱的动力学讨论。笔者认为,中-新生代濒太平洋洲际性成矿域及其成矿大爆发,导源于太平洋超级地幔柱对成矿的响应。 展开更多
关键词 极性超级地幔柱 成矿场 成矿效应 动力学
大洋中的水下陆块 被引量:2
作者 和政军 任纪舜 《海洋地质与第四纪地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第2期71-80,共10页
关键词 大洋 水下陆块 陆壳 洋中陆块
Compositional and temperature variations of the Pacific upper mantle since the Cretaceous
作者 ZHANG Guoliang 《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第4期19-25,共7页
The geological evolution of the Earth during the mid-Cretaceous were shown to be anomalous, e.g., the pause of the geomagnetic field, the global sea level rise, and increased intra-plate volcanic activities, which cou... The geological evolution of the Earth during the mid-Cretaceous were shown to be anomalous, e.g., the pause of the geomagnetic field, the global sea level rise, and increased intra-plate volcanic activities, which could be attributed to deep mantle processes. As the anomalous volcanic activities occurred mainly in the Cretaceous Pacific, here we use basalt chemical compositions from the oceanic drilling(DSDP/ODP/IODP) sites to investigate their mantle sources and melting conditions. Based on locations relative to the Pacific plateaus, we classified these sites as oceanic plateau basalts, normal mid-ocean ridge basalts, and near-plateau seafloor basalts. This study shows that those normal mid-ocean ridge basalts formed during mid-Cretaceous are broadly similar in average Na8, La/Sm and Sm/Yb ratios and Sr-Nd isotopic compositions to modern Pacific spreading ridge(the East Pacific Rise). The Ontong Java plateau(125–90 Ma) basalts have distinctly lower Na8 and143Nd/144 Nd, and higher La/Sm and 87Sr/86 Sr than normal seafloor basalts, whereas those for the near-plateau seafloor basalts are similar to the plateau basalts, indicating influences from the Ontong Java mantle source. The super mantle plume activity that might have formed the Ontong Java plateau influenced the mantle source of the simultaneously formed large areas of seafloor basalts. Based on the chemical data from normal seafloor basalts, I propose that the mantle compositions and melting conditions of the normal mid-ocean ridges during the Cretaceous are similar to the fast spreading East Pacific Rise. Slight variations of mid-Cretaceous normal seafloor basalts in melting conditions could be related to the local mantle source and spreading rate. 展开更多
关键词 mantle temperature mantle source super mantle plume Cretaceous mid-ocean ridge basalt
Phanerozoic Quartz Arenite Formation and Sequence-Analytical Patterns: Indirectly Relating to Major Impacting and Super Plume Volcanism, Jordan, Arabian Plate 被引量:2
作者 Werner Schneider Elias Salameh 《Open Journal of Geology》 2020年第1期13-52,共40页
This paper deals with indirect effects of major impacting throughout the Early Paleozoic resp. with those of super plume activity during the Early Cretaceous, both applied to the siliciclastic series of Jordan deposit... This paper deals with indirect effects of major impacting throughout the Early Paleozoic resp. with those of super plume activity during the Early Cretaceous, both applied to the siliciclastic series of Jordan deposited on the Arabian Platform, Arabian Plate. Its focus is mainly directed on gases released by both processes (CO2, SO2, NOx, HCl, HF) and the relating acids, challenged by experiments and microscopic analysis of grain mounts and thin sections that reveal chemical instability of quartz and ultrastable heavy minerals (i.e. tourmaline) under high acidity (pH °C - 90°C). According to Lopatin’s Time/Temperatur-Index the Lower Cambrian reached the onset of hydrocarbon generation (liquid window) during the Lower Early Cretaceous. Unstable heavy minerals (apatite, garnet, hornblende, epidote, zoisite/clinozoisite) are generally absent in quartz arenites while in arkosic sandstones of marine environment carbonate cement and primary clay minerals (illite) provide conservation. As known since the eighties, the K/T-event’s indirect effects had global influence on Earth’s surface sediments and atmospheric chemistry by wildfires, hot whirl storms, acidic “sturz rain”, dust, soot, darkness, loss of photosynthesis, toxic metals, gases and relating acids. All of them are here concerned and applied to major impacting throughout the Early Paleozoic using the impact data of Price (2001);while superplume volcanism during Cretaceous led to the opening of the South Atlantic accompanied by the cyclic outflow of the Para?a/Etendeka Flood Basalts and relating gases in a gigantic scale (137 - 127 Ma). Assuming that the gases cause similar global effects on Earth’s surface sediments, an according result may be expected in form of quartz arenites and their sequence-analytical patterns (cyclic SBs, MFSs).* 展开更多
关键词 Interrelationship Chronostratigraphic and Lithostratigraphic b. Sequence-Analysis (SB MFS) MAJOR Impacting and super plume VOLCANISM (Gases!) Mass Extinction PLATE Tectonics Diagenesis QUARTZ Arenite EARLY Paleozoic and EARLY Cretaceous Jordanian Platform Arabian PLATE (Correlations)
The Cretaceous Turn of Geological Evolution: Key Evidence from East Asia
作者 Victor P.NECHAEV DAI Shifeng +2 位作者 F.Lin SUTHERLAND Ian T.GRAHAM Eugenia V.NECHAEVA 《Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期1991-2003,共13页
this work focuses on one of the critical points of Earth's history when the Solar System passed through the most distant point of its galactic orbit. During this event, Earth may have suffered from maximum extension,... this work focuses on one of the critical points of Earth's history when the Solar System passed through the most distant point of its galactic orbit. During this event, Earth may have suffered from maximum extension, associated with its relative proximity to the Sun at that time, followed by long-term contraction related to its later distancing. This paper is based on generalized data on the Cretaceous evolution of the Earth as a whole and of East Asia in particular. The evidence suggests that major geological processes at this time may be interpreted as transitional changes in the state of Earth. A liquid nature of its core may have reacted to the gravitational and electromagnetic transformations. When the cosmic changes took place at 135-120 Ma, more turbulent flows in the outer core would have favoured the rise of voluminous magmatic plumes and associated fluid flows. These would substantially transform the mantle, crust, hydrosphere, biosphere and atmosphere. In particular, plume-related melting of overlying subducting slabs and lower continental crust could have initiated numerous adakitic melts that formed the East Asian Adakitic Province. These and associated juvenile events produced numerous metallic ore, coal, gas and oil deposits. The Cretaceous is one of the most significant resource-producing periods. 展开更多
关键词 Cretaceous geological evolution galactic orbit super plume adakitic rocks coal ore and petroleum resources
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