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锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能退化 被引量:106
作者 袁迎曙 余索 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第4期51-57,共7页
本文对锈蚀钢筋混凝土简支架进行了试验研究,其试验结果表明梁的承载能力和延性有明显退化现象,其破坏形态向脆性破坏转化。利用钢筋混凝土结构有限元方法和钢筋与粘结性能的退化数学模型,对不同锈蚀量的钢筋混凝土梁进行了分析,并... 本文对锈蚀钢筋混凝土简支架进行了试验研究,其试验结果表明梁的承载能力和延性有明显退化现象,其破坏形态向脆性破坏转化。利用钢筋混凝土结构有限元方法和钢筋与粘结性能的退化数学模型,对不同锈蚀量的钢筋混凝土梁进行了分析,并对锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能退化机理进行了研究。 展开更多
关键词 锈蚀 钢筋混凝土梁 结构性能 退化机理
人工气候与恒电流通电法加速锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能比较研究 被引量:67
作者 袁迎曙 章鑫森 姬永生 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2006年第3期42-46,共5页
采用人工气候环境和恒电流通电法对钢筋混凝土梁进行加速锈蚀试验,以钢筋混凝土梁底顺筋锈胀裂缝宽度为标准,对钢筋表面锈蚀特征、锈蚀钢筋力学性能、以及锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能进行了试验研究与比较分析。由于人工气候环境与恒电... 采用人工气候环境和恒电流通电法对钢筋混凝土梁进行加速锈蚀试验,以钢筋混凝土梁底顺筋锈胀裂缝宽度为标准,对钢筋表面锈蚀特征、锈蚀钢筋力学性能、以及锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能进行了试验研究与比较分析。由于人工气候环境与恒电流通电法使混凝土内钢筋锈蚀的电化学机理不同,试验结果表明:在混凝土表面顺筋锈胀开裂宽度相同条件下,两种环境引起的钢筋表面锈蚀特征、锈蚀钢筋名义强度和延伸率、锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁承载能力与延性均有明显的差异。人工气候环境模拟自然环境气候过程,并强化了气候因素的老化作用,使混凝土内钢筋锈蚀具有相同的电化学机理,并达到加速锈蚀的目的,将对进一步研究钢筋锈蚀程度对结构性能退化影响具有重要的学术和实际意义。 展开更多
关键词 人工气候 恒电流 钢筋锈蚀 结构性能退化
Energy analysis and criteria for structural failure of rocks 被引量:55
作者 Heping Xie Liyun Li +1 位作者 Ruidong Peng Yang Ju 《Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering》 SCIE 2009年第1期11-20,共10页
The intrinsic relationships between energy dissipation,energy release,strength and abrupt structural failure are key to understanding the evolution of deformational processes in rocks.Theoretical and experimental stud... The intrinsic relationships between energy dissipation,energy release,strength and abrupt structural failure are key to understanding the evolution of deformational processes in rocks.Theoretical and experimental studies confirm that energy plays an important role in rock deformation and failure.Dissipated energy from external forces produces damage and irreversible deformation within rock and decreases rock strength over time.Structural failure of rocks is caused by an abrupt release of strain energy that manifests as a catastrophic breakdown of the rock under certain conditions.The strain energy released in the rock volume plays a pivotal role in generating this abrupt structural failure in the rocks.In this paper,we propose criteria governing(1) the deterioration of rock strength based on energy dissipation and(2) the abrupt structural failure of rocks based on energy release.The critical stresses at the time of abrupt structural failure under various stress states can be determined by these criteria.As an example,the criteria have been used to analyze the failure conditions of surrounding rock of a circular tunnel. 展开更多
关键词 energy dissipation energy release strength deterioration structural failure breakage size
锈蚀钢筋混凝土柱的结构性能退化特征 被引量:19
作者 袁迎曙 李果 《建筑结构》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第10期18-20,共3页
在恒定压应力状态下 ,对钢筋混凝土柱进行了钢筋加速锈蚀试验。通过试验研究和有限元模拟分析 ,对轴压钢筋混凝土柱在锈蚀过程中的力学性能进行了动态分析 ;提出了压应力状态下锈蚀过程中柱截面应力重分布的特点与发展阶段 ;
关键词 锈蚀 钢筋混凝土 结构性能 退化 应力重分布
混凝土劣化对结构性能的影响 被引量:7
作者 陈朝晖 黄河 《重庆大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期42-46,共5页
结构耐久性破坏现象普遍而严峻 ,耐久性研究具有必要性和紧迫性 ,其中 ,钢筋锈蚀和冻融循环是造成结构耐久性损伤的 2大主要因素。文章针对这 2种因素 ,总结了当前混凝土劣化对结构性能影响的一些研究成果 ,初步探讨了多因素对结构性能... 结构耐久性破坏现象普遍而严峻 ,耐久性研究具有必要性和紧迫性 ,其中 ,钢筋锈蚀和冻融循环是造成结构耐久性损伤的 2大主要因素。文章针对这 2种因素 ,总结了当前混凝土劣化对结构性能影响的一些研究成果 ,初步探讨了多因素对结构性能的影响 ,指出结构耐久性研究应结合材料学科和结构学科 2方面进行 ,从单因素确定性的分析向多因素耦合且不确定性分析转化 ,在研究结构安全耐久性的同时 ,应加强结构适用耐久性以及适用耐久性与安全耐久性的耦合问题的研究 ,侧重研究材料性能的退化对结构构件承载力。 展开更多
关键词 结构性能 耐久性 混凝土劣化 钢筋锈蚀 冻融循环 混凝土结构 承载力 刚度 延性
氯盐侵蚀下修正混凝土桥梁的结构可靠性退化模型 被引量:6
作者 朱炯 《建筑技术开发》 2007年第12期13-16,19,共5页
结构退化可靠性(概率论)模型已经被用于计算结构的失效性。考虑钢筋混凝土腐蚀初始点、腐蚀速度以及时变荷载提出相应的修正模型。耐久性设计规范中已考虑混凝土桥梁的全寿命周期的可靠性分析以及时变荷载,但对于耐久性设计考虑不周,没... 结构退化可靠性(概率论)模型已经被用于计算结构的失效性。考虑钢筋混凝土腐蚀初始点、腐蚀速度以及时变荷载提出相应的修正模型。耐久性设计规范中已考虑混凝土桥梁的全寿命周期的可靠性分析以及时变荷载,但对于耐久性设计考虑不周,没有考虑到除冰盐的运用将引起长期退化和结构安全度的降低。另外,保护层厚度不足或水灰比过高也会增加结构失效的可能性。 展开更多
关键词 结构可靠性 退化 腐蚀 钢筋混凝土 桥梁
增湿-冻融劣化原状黄土结构强度试验研究 被引量:5
作者 折海成 胡再强 +3 位作者 薛婷 张瑞杰 李磊 何玫玫 《科学技术与工程》 北大核心 2020年第4期1558-1566,共9页
黄土结构强度是由内部颗粒的空间构型而产生的一种胶结性的联结强度。该强度极易受外界环境的扰动,如增湿、冻融等,引起体积和孔隙变化,削弱黄土的结构强度,进而又会影响路堤、边坡、护栏等黄土构筑物的稳定性。本文选取陕西临潼Q3原状... 黄土结构强度是由内部颗粒的空间构型而产生的一种胶结性的联结强度。该强度极易受外界环境的扰动,如增湿、冻融等,引起体积和孔隙变化,削弱黄土的结构强度,进而又会影响路堤、边坡、护栏等黄土构筑物的稳定性。本文选取陕西临潼Q3原状黄土为研究对象。首先,通过室内模拟增湿和冻融循环作用,分析不同含水率和冻融循环次数下黄土的体积和孔隙的变化规律。其次,通过侧限压缩试验数据绘制出含水率和冻融循环次的关系曲线,并得出黄土在增湿和冻融情况下的压缩变形特征。最后,依据该关系曲线定义黄土结构强度、剩余结构强度,和劣化因子等概念,采用数理统计方法拟合出三者之间的数值表达式,并应用本试验数据计算出所有工程作业对黄土的扰动劣化值,从而得出在增湿和冻融作用下的原状黄土结构强度的劣化规律。 展开更多
关键词 原状黄土 增湿 冻融循环 结构强度 劣化因子
作者 赵二平 唐加林 +1 位作者 李志坤 张聪 《人民珠江》 2024年第11期115-123,共9页
为研究初始含水状态对膨胀土吸水膨胀变形及强度劣化的影响,构建考虑初始含水率影响的膨胀土膨胀变形公式,选取广西区境内膨胀土为研究对象,开展了不同初始含水率条件下膨胀土的膨胀试验及力学特性试验,借助细观测试分析技术,研究了膨... 为研究初始含水状态对膨胀土吸水膨胀变形及强度劣化的影响,构建考虑初始含水率影响的膨胀土膨胀变形公式,选取广西区境内膨胀土为研究对象,开展了不同初始含水率条件下膨胀土的膨胀试验及力学特性试验,借助细观测试分析技术,研究了膨胀土的膨胀变形特征、结构及强度劣化规律,揭示了膨胀土膨胀软化机理。结果表明,土体膨胀过程可分为快速膨胀、减速膨胀及膨胀稳定3个阶段;土样膨胀稳定时最大膨胀率随初始含水率的增加逐渐变小;土体吸水膨胀系数随初始含水率增加呈指数减小,并最终趋于稳定;考虑初始含水率影响的膨胀变形公式可以更好地模拟不同初始含水状态下土样的膨胀过程;土体膨胀吸水量随初始含水率的增加呈现出先增后减的趋势;吸水膨胀导致土中孔隙从以小、中孔隙为主向以微、小孔隙为主转变,孔隙面积增加,强度降低;土体中亲水性矿物吸水后,晶胞变大,晶胞与晶胞之间距离变大,叠聚体数量变小,土颗粒之间的结合方式改变,影响了土体的细观组合结构形态,导致土体吸水膨胀,强度劣化。可见非饱和膨胀土宏观上的吸水膨胀软化,不仅取决于土体内部黏土矿物含量,还受控于土体初始含水率、黏土矿物与非黏土矿物之间的结合形式,即细观的空间结构形态。 展开更多
关键词 膨胀土 初始含水率 膨胀变形 结构劣化 强度劣化
Damage degradation mechanism and macro-meso structural response of mudstone after water wetting
作者 SHAO Zhixin SONG Yanqi +3 位作者 ZHENG Junjie SHEN Fuxin LIU Chuanpeng YANG Juntao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第8期2825-2843,共19页
The predominant presence of weak interlayers primarily composed of mudstone renders them highly susceptible to a reduction in bearing capacity due to the water-rock weakening effect,significantly impacting the safety ... The predominant presence of weak interlayers primarily composed of mudstone renders them highly susceptible to a reduction in bearing capacity due to the water-rock weakening effect,significantly impacting the safety of open-pit mining operations.This study focuses on the weak mudstone layers within open-pit mine slopes.The mineral composition of mudstone and the microstructure evolution characteristics before and after water wetting were analyzed by X-ray diffraction(XRD)and scanning electron microscope(SEM).The meso-structure and parameter variation characteristics of mudstone interior space after water-rock interaction were quantified by computed tomography scanning test,and the damage variable characterization method was proposed.Additionally,according to the uniaxial compression test,the degradation characteristics of the macroscopic mechanical behavior of mudstone under different water wetting time were explored,and the elastic modulus and strength attenuation model of mudstone based on mesoscopic damage were established.Finally,building upon the macro-meso structural response characteristics of mudstone,an exploration of the failure characteristics and deterioration mechanism under the influence of water-rock interactions was undertaken.The results show that the water-rock interaction makes the internal defects of mudstone gradually develop and form a fracture network structure,which eventually leads to the deterioration of its macroscopic mechanical properties.The porosity,fractal dimension and damage characteristics of mudstone show an exponential trend with the increase of water wetting time.Moreover,the deterioration mechanism of mudstone after water wetting are postulated to encompass factors such as the hydrophilicity of mineral molecular structures,hydration stress and expansion effects on clay particles,as well as the spatial distribution of microcracks and the phenomenon of fracture adsorption.The outcomes of this research endeavor aim to provide certain reference value for further understanding t 展开更多
关键词 Moisture absorption of mudstone Computed tomography scanning test Fracture structure evolution Macro-meso structural response deterioration mechanism
作者 赵瑞欣 代玉婷 +2 位作者 李滨 易连兴 张秀钰 《工程地质学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期1607-1617,共11页
西南地区近年来多次发生管道发育的岩溶山体滑坡灾害,造成了较严重的人员财产损失,明确岩溶管道在滑坡稳定性分析中的影响至关重要。本文首先根据现场调研和关键力的解析建立了发育岩溶管道的山体滑坡二维地质与力学模型,并提出了考虑... 西南地区近年来多次发生管道发育的岩溶山体滑坡灾害,造成了较严重的人员财产损失,明确岩溶管道在滑坡稳定性分析中的影响至关重要。本文首先根据现场调研和关键力的解析建立了发育岩溶管道的山体滑坡二维地质与力学模型,并提出了考虑岩溶管道作用影响的山体滑坡稳定性系数计算方法,认为岩溶管道对山体滑坡稳定性的影响主要体现在岩溶管道流的力学作用以及岩溶管道对岩体结构的劣化作用;根据Navier-stokes、Brinkman-extended Darcy方程推导出了岩溶地下水对管道的拖曳力和水锤作用力;通过大型数值直剪试验和流变试验分别得到水和岩溶管道发育率对岩体强度参数的弱化作用规律。最后结合重庆武隆鸡尾山滑坡实例,对本文提出的模型和计算方法进行了验证,结果表明,当岩溶管道未贯通时FOS=1.204,滑坡稳定;当岩溶管道贯通时FOS=1.053,滑坡处于欠稳定状态;岩溶管道贯通且降雨时,FOS=0.965,滑坡失稳,计算结果与滑坡实际情况基本一致。 展开更多
关键词 岩溶管道流 滑坡稳定性 水锤效应 结构劣化 数值模拟
作者 邓开来 吴光源 +2 位作者 远全闯 谢海清 何庭国 《桥梁建设》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第3期61-69,共9页
为了解地震作用下减震系梁对高铁大跨双肢墩连续刚构桥的减震效果,以某主跨180 m的山区高铁双肢墩连续刚构桥为背景,分别建立采用钢筋混凝土(RC)系梁、2种新型减震系梁(可屈服钢系梁与斜交筒式黏弹性阻尼器系梁)方案的全桥有限元模型,... 为了解地震作用下减震系梁对高铁大跨双肢墩连续刚构桥的减震效果,以某主跨180 m的山区高铁双肢墩连续刚构桥为背景,分别建立采用钢筋混凝土(RC)系梁、2种新型减震系梁(可屈服钢系梁与斜交筒式黏弹性阻尼器系梁)方案的全桥有限元模型,对比分析不同系梁方案下的结构损伤、桥面平顺性指标等。结果表明:2种新型减震系梁均不会在地震作用下出现负刚度,新型减震系梁方案较RC系梁方案能有效降低系梁和主墩的结构损伤概率,主墩最大压应变降低83.3%;但减震系梁对震后桥面平顺性指标无明显改善,需采用更具针对性的技术措施。 展开更多
关键词 高速铁路桥 连续刚构桥 双肢墩 减震系梁 地震易损性 结构损伤 平顺性指标 有限元法
Transcatheter aortic valve replacement in low-risk young population:A double edge sword?
作者 Sukhdeep Bhogal Akash Batta 《World Journal of Cardiology》 2024年第4期177-180,共4页
Since the advent of transcatheter aortic valve replacement(TAVR)in 2002,it has now become the default interventional strategy for symptomatic patients presenting with severe aortic stenosis,particularly in intermediat... Since the advent of transcatheter aortic valve replacement(TAVR)in 2002,it has now become the default interventional strategy for symptomatic patients presenting with severe aortic stenosis,particularly in intermediate to highsurgical risk patients.In 2019,the United States Food and Drug Administration approved TAVR in low-risk patients based on two randomized trials.However,these breakthrough trials excluded patients with certain unfavorable anatomies and odd profiles.While currently there is no randomized study of TAVR in young patients,it may be preferred by the young population given the benefits of early discharge,shorter hospital stay,and expedite recovery.Nonetheless,it is important to ruminate various factors including lifetime expectancy,risk of pacemaker implantation,and the need for future valve or coronary interventions in young cohorts before considering TAVR in these patients.Furthermore,the data on long-term durability(>10 years)of TAVR is still unknown given most of the procedures were initially performed in the high or prohibitive surgical risk population.Thus,this editorial aims to highlight the importance of considering an individualized approach in young patients with consideration of various factors including lifetime expectancy while choosing TAVR against surgical aortic valve replacement. 展开更多
关键词 Transcatheter aortic valve replacement Surgical aortic valve replacement Pacemaker implantation Coronary re-access structural deterioration
空心板桥考虑服役劣化的地震损伤破坏模式研究 被引量:2
作者 徐略勤 鲁小罗 周建庭 《振动与冲击》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2020年第16期222-230,共9页
为揭示服役性能劣化对装配式空心板桥抗震性能的影响,提出了空心板桥铰缝劣化和材料性能退化的动力分析方法,并结合实例,采用已有试验结果和实体数值模拟对上述分析方法进行了验证,通过非线性时程分析,研究了空心板桥考虑服役劣化的地... 为揭示服役性能劣化对装配式空心板桥抗震性能的影响,提出了空心板桥铰缝劣化和材料性能退化的动力分析方法,并结合实例,采用已有试验结果和实体数值模拟对上述分析方法进行了验证,通过非线性时程分析,研究了空心板桥考虑服役劣化的地震损伤破坏模式。研究结果表明:服役劣化导致桥梁上、下部结构相对动力特性发生改变,造成桥梁地震损伤破坏模式的改变,尤其在软土类地震中;服役劣化会增大板端位移及其残余位移,加剧支座的损伤状态,同时也会显著增大墩柱的曲率响应,甚至导致墩柱出现严重的结构性损伤;在软土类地震中,当不考虑服役劣化时,桥梁仅出现位移性震害,但考虑服役劣化后墩柱同时也严重受损。因此,在全寿命抗震设计以及抗震评估和加固中,忽略服役劣化可能导致抗震设计和加固策略失效。 展开更多
关键词 空心板桥 服役劣化 损伤状态 破坏模式 增量动力分析 抗震性能
Earthquake and deterioration inclusive probabilistic life cycle assessment(EDP-LCA)framework for buildings 被引量:1
作者 Jorge Andrés Ramos Guerrero T.Y.Yang Omar Swei 《Resilient Cities and Structures》 2023年第3期30-40,共11页
With increasing demand to reduce the carbon emission of buildings,it is crucial to quantify the life cycle envi-ronmental impact of new buildings,including the environmental impact due to natural hazards,such as earth... With increasing demand to reduce the carbon emission of buildings,it is crucial to quantify the life cycle envi-ronmental impact of new buildings,including the environmental impact due to natural hazards,such as earth-quakes.This study presents a novel comprehensive probabilistic framework to quantify the environmental impact of buildings,including uncertainties in the material extraction and production,transportation,construction,seis-mic exposure and aging(including deterioration),and end-of-life stages.The developed framework is used to quantify the environmental impact of a 3-story residential building located in Vancouver,Canada.The results show that there is a significant variation in the environmental impact of the prototype building in each stage of the life cycle assessment.If the prototype building is hit by the design level earthquake,it is expected that the median environmental impact of the prototype will be further increased by 42%.In addition,by accounting for the probability of occurrence of different earthquakes within a 50-year design life of the prototype building,the earthquake related damage will result in an additional 5%of the initial carbon emission of the building.This shows the importance of including earthquake hazard and deterioration in whole building life cycle assessments. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic performance evaluation Life cycle assessment structural deterioration Performance based earthquake engineering Sustainable buildings
双曲拱桥加固设计分析 被引量:2
作者 尹超 《交通标准化》 2010年第9期112-115,共4页
双曲拱桥最主要的受力构件是主拱圈,对其进行准确的受力分析是加固计算的关键。采用Midas软件,计算主跨50m双曲拱桥在各种荷载工况作用下的内力状况,通过内力计算结果找到结构破坏的原因,并根据其破坏状况确定相应的加固方案,这可为以... 双曲拱桥最主要的受力构件是主拱圈,对其进行准确的受力分析是加固计算的关键。采用Midas软件,计算主跨50m双曲拱桥在各种荷载工况作用下的内力状况,通过内力计算结果找到结构破坏的原因,并根据其破坏状况确定相应的加固方案,这可为以后同类桥梁的加固设计提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 双曲拱桥 主拱圈 荷载工况 结构破坏 加固方案
锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能退化分析 被引量:1
作者 章鑫森 戴靠山 《山西建筑》 2004年第4期10-11,共2页
分析了锈蚀钢筋混凝土梁的结构性能退化机理 ,对钢筋锈蚀后梁的承载力、延性以及破坏形态进行了详细的探讨 。
关键词 钢筋混凝土梁 钢筋混凝土结构 锈蚀 结构性能 退化 承载力 耐久性
Vision-based multi-level synthetical evaluation of seismic damage for RC structural components: a multi-task learning approach 被引量:1
作者 Xu Yang Qiao Weidong +2 位作者 Zhao Jin Zhang Qiangqiang Li Hui 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2023年第1期69-85,共17页
Recent studies for computer vision and deep learning-based,post-earthquake inspections on RC structures mainly perform well for specific tasks,while the trained models must be fine-tuned and re-trained when facing new... Recent studies for computer vision and deep learning-based,post-earthquake inspections on RC structures mainly perform well for specific tasks,while the trained models must be fine-tuned and re-trained when facing new tasks and datasets,which is inevitably time-consuming.This study proposes a multi-task learning approach that simultaneously accomplishes the semantic segmentation of seven-type structural components,three-type seismic damage,and four-type deterioration states.The proposed method contains a CNN-based encoder-decoder backbone subnetwork with skip-connection modules and a multi-head,task-specific recognition subnetwork.The backbone subnetwork is designed to extract multi-level features of post-earthquake RC structures.The multi-head,task-specific recognition subnetwork consists of three individual self-attention pipelines,each of which utilizes extracted multi-level features from the backbone network as a mutual guidance for the individual segmentation task.A synthetical loss function is designed with real-time adaptive coefficients to balance multi-task losses and focus on the most unstably fluctuating one.Ablation experiments and comparative studies are further conducted to demonstrate their effectiveness and necessity.The results show that the proposed method can simultaneously recognize different structural components,seismic damage,and deterioration states,and that the overall performance of the three-task learning models gains general improvement when compared to all single-task and dual-task models. 展开更多
关键词 post-earthquake evaluation multi-task learning computer vision structural component segmentation seismic damage recognition deterioration state assessment
作者 朱义文 解会兵 +3 位作者 高策 周勇政 闫冰川 陈琪 《高速铁路新材料》 2023年第6期1-8,共8页
我国铁路桥梁中常用跨度标准梁桥占总量的95%左右。大部分既有铁路桥梁运营期间由于长期服役出现材料性能老化、疲劳累积损伤等,使得结构性能产生不同程度的劣化。客观全面地确定影响既有铁路标准梁运营状态的评估指标,对精确把握铁路... 我国铁路桥梁中常用跨度标准梁桥占总量的95%左右。大部分既有铁路桥梁运营期间由于长期服役出现材料性能老化、疲劳累积损伤等,使得结构性能产生不同程度的劣化。客观全面地确定影响既有铁路标准梁运营状态的评估指标,对精确把握铁路桥梁健康状态,保证铁路桥梁良好的运营性能具有重要意义。从铁路标准梁桥运营阶段功能需求出发,在现有铁路桥梁监测检测方法的基础上,以科学合理、系统兼容、成熟可靠为基本原则,综合考虑现有铁路桥梁检定规范及服役性能评估相关研究,结合铁路标准梁检定试验案例及各评价指标之间的相关性,论证分析得到影响铁路标准梁桥运营期间结构安全的主要评估指标为桥梁竖向挠度、桥梁自振频率、桥梁竖向振幅和桥梁横向振幅,为铁路标准梁运营期间安全评估问题提供了指标参考。 展开更多
关键词 铁路标准梁 服役性能 结构劣化 评估指标
基于卸荷量影响下巷道围岩变参数模型研究 被引量:1
作者 张树光 刘文博 赵恩禄 《煤炭科学技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期82-87,共6页
为了研究在不同卸荷量影响下,岩石的应力应变关系和蠕变模型参数的变化规律,采用MTS815.02试验机对砂岩进行室内分级非等卸荷量蠕变试验研究,并通过建立考虑卸荷量的变参数本构模型,与试验数据进行对比验证。试验结果表明:在同一试验条... 为了研究在不同卸荷量影响下,岩石的应力应变关系和蠕变模型参数的变化规律,采用MTS815.02试验机对砂岩进行室内分级非等卸荷量蠕变试验研究,并通过建立考虑卸荷量的变参数本构模型,与试验数据进行对比验证。试验结果表明:在同一试验条件下,随着每一级卸荷量的增大,其瞬时应变量和卸荷量等差比也越大,岩石更快进入加速蠕变阶段且蠕变时间变短,最终岩石破坏变形量越大、破坏更彻底;基于试验结果对各卸荷量各时刻下蠕变参数进行拟合分析,可以较好地反映岩石内部损伤演化规律和结构劣化,并较好地描述原有西原体难以描述的阶段,说明了所建立考虑卸荷量影响下砂岩变参数蠕变模型是合适可行的,同时,对巷道围岩支护理论以及卸荷过程中岩石失稳破坏形式分析具有指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 砂岩 非等卸荷量 变参数蠕变 结构劣化 加速蠕变
An explicit compound Poisson process-based shock deterioration model for reliability assessment of aging structures 被引量:1
作者 Cao Wang 《Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering(English Edition)》 EI CSCD 2022年第3期461-472,共12页
Existing structures may suffer from resistance deterioration due to repeated attacks. The modeling of resistance deterioration is a critical ingredient in the reliability assessment and service life prediction of thes... Existing structures may suffer from resistance deterioration due to repeated attacks. The modeling of resistance deterioration is a critical ingredient in the reliability assessment and service life prediction of these degraded structures. In this paper, an explicit compound Poisson process-based model is developed to describe the shock deterioration of structural resistance, where the magnitude of each shock deterioration increment is modeled by a Gamma-distributed random variable. The moments(mean value and variance) and the distribution function of the cumulative shock deterioration are derived in a closed form, based on a proposed W-function. A method for the efficient calculation of the W-function is presented,which reduces to the Bessel type I function if the shock deterioration increment is exponentially distributed(a special case of Gamma distribution). The proposed shock deterioration model is applicable to either a stationary or a nonstationary Poisson process of random jumps.Subsequently, the overall resistance deterioration is modeled as the linear combination of gradual and shock deteriorations, based on which the proposed model can be used in the timedependent reliability assessment of aging structures efficiently. A numerical example is presented to demonstrate the applicability of the proposed deterioration model by estimating the time-dependent reliability of an aging bridge. It is found that a smaller threshold for the degraded resistance leads to greater mean value and standard deviation of the time to failure,and this effect is enhanced by a smaller occurrence rate of the shock deterioration. 展开更多
关键词 structural reliability Resistance degradation Compound Poisson process Shock deterioration W-function
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