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作者 邹芳 孟国杰 +3 位作者 吴伟伟 Myo Thant 赵倩 赵国强 《地球与行星物理论评(中英文)》 2023年第6期587-599,共13页
中缅边界地区位于缅甸弧东缘—青藏高原东南缘—巽他板块的衔接地带,地质构造复杂,区内多条活动断裂横跨中缅两国.为了研究中缅边界地区现今地壳形变特征,本文收集处理1998至2020年中国和缅甸的GPS数据,获得了中缅边界地区高空间分辨率... 中缅边界地区位于缅甸弧东缘—青藏高原东南缘—巽他板块的衔接地带,地质构造复杂,区内多条活动断裂横跨中缅两国.为了研究中缅边界地区现今地壳形变特征,本文收集处理1998至2020年中国和缅甸的GPS数据,获得了中缅边界地区高空间分辨率的GPS速度场,并采用多尺度球面小波方法计算了多尺度应变率场.结果表明:(1)印度板块向缅甸块体东侧强烈挤压俯冲作用导致位于缅甸弧的GPS测站以约30 mm/a的速度沿NNE向随着印度板块向青藏高原推挤,缅甸弧地区剪切应变积累明显,主压应变率在弧外侧表现为垂直构造走向的近东西向挤压,在弧内侧与伊洛瓦底江盆地表现为平行构造的近南北向挤压.实皆断裂处于主应变率与剪应变率的高值区,存在分段活动性:北段两侧的速度呈现明显的差异,剪切应变积累显著,呈现右旋剪切运动和缩短;中段以约20 mm/a的速度向NNW向运动,具有右旋走滑兼拉张特征.(2)川滇块体围绕东喜马拉雅构造结顺时针旋转,GPS速度方向从构造结北侧的近东西向运动偏转到川滇菱形块体为向南或东南运动,并在滇西南地区呈弥散型分布,速率向东南逐渐减小.其中,小江断裂带总体为左旋走滑.红河断裂中段具有较低的走滑速率,而北段和南段具有较高的剪切速率.大盈江断裂呈现出东西向拉张的特点,表现出明显的左旋走滑特征.龙陵—瑞丽断裂呈右旋走滑兼拉张特征.南汀河断裂、孟连断裂、景洪—打洛断裂等均处于低剪切状态,以左旋走滑为主.西北—东南走向的澜沧断裂、无量山断裂则表现出右旋走滑特征,北西走向的龙陵—澜沧断裂带表现为右旋走滑为主兼具拉张性质.(3)实皆断裂、畹町断裂、南汀河断裂、无量山断裂中部等地区应变积累较快,其地震危险性值得关注.本研究对于认识中缅边界地区的构造动力学特征,评估该区的地震灾害具有科学 展开更多
关键词 中缅边界地区 地壳形变 GPS融合速度场 应变积累 构造活动
A Review on Tectonic Record of Strain Buildup and Stress Release across the Andean Forearc along the Gulf of Guayaquil-Tumbes Basin (GGTB) near Ecuador-Peru Border
作者 Jacques Bourgois 《International Journal of Geosciences》 2013年第3期618-635,共18页
Gravimetric and geologic data show that the reactivation of the Neogene Interandean depression and/or the ~75 - 65 Ma ophiolite suture into the modern dynamic of the Andes controlled the Gulf of Guayaquil Tumbes basin... Gravimetric and geologic data show that the reactivation of the Neogene Interandean depression and/or the ~75 - 65 Ma ophiolite suture into the modern dynamic of the Andes controlled the Gulf of Guayaquil Tumbes basin (GGTB) location and evolution during the past 1.8 - 1.6 Myr at least. Depending on whether the remobilization occurred along the interandean depression or the ophiolite suture, the GGTB evolved trough pure or simple shear mechanisms, respectively. Because the GGTB exhibits an along strike tectonic asymmetry associated with a pervasive seismic gap, the simple shear solution is more likely. Tectonic inversion occurred along a mid-crust detachment (the Mid-Crust detachment hereafter) matching the ophiolite suture that accommodates the North Andean Block (NAB) northward drift. The so-called Decoupling Strip located at the shelf slope break accommodated the tensional stress rotation from N-S along the shelf area i.e. NAB-drift induced to E-W along the continental margin i.e. subduction-erosion-induced. The landward dipping Woollard detachment system located at the Upper-Lower slope boundary connects the subduction channel at depth, allowing the Upper slope to evolve independently from the Lower slope wedge. The long-term recurrence interval between earthquakes, the strong interplate coupling, and the aseismic creeping deformation acting along the main low-angle detachments i.e. the Woollard and the Mid-Crust detachments may account for the pervasive seismic gap at the GGTB area. Because the subduction channel exhibits no record of significant seismic activity, no evidence exists to establish a link between the GGTB sustained subsidence and a basin-centered asperity. Because the GGTB is a promising site of hydrocarbon resources, to understand processes at the origin of this escape-induced forearc basin has a major economic interest. 展开更多
关键词 Andean FOREARC strain buildup Stress Release GULF of Guayaquil-Tumbes BASIN Ecuador Peru
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