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施肥对苏打碱土胁迫下虉草生长与Na^+、k^+含量的影响 被引量:3
作者 姜澜 张永亮 扈延成 《内蒙古民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 2016年第2期125-132,共8页
采用盆栽试验方法探讨了氮钾肥对苏打碱土胁迫下虉草生长和钠、钾离子含量的影响,为退化盐碱湿地虉草高产栽培提供理论依据.结果表明:氮钾肥均能促进碱土胁迫下虉草对钾离子的吸收和运输,增加叶和根系K+含量,降低根和叶中Na+含量,提高叶... 采用盆栽试验方法探讨了氮钾肥对苏打碱土胁迫下虉草生长和钠、钾离子含量的影响,为退化盐碱湿地虉草高产栽培提供理论依据.结果表明:氮钾肥均能促进碱土胁迫下虉草对钾离子的吸收和运输,增加叶和根系K+含量,降低根和叶中Na+含量,提高叶内K+/Na+比值,且氮肥效应大于钾肥.高氮(N3))处理头茬草茎叶K+含量比不施氮(N1)处理高43.64%,根系K+含量比N1处理高125.27%.随着施氮量增加,虉草茎叶和根系干质量增加,N3处理头茬草干重比N1处理增长了47.32%,二茬草干重增长了146.99%,地上总干重增长了57.21%,差异显著(P<0.05).钾肥对虉草茎叶和根系干质量影响不显著(P>0.05).氮钾组合对虉草生长和K+、Na+-含量的效应明显.高氮高钾(N3K3)组合与对照(N1K1)相比,头茬草株高增加51.08%、分蘖数增加83.16%、地上生物量增加66.46%、茎叶和根中K+含量分别增加48.9%和141.0%,K+/Na+比值分别增加91.0%和217.0%,而茎叶和根系中Na+-含量分别比对照降低24.8%和26.1%,差异均显著水平(P<0.05).表明在盐碱土胁迫下,施氮钾肥能减轻Na+-对虉草的毒害,促进其生长. 展开更多
关键词 虉草 氮钾肥 盐碱土胁迫 生长 钠钾离子
钠、钾离子对Bt蛋白在蒙脱石和凹凸棒土表面吸附与解吸的影响 被引量:1
作者 刘宁 周学永 +3 位作者 董庆洁 刘祥云 姚奇才 黄晓林 《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期786-790,共5页
采用静态吸附法研究了钠、钾离子对苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白在蒙脱石和凹凸棒土表面吸附与解吸特性的影响。结果表明,添加钠、钾离子(0~2 mmol.L-1)均可提高Bt蛋白在两种矿物上的平衡吸附量,但等温吸附曲线的Langmuir方程拟合基本没受影响... 采用静态吸附法研究了钠、钾离子对苏云金杆菌杀虫蛋白在蒙脱石和凹凸棒土表面吸附与解吸特性的影响。结果表明,添加钠、钾离子(0~2 mmol.L-1)均可提高Bt蛋白在两种矿物上的平衡吸附量,但等温吸附曲线的Langmuir方程拟合基本没受影响。添加钠离子或钾离子均能引起矿物粒子Zeta负电位升高,提示钠、钾离子通过减小矿物粒子与Bt蛋白之间斥力的方式促进了Bt蛋白吸附。在蒙脱石吸附Bt蛋白过程中添加钠、钾离子可使Bt蛋白的水解吸率升高,但解吸后的残留量变化不大;在凹凸棒土吸附Bt蛋白过程中添加钠、钾离子可使Bt蛋白的水解吸率减小,且解吸后的残留量增加。 展开更多
关键词 BT蛋白 蒙脱石 凹凸棒土 钠、钾离子 吸附与解吸
作者 魏征 邹燕 +4 位作者 陈澎军 韩继军 缪源卿 易镇邪 屠乃美 《热带作物学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1843-1852,共10页
为筛选出江苏滨海盐碱地超级稻品种‘湘两优900’的适宜机插密度,研究了不同机插密度(高密度,T_(1):25.0×10^(4)穴/hm^(2);中密度,T_(2):19.9×10^(4)穴/hm^(2);低密度,T_(3):16.6×10^(4)穴/hm^(2))对水稻各指标的影响,... 为筛选出江苏滨海盐碱地超级稻品种‘湘两优900’的适宜机插密度,研究了不同机插密度(高密度,T_(1):25.0×10^(4)穴/hm^(2);中密度,T_(2):19.9×10^(4)穴/hm^(2);低密度,T_(3):16.6×10^(4)穴/hm^(2))对水稻各指标的影响,并动态监测了土壤及田间水盐分的变化。结果表明:水稻种植能够显著降低土壤可溶性总盐含量,降幅可达28.68%;随机插密度变小,水稻单穴的分蘖数、干物质重能够显著提高,而群体的分蘖数和干物质重会相应的显著降低;水稻SPAD值在生殖生长期时,随密度下降呈增加的趋势,而叶面积指数在所有生育期均呈降低的趋势;机插密度下降能够显著增加单穴钠钾离子积累量和显著降低群体的钠钾离子积累。相关分析表明,不同机插密度水稻实际产量与单株钠离子积累量呈显著负相关,与群体有效穗数、群体干物质积累量呈显著正相关,与每穗总粒数、群体钾离子积累量呈极显著正相关。本试验条件下,江苏滨海盐碱地‘湘两优900’的适宜机插密度为25.0×10^(4)穴/hm^(2)。 展开更多
关键词 盐碱胁迫 钠/钾离子 机插密度 产量 超级稻
极长链脂肪酸的合成缺陷对酵母细胞膜的稳定性和多烯类药物敏感性的影响 被引量:3
作者 朱倩 程迅 +3 位作者 杜秀秀 周国英 邓云霞 黄志伟 《微生物学通报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第7期1645-1653,共9页
【背景】脂肪酸延长酶家族参与脂肪酸代谢具有真核生物的高度保守性,且与膜脂的代谢密切相关。但细胞极长链脂肪酸(Very long-chain fatty acid,VLCFA)的合成缺陷对膜的稳定性及多烯类药物的敏感性影响并不完全明晰。【目的】探究细胞VL... 【背景】脂肪酸延长酶家族参与脂肪酸代谢具有真核生物的高度保守性,且与膜脂的代谢密切相关。但细胞极长链脂肪酸(Very long-chain fatty acid,VLCFA)的合成缺陷对膜的稳定性及多烯类药物的敏感性影响并不完全明晰。【目的】探究细胞VLCFA延长酶ELO1、ELO2和ELO3的作用及功能。【方法】研究脂肪酸延长酶缺陷型elo1△、elo2△和elo3△对多烯类药物两性霉素B (Amphotericin B,AmB)、制霉菌素(Nystatin,Ny)及唑类硝酸益康唑(Econazolenitrate,Eco)的响应,检测不同酵母细胞的麦角固醇,检测其对Na^+的响应及胞内钠钾离子水平。【结果】发现细胞VLCFA延长酶ELO2和ELO3缺陷后对AmB高度敏感;VLCFA延长酶缺陷突变株elo2△和elo3△对其它多烯类药物Ny及唑类药物Eco也十分敏感;细胞膜不饱和脂肪酸增加也会改变膜的稳定性,实验结果表明外源油酸(Oleic acid,OLA)增加了elo2△和elo3△突变体的AmB敏感性;相对野生型BY4741和elo1△,缺陷菌株elo2△和elo3△中麦角固醇的含量有显著下降;钠钾离子平衡是维护细胞正常生理的必要条件,也是检测细胞膜稳定性的重要参数,发现VLCFA的合成缺陷菌株对高浓度的NaCl比野生型菌株更敏感,使用ICP-AES检测不同浓度AmB胁迫下细胞内钠钾离子水平,也显示VLCFA延长酶缺陷菌株中,钠水平表现出上升趋势,并且细胞内钾含量明显降低。【结论】细胞VLCFA的合成缺陷会导致细胞膜更脆弱、稳定性下降,从而提高真菌对多烯类药物的敏感性,也表明脂肪酸延长酶是潜在的抗真菌治疗靶点。 展开更多
关键词 脂肪酸延长酶 多烯类药物 麦角固醇 钠/钾离子平衡 酿酒酵母
参考测量程序对血清钠、钾常规检测系统的正确度评价 被引量:1
作者 孙艺哲 张平安 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2017年第13期1906-1909,共4页
目的以参考测量程序(离子色谱法)为比对方法,评价电极法和酶法测定血清钠、钾离子的正确度。方法采用离子色谱法测定2014年的RELA样本,26份单份新鲜血清样本中的钠、钾离子,同时采用电极法和酶法在全自动生化分析仪上检测血清中的钠、... 目的以参考测量程序(离子色谱法)为比对方法,评价电极法和酶法测定血清钠、钾离子的正确度。方法采用离子色谱法测定2014年的RELA样本,26份单份新鲜血清样本中的钠、钾离子,同时采用电极法和酶法在全自动生化分析仪上检测血清中的钠、钾离子,测定结果依据EP09-A3和EP14-A3文件进行方法学比对评价。结果钠项目电极法和酶法与离子色谱法比对的直线方程分别为y=1.015x+0.435、y=0.987x+4.355,平均偏移分别为1.85%和1.90%;钾项目电极法和酶法与离子色谱法比对的直线方程分别为y=1.019x+0.038、y=0.947x+0.483,平均偏移分别为2.56%和4.35%。依据EP09-A3文件,钠、钾项目电极法与离子色谱法的正确度一致,酶法与离子色谱法的正确度不一致。结论离子色谱法能准确测定血清样本中的钠、钾浓度。为保证临床样本测量结果的准确性,离子色谱法可作为正确度评价方法用于评价钠、钾常规检测系统的正确度。 展开更多
关键词 血清钠、钾离子 离子色谱法 电极法 酶法 正确度
Research progress on carbon materials as negative electrodes in sodium-and potassium-ion batteries 被引量:13
作者 Yang-yang Zhu Yu-hua Wang +2 位作者 Yi-tong Wang Tian-jie Xu Pei Chang 《Carbon Energy》 SCIE CAS 2022年第6期1182-1213,共32页
Carbon materials,including graphite,hard carbon,soft carbon,graphene,and carbon nanotubes,are widely used as high-performance negative electrodes for sodium-ion and potassium-ion batteries(SIBs and PIBs).Compared with... Carbon materials,including graphite,hard carbon,soft carbon,graphene,and carbon nanotubes,are widely used as high-performance negative electrodes for sodium-ion and potassium-ion batteries(SIBs and PIBs).Compared with other materials,carbon materials are abundant,low-cost,and environmentally friendly,and have excellent electrochemical properties,which make them especially suitable for negative electrode materials of SIBs and PIBs.Compared with traditional carbon materials,modifications of the morphology and size of nanomaterials represent effective strategies to improve the quality of electrode materials.Different nanostructures make different contributions toward improving the electrochemical performance of electrode materials,so the synthesis of nanomaterials is promising for controlling the morphology and size of electrode materials.This paper reviews the progress made and challenges in the use of carbon materials as negative electrode materials for SIBs and PIBs in recent years.The differences in Na+and K+storage mechanisms among different types of carbon materials are emphasized. 展开更多
关键词 carbon material GRAPHENE hard carbon negative electrode sodium/potassium-ion batteries
Improved Na+/K+ Storage Properties of ReSe2–Carbon Nanofibers Based on Graphene Modifications 被引量:6
作者 Yusha Liao Changmiao Chen +3 位作者 Dangui Yin Yong Cai Rensheng He Ming Zhang 《Nano-Micro Letters》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第2期48-60,共13页
Rhenium diselenide(ReSe2) has caused considerable concerns in the field of energy storage because the compound and its composites still suffer from low specific capacity and inferior cyclic stability.In this study,ReS... Rhenium diselenide(ReSe2) has caused considerable concerns in the field of energy storage because the compound and its composites still suffer from low specific capacity and inferior cyclic stability.In this study,ReSe2 nanoparticles encapsulated in carbon nanofibers were synthesized successfully with simple electrospinning and heat treatment.It was found that graphene modifications could affect considerably the microstructure and electrochemical properties of ReSe2–carbon nanofibers.Accordingly,the modified compound maintained a capacity of 227 mAhg-1 after 500cycles at 200 mAg-1 for Na+storage,230 mAh g-1 after 200 cycles at 200 mAg-1,212 mAh g-1 after 150 cycles at 500 mAg-1 for K+ storage,which corresponded to the capacity retention ratios of 89%,97%,and 86%,respectively.Even in Na+full cells,its capacity was maintained to 82% after 200 cycles at 1 C(117 mAg-1).The superior stability of ReSe2–carbon nanofibers benefitted from the extremely weak van der Waals interactions and large interlayer spacing of ReSe2,in association with the role of graphene-modified carbon nanofibers,in terms of the shortening of electron/ion transport paths and the improvement of structural support.This study may provide a new route for a broadened range of applications of other rhenium-based compounds. 展开更多
关键词 RHENIUM DISELENIDE Carbon NANOFIBER GRAPHENE sodium-/potassium-ion batteries Full cell
A facile strategy for large-scale production of 2D nanosheets exfoliated by three-roll milling
作者 Xin Wang Yang Xia +7 位作者 Juntong Huang Yao Su Zhi Chen Linlin Chen Zhaohui Wu Zhijun Feng Huiyong Yang Xibao Li 《Journal of Advanced Ceramics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第1期11-18,共8页
Two-dimensional(2D)nanomaterials,such as graphene,MoS_(2),and MAX,have attracted increasing research attention in recent years due to their unique structural and performance advantages.However,their complex production... Two-dimensional(2D)nanomaterials,such as graphene,MoS_(2),and MAX,have attracted increasing research attention in recent years due to their unique structural and performance advantages.However,their complex production processes and equipment requirements are significant issues affecting their widespread use.Here,with an exfoliation strategy using three-roll milling,we present a simple,cost-effective,and extensible method to produce multilayer graphene,BN,MoS_(2),and Ti_(3)AlC_(2) nanosheets.The roller and phenolic resin created three kinds of forces on the layered 2D materials,i.e.,shear forces,compressive forces,and adhesive forces,which exfoliated layered materials from their edges and surfaces into nanosheets.Subsequently,the exfoliated materials were ultrasonically washed with alcohol,treated with ultrasonic vibration,and centrifuged to obtain 2D nanomaterials.The easy operation and high yield are attractive for research based on the construction of high-performance 2D nanosheet-based devices at low cost.Herein,the obtained multilayer graphene and MoS_(2) nanosheets were used as anode materials of sodium/potassium-ion batteries,respectively,to test their electrochemical properties.Better performances are obtained compared with their primary bulk materials. 展开更多
关键词 two-dimensional(2D)nanosheets EXFOLIATion three-roll milling(TRM) sodium/potassium-ion batteries
作者 张冬玉 王春丽 +1 位作者 程勇 王立民 《应用化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期616-636,共21页
钠/钾离子电池因其丰富的资源储量被认为是后锂离子电池时代大规模储能应用中最有希望的选择。在众多的钠/钾离子电池负极材料中,锑(Antimony,Sb)基负极由于其高理论比容量受到关注。然而,Sb基材料在储能过程中存在的棘手问题阻碍了它... 钠/钾离子电池因其丰富的资源储量被认为是后锂离子电池时代大规模储能应用中最有希望的选择。在众多的钠/钾离子电池负极材料中,锑(Antimony,Sb)基负极由于其高理论比容量受到关注。然而,Sb基材料在储能过程中存在的棘手问题阻碍了它的实际应用,比如:巨大的体积膨胀导致材料粉化脱离集流体,电池失效;欠佳的导电性,电化学动力缓慢;电极-电解液界面副反应,电池性能差等。为解决这些问题,研究者们从结构设计、掺杂催化改性和电解液界面调控等方面进行了探究,期望将Sb基材料高容量的优势发挥出来。因此,本文总结了近10年“钠/钾离子电池用Sb基负极”研究方面的亮点工作,详细讨论Sb基材料的失效机理,并系统地综述了相应的解决方案,为高性能Sb基及其他合金类负极材料的优化策略提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 钠/钾离子电池 Sb基负极 失效分析 电化学性能优化
Extraordinarily stable and wide-temperature range sodium/potassium-ion batteries based on 1D SnSe2-SePAN composite nanofibers 被引量:2
作者 Yiyi Wang Fuyu Xiao +7 位作者 Xi Chen Peixun Xiong Chuyuan Lin Hong-En Wang Mingdeng Wei Qingrong Qian Qinghua Chen Lingxing Zeng 《InfoMat》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第9期38-50,共13页
Developing electrodes with long lifespan and wide-temperature adaptability is crucial important to achieve high-performance sodium/potassium-ion batteries(SIBs/PIBs).Herein,the SnSe2-SePAN composite was fabricated for... Developing electrodes with long lifespan and wide-temperature adaptability is crucial important to achieve high-performance sodium/potassium-ion batteries(SIBs/PIBs).Herein,the SnSe2-SePAN composite was fabricated for extraordinarily stable and wide-temperature range SIBs/PIBs through a coupling strategy between controllable electrospinning and selenylation,in which SnSe2 nanoparticles were uniformly encapsulated in the SePAN matrix.The unique structure of SnSe2-SePAN not only relieves drastic volume variation but also guarantees the structural integrity of the composite,endowing SnSe2-SePAN with excellent sodium/potassium storage properties.Consequently,SnSe2-SePAN displays a high sodium storage capacity and excellent feasibility in a wide working temperature range(-15 to 60℃:300 mAh g^(-1)/700 cycles/-15℃;352 mAh g^(-1)/100 cycles/60℃at 0.5 A g^(-1)).At room temperature,it delivers a record-ultralong cycling life of 192 mAh g^(-1)that exceeds 66000 cycles even at 15 A g^(-1).It exhibits extremely superb electrochemical performance in PIBs(157 mAh g^(-1)exceeding 15000 cycles at 5 A g^(-1)).The ex situ XRD and TEM results attest the conversion-alloy mechanism of SnSe2-SePAN.Also,computational calculations verify that SePAN takes an important role in intensifying the electrochemical performance of SnSe2-SePAN electrode.Therefore,this study breaks new ground on solving the polyselenide dissolution issue and improving the wide temperature workable performance of sodium/potassium storage. 展开更多
关键词 ANODE energy storage SnSe2-SePAN composite sodium/potassium-ion batteries widetemperature range
Thiourea-based polyimide/RGO composite cathode:A comprehensive study of storage mechanism with alkali metal ions 被引量:2
作者 Peixun Xiong Huimin Yin +4 位作者 Zifeng Chen Chen Zhao Jixing Yang Shuping Huang Yunhua Xu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2020年第10期1929-1938,共10页
Although organic electrode materials have merits of abundant resources,diverse structures and environmental friendliness,their performance for electrochemical energy storage is far insufficient.In this work,a thiourea... Although organic electrode materials have merits of abundant resources,diverse structures and environmental friendliness,their performance for electrochemical energy storage is far insufficient.In this work,a thiourea-based polyimide/reduced graphene oxide(PNTCSA/RGO)composite was synthesized via a condensation polymerization method.As a cathode material in lithium-ion batteries,excellent performance is demonstrated with high reversible capacity(144.2 mA h g^−1),high discharge voltage(∼2.5 V),and long cycling life(over 2000 cycles at 500 mA g^−1),which are comparable to those of other well documented in organic electrodes.Encouraging electrochemical performance is also demonstrated for sodium ion batteries(a cycling life of 800 cycles at 500 mA g^−1),while poor performance is delivered in potassium ion batteries.Theoretical studies reveal that the active sites are carbonyl groups for all alkali ions but one inserted alkali metal ion is shared by two carbonyl groups from the two neighbor units.More importantly,K ions have stronger interaction with S atoms than Li/Na ions,which may lead to poor structure reversibility and account for the poor cycling performance.Our findings provide a fundamental understanding of polyimide based polymer electrodes and help to design and develop high performance organic electrode materials for alkali metal ion batteries. 展开更多
关键词 electrochemical energy storage POLYIMIDE organic electrode material lithium/sodium/potassium-ion battery
神经元细胞KCC2、NKCC1及4E-BP1在外伤性癫痫致痫灶中的表达及其临床意义 被引量:1
作者 付建辉 张霞 +1 位作者 周键 陈奇翰 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2021年第4期462-465,共4页
目的探讨神经元细胞KCC2、NKCC1及4E-BP1在外伤性癫痫致痫灶中的表达及其临床意义。方法选择2017年1月-2019年6月本院接诊外伤性癫痫患者37例纳入研究组,经手术切除癫痫致癫灶;同期,另选择于单纯脑外伤患者40例纳入对照组,分别于脑外伤... 目的探讨神经元细胞KCC2、NKCC1及4E-BP1在外伤性癫痫致痫灶中的表达及其临床意义。方法选择2017年1月-2019年6月本院接诊外伤性癫痫患者37例纳入研究组,经手术切除癫痫致癫灶;同期,另选择于单纯脑外伤患者40例纳入对照组,分别于脑外伤后6 h内手术获取脑组织样本。通过蛋白质印迹法测定外伤性癫痫致癫灶中KCC2、NKCC1、4E-BP1表达,并利用RT-PCR法测定外伤性癫痫致癫灶中KCC2 m RNA、NKCC1 m RNA、4E-BP1m RNA相对表达量。结果蛋白质印迹法检测显示:研究组患者的神经元细胞KCC2相对灰度值低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);研究组患者的神经元细胞NKCC1、4E-BP1相对灰度值均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);RT-PCR检测显示:研究组患者的致癫灶中KCC2 m RNA相对表达量低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05);研究组患者的致癫灶中NKCC1 m RNA、4E-BP1 m RNA相对表达量均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论神经元细胞KCC2、NKCC1及4E-BP1为脑外伤后患者脑组织的组织学改变、癫痫反复发作主要分子机制;KCC2在外伤性癫痫致癫灶中表达异常降低,而神经元细胞NKCC1、4E-BP1的表达异常增高,可以作为外伤性癫痫致痫灶靶向诊断因子。 展开更多
关键词 神经元细胞 钾离子-氯离子共转运体2 钠离子-钾离子-氯离子共转运体1 真核细胞始动因子4E结合蛋白1 外伤性癫痫
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