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门诊抽血室医院感染标本检测结果分析 被引量:2
作者 李爱娣 《齐鲁护理杂志》 2004年第4期257-258,共2页
目的 :了解门诊抽血室医院内感染情况。方法 :通过对空气培养、医护人员的手、物体表面、使用中的消毒液 4项指标 112 0份标本进行监测分析。结果 :112 0份标本检验结果合格 10 30份 ,合格率 92 % ,不合格标本 90份 ,培养出细菌 87份。... 目的 :了解门诊抽血室医院内感染情况。方法 :通过对空气培养、医护人员的手、物体表面、使用中的消毒液 4项指标 112 0份标本进行监测分析。结果 :112 0份标本检验结果合格 10 30份 ,合格率 92 % ,不合格标本 90份 ,培养出细菌 87份。结论 :通过监测抽血室的医院感染标本 ,了解了院内感染情况 ,有效地减少和防止了医护人员之间、医患之间以及和家属之间的交叉感染 ,提高了医疗护理质量 ,预防了医院交叉感染的发生。 展开更多
关键词 门诊抽血室 医院感染 标本检测 消毒 预防
用于重金属汞检测的样品前处理方法研究进展 被引量:9
作者 田靖 薛蒙伟 陈昌云 《化工时刊》 CAS 2012年第3期53-55,共3页
汞是一种对人类和动植物具有相当大毒害的重金属元素。对近年来重金属汞检测的常规前处理方法的研究进展进行了总结,特别列举了近年来新兴的快速前处理方法,并着重展望了重金属汞的检测方向和趋势。对未来在食品及环境中重金属汞的快速... 汞是一种对人类和动植物具有相当大毒害的重金属元素。对近年来重金属汞检测的常规前处理方法的研究进展进行了总结,特别列举了近年来新兴的快速前处理方法,并着重展望了重金属汞的检测方向和趋势。对未来在食品及环境中重金属汞的快速前处理方法的建立有良好的借鉴作用。 展开更多
关键词 重金属汞 样品前处理 快速检测 综述
作者 熊韬 《电子测试》 2021年第22期75-77,共3页
关键词 接收机 采样率转换 插值
作者 关键 《河北煤炭建筑工程学院学报》 1995年第1期59-63,共5页
半导体变流技术在采样模型中的应用,阐述了晶闸管直流控制系统实质上是一个确定型的采样控制系统.论证了晶闸管等周期采样数据模型的特征及其应用范围。通过对一个电流闭环控制系统的分析,得出了当一个直流控制装置,其最大整流电压... 半导体变流技术在采样模型中的应用,阐述了晶闸管直流控制系统实质上是一个确定型的采样控制系统.论证了晶闸管等周期采样数据模型的特征及其应用范围。通过对一个电流闭环控制系统的分析,得出了当一个直流控制装置,其最大整流电压Vdm满足时,即可实现一阶响应的结论。 展开更多
关键词 半导体变流技术 等周期采样数据模型 晶闸管 一阶响应 采样控制系统
南海神狐海域天然气水合物成藏系统初探 被引量:179
作者 吴能友 张海啟 +7 位作者 杨胜雄 梁金强 王宏斌 苏新 卢振权 付少英 张光学 陆敬安 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第9期1-6,共6页
天然气水合物成藏系统是一个非常复杂的系统,过去的有关研究不多。为此,根据天然气水合物成藏基本条件、浅表层沉积物孔隙水地球化学特征及其所反映的气源和天然气水合物分布特征,结合刚刚结束的南海北部天然气水合物首次实钻采样成果,... 天然气水合物成藏系统是一个非常复杂的系统,过去的有关研究不多。为此,根据天然气水合物成藏基本条件、浅表层沉积物孔隙水地球化学特征及其所反映的气源和天然气水合物分布特征,结合刚刚结束的南海北部天然气水合物首次实钻采样成果,初步探讨了我国南海北部陆坡神狐海域天然气水合物成藏系统。结果认为:研究区温度、压力和气体组分有利于天然气水合物形成;天然气水合物在空间尺度上不均匀分布,纵向上主要分布于天然气水合物稳定带底界以上一定深度范围内;形成天然气水合物的甲烷气体很可能来源于原地微生物成因甲烷;扩散型原地生物成因甲烷产生低甲烷通量,形成了具有明显不同的分布和饱和度特征的分散型天然气水合物系统。 展开更多
关键词 南海北部 神狐海域 天然气水合物 气藏形成 机理 成藏系统 钻探 样品
生烃热模拟实验方法述评 被引量:39
作者 汤庆艳 张铭杰 +2 位作者 张同伟 尚慧 林瑶 《西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期52-62,共11页
生烃热模拟实验是烃源岩成烃潜力与资源评价的重要手段,可再现地质体中有机质热解演化过程,为评价盆地成烃潜力、过程与机理、推导成烃模式及动力学提供理论依据和实验资料。模拟实验样品的选择取决于研究目的和沉积盆地中有机质的类型... 生烃热模拟实验是烃源岩成烃潜力与资源评价的重要手段,可再现地质体中有机质热解演化过程,为评价盆地成烃潜力、过程与机理、推导成烃模式及动力学提供理论依据和实验资料。模拟实验样品的选择取决于研究目的和沉积盆地中有机质的类型及演化程度,实验模拟装置体系主要有开放体系和封闭体系两种,开放体系模拟有机质初始裂解反应,封闭体系模拟原油和天然气的二次裂解反应。通过温度、压力、水介质及矿物质等不同实验条件下有机质成烃的模拟实验研究,使实验条件尽量接近地质实际条件,结合沉积盆地热史、沉积史,实验结果可揭示生烃史与沉积盆地的演化关系,为盆地模拟提供重要参数;模拟结果可有效外推到地质实际揭示烃类形成机理和排烃效率。开发岩石围压控制等新的实验技术,加强天然气二次裂解动力学研究、有机质、地层水和矿物质相互作用及孔隙发育条件下的高温高压模拟是生烃热模拟实验领域的发展方向,对页岩气等非常规油气资源评价具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 实验样品 实验装置体系 介质条件 热模拟 生烃
固相萃取技术及其应用 被引量:24
作者 李存法 何金环 《天中学刊》 2005年第5期13-16,共4页
关键词 固相萃取 样品 样品处理
高纯锗γ谱仪对环境样品探测效率的模拟计算 被引量:17
作者 乔录成 白立新 +1 位作者 张一云 徐家云 《四川大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期301-304,共4页
作者利用蒙特卡罗方法 ,模拟计算了高纯锗γ谱仪对环境样品探测效率与γ射线能量、样品介质成份、密度及几何高度的关系 ,并与实验结果进行了比较 .结果表明 ,蒙特卡罗计算方法是进行高纯锗γ谱仪效率刻度的一种方便。
关键词 高纯锗γ谱仅 环境样品 探测效率 蒙特卡罗方法 射线能量 介质 密度 几何高度
溶血标本对48项生化检验结果的影响 被引量:20
作者 贺伟 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2016年第15期2102-2104,共3页
目的探讨标本溶血对生化检验结果的影响,为检验人员和临床医生对溶血标本的生化检验结果进行正确的分析提供依据。方法取未溶血标本的血清进行48项生化项目检验,然后经搅拌使标本发生轻度溶血、中度溶血、重度溶血,3 000r/min离心10min... 目的探讨标本溶血对生化检验结果的影响,为检验人员和临床医生对溶血标本的生化检验结果进行正确的分析提供依据。方法取未溶血标本的血清进行48项生化项目检验,然后经搅拌使标本发生轻度溶血、中度溶血、重度溶血,3 000r/min离心10min,进行相同的生化项目检验,对未溶血、轻度溶血、中度溶血及重度溶血标本的检验结果进行统计分析。结果轻度溶血血清测定中共有16项结果与未溶血标本比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);中度溶血与未溶血标本检验结果的比较有25项差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);重度溶血标本检验有28项结果与未溶血标本比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论标本溶血对大部分生化检验项目的结果可产生显著性影响,在生化检测分析中遇到标本溶血但又必须报告时应在报告单上注明,提醒医师和患者引起注意;分析引起标本溶血的原因,避免溶血现象的发生,保证检验结果的真实、准确。 展开更多
关键词 标本 溶血 生化检验
Experimental and numerical simulation of loading rate effects on failure and strain energy characteristics of coal-rock composite samples 被引量:19
作者 MAQing TAN Yun-liang +3 位作者 LIU Xue-sheng ZHAO Zeng-hui FAN De-yuan PUREV Lkhamsuren 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第10期3207-3222,共16页
The deformation and failure of coal and rock is energy-driving results according to thermodynamics.It is important to study the strain energy characteristics of coal-rock composite samples to better understand the def... The deformation and failure of coal and rock is energy-driving results according to thermodynamics.It is important to study the strain energy characteristics of coal-rock composite samples to better understand the deformation and failure mechanism of of coal-rock composite structures.In this research,laboratory tests and numerical simulation of uniaxial compressions of coal-rock composite samples were carried out with five different loading rates.The test results show that strength,deformation,acoustic emission(AE)and energy evolution of coal-rock composite sample all have obvious loading rate effects.The uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus increase with the increase of loading rate.And with the increase of loading rate,the AE energy at the peak strength of coal-rock composites increases first,then decreases,and then increases.With the increase of loading rate,the AE cumulative count first decreases and then increases.And the total absorption energy and dissipation energy of coal-rock composite samples show non-linear increasing trends,while release elastic strain energy increases first and then decreases.The laboratory experiments conducted on coal-rock composite samples were simulated numerically using the particle flow code(PFC).With careful selection of suitable material constitutive models for coal and rock,and accurate estimation and calibration of mechanical parameters of coal-rock composite sample,it was possible to obtain a good agreement between the laboratory experimental and numerical results.This research can provide references for understanding failure of underground coalrock composite structure by using energy related measuring methods. 展开更多
关键词 coal-rock composite samples uniaxial compression loading rate acoustic emission energy evolution
企业信息化对经济增长贡献的实证研究 被引量:17
作者 倪明 徐福缘 《情报学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第4期460-466,共7页
影响传统企业经济增长的主要因素是资本和劳动,各因素对传统企业产值增加的贡献可借助柯布-道格拉斯生产函数来度量.随着企业信息化浪潮的推动,影响现代企业经济增长的因素不仅仅是资本和劳动,另一个更重要因素是企业信息化投入,信息化... 影响传统企业经济增长的主要因素是资本和劳动,各因素对传统企业产值增加的贡献可借助柯布-道格拉斯生产函数来度量.随着企业信息化浪潮的推动,影响现代企业经济增长的因素不仅仅是资本和劳动,另一个更重要因素是企业信息化投入,信息化投入渗透到资本和劳动两因素中,但该因素对企业经济增长的贡献如何测度,以及如何与劳动、资本两因素对企业经济增长贡献进行比较?基于这一点,在比较几种测度方法基础上,分别调研5个企业取得各自的时间序列数据,提出基于企业信息化投入的企业经济增长模型,并对测得的企业信息化贡献系数从理论和案例两方面进行分析.指出了对处于诺兰模型第二阶段的企业,在实施和评价企业信息化贡献时,参考该模型具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 企业信息化 企业经济增长模型 柯布-道格拉斯生产函数 样本 诺兰模型 经济增长贡献 实证研究 企业经济增长 道格拉斯生产函数 经济增长模型
水产品中孔雀石绿、结晶紫及其代谢产物残留量的检测 被引量:17
作者 谢文 丁慧瑛 +1 位作者 奚君阳 黄雷芳 《色谱》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期529-530,共2页
关键词 高效液相色谱串联二级质谱(HPLC-MS/MS) 孔雀石绿(malachite green) 隐性孔雀石绿(1eucomalachite green) 结晶紫(crystal violet) 隐性结晶紫(1eucocrystal violet) 水产品(aquatic animal samples)
High-precision timing of the Quaternary standard samples with thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U-series method 被引量:15
作者 Peng Zicheng Wang Zhaorong +6 位作者 Sun Weidong Ma Zhibang Xia Ming Zhang Chenhui Chen Wenji Zhang Zhonglu An Zhisheng 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1998年第4期333-336,共4页
Two national stalagmite standard (GBW04412, GBW04413) and one international coral standard (RKM4) have been determined by using thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) method. The values of ( 234 U/ 238 U)... Two national stalagmite standard (GBW04412, GBW04413) and one international coral standard (RKM4) have been determined by using thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) method. The values of ( 234 U/ 238 U) act , ( 230 Th/ 234 U) act and age are all consistent in error range with the standard values obtained by using α spectrometry. 展开更多
关键词 thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS) U_series METHOD standard samples STALAGMITE and CORAL age determination.
Gold immunochromatographic sensor for the rapid detection of twenty-six sulfonamides in foods 被引量:15
作者 Yanni Chen Liqiang Liu +4 位作者 Liguang Xu Shanshan Song Hua Kuang Gang Cui Chuanlai Xu 《Nano Research》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期2833-2844,共12页
A gold immunochromatographic sensor (GICS) was developed for the rapid detection of 26 sulfonamides in honey samples. The sensor was based on a group-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) that can recognize all 26 su... A gold immunochromatographic sensor (GICS) was developed for the rapid detection of 26 sulfonamides in honey samples. The sensor was based on a group-specific monoclonal antibody (mAb) that can recognize all 26 sulfonamides. Three haptens (hapten I with a thiazole ring, hapten 2 with a benzene ring, and hapten 3 with a straight carbon chain) were used for antigen preparation. With hybridoma technology, a group-specific mAb was screened with a 50% maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) against sulfathizole (STZ) and the other 25 analogues ranging from 0.08 to 90.18 ng/mL. Mono-dispersed gold nanoparticles were conjugated with the mAb to develop the lateral immunochromatographic strip. A labeled antibody concentration of 0.1 pg/mL and a coating antigen concentration of 0.2 μg/mL in the test line were chosen for strip preparation. Under optimized conditions, the visual limits of detection (vLOD) for the concentrations of STZ, sulfamethoxazole, sulfamethizole, sulfadiazine, sulfamerazine, sulfadimethoxine, sulfamonomethoxine, sulfameter, sulfamethoxypyridazine, and sulfachloropyridazine were 5, 0.25, 0.25, 10, 5, 10, 25, 2.5, 5, 0.25, and 10 μg/kg, respectively. Scanner analysis in honey samples revealed good performance for detection of the 26 sulfonamides. Commercial honey samples were tested with the sensor and positive results were confirmed with high-performance liquid chromatography. The proposed strip sensor provides a convenient method for the rapid and reliable determination of sulfonamides pollutants in honey samples. 展开更多
关键词 SULFONAMIDES gold immunochromatographic sensor monoclonal antibody honey samples
Determining method,conditional factors,traits and applications of nonlinear chemical fingerprint by using dissipative components in samples 被引量:16
作者 ZHANG TaiMing ZHAO Zhe +5 位作者 FANG XuanQi QIAO JunXi XIANG FengQin ZHU Rong LIANG YiZeng DING Feng 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期285-303,共19页
The thermodynamic systems and dynamic model suitable for determining the nonlinear chemical fingerprints of samples were analyzed.The results indicated that the damp nonlinear chemical reactions in close systems away ... The thermodynamic systems and dynamic model suitable for determining the nonlinear chemical fingerprints of samples were analyzed.The results indicated that the damp nonlinear chemical reactions in close systems away from the equilibrium and open systems without the complementarity of the dissipation substances have important significance for the throng characterization and whole content analysis of chemical components in samples.Various factors influencing on nonlinear chemical fingerprint,such as reactant species and their concentrations,electrode types,temperature,stir rate,the sort,dosage and granularity of the sample,etc.were amply researched by a nonlinear chemistry reaction,namely,damp B-Z oscillation which used acetone and glucose as the main dissipative substances.In addition,the quantitative information on the whole of chemical components in samples and the traits and applications of the fingerprint were investigated.The method and its important conditions for determining nonlinear chemistry fingerprint used in distinguishing and evaluating complex samples were successfully put forward. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear chemical fingerprint dissipative components in samples determining method condition factor authenticityidentification quality evaluation sample
Data processing of small samples based on grey distance information approach 被引量:14
作者 Ke Hongfa, Chen Yongguang & Liu Yi 1. Coll. of Electronic Science and Engineering, National Univ. of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, P. R. China 2. Unit 63880, Luoyang 471003, P. R. China 《Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics》 SCIE EI CSCD 2007年第2期281-289,共9页
Data processing of small samples is an important and valuable research problem in the electronic equipment test. Because it is difficult and complex to determine the probability distribution of small samples, it is di... Data processing of small samples is an important and valuable research problem in the electronic equipment test. Because it is difficult and complex to determine the probability distribution of small samples, it is difficult to use the traditional probability theory to process the samples and assess the degree of uncertainty. Using the grey relational theory and the norm theory, the grey distance information approach, which is based on the grey distance information quantity of a sample and the average grey distance information quantity of the samples, is proposed in this article. The definitions of the grey distance information quantity of a sample and the average grey distance information quantity of the samples, with their characteristics and algorithms, are introduced. The correlative problems, including the algorithm of estimated value, the standard deviation, and the acceptance and rejection criteria of the samples and estimated results, are also proposed. Moreover, the information whitening ratio is introduced to select the weight algorithm and to compare the different samples. Several examples are given to demonstrate the application of the proposed approach. The examples show that the proposed approach, which has no demand for the probability distribution of small samples, is feasible and effective. 展开更多
关键词 Data processing Grey theory Norm theory Small samples Uncertainty assessments Grey distance measure Information whitening ratio.
Gray bootstrap method for estimating frequency-varying random vibration signals with small samples 被引量:14
作者 Wang Yanqing Wang Zhongyu +2 位作者 Sun Jianyong Zhang Jianjun Zissimos Mourelato 《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第2期383-389,共7页
During environment testing, the estimation of random vibration signals (RVS) is an important technique for the airborne platform safety and reliability. However, the available meth- ods including extreme value envel... During environment testing, the estimation of random vibration signals (RVS) is an important technique for the airborne platform safety and reliability. However, the available meth- ods including extreme value envelope method (EVEM), statistical tolerances method (STM) and improved statistical tolerance method (ISTM) require large samples and typical probability distri- bution. Moreover, the frequency-varying characteristic of RVS is usually not taken into account. Gray bootstrap method (GBM) is proposed to solve the problem of estimating frequency-varying RVS with small samples. Firstly, the estimated indexes are obtained including the estimated inter- val, the estimated uncertainty, the estimated value, the estimated error and estimated reliability. In addition, GBM is applied to estimating the single flight testing of certain aircraft. At last, in order to evaluate the estimated performance, GBM is compared with bootstrap method (BM) and gray method (GM) in testing analysis. The result shows that GBM has superiority for estimating dynamic signals with small samples and estimated reliability is proved to be 100% at the given confidence level. 展开更多
关键词 Dynamic process ESTIMATION Frequency-varying Gray bootstrap method Random vibration signalsSmall samples
疑难生物检材法医DNA检验的现状与进展 被引量:15
作者 党华伟 毛炯 +2 位作者 王惠 黄江平 白小刚 《法医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2012年第1期52-54,共3页
本文对法医DNA检验中遇到的降解生物检材、微量检材、混合生物检材三大类疑难检材的检验现状和研究进展进行了综述,分析了各种疑难检材的来源、处理方法和注意事项等,介绍了近年来在疑难检材的法医DNA检验中发展起来的一些新方法如利用... 本文对法医DNA检验中遇到的降解生物检材、微量检材、混合生物检材三大类疑难检材的检验现状和研究进展进行了综述,分析了各种疑难检材的来源、处理方法和注意事项等,介绍了近年来在疑难检材的法医DNA检验中发展起来的一些新方法如利用线粒体检验系统、改变原有实验条件、低体积扩增等和一些新技术如全基因组扩增技术、激光捕获显微切割技术和mini-STR技术等。 展开更多
关键词 法医遗传学 检材 综述[文献类型]
浙江省缙云县H7N9禽流感外环境标本检测结果分析 被引量:14
作者 章国宝 应丽红 +1 位作者 章小雨 胡肖雄 《中国卫生检验杂志》 CAS 2015年第16期2783-2785,共3页
目的通过对本地H7N9禽流感外环境标本的检测分析,为制定人感染H7N9禽流感防控工作提供参考依据。方法在禽类交易市场、养殖场等地采集禽类相关标本,并采集与H7N9阳性禽类有密切接触史的职业暴露人员的咽拭子;采用实时荧光定量PCR法进行H... 目的通过对本地H7N9禽流感外环境标本的检测分析,为制定人感染H7N9禽流感防控工作提供参考依据。方法在禽类交易市场、养殖场等地采集禽类相关标本,并采集与H7N9阳性禽类有密切接触史的职业暴露人员的咽拭子;采用实时荧光定量PCR法进行H7N9禽流感病毒核酸检测,并对结果进行统计分析。结果共采集禽类相关标本302份,H7N9阳性率为9.27%。外省调入、外县调入、本地散养及本地养殖场4种不同来源的禽类中,以外省调入禽类的阳性率最高(25.64%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=19.99,P=0.000)。鸭、鹅、鸡及鸽4种禽类中,以鸭相关标本的阳性率最高(16.67%),差异有统计学意义(χ2=13.49,P=0.002<0.05)。5种不同类型标本中,禽类饮水与粪便标本的阳性率差异有统计学意义(χ2=4.40,P=0.036<0.05)。22份与H7N9阳性禽类有密切接触史的职业暴露人员的咽拭子结果均为阴性。结论本县禽类中存在H7N9禽流感病毒的感染,以外省调运进入的鸭群感染率最高。高危职业人群存在一定风险,应重点做好健康宣教和日常监测工作。 展开更多
关键词 H7N9禽流感 外环境 标本检测 结果分析
Significance of Aspergillus spp. isolation from lower respiratory tract samples for the diagnosis and prognosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 被引量:12
作者 HE Hang-yong CHANG Shuo +3 位作者 DING Lin SUN Bing LI Fang ZHAN Qing-yuan 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第17期2973-2978,共6页
Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) is an emerging population at risk for invasive infection of Aspergillus. Isolation of Aspergillus from lower respiratory tract (LRT) samples is important fo... Background Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) is an emerging population at risk for invasive infection of Aspergillus. Isolation of Aspergillus from lower respiratory tract (LRT) samples is important for the diagnosis of invasive pulmonary aspergillosis (IPA). The purpose of this study was to investigate the value of Aspergillus isolation from LRT samples for the diagnosis and prognosis of IPA in COPD population. Methods Clinical record with Aspergillus spp. isolation in COPD and immunocompromised patients was reviewed in a retrospective study. Patients were categorized and compared according to their severity of illness (admitted to general ward or ICU) and immunological function (COPD or immunocompromised). Results Multivariate statistical analysis showed that, combined with Aspergillus spp. isolation, APACHE II scores 〉18, high cumulative doses of corticosteroids (〉350 mg prednisone or equivalent dose) and more than four kinds of broad-spectrum antibiotics received in hospital may be predictors of IPA in COPD (0R=9.076, P=0.001; 0R=4.073, P=-0.026; OR=4.448, P=-0.021, respectively). The incidence of IPA, overall mortality, mortality of patients with IPA and mortality of patients with Aspergillus spp. colonization were higher in COPD patients in ICU than in general ward, but were similar between COPD and immunocompromised patients. Conclusions Aspergillus spp. isolation from LRT in COPD may be of similar importance as in immunocompromised patients, and may indicate an increased diagnosis possibility of IPA and worse prognosis when these patients received corticosteroids, antibiotics, and need to admit to ICU. Aspergillus spp. isolation from LRT samples combined with certain risk factors mav be useful in differentiating colonization from IPA and evaluating the prognosis of IPA in COPD patients. 展开更多
关键词 ASPERGILLUS invasive pulmonary aspergillosis chronic obstructive pulmonary disease lower respiratory tract samples IMMUNOCOMPROMISED
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