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建筑材料吸水过程中毛细管系数与吸水率关系的理论分析 被引量:27
作者 王立成 《水利学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1085-1090,共6页
非饱和建筑材料的毛细吸水过程是造成建筑材料性能劣化的重要因素,它还将引起钢筋锈蚀。本文基于Darcy非饱和流体理论建立了建筑材料的吸水扩散模型,并推导出了非线性扩散方程的近似解析解。根据水分扩散系数与含水量的关系,建立了毛细... 非饱和建筑材料的毛细吸水过程是造成建筑材料性能劣化的重要因素,它还将引起钢筋锈蚀。本文基于Darcy非饱和流体理论建立了建筑材料的吸水扩散模型,并推导出了非线性扩散方程的近似解析解。根据水分扩散系数与含水量的关系,建立了毛细管系数与吸水率之间的理论关系表达式,据此可通过累计吸水量试验预测水分渗透深度。与文献中试验结果的比较说明,本文提出的理论方法是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 建筑材料 毛细吸水 毛细管系数 吸水率 非饱和
养护条件对混凝土表面层性能的影响 被引量:25
作者 李美利 钱觉时 +1 位作者 徐姗姗 王立霞 《建筑材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第6期724-728,共5页
研究了自然环境、水中养护、薄膜覆盖3种养护条件对不同粉煤灰掺量混凝土表面吸水率以及表面层(1-5 cm)混凝土的电阻率影响.结果表明,混凝土表面层的吸水率以及电阻率对养护条件特别敏感,掺粉煤灰可降低混凝土的表面吸水率;养护条件... 研究了自然环境、水中养护、薄膜覆盖3种养护条件对不同粉煤灰掺量混凝土表面吸水率以及表面层(1-5 cm)混凝土的电阻率影响.结果表明,混凝土表面层的吸水率以及电阻率对养护条件特别敏感,掺粉煤灰可降低混凝土的表面吸水率;养护条件主要影响距离表面1-3 cm处混凝土的电阻率,27 d水中养护后,掺粉煤灰试件电阻率与基准试件相差不大,而6 d水中养护和自然养护后,掺粉煤灰试件电阻率明显比基准试件大,且随粉煤灰掺量的增加而增大,从电阻率变化范围来看,27 d水中养护试件的电阻率最小,其次是6 d水中养护的试件,而自然养护的试件最大.混凝土表面电阻率变化能较好反映养护质量的好坏,基于这种变化,对混凝土的养护效果进行定量评价是可行的. 展开更多
关键词 混凝土表面层 养护条件 吸水率 电阻率
锂渣粉对混凝土氯离子渗透性的影响 被引量:17
作者 温勇 刘国君 +2 位作者 秦志勇 阿不拉.坎杰 宋亚峰 《混凝土》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第8期76-78,共3页
新疆地区盐浸侵蚀严重,是引起混凝土建筑物耐久性的主要问题之一。锂渣粉是新疆规模化的固体工业废弃物,将其作为矿物掺合料使用一方面可以减少其排放和堆存量,另一方面锂渣粉也能有效改善水泥混凝土的抗氯离子侵蚀性能。试验中通过研究... 新疆地区盐浸侵蚀严重,是引起混凝土建筑物耐久性的主要问题之一。锂渣粉是新疆规模化的固体工业废弃物,将其作为矿物掺合料使用一方面可以减少其排放和堆存量,另一方面锂渣粉也能有效改善水泥混凝土的抗氯离子侵蚀性能。试验中通过研究10%、20%、30%和40%锂渣粉掺量下混凝土的力学性能、吸水性能和抗氯离子渗透性,表明掺量为20%的锂渣粉混凝土力学性能和抗氯离子渗透性优于空白试件,但水密性略低。 展开更多
关键词 锂渣粉 吸水性 吸水速率 氯离子渗透性
损伤混凝土毛细吸水性能试验研究和水分分布预测分析 被引量:14
作者 王立成 鲍玖文 李淑红 《大连理工大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期597-604,共8页
混凝土内部微裂缝的产生或贯通,加快了水及侵蚀性介质侵入混凝土内部的速度,是引起混凝土性能劣化和结构耐久性不足的重要原因.开展了混凝土试件的轴心受拉、受压试验,采用持载、反复加载方式,对混凝土试块分别加载至极限荷载的70%、80%... 混凝土内部微裂缝的产生或贯通,加快了水及侵蚀性介质侵入混凝土内部的速度,是引起混凝土性能劣化和结构耐久性不足的重要原因.开展了混凝土试件的轴心受拉、受压试验,采用持载、反复加载方式,对混凝土试块分别加载至极限荷载的70%、80%、90%后卸载.为了实现吸水过程的连续性,利用改进后的吸水装置开展损伤混凝土的累积吸水量测试试验.与未加载试件的吸水结果对比分析表明,荷载水平是影响混凝土毛细吸水速率的重要因素.对不同荷载水平的累积吸水曲线i-t1/2,采用线性拟合方法可得到混凝土的初始吸水率(S1)和后期吸水率(S2).根据吸水率试验结果,结合非饱和毛细吸水理论模型,引入Bolzmann变量,建立了损伤混凝土内相对含水量分布的预测分析方法,为开展混凝土内有害介质(如氯离子或者硫酸根离子等)的传输分析提供了工具. 展开更多
关键词 加载损伤 微裂缝 毛细吸水 相对含水量 吸水率 水分分布
NaOH预处理对橡胶混凝土性能的影响 被引量:12
作者 杨长辉 田义 +2 位作者 王磊 常仕文 杨涛 《土木建筑与环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期44-50,共7页
研究了不同水胶比条件下,NaOH预处理方式和橡胶掺量对混凝土吸水性、毛细孔隙率、干燥收缩及力学性能的影响。结果表明,掺加经NaOH预处理的橡胶所配混凝土具有更低的吸水率、毛细孔隙率、脆性和更高的抗折强度,预处理对橡胶混凝土上述... 研究了不同水胶比条件下,NaOH预处理方式和橡胶掺量对混凝土吸水性、毛细孔隙率、干燥收缩及力学性能的影响。结果表明,掺加经NaOH预处理的橡胶所配混凝土具有更低的吸水率、毛细孔隙率、脆性和更高的抗折强度,预处理对橡胶混凝土上述性能的改性作用与水胶比有关,水胶比较高时改性效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 橡胶混凝土 NaOH预处理 吸水性 脆性 水胶比
短期持压荷载与混凝土内水分传输的耦合过程 被引量:11
作者 鲍玖文 王立成 程宝娟 《硅酸盐学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第8期1154-1160,共7页
荷载与环境因素的耦合作用影响着混凝土内物质传输过程和混凝土结构的服役寿命。为实现短期持续加载和混凝土内水分传输的耦合作用,基于改进的混凝土吸水实时测量装置,对中空圆柱体混凝土试件持续受压加载32h的同时,按规定时间间隔... 荷载与环境因素的耦合作用影响着混凝土内物质传输过程和混凝土结构的服役寿命。为实现短期持续加载和混凝土内水分传输的耦合作用,基于改进的混凝土吸水实时测量装置,对中空圆柱体混凝土试件持续受压加载32h的同时,按规定时间间隔记录水平观测管内水柱长度的变化,测得混凝土累积吸水量曲线,开展了短期持压荷载作用下低应力水平(0~50%)对混凝土毛细吸水性能影响分析,并根据试验结果建立了相对吸水率与体应变关系。基于扩展Darcy定律的非饱和流体理论(UFTmodel),采用指数和幂函数两种形式的水力扩散系数,开展了不同应力水平下混凝土中水分分布的预测分析。结果表明:短期持压荷载对混凝土的毛细吸水性能影响显著;在0-50%应力水平范围内,随着应力水平的提高,混凝土的累积吸水量和初始吸水速度先减小后增大,而后期吸水率和水分侵入深度单调增加;根据UFT模型计算的水分渗透深度预测值与实际观测值吻合较好。 展开更多
关键词 毛细吸水 持压荷载 体应变 累积吸水量 吸水率
矿物掺合料对混凝土毛细吸水性的影响 被引量:11
作者 刘伟 邢锋 谢友均 《深圳大学学报(理工版)》 EI CAS 北大核心 2008年第3期303-307,共5页
采用ISAT(initial surface absorption test)方法测定混凝土的吸水性,研究水灰比,及粉煤灰和硅灰两种矿物掺合料对混凝土毛细吸水性的影响.试验结果表明,降低水灰比能大幅降低混凝土吸水性,粉煤灰及硅灰等掺合料能减少水泥石中毛细孔数... 采用ISAT(initial surface absorption test)方法测定混凝土的吸水性,研究水灰比,及粉煤灰和硅灰两种矿物掺合料对混凝土毛细吸水性的影响.试验结果表明,降低水灰比能大幅降低混凝土吸水性,粉煤灰及硅灰等掺合料能减少水泥石中毛细孔数量,使混凝土吸水性减小,且粉煤灰与硅灰复掺具有叠加效应. 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 吸水性 矿物掺和料 ISAT方法
火烧迹地土壤斥水性和渗透性变化特性 被引量:10
作者 王严 胡卸文 +2 位作者 杨瀛 于振江 曹希超 《水文地质工程地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第6期40-45,共6页
林火会造成火烧迹地土壤斥水性增强及渗透性降低,导致降雨期间流域内地表产流率激增。在一定条件下,尤其是地形陡峭的高海拔山区,地表产流激增一般是泥石流灾害发生的重要诱因。然而,对于高海拔山区火烧迹地土壤斥水性和渗透性变化特征... 林火会造成火烧迹地土壤斥水性增强及渗透性降低,导致降雨期间流域内地表产流率激增。在一定条件下,尤其是地形陡峭的高海拔山区,地表产流激增一般是泥石流灾害发生的重要诱因。然而,对于高海拔山区火烧迹地土壤斥水性和渗透性变化特征的研究相对缺乏。以海拔高程3029~4474 m的四川省雅江县恶古乡火烧迹地为研究对象,通过现场水滴入渗试验和圆盘入渗试验,探究斥水性强度分布及其与土壤入渗参数之间的内在联系。结果显示:土壤斥水性强度分布具备较大的空间异质性,林火对斥水性的影响深度在轻度火烧区为2 cm,在中度和严重火烧区为3 cm;研究区土壤渗透能力与斥水性强度呈反比,饱和导水率和吸渗率与水滴入渗时间之间遵循幂函数分布,其变异系数与火烈度呈正比,且严重火烧区部分土壤由于斥水性被高温破坏造成饱和导水率增大;斥水性土壤相较于亲水性土壤出现明显的入渗延迟现象。研究结果丰富了高海拔山区火烧迹地水文特征的研究,为揭示火烧迹地泥石流坡面物源起动机理提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 林火烈度 火烧迹地 斥水性 饱和导水率 吸渗率
酸腐蚀下混凝土性能的变化 被引量:7
作者 丁铸 邢锋 殷慧 《工业建筑》 CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期96-100,共5页
根据酸雨的特点配制了5种具有不同pH值、不同硫酸根离子浓度的酸性溶液,研究了混凝土在干湿循环、酸性溶液侵蚀30 d到150 d强度的变化、表层混凝土的吸水性以及其孔结构的变化。经过含有硫酸盐溶液的侵蚀后,混凝土强度的变化经过一个先... 根据酸雨的特点配制了5种具有不同pH值、不同硫酸根离子浓度的酸性溶液,研究了混凝土在干湿循环、酸性溶液侵蚀30 d到150 d强度的变化、表层混凝土的吸水性以及其孔结构的变化。经过含有硫酸盐溶液的侵蚀后,混凝土强度的变化经过一个先降后升、然后再降低的过程;而经过不含硫酸盐溶液的侵蚀后,混凝土的强度持续下降。受不含硫酸根离子的酸性溶液侵蚀后,表层混凝土的孔隙结构变化较大,孔隙率增加、孔径增大。硫酸盐侵蚀产物的形成过程与混凝土的宏观性能的变化密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 酸性介质 混凝土 侵蚀 吸水性 孔结构
Effectiveness of Rice Husk and Sugarcane Bagasse Ashes Blended Cement in Improving Properties of Concrete
作者 Johnson Adegaye Adebola Catherine Mayowa Ikumapayi Chinwuba Arum 《Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering》 2023年第8期1-19,共23页
This paper emphasized the use of rice husk ash (RHA) and sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA) in improving concrete properties, and also their combined effects on workability, compressive strength, flexural strength, permeabil... This paper emphasized the use of rice husk ash (RHA) and sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA) in improving concrete properties, and also their combined effects on workability, compressive strength, flexural strength, permeability and water absorption capacity. Thus, in this study, the water-to-cement ratio was kept constant (0.45), the binder materials content for conventional mix was kept constant at (350 kg/m<sup>3</sup>) and the partial replacement of cement with RHASBA used was 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% by weight of cement. The maximum compressive strength was noted at a 5% replacement level of cement with RHASBA. The Results showed that the optimum replacement of cement with RHASBA in concrete was 5%, which was found to increase the compressive strength by 15%, flexural strength by 3.4%, lowered permeability by 50%, lowered sorptivity by 11.34% as compared with control concrete at 90 days of curing time. The micro-structural test results further established that RHA and SBA have a high content of SiO<sub>2</sub> which enables them to be more reactive in concrete and also revealed that the presence of RHASBA depletes Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> crystals, converting it into CaH<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>Si (C-S-H gel) leading to the strengthening of bond within the concrete matrix. 展开更多
关键词 Concrete Rice Husk Ash Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Compressive Strength PERMEABILITY sorptivity
Effectiveness of Rice Husk and Sugarcane Bagasse Ashes Blended Cement in Improving Properties of Concrete
作者 Johnson Adegaye Adebola Catherine Mayowa Ikumapayi Chinwuba Arum 《Journal of Modern Physics》 2023年第8期1-19,共10页
This paper emphasized the use of rice husk ash (RHA) and sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA) in improving concrete properties, and also their combined effects on workability, compressive strength, flexural strength, permeabil... This paper emphasized the use of rice husk ash (RHA) and sugarcane bagasse ash (SBA) in improving concrete properties, and also their combined effects on workability, compressive strength, flexural strength, permeability and water absorption capacity. Thus, in this study, the water-to-cement ratio was kept constant (0.45), the binder materials content for conventional mix was kept constant at (350 kg/m<sup>3</sup>) and the partial replacement of cement with RHASBA used was 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30% by weight of cement. The maximum compressive strength was noted at a 5% replacement level of cement with RHASBA. The Results showed that the optimum replacement of cement with RHASBA in concrete was 5%, which was found to increase the compressive strength by 15%, flexural strength by 3.4%, lowered permeability by 50%, lowered sorptivity by 11.34% as compared with control concrete at 90 days of curing time. The micro-structural test results further established that RHA and SBA have a high content of SiO<sub>2</sub> which enables them to be more reactive in concrete and also revealed that the presence of RHASBA depletes Ca(OH)<sub>2</sub> crystals, converting it into CaH<sub>2</sub>O<sub>4</sub>Si (C-S-H gel) leading to the strengthening of bond within the concrete matrix. 展开更多
关键词 Concrete Rice Husk Ash Sugarcane Bagasse Ash Compressive Strength PERMEABILITY sorptivity
An Analytical Method for Relationship Between Hydraulic Diffusivity and Soil Sorptivity 被引量:6
作者 WANG Quan-Jiu ZHANG Jiang-Hui FAN Jun 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第4期444-450,共7页
A simple method was developed to relate soil sorptivity to hydraulic diffusivity and water absorption experiments were conducted utilizing one-dimensional horizontal soil columns to validate the relationship. In addit... A simple method was developed to relate soil sorptivity to hydraulic diffusivity and water absorption experiments were conducted utilizing one-dimensional horizontal soil columns to validate the relationship. In addition, an estimation method for hydraulic diffusivity with disc infiltrometer was developed. The results indicated a favorable fit of the theoretical relation to the experimental data. Also, the experiment with disc infiltrometer for estimating the diffusivity showed that the new method was feasible. 展开更多
关键词 disc infiltrometer hydraulic diffusivity INFILTRATION soil hydraulic parameter sorptivity
Processing Compressed Expanded Natural Graphite for Phase Change Material Composites 被引量:1
作者 Alexander BULK Adewale ODUKOMAIYA +1 位作者 Ethan SIMMONS Jason WOODS 《Journal of Thermal Science》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2023年第3期1213-1226,共14页
Phase change materials(PCMs)are used in various thermal energy storage applications but are limited by their low thermal conductivity.One method to increase conductivity involves impregnating organic PCMs into highly ... Phase change materials(PCMs)are used in various thermal energy storage applications but are limited by their low thermal conductivity.One method to increase conductivity involves impregnating organic PCMs into highly porous conductive matrix materials.Of these materials,compressed expanded natural graphite(CENG)matrices have received the most attention.Despite this attention,the effect that CENG processing has on PCM saturation and overall matrix thermal conductivity has not been fully investigated.Therefore,the effect of the heat treatment process used to expand intercalated graphite flakes is evaluated here.Higher heat treatment temperatures yielded higher saturation rates and overall saturation at similar matrix porosities.For example,increasing temperature from 300℃to 700℃resulted in approximately 60%-70%increase in pore saturation after 100 minutes of soaking.The exposure time to heat treatment had less of an effect on PCM saturation.The exposure time had negligible effect above 30 min and above 500℃heating temperatures.However,because the expanded graphite was found to oxidize around 700℃,the use of longer exposure time in manufacturing applications can be beneficial if a shortened impregnation time is needed.Heat treatment conditions did not impact thermal conductivity.The composite latent heat of fusion was also reduced approximately proportionally to the PCM mass fraction.A local maximum in axial thermal conductivity was observed at around 83%porosity,which is similar to previous studies.The observed conductivity at this maximum was a factor of 81 times greater than the conductivity of the PCM. 展开更多
关键词 phase change materials thermal energy storage compressed expanded natural graphite thermal conductivity enhancement porous material sorptivity composite matrix
Influence of subsequent curing on water sorptivity and pore structure of steam-cured concrete 被引量:5
作者 贺智敏 龙广成 谢友均 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第4期1155-1162,共8页
Steam-cured condition is found to cause larger porosity and worse properties of concrete compared with normal curing condition. For the sake of seeking effective measurements to eliminate this bad effect of steam-cure... Steam-cured condition is found to cause larger porosity and worse properties of concrete compared with normal curing condition. For the sake of seeking effective measurements to eliminate this bad effect of steam-cured condition on concrete, the water sorptivity and pore structure of steam-cured concretes exposed to different subsequent curing conditions were investigated after steam-curing treatment. The capillary absorption coefficient and porosity of the corresponding concretes were analyzed, and their mechanisms were also discussed. The results indicate that water sorptivity and pore structure of steam-cured concrete are greatly influenced by the curing condition used in subsequent ages. Exposure steam-cured concrete to air condition has an obviously bad effect on its properties and microstructures. Adopting subsequent curing of immersing steam-cured concrete into about 20℃ water after steam curing period can significantly decrease its capillary absorption coefficient and porosity. Steam-cured concrete with 7 d water curing has minimum capillary absorption coefficient and total porosity. Its water sorptivity is decreased by 23% compared with standard curing concrete and the porosity is 9.6% lower. Moreover, the corresponding gradient of water sorptivity and porosity of steam-cured concrete both decrease, thus mictostructure of concrete becomes more homogeneous. 展开更多
关键词 steam-cured concrete water sorptivity pore structure curing condition
混凝土养护效果评价方法研究进展 被引量:5
作者 闫振鹏 李化建 安明喆 《混凝土》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期82-85,88,共5页
养护是保证施工现场和实验室配制混凝土性能一致的重要环节,养护方式不同,其养护效果相差很大,有必要研究养护效果评价方法。分析了各种评价方法的局限和不足,总结了各种评价方法的应用情况,提出了适合于施工现场方便、简单的养护效果... 养护是保证施工现场和实验室配制混凝土性能一致的重要环节,养护方式不同,其养护效果相差很大,有必要研究养护效果评价方法。分析了各种评价方法的局限和不足,总结了各种评价方法的应用情况,提出了适合于施工现场方便、简单的养护效果评价方法。 展开更多
关键词 养护效果 吸水率 表面抗渗性 电阻率 养护效率指数
增强珊瑚骨料混凝土毛细吸水性能与预测模型 被引量:1
作者 苏丽 牛荻涛 +2 位作者 黄大观 张云升 乔宏霞 《材料导报》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第15期100-107,共8页
本工作设计了三种类型的珊瑚骨料混凝土(CAC),包括粉煤灰CAC、硅灰CAC和矿渣CAC,粉煤灰CAC为对照试件。采用改进的ASTM C1585方法,研究了养护28 d和60 d后CAC的毛细吸水特性,分析了硅灰和矿渣对CAC毛细吸水性能和孔隙率的影响,并建立了... 本工作设计了三种类型的珊瑚骨料混凝土(CAC),包括粉煤灰CAC、硅灰CAC和矿渣CAC,粉煤灰CAC为对照试件。采用改进的ASTM C1585方法,研究了养护28 d和60 d后CAC的毛细吸水特性,分析了硅灰和矿渣对CAC毛细吸水性能和孔隙率的影响,并建立了初始吸水率预测模型。结果表明:硅灰和矿渣的掺入均显著减低了CAC的毛细吸水率,但随着硅灰和矿渣含量的增大,硅灰和矿渣对CAC毛细吸水率的降低作用减弱。随着养护时间的延长,硅灰和矿渣对毛细吸水率的降低作用也减弱。28 d时,含有4%硅灰或20%矿渣的CAC毛细吸水率是最低的;60 d时,含有6%硅灰或20%矿渣的CAC毛细吸水率是最低的。在整个吸水阶段,硅灰对CAC累积吸水量的降低作用大于矿渣。添加4%的硅灰或20%的矿渣能够有效降低CAC的孔隙率,同时,理论孔体积和二次吸水率之间有较好的相关性。通过回归分析建立的CAC初始吸水率预测模型能够预测不同含量硅灰和矿渣CAC的初始毛细吸水率。 展开更多
关键词 珊瑚骨料混凝土 矿物掺合料 毛细吸水 吸水率 孔隙率
掺石灰石粉降低混凝土渗透性及吸水性方法研究 被引量:4
作者 陈嘉健 《西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期45-50,共6页
目前石灰石粉掺加于混凝土中用法主要为置换水泥或置换细骨料,前者会影响强度,后者主要作用仅为解决细骨料短缺问题.应用石灰石粉更合理方法为填充混凝土骨料颗粒之间的空隙,以减少需要填充骨料空隙的水泥浆量从而提高耐久性.本研究探... 目前石灰石粉掺加于混凝土中用法主要为置换水泥或置换细骨料,前者会影响强度,后者主要作用仅为解决细骨料短缺问题.应用石灰石粉更合理方法为填充混凝土骨料颗粒之间的空隙,以减少需要填充骨料空隙的水泥浆量从而提高耐久性.本研究探讨了石灰石粉置换水泥浆方法对混凝土渗透性和吸水性的影响,配制了一系列混凝土试样作强度、渗水性、吸水性和孔隙率测试.结果表明,掺加石灰石粉置换水泥浆能减小混凝土可渗透孔隙,在相同水灰比下或相同强度下有效减少混凝土的渗水性和吸水性. 展开更多
关键词 渗透性 石灰石粉 填充密度 吸水性
Sorptivity and rapid chloride ion penetration of self-compacting concrete using fly ash and copper slag
作者 Sambangi Arunchaitanya Subhashish Dey 《AI in Civil Engineering》 2023年第1期63-76,共14页
This paper represents experimental work on the mechanical and durability parameters of self-compacting concrete(SCC)with copper slag(CS)and fly ash(FA).In the first phase of the experiment,certain SCC mixes are prepar... This paper represents experimental work on the mechanical and durability parameters of self-compacting concrete(SCC)with copper slag(CS)and fly ash(FA).In the first phase of the experiment,certain SCC mixes are prepared with six percentages of FA replacing the cement ranging from 5%to 30%.In the second phase,copper slag replaces fine aggregate at an interval of 20%to 100%by taking the optimum percentage value of FA.The performance of SCC mixes containing FA and copper slag is measured with fresh properties,compressive,split tensile and flexural strengths.SCC durability metrics,such as resistance against chloride and voids in the concrete matrix,is measured with rapid chloride ion penetration test(RCPT)and sorptivity techniques.The microstructure of the SCC is analyzed by using SEM and various phases available in the concrete matrix identified with XRD analysis.It is found that when replacing cement with 20%of FA and replacing fine aggregate with 40%of copper slag in SCC,higher mechanical strengths will be delivered.Resistance of chloride and voids in the concrete matrix reaches the optimum value at 40%;and with the increase of dosage,the quality of SCC will be improved.Therefore,it is recommended that copper slag be used as a sustainable material for replacement of fine aggregate. 展开更多
关键词 Copper slag RCPT sorptivity Self compacting concrete
Analytical Methods for Prediction of Water Absorption in Cement-Based Material 被引量:1
作者 王立成 《China Ocean Engineering》 SCIE EI 2009年第4期719-728,共10页
The capillary absorption of water by unsaturated cement-based material is the main reason of degradation of the structures subjected to an aggressive environment since water often acts as the transporting medium for d... The capillary absorption of water by unsaturated cement-based material is the main reason of degradation of the structures subjected to an aggressive environment since water often acts as the transporting medium for damaging contaminants. It is well known that the capillarity coefficient and sorptivity are two important parameters to characterize the water absorption of porous materials. Generally, the former is used to describe the penetration depth or height of water transport, which must be measured by special and advanced equipment. In contrast, the sorptivity represents the relationship between cumulative volume of water uptake and the squareroot of the elapsed time, which can be easily measured by the gravimetric method in a normal laboratory condition. In the present study, an analytical method is developed to build up a bridge between these two parameters, with the purpose that the sorptivity or the gravimetric method can be used to predict the penetration depth of water absorption. Additionally, a new model to explain the dependence of sorptivity on initial water content of the material is developed in order to fit the in situ condition. The comparison of predicted results by the analytical method with experimental data or numerical calculation results, as well as some previous models, validates the feasibility of the methods presented in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 water absorption capillarity coefficient sorptivity cement-based material initial water content
掺入废渣粉对纤维砂浆耐久性及强度的研究 被引量:3
作者 夏勇 陈嘉健 +2 位作者 李子宏 马岸民 黄焯超 《山东理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2021年第2期43-50,共8页
为探索废渣粉对纤维砂浆耐久性及强度的影响,实验配制了20组不同水灰比、不同废渣粉掺量的纤维砂浆,对其进行孔隙率、吸水性及强度测试。结果表明,使用较大体积的废渣粉代替标准砂时会提高纤维砂浆的孔隙率,但吸水性及强度会得到改善;... 为探索废渣粉对纤维砂浆耐久性及强度的影响,实验配制了20组不同水灰比、不同废渣粉掺量的纤维砂浆,对其进行孔隙率、吸水性及强度测试。结果表明,使用较大体积的废渣粉代替标准砂时会提高纤维砂浆的孔隙率,但吸水性及强度会得到改善;在孔隙率保持不变时,掺入废渣粉的体积越大,纤维砂浆的吸水性和强度结果越好;通过回归分析发现纤维砂浆的吸水性及强度均受孔隙率和废渣粉的共同影响。 展开更多
关键词 废渣粉 孔隙率 吸水性 纤维砂浆
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