印度野牛(Bos gaurus)在中国分布在云南省南部和西藏藏南地区。2016年2–3月和2016年11–12月,我们在西双版纳州、普洱市及高黎贡山区域开展印度野牛调查,并对藏南地区进行文献调研,共获得47处印度野牛有效出现位点数据。目前云南地区...印度野牛(Bos gaurus)在中国分布在云南省南部和西藏藏南地区。2016年2–3月和2016年11–12月,我们在西双版纳州、普洱市及高黎贡山区域开展印度野牛调查,并对藏南地区进行文献调研,共获得47处印度野牛有效出现位点数据。目前云南地区印度野牛种群数量约180–210头,面临着严重的生存危机;在高黎贡山未发现印度野牛。利用印度野牛分布位点数据,选取地形、土地覆被类型、人类足迹指数、距水源和道路距离以及气候共5类14种因子作为自变量建立MaxEnt生态位模型,通过模拟云南和西藏印度野牛的适宜分布区,分析各环境因子对该物种分布的影响。结果表明:模型预测精度较高,平均AUC (area under the curve)值为0.994。印度野牛潜在适宜栖息地可划分为高适宜、次适宜、低适宜和不适宜4个等级。高适宜栖息地主要分布在云南省西双版纳和藏南地区,其中西双版纳部分镶嵌有次适宜和低适宜栖息地斑块,面积为4,987 km2;藏南部分高适宜栖息地面积为13,995 km2。次适宜栖息地主要分布于云南省南部、高黎贡山区域以及藏南高适宜栖息地区的边缘,总面积为32,778 km2。低适宜和不适宜栖息地区连接成片,位于云南省中部、北部地区和藏南地区北部。Jackknife检验结果显示,季节温度变化和等温线对印度野牛潜在分布区的影响较大,而地形因子和降水变化的影响较弱。遥感地物分类结果表明:橡胶林等人工经济林的种植占据了西双版纳野牛的适宜栖息地,降低了景观连接度。建议管理部门加大对天然林的保护力度,控制橡胶林等人工林在野牛适宜栖息地的扩张,提高景观连接度,以促进该物种种群的恢复。展开更多
The response of insects to monoculture plantations has mainly proceeded at the expense of natural forest areas, and is an outstanding and important issue in ecology and conservation biology, with pollination services ...The response of insects to monoculture plantations has mainly proceeded at the expense of natural forest areas, and is an outstanding and important issue in ecology and conservation biology, with pollination services declined around the world. In this study, species richness and distribution of hoverfly and wild bee communities were investigated in a changing tropical landscape in southern Yunnan, south-west China by Malaise traps periodically from 2008 to 2009. Species were recorded from the traditional land use types (natural forest, grassland, shrubland and rice field fallows), and from recently established rubber plantations of different ages. Hoverflies (total 53 species) were most common in young successional stages of vegetation, including rice field fallow and shrubland. Species richness was highest in rice field fallows and lowest in forests and showed a highly significant relationship with the number of forb species and ground vegetation cover. In contrast, the highest richness of wild bees (total 44 species) was recorded from the natural forest sites, which showed a discrete bee community composition compared to the remaining habitat types. There was no significant relationship between the bee species richness and the environmental variables, including the numbers of different plant life forms, coverage of canopy and ground vegetation, successional age of vegetation and land use type. At the landscape scale, open land use systems, including young rubber plantations, are assumed to increase the species richness of hoverflies; however, this might decrease wild bee diversity. The present land use change by rubber cultivation can be expected to have negative impacts on the native wild bee communities.展开更多
文摘印度野牛(Bos gaurus)在中国分布在云南省南部和西藏藏南地区。2016年2–3月和2016年11–12月,我们在西双版纳州、普洱市及高黎贡山区域开展印度野牛调查,并对藏南地区进行文献调研,共获得47处印度野牛有效出现位点数据。目前云南地区印度野牛种群数量约180–210头,面临着严重的生存危机;在高黎贡山未发现印度野牛。利用印度野牛分布位点数据,选取地形、土地覆被类型、人类足迹指数、距水源和道路距离以及气候共5类14种因子作为自变量建立MaxEnt生态位模型,通过模拟云南和西藏印度野牛的适宜分布区,分析各环境因子对该物种分布的影响。结果表明:模型预测精度较高,平均AUC (area under the curve)值为0.994。印度野牛潜在适宜栖息地可划分为高适宜、次适宜、低适宜和不适宜4个等级。高适宜栖息地主要分布在云南省西双版纳和藏南地区,其中西双版纳部分镶嵌有次适宜和低适宜栖息地斑块,面积为4,987 km2;藏南部分高适宜栖息地面积为13,995 km2。次适宜栖息地主要分布于云南省南部、高黎贡山区域以及藏南高适宜栖息地区的边缘,总面积为32,778 km2。低适宜和不适宜栖息地区连接成片,位于云南省中部、北部地区和藏南地区北部。Jackknife检验结果显示,季节温度变化和等温线对印度野牛潜在分布区的影响较大,而地形因子和降水变化的影响较弱。遥感地物分类结果表明:橡胶林等人工经济林的种植占据了西双版纳野牛的适宜栖息地,降低了景观连接度。建议管理部门加大对天然林的保护力度,控制橡胶林等人工林在野牛适宜栖息地的扩张,提高景观连接度,以促进该物种种群的恢复。
文摘The response of insects to monoculture plantations has mainly proceeded at the expense of natural forest areas, and is an outstanding and important issue in ecology and conservation biology, with pollination services declined around the world. In this study, species richness and distribution of hoverfly and wild bee communities were investigated in a changing tropical landscape in southern Yunnan, south-west China by Malaise traps periodically from 2008 to 2009. Species were recorded from the traditional land use types (natural forest, grassland, shrubland and rice field fallows), and from recently established rubber plantations of different ages. Hoverflies (total 53 species) were most common in young successional stages of vegetation, including rice field fallow and shrubland. Species richness was highest in rice field fallows and lowest in forests and showed a highly significant relationship with the number of forb species and ground vegetation cover. In contrast, the highest richness of wild bees (total 44 species) was recorded from the natural forest sites, which showed a discrete bee community composition compared to the remaining habitat types. There was no significant relationship between the bee species richness and the environmental variables, including the numbers of different plant life forms, coverage of canopy and ground vegetation, successional age of vegetation and land use type. At the landscape scale, open land use systems, including young rubber plantations, are assumed to increase the species richness of hoverflies; however, this might decrease wild bee diversity. The present land use change by rubber cultivation can be expected to have negative impacts on the native wild bee communities.